Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD "U'edncbday, April 7, 1913 11 J ELKJSHOBBED I Three Men Hold Up E. F. Fryer and Take Watch; Ford Auto Is Stolen. Three holdup men robbed K. F Fryer or bis watcn. cbain and otber Jewelry i jpsda night near the Normandie ) ieL at the corner of San Antonio and ' ampbell streets, as he was returning tfrom the lnstalation of officers at the 1 Iks. He says two of the men were M--x cans and the third an American -ird the held him up with a sun. Another Ford anto was stolen Tues- dn night from In front of Robert He- m 11a s home. 1004 East Boulevard. The ar was left standing in the street and ilicdi eared soon after' dark. The car rr f i number 2762 and has not been 3! d i in f detective Jesse Stansel was in 1 i Krew store Tuesday afternoon and mis to have seen Rafael Porras take a purse from Mrs. C T. Cody. A cbarRe i f theft from the person was made against Porras. Tiiieesjaatered the room of Al Law 1 i, at SIT Xorth Kansas street. Tues i night and took a suit of clothes hue Mr Lawler was absent. Jacobo Zamarripa was arrested by 1 he police Tuesday night charged wits shoplifting Zamarripa is said to have ' pen caugbt while stealing a suitcase from the store of Morris Ginsberg; at US Bast Overland street. Buying home valley products is more than buying, it is investing. loyful Anticipation of Motherhood There is apt to be a latent apprehension of distress to mar the complete Joy of expectation. But this Js quite over come by the advice of so many women to use "Mother's Friend." This is an external application designed to so lubri cate the muscles and to thus so relieve the pressure reacting on me nerves, that the natural strain upon the cords and liga ments is not accompanied by those severe pains said to cause nausea, morning sick ness and many local distresses. Many people believe that those remedies have stood the test of time, that vave been put to every trial under the varving conditions of age. weight, general health, eta, may bo safely, relied upon. And Judging by the fact that "Mother's Friend" has been In continual use since our grandmother's earlier ears and Js known throughout the United States It may be easily Inferred that It Is some JSS that women gladly Tecotamead. Mother's Friend" is prepared only In our own laboratory and is sold by drug gists everywhere. Ask for a bottle to-day and write for a special book for expectant mothers. Address Bradneld Regulator Co. 307 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. JUT AKOZ BEST REMEDY OF ALL FOR RHEUMATISM SAYS EL PASO MAN Wm. Kirhy, 807 North St. Vrain St., Gets Quidc Re lief TJsing Mineral. fter trying many remedies and dif ferent minerat springs seeking relief from a bad case of rheumatism, Wil liam Kirby of MHi North St. Vrain street. EI Paso, resorted to Akoz, the Tiew California mineral, wlth the result that he is now well on the co er Mr Kirby is an old Kl Paso and. in telling of th Koz gave him, sends the I am 69 Tears old and forthe last tv. o years I bai e had rheamatistn in mi l-ft knee and right foot The pains at times were something awful, and mi knee was, a stiff as a poker I used many remedies and tried several min eral springs hut 1 failed to get any re lief from an of them. I read of Akoz being introduced in El Paso and de cided to give it a trial I used the Akoz compound for external application with the best of results The relief I ob tained was surprising The Akoz In ternal powd-r that makes the mineral water has also done much to help me In all, I have been taking Akoz about six w eeks and although not fully re covered vet, I anv satisfied that I have he right remc v and in a few more veek am positive that I will be per manentH rid of this ailment I rec ommend Akoz to all my friends and will road to re : resident of eBief that , UHMSving let- gB S ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY. In. response to th.e DEMffflD of the WE PRESENTA PERFECT PRESCRIPTION BOTTLE. (Automatic JuQckine Made "DIAMOND l" Brand, Years of experience and painstaking search for improvement in bottles is ended in the perfection of the automatic machine-made Diamond I" prescrip tion bottle. Greater Accuracy; Less Breakage Better Corkage Stronger Glass Perfect Containers Distributed through jobbers. Drug gists can be supplied at once if they in sist on Diamond I" brand automatic prescription bottles. I 1 ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY, ALTON, ILL. iargesi iuaxxttiacnirers ox 3sl2 South Texns Drag Co Snn ntonIo. Texan TravlB Graduated Oiel lluuxton Drug Compnn, Honnton, Texan "IXI." Graduated Oval Southern Drug Co, Houston. Texan 3IaEnlln' Graduated Otnln BebrrnM Drug Company. Ylnco, Texan Ilehrenn' Graduated Otaln Maxwell-Clark Drug Company, Fort Y orth, Texan " ortU" Ovals PMIIS TOBEIHD Horses, Mules, Hogs and Jacks May Be Shipped in After April 15. Austin. Texas. April 7 Governor Ferguson today issued a proclamation modifying the foot and mouth disease quarantine, recently put in effect in Texas. ' Under this modified quarantine, horses, mules, jacks, hogs and Jennies may be shipped from Oklahoma into Texas, provided that the feet, lower part of legs and tails are washed with a three percent solution of cresol com pound before loading cars, and accom panied by an official ealtb. certifi cate. Cas containing hogs so shipped must be placarded and the waybills accom panying them stamped in bold faced letters "hogs for immediate slaughter" Stockyards companies to which hogs may be consigned will be required to furnish the livestock sanitary commis sion at Fort Worth with notice of arri val of eacb shipment, giving the name of the shipper, point of origin etc Modifies liny Embargo. The embargo is also modified on shipments of hay, straw or fodder, and permits such entrance to Texas from New Mexico. Arizona and Colorado and from all other points, provided such hay, straw or fodder bags or contain ers are disinfected with a five percent solution of carbolic acid r thres per cent solution of cresol compound, as prescribed bv the Unitad Sta os bureau of animal industry This modification of qaa-antine is ef fective April IS SUSPENDED SENTENCE CANNOT BE SET ASIDE, SAYS OPINION Austin, Texas, April V The court of criminal appeals held today in the case of ex-parte Mrs. S. E. Laweon. from Shelby count, that the trial court has no authority to set aside a suspended sentence where there are. other cases pending against the same defendant and the Judgments in the other cases have not been made nnaL Tha ortiirt amviMlnfflff hmhM anW I discharged Mrs. Lawson. I She had been given one year in the penitentiary on conviction or unlaw- fully pursuing the occupation of sell I ing liquor and for good behavior the I sentence was suspended.. Before the iul UCICI UlllieiUVll VI II1IEI 11913 auv waia round gnllty in three otber cases, thereupon the trial court set aside the suspended sentence in the first case. wihtevs mare bsi1tt die's at firm New "Fork, April 7 The death of Bashti, one of the most prised brood mares at Harry Payne Whitney's Brookdale farm became known today Bashti was the daughter of Adam, a French stallion. Whitney paid 536.00 for the mare at the disposal sale of the Newcastle sta ble, at Saratoga Springs, in 1910 In the hope of winning the futurity She ran second to a C Hildretb's Novelty in that race, but later won the filling half of the Matron stake. She was ranked as one of the best fillies of her age -UII.LIYM KIRB be glad to tell anone of this remedj If thev will cali .me at m home The abo e is onl one of the thous ands who used Akoz and obtained re lief from stomach kldnej. lier and bladder trouble piles, ulcers eczemi. skin diseases and other ailments It is sold in EI Paso at Kell & Pollard's and other leading druggists, where fur ther information may be had regarding this advertisement. DRUGGISTS i BmsmiSMtauitwa coiuci iqt aju. nxrposes sHsssisssssbK 4isBBsfll Ti JtSI f ill ACCUSES HUSBAND OF "SPITE" WORK! W0m?M?J aMsaSssss'i --. . . j$i 1 sssBi!$9fl IkmBBamammBosm &z?s3 issssawL fSP! - w 7Z:ztz7z: zzrrmrm '- 'VsT ?' 6tli-' f 'IslssssMssE.sssMI sL HEMPSTEAD, X. Y-, April 7 In reply to the J10 0O0 alienation suit whah Joeeph C. St John, eoatraetor, has filed against Warren A. Brown, real estate dealer, Mrs. Myra Z. St. John asserts it m "sprt work" on the part of her husband, and tint after be deserted her and ran away to Ifammaa, X. Y., Mr. Brown aided her. St. John will put into evidence several poems written by Brown to Mrs. St. John. Brown eipfauH that the poems were1 not written for Mrs. St. John, but for her four children. Poultry Police Newest Artesia Municipal Fad Artesia, N M April 7 Chickea chasers are wanted by the town mar shal here. This is not a threat but a promise of lucrative employment for some of the amateur runners who be lieve they can outrun a feathered fowl on a straightofway. Artesia has an ordinance against al lowing poultry to run at large. Spring haft broucrht manv violations of this ordinance from the poultry population of this Pecos valley metropolis and the city marshal has advertised for . good, fleet footed bojs to catch chickens at the flat rate of ten cents per hen. two bits for roosters. Cash will be paid on delivery at the pound. SIX COMPLAINTS ARE FILED AGAINST OWNERS OF AUTOS Complaints were filed by the police Wednesda) morning against 1- M. Pitman, A. F Kerr and H. J McMullen on charges of violating the traffic or dinances. Complaints were also filed against H. & LeGros and E. P Kepley for operating their cars without tail lights. A. J Soto was arrested Tues day night for speeding. Ml the cases will be heard in the corporation court this afternoon. Andres Alarcon. driver of the auto mobile which collided with a car driven by Will Shattock, at the corner of Second and Stanton streets, when Mrs. Hattie Williams was thrown to the pavement and painfully injured, has been arrested and is charged in Justice J J. Murphy's court with reck less driving. Mrs. Williams is said not to be seriously Injured. Trinidad Ochoa and C. D. McKee were arrested Wednesday afternoon b the police and docketed on the charge of violating the traffic ordi nance. THE COURTS IMTED STATUS DISTRICT COURT. Henry D. Clayton. Presiding. M. E. Burk vs. the Darbyshlre-Har-vie Irpn and Machine company, suit for damages for personal injuries, mo tion to quash depositions overruled. 41ST DISTRICT COIRT, I. R. Price. Presiding. J D Ochoa vs T M Bower A Co.. suit to set aside Judgment and remove cloud, filed. Oval Keen vs. Texas & Pacific, suit for damages to cattle shipment, on trial. STII DISTRICT COIRT. Dan M. JarkKon, Prodding G W Alexander A company vs. Abra ham Barnaul, suit on account for S1.3CS.66, filed. 0.-.T1I DISTRICT COliRT. Ballard Coldvfell, Prexldlne State of Texas vs. Jesus Telles, as sault with intent to murder. Jury dis agreed and was discharged. COITT COJjRT. Adrian Pool, Prritiding. State of Texas vs. Daniel Lopez, car rying pistol filed. State of Texas vs. Mmrdto Scgundo. theft, filed Southwestern Sales company vs. M Zeda & company, suit on account, with tbe court. JISTICE COIRT. ' J J. Murphy, Presiding. State of Texas vs. Jose Rosada and Luis Castello. drunk, pleaded guilty and fined 31 and costs each. State of Texas vs. Jose Ma de Olano speding pleaded guilty and fined 35 and costs. , State of Texas vs. W Amonett, as sault, pleaded not guilty and bond fixed at 3400 State of Texas vs. Andres Alarcon, reckless driving, filed. J. !. Denver. 1'renldlng. State of Texas vs. Jose S. Sanchez alias Jose Santoya, fraudulent disposing of mortgaged property, filed. Edgar D Park vs E O and A. L Hahn. garnishment, filed AR3IV AI 11.11 KN $T MIT 40 MILK FLIGHT ON" COAST San Diego. Calif, April 7 Capt. Townsend F. Dodd and Sergt. Alva E Baxter ef the Njrtu Island army aviation station left here at 6-4 a. m. today on a nonstop flight to San Francisco. They expected to make the trip in eight hours under favorable conditions. The air line distance is 48 miles. EGItO ASSiLLT WOMAX THEN CUTS HBR THROAT Peoria. IIL. April 7 An unidentified negro murdered Mrs. Wm. H. Schriver here today after attempting a crimi nal assault He eut the woman's throat. The i rime was witnessed by her fou i small children. The negro escaped X e Master Builders Concrete floor hardner jihI sae wear Hine li-n it Vl erti i ent. GUTIERREZ TO RESIGN PROVISIONAL PRESIDENCY (Contlnaed From Pace One). as special envoy at Washington and the lengthy formal statement presented by Vasconcelos to secretary Bryan on March 24 The statement reviews Mexican af fairs from the time of Huerta's with drawal and maintains that Gutierrez is the regularly chosen provisional presi dent by virtue of the Aguascalientes convention. It adds 'Prnfifen 7nlierrz will t Ilia, first opportunity reassemble the convention vi Aguasuiiiciiica auu ucivic iii n.i body he will offer to resign his power in order to leave the convention free to select as president any man who mav answer to tbe necessities and rights of all the Mexican people.- ACTING AMERICAN CONSUL HID TO SAVE HIS LIFE Santa Fe. N M.. April T Dr Will B Davis, acting American consul at Gua dalajara, escaped imprisonment and f probable execution by carrancistas oy hiding on the roof of the consulate af ter an assistant had locked and sealed the doors, according to private letters from Guadalajara received here. He remained there two days during the evacuation b the Carranza forces on the arrival of the Villistaa. The new war loan imposed by Villa at Uuadalajara, these advices say. In cludes the following sums on Amer icans Amapero Mining company, of Phila delphia. 17B.M pesos. A. W. Geist, John H- Kipp, hardware merchants, 700: A. R- Downs, real estate man, 10. Lagas and company, the principal French dry goods firm, has been forced to pay 226.0M pesos. Of the natives, Joaquin Cuesta. a prominent citlsen. was promptly shot by the Villa forces when he refused to pay his assessment. VILLI TROOPS BBSIEGIG MVTWOROS 4IIB KEI.NPORCni) Brownsville, Tex.. April 7 The ad vance guard of the reinforcements ex pected by Villa troops for the siet,e of Matamoros arrived today at the Villa lines. The main body, including artillery forces, still is delayed by lack of railroad facilities In Matomoros squads of soldiers are at work on what appears to be addi tional defences. Bags of earth topped by steel rails have been piled about some of the machine guns at the top of the breastworks. ULLl MI)E -H CVLE OP PRICKS IN MOVTHRKY San Antonio, Texas. April 7. Advices received here state that Gen. Villa, be fore his departure for the south, put into effect a new scale of prices. A merchant who charges more than the tariff fixed by VI Ha subjects himself to danger of having his stock of goods confiscated aud distributed to the need) Villa is said to have remitted the lery originally made against Amer ican merchants. CHARGES NATIONAL TUBE CO. VIOLATED ANTI TRUST LAWS Austin. Tex, April 7 The attorney general s department, on behalf of the state, todaj instituted suit in the 26th district court against the National Tube company, of Pittsburg, Pa, for penalties for the alleged i loiation of the antitrust laws cf Texas, and also for an injunction to restrain the de fendant company from hereafter fur nishing resale prices on elded goods to cert-iin Texas corporations. The state alleges that the company er tered into a combination with cer tain Texas corporations to fix tbe price of welded tubular goods and that such agreement has existed since Jan. 1. 1311 No amount is named for ptnalties. but the minimum is 356 per day and the maximum $500 a day. ITALIAN FLEET SUDDENLY SAILS; MENACES AUSTRIA On the Italian Frontier, April 7 The warships of the Italian fleet departed suddenly Monday from the Mediterra nean naval stations at Spezia, Gaels, and Maddalena island They concen trated at Augusta, Sicily, and at Ta ranto They are thus within a few hours of the Adriatic sea, on the farther side of v, hlch is a long stretch of Aus trian sea coast HOME OF VICE PRESIDENT IS RANSACKED BY BURGLARS Indianapolis. InL. April 7 j-The home here of Thomas R MarshallTvice presi dent of the United States, has been en tered by burglars, it became known to day Vice president and Mrs. Marshall ar visiting relatives of Mrs MarsnU at Scoitsdale Ariz. It was not learned toda whether anything; of value had been taken Mr and Mrs. J J. Tyndall have as their suest Mrs Tvndall s sister Miss lnr Baxter of Dener She will be i here for steral months One Year Old Twins Suffer From Smallpox 'Twins. 1 year old, Margarita and Maria Billeeos, were taken to the eruptive hospital Tuesday, sick with smallpox. Their home is In the SW block on South Stanton street. There are now six smallpox eases at the hospital. All are improving. ' A FORJIKR RKMDEVT OK HOMlUHAS DIKS HBRB The funeral took place, Wednesday afternoon, from the family residence at 3231 Alamogordo street, of Mrs. James Tomllnson. 37 years of age. who died on Tuesday afternoon after a short illness. With her husband and two children, Mrs Tomllnson came to El Paso ten months ago from Spanish Honduras. Her husband, two children, a sister. Mrs. A. A. Murdoch, of EI Paso, and two brothers. Glenn Belt of El Paso and Waite Bell, of Ska Diego. Calif., survive. Mr and Mrs. Tomllnson re sided in Mobile. Alabama, for many years. 31RS. CHI 1.1 RIRGBSS OF TOPRKA. I)IK VT IIKH IPARTMBNT. Mrs. Clara Burgess died this morn ing at 4 10 a'clock at her home in the Germame apartments. She is sur vived by one daughter. Miss Stacy Burgess. The body will be taken back to Mrs. Burgess former home In Topeka. Kan sas, where the funeral will be held Saturday afternoon. THRBE MOST NOTED 103IB.V OF AMBRICV ARB SELECTED San Francisco, Calif, April 7 The woman s board of the Panama-Pacific exposition has chosen the three most noted women of America. They are Mrs Zella Nuttall. of Coyoacan. Mex, chosen' for her work in archaeology. Miss Catherin- B. Davfts, of New York, for work in prison reform, and Miss Jane Addams for social settlement work. The ordinary cost or a "Want Ad In The 1 faso Herald is 25 cents It reaches an average of about 10,(r readers each issue. Kill Catarrh Germs and Stop Catarrh Broth Thw Btfcw-itti-c Drr Air In Your Own HMne aed Llr .End Catarrh, Ilrad CoMs and Snaffles. One of the surest sign of catarrh f the head noae and throat is catchlaff eold eaMly. W ben you have catarrh the mucous Mem branes are inflamed swollen and sett-sUtra and a slight draft or sadden change of tem perature at once sets yon sneexina; aasfflnc and wtnlna; your nose. Then again while these delicate tissues are In an inflamed state the catarrhal sjerms sneeaad out and coughed up by other sufferers find quick and Mr lodgement In your affected nose and throat and Immediately start eatfnc their ay Into your raw sore organs. Tben your t-atarrh sets worse and you wake arp morning with tongue thick, mouth sticky and nose all stopped up Catarrh rcn b oercome and the rerma of catarrh diroed If you will go to Kelly A Pollard, or in fait an other good drug store and ask for a large complete Hyomel (pronounced High -o-me treatment, consist Ins; of a bottle of the oil of Hyomei and a small Hard rubber Inhaling device Ton put a fr-r drop of the Hyomel oil into tnis mnaier and then put it between our lips and breathe nat orally this pleas ant antiseptK healing air of Hyomel way Into your no- head throat and lungs. In three mliyits your air passages are cleaned out you breathe easily and the discharge stops and if you ml! do this every day for a few weeks ou will drive every catarrh germ and every symptom of catarrh entirely from your sstem. Hyomel. when nsed with this Inhaling de Wre is always sold with the positive guaran tee that tt must gle you successful results or you can hae jour money back. Adv. Ei Paso Man's Lucky Find Will Interest Header of The Herald. Those having the misfortune to suf fer from backache, urinary disorders, gravel, dropsical swellings, rheumatic pains, or other kidney and bladder disorders, will read -with ratification this encouraging statement by an 1 Paso man J Weir. 34 Smelter St., Kl Paso, . says "For two years I couldn t i straighten after stooping without help j As long as I stood straight I had no j trouble but the least strain on the muscles of m bark caused me to suf- t fer sevejel I tried different retre- i rite but had no relief until I began taking Ioan s Kidne Pills The result wis a complete cure T felt o grateful th it T reoomme nlcd them and I have i h id no reason to change m high opin- ' on f this medu ine f Price rfuc. at all dealers. Don't Mnply j Kidnt". Pills the santf that Mr Weir hid Foster Mill urn to Trops., Buf- OUTDOOR ADVERTISERS EOli; niNTOGM 1 CITY MAY INSTAL SYSTEM OF STREET SIGNS SOON Recommendations for street signs for Bl Paso, the result of an Investiga tion made by the street and (trade committee, of which Walter S. Clayton is chairman, will probably be made to the city council Thursday The chamber of commerce recently passed a resolution appointing" a com mittee to take up the matter of street signs with the city Mr Clayton, in his reply to the chamber of commerce, stated that his committee had been in vestigating the matter for some time and that action would soon be taken. THRBK SrEClI. TRAINS TO cumv RACE iionsKS Three special trains over the El Paso and Southwestern will leave El Paso on Monday and Tuesday for the ac commodation of the horsemen now at Juarez, n Monday, a passenger spe ial will leave for St. Louis, Chicago and Louisville, Tuesday, about 5 oclock. a special passenger train wlU leave for Denver, being followed a few minutes later by special express train, carrying; th best horses. Old Friends of Peruna UriHaryO-lBIkr INMAHAFOUS. JNKAHA. W ssSBBBBB A ntnJ).Hayc rro V t? VSC Vr theMremedier forgrip and c?ld lnthpfiPAff -A$. "l""wYCt.;91m Mrs. I. VKSBfB. BBBBBBBBBBSi.sVtav....aUaUal " y - m .mSBBBBBBBBBBBBBUHll' rmMWmm. ourT$ Ssres. 1937" Draid Hill f. '!Sm.."?",;-' Hill m "sM-,fiT'x-' "V;' C r Mr Franfc Ave,Baiti- rami yrepdimimDeruPr yedrj a. r. d. j. Houston. i- raiiwiainimu;eis jrcaiJ mare, Xd, - ''j f v l writes: Te- A ftV flfliPrP rtma is one or the best remedies for grip, cold In the head, sore throat, nervous headaches and coughs that has ever been discov ered. After tbe use of one bottle In my family, I don't feel safe without Peruna In my house." In a later letter Mrs. Hayes says: T. am never wlthotifa bottle of Pe runa in the house. I give the children Peruna If they- have & cold, and it always relieves them. I had catarrhal bronchitis and it relieved me." Mrs. Mary O. Miller, Chaplain o Patriotic Daughters of Amer ica, Indianapolis, IncL, writes: "I have found Peruna of especial benefit in cases of irregularity and weakness. It restores the strength in a very short time and is pleasant to take. Its action on the whole system is very mild, but sure. We have used it in the family for a number of years, and when any of us take a cold it is the first remedy we take, and a few doses will generally cure, if the cold has not been neglected. But the persistent use of Peruna will cure a cold of even long standing." We'll Furnish Your Home "With a small payment down, and the balance Weekly or Monthly Payments with a SPECIAL DISCOUNT if paid in 30, 60 or 90 days Making Cash Basis "We have the best selected stock of medium grade Furniture in El Paso and the price VERY LOW. (Shad'es Made to Order.)' (New Exchanged for Old.)' - Charles Phone 1106. DIRECT MEMPHIS TENN. DAILY Leave EI Paw 6:30 p. hl, arrive cassetting with all f Te x a s 8 Pacific I I PULLMAN CHAIR CARS DINERS. 1 I I ..slW - EL PSO has secured another con vention The Outdoor Advertisers association, a national associa tion of billboard owners and outdoor advertisers, voted in Detroit Wednes day to meet in El Paso in 191 Tbe convention as landed b Ri H. McClmtock.. of the McClintock com pany. who was the only delegate from El Paso He represented the chamber of commerce at the Detroit m-etmc and gave the formal invitation for the association to meet here next year Opposed to El Paso were Buffalo bt Ltmis and other cities but El Paso as selected in spite of the work of lar e delegations from these cities. The 1 1 Paso convention will be the firft time the association has met in a uti smaller than fet Louis, Chicago . r Detroit. The telegram announcing the 1 -clsion of the contention was receive 1 Wednesday morning by E. L. W Polk from Mr McClintock, who left last week for the convention city Show your faith by your deeds buy home valley products. 2 Xeharek&igreauy j3eneritea'Dyyour wonderful medicine J&wishtexpT '&ys:. - " . ,. y J' e- -. Mr Frank Blcbter. vw iiiv Texas, -writes- "Here Ff& CO KlJ to the south the people are more or less sick a great deal of the time. We always have your medicine in the house. Last week we bought a bottle. As tve have a large family- it saves us a great deal to keep your medicines in the house. We also use The Bis of Life as our family doctor. It is a great help to us We boy Peruna at our drug stor? quite often. Several years ago mv wife was cured of a varicose ulcer on the leg by one of your remedies. H' leg has remained sound ever since ' 113 N. Stanton St. LIKE TO nunls PwlKqBJ&V JerfaJcuMer tSas Ml ' s - V, JpP M ggjjL -'" 0ps&r Foutz SERVICE ia Memphis sacaae! aftenMoa, 4 pm, trams oat of Memphis.- faK N - Jemscint ul