Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD "Wednesday, April 7, 1915 15 BY GEORGE M'MANUS BRINGING UP JKC1-.You Vst FIRST PRIZE IN . THE RAFFLE -"YOU HAVE YOOF? CHOICE OFBTHERTH1S FINE PILLOW QP . THE VASE.''' i ! The First National Bank Building aad Those Who Occupy It. ! OR. BKSCK i-!7 First Nat'- Bank Bide DB. LKE HtlNTOSII. Pentiet. Pb.322. R. 998 Detectirej. WILLIAMS Detective Acer- Ph. 444. R. 419. Pariaj-. TEXAt BITDLITIIIC 4TO. Ph. IMi R. 799. Physicians. OB. CARL X SMITH Ph. 117L Hm. -21. For Sale Rea! Estate City Property. FOR SALE: lets In Mock. 32, GOTerBBH-t Hil. J3.0 Phone 2993 W. FOK SALE Apartment hoaae rite, corner nge and Wyoming. irxM It., close in. Can '64 Ufa Ave. CASH BriER Xor apartment site south eC Boulevard and west of Virginia. E. A. 1 ond -r N Stanton. Phone 133. BE vrTIPTL bnildinr site on Mountain View terra e. suitab'e for large bungalow or apt. nouse also on'1 smaller site ideal for S or roarn bungalou Phone -Cil. IUEAL BCIIAIING SIIK - lota. :4xl h .490 bCotk Montana St.. paving aad i"Hiik in. exrll.nt neighborhood; eaST .Tin fhone -16b or 2.11 lOK bAlX 7 room nanse, - largo sleepiac orLbt- 2 separate entrances; arraased for - t-nilJea. 1.07 N Oregon SC opartaieBt Jittri.-i rents for S per moath. Passe (K uay bt)S9 niaht. M.11 BINbALOW for sale, onry tMSt, e-tra frf terms, builtin features, isrge ciaaasd n sleeping porch, large base-tent, sooth lr nt beautiful view, might take lots as 1 irn -a ment Phone Cantrell StfT or 4339. 4 ROOM HOU-H. Slow, i .uod location ia Highland Park. Near line east front. - cash, halanee Sl per month and interest. James L. Marr -: Co. ;l San Antonio SC Phone itt. PITMAN CATriJB CO. S and 9 Merebaose Block. - la. Texas. Phone MS. tmestinents la cattle aad riarana payiast larger -rrbmads aad safer thoB aay other lUine - GOOD KANC11KS FOK SALE. HITH OK WITHOCT CATTLE. BAHX.MN IN H1U t.KANUB ST. LOTS. hoi-. uth front corner, west of Cotton . -" r-h erj desirable hteatioa. James L. Marr Jt Os. 304 San Aatoalo SC Phone ill OMMill'r. bOING E.VST Here is what i u get for oe cash, tot 4xl-; trees. n, flower room modem buagalow xi;h bailtin levied glass bookcases, baffet, kn hen cabinet beam ceilings, famed oak f'oocii, sleep!-. 5 porch and every made i n coa "nln Totl price less than cose E. A. I und .02 .N slanton SC Phone ISM. Res. rihfme 54 BIM.ALOH "ON K.1SjV TBHWs! k rooms of red pressed brick; modern in eier way. 2 foil lots; street bow being pa.! prie -5, 2S cash, balance ii)"nlhU James L. Marr & Co. 30t San Antonio SC Phone 43S. AT WM) These homes nae no coaapetitloa. Located on a beantiful street, lawas an hi aad crass growing, s large roams. The merits of these beautiful now hirmi. caa best be ludged by Ir.specting them. Oar antes are at our service. Phone M4. v MayBeW BaH-teg and las, Co, Inc. Memphis SC. "i block of car line. 4 room seail limaaaJow. 2Sb caaa, bal ance very easy. $asOA. E room- and large sleeping: aorch on 2 lots fa. ins sooth; 1 btoek of car. se.eral barns aad feaees: torast. S-Jto. Bungalow with 3 rtc jIiil id 2 lots. e nice loo-ae ai -t'10 down and $25 win haadSe it. so Town wir bay tala room awaoe for s.toe that cost owner 33MO, Oaaaot t-k. less dcun at this price. Better talk it oer alth oa. New bungalow with heather plaat 'ti 2xlS0 which Is M feet ilium than moat lots. Finest Had at nlaee for chickens and in beat sort of Coun try club .iiatricc Terms caa he nsade ' "y easy NKWMAV INTBSTMENT COMPANV. i"ior.e s; tot san Antonio. V- ' y --, VASE. I LB lj o I H - a ' i V70oV "S .r. w - S J 1 : 1 ,A , gC5GniS5 a jji ?piSfe. PAYING IS PJMCsCvT NET. . ..nement -e on Myrtle Ave. corner 'II bunt of brick Sufficient ground to r. i -ilding and fncredy. revenue The r "-! in of ir k'nd offered n Kl 51 .i .11 li ii l it .laniK I Marr i t a III 'i FATHER ' iV " -'' - 1 T "" I 1 " . - N. f : ' I'M nr.M f& C k I'LL . LOOK OO- I ( ) f YOURE ilSLSBI" --- A I WHT Q r , OU HORrC ANb WHKTA FOOL L i sees the oonAqL 1 --u 7;.l I lt -. t- -. a a-. . - . 1 . I -! "- -...----. rogejtwirtateirro ForSaJe Real Estate City Property. FOR SALE Frame bungalow. 2 lots, deelr able neighborhood. (MM cash.. Write S. 3.6. Herald. MONTANA ST. LOTS 3 for 919M. near Alta ' Vista school, good houses la Meet:; fine for I & home, paving all paid; easy terms; bo -Cents. Phone 311 w. I IDEAL rLACE. 3 lots with 1 km home in Orchard Park; ! stables, fencins. nice garden, youac orchard; ' easy terms. Phone 711. SOME B.VRGAIN". Owner forced to sell f brick, bath, pantry. - fan iota, ales ' trees, done In; Go-em aiflit HJU. near acheal car liao and. Jitaer Rerrice. for a few days oaly Sleov; terms. Address Owner I. Herald. EL P.VSO ST. BVRO.UN. ;: hoya it sot earner on X. Kl Pa &t., street pa-iag paio; t LOT BUtGAIX. 1S bays 4 corner lots on Grand View Ave., dose to Heeaan Sanitarian, and High land Park car line; terras. CO-TNTX ROAD BARGAIN. SMo bays 2H acres about 3 miles down, on paved road; all cleared and has abont 3 beariag fruit trees: dose to loterarbas station. $f A HOME BARGAIN. The nicest place you ever aaw for the money. Modern S room red pressed brick bsacaiow. .all bwfitrn featares. hardwood floors, ores-fast room, dress-ac room, atoo lawn. 5 feet of groand; on Ft. Poulevard ia Grand View, oa car llae. Price oajy Hi$t Wf cast D. G. Ildnemjt. Phone Set, 2J Mm. St. 67 M. Two beaatlfal ! ? Usaa two A harc-BB. soo. -H th fi at. 4 stork to ea r: iera th. SIS Hi SMO. Two. adobe lots. S7tt--. oa Talaroaa. Leas Ufcaa Jots are worth. $1150. Close la red imoohj. hrick S room Midus bangolow; dele to high school; terms. CMos m homes sell q-sekly. S3600. S room new boag-Mw. ap to the miawte. garago. Iota, trait breeaTia Moom; - block, of Alta vutaf srhswl Caa make aay S-306. 4 roonss. 3 Mocks Alta Vista school. Z fen Iota, sooth frost. WhHe-rnden Realty Co. ion. BIGGBST BARGAIN IN THE VALLEY. 4 acres ail la alfalfa. S miles from MesUla Park oa aVaia ditch aad fine gravel road, foacod. 4 room adobe aad oaUasoees. Win take 1 per acre, Land ad joining aonb-g for Slot per aore. This bargain won't bast. Barney Bros. First NaMoaal Bank. Phase 412. "HOMES OUR SPECIALTY." LET CS TALK IT OVER. Good Beading bite i anted aa part payment on this new room bangs-, low. built of tapestry brick, heatioc plant, glassed in steeptag: porch; lots oa corner. 34-v Lots AI anted WUI pay cash for 4 sooth front learner lots in Government HilL List what yon have at once. SM Down. Balance Like Rent. wdU bay this dandy 4 room hoase. fenced and In good condition. Only J17SS. (teo Down. t;o Monthly, for this 4 room brick near Alisons and Cotton Ave . fenced, walks, soata front lot, XX fret deep. Cot to I244K). $lSO Down. KIS Monthly, for this beautiful 4 room home, near shope. 21 will bay ic S Room Brick, Si 100 On corner. east front modem, on car near school. Owner mast sell quick. 325 down, balance like renC Clot in Sacrifice S room brick Bear Mesa school, f 344)0. Want it 7 Ilawkln- Bro. to collect yoar rents. J-U AI anted in Highland Park Castomers waiting List yoars. SISOO for This 4 Room Home on cor ner 956 down. 32 monthly. Near Beall scnooL S Room Brick. S3 1 JO Never occu pied, close In. ballt for Z families. 3S0 - Rents for I3S monthly. Bey Thh, Beautiful 4 room brick bentgalov. frontta; sooth la Grand View Price eat from to 1210V, The host bay on.enr books today. Hawkins Bro. Phone 2X60. For Rent 1 room ape. 1214 Boale vard. 33 l . SC A rain ( room brick. Jrt-v. Here, i Your Chsnce for qnick actio-. S room modern home, walking distance, north side, on corner. J2JSS. l: down. 32 monthly. Osnernast sell K yoa don't sot It, some one else will. Hawklnn Bros- the only firm In EI Pa& that gives their entire attention to resident property HawldM Bros. Phone tBM. MESA AlE. APARTMENT SITE ft on corner full depth paving paid propei is aorth Slow per foot or n U e offer it at th" r-markab! )oc " ' Dsirlie itiii m 1 had James I- Marr Co. -. Copyright, ,1J1C tnternaUoaz News Serct-e. ,J TRADES Ol'R SPECIALTY. La. Salle Realty Co. 3 BLOCKS KIOM S. AA'. SHOPS. Two level south front lots for 142a. Only lift cash, balance monthly James L. 3!arr Co. 34 San Antonio SC Phone 4:s. AN IDEAL HOME IN GOVERNMENT HILL. Five rooms on-3 sooth front comer lots; beautifal view, fine soil. Urge yard. Jast the ptaco for a garden and chickens. Price 334M. 330 down. 333 monthly, including interest. Howell Realty Co- So. Herald BWg. CLOSE IX ON RESIDENCE ST. 13 roopia. beaatifolly fBrnlahed. rent only 33. Aa unusual bargain at 33. 33M cash. 935 per montl- THO BLOCKS TROM rOSTOFFICE. 33 room roomb-g house, well furnished. A wonderful money maker. Listed with me exclnstvely for quick sale. 3)3 cash will swine this bargain. Rant Its per moath. DO YOU YIISH TO INVEST S13 Where It will bring you a net Income of 3.M per month. If so see this beanUful 2s room hotel. ALSO A 30 ROOM HOTEL. Hot and cold ruaarag water ia every room: reason for seiHag owner leaving dry. if yoa have 33SO to Invest see this strictly modern hotel. 21 ti acres land of the CanatlUo. 31ZS per 12 acres, Caamberino. mala ditch, paved road. 523 per acre. 33 acres, 2 acres alfalfa. Saa MaraeL 3IN per acre. 73 acres, ail cultivated. Las Cruces, SS per acre. 3f. E. Toirmey. IA ith K. a BaHejr Land Co. IK Mesa Ave. Pkoae SM3. CLOSE IN BARGAIN". Largs 3 room hnai oa Rio Graade sc. sat of Ochoa: red atmotd arick. 2 fall psrklnc aad pavtag; ooath frosc At It Boattlvely cannot he eoaaled. Caa arraage "jernos. v Jsmes 1 3Tarr ft Co. 34H Saa Antonio SC Phoae 4334- A BCNL01V BE-VlTIFm' DKSCRIPTION: Six larae rooina. Ilviag room and dlBlag reosn with coilonade opeains:. roc hrfek mantel, with bookeaeesoB each aide vfMJk load--ed glass doors, mssaliiu baffet. hardwood floors: br-skfast room flnished In white enamel ; bailt in table aad seats. The kitch en has cat -act aad sanitary drain hoard fun length: an bed rooms la white enamel: hoose has basement and heating plaaC Laaadiy tabs oa back porch. Iaeatlon oa anala paved iaacoairhfere. dose to school aad 13 mlaute ear ser vice, aad. aat vory far euc Priee ftTao: easy terata. ' Crrrl PuUtipr. (K. B. Creail. J. W. PbHUps). att Firat NarL Beak; BMc. PhOBe SOT. SMHI CASH, Balaace to aatt yea. New 4 room baagalea. Atta Vista dis trict. 3as-a. lteo CASH, Balaace aay old way. New 3 room bare-low. z fall Iota; paving aad atdewalks paid for. 9Zs&e saw CASH. ' Balance like reac New 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors, all buMtta features. 3 foil Iota. J313S, BVRaAIN FOR CASH! 3 room noose so 2 fan level lots, aU fenced: bean and oat- ho-ees; an convea-caeea. Sees cash. Mast sell this week. BCH.D A OUR HOME. We will furnish the money aad boild far yoa oa yoar lots or ours, easy payments. Macon.Srott Realty 45o. 4! MHla Bids. Faoae 337J. I ACRBS AND 5 R. HOUSE la Ysiefa. FWusck sale. 91734); easy uraas. . 4S.OM scts-. .tlaest reach m H M-for the'iaoooy: ea Mo Grande; large aeroaga of trri caale land: easy Unas at 9. TR-VDBS We caa match you. rsaa- DnV-Davis-Tandy Com. Co. $11-14 Treat BMc. Ph. 3li. A HOME BARGAIN CLOSE IN. ' On Nevada nt iu fe. Mrt . nll 4 TOom modern nona-iow. Price ITSes: I ainaji u payment. Balance easy. Creel : rWHIp. Phone 378. 37 First Nsfl Bank Bide For Sale Farms and Ranches lOR S.ALE One second hand farm nmalac j enisle ff a tu . .1. a .,r ' -.-.. , UWH- -,I.A I WANT TO SELL my ranch la the state of Slnaloa, .toxica. About 7 acres of 1 I r a it K ,h v. tei e jfMo-dco R R: with a big- ditch for perma- --& smgaaoa: great ' improvomeats; too best kind of laad. I wish to deal with buyers directly and so aoid romraissions to be paid to Intermediaries. Address for all kind of Information to M A. Barraates, Nogales-Arizona P O box 271 ALFALFA FARM. One of the show -lares nf the nnner vsl- lev (onsisting of 130 acres on macadam ised road all In rulti.ation on main i it. n and n"-r guiwl -.lio.i. I'rl' 91.0 an i rt ir avtldv & "NeeL EATTLE DEAL IS USEfFffl W. L. Amonett and A. J. "Wil son Have Encounter in Amonett's Office. As a result of an eneoanter in the offices of the T. D. Love Cattle corn pan) Tuesday afternoon. A. J. .Wilson. an attornej filed complaint in justice J J "aorphy's court as-inst AY. I Amonett, a member of the cattle firtn. Mr. Amonett pleaded not miilty and his bond was fixed at 340J9. Th ease will be heard Thursday. Mr. Wilson stated after the encounter that he had gone' to Mr. .-monett's of fice to make inquiry " to whether or not the company is a corporation. Be had sat down, he said, when Mr. Amo nett stepped over and struck him on the nose. Am onetfa tntrinrnt. Mr. Amonett, when asked for a state ment, said: "Mr. Wilson had been com ing to the office frequently in con nection with some trouble over a cattle deal. I had told him not to come up but to file suit at th court house, but he kept coming; to the office and I lost my temper esterday and struck- rum." Later in the day a son of Mr. Wilaou heard of the .rouble and went to Mr. Amonett's office, wnen another en counter occurred that ended in the two men being; separated. Mr Wilson's firm arc attorneys for CoL Fidel A vita of Juarez, who claims that under contract with the T. D. ove cattle company he snipped a num ber of cattle to this aide and did not receive -what he e-pecte for the ship ment. It was in conection with thl matter that Mr. "Wnson went to Ihe l-vrapnii; ui.i COUNTERFEIT DOLLARS ARE DISCOVERED ON PRISOiNER A -search of his clothine following: his arrest in a saloon at Stanton and i Seventh streets resulted Tuesday after- neon ia the findins; of seven counter- I leit dollars on J x Johnson, and his i Reing- chanted at tne police station with passing counterfeit money The coins. It is thought, were moulded of lea1 and silvered. They were dated l04. The case v. as transferred to the federal authorities Wednesday. WEATHER S1JLLETIN. V. s. DEPARTMENT Or AGRICULTIRE. WEATHER UUKEAU. Obseivatloas taken t I a. m.. 73th me- IM 0TlttTIC -Ct-BScI iHeru-KT ear -i-ro-s. ndian time is a. m. Ei3UGT0SE. ki raso ume. 7. 1913. April ISilf-B-rl, Ierrr-st. EI Paso and vidn- Ity Partly cloudy toaignt ana Tnure- ' day. olihi ,rf?bm--, night and Tttoxaday. View portly cloudy. sUghtly colder ex-' tremo east pertloa toaarhc Arisoaa Tonight and Tharoday. fair: slightly colder north portion tonight. West Texa Part ly cloudy tbnignt and Thursday. y Precipitation in last 24 hour tm Weather at 9 a. ra. Lowest temp, last nUrht I xurnest veoteraay.. Tessp. at 8 a. m. .. Abilene Amarillo Atlanta Boise, Idaho .1! .49 Ceaso Clndnnat, Di Bier. ........ Detroit Dulath. Iliaa. .. El Paso Galveston Havre, stoat. . Jaea-Bsnrnie. ... Ut tie Rock. IssM AjasVCnaio o o o a Nashville New Orleans.... KewTork 9 .3 I .1 .34 Rapid City, a D... RosweJl St. Lewis SaK Lake City Saa Antonio Sua rraacisco Santa Fe Seattle..., Waaa-B-taai ,1 a 74 . - kT j Wichita. Ksas. . CeensM-ative lil Pass PrrcloHatlon I Jan. 1 to April 3. inclusive, 191 it... 1.8- In. Jan. I to April i lncluaUe. 1912. .. .44 In. Jsn I to April 3 Inclusive. 1913 2.93 In Jan. 1 to April 5. Inclusive. I914r, Jan. 1 to April 3. Inclusive 1913 " Normal. Jaa. I to April 5. Inclusive 1 19 In. 2 94 In. 1.4 in. Aater Conditions, It to Grande Project. Height of Contests Water Acre Fl at Dam. Elephan- Bu c reservdr 32 93 99.999- Derrease In 24 hours . 3 1 134 Flow of river at San March. 1 123 Second Ft. Flow from reservoir. . . . 73 Second Ft For irrlgst'n Lessburg rs,nst 337 Second Ft For inigat'n Franklin canal 20 Second Ft Date April 4. 1913. - vv rsi A .... -Ill I 3 74 33 cloudy 44! 4 44 ptchty 33 II S3 deosry 3 t 3 pt-ddy ..4 49 4 cloudy ...3f 39 29 c"odi- ...3 73 3 cloudy -.34 4t -2 snow ...42 34 p-rld ...42 34 M pt-eldy ..43 C 43 clear .. C 4 ta pt c!d ...3C M 34 pccldv ..C3 73 3 pCcldy ..64 7 S clear ..S3 33 32 cloudy ...9 79 C pc cldy ...39 72 14 cloudy .. 49 ;3 49 rain . . 3 39 cloudy ..44 CS 4 clear 39 42 34 cloudy 44 94 44 clear 52 74 32 pt. cldy 4( 60 44 clear 72 44 cloudy .3. 32 rain 34 'C 34 rain 3 9 3 cloudy 3 74 44 -a cldv . . 3 S3 34 cloud) ..32 73 33 clear :i5 UNlofTl)LABkjU FOR SALE ON PATMBNTS or exchange .- i -.- -,-t- ..-. of the bast ranches ia the valley all in alfalfa, cots 1 teas to the acre; 2 "4 miles to town 3 building sites la city T1 ?1's?- Uite parUcalars. Owners only. Box Alti MB. l'ARMBR. INA'RTIIATB. 4 acres. 31W per acre, : acres alfalfa. Z acres planted now. 4 room adobe hoaae wtta hath room, sheet troa shed. catefcea haoaos: flawiag aaria aad pood for yoar docks: sla-aad ap BBder K. P. dans, located on good lateral aad oa gravel road. aear La Mass. This bargain requires U2M cash, with bal- aaca to salx. i NEAVMAN lXA'BSTMBNT COHPAKY". Pbobo at. 1M Saa Aatoalo St. Set oat where yoa caa breathe. We aavo several anaas i tracts. Hi scrss. 3 miles oa road, level. ost right ssaa for a home. 31(t. Terma. 2"s acre, 2 room boose, otas to seU this quick; owner needs money. SSM eash. 1 acres, all la frntt and al falfa, ap valley.' 315S0. C4) acres, upper valley to trade for dty property : trader of atses we can match you. llwte-Pa4ef) BeaMy Co, It. 13. 13 Morwan BuUdiag. 14. . For Sale Real Estaie Cosnby Property. -, L.tROBIXS VAN. T-- - C -. IS ..-.- o. an-" 1-ssv-nt piiVtt. ;.. na". sJi r-o. 3 uad I Saw-ipSS KrlUn'-au" write giving phone or street number. C. I. nUmms 74 Arlaana SC For Sale Rocmia-; Hcnsti. i FOR SALE Rooming house. i dress S. 13s. care Herald. close ia Ad- A BARO IN Small rooming house for sale jcaii 41 Teaa 'WANTED To rent rooming or wtU bu (11 4 San Antonio SC HOOMINf, HOUSE AAANTBll We have a ccsh boyer waiting for a good proposition la good roornins house. HawMas Brs. rhone . it-c rrk 4 u . j Phone 322. 33 Trust Bldg. passenger car. 1 1 ACRE RANCH 2 miles below Ysleta to ' trade for Income property. David Lerner. Mills Bldg HIGIILY IMI'ROABD upper alley raach. Anthony Bead district to Ira la for El -a-operty. preferably business I -., -. -J. 1J aaa ,,i. iaconie P a box 339. FOUR OK FTAB XOOH 1IUIE WANTED. Will give ss first payment 3 seres deeded land near Deming Value 314M This Is som of the liest laml In the Mtmhres valley. ImkV. ll-urll. 32 Herald BWr. I'ltone M7. FUR A ALLEY LAND. 14 room modern brick with hot wtcr -eating plart lots la one "f New Mexico a prosperous town. at $S-. to trade for alley land Can pay HO.vvo cash addltiontil tinMy t NreL 211 Mills Sc Phono 32. Me4tcal. Till. aMl.BICAL A.NI SLKGiaVI, STAFF OF TIIK SOLTHKRS MKDICM- INSTITUTE Are pefqjliits to Chronic and Nerrwia Dls essea stomach. Intestinal and Blood Trtm bles. Internal met...ine and electrical treat ment a apeclcltj ; ear experience is ar iudncen.ent to you to calL No charges for consul t-aUon and nd. ice Office hours daily 9 a. m. to 7 tx m.. Sundays by ap- J intntn,nt, r. ;ir. HniM Hidf. ki pa-. PSes Cued. 1M KEAVAKD for aay aBcomfdlcatod case of Piles we fail to cure without the Knife. Li-rature. Cautery or Carbolic Add iajtatloaa. iniernatto-oi soectnnst-. Corner Texas and Mesa. SI Paso. Tax. I For Sale Dogs. FINE IKI.-1I IirLI. TKRK1BR months old. I Phone 944. AT STVD Scotch collie Parbold Plcca- ' i" f, mww O'M o. (iiv sv" su ' ' plan, Parbold Picador, dam by champion Parbold Peacock ree S13 senlco guaraa- I teed. 913 Mesa, Ave. Phone 1791 W For Sale MisceEaneons, UTCTTCCrr, -----' LPl,K SALE -Blolmlng pansy plants, grown r0""00" - rnone l-3 i I FOK SALE Beautiful female canary cage or will trade for PerstaAi kitten. Ph. and 3977 FOR SALE hood. 12.5. 4.ood co'lapslble Phone 71 L goeast a ith FOK S.AI.K Comnlete set M X! ferial In perfect condition Price 313. Phol 2947 serONII HAND MACHINERY. One Allis Chelmcrs 1 stamp mill 14,0 lb ar.ip vvith trusher, timbers feed ers anil Two vt-.t frime Delster concentrators. On. - H P stover distillate engine On 1010 Iue;eroli Kami compressor One 10.10 Fairbanks Mor-e compressor One I- 11. T e air banks-Morse heist, com plete .th cable The z hove useu two reeks, at bargain pri's We I uv and .ell a'l t ta.e3 of ma il! .-r rut -western At recking to. FOR SALE-Two taadard doors and frame. also one new porcelain kitchen sua: aaa Phone 3S9 J ..-, . v fj,u A lltt w ,ver 3 arala. ! af milk. Also brown turkey eggs. Light set of doable harness. 31.. one single set harness. 1 spring wagon, wbeele brand new. carries 3e lbs. Phone 335. 31 Alamoda. FOR S.ALE OR TMFIB-4 cylinder 3 pas senger Elmore, good tires, a nargala at 373 4 cylinder auto car rosda-er. 3123 cash takes 1c What have you to trade for those machines' Southwestern Wrecking- Co.. US rsaraBso SC Ready Refereace BatiBesi Directory AccoaelanLf- NORHAN P. a Box 927 B. A-B.A2SY. Fhose 34M. Cf-ARBNCE I.ONGNBCKEB 32 First Kat-L Bank Bldg. AUDITOR and accountant now employed win take on extra work Systems Installed, eomneehenatve statements rendered. Write T. 374. Herald. . Addtag Machiac. DAI.TON A.KhJTig Machines. Z1C Mills Mt. Advertkerz. CATALOGS Lippmans. 42 Trust Bide. AtiorBeyx- HOFCS B. DANIEL, LAWYBR. -23 Mltls Building. Phone 313 J. Aactk Beers. W. A. WILLIAMS. Aoeeien Sale- and Osfflr-4een Broker. Office Phone IN. RestJeBce Pbobs 3M. OffJeo: Eatraace to Copies Bide. I Sen Everything at Anctlon or Private Sale. Aato Repairs. VB WAVT TO REPAIR your radiators and lamps. We make arid repair fenders, tanks, hoods, etc Quick service end prices reason able El Pai-o Raillstor snd Lamp Co , 32 Texas. Phone ;tll Air TcsC ' Brokers. JOSE M. HORCASITAe: Merchandise and real estate broker Mexican beans aad cora a speclalt 32 First National Bldg- Carpets Cleaned. STB.AX AND AACICM Carpet Cleaning. I Da Sang 4 VlelrWrn. rhone lev. CARPBTS CLEANED and genesal house work. Duntley Vacuum Cleaning Co Ph. 3313. jCleaaag and Preyng. St'lTS "STEAM PRESSED. M CENTS. Moreheasrs Ba.y Utile frhep. 42 N. Oregon SC Phoae 31. Clusa Pa-BDBg. Ponton-. StaiHo. 2 Lucerne Apia. Ph. 34WH. Contrscters and BaSdert. EMEHsON HAKE, General Contractor aad BuHder Jobblns. Plans aad Estimates. 2437 DeadsCattk- FULL GROWN dead cattle, horses, mutes, hauled away free. Phono 74 immodistelr. Defective Agencies. j J. C. STAN8EI. A SON. Detective agency. j H e ottcit the patronage of Attorneys,-Cor- l poratlons or Individuals in . le-tntimate tn-tteation. Civil atl rnmln-ti ejLB nanuteu b exper.eirceu inTeea-KmVgV-ar ; m the U-.U-d States md Ue-cico Roma M7 Two Republlr Lifo Bidg. Pboae M4T. EtiscationaL Mr. Cwrrlogioa. T-t-a-ssaion. Buckler. R 33. Fire IewwaB-ce. FRANK A. SFENCE, Real Estate and Fire Insurance 443 Mills Building Phone 1333. Faraitefe Parking. 1'lRNITrKE rPHOLSTERBD, repaired and p-cked. Im Song Jt Wellborn. Phone 2999. PACKING and shipping household goods our specialty Furniture repairing, finishing and upholstering R L. Daniel Furniture. Mat-tre-e Factory 419-1-' Myrtle Phone 1025 Jewelers. ; HlrSHEt-T PRICE PAID for old-fashioned . Jewelr old gol 1 and piated jeaelry bought. I Dafs -7 ban Fram is. o b Jflok Deaiers. 'ILLINOIS BOTTLE Jt JINK COMPANTY- 1 leu. merland. Phono lbtl M.E BlY 'II kind N.lin Kl-.t snd S of junk and bottles. raliu Phone 2333 HERMAN BLOCK CO. Scrap metal, copper bra-o bones, v.ool. hidc. horse hair skins all kinds. Ph 345-. 305 E. Boulevard , KL PASO IRON 4 UtTAL CoT-l53San ' aatonm. Doalera ta scrap iron, rubb-r. cop- - Ivt- hoTvea. etc t")w-e 4tr" Kodak Firuiii-if. ANY FILM llKVKf.lir'Er. fob; is. piim. received by 10 a. m finlahcl at . Tank .levelopment Cyko prints. Mail orders o- I cited. Kl Paao Photo Supply Co, 3U SC. Oregon. El Paso Teres , Millinery. REASON ABLE Ke-nodellng specialty ma terial fur 7-0 N Stanton Mis. Lula Mason M-K-ja-- Age-Kiel. R. U. DGN CO. Mercantile renorta. Pnso office. 401 t.uaranty Trust Bide I.OC1L MEK1 ANTHJs AGENCY Keoorai i WARP imo or ia engine infers In and rating on tnItvi(tuK lol'tiona. Mora-I ing Expert pioneer weMer. of rl her of the NattonsI "i o- Mcr-antlle I P-s-ed he exper m. ntal stage 7 if. A,envles llarrv Patcnint- Mgr. Room. I Kl Paso A'eld-ng Co. -.1 -- Herald uldg tlo Kan is bl Puoae J Ready Reference Bosinew Directsry I!l5SSt L '. Corriggteo. VioilnlsC Backler. R. 2S. W ALTER DAVIS Piano teacher, 33 month. Aoice 94. Phone 23. Otteopa-bs. Reg-Jarly IJceiitefl. K. WRIGHT. M B- D. O. Herald Bldt PakHJag. W. B- ALLEN. TAINTING Phone 3t; YeWon Pahtt Co- 3 N. Stanton. P- 124' Pr-jaberi. N. E. NATIONS Plumbing. Phono 10 MORE BtTSINESS Plumbing gnaranteeit Walter F Ervin. 15 a StaBton. Ph. 13" PRONTO rLCMBKR CaU us for that anrry op Job. We don't hold yoa up Is price-. Res, phone 543 office. M4t PabSc SteBograpae-. F. T. FOLEY, Public Stenographer Gen eral reporting. Phoae T3-. 1 First Nat - Roofs Ef. ALL KINDS OF ROOF WORK New. pa!a' irqr. -eaairing. Estimates furnished. Clar Jl Weeks. Props- L X. J- Roof Paint C Phone 3. Seeds FOR SLVLK Choice valley grown a'f-i f i seed, lie per lb. Phone 1311 Write EJ tl BurC 1121 Ariaona St. El Paso Tenet .ALFALFA 9RRB Fancy Write or call samples aad prices. El Paso Seed Co San Antonio St. Phone 33. Secesd Hand Gothing. HHIHE8T POSSIBLE PRICES paid for kinds mill hand elethlBg. Phone 403 : HIGrlEST PRICES TAID for rren's se. hand clothing New starter Phone 53. HICIUCrjT riUCBS Phone M5S PAID for old cloth's. T Amies- AMI Afl?xS second hand cioth ne ' bought, highest prices paid. Phoae 31S3 SECOND HAND clo-hlntr bonghc Ph. OSS SecsHJ Hand Fr-rnlr-rre. WASTED 2d hand furniture. R. L. Dan. iels Fur-llure and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 10i HIGHEST PRICES TAID for second hand. fiirniture, stoves, carpets. Phoae 409T. Texas F-rlturo Co- H-B Paso SC WE BUY, SELL, or e-nhange anythlnc la hoaoahold grooda. Rio Grande Hardware and Far-lurre Co.. 47 N. Oregon SC Ph. 34. NEW FCRNiTlKE exchanged for old. W.l. buy second band goods. Phone 1293. Home FBr-MBre Co- 111 N. Stasten SC BXCIIAX3B NEW PTJKN'nXKi: Fur oo-ond hand. Westera FBrBit-re Co, MB) a El Paso 8C Phoae 1433. Signk. CITY SrSN OO- 39 N. atsnton. Ph. 1247 SSej, MADE IN EL PASO. Garr. Steel, bast made. Bills, atrtton 3t White Manafactarlng Co. S---9-I LeSawas. MRS. riDENCLA A. CAHREON Ph. 3433 PROF. BR.VVO. Ph. 339. 24 Buckler Slit. CON-ER-VTIONAL Parmoro college. Pa. Steve Repakiag-. SftTOAE REPAIRING New parts made an carrled for al makes of stoves. L, J. Peeler, with D snd H Iron Works. Phone 344. Storage Warei-rHS-j. EL PASO STORAGE WAREHOCSE L-x--ssc liost equipped in dty. Goods called tor and stored Cheapest aad best- Ph. 2134 KL PAPO TRINK FACTORY" New vt" house, safest location, peoslbly lowest rat Office 107 Main SC Phone 134. Taaks. TANKS, CnYERTS, Irrigation pipe silc garages, etc Ask for catalog. Phone 145. Hil'a. Sutton -: hlte Manufacturing Co Jsskz vAAATTED To buy 2d hand tools and gars, H Moor. 309 S. El Pjo SC Trawfr aad Sterage. I.AONS TK.-N41ER CO 312 to IX" i h ne 42d Mo-ing anil storage, packing a hlpping Let me move ttt. To-fk-vt- 8-rla-;. o N. OREIjON Plonc 19 Leo. I TyjrevnKers. ' TAPKWRITER AND OFFICE MFPLY CO. I L m1"s' oo'. rented, repaired. Coroaa -vw-r tl Mill. St fho-ie -9 ' I Vulorinai-tr .Sirrs-eaac. j AT-TKRIN KA j 4517 lup ta f l RGEONT Brown. jt i ..r- ,i Texas. Ph. Ph WeWing SrKefis. , HRA A I welded 1 sstomobi . .eluing . -, HELD ANY ETAL THAT MEITS." OlRNTEE not to CK.vCk 1 Pa i 11 H