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EL PASO HERALD "Wednesday, April 7, 1915 Calumet Baking Powder Is Used In Baking At Herald's Cooking School SOCIETY DOINGS About El Pasoans. V. F Diehl, who ha ben ill at Providence boiqrital. u improving. Michael Haider Is sick in Providence 1 ospital. Mrs C Stambough is ill at Provl oence hospital. Mrs. Margaret Can is ill in Provi dence hospital. Mrs George Webster, who has been ill in Providence hospital, is improving. M- c Enos, who has been quite 111 at Hotel Dieu. is beginning to Improve. Charles Wilkerson Is III at Providence hospital. Miss Nel'lie-Copps is improving, after an operation a Hotel Dieu. Mrs F C. Dever returned to her home Tuesday after being ill at Hotel Dieu. Miss Pauline Dorman is ill at Hotel I leu 3iss Lizzie Johnson is improving from an operation at Hotel Dieu. A Campbell is doing well at Ho- II Dieu He has been quite sick. Mrs G P StoeJcer is improving front her recent Illness at Hotel Dieu. M. I Lincoln is improving from his i'lness at Hotel Diem. Miss Stella Phipps, who Is III at Hotel Dieu, is improving nicely. Mrs. A. Murry is doing well after an operation at Hotel Dieu. T Taylor, -who has been ill at Hotel Dieu. is improving. A. M. McCorkie is doing nicely at Ho tel Dieu, -where he has been ill for a short time L. Ml Norton has begun to improve. ORIGINALITY- is the stamp tnat ais tinguiskes the EDISON from otner makes. EDISON tne inventor gives to tne people tne accomplisnment or tnree years ox nis life s labor m tne diamond disc phonograph. IT IS YOURS and Edison has made it possible through the production of this instrument that every home in" this broad land may enjoy genu ine music. The music of artists and not a cheap mechanical reproduction. HEAR IT AT THE HERALD'S COOKING SCHOOL Kir aso 202 week after week with do thought of the future earns NO INTEREST for YOU it's the other party who benefits by your spending! Wouldn't you feel happier to spend half the amount for pleasure and have the other half earning Interest, at our Savings Department? Try it for six months and see. Safety Deposit Yaults Engage one now to store your valuables in whde put of town. Protection now will save fatare regrets. 4 ON SAVINGS. Rio Grande Valley Bank and Trust Company "Bank of Service." aftef being ill for some time at Hotel Dieu. Miss Vera Scott, who was operated upon at Hotel Dieu recently, is im proving. T. Wolff has returned to his home, after being 111 for a short time in Ho tel Dieu. Mrs. M. A. Villareai was operated upon at Hotel Dieu Monday. She is doing nicely. R. Terry, who has been 111 at Hotel Dieu, has recovered sufficiently to re turn to his home. Mrs. H. Frank has returned to her home, after undergoing an operation at Hotel Dieu. Mrs. H. T. Kills is improving at Hotel Dieu, after undergoing an operation recently. W. H. Cameron Is detacr weU. after being sick for a short time In Hotel Dieu Mrs. Sarah Barger, who was recently operated upon at Hotel Dieu, is Im proving. Miss Lena Sawyer, who was ill for a time in Providence hospital, has recov ered and returned to her home. C K. Wharton, who was ill at Provi dence hospital, has returned to bis home. Mrs. Anna Roberts has returned to her home, after being ill for a short time in Providence hospital Mrs. R. W. Knoblauch, who was 111 for a time in Providence hospital, has recovered sufficiently to return home. Mrs. C. Hoffman and little baby son have returned to their home from Prov idence hospital. Miss Sadi. Nathan, who was 111 In Phono TEXAS Money Spent Providence hospital for a short time, has recoered sufficiently to return to her home. Mrs C F Ferris, of Rio Grande street, was recently operated upon at Providence hospital. She is doing mcelv. Mrs. Florine I. Miller, who has been ill at Providence hospital for some time, following an operation, has re covered sufficiently to return to her home in the Knickerbocker apartment!. Weddings. Arthur I Davidson and Miss Atune Ea Holyoke. both of Morenci, Aflx-. v.ere marled Tuesday afternoon at the home of Rev. Herman G Porter, 170S Rampart street. The double ring serv ice was used. The bridal couple were accompanied by the groom father, G H .Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. David son will make their home in Morenci, Ariz., where the groom is in business. Miss I-orna Appleton and Francis Roy Symes were marten Tuesday night at the borne of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Appleton, on North St. Vram street. Rev. Herman G. Porter performed the marriage ceremony, using the ring service. Only the most intimate friends of the oung couple Mere the wedding guests. Mr. and Mrs. Symes will make their home In El Paso at ? Wyoming street. T.NC Master Builders Concrete floor hardner and save wear. Hines has it Advertisement. While Pine screen Coots at Hines. Price them. Advertisement. EDISON $80 Ask About Records of Edison Make Produce Real Music Wild Cherry Mint balad Sherru Maccaroon Nesselrode Jiaspberry Sherbet Bit Our Easy Terms flit &' -mHn& lsssP graph Co. Imperial Punch Pudding And many other dainty, most appetizing salads and with RICH'S TRYPHOSA and RICK'S IMPERIAL WINE JELLIES They are the highest possible grade of gelatin and the purity of ingredients is guaranteed. The flavors are the FUKEST and MOST able. BRING YOUR SPOON STAND at the HERALD COOKING SCHOOL and be convinced. Get book, of recipes at Parties. Mrs C Wesley Webdell is entertain ing this afternoon at her home on Mesa avenue for her Sunday school class in the primary department. An Easter party will be given Thurs day night in the basement of Trinity Methodist church for the older boys and firls of the Sundaj school and church, he hostesses will be Mesdames L. J. Trotti. Hubert Smith. William Hart. B L. Murph), C. C Henderson. W. H. Anderson and H N Miller Miss Mabyn Madison will give a re cital of expression Friday night at the First Christian church. Those taking part in the program will be Misses Madison. Christine McMillen, Ernestine Alarid and Frances Bogardus. Mrs. H. E. Bowles, Messrs. Edwin C. Knick meyer, E. II. Homan. Henry Madison and 3- M. Hyten. The ushers will be Misses Myrtle Langford. Elizabeth Lucas. Mattle Clark. Eryline, Vowell. Opal Hadlock. Mattle Sawyers, Lucille McKee. Bernie Mattocks and Alberta Mae Martin Miss Alice CooK entertained a party of friends at her home on Federal street Tuesday evening An Interest ing program was given. Miss Reba Moore gave a reading. A eomedv sketch, "Two Heads Are Better Than One," was given by Miss Alice Cook. Miss Marjorle Greene and Fred Talbot Miss UlHaa Oibbs sang -What's the Use of Being Good'" Miss Willie Fer guson gave a few humorous recita tions. Miss Willie Bell Higginbotham played a piano solo. The girls of the party sang a parody on "Yankee Doodle." Other popular songs were sung by the guests with Mrs. Mabel J. Peale playing the piano accompani ments. At the close of the program a buffet supper was enjoyed. Those present were Misses Ruth Hickman. Reba Moore, Ida May Word. Edna Richardson. Willie Bell Higginbothara. Lillian Gibbs, Willie Ferguson, Helen Samson, Marjorie Greene, Grace Cook. Eunice Cook, and Alice Cook. Mesdames Mabel J.-Peale. Marie Hamilton. John KrahL C. Wlllson Peale and J. W. Cook. Messrs. Shelby Solves, Ray Davis. Roy Thomason, Dan Harris. Earl Smith. Milton Brown, Ralph Morrow, Fred Talbot and C. W Peale. Dances. Mrs. J E. Rheln entertained with a delightful dance Tuesday night at her home on Oregon street in honor of her niece. Miss Maud Latchaw of Daven port. Ill-, who is her house guest. The rooms were decorated with quantities of southern smilax. training over the walla festooned about the doorwaj arches and. twined about the chan deliers. Among the smilax were sus pended white doves and narcissus blossoms were used in quantities about the house. During the dance inter missions punch was served and later a light supper was enjoyed. The hostess was assisted In entertaining by her i sisters. Mrs. Zella A. Latchaw, oi Davenport, 11L. and Mrs. Gertrude K Crook, and Miss Anna Sorenson. There were about Zt guests. The semi-monthlv post hop of the officers at Fort Bliss Tuesday night was attended bv a little larger crowd than usuaL The 15th cavalry orchestra plaed the dance music Punch was sered in the dance Intermissions. In the receiving line were Ma, and Mrs. ' Patrick H. McAndrews, Capt. and Mrs. j Robert Mearns and Capt. and Mrs V ' Owen Seaman Among those present were MaJ. and Mrs W. R. Sample Maj . and Mrs. P H. McAndrew, Capt. an.l ! Mrs. George C Bernhardt, Capt and r Mrs. Alfred W B'ornstad, Capt. and I Mrs A. On en Seaman, Capt. and Mrs C (, Smith. Lieut, and Mrs. Henry E. Lewis, Lieut and Mrs. Rex H. Rhoades. Mr.-and Mrs Frank Ainsa. Mr. and Mrs S W Daniels. Mesdames Franklin O Johnson. J H Lewis, of Columbus. X M, K. M Lewis. John Carlton Murphy. Gertrude Ledbetter. Misses Virginia Bean. Virginia Semple. Mary Kays 1 Alves. Anne Lee Rix. Edith Morgan I alena Garrard, Adelaide Lewis, Mar garet Johnson. Gen. John J. Pershing. Col George H Morgan. CoL Joseph Garrard, Col Herbert J. Slocum, MaJ. r J Manly.' Capt. Clyfford Game. Capt. Douglas Potts, Capt William Graham, Lieuts. Chester H. Hodges. Theodore Barnes. Jr.. James L. Collins, J. G. Bos well Stuart W Cramer. Jr.. William G. V ea er, Austin M. Pardee, Messrs. Tames Alves. W. F. Payne, Howard Merrill and Joe Hole. El Pasoans Reluming. Charles DeGroff, proprietor of the ho tel Orndorff. returned on Tuesday from a trip to California. Mrs. DeGroff is In poor health and will remain In Califor nia for the present and will be Re joined by her husband in about two weeks. 9156.00 Diamond Ring Free. To further advertise our Fountains, we are going to give some one a S1S6.M Diamond Ring Tbe rules of this con test are simple. Every cent spent at any one of our Fountains entitles you to one vote. Coupons are issued with every purchase. These are punched to show number of votes you are entitled to. Write tbe name of the one for whom you wish to vote and deposit in the ballot box Announcement will be made on the first of each month as to the standing of tbe contestants. On October 1 the one havlnc the largest number of votes will win the ring. See the Diamond Ring, which will be dis played at W. T. Hlxson & Cos. If you want a US. Diamond Ring Free, Stop at Scott White's and get It- Scott -While S. Co.. 3 Stores. (Advertisement.) Tulli Fruili Bisaue Peach Glace StrawberrU Whip Violet Souffle beautiful, economical and desserts can be prepared DELICIOUS obtain and DISH to RICH'S the display. ill Dinners, Luncheons, Teas. T M. Beall entertained tbe grooms men of his bridal party Tuesday night at a stag dinner at the Harvey house. The table was decorated with Jonquils and there were buttonhole bouquets of jonquils for each guests. There were present F M Beall. W D Maj -field. J Davis Ma field. Tom Ma field. Carl A Beers, Charles A. Brandberjr and W W Carroll - After tbe dinner the groomsmen motored to the home of the bride-to-be. Miss Frances May field, and the wedding rehearsal was held The wedding ceremony will be performed by Rei. J F. Williams to night at the First Baptist church. Mrs. John Carlton Murphy, of San Francisco, who is the house guest of Mrs. Frank Ainsa, was the guest of honor at a charming afternoon tea, given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Ainsa at her home, on Mesa avenue The guests were met at the door by little Misses Geraldlne and Roaelle Ainsa. who were gowned in white lingerie frocks. Mrs. Ainsa and Mrs. Murphy received the guests by the mantel In the drawing room. On tbe mantel above them were quantities of pink car nations and ferns and beside them were tall gilt wicker vases filled with fresh peach blossom. Mrs Ainsa wore a costume of white satin with drapery of chiffon and net, ornamented with Ir ridescent beads and silver metallic lace. Mrs. Murphy wore a gown of rose col ored chiffon, heavily ornamented with imdescent beads over white satin. In the dining room refreshments were served Mrs. Julius A Buckler and Mrs. J B Gray poured tea and they were assisted in serving by a bevy of tbe ounger set. who were Misses Marion Ainsa,, Part) Ainsa. Virginia Semple, Fdith Morgan. Estelle Berrien. Emily Kemp. Martha Tnurmond, Clara Hague and Olive Davis The serving table was prettily decorated with -a centerpiece of pink carnations and ferns and pink rose shaded candles were about the table An orchestra played in the conserva tory during the afternoon. About 49 of the prominent women of the city as sisted Mrs. Ainsa In entertaining the guests. There were several hundred callers during the afternoon. The best cools and the most particu lar housekeepers In the southwest agree that the quality of Dicksle brand fruits, berries and vegetables is unsurpassed Advertlsement- IT IS YOUR FACE that counts so cially or in ousiness Wrinkles, Hollow or Sagging Cheeks. Double Chins. Puffy Eyes, Outstanding Ears. Roman Noses. Sunken Noses. Ill- Shaped Lips. Super fluous Hair and Moles, all scientifi cally treated. Consultation Free. V. BEVSIIV. GRACE Face Specialist nf Chicago, HW IU.HALU 11 LLDIG. r English Breakfast Gun Powder Coylon Japan &, 0XE OF THESE GUARANTEED TEASPOONS IX OF OUR . STATESMAN BRAND TEA The Popular Priced Tea Our COFFEES are Famous for their QUALITY and tne good Housewives in across tne continent to .Los Angeles on the Pacific If our coffees did not have QUALITY do you think "wr sucn a large territory -r-K.i.aujjeirix JsxtAJNU I llFtf Cards. Tbe Silent Twelve card club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs E. M. Fraser at her home on West Rio Grande street. Mrs. C W. Fraser won the first club prise and Mrs. Tom White the consolation prize. Mrs. C K. Wolf won tbe first guest prise and Mrs. J. A. Fraser the consolation prize. The prize for which the players cut was won by Mrs. L G. Abbott- Re freshments were enjojed after the games. The Mixed Doubles club was enter tained Tuesday night by Mrs. William McSain at her home on Nevada street. Tbe only guest in addition to the club members was Mrs. Wche Greer The game of 50 was played. Mrs. Wtihe Greer and S. T Cross won the first prizes. Mrs. John Bowling and Haves Watson won the consolation prises and the prises for which the players cut were won by Mr. an- Mrs. H. J. Ster ner A two course luncheon was served when the games were over. Mrs. John Dowling will be tbe next hostess of the club A 500 club to be known as the "Jolly Neighbors," was organized Tuesdav aft ernoon at the home of Mrs Ernest Dep perman. on Hill street. The club will meet every other Tuesday Mrs. H. Bussing will entertain the duo Tues day afternoon April 13, at her home. 918 San Antonio street. Mrs. Depper man was elected president, Mrs. Her bert TJrch was chosen secretarj The members of the club are Mesdames Ernest Depperman G H Bussing. Frank Wood, J T Sullivan i; H John son, Jack V Hughes. A Hillman J L. Get a Can Now Before The Wholesome Loaf TTS wholesome, nutritious and made from the purest ateriafe scien- H Btifieallv put together and baked "just to a turn" by experts. Wrapped I in waxed paper to keep it deas and sweet from oar ovens to your table. H SEE OUR DISPLAY AT THE HERALD COOKING SCHOOL I For Sale by All Grocers. Made by II A Hill A Ask Your Grocer He Knows. " See Our New Can On Display the Southwest from Galveston ? it is t&e (J LAXITY that AMBASSADOR BRAND COFFEES PACKED IN AIRTIGHT SEALED LITHOGRAPH CANS Into the THOUSANDS of HOMES. "Ask Your Grocer for a can today. HE KNOWS." Three Delicious Blends 45c 40c 35c Per Pound. Woods J J Meuttmann. Farl Maxon. Henry Jarrell and Herbert Lrch After the organization meeting, the afternoon was pleasantly spent pla ing cards Afterward a three course luncheon was served Mrs. Depperman hid as her guests, in addition to the club mem bers, Mrs. R. H Meyer of Houston and Mrs. R- L. Trousdale, of Canutillo vwwewwww Positive Relief For Constipation The progress of modern medical science is, perhaps, no more force fully evident than in the simplifying of many of the old time remedies of past generations. For Instance the harsh cathartics and violent pur gatives used by oar forefathers to relie e constipation are now know n to be not only naaecessary but reall harmful. Constipation can be more effectively rehevea without the dis comfort and pasit these old-time remedies occasion. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold in drug stores under the name of Dr Cald weirs Syrup Pepsin ih most effect ive. et mild and pleasant. It i ab solutely free from opiates and nar cotics and equallv as desirable a remedy for the tiniest babe 1 to rugged manhood A free trial bot tie can be obtained b writmi? t) Dr "W P Caldwell 432 "Washing ion St . MonMcello, Ills. WVVVwr,wwwr,Wrr,w,Arr,TrAArr,ww,w, SPEOLAL MIXED FOR IGED TEA' EVERY 02HJ LB. CAN ' the Spoons Are All Gone. at CooMnr School. are used extensivelv bv on the Gulf of Mexico Coast. they woidd be demanded has put STATESMAN ' BRAND ) te. H fef t?lia L f J