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EL PASO HERALD Wednesday, April 7, 1913 De Kvle Smith's Art China Is a Feature At Herald Cooking School w STREL IN 1 HUE I Lodge Minstrels and Elks March Behind Band; Officers Installed. Elks paraded through the downtown district at noon Wednesday -with the w Municipal band to an-junce the i Iks" minstrel to be lven at the Texas 'and theater this e enins. Behind the 1 and marched the members of the I. Iks- minstrel troupe, led by Charles rmstrons;. Interlocutor. Tut parade -was headed by a platoon oi mounted police. The minstrel men tio-e silk hats and linen dusters and .-arriod anes after the approved style in minstrel companies. The singers . nd other entertainers for the bis show appeared in the purple and white uniforms of Elks week. Many other in-mb-rs of the lodge marched in the parade, which stopped in Pioneer plaza, where the band gave a. brief concert The minstrel company held its final ri leersal Tuesday night following the irstalation of officers of the lodge. The rehearsal started at 11:30 and ccntinued until 1:20 a. m. The solo ists and chorus for the show also gave a, program of patriotic and Elks' songs during the installation. Instal Officers. The instalation of exalted ruler Rtoy D Barnum and the new officers of tti lodge occurred Tn ay evening at the lodge room of the club. V. K Stiles, exalted ruler for the past ear. pre sided for the last time and made a farewell address to the lodgo. thank ing the members for the loal suppo t given him during 'lis administration. The officers elected at the annual elec tion and installed Tuesday night are. Hoy D. Barnum, exalted ruler; C. I "Wolfe, esteemed leading knight. Clop ton T. Smith, esteemed loyar knight. John D. Mason, esteemed lecturing knight. J E. Anderson, secretary; 1' M Murcluson, treasurer. . R. Stiles, trustee. T Sam worth, tler. Dr. G. It Higgins, chaplain. W. It Case, es quire, J. J. Kaster, inner guard. During the impresMte instalation ceremonies. Edward Kneeiell. pioneer member of the El Paso lodge, pre sented Mr. Barnum with a big boquet c flowers from "the bunch," meaning Mr Barnum's clos friends in the lodge. Mr. Barnum is county auditor and has been active in the lodge af fairs for many years. After the instalation a luncheon was serred in the banquet room for all of the members of the lodge and visitors. YOU MAY. SAY WHAT YOU LIKE-- Si opvrlfht, 1915, International News Serrice. THE ONE BEST WAY TO COOK MEAT b being: demonstrated by Mrs. Evans at The Herald Cooking School with a THERM ATlC'vo'. Cooked m a Thennatic meats are always just done "to a turn," and all the delicious flavors and juices are retained. And k's so easy to cook with a Thennatic not only meats but anything else you like. Krakauer, Zork & Moye's, S. I. 117 San Francisco St "Hardware Satisfaction" V. .CTCH' I ftv. fr&.i ;ont i ?ukhouPj YiK I look Rtfiutp!) -AUHOU6H The. STofzitt ofpisnM are FULL OF ROrANCfc., -AP ALTHOUGH ROBir4SOr4 CRUSOE. IS "A'FASClrrirl&PnE.CE F LITrART'lr4VErlTl0rJJ- X. " IKtAMlRI H OH N -& (THAT THERE MOUNTAm 1 "AMP ALTHOU&H THE ARABIAN NIGHTS 16 A THRlLLIrJCr Work or FANCY? -AMP ALTHOUGH TREASURE ISUAND 5 A MASTERPIECE o? IMAGINATION," r -fitWErtf r,ar4& &TF0RE US. urP- ARE- THE EtfcMV AT ALL PolUT?'. The EH&MY HAS NO CHAMCE WITH US: we HAVE. 3EATEM "WE. EN?MY AT llbCTLYZT V9UMPTRU AND EVERtV4JtR WE HAVE Got The 31-OOMW& The Quality Of a Loaf of Bread its flavor and nutriment depend on the ma terials that go into it. Fleischmann's Yeast through perfect fermentation in the dough, develops all the goodness in the flour and brings out that wholesome wheat flavor. Always eat bread made with Fleischmann's Yeast Special Demonstration at The Herald Cooking School. iJV I .x.. ". I "- "'I U"5. tiSS. VfaTTSr-SS5i--miL--" . L .w fSi?r cxt.. rxUN ffl $ S rkr--J ' IPS tikuHw gsl II I m i ' i r i r n Toer- i " MSa-fej: T- -VHEM IT OS-ME.5 Tb REALLY GREATtriuMPHS of FlCTlOM IT TAK&S MlUfTARY &UY5T0 PUT TMEM ACROSS' OKI Dinner Ware Individuality The modem housewife of iasle strives for sterling worth combined vith individuality, in her table furnishings. This typifies our nen stock of China and Class-ware to a degree. Carefully, personally selected from the latest and most exclusive patterns in English Bone China and Porcelains, French. Austrian. Japanese and American lines, frith complete service in glassware. ALL OPEN STOCK ARTS AND CRAFTS DEPARTMENT SPECIALIZING IN CARD PRIZES DeKvIe Smith 102 N. Stanton St, Phone 2398. EXHIBITING- AT HERALD COOKING SCHOOL NOBODY COULD REALLY BLAE THE YOUNG MAN For Doesn't Drafon" Barae l.ook Just I.Ike- a rreacjierf A. Story on the &. 1 TrnTellnjc Man. "You're the new Baptist preaoiler. aren't you?" breathlessly asked a noung man of W. E. Barnes, of Tucson. Aria, traveling freight and passenger agent of the Southern Pacific railroad, as he stood in front of the Enterprise office in Silver City talking to a reporter Before Mr. Barnes could recover from his confusion and deny the soft Im peachment the prospective bridegroom exclaimed. "Well, you are warfted right up to tne hotel, as rm Halting to tie married, and here's J 16 for doing a good job." Mr. Barnes eyed the Jl longingly. sighed and gently informed the young man that he was just an ordinary earth pilot, piloting people over the South ern Pacific It all goes to ahow that appearances are sometimes deceptive. We have seen preahcefs who ought to have been copunchers and we're seen railroad men who ought to have been preachers. Mr. Barnes Is of the latter class. He dresses in modest black with a bow tie. has a pleasant and smiling counte nance like unto that, of aeherabim who has just received an order from St. Peter for a round tflp ticket over the Southern Pacific to the Frisco exposi tion, and has that even, steady dispo sition that not even a live commotion In Deming could jar loose. They tell a story on Mr. Barnes, that attending the funeral of a deceased citizen, he was mistaken for the preacher and was asked to make a few remarks on the life of the departed brother. Mr. Barnes, equal to the oc casion, arose and said that while he did not know the deceased he would Improve the opportunity by making a few remarks on the excellence of the service of the Southern Pacific road. This last is believed to be a fable, but any way Mr. Barnes is a consistent and loyal booster, not only for his road, but for everything else. TEXAS MONEY BILL MAY CALL FOR $16,000,000 Austin. Texas, April 7 Considerable progress has already been made by the chairmen of the house and senate com mittees on appropriations In the prep aration of the general appropriation bill, although they have just started. In order that the work may be sys tematized, the subcommittees will spend the remainder of the week: hers. The chairmen of the committees will later Tislt all state eleomosynary and other institutions at Austin: then a trip will be made over the state to the institutions situated at other points. The date for making this trip has not as yet been decided upon. It is begin ning to look as if the money bill will carry in excess of K.000,OOO. BATTLESHIP ARIZONA WILL BE LAUNCHED ON JUNE 19 Washington. D. O. April T. Secre tary of the navy Dnlel,,announced last Tuesday that the battleship Arizona will be launched June 1. The battle ship la being Sullt at the Wew York navy yard. The governor of Arizona has been invited to name-th ships sponsor. Gov. Hunt is reported to have under consideration the' names of half a doz en young women. o of whom will b asked to christen the battleship. The goernor, many state officials and a large number of other Arizonans ex pect to be present at the launching. When appropriations are considered during tne special session oi me i,ia- lature. a bill is to be Introduced pro- I vie, engraved with the state seal, for I presentation to the battleship. SECIUTIY B.VK 3IBI5TIMJ The annual meeting of ' the stock holders of the Security Trust St Savings bank was held Tuesday afternoon at , the bank. No change was made in either the official staff or the director , ate of the bank. DILLON OUTFIGHTS MURRAY IN NO DECISION BOUT Hudson. Wia. April 7 Jack Dillon of Indianapolis outfought Billy Vurray of Lioa Angeles in a ten round, no de cision bout here Tuesday night, in the opinion of a majority of tha newspaper men .at the ringside. The Hrst three rounds were even and In the fourth had a shade Murrav evened I matters in the fifth, but after that Dillon had the better of the going, taking the last four rounds by vary I ing margins. HIGH SCHOOL BOY WI.NS I GOI.P CHA3II'IOS!IIP I Pinehurst. X. C. April 7. Fillmore K. Robeson, a New York high school ' student, won the championship Tues day in the lath annual north and south amateur golf championship. Robeson finished z up over Henry J. Toppen of Greenwich, Conn., in tne It hole final. Hllnro Itooflnc is guaranteed Hines Lumber and Coal Co. Advertisement. MIDWICK POI.O TKAM DKFKATS COOPEIU.TOWX San Francisco. Calif- April 7. The Midwick team of Pasadena. Calif, de feated Tuesday the four of Coopers town, X Y- by a score of 14 1-4 to 5 in the semi finals for the Golden Gates cups on the Pa na ma -Pacific exposition field. WOMAN DENIES PROPOSING HUSBANDS EXCHANGE WIVES Paola, Has. April 7 Mrs. Belle Hornbaker. wife of Koscoe Horjibaker. a rural mail carrier of Louisburg. Kas. who is held in connection with the mur der of George McElhenry, postmaster of that place, took the stand Tuesday In her husband's defence at his pre liminary examination. Mrs. Hornbaker denied she ever dis cussed with Mrs. McElhenry a proposed change of wives by their husbands or any Improper relations existing be tween her husband and Mrs. McElhenry. A hlte rine screen aoors at Htnes Fuce them Adertisement LOVE E Consider the retailer: For every single article he sells, his trade is solicited by many manufacturers. He cannot buy. from all. His selection is influenced chiefly by two considerations: 1st Present profit. 2nd Pleasing his cus tomers so they will return to him. You may be sure that those who sell Fownes gloves have not forgotten the second of these considerations. PACIFIC COAST HEADQUARTERS BANKERS INVESTMENT BUILDING. SAN PKANCISCO $4 Special $4 We are going to sell a lot of those pretty and useful RAMEKINS The kind that Mrs. Eoans uses in her demon strations at The Herald Cooking School at $4 the set of 6. Wethaoe besides many good things in Cas seroles, Baking Dishes, Sapdwieh Trays, and all the pieces that help to make the table attrac tive and the meal enjoyable. Trie A. D. Foster Co. (Whose Slots b in e HtrM BUg.) "Ow wedding r'mgs mturc hop&f manages" Ele etne m Saturday at The Herald Cooking School Mrs. Edna Evans will demonstrate the ECONOMY and CONVENIENCE of WESTINGH0USE Electrical Household Devices With a WESTINGH0USE Electric Breakfast Set (Toaster Stove and Percolator) a complete breakfast can be cooked Easily and Quickly and Served Hot. No woman who knows the value of Westinghouse Elec trical household devices (and who counts her own time and trouble as something) will be without them. "IF ITS ELECTRICAL WE HAVE IT." National Telegraphone & Supply Co. 317 Mills St. Phone 759. IS'fOILBURNlNOlw. 1 SAX ANTONIO AND RETUEX On Sale April 18th to 24th. Limit 26th. $13,00 On Sale April 22nd. Limit April 24th. All good on the SUNSET LIMITED San Francisco and return I .. .$45.00 Los Angeles and return $35.00 San Diego and return $35.00 On Sale Daily Limit Three Months. , CITY TICKET OFFICE, No. 208 Oregon St. v 1 4 M 4