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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EX PASO HERALD 8 "Wednesday, April 7, 1915 HREOGGUHS IN UNI Texas Co.'s Service Station Damaged; Piremen Con fine Blaze to Room. Fix which broKe out in the wall of a ti ution In the local service station ..f ilie Texas company, oil and gasoline rioak rs. at 14 North Stanton street it u. 9 oclock. Tuesday morning, . aused considerable smoke and excite i ,(-nt but no great financial loss "ft lta so much oil and gasoline in the store, flreflghtlng was both an exciting .and a dangerous task but the firemen opt the blaze under good control, flooding it out with two hose streams. For the first 15 minutes, the heavy smoke caused many of the firemen to stagger back to the open air to get a breath but when the smoke helmets were brought into use there was no more trouble. The smoke jenetrated the upper floor, where the Texas company has its general offices and drove out all the clerks. CroiTd Fears Explosion. A large crowd gathered around the front of the building and greatly im peded the work of the firemen. Sud uenl there was a crash inside the building Some one shouted. "Look nut" and for the next minute all one ould see was heels. Fear of an explo sion in the big gasoline tank under the sidewalk proved better to disperse a con d than the policemen. The fire was confined to the Texas ompanj's store and damage to the ex tent of a few hundred dollars was done here The adjoining merchants re ported little or no damage. FIRE DAMAGKS HOME IV -ABSBXCE OF THE FAMILY Fire that started from a lamp sit ting on a sewing machine in the home of a Mexican, corner of Second and Campbell streets, caused a run of the fire department Tuesday night at S:30. The family was in Juarez at the time and a passerby, seeing the flames. brokt into the house, removing several articles of furniture. The fire was put out with small loss It is presumed t hat the fire started from ' a Curtain blown against the lamp. It nines figure tnat lumber MIL Adr. Athey elotb.-m.ea weather strip keeps out the cold. Rathbun-flx Co. Adv. "While fine screen doors at Hines. Price them Advertisement. Iet Iltnes figure that lumber bill. Adv. LOSING HOPE WOMAN VERY ILL Finally Restored To Health By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. BeHevue, Ohio. "I was in a terrible ttate before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. My back ached until I thought it would break, I had pains all over me, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. I was very weak and run down and was losing- hope of ever being; well and strong. After tak ing Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound I improved! rapidly and today am a well woman. I cannot tell yon how happy I feel and cannot say too much for your Compound!. Would not be without it in the house i it cost three times the amount" Mrs. Chas. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 7, Belle vne, Ohio. Woman's Precious Gift. The one which she should most zeal ously guard, is her health, but it is the one most often neglected, until some ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her. When so af fected such women may rely upori Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a. remedy that has been wonderfully suc cessful in restoring health to suffering women. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound "will help you, write toLydiaE.Plnkham aiedicfneCo. (confidential) Lynn,3Iass.. for ad vice. Your letter "will he opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. Husband Works In Steel Mills Mrs. Bertha Hartman Learned the News from Friends of Her Husband. Plant Juice, the new herbal svstem mc, brings the sunshine of health to poor body that has long lingered in i winter of sickness. Many local men and women who have suffered i rom stomach disorders and its ac- ompan ing- distressing: symptoms have fMt the sunshine of health, as -their i nitrous testimonials show Mrs, I'ortha. Hartman. who lives at No. 1820 J -a -kins alley. South Side. (Pa.) and i". hose husband is a boiler-maker, em , loed b the Jones & La u phi in Steel "Tills hae lived at the above address V r six j ears, where they are well Known Mrs. Hartman stated Mv husband and I had been very nervous and could not sleep My ap petite was bad and I had that tired. run down feeling We had tried all ) inds of remedies, but they did not sem to suit our case Some of the employes of the mill were telling us 4 bout Plant Juice and said thev knew t would help us Finally my husband J rGught home a bottle and we both liegan to use it Tt helped us the er first da My husband has improved o much that he is he has 7iever felt l"tter My appetite has returned apd T am no lonper nerou "We would i o be withou' this medicine in our house as we both fetl that we are vell s-mii " Plant Juice is sold in El Paso by i Kell & Pollard dru store, where nig: irfodiifHl in fS nunts rP- c er i ment. OUR ANTEDELUVIAN ANCESTORS! f. IWl.WE' . r r-rlfti? IIJ0ST7 f "Judge Skindothes has an awfully hard time on the bench." "How so?" "Why, his court stenographer makes so much noise taking notes that nobody can hear the testimony' HISTORIC GIB WIIMS Judge Peyton Edwards to Present Piece of Furniture That Has a History. Judge Peton F Edward has re received a chair from Milam lodge No. 2. A. F & A. M. of Nacogdoches. Tex. Judge Edwards was born In Nacog doches and is past master of Milam lodge. His grandfather, Haden Ed wards, who had a colony grant as em presarlo, with its headquarters located in Nacogdoches, came to Texas in 18!4. When Milam lodge was organized in 1837 Haden Edwards was master of the lodge, and in that year the lodge pur chased 1! chairs. The chairs were home made, hide bottom chairs, and have been in use ever since, and on Feb. 27 of this year. Milam lodge passed a reso lution presenting one of these chairs to judge Edwards. The chair is pajnted blue, and has on the 'slats at the back this Inscrip tion. "187 (square and cAnnass), ISIS. Milam lodge No. 2, Nacogdoches, Texas." Judge Edwards has had placed on the back of the chair the following: Pre sented to Peyton F. Edwards by Milam lodge No. 2, A. F. A. M, in memory of his grandfather. Haden Edwards, who was worthy master in 187. when this chair was made for the lodge. Feb. 27 1915." The chair haB been placed temporarily in the blue lodge hall in the Masonic temple Haden Edwards was one of several Masons who organized a lodge In Nacogdoches in 182 under the Jurisdic tion of the grand lodge of Louisiana, and he was first master of this lodge. In 187 the grand lodge of Texas was organized in Houston, and the Nacog doches lodge became Milam No. 2, being preceded only by Holland lodge No 1 of Houston. Gen. Sam Houston presided at the meeting in Houston on Dec. 2. 187. that organised the grand lodge of the republic of Texas. SETES FOR SCHOOL GARDENS OFFERED School gardens, where the children of the southern part of town may plant vegetables and cultivate these dcring the summer, will be established within a short time on vacant lots near the schools The use of the tracts near the FranKlin. BeaU. Aoy and Alamo schools has been offered by the land owners for this purpose and an inspection trip to the various land plots was made this morning, by superintendent It. J. Tighe and Walter Kohlberg The land will be divided into small garden plots where the children may raise vegetables. There will be a di rector in charge of each garden plot and the plots will be used as demon stration gardens, where the children may be taught garden methods The land near the Beall school Is the property of J. I. KeeriL George Look owns fhe land near the Frank lin school which has been offered for the garden and Mrs. Mary S. Ward owns the land tracts near the Aov school and the Alamo school which have been offered for this purpose. SUMMER HATES TO EST TO IIB SIME S I, VST YEAR Summer excursion fares to eastern points from HI Paso will be, the same tlfis summer as they were in 1914. This was the news brought baik from St. ! Louis, Wednesday morning b Garnett jvinp;. general passenger agtnt of the El Paso and Southwestern, -who has been attending a meetinc of the South western Passenger association. There will be no further cuts in the rates to the La'ifo-iiia fuir& lie Copjrifht, 1J15. International News Service N, TODAY'S AMU3EMENTS MIRGUERITE 'CLARK TOMORROW. .Marguerite Clark, former leading woman for De Wolf Hopper, will be seen at the Wigwam tomorrow In the Paramount feature. "WIMfiower." This is a very pretty Htlle romance in which little Miss Clark's daintiness and dramatic ability add greatly to the charm of the production. According to many of the beat critics. Marguerite Clark is a dangerous rival ff Mary Pickford and there are not a few who consider her Mice Plckford'a superior. "Wildflower" sHooH not t confused with "Wildfire," Lillian Russell's pic ture The program at the Wigwam today includes the Biograph feature. "After the Storm." and the Edison drama, "For the Man She Loved." In response to repeated requests, the Wigwam management has booked tha world's most talked of film, "Hypo crites," for a return engagement of one day. It will be shown Thursday, April 2. Advertisement. THE ALHAMRRA. The Alhambra Is showing today "The Dancing Beetle," a one-reel comedy of fering, with the famous comedian, Rich ard Carle, in the lead. This is a ver amusing film, with plenty of farcical action that will be enjoyed immensely and Is the first of the one-reel comedies to be released each week by the World Film corporation, featuring some well known comedy star. "The Dance at Alec Fontaines." an Essanay drama, is well staged and tells a story with many striking scenes and will grip the beholder by reason of its steadv progress and strong climax. "Cabman Kate." a Vitagraph comedy, which is truly excellent, will complete the MIL Don't forget that Lew Fields, the sreat American comedian, will be here Saturday and Sunday in "Old Dutch." a flveipart comedy feature. Adv. W LLS OK JERICHO TODVY. Edmund Breese In '"The Walls of Jericho" will be at the Unique again todav. "The Walls of Jericho" by Al fred "Sutro. is one of James J. Hacketfs triumphs and was played at the Hack ett theater in New York one ear It is a modern drama of social life and is one of America's greatest stage suc cesses. Mr. Breese. one of the foremost actors of today, is at his best In this picture, and the production is a mag nificent offering Shows start at II m- 1:15 'p m 2 p. m.. .4S p. nwS p m., S 15 p. m.. 7 .a p m . 8 45 p. m, 16 p. m. Adults 2c children 15c At tend the matine'e. Mary Fuller will be here tomorrow in -The Rustle of a Skirt." Adv. AOTIIER KEYSTO.M3 "KOMEDY." "Ambrose's Fury" is the title or the Ke stone "komedy" at the Grecian to day This is another one of those nappv com.edies where most of the fun is at the beach. Be sura an see it. Sid Chaplin (Charlie's brother) comes to the Grecian tomorrow for a two days' engagement in one of his best comedies, "Mr. Gu sale's Day of Rest." It Is a Keystone special In two reels, and is said to be positively the funniest 'rce ever made. Arrange now to see It Watch for the Mutual Master Pic tures at the Grecian soon, the greatest pictures by the world's foremost au thors, presented by the greatest "screen stars. The first one will be next Mon day. Advertisement. KLKS' MINSTRKLS TONIGHT. Pollock and Nash, in "Fifteen Min utes in Dixie Land," a musical Gazaza, will be a scream. "Return ot Panta lets as Ordained by Dame Fashion" promises to be a big hit These and other surprises await you at the Elks great minstrel show tonight and Thursday night The Elks' great min strel show Is always the talk of the town and this one Is better and greater than ever. It Includes the cream of local talent, you know. Don't miss it Advertisement I'nited we stand. Let's unite in buj -i:g home -valley products. p feiBr MM' Cfa MAA muin Bf GRID JURY Clerk in Postoffice Charged With $50,000 Embezzle ment by IT. S. Court. Clare L. Rogers was Indicted" Wed nesday b the federal grand jury on a charge of embezzling $50,000 from the United States malls. At the time of the alleged offence Rogers was a registry clerk in the local postoffice. He is aajV mntalnins- VEAAA in Kills that V4rA T1 VVUUIIIIUI w 111 Vliivt "" " being forwarded by the First National bank, of this city, to the National Bank of Commerce, in New York- The grand jur also handed down an indictment aeraiiKt I A. Brill, charging counterfeiting Th. indictment sped- As the season advances the cool strap slippers will be one of the most favorite shoes worn. They have a nice yet modest appear ance and therefore they are pre eminently a practical street shoe, besides they are inexpensive. We have them in a great variety of patent and dull leathers in two. three, four and cross straps and either with the Cuban leather or Cuban Louis covered heel. Price. $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 and $3.50 MTOIIM1 SMATtsr suet sreast :E2ffl222 203 Mesa. Ask for our Spring Catalog M I II Asssssssasassr$'r i II FssBssB2slsBs!rL i II vgjsMKqjdb utXeSp I Slippers fiifss rpuafcifuzr Mme. Webber, the Special Representative and Demonstrator of Elcaya cc "MAKES THE SKIN LIKE VELVET." Will be in our Toilet Goods Section Tomorrow to tell the Ladies of El Paso how to lake care of their skin and how to effectively use these splendid Toilet Prepara tions without presenting the "Made-up" appearance. Call and get Mme. Webber's expert advice, without cost or obligation. See the Remarkable Value in Suits and' Dresses is the Basement Salesroom at 2o.95 Two Special Offerings in the Silk Section Hairline Stripe Satin Stripe Chiffon Taffetas Silk Shirtings u 8 STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April. 1SS1 Cnpllnl. Surplu find Profits, 9,0OO INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. R. MOREHEAD, President II C. N. BASSETT, Alee President JOSEPH MAGOFF1X, V. Pres. GEO. D. FLOIT, Cashier. L. J. GILCHRIST. A't Cashier. fles that the alleged crime occurred at Sanderson last January and that Brill coined some S500 in silver dollars and smaller coins and circulated them. Other indictments handed down In cluded the following Lucas Flores, having smuggled mescal in his posses sion; W. EL Stevens, smuggling i:0 pounds of wheat near Tsleta. Lucas Flores. engaged In the retail liquor busi ness without a license; and the follow ing for being illicit retail liquor deal ers Carlos Franco. Del Flna Ramirez. Tito Rivera, Rodrigo Onteveras and Juan Contreras. R TJ Pleased With tae FiBJsbisg of yonr Kodak Films? Do tm know that w art not oalv ' turning out the most perfect work in Li Paso, but that we- are also devel oping all roll films for 10c; fiaMh injr prints fqr 3c, 4c and Be. and giving seven-hour service. Better inquire about this if yon are inter ested in better results for less mone. El' Paso Photo Supply Co. 311 X. Oregon. Mills Building. Open Sundays. HEID .BROTHERS COO. WOOD. KIDI.1XG, II W. GRAIX. I'IP.LD SEKDS D mii.DEnv SLPPLIHS. Prompt Delivery Phones 35 and 30. CORNER TEXAS AND DALLAS CANDy SPECIAL OX DKI.ICIOIS Cocoanut Tea Biscuits S 20c THE LB. WEDNESDAY ONLY c &?!. ries, MESA AVEMJE A!D TEXAS STREET IpREQUENT consulla- tion of sales announce ments in The Herald will give your dollars an un usual bujing power. tfr& r Fi Toilet Preparations Jflsssslm. faTllftfSavrVjTV sjmr Full Yard Wide Chiffon Taffetas...1 This much favored fabric (for which many women have been waiting) has just been received, and comes FULL YARD WIDE in the newest Spring shades such as Belgium Blue. California Rote, Tuxedo Brows. Navy Blue, Oregon Green and Black grounds with White Hairline Stripes, ad k a splendid value at-PER YARD ?1.25 Full Yard Wide Silk Shirtings At least Twenty-Five of the newest designs in FULL YARD WIDE Satin Stnpe Silk Shirtings. Comes in good heavy dependable quality in guaranteed fast colors. Width and quality usually sold for $1.50 per yard. A special value here PER YARD '. 1.25 "Everybody's" Stlk Section Main Floor "Scientific Dry Cleaning" El Paso Laundry Our Wagons Are ETerrwEere. Phones 470-471. THERE SHOULD BE A VICTEOLA IN EVERY HOME W. G. WALS COMPANY COTTON ADDITION LOTS Best Bny in El Paso A. P. COLES & BROS., Agents THE HOME OF Holeproof Hosiery for Men, Women and Orildrea. BRYAN BROS. San Antonio Jt Oregon. maOew FLY T1HE IS HERE. Phone Us Your Pakt Troubles. A coat of paint will make your old screens look Hie new or it will keep your new screens from getting old. Phones No. 205 and No. 206. 210-212 K. Stanton St (, B TTJTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. D. & M. Baseball Goods COMPLETE STOCK PRICES ARE RIGHT. BE SURE ANb INVESTIGATE OUR LINE BEFORE YOU BUY. Shelton-Payne Arms Co. 301 S. El Paso St. (( DR. II. t. MAGRIDER DR. H. A. MAGRUDER DBT1ST Established 11X 1' nefrrtarc.. 1 Anyone. Take Elevator to Millinery Department, Ask to See the HATS Special this Week at $7.50 and $-1.95 ti oc P JL 9 g&Jp !tlljL .? ASK FOR GLOBE HILLS Peeriess Hen and Chick Food Made from the formula used success fully for years by the Peerle,. Poultry Supply Co, of Los Angela one of the largest poultry supply houses in the west. An elegant egsr producer, and, lest you foreet. HADE IN EL PASO GLOBE ' MILLS WHY?' If Yoh Wsnt O Cents the WINE at- &0 Bottle Any Kind of LUNCH GOODS CaH KeeviPs EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Quality the Best Prices the Lowest Eyster's CO.D.Grocery jfc 4348 434A OBeS Mt llent. . - Graduate Loolivtlle. Kr CeHece. S Imon t iutfclair to. I atlernrath la ; 'j