OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, April 24, 1915, HOME EDITION, Section A, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1915-04-24/ed-1/seq-8/

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8 A
Week-End Edition, April 24-25, 1915
Always Ask For ?&C Stamps With Every Purchase at
See the new JARMAN Veloel Neckbands
introduced here by Mme. Jarman al the El Paso
theater Thursday night.
Shown first and exclusively in er Ntckwoar Section JCain Floor
Suit Sale
& II w
AW X s- .
I rvvN. A r:,
our own
daily from
' 15c per bunch or 2 for 25c.
Now what do you suppose can be
the surprise which El Paso's fore
most and best millinery department
has planned to give you Monday?
If you read below you will see the
opportunity scheduled for Mon
day. A good time to save.
A Special Event in Millinery
A Hundred Pattern Hats Reduced 25 to SO Per Cent
RaWak, Burgesser, Fisk, Moorehead Jardine, Smolin and Levine
Pattern Hals in semi-dress, tailored and strictly dressy models of
Leghorn, Neapolitan, Georgette Crepe, Lace and Leghorn Com
binations, Fancy Braids and Milans. Depicting all the latest
trims in flowers, ribbons,fancy feather effects and novelty trims.
Make your selection early Monday.
Millinery Dept., 2nd Floor .
1000 Yards of Dainty, Sheer White Goods
ASpecial Feature Monday
Alt ir,r, Slir firman rile - 40 inch Sheer White Voiles: 40
-W M.M. ......... V.ft --, , .
inch Sheer Batistes; Dainty Cross-bar Dimities; Dainty 1
Striped Dimities; Plain White Klaxons; Sheer Dotted
Swisses; 36 inch Long Cloth; 36 inch Lingerie Nainsook;
27 inch Crepe tponge; flam White Unene; atieer rersian
Lawn; 40 inch Neige Crepe; 32 inch Shirring Madras.
Values to 20c per yard Monday
1 Of leI
A w 1Q
Shirting Madras
32 inches wide in neat stripe effects
ail new patterns, a very special 'value
at yard 25
Scotch Madras.
A very fine quality madras shirting in
pretty woven stripe, fast colors
guaranteed at per yard 35
Silk Stripe Shirtings
32 inches wide, a very sheer soft fabric
for summer shirts, -at the very special
price per yard 50f
In plain shades for shirts, pajamas.
ec.,a large Ene of colors to select
from at per yard 25
. Fancy Wash- Goods
Ratines', Grepes and linens in both
pl;a and fancy weaves, in regular
values to $1 .00 are special at yd. 50c
New Voiles'
Just received a new line of dainty fig
ured chiffon seed and splash voiles in
pretty color combinations 40 inches
wide, per yard. 35
Going Away?
Your Trunk. Suit Case. Bag or Traveling Case is here The Department is
now located on second floor, where there's plenty of display room. ,
Take the Elevator
Monday Is Souvenir Spoon Day
In Our Basement Salesroom
if presented in our Base
ment Salesroom Monday
will entitle you to a
with a cash purchase of
One Dollar or over.
The Spoons are large,
heavy souvenir spoons of
Texas. The illustration
is actual size. The full,
smooth bowl is made for
use and is easily clean
able. The handle is en
graved with emblems of
Texas in highest grade
Clip the Coupon and
bring it with you Mon
day. No Spoon Given without
a Coupon.
48c Sheets
35c Each
72x90, made ot good quality
muslin, sold regular at 4Se
each 35c each or 3 sheets for
18c Crepes '
12Vzc yd.
Kimono Crepes -usually 18c, in
pretty floral patterns a large
selection at, per yd., 12 1-2 c.
7Vic Muslin
5c yd.
36 in. wide set finish Cambric
Muslin, sgW regular at 7 1-2 e
per yd., special Monday, 5c
15c Lawns
10c yd.
40 inch bordered Lawns in pat
terns very suitable for bed
room curtains, special Monday,
per yd, 10c.
12V2C Muslins
10c yd.
Bleached Muslins, sold regu
larly at 12 1-2 c yd are spe
cially prieed for Monday at,
per yd, 10c
Boss Oil Mop
With each Boss Oil Mop
sold Monday for 69c we
will give one quart ean
of Polish FREE.
A Special Main Aisle
Feature Monday
Don't miss the remarkable offerings. On 5 tables in the Center aisle
will' be displayed values extraordinary. An opportunity to save.
Parasols Worth to
$5.00, Choice Monday
p i. y 3
r ISPLAYED on table No. ONE will be an extra large
L' assortment of newest Spring and Summer parasols.
The NEW BELL SHAPES, and gathered effects, plain
and fancy bordered styles, plain and fancy sticks; black and
white effects, floral and striped silks, values rf -l Q C
to $5.00. Choice Monday..! J 1 .iO
Main Aisle
Seco Silk worth 25c i fl
yard, Monday "G
DISPLAYED on table number TWO will be more
than thirty shades of SECO SILK in plain shades
and coin dots colors such ax the new pravs. Mn lanr
browns, sand, puttft etc, etc A fabric specially desirable
for making blouse1 dresses and summer garments; sold
regular at 25c per yard. -
Special Monday, per yard IUC
Main. Aisle '
i i
111 WHG
' I
Kimono Crepe worth 20c "1 "
yard, Monday vrl
yt -. ISPLAYED on table number THREE will be the nn.
Wi u
usual offering of washable kimono crenes. Comes
VJ 30 inches wide in dainty floral patterns, small and large
designs, for either dresses or kimonos. A fabric that re
quires no-ironing, and a quality, sold ordinarily
at 20 yard. Special Monday, per yard
Main Aisle
Undermuslins worth 75 c,
Monday 35c or 3 for . . .
DISPLAYED on table number FOUR will be remarka
kl. -!.. : '. j.:i j r . t
uic luun m nuuicu uojutjr tuiuciuituuiu lOug
and short skirts, corset covers, drawers, bloomers, etc Neat
daintily trimmed styles, values that sell regularly as high a
75c per garment, Monday
35c each or 3 garments
Main Aisle
$1.00 M
Silk Poplins worth $1.50
per yard, Monday
T ISPLAYED on table number FIVE will be a large as
sortment of the much favored silk poplins. More
than twenty-five of the season's staple and new shades
to select from.. Forty-two inches wide and is specially
deskable for coat suits and dresses. Sells regular at $130
per yard. Monday " Q C
per yard c7 O C
Main Aisle
&W1 m"" V t!H 7j v
A Sale Overshadowing All Pre
vious Garment Events
JOEGINNING Monday we inaugurate, to facilitate immeclia-
ate clearance, a week's selling of every suit in our Ready-to-Wear
Department, included in a range of prices up to $69150,
offering choice al the above low price.
In adherence to the "rule set by us "to close out all garments within ifce period of
time scheduled by ourselves," We extend to All Alike, the advastages of a remark
able value Giving Week.
Come Early Monday
Don't disappoint us both by losing the very suit you have wasted all season.. Ws
want you to have it The store opens at 8:30 a. m. There will be exjra sales ladies
to attend you no delays and our alteration department win1 be equipped for quick
Come Early Monday
Every style, fabric, color conception and size for women and susses.. Tailored
suits, semi-tailored suits, fancy and extreme salts, wool popSas and s3k poplins,
coverts, taffetas, serges, basket weaves, noveky mixtures, checks flOyf r
and plaids. Choice of the house at t PsOLf
Suit Values up to $29. 75
Choice at $17.50
Suits we've been selling at $19.75,
$21.75, $24.50, $27.50, $29.75,
and some in the lot even at a higher
price. There are exclusive styles
in Men's Wear Serge, Gabardines,
Poplins, ' Cheviots,1 Covert Cloths
and 'Novelty Weaves; nearly half
a hundred styles to select from at,
choice $1750.
3rd Floor
IThe Art Goods Department has
been trmnafenpd from the 2nd
floor to the Jf ezaae Floor
here r it is 'conveniently lo
cated near tne Pattern De
partment, with plenty of room
r and comfortable seats provid
ed for all.
mokdXy specials
Scarfs made of linen, beauti
fully embroidered and fringed
at each. end. Regular values
75e to Sl.M; special, 49c
Stamped Turkish Bath Towels
with thread ready lor embroid
ering 50c values Se
Art Set, Mexsuoae floor
x Everybody's
Basement Salesroom
Ready-to-Wear Section
Late Friday Afternoon We Un
packed Nearly a Hundred
Wash Dresses
They will be on sale in our Basement Salesroom
Monday. The values are what are usually sold as
high as $5.95 and some in the assortment worth
even more. There are flowered voifes, striped
voiles, striped figured and flowered lawns, plain
crepes with velvet ribbon sashes. Ib all a
most remarkable offering d O AP
at choice Pi0
Children's Dresses
95c and $1.25
Crisp new styles in pretty Gingham and Percale
Dresses for Girls to wear to school many models
are very suitable for afternoon wear. Daintily
trimmed styles that are bound to please the most
exacting "young Mis" sizes are for girt 6 to 14
years' old. New hin waist and beftai-effects,
divided into two groups offering splea- (1 -1 or
did values at 9Se and J 1 0
Separate Skirts
The Basement Salesroom is the New Home of about
Ji doten Street Skirts just transferred from our
Tleady-to-AVear Department, where they were prieed
at JS.96 and upwards. Hardly any two aBks); Sjomi
practical styles in serge, gabardines, mixtures, black
and "white cheeks; pocket and button trimmed;
women's and Misses' sixes; special "tO QC
Basement Store Price J)&0
Clip the Texas Spoon
Coupon opposite side
f ibis page and bring
it with you Monday.

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