Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERAIJ) Wednesday, May o, 1915 11 BY GEORGE M'MANUS r BRINGING UP I WUZ.DOWNTO THE "PIPPIN" tOCIAL. CLUB" AtV THEX WOULDN'T LET ME IN Dentists. DR. LEE MrlNTOsH. Dentist. Ph.SK. R. Parifij. rri BIU I.IT1I1C CO. Ph. 33SS. R- 71- Physidans. I1K. rABi 1- SMITH Ph 1171 ' Hra W For SdSe Real Estate Cty Property. BUNGALOW and apartment fcoo" plans hfhD i'-igrinai designs. Phone 4043. TWO KOOM BRICK, sleeping porch, corner i norland Park. S800. Phone 337 J. roit S 1LE CHEAP Modern room bunga- yi'.ft 1503 down, balance easy: rests rt-adm for S40 412 River 8t- Ph. 3313. J OK SALE BV OWNER I room brick. 2 jit :i Highland Park, adjoining Manhat- in 1'tiKht", S2250; terms. 2624 Aurora St. MONTANA ST. LOTS for sale. SIS lor 3. j ci-ie paid. Next block to Alta Vista v bool eay terms; no agents. Phone 344 W. FOR SALE Come am see this 4 room mod n bunfra.ow; large sleeping- porch: easy i rn vhone 433. I AM SELLING everything I nave In order 10 pay my debts. Am now offering my ) -me " 3300. with terms, or part trade or part rsh. balance terms. W. A. C care H-ra d WHO WANTS THE NEATEST sad best built i ungalow in El Paso. 33; good terms. --ir Manhattan Heights and in good netgh- irl ood Not priced for profit, bat I mat qu ck. P 1S4. care Herald. FOR SALE. r m bungaloa. modern, fine location. , Tu ir,.a si . tli, 315 cash, IIS month, n uding interest. See Macrate, WHtr Jamei L. Marr & Co. ROOM Bl"NGALOW, all comeulances, at- trat.i ie w.i located, your own terms will r ..iij f aid price is right. FerguMHi lBvettnient Os. 369 Two Republics Building. EL r.VSO'S BIGGEST LOT BARGAIN". 3 u l -outh front lots on Wyoming SL. -re -.00 block. The price is SCS far the 3 lots just one-half their eoond vain. Piper, With Jamo L. Marr Co. Phone 4SS. riTMAN CATTLE CO. 8 and 9 Merchease B4eek. El Paso, Texas. Phone (. ZnTestments in cattle and raaehea paying larger aiidenus and safer than muy other I Uf.XKSS. GOOD RANCHES TOR SALE. WITH OK WITHOUT CATTLE. FOR RENT. B"utifuly located apartments en the corner of Prospect' and 4 roTi nith bath. 2, iraire in the elegantly appointed 1 ".n.n,3. Xno story 7 room house on Montana St. FOR SAI.R. - nrrrs of fine alfalfa land locafd 1 - i:-.-, from El Paso. S12S per acre. WtQ j-dQf for city property. A Investment above the tracks paying ever 11 percent. SSS4. N. 7 room honse on Sunset Heights. r i Cfaas. .1. IUBfie Co. -r :i: First National Bank Building. r .. Kstaf;- Phone 1SSL lnsarance 'UOMKS OUR SPECIALTY." THE LKGEST LIST IN EL l'ASO. .- Down. S3 MoatULy ( room li : oa corner, near Beall school. J l YiolLuig Bi!lanee on OetartSj ( room i n ix :-onting east. bath, fenced. .!.. porch, eiectrldty. gaa S3 1 r ju, r. sle S25 down. 32 month- A pleasure to show yoa On Cotton Ave. 4 room brick, east fi .,i,,. A t'aiidy. S237S. S2S down. In Sncsct llelghis tNew) 4 room !'jnga!o for a few days at 3375. 1'..u II like this. On Bonlerard 4 room brick oot "it:.. :;5l down, S2 monthly; 43x '. On'v S24M. 1 or Kent 5 room brick, 3114 Tuta - ft. js , 4 room apt., 121C Boule ri S30 Near High School 7 room 2 story r k row renting for 343 monthly. special price S42; terms. Apartment SMr. 42x12. ewes ia, onh f-ont. SIS. lAts M anted ss part payment an this ?2 room apartment house. la come $!S0 monthly. Near Mesa School S room brick, Kjuih front, for S3 down. $3M. On Montana This beautiful C rosea lunilow paving paid, all the buntla features. 3429 for quick sale, SSM tlava Possession at once. A Sacrifice On Magoffin, near Oc faia. 8 room 2 story brick, 37. If we can t get tnat will take les j. i offer Hankins Bros. Phone 24. 1XH3 BLOCK. 4 room red brick, furnlehed A dandy on 2 full lots . SS cash. Price 32CS. NEWMAN INVRBTMBNT COMPANY. Plicne iit. 1 Sj 1" CRES near Garfield, upper valley. Witt -ade lor anything good. -l arres mi. X W. Anthony, hi alfalfa, 2 h. u at 311 for qwlck sate. 1-0 acres raw land, goad aalL InLXW. ATt'non at 3ae; eai ' room brick with Pf r li - lets. Altura. 2te l j ret all la alfalfa, t mL dowa, at :- erfsc terms. 1 re i alfalfa, new room house: in ft 12500. easy terras; snap, Dari'-Tandy Cons. Co. I'hwse SMI. ".ir-14 Trust Bldg ON BF-WTIFIL MONTANA ST. 1 1 u i n ol"rn 2 vtorv h'ri,. on th 'r ,. -h ,7 0 Mike an Phillip, li .''jni hi M irr . f . FATHER x rr- r- I I r i i .. . a , Uirr.5.. THEVAm! f ti-UHOW .PM , , J r JW 1 J- 1 NEVERMIND - G i-u cm i THEM: W i-L- ' T 2 fCk? H rvViN.- amv I r ' n ae- iff,, CORNER, bnslness district, rents for S14 per month. 38s. Armrjo Realty Co., SIC Trust Bide. FOR SALE S lots with S room noose. Tonne orchard, ontslde buildings and fencing, or well sell lots separate, easy terms. Call Mr. Relleg-, Sheldon Cofe BUILDING SITES. Corner 5xl40. Tularosa St.. paving paid; 'will sacrifice: terms. See Macrate Willi James L. Marr Co. IJEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE. Close in. unobstructed view: select neigh borhood, size 50x120; psrked and street pav ing all paid. Will sell at SIS: terms. See Macrate. With James L. Marr Co. II.WF. CASH CISTOMEIIS for small resi- dence near V ashington Park car Una. II. II Kilburn Co, iSoMHWD Tobin Real Estate Co. 53 First Xst'L Bank Bids. Phone 33. , CORNER, Rio Grande and Dallas Sts.. MX ire. good terms. We will build on this cor ner for yon on reasonable terms. lee Macrate With James L. Marr & Co. I FOR SALE BV OWNER Modern S room bungalow, almost finished, at a sacrifice; reason, need money: house has all bunga low features, half block from car Use on 2 sonth front lots, with boilrjn foraitare; an large rooms, large front porch, screened back porch. Phone 22. call mall depart ment, ask for Aguirre. SIM CASH. PRICE Si: room brick on corner facing south: monthly payments of 32. NEWMAN INVESTMENT COhTPANV. Phone ii. 1 San Antonio. BARGAIN. 31. 4 reoi and SIS ner month. room House, use. 31 down and II per month Hurry if you want to look at this. K. L.. care Herald. NEAR MJtrrilWBSTBRX SHOPS. j jsew 4 room red preased ancst nunsnisiw. aaraweod noors. nuuet. basement and Just completed. 32S3 if sold before the ISth. Ifs a beauty. CasWr Ned. 211 MUts St. Phone 2n. SMeo. floors. 2 fuU south front lots. trees, grans, garage, ess eanm. SS per month. Indudbsg mterest. ?ie. ( room bungalow on Ss acres. ail in cuitmuon. at 323 cash. baL S2S per or yearly. See. S loom cottace. 4 Vlata school on good street. WD. S room bOstututtow. A up to now. S2S cash. H c m-m rrr4 all In ealtrenrlaw. good room house. 33 cash, bal. 325 per month. While Pnden Heal'y Co. Phone IM. SI CASH I for 32CM; 14 blocks of psat oftiee. NEWMAN LNVB&TMBNT COMPANY. Phsae SS. M San Antonio. APARTMENT'SITE. Finest la dty. STtsxlz. dose In oa Oregon St. WDI consider 3 room house, wen located, aa part payment. Bargain la 4 room house, with sleeping porch. Highland Park; SIS; any terms. 4 rooms nnd sleeping porch, red li 1 1 as) brick. 2 fun Iota, and on a corner. Big buy at 327: easy terms. Two level south frost lots oa Bliss St.; paviag. sldewancs and curbing an pma: trees ana In parking. U: terms. It wUl pay you to set fore you buy or bund. fee- Olho R. IIW. 617 Caples Bldg. TKNKMHNT BARG.MN. Str. buys 7 room adon tenenseat ess. St Vrala St.: reats for 32. VALLEY BARGAIN". SUM burs 13 acres dose to Tsieta. awsd stlt soil: SSM cash; worth more money. 9S3768 Buys Sltoot earner on N. El Psse St.; street pavtng paid: worth 34. r D. G. HelncmaH, 2 MHIs Si- FOR SALE, large and modern bnRlnese block, oa A saving a rental capacity oc 11 ner- cent on Investment, and future Increase la value SI2S.. A block of business houses on corner. 78x 120 feet. In next Mock to the new postoffice I !te at a sacrifice prir ITS 000 t I-OR KENT. .i.r V . (: T - .-"-... , s. Xrail. . Sjjcnte 1 4 " I"! i Copyright. 1SH. International NewsSerrtee. J , II- FOR SALE r- room cottage wTth bath, IS, trill take lots for first payment, bal ance easy. Phone 341S. REDUCED sisee. Modern 6 room bungalow, basement. Z lots, south front in Golden HilL Price cut to S44 with good terms. This Is the best bargain on our books, as It Is in a restricted district. Co-viMy NeeL 211 Mills St. Phone 2. FOR SALE AT ACTUAL COST. Modern 7 room home, close In, fine rest- dence section. A sacrifice. See PhllUps. WHh James L. .Marr Co. 11 San Antonio. Caples Bldg. Pa. 4150. - BLOCKS OF rOSTOFFICBL S room noose. S4M. S2M cash. IJ6 month. Honse rented for SIS month. Ton wfll hare to harry. Creel PhllKpk. M- First NarL Bank Bldg. Phone SoIS. SISO C.VSII. 3 rooms, bath and large sleeping porch oa 4 south front Iota, near car. A dandy place for chickens. Only rSM; easy monthly payments. $ae CASH. Balance easy buys a S room bunga lojr. hardwood floors and bullUn fea tures. Alta Vista district. S3M. S2SO. See cash, easy monthly payments, buys a dandy 4 room bungalow with basement and furnace; right at car sad paved street. $tM CASH. 4 room bungalow and glassed-la sleeping porch, all bnlltin features. Alta Vista district. Only 3313. month ly payments to salt. Let os build for yon. Will build to suit you on terms to suit you. Maron-Scott Realty Co. Phone tin. 4K amis BJdg. ABB YOU A TRADER. A SZS.M tenement and buatnea 4 blocks of the postoffice: aunt of red arr d brick. 2 stories coatalalag M rooms, ladadlag 3 stores; lot Cxl2; lacsuM M yearly. Will trade up to SIS., city prop erty aauy and give ttaar oa balance. Ton will be mlvsing a chance of a life time rf you tall to Investigate this. Oasstdy NeeL 211 Mills St. Phone . Hill will car line, south front, handle. tM steee. S room bungalow, trees, alee lawn, etc: very pretty honse. Pay S3S dowa. JaaL 32S per mouth. TRADE. S room bouse, dose in, St. Will take amaller house or lots as first pay- Let us build that home for you. We atruction Is our motto. SeenrHy Realiy Co. 43-3 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Ph. C772. For Sale Real Estate Country Property. CLOUDCROFT COTTAGE Sale or rent SI, or In part trade for dty bungalow, or rent 3125 the season. Phono evenings, 3338 J. FOR QUICK SALE Relinquishment of I acres. 2 seres fenced: 3 miles from Mlesse nnd Myndus. N. M.. oa main line Southern Pacific at 33 per acre cash: Improved land on Mlesse tract selling at 31 per acre up. James W. Brewster, Myndus, X. M. SO ACRK good valley land partly cnlti vatcd. good water aad fence; close to good school: will find a bargain with owner; would consider exchange for El Paso prop erty, also a span of fine mules. Write L. M.. Herald. hILVEK CITY, N. M. The climate for tuebr- home. Ideally located, large airy rooms nicely furnished, bath. etc. next to bedroosa. large j wide porcher. hot and cold water and all modern conveniences: large yard and 1 grounds, shade trees, fruit trees, lawn, flow t era, Vila iiri-r. name ana cnicaen nouses, all Improved. For particulars write X. 24. Paso Herald For Sale Farms anil Ranches FOR FAR31 LANDS well located, at the right prices, for exchange or sale i e Maerafo With .lamex I,. Marr A Cn. ' SMALL FARMS FOR MALE. 1 acres fine silt soil, la alfalfa or fruit. or both. Ideal for pooltry or hogs. 14 miles from El Paso, psving all the way: good transportations, thoroughly American com uunlty. new SS school. We give you IS years to pay for It. first payment starts la S yearn Oaly a few traeta left. Cent la aad get particulars. See Macrate WMi James I- Marr & Co. FRUIT PAY'S MIC PROFITS. 34 acres at 325. located la the heart of tae fine, proven YM.BTA FRUIT DISTRICT. 11 miles from El Paso. R. F. D. route, telephone line and good road. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITS. Soil is excellent. Land now aader cultiva tion and in good condition for Irrigation, having a good lateral ditch. SPECIAL i ALLEY LANDS. NEWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone SS. IN San Antonio St. H1K SALE. LOWER VALLEY LAND BARG.UN. It acres hear Clint, sll silt soil, county road through the land. Franklin canal near by; land can be put in cultivation very cheap. Ton can buy this land for 325 per acre under actoal value. Ton can pay all cash or pay a very small cash payment inl get ; or 10 yearn on all the balance 'Suit ourself" owner .3 not a firmer Bnurht lh land h. p .ml WANTS tu sell If t.u want ., i"l (in ir I 'rp'm n. II K. rJliott. NO HE FO n MEO DE I Juarez Garrison Commander Fears Starting "A New Eevolution" Rumor. Contrary to th usual customs, no cannon shots were fired m Juarez Wednesday morning; in honor of "EI Cinco de Mayo," the 5Sd anniversary of the defeat of the French at Puebla. Gen. Tonus Ornelaa, commander of the Juarez garrison, gave orders Tuesday night that no shooting; was to be done, as he feared that it would a-ive rise to morer umors of an "invasion" of Mexico and "a new revolution." -V military and civic parade was held in the Mexican town Wednesday moraine; and the national colors of Mexico floated from many buildings and resi dences. In El Paso, too. many Mexi cans Wore their country's colors and a number of homes -wen decorated. Wednesday afternoon school children of Juarez gathered in the square be fore the Juarez monument and sans; patriotic songs. Th storv of the defeat f of the Maximilian troops at Puebla was i VI ANTED A rooming house or hotel. 2 to retold by orators and a band concert l 3 room-, must be flrstciaas. clean and mod was given in the public plaza on Calle J ern. Address Rooming House. Herald. "f!o. i TUlI'lTl llf IV.- Itiuiu unmr- Sevcral hundred Mexican children and grownups went to Washington park in e.1 i'aso lor picnic parties u canes day. DAYLIGHT BOBBERS LOOT WEYLEB HOME Daylight burglars were at work on Magoffin Tuesday afternoon and the home of John Wevler. of 104)2 Magoffin, entered and robbed between 3 and S oclock. The bursters entered the Weyler s .-- ,-, -o .... u..c uottc other parts of the city. A gold brace let. two gold rnrs, a pair of trousers and S-ft in moni were taken and the entire hou--e searched. WEATHER BULLETIN. a-e r w. -.. a ... - n a nt.nrtr...iv.v. c- j. 1i.r.iniir.j iai .(.nii.i'.UA uniw ULTI!K UUKKAl'. i Observations taken 1 at S a. m.. 75th me ridian time 4 a. m. t-i faso nmei. stay i cnann. lteSS , " .iS!!!!X.IOBif?, -"-- -cany lair souca poruoa. auowers m , north portion peratnre. not much change la teas- I ! West Texas, Unsettled tonight and Thurs- omr. Relative humlditr In JQ Paso at 2 p. m.. Wednesday. C percent. Precipitation In last 24 hours (In Weather at 3 a. m. Lowest temp, last night...... Highest yesterday I Temp, at I a. m I I j ..I I I I rain cloudy Pt-cldy cloudy rain cloudy clear Abilene S3 7 3 rain .12 AmarUlo 43 tz 43 cloudy Atlanta - P-cldy Boise. Idaho eioudy Boston S 44 rain Chicago etowdr -8 Cincnnatl J3 clear 4 Denver -a .S Detroit " i eloady .33 Duluth. Minn J oudy Kl Paso S S pt-cldy Galveston T 4 clear I. Havre. Mont -- PL clay Jacksonville eioudy .2 UttleRock cloudy Los Angeles 2 43 dear -2 Nashville S4 7 43 dear New Orleans rata .12 New York cloudy .42 Omaha S SC 44 clear PhoeniT S 7S it dear Rapid City. S. D 44 S3 33 PC ddy Roswdl 3 TS SI cloudy .4 St. Louis S3 4 dear SaitLakeClty " 4 clear SaaAntoato (4 7 to rata 32 Saa Francisco... Santa Fe Seattle Washington Wichita. Kans... Yuma . S . 42 .32 . 54 .3 .3 cloudy clear cloudy doudy chwdy dear .14 .2 .2 Cassnaratlic El Paso I'rreipHafiaB. Jan. 1 to May 3. Inclusive. 111 2.22 In. Jan. 1 to May 3. inclusive. 112 LIS in. Jan. 1 to May 3. Inclusive. 1913 ...JB lO. & .. . Jan. 1 to May 3. Indnalve, 1.14 1 1 1. Jan. 1 to May 3. Inclusive. IMS 3.14 In. Normal. Jan. 1 to May 3. ladnstre. S3 la. Water Contlltlons, Rio Grande Project. Height of Water Contents Behind Dam Acre Ft Elephant Butte reservoir SC S 24.(14 Increase in 24 hour 13 11.4S3 Flow of river. San Marclal . . .l Second Ft. Floe- from reservoir 2.7 Second Ft. For imgat'n Leaaburr. canal 7 Second Ft. Fur irrigat'n Franklin canal 25 Second Ft. Date. May 4. 1515. IASTT0 l i i n For Sale Farms and Ranches For Sale Bicycles. j CHICKEN ILVNCH for sale 34 chickens. 4 room bungalow 4 corner lots, machinery for chopping food. 59 bearing fruit trees, heda, outbuildings, brooder house, horse, buggy, hsrness. all for 34S5: terms. Ar mijo Realty Co. 31 Trust Bldg. For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. 10 ACRES, upper valley; Phone 5424. want automobile. lir.T. TKAI1K linUF. m S lta. vahM Slssa. or vacant lots for good automobile; balance cash or terms. Phone 711. TO EXCHANGE Elegant homo la bast residence part of dry; will exchange for vacant lots close in or small cottage. Address 32. Herald. WANTED To exchange good clear lots or j land for second hand antes, trucks horses, mule, and want one extra good family ; driving horse. Room 17. Hotel Orndorff. LOTS TO TRADE FOR IIOCSE. Hare bunch good lots, priced right, all dear, to exchange for flrstclass house oa north side. Will assume some. K. E. Lye, First Nat. Bank Bldg. For Sale Rooming Houses. FOK I-ALK 1 room rooming house, nicely furnished. Call 233 W. IS BOOM rooming house. 37S; or win trade. Phone 32S W. FOK SALE 25 hotel. or want good ! Partner 41s N. Oregon St. i,j HirsK.-CLOSB IN UK NORTH SIDE, FOR FIRSTCLASc. AVTO. rilON'B 4MS. APARTMENT HOIE. N. KL PASO ST. Good lease, furniture. 3500 under valuo; no bonus asked for this place. Price for short time only. 31a. half cash, balance easy "St-rlrtmt,. WHfcJanm I- Marr X Co. I for SALE Pratt Apartments aad rooming house: has sure income of 32 per month; now. well built snd elegantly furnished, one i bloch from business center of Globe. Ariz.: I tne home of Old Dominion, Inspiration. , J" Ari"f SMhm.!Sm,J2d, "If'L.rXJ? i ty co., uiooe, Arlx. I FOR SALE 2 i room aortjnt.t hammm. com pletely fmraUhed with best of tttnltDro, rood toomtton. easy terms, improvements worth more than price asked for house fvr n.shed. price for few djv only Sit,.. Cash $3w. balance lose time. See 7ptB, Hl.h Jmum I Marr i Co. 2S4 St TWO BLOCKS. I'KOH POSTOFFICE. t rooOHL Dew aUHl wzlrWaTaHtlv fnniliuinJ ; Other boalMtta forces ovmt to wlU t casb will twlnc. ' 115- : CLOSE INp NORTH OF TK.VCKS. Forecalu j ! rooms, t sleep! na- porches. IkajMUoire Kl Paso and rich- I farnltore Owner Is&Tina; city; most sell at ty Unsettled to, I7M cash, balance ti per month, light and Thorsday. j Vow Mexico To- I M HOOM5 SLKBPING PORCJ1BS. ilaht and Thorsday. 2?T ". Iflly fomished. Only t75o. nliloadthit"- - thly. Rent per sccaslona rata in j n"n north and oast or- , -... ---.,.-. .-. - ..,, ?" f"rlJ.d- Tour own apt, and : mcorae oc sv per moatn. It: half cask. XK,K THK DEL NORTE 31 ROOMS, i we:. Xeu betwoen S2S4W Sl iMt aBd 1 , u, ,!. OV SAN ANTONIO 9 ROOMS, Beactlfally furnished, very desirable. 2 cash, balance monthly. IIRf-IR.VBXY LOCATED 30 ROOMS, Steam beat, running water, handsome furniture. 33 cash. Phone J. M. II Tenntrr, WMi BaBry Land Co- S.tesaAve. For Sale ABtonobiles. 7 PA?.. AITO. for sale or trade. Ph. 33. FOR SALK One Maxwell . runabout la good condition. 37S: will demonstrate. Ph. 711. HIPMIHIILE M roadster, excellent Condi- Uon. newly painted, very reasoaable. Ph. s7. FOKD TOURING CAR. electric light, in the best of shape, easy terms. I'bese Billy AJotsh 307 MaxueH Anto Co. FOR SALE ACCOUNT LEAVING CITY. ItlHD M'KCLVI, RACKiVHOLT. Equipment: Fedder'a V shaped radiator. electric lurhta. sen? starter Alvalar V.nt lgniuoo sytem. storage battery. ' ter. fin. hMBM.1. tnn rfiMlr MnwaM, i ih k . -. - rear axle braces, tires all good: engine la perfect mechanical condition. Car will speed p to s uuies an hour. I. P. Trades. Phone 2283. El Paso Country Club. S cM Livesto cfc Bay. vnu ur v xn . .,, I ".. u...... ..,.v jn.iia nun . nnrf l,nUH .!.,.. 1.,. A.I I - "-1 -MW .-... KIV HKRICrV.BKIl Dnroc Jersey I Sam R. Glllett. El Texas. THO FINE Jersey cows, fresh, easy terms. Bargain for cash. Phone 3124. GOOD, sound all arouad horse for sale. 34. Write X. 22, Herald. THOKWl'GHBIIED Jersey cow for sale. 1-551. FOR .-ALK A saddle poay cheap. 51 tV. THO JERMCY COWS for sale cheap. Call at 32 Portland Ave. HAVE CASH BUYER for S dairy Armijo Realty Co, 31 Trust Bldg. FOR SlI.E - 5"ure ju t r.( . I.l anl nl' n ! hi . n." ..' Th. i' I . , I.' 'H. I . .1 i i , i ' .. . . ... noistein miicn cowi r. 4 regi-tered Hoi- n i tne lM-t in the FOB SALE Girl's bicycle cheap. Phone 5343 or call 711 Wyoming. FOR SALE Second hand condition. Phone 142 J. bicycle in good For Sale JifoccHaBeoai. SNAP PRICES on coach covers. Bait Kara. Co.. 213 S. Stanton. Phone 34C PLACE FOR SALE or rent sale. Phone 473 J. sad cow for HORSE, delivery wagon and harness, cheap, :13 S. Stanton. Phone 34C FOR SALE Fine singer sewing machine, very reasoaable. Phono CS34. IFOR SALE Sxl view camera. Aaasttg- matlc lens, complete outfit. 41 La Iina St. Its FOLDING BED with long mirror. Just right for porch use: only SIS. Bart Fura. Co.. 21S S. Stanton. Phone 34. rBOFTT! Big profit li order slips now. !. for S3. Tsleta. Tex. Patterson's, STANDARD sewing machines and aU kinds of needles. Phone lie. v Cfcas. Fetrtr. Dressznakinz. SEWING BY BAY Phone MM. BUTTONS COVERED Angelus Cfg. Wka. Mr Cross, Piieeiiiaalng. Ph. 144 W. ev'gs. SEWING BY THE PAY Phone 3333 J. DRESSMAKING and remodeling. Mrs. Webb. Phone 3S W. jir,, DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed. P.enfro. Phone C452 J. I'I-IN and fancy dressmaking 712 X. Santa F. Apt. 7. Miss Fowler. Ph. 431 M. DRESSMAKING Reasonable, or will i day Phone 71 J. Mrs Newb Piles Ccyed. SIM REWARD tor any uncomplicated ease of Files we fail to cure without the Knife. Ligature, Cautery or Carbolic Add injeetleas. lEternatioaa! Specialist. Corner Texas and Mess. El Pane. Tex. Ready Reference Business Directory AccoBwtantj. NORMAN E. VEAZET. P. O. Box 33T. Phone 3-43. CL.RRNCE LONGNECKER 32 First Nat'L Bank Bldg. Phono 534. H. IL IIBNDRICK. PuhUc Accountaat. Auditor: 2 years experi ence. Effident system for the office, store or factory installed. Andits snd examlaatlene for corporauoas. firms snd indlviduala Phone SIX Office First Nafl Bank Bldg. Adding Machines. HILTON AJolmg Machines. 11 Mills rO- Arcbitects. A. M. SACKBTT. 113 California Phone 41 W. Auctioneers. W. A. tVILIXIMS. Aartlon Sales and Osmmlsioo DroLer. Office Phono L Residence Phase MS. Office: Batraac to Caples BUt. t Sen Everything at Auction or P-ivate Sale. Aate Repairs. IV K YiANT TO KRP.UK your radiators and lamps. We make snd repair fenders, tanks, hoods, etc Quick service and prices reason able. El Paso Radiator and Lamp Co, 32 Texas. Phone Sll "Air Test. Brokers. JOH M. IIORCABITAS Merchandise aad real estate broker Mexican beans and corn n specialty 12 First Vatloaal Bldg. Carpets Cleaned. STB.M WD VACUUM Carpet Cleaning. Da Sane VteJttwrn. Phone 3MS. CARPETS CLK.VNED and reneral work. Duntley Vacuum Cleaning Co. Ph. 3213. Cniaa Paiaiiac- I Gantan's Stgnro. 2 Lucerne Aprs. Crril F-Mrineor. D. IL H. MANICAULT, Civil Engineer. Trust Bldg. Phone 314 3141 W. Rea Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS STEAM PRESSED. S CENTS. Morcheaas By LHtie Shop. 42 X. Oregon St. Phon SL . FULL GROWN Ipsi4 estfl. lim imI.. named away free. Phone 74 Immediately. The Bea WilMaiai Detective Aceaey Suite 1(. First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phono 44. , J. C. STANSRI. 4 S4IX Detective Agency. Room 57 Tuo Repnbllcr Lfe Bldg. Ph. 3347. EdBcatioQal. Mr. twrHngten. Expression Buckler. R. 2. Fire lassrance. FRANK A. M'KNCE. Real Ei-tate icd Insur aaee. 45 Mills Bldg Phone 133. Fnrsitnre Packisg. !. I FURNITURE UPHOLSEXKRD, repaired aad pacaeu. im aemc c yytimein. rhoae 3. PACKING and sblpplng household goods our specUlty. Furniture repairing, finishing -3t! upholstering. R. L. Daniel Furniture. Mat- ! tres Factor JI10-12 Myrtle Phone lJ5. f .Taalr ifeaier. i .,. ILLINOIS BOTTLE JINK COMPAVY I io.r, Over- ! I none 14I Ready Reference Bosinesi Directory Jank : Dealers THE ALAMEDA JUNK CO. pays highest price for all kinds of junk. Paone 214. Bf. PASO IrtOn METAL CO. lt Saa Anlonlo Dealers In scrap Iron, roster, cop per, braaa booo. etc. sono 42c. HERMAN BLOCH & CO. Scrap Metal. Copper, Brass. Bone. Wool, Hides: highest prices paid. Pb 5451. IS E. Boulevard. Kodak rraishing. j ANT FILH DEVELOPED FOB 10c Prints. 1 3c 4c aad Sc Films received by 1 a m. finished at 5. Tank development i: no prints. Mall orders solicited. El Paso Photo Supply Co- 311 X. Oregon. El Paso. Texas Manicoiists. IBii TEXAS Room 4. Phone 3755. MgacaL I. X. CorrlngtoB. Vloltntst. Buckler. R. 28. WALTER DAVIS Piano teacher. SS month. Voice t. Phone 23. Mercantile Agencies. K. G. DUX CO Mercantile reports. Paso office. Sol Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE; AGENCY Reports sad rating on Individuals, ceiiections, Meza vr of the National Assn. of Mercantile vendes. Barry Pateman. Mrr. Booms "M-SIT Herald Hide Osteopaths, Regularly Licensed. j H. F. WWIGHT. M. P P. Q. Herald Bl-r Paiftting-. TeHon Patnt Cow 33 X. Staaton. Ph. 124T Plambers. N. F- NATIONS Plumbing. Phone 229 MORE BI'1XRSS Plumbing guaranteo i Walter F. Ervia. 1 S. Stantoa Ph. i: PHONTO PLUMBER Can us for that burr up Job. We don't hold you up in prie Res, phone 543: office. 13 Roofing. ALL KINDS OF ROOF WORK New. palnt iag. repairing EsUmates furnished. C'.ar 4 Weeks. Props.. 1 X L Roof Paint Co. Phone S3 Sectwd Hand Qotnin?. HIGHEST POSSIBLE rRICES paid for a' I kinds second hand eiothing. Phone 437. L.niBS' AND MKN-S Second Hand Clothi lag boca-ht- highest prices pe'd. Ph. 1111 Second Hand Fnmltare. WANTED 3d hand furattore. R. IV Dan leU Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1J2S. EXCHANGE NEW FCKNTTTRE For seeoa'i hand. Western Ftrralture Co.. 33 & Kl Paso St- Phoee 1432. WK BUY. SELL or exchange anything- li household goods. Rio Grande Hardware and. Furaiture Co, 47 N. Oregon St Ph. S95. WANTED AT ONCE 5 second hand raj ranges. 73 Ice box refrigerators, carpets, rugs, office furniture and all kinds of fur niture. Will pat cash or exchange for new goods. Call today. Texas Furaiture Cc. Phone 47. W8.B Paso St. S3o. K.DK IN EL PASO. Oat-. Steel, best mads Hlua. Sutton A White Manufacturing Co. Signs. CITY SffiN CO, 33 N. Staaton Pa. 1247 Spanish Lessons. PROF. BRAVO. Ph. 2S. 24 Buckler Bldg. MRS. FIDBNCLV A. C-VRREON Ph. 34J3. I . . . Spaa TnugM Convet'L 71 N. El Paso. CONVERSATIONAL Palmors coi:ege. Ph. 343. Stove Repairin?. STOVE REPAIRING New parts made an,l carried for all makes of stoves L, J. Peeler, r ith D and H Irnn Works. Phone 344 KL I'ASO STORAGE WAREHOUSE Larg est, beet equipped In dty. Goods called for and stored. Cheapest and best. Ph. 21 4S. KL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New ware house, safest location, possibly lowest rate. Office 17 Main St Phone 154 Tasks. TANKS, CULVERTS, Irrigation pipe. silo. garages, etc Ask for catalog Phone 14 Hilly Sutton a- White Manufacturing Co Taxidermists. Tarfcish Baths. X. OREGON Ph. IPX. L. Wacht Pron Tyrjewrasrs. ni'BlVKWBK AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona tit Mills St Kboti. lit Tools. vTANTim To buy 2d band tools and guns. 11 Mnar. 33 S. El Paso St Ve4eriaary Surgeons. T MllOH"N. Veterlnarv Ph 4317 Office .r WeWiirg Shops. MEiWY M.ICHINE and automobile par weldcl pririptly Brtiwn el dine Ci I Wfcatesaie Metal Dealers. 1 i 'mi, i , i . i ; it n J II Hrom- i 1 E Bl Y , II WK V HH.llfsT j W E 'n r i 1-tf r-n in li i