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I WATER BN T f Mesilla Valley Farmers Carry Their Contention With the Reclamation Service to Court; the El Paso Dele gation Fails in Its Mission of Peace; Ditch Riders Guard Canals. ATE3IPOKART writ of injunction forcing officials of the recla mation service to turn water nto the upper" Mesilla valley canals. u ih hae not bad water since May was issued Tuesday night at Las -u el by judge J5. L. Hedler. of the i i district court. The "mediation committee" of El i -so ins, headed by K. B. Orndorff. i h. ii vier.t to Las Cruces Tuesday with tIh purpose of persuading the upper jlle firmers from carrying the mat trr into the courts, failed in its mis on. HhouKh the El Pasoans were i.iriak received, their arguments for ace were unheeded. Injunction Served at 7YIght, The injunction issued Tuesday night n s served at 8. JO p. m. on Charles A. iTurns. of the reclamation office in .. s Cruces. It instructed him and all i is agents to immediately cause the -sj.ter, which had been diverted from te canals operated by the water users t the upper Mesilla valley, to again loir into the ditches and canals. It jJjso restrains the reclamation offi cials from imposing any "illegal cliarges for operation and mainte nance" In connection -with the Elephant L, itte Irrigation project. Tiie writ is temporary and will be farther heard before Judge Medler on Thursday, May IS, when attorneys for the -water users and reclamation ser vice will begin the battle to decide whether it will be set aside or made permanent. Assistant manager Burns immediately obeyed the injunction and water is now flowing through the Mesilla valley canals. Mediators Disappointed. EI Paso's "peace commissioners" were disappointed when they returned to El laso .K. xJ. urnaoni, presiaent T2 Jtl lv--.:.riE... "1 " cmuuuef ui. tumiuaw -""- ian of the "mediation commission. said Tuesday night that the Elephant Butte water users had set their minds against signing the irrigation con tracts presented to them by the recla mation service and no amount of ar gument could prevail on them to change. The El Pasoans, among whom. Lesldes Mr. Orndorff, were U. S. Stew art, Tv". G. Roe, J. M. Wyatt. M. L. Cad wallader, George R. LeBaron and George H. Clements, reached Las i "races at 11 odock Tuesday morning and immediately went into session with cfficers of the Elephant Butte Water l sers" association. Present were L. Clanp, president of the association, Mark B. Thompson and H. B. Holt, at torneys, and about 26 members and "n& directors. Orndorff Writes Peace. Mr. Orndorff urged on the Mesilla valley men the necessity for signing "he contracts now and settling the mat ter afterwards through the proper au thorities. He told them that their policy was one which could not bring them any lasting benefit and pointed out to them how 9S percent of the El Paso valley water users had signed contracts which called for 85 cnts per acre more than these presented to the npper val ley farmers. He pleaded with them to uiopt peaceful meatsures now. In view f the fact the congressional appropri it n committee will visit this sec or soon and may refuse further ap--opriations for the irrigation project ase a fight Is in progress between v e cto ernment and the farmers. "ot Money But Principle. kUomeys for the Las Cruces water j-c-s answered most of the arguments. ale by the El Pasoans. They con m led that they were fighting not so Tiu li for the money as for the prlnci- A new Texas State Souvenir Spoon Free This Week Willi Every Purchase of $1.00 or More. BLOUSE SALE SPECIAL! 75c White Blouses 496 Think of saving 26c on a single waist purchase: Blouses of striped voile and lawns in beautiful color effects Special tomorrow 49 C V. THURSDAY SPECIAL! 15c Children's Sox 86 a value well worth your in spection the famous Gordon Dye hose for little ones in black, tan, white and fancy solors Very special for to morrow only at 8c Mail and Phone Orders Filled Promptly Telephone ftSOO. r . I FLOWS III CANALS; JUNCTION GRANTED pie. They asserted that the reclama tion service has no right to charge for storage water until the dam is com pleted. One of the clauses of the con tract presented for signature imposes on the farmer a charge of SO cents per acre foot storage water. They also said that the action of the reclamation agents in shutting off the water in Leasburg canals and its laterals on May 1 k SB unjust, arbitrary act and was a viol t ion of the riparian rights of owners of the land. The discussion on both sides was roost friendly. The 1 Pasoans soon found that no argument could shake the upper valley farmers from their position and they were notified that an injunction would be asked Tuesday night. Attorneys Holt and Thompson did most of the talking for the water users. Ditch Riders on Canals. Ditch riders employed by the upper valley -water users went on duty the night of May 1 along the canals and refused to permit those who had signed up to receive water. One percent of the farmers signed the contracts and the reclamation officials allowed enough water to flow through the canals to serve these few, brt the ditch riders of the association had orders, it is reported, to let no one have water from the canals and no one received any. One Mesilla valley farmer said he had ZOO acres of alfalfa which he would permit to die rather than sign the con tract. FIRST AID WORK TAUGHT IN TVTTAMT Miami. Ariz- May 5. First aid to the Injured will be taught in the ..1. -r VI-toI n-rt vr U schools of Miami next year in all like libood. Orr Woodburn, who s in charge of the first aid and helmet crews of the Old Dominion mine, has agreed to conduct the work if the school officials so desire. It Is be lieved satisfactory arrangements can be made. CURRY COUNTY TEACHERS MEET AT CLOVIS MAY 14 Santa Fe, X. 3C, May 6. The Curry County Teachers' association will hold their meeting at Clovis on May 14 and 15 Superintendent of public instruc tion Alvan X. White appears on the program to address the association on May 15. The county eighth grade exercises will be held In the afternoon of the second day in the Clovis Methodist church. Miss Maude Hancock will have charge of the program and Mrs. S. F. Culberson, county superintendent of Roosevelt county, will address the graduates as well as deliver the cer tificates. After the graduation ex ercises the Curry county scholastic track meet will take place In the ball park. CROSBY-STBVXTVS CASE OS TniAL. The case of Josephine Crosby and others against H. B. Stevens and others, invoving title to about 134 acres of land lmg along the county road Just below the five mile bridge, was called in the 34th district court Wednesday morning. This is the second trial of the case. He who buys home products loves home. Announcing For Tomorrow and Friday -A Two-Day SALE OF UNDERMUSLINS all the Main Floor Sales Tables heaped high with these lovely pieces each garment almost gleaming with purity each one intelligently cut and well made! Every practical kind of undermuslins is in this 2-day sale. Look for the not-advertised specials all as attractive as the ones listed below. $1.50 Undwmnilini at 98d inchiffing our entire stock of $150 gowns, skirts, envelope chemise, princess slips, drawers and corset covers made of best quality nainsook, with Swiss em broidery, organdie, shadow and Valenciennes lace trimmings neat pink and blue ribbons at Beck. Values too good to let go by, tomorrow and Friday f Q at only " 70C usual for at Featuring the "Minneapolis" 8 nriKr 2!:-Sl5v S JS v-ifi.-'-'3 I eCTk Wii TaT . -VfaTssT I ivi waists w v. 3 SbrIstIesstowaier.rec!st- 3! 1 less tow-ear. that's C'jr"M" S I Q Waist, the mnct tiwteti. I SbrhuIesstowaier.rer.Ut less to wear, that's our "M" Waist, the most bysien'c little article ot children's wear ever manafactared. Permits perfect evaporation, promotes health andcomiott, and freedom ot motion. Withstand! the vieor ot eroirtoB children, and like all "M " brand products. "M" Waists suspends the weight ot clotblse from the shoulders . no saccm? at neck or arm holes. Soft and flexible, vleld. ?? in? to child's every motion. .VI J?..,, ., F.. A C. vSSs3tJnji & fijjt & tonholes worked ia to stay. jquHwiH wmiMfnwk uui' I "-SsSj- fcC Children. Let CS Show Tfcsf yoa an "M" Waist. jj 15 cents TWO GRADES 25 cents "s-5wri The ideal carmen for mw. IL. nujJV II. S. IS OPPOSED TOPE COURT Objects to the Proposition Submitted by Germany and Says So. (Continued From Paxe One). sible and can more conveniently be examined in the United States than .lowh.rn nn nmiunt ttf th liresence there of the owners and captain of the William P. Jrje and their docu mentary records, and other possible witnesses, the government of the United States ventures to suggest the advisability of transferring the nego tiations for the settlement of these points to the imperial German embassy at Washington. "In view of the admission of liabil ity or by reason of specific treaty stipulations, it has become unneces sary to enter into a discussion of the meaning and effect of the declaration of London, nrhich is given some prom inence in your excellency's note of April S, further than to say that, as the German government has already been advised, the government of the United States does not regard the declaration of London as in force. NEWTON WANTS FIREMEN; FLAMES TOO FREQUENT MorencL Ariz., Ma 5. Because Newton, near here, has been too fre quently visited by fires In the past few years and the destruction of the entire business part of the town has several times been threatened, the business men of the town met and made plans for the instalation of a fire department. The last fire occur red a week ago Sunday when two houses were burned. W. J. Cantlon, who is employed in the Arizona Copper company's mine office, is confined at the A. C hos pital because of stomach trouble He was operated upon recently and was thought to have fully recovered. Fourteen riders, under the chaper tnage of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beck, rode to the Standard mine and were entertained at dinner by W. W. Porrl and R. W. Prouty. On the return, part of the party rode to Clifton and then to MorencL MESILLA PARK SCHOOL HAS 14 IN GRADUATING CLASS Mwills. Park. X. It. May t Prepara tion, ere belnc nude by the Mesilla Psrk public school far the commencement exer cises, which will be held In the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening-. May lz. There are II In the eighth grade gradu ating class, seven stria and teres boys. On Sunday. May . the class In a bedy will at tend tne services at the Preabvterlan chnrch. where the paetor. Rev. E. EL. Mathea, will deliver in then honor a brief address, in connection with the observance of "Moth er's Day." Prof. Hiram Hadley la to deliver the address at th cradnatrag- exercises on WedneaOay evening. May IX, when those win ning the highest honors will be on the prof-ram. Fred Htnes being valedictorian, and Donald Mathes salntatorian. with Velma Goddard and Hugh Hare not far behind in credits. Bishop Frederick B. Howden arrived In the Park Tuesday morning and la the guest of Dr and Mrs. W. R. Agate while attend ing the convocation of the missionary dio cese of New Mexico and West Tsxas. of the Episcopal church, now ia session in Las Croces. Miss Eberlr. a graduate nurse from "Ho tel Diet- in SI Paso, is spending a tew days at the Carroll borne in the Park. ROY BAItA-t,M TO ATTE-D ELKS' CO.NVBNTIOX AT WACO Roy D. Barnum was named as dele gate from EI Paso lodge 1ST, of Elks, to the Elks convention at Waco, at the - weekly session of the local lodge on Tuesday night. George E Wallace will also attend the convention. 98c Prineess Slips and Skirts for 696 made of good long cloth and nainsook, wide embroidery trim mings, pink and blue ribbons worth 98c; tomorrow and S"Q Friday at only Oi7C Very New! The "FIGLEAF" a combination chemise and en velope drawers excellent quality nainsook dainty trimmings fl.59 value specially priced Ihursday and Iriday 98c j Waist tor Children BLOUSE SALE SPECIAL! $1.50 Middy Blouse! 98c As sailorish as the coolest of ocean breezes! Made of galatea and Palm beach cloth with detachable collar and laces a Blouse Sale- no feature at only. ZJOC " THURSDAY SPECIAL! 50c Chamoisette Gloves 236 not to be duplicated in the city at the priee wrist length, 2 clasp, in chamois and white an unusual Thurs- OQ day special at ' C Vnlt Tor Oar Important Announce ricnt! The War At a Glance FURTHER striking victories by the Austro-German forces in the east were announced to day by the Berlin war office. It is stated that successes were won in France and Belgium. This report, together with the events of the last few das, make it appear that the Teutonic allies have entered into offensive operations on both the eastern and western fronts such as have seldom been undertaken simultaneously since the war be gan. Third Huiilnn Line Broken It is in Galicia that the most im portant victory is claimed. The German announcement says the third fortified line of the Russians was pierced and that they is ere defeated along tne entiro ironc German- Succeed In "West In France and Belgium several German attacks are reported to have been made successfully. -Nine Ship Torpedoed Nine trawlers were torpedoed by German submarines in the waters of England on Monday, in each instance the crew escaped. Hnrd Flchtinc in Carpathians Desperate fighting is in progress on the Carpathian front. In the region of Stry, it is said one hill changed hands three times in a single battle, and that i:M mora Austrians were captured by the Russians. Turkish leroplanen Ilrousht Down Unofficial reports from Salonikl say that two Turkish aeroplanes which attacked the allied fleet at the Dardanelles were brought down by the fire of the warships. Turkey Fears Bulgaria Relations between Bulgaria and Turkey apparently have Decome more uncertain. Turkey is send ing troops hastily to the neighbor hood of Adrianople. after having withdrawn them for use on the Gallipoli peninsula. Austria's answer to Italy's de mands is expected Thursday and it is believed in Rome its character will determine the course of Italy. ALU Si IKES I! BRIDE Arizona and other southwestern friends of Hoval A. Smith, formerly of Bisbee, were surprised and rleased to receive announcements of his mar riage on May 1 to Miss Nina Roberts of Prince George county, Maryland. Mr and Mrs. Smith will le at home at the Congress hotel in Chicago. Hoi al mith is one of the best known copper men and mining engineers in the southwest. He came to Arizona from Duluth where he bad been one of the principal technical men of the United States Steel corporation's iron mining division, the Oliver Iron company, which conducts the great iron mining operations in the Mesaba range. He was chief engineer for the old Calumet A Arizona, and opened up many of that company's most profitable properties in the Warren district Afterwards he went into business for himself, and engaged in copper min ing and ranching. He was one of the principal forces in developing the new Globe district, and helped to lay the foundation for the profitable operation of some of the strongest companies there and in Miami. He also helped to organize the Savanna company in the Burro mountain district of New Mexico, and still has force interest there Some of his mining properties in the Harren district became involved in litigation with the government over old titles, and for several years Mr. Smith has made his home in Washington look ing after straightening out the tangles, i this he has been entirely successful. He was active in Republican politics l? ,ATii.,la" "d ls a strong friend of Iialph Cameron and Frank H. Hitchcock He took a very active part In the state hood campaign, and was Republican nominee for U. S. senator at the first state election. Mr. Smith has always kept In close touch with El Paso and has many friends here. Blectrlc Sewing Srnchlnes. See the new Whito Rotary, with mo tor attached. A bnnd new Invention. Simple and efficient. Tou should by all I "';" Vr". " "e merits 01 mis ma chine Call and let us show you. Office one oioca oacK ot Paso del Norte HoteL Cor West San Antonio and Santa Fe. Phone ;:7. Advertisement. IT What la nornpv inn Tf i. .- I;"""X Ir" " "n WIl tne penent - . . tlJtN ROD: It is the law. which was Initiated last year and ap sweetesc purest, cheapest, best feed on I pml by popular vote. Th. injnneaon wL me marxpt iry a sack and be con- im-ru i4ir o. umyioa, .Agent- Aa? RAWFOR TONIGHT "THE HALF-BACK" with OLIO SPECIALTIES Second Act "PRINCE AND THE BARON" Thi-- the lant Wffk of BarleHqae Co. Ao. 1. Phone eiTO I Popular Price THE POPtXAK flact: rPSTATRS ALHA1IBRA THEATER Orchestra 9 to II p. m. Special Noonday Lunches. 2Sc to 35c Regular Suppers. 50o (5:30 to 7:30 p.m.) DANCE IF TOC LIKE. Light Laaehes, Delicious Confections. Soda ilkgloyeSv Women acquainted with rovvnes quali ALL kinds of cloves. demanding Fownes SILK gloves, with reason. Smartest, most satisfactory. but they cost no more. igthj, sizes and shades. Double -tipped? Of course! : your dealer m i "" S KID FITTINGWS " Nit. in nIH Sk j-tg5 r WIGS HAS MADEHISHEPDRT Says Scandal Affecting Na tional Guard Is in Charge of the Government. Austin. Texas, May 5 -Vdj Gen. Henry Hutching returned today from San Antonio where he has been con ferring with MaJ. Gen. Frederick Funston. commander of the southern department of Fort Sam Houston, rel ative to the investigation of the alleged sale of JS0.006 worth of federal military property, which had been in the posses sion of the Texas national guard. Gen. Hutchings made a complete re port to the governor. He had nothing to add to what has already been made public and he declared that he had sub mitted all evidence in his possession to Gen. Funston and that the federal government new has charge of the in vestigation. 3lnch Army Property Involved. The property involved included sev eral hundred army tents, blankets, uni forms, guns and ammunition, which, it Is charged, was sold in St. Louis and other places by former officers of the Texas national guard. The rest-It of the investigation, it is said, may cause the federal government to withdraw its annual appropriation for the Texas militia and also institute proceedings against at least two former Texas guard officers, whose names are with held. Fnnston MsVes Statement. Gen. Funston in a statement sald- Tt Is evident two militia office's abused their positions, disposing of large quantities of army goods wheia had been issued to the state of Texas, Some of these goods were sold to Mexi- I can factions and the remainder to private dealers in this city There miy be other persons involved but the facts will not be known until MaJ Simons completes his investigation " LA MESA HAS ABUNDANCE OF BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS Ia Mesa. N M.. May S The rose trashes in different yards In La Mesa hare made noaderfal growth this sarins; and seemingly have bloomed mors profasely than In several years. Among the most attractive yards are thoje of Chaa, Brown and H. R. Hannum. at San Miguel Mrs. Haunua has an abvndanr e of American beauties, bride's rosea and Jac queminots. An Important meeting Is scheduled tor Saturday afternoon. May S. at ;.. at the La Mesa school hoase. whoa Mr Barber, the Bona Ana county agrleulterlat, will be pres ent to meet tb people. The object of this meeting ls to get in toarh with those hat ing question to which they wish solutions. As an example of the fertility of valley sou and the possibility of horticulture, the strawberry patch of A. X. Ault demonstrated what can be don. Three acres are under cultivation and have been irrigated from Um ditch. Half of the acreage far in early ber ries and the reraalains halt will com oa later. Mrs. A. P. Williams. Mrs. Chaa. T Bert lett, Mrs. c H. McKee of this place, and Mrs B. J. TutUs, of SI Paso, motored to the dam. LEE HELD ON $10,000 BOND ON COUNTERFEITING CHARGE Benjamin F. Lee, alias Boyle, alias Oliver under elO.Oo bond on a charge of grand jury Vedneseay morning by United States commissioner George B. Oliver under J 10.000 on a charge of counierieiung i Dills, tree's prelim inary hearing was the first step In a lesral battle that will end diau f i five years by government secret sex- I vlra nsanta When arrested last week Lee had In his possession several metal plates with Impressions of currencj engraved upon them. It is charged that he counter feited bills on Crocker National bank, ot San Franciscu. He was unable to give bond. ARIZONA 80 PERCENT CASE IS ADVANCED TO OCTOBER 12 Phoenix. Ariz.. May S Notification to the effect that the case Involving the validity of the Arizona ! percent law has been ad vanced on the federal supreme court calen dar to October lz. has been received by attorney general Wiley Jones. Several weeks ago Jo&es moved that the case be advanced because public necessity demanded an early decision. Had his motion Ml wmmIImI Ik, hearing would not have been held for at least a year. This is tbe ease brought by Max Rlaeh. a Blsbse COOlC Who filed In Is fMl.r.1 ,-r,.,.. an application for an Injunction restraining his employer. William Truax. from dis charging him to comply with the penent "granted and attorney general Jones appealed on behalf of the state, which had Intervened. THE COURTS 41ST DISTIIICT COURT. I. It. l'rlce. Presiding. A. L. Littell vs. Kl Paso Electric Hail- i way company, suit for damages, filed. WTII DISTIIICT CODItT. Dan M. Jacltaeo. Presiding. Josephine Crosby et al. vs. H. B. Stevens et al. trespass to try title, on trial. Jennie Ktrschner vs. Jacob Kirschner, divorce and restoration of maiden name: filed. Kthel IMiui. .w T r xi-i son. divorce; granted and maiden name ' oi Jennie Johnson restored. Octavlann ftnrvia v law.Ml.. XT--. rlsburg A San Antonio railroad, suit lor ev,onv damages for personal in juries, verdict for defendant. 63TH DIiTItIOT COURT. Ballard Coldwcll. Presiding. E. JL Callaway vs. Kl Paso Sash and Door company, salt for 000 for per sonal damages; judgment for plaintiff for J7S0. Barbaro II. Hernandez vs. Alberto Hernandex, divorce; filed. COUTV COUIIT. Adrian Pool, Presiding. Stale of Texas vs. John H. Hernan dez, theft; filed. State of Texas vs. Maria Fallal and Natalio Alvarez, theft: filed. State of Texas vs. S. S. Carpenter and Mrs. Antoinette Dwyer, obstructing i Cuuifv lunu, man. State of Texas vs. J. Walker, selling liquor without a license; fined f 100 and costs. JUSTICK COUltTS. J. J. Murphy, Presiding. State of Texas vs. J. J. Drummond, speeding, defendant pleaded not guilty and waived a jury. J. 31. Denver, Presiding. State of Texas va Miguel Rome, se duction: defendant waived examining trial ztnA wns rlenMl An Tata nnrn ,a- ' cognizance. ' State of Texas va Jose Marvaez. af fray: defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $1 and costs. State of Texas vs. W. Charles Man ning, embezzlement: case dismissed on motion ot county attorney. GOVKIl.NOK AMBS MAY S MOTHEHS DAT I.V TKXiS Austin, Tex., May . Governor Fer guson today issued his "Mothers' day" proclamation, officially designating Sunday, May , as "Mothers' day." IX THE DBSBIIT. From Chandler Arisonan. "Little pots of flowers. Little pots of paint. Make attractive neighborhoods Out of them that ain't" tt hen humnn brains become more en lightened, there ma be a feed made equal to GOLDEN ROD. but we doubt it. Waiter S Clayton, gent Adv JUTOS COLLI OlfCOpiAD Three Cars in Double Collis ion Near Park; Mexican Has His Face Cut. A double collision occurred on the county road near Washington tark. Tuesday night, when two Ford car. collided and then one of the Fords struck the five passenger Studebaker owned by H. P. Jackson and driven by F. J. Dean, of the firm of Jackson. Winder A Dean. The accident occurred at 11:25 p. m. One of the Ford can, said to be owned by Hull Bros., and another Ford nickel car owned by J. Cinecaros, Sl-4 Myrtle avenue, collided. The auto owned by Cinecaros was said by Mr Dean t. have been going out of the city, while the other Ford was coming in. The two nickel car collided and one had the front wheel broken. Second Collision Occurs. As soon as the Ford cars stopped one of the can started np Just aa Mr "Yes madam, a dozen, right away!" And there's nothing unusual about this. Thousands of sensible housewives give such an order every day. In fact, this is the practical way to buy Campbell's Tomato Soup It is always so welcome; so easy to prepare; and there are so many different ways in which you can enjoy it, that ordering by the dozen really saves time and effort. For formal affairs or every day meals; for youngsters or "oldsters;" for the delicate or the hearty you couldn't provide a dish more suitable and satisfying. Why don't you 'phone for a dozen right now? 21 kinds 10c a can H E3i 51 1 5 al am D..i.BBliBB.B!li.iH B9 m innE.iiiH.anaK.iia's Sm mm )!.BBnsBtx.lsnBBBBSQ IbwL iE. (Li n (SHHHI.Hfl9HEBiKfl9EB9S BH LASTS ONLY 3 DAYS MORE Every Article in on Sale 20 to 50 Buy Now and Make Big Sayings IE CHINA PALACE CO, HYMAT. & SANDERS, Managers & W 1 COMPANY SPECIALS 1 doz. Cans Pea 90 1 doz. Gins String Beans 90s 1 doz. Gins Tomatoes 90tf 1 doz. Large Size Baked Beans 90' 1 doz. Cans Tablt Peaches 1.125 XRAT ; WITH OS AND SAVE MOKEY MAIL ORDERS PROMPT ATTENTION' Phones 505 & 506. 204 & 206 East Overland St. Dean v driving past in the tude baker. The r'ord car collided with the Mnirliaker touring car, breaking the windshield, the fender and bending tne axle on the Studebaker and slightly damaging the Ford car. A Mexican passenger in the nickel car was cut on the face by flying glass from the wind shield. Two Mexican women and a little girl were also riding in the nickel ear. but were not injured. Mr. Dean was accompanied by Mrs. Dean and two friends. Mrs. Dean was slightly cut on the face. MISS RAYNOLDS AND HER COMPANY PLEASE DEMINGITES Demlng. X. M, May 5. The greatest musical event ever known in Deming was the grand opera concert by Miss Sarame Raynolds and her National Grand Opera company at the Crystal theater. The noted singers were given aa ova tion and every member was brought be fore the curtain three or four times, even when they had responded to en cores. Misses Raynolds and Jarman and Messrs. Rodoift sad Plcchi certainly mad friends of all mask: loving; Dem laic. Following the concert, the company was given a delightful reception at the home of H. H. KeHy. president of the Denting National baak. LmIJsj Our Two Stores at from Discoun UNDERSELL ALL OTHERS t