Newspaper Page Text
EX PASO HERALD Wedne.daj , May 3, lfllo BUBGNiG PlflGUE It ExiStS 111 California and in Seattle, Says United States Expert. ' ort Worth. Texas, May S. Dr. W. C F.uckrr. assistant surgeon general of ihe public health service, before the Mate Medical association here today lold of the -morld wide ramifications f bubonic plague and its menace to the I nited States. The pleague, he said. follow" main traveled roads, spreads , i . iir less beaten paths to the remote i ii of the earth and goes from one . mtt v t another more frequently by u iter than by land. Tkmg the Hawaiian islands, where ri.t-ui was found last August, as a cen t i! jioint." Dr. Rocker continued. i u,jii- . xists in Seattle. S408 miles .1 i in California. 291 miles distant; i okohoma, S44i miles away, in ll( 4Si" miles away, and in -i. .iihni. a little over 50 miles dis 1 i,t Thus our entire Pacific coast is i 1 1 , .i i-1 iel by plague from the orient. he Pacific coast is also menaced by the iliitase in Eucador and Peru, a Ut ile uifr 4000 miles away from San l'ram isco Tin entre gulf coast is menaced 1 - i la sue in Havana, 795 miles from t,aieston, 601 miles from New Orleans. .i miles from Tampa, and t miles from Key West. The disease was found amonsr rats in New Orleans no longer ago i h n March 9. 1915. On account of the chaos in Mexico, it is impossible to --tate whether plague exists in her jrulf ports. Atlantic Coast Threatened. The Atlantic coast is not only threatened with importation of plague from the eastern coast of South merica, but from European, African and Asiatic DOrts. Less than SAM miles from New York, plague is found In Brazil, at Pernambuco, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. In the Mediterranean lit toral, plague is found in Tripoli. Greece, Egypt, and at Port Said, one of the world's gateways. Practically all of the great ports of British India, except Calcutta, are infected. Ran goon. Madras. Colombo. Bombay and Karachi report its presence and from Karachi it has extended up into the Versian gulf Signapore. Surbaya. Mauritius. Zanzibar, Queenstown in South Africa, and Dakar in Senegal, all Her Husband Works for Homestead Co. Recommended Plant Juice to His Better Half, Who Had a Bad Stomach Tin"- truly remarkable preparation. Plant Juice, is a peculiar combination remarkable effectiveness, maruTac ti r. d from medicinal roots, herbs. buk" and berries, which are gathered ie i.illv for it T lat Plant Juice is bearins out the reputation established in other cities, it is only necessary to read the testi monials of well known people who h e been benefited after they had thcucrht there was no relief. For in stcnit. th. signed statement was re nniii irceived from Mrs. John Killan, v lio lies at No. 40 Melrose Avenue, ..rtli Side. Pittsburg. Pa. Mrs. Kilian's husLand is a trusted employe of the H..metead Paint Works, and they have T' sided in Pittsburg for the past forty 3 . irs She said: Mi husband has become interested in Plint Juice bj hearing it recom mended h people who had used it and tit jre ailed upon meto try it. I had suifereu from liver trouble and had a b. i stomach which took the form of ir urestion My food fermented in t s.J digesting, causing me great digress- At night I was so nervous Hi. t I could not sleep and what little -,U .-p I did get did not rest me. After taking three bottles of Plant Juice. I am relieved of all those troubles. My fo d digests perfectly now; I get up rcted ir the morning, and my serves ar. strong In fact. j. feel like a new w oman " T'lant Juice is sold in El Paso at the 3vell: -Pollard drug store, where it is iKini; introduced and its merits ex plained -Ad ertisement GET IT AT McMICKLE'S BREAD McMickle Makes the Price Seymour's Extra High Patent The Best. I" Iffl II 24 Ib- 9U2; 48s. $224; 100. $4.4S 1 1 9 W I Cape High Patent, 24$, $1.03; 48, $2.06; 100, $4.24. Every sack guaranteed or your money refunded. Special all this week. If you are in the market for flour now is the time to buy. Spado, 11 lb. ....... ....... .STc Drnnuda Onions. G lbs. ........wC B. B. Soap. 7 barn ............. 2Tc IMnlc Beans, 4 lbs. .... ......... Zc Sal Soda. 10 lbs. . . . ........... .25c Corn Flakes. 4 pWs. ......... ,2.c Beat Creamery Batter. lb. . . . .30c Brook field LZecrn, doi .25c Green S trine Beano, lb 10c S Cans Tomatoes ! Kresh Tomatoe. 2 lbs. 2Te Green Olrrea, qt. 2.7c Cut Sonr Pickles, qt. 10c Bnllc Cocoa, lb. 25c Beef Stew, lb best 10c Strawberries, 3 Boxes ... 25c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, Soup and Chile Con Came 2 Cans for 15d B00 K. San Antonio McMICKLE'S ii Vi Yon Can Always Do THE BURLINGTON APARTMENTS C F. Kinnucan, Manager & Owner. 9th & Burlington, LOS ANGELES, Calif. HWMwyyK-yfclHMarBSg4BBS CLOSE ID ! have plagme Directl or indirect! our I country is in commercial commumcd tion with all of the infected places mentioned. It must 1 e admitted that as plague is a disease of rodents which travel around the world in ships, the United States must consider herself as seriously menaced by bubonic plague." Dr. Rucker contended that there was J no reason to believe the disease does t not exist in other ports and that the ,' search for it had tteen either nesrleeted or half heartedly conducted That, iie I A murder occurred near the entrance said, applies to the I'nited States as to Concordia cemetery some time Tues well as to other countries. j day night, when an unknown Mexican Rat Proofing If Ileil. was shot through the right breast and As to prevention, he said, the first i his dead bodv left in an abandoned line of defence was maritime quaran- adobe shack near the cemeterv. tine, which might prove a disastrous : The body was found at 7 oclock Wed interference with commerce and "at I nesday morning by a Mexican man in a most a makeshift." second rat guards. I house at the corner of Madera and Ste and other measures at the wharves to J vens streets. prevent embarkation or disenbarka- I Iad nunch of Pans Keys, tion of rats, third, immunization of ' on the body was a large bunch of human beings, "a weak reed to lean pggg keys and an open pocket knife, upon, and fourth, the onl reliable de- The m, iK rDDosed to have been one fence, rat proofing man's -norkinc; ami living: environment. He said no mod ern city could regard rat proofing; as a luxury. Rat proof cities and occu pants of rat proof premises need have no fear of the plague, he said. "ROBIN HOOD" WILL BE PLAYED AT CAMP COTTON "Robin Hood" will be played by the Sixth infantry band at Camp Cotton this evening as the feature number on its free concert to start at 6: JO. The famous selection has been in cluded on the program prepared by bandmaster Max Muller for the popular concert this evening. The complete program Is: March. "Emperor's Manoeuvre March" Frledemann Overture "Hungarian Comedy" Keler-Bela Fox Trot "Ballin the Jack" Smith One Step "Some Baby" Lonzbery Selection "Robin Hood"..K. de Koven Valse Hesitation "Nights of Gladness" Ocliffe Finale "It's a Long, Long "Way to Tipperary" Williams TODAY'S AMCSHMENTS "KltBCTZKR SONATA" AT THE BIJOU The Bijou has again s - ed for its patrons one of the gre film pro ductions ever presented . e an audi ence "Kreutzer Sonata. Count I.eo T-Istoi'a greatest masterpiece, in five parts. The most wonderful cast ever assem bled for a picture appears in "Kreutzer Sonata." Every artist is a Broadway star. Everv nrlnciDal role in the long list of characters in the William Fox pres entation of Tolstoi's modern dramatic masterpiece, "Kreutzer Sonata, is filled by a Broadway star. The' minor parts are enacted by equally well known actors and actresses. Director Herbert Brenon, who 'won his spurs as the pro ducer of "Neptune's Daughter." de clares that the players in "Kreutzer So nata." comprise more people who have starred at tne heads of their own com panies than has been the case in anv oflth sccre of other big productions he has directed. Nance O'Neil. the young American cmotlcnal actress whose art is known on ail four continents, plays the great role of Miriam, the wronged wife, who takes in the end a terrible revenge for her injuries. Miss O'Neil gives a ver itably soul shaking rendition f cbe character. Theda Bara. leading woman of the famed Theater Antoine. Paris, adds another "Vampire Woman" to the part she enacted in the William Fox "A Fool There Was" production, by her portrayal of Celia Friedlander. the beaut.! ul. heartless siren, who breaks up her foster sister s home and ruins ner life. William E. Sha. star of a dor en big productions and formerh lead ing man for Robert E. Mantel). Mrs. JIlnLie Madden Fieke, Viola Allen and other (.rcat artists, portrays with iron-de-ful brilliano the violinist. The management requests every one who can possibK do to to attend the matinee. The first show starts at 11 a. ni. and requires one hour and IS min utes tc be shown. The last show will start at 10 p. m. Admission Is: Adults, Sc; children, ISc. 'Advertisement. THE ALHAMURV. The Alhambra has today a variety of pictures, selected with the idea of (leas ing all tastes. "Patne's Weejcly. which should have been here yesterday, heads a bill of licensed films that are hard to (Loaf) (Loaf) 4C Mutton Steir, 3 lbs. ........ 25c Pure Ilojc Lard, lb. ........ . .15c Loin Stent, lb lSl-2e Corn Beef. Vest, lb. ..........16c Hound" Steak, lb. ............ .17e Sboulder Roast, lb. 15c I'ot Koant. lb. 12 l-2c Home-made Sansacc. 2 lbs.. .25c Hamburger Steak, 2 lbs. .....25c Cottoleney 10-lb. pnfl S1.25 Snowdrift, 10-lb. pall ?1.15 Swift Premium. Haras 1TioIe lSl-2fc Swift Premium Bacon Br Strip 271-2c Rast of Court Iloase Better at McMickle's. Most magnificent roof garden and sun parlors in Los iDgelos. Spacious lobby, ball room, music room and billiard room. Located in heart of fash ionable A estlake District. tea minutes from shop ping center. Weekly rates $12.00 to 20.00. Special monthly rates. Write for reservations. Eliun ! i Mttitmf! Body Found in Abandoned House at Entrance to Con cordia; Was "Coyote." of the band of "Coyotes" which has been held responsible for many crimes of various natures, from theft to mur der, during the past few months, and the officers say that he was shot by one of the band. The man either wandered into the building after being shot, or was car ried there by those who were respon sible for his death. The remains were viewed by coro ner J. J Murphy, after which they were removed to a local undertaking estab lishment. beat A Vitagraph society comedy. "The Love Whip." with the popular fa vorites. Lillian Walker. Evart Overton and Lillian Burns, will delight every one. ."The Accusing Pen." a Lubin drama, will furnish the best of enter tainment, and "The Girl Engineer." from the Kalem studio, gives the thrills and excitement that always go with the Helen Holmes stories. For the end of the week the Alham bra promises the playgoers the most excellent offerings: Friday, for one day only. Dustin Farnum will be seen in "Captain Courtesy," and Saturday and Sunday. Clara Kimball Young, in "The Deep Purple." These features the dis criminating public will recognize as the best. Adevrtisement. KKlSTOMJ "KOMEU1" GRECIAN. "Their Social Splash" is the title of the new Keystone "Komedy" at the Grecian today. This Is a burlesque on society, with Charles Murray doing the honors. It is "some dreseed-up af fair." Be sure and see it. Sid Chaplin. Charlie's brother, comes to the Grecian tomorrow in the best two-reel comedy to date, "Gussie Ri vals Jonah." Moving picture critics say that Sid Chaplin outdoes his broth er Charlie in this comedy. Don't forget tomorrow only. Friday is the big dramatic event at the Grecian. "Man's Prerogative." a Mutual masterpiece, based on the dou ble standard of morals for man and woman, is the special attraction. Adv. THIS LMUEL RoBmary Theby and Harry Myers are featured today in "Father's Money." a. Victor comedy drama, and Dorothy Phillips and Ben Wilson are seen in "Rene HaKgard Journeys On," a tine Rejc production, at the Unique. Thursday Billle Reeves, the legitimate tace comedian, will be here in an ex cellent comedy. On Friday King Batcgot will be fea tured, and Billie Richie will mate you laugh on Saturday. Advertisement. MOTION" FOR REDUCTION" I OF BOND IS ltKFL SBD Chicago, III, May S. Motion for a The son of president Lincoln freely reduction and modification o the I discussed the subject of tips upon bonds of the 11 officials of Terre i which negro porters are compelled to Haute, Ind!. convicted of conspiracy in ' rel for a living. He insisted, however, the election fraud cases, was denied that employment afforded the negro bv in the United States court of appeals th.. Pullman company had been one or Tuesday . ! th most uplifting opportunities the The convicted men are now in prison ! race has had. at Leavenworth, Kansas, because their I While declaring his belief that tlp attornej, Frank S. Roby, claims that ping of Pullman porters by the public the bonds were excessive were excessive and they were unable to provide them pending an appeal. United we stand, tera unite in buy ing home valley products. A Send Every One Should Read "A Man and His Wife" John Proves at Home at Mrs. Simmons's and Entertains the Whole Company With Song. Or VIRGINIA TERHUB VAX de 1VA TER. Copyright. 1315, by Star Company. CHAPTER XV11L EVEN if Isabel had not had the mortifying and painful experience of falling down and marring the daintiness of her appearance, she could not have enjoyed the evening at Mrs. Simmons's home as much as John seemed to. It was a distinct surprise to her to observe bow entirely at ease he was in this environment. Several of the guests called him by his first name, and the hostess ordered him about as if he were a member of the family. "You see," Adelaide explained to her after a while, "that I treat Jack as if he was a tame cat about the house. He and I were great chums before his marriage." "Yes," Isabel rejoined unflinchingly. "He has told me of it." The statement contained a grain of truth, for John had referred to Mrs. Simmons occasionally as a woman at whose house he UBed to calL But Isa bel had not suppose 1 that he had been ad intimate as his hostess' manner tonight indicated. "I'm glad the weather did not keep you away," Dennis said to Isabel after he had greeted her with delight. "Adelaide is a great one for having jolly parties. "You know," dropping his voice, "I think she likes to have lots of people around her to make her forget the worries she's had. She's a kind hearted woman in spite of her rather odd ways, he added, as if ex cusing Adelaide's unconventional man ner. It needed some excuse, the young wife thought as she heard her hostess call the men by their first names, talk and laugh loudly and noted her fa miliar manner with every one. Dur inQ the evening there was some rather Rood singing by one man. some atro- cicus singing by an unnaturally blond miimii, and several recitations of original verses by a theatncal-look-ins male person with longish hair. "Almost everybody here can do something interesting or amusing." Mrs. Simmons told iBabeL "But they do better after refreshments. Let's go into the dining room now." SuKgestH She Do the Honors. Isabel hailed the suggestion with relief. If the evening was so far gone ' that refreshments were to be served, she might go home soon. It was a quarter to eleven now, she noted, glancing at the elaborate timepiece on the dining room mantel. Then her eyes turned to the table. It was a huge affair, about which the guests sat closely. In the center was an immense bowl of roses. In front of Mrs. Simmons was a bowl of punch flanked by plates of sandwiches and fancy cake. At the other end of the table was a tray of tall glasses, several siphons of vichy, a bottle of rye whisky, another of Scotch, and a bowl of cracked ice. "Henry1" Mrs. Simmon called to ' Mr Pennis. "jou can do the lionurs of th. l.ignballs But no as she noted t ) 1 l ,( ic .1... Tit In ,..L'.. hi. . . V.. FLOWERS THE ' III USE IBS Two Members of Herald Force Demonstrate What Can be Done in El Paso. While a number of members 01 The Herald force are enthusiastic sup porters of the "El Pa?o beautiful" .doa and are making successful efiorts at ; their homes to grow floners. shrubs land plants, two, who have been at t (work for some time, have already ar- exhibit results with considerable pride. John Harm, superintendent of the prees and stereotyping departments. and Charles & IVartf, foreman of the composing room, have both been devot- , ing; much time and work to planting and growing flowers and both are meeting with such success as repays them in personal enjoyment for the 1 efforts expended. ! At their home in Orchard Park. Mr. ' Harm and his wife have for the past j four years been at work beautifying their yard and today they have one of the best assortments of flowers and shrubs in the city. They have given particular attention to roses and have j some fine large, healthy plants that are in full bloom, covered with beauti- ful buds and blossoms. Palms, ferns. vines, golden glow. Shasta, daisies, peach trees, grape vines and even a 1 pecan tree that is now three years old. ! are other features of their display that attract attention and -afford them much satisfaction. Mr. Ward's efforts, at his home, 3031 Tularosa street. hve been confined to the past two years, but his reward has been equal to that of Mr. Harm for the time spent In the work. Roses set out as late as last fall are today covered with beautiful blossoms, and roses two years old are astonishing crops of beautiful blossoms each day. Mr Ward also has some fine fruit trees and grapevines in his yard and he and Mrs. Ward are also growing with success a number of smaller plants. Mr. Ward had some difficulty with his roses when he first put them out, through interference from In sects. He made up a solution of to bacco water and treated his roses a few times with it. The result was in stantaneous relief. Mr. Harm has been having trouble with neighborhood dogs of late. While he has a fence around his place, he says it would take a fence 10 feet high to keep the dogs all out. J-ast night six were in the yard at one time having fun with his flowers. Two fine rose bushes were recently ruined by these uninvited visitors. While both Mr. Harm and Mr. Ward are ssersonally enthusiastic horticul turists and florists, they modestly give the credit for their success in flori culture and horticulture to their wives. LINCOLN ADMITS WAGES OF EMPLOYES INADEQUATE nashington. D. C. May 5. Frankly D. C. admitting he is displeased witli the company s system of paying its por- iers. nooeri i Lincoln, chairman of tne Doard or directors of the Pullman company, said be believed the system should be changed and the pay of sleep ing tr fnnniln, 4,vaaaJ U.. ... bcth of these subjects would be taken ' up by the company's directors in tn nnr future. would continue even if the meager sal ary or $27.50 a month should be in creased. Mr. Lincoln admitted that the wage system for porters was an anti quated one and had given him consider able annoyance. and let Jack take care of that end of the table, as he used to do. Jack! will you serve the highballs?" "Surely!" John Hamilton agreed. "But you have punch there too. Which comes first?" "We might begin with the punch," said Mrs. Simmons. "Or anybody pre ferring the highballs can begin on them at once. I guess most of us are thirst)- enough to want both kinds of drinks." "The matter of eating seemed a sec ondary consideration," Isabel thought. "I'd be afraid to 3rink as much as these people do," she said later to Henry Dennis. The man sitting on her other side had been introduced to her as "David DuvaL" He overheard her remark and laughed. "It's plain that you are new to this sort of an affair, Mrs. Hamilton," he observed. "Addie likes to see people jolly, so she gives them good things to eat, but more good things to drink. You know it's a fact that after a little stimulant wit flows freely. There's your husband, for instance he was not nearly as amusing the first part of the evening as he is now." Isabel knew that Duval spoke the truth She herself had had only two glasses of punch, yet she felt her cheeks burn and found herself laugh ing and talking more loudly thtn she meant to Jack, being a man, could IT RUINS HAIR TO WASH IT WITH SOAP Soap should be used very sparing ly, if at all. If you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos con tain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes .the hair brittle, ind ruins it. The best thing for steady use is Just ordinary rauleifled cocoanut oil (which is pure and greaseless). is cheaper and better than any soap r anything else you can use. One or tvo teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lathi r, which rinses out easily. remo 111 every particle of dust. dirt, dand ruff and excessive oiL The hair ines quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fliiffv and eas to manage You an gtt mulsified rotoanut il at am pharma and a few umes will sup;it eer muTilm "f th " r.nH for nintn I ItaaaElaJlllifcl m Povr nnitr ISEHHSIbbbbbIiI Save m I $1 00 toiltffia $950 I e JL now HyKMiu m m $2.50 in money is only a small part of your saving if you buy a "White Beauty" Hoosier at once. This Hoosier saves miles of steps, saves hours of time, saves costly grocery supplies, saves nerves, "WHITE BEAUTY" is the finest Hoosier made. This $250 reduction off the low fixed cash price is made for one week in 1 000 towns by the Hoosier Company to double the sale. The chance may never come again. Next week you will have to pay the regular price. This Picture of "White Beauty" gives you only an incomplete idea of its convenience. You can pick out a few of its 40 labor-saving devices. You get some idea of its handy arrangement and its great capacity, but you can't tell its beauty of finish or its rigid con struction. Come in right away. Let us show you how easily it comes apart for cleaning; how every nook and cor ner is absolutely sanitary. This sale is fast nearing its end. Judging from the first few days of the sale, our entire allotment will be gone sooner than we expected, possibly by tomorrow night. Decide Now While You Can Save $2.50 Another Day May be Too Late llecide whether vou can afford to go on wasting' energy which you aad your family cannot afford to spare. 800.000 women already own Iloosvers. Women in your neighborhood are Baking up their minds now. Make up your mind, too. Come down and took this cabinet onct before yon let this opportunity slip bv. It is the chance of a lifetime. jl gers I ffl i n 1 r TO THE PUBLIC: We authorize this sale, limited to "White Beauty" Hoosier cabinetg, at $2.50 less than the fixed cash price of these cabinets, this week only. THE HOOSIER MFG. CO., New Castle, Ind. stand much more than she. yet she wished that he had not taken a sec ond highball after he had already had a second glass of punch Of course she knew he was not the least bit confused by the liquor, but sbfc had never seen him auite as merry i as he was now He had probably been telling some very funny stories to the woman on his right, for she was wiping th" tears of laughter from her eyes. To make her companions think that she did not notice these things, or ob ject to them. Isabel laughed at the Jests of her companions. One who did not know her might have thought her very happy. "Jack!" Mrs. Simmons called from her end of the table after she had suc ceeded in getting several of her iruests to obey her command to "sing a song o - tell a story." "it's time you did some stunt. rve asked your wife to sing or recite, but she says she can't. As she's not used to this i rowd. I'll excuse her But you've got to sing Ue us your time honored ditty of 'Oblige the Lady." " Isabel Surprised at ong. "What"" Isabel asked Dennis, sotto oce "He doesn't know such a song" "1 es, he dor?. ' Dennis asserted Enterprise Shoe 316 Mesa Ave. TAKE LI saves health and makes your If you are delighted with it, pay us the balance of $1.00 weekly. This soon cleans up the balance that is due; no extra to pay. If you're not delighted you get every penny back. Furniture Co. 108-110-112 N. Stanton St. "And he's going to sing it. too " He was right. Jack, leaning baci in his chair, at that moment burst into song a song Isabel had never beard before. She tried to laugh at the refrain of " 'bilge a lady." but the words seemed coarse to her, and not nearly as funny as tn others thought them. "Said he, "Old chap, she may have my lap, but I won't stand up for her,' " drew shrieks of mirth from the various women present. When the ap plause had subsided. David Duval spoke: -Now," h said, "if s Addie's turn to ins " "I law we were going home," Isa bel : .an. but her suggestion was overpowered by exclamations of "Not until Adelaide sings!" The room was hot and clouded with tobacco smoke: the punch was so strong that the young wife's head ached Yet she sat atlU and tried to smile as Adelaide, standing up. a glass of punch in her hand, sang with zest and aban- don "My Girl's a Corker!" Most of the guests joined lustilv in th refrain Isabel was silent. Kor she felt just then more like iring than singing (To be continued.) WALK ON They are the greatest thing ever devised human comfort. for Women's rubber heels 25c Men's rubber heels... 35c For sale by & Leather Co. Opposite Plaza Rubber Heels kitchen up-to-date. $1.00 Puts it in Your Home EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Quality tie Best Price tie Lowest Eyster's CO.D.Grocery phones Grocery Dept - 4340 - 434H neat uept. - Buy Your Groceries FROM The Standard Grocery Co Phone 3532. S-10-21S Mills St. ; w, Grv, imt Green Trading Sfamm' we u,ve urcca .trading Clamps ! i ANY ROLL FILM DE VELOPED FOR . . . Prints, 3c, -fe and Se. Seven-hour service. Professional Work. EL riSO PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 311 X. Oregon. MUls Bldg. THE HOME OF Holeproof Hosiery for Men, Women and Children. BRYAN BROS. San Antonio A Oregon. "Scientific Dry Cleaning" El Paso Laundry Oht Wagon Are Everywhere. Pione 470-471. THERE SHOULD BE A VICTROLA IN EVERY HOME W. G. WALZ COMPANY IN LOW) WIliS i a tilt Isabel uu bUiy vhtre jou arc J """-" " T T if i am )