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MINING NEWS-SOUTHWESTERN DEVELOPMENT. Jfa EAJSO HEHAXD HITS IDE Old Cibolo Mine, at Shatter, Is Running Night and Day as Usual Marfa, Texas, May S. Bullion ship ments are made almost daily from the old Cibolo mine at Shatter. The bullion is sent by the Shannon auto line to larfa for shipment. The Cibolo mine and mill both are in full operation, running- day and night shifts throughout the entire year and have been doing so almost without in terruption for the past 30 years. Millions of dollars worth of bullion hae been taken from the mine and there appears to be no limit to its rich- WHITE OAKS MINES ARE MAKING GOOD SHOWINGS Carriioio. X. SC. May 6. John Y. Hewitt is making- arrangements to do snme development work on the Little Mack mine at White Oaks. Thia has always been considered one of the ery best properties in this mining dis trict, anj the work to be done on It will be watched with considerable In terest by those interested. At the same time, CoL Prichard is develop ing some excellent ore on his Coni stock claim. He now has much ore Msible The prospects at White Oaks ire flattering, and the activities of all he mminp interests are expected to develop results during the present 9000 ACRES OF OIL LANDS ARE LOCATED Benson, Ariz.. May 5. Oil exists in the Los Hills Basin, southeast of here, in the opinion of a number of men -who have located claims there. Among them are Z. T. Phillips, J. K. McCarty, W. D. Calkins. L. G. Cald well, O. H. Lincoln, a R. Eddy. J. A. Johnson, and J. D. Johnson. It is said that applications have been filed with the county recorder covering fully !MMM acres, and that drilling will begin at once. HOBART TO EXAMINE COPPER PROPERTIES NEAR SAFFORD Edraond Hohart, mining and civil engineer with headquarters in El Paso, leaves today for the San Carlos dis trict near Pafford, Ariz, to examine certain copper properties. The ex amination will be made for a big east ern mCiing company which is figur ing on developing some new mines in that section. Mr. Hobart will take a crew of three men with him for the work. TAKES 40 PERCENT ZDfC FROM CLAIMS N'ogales. Ariz, Slay S Ed Sheehy, who Is working a group of claims in the Santa Rita mountains, is said to be taking 0 percent zinc from his claims. He has made one shipment of ore and is now getting ready to make another. Sheehy states he can make a profit on sine selling, as at present, at about nine cents. Jerry Sheehy, his brother Is super intending work on some copper claims in Red Rock mountains. OPTION OX BURRO PROPERTIES Silver City. X. M, May 5. Frank J. Dolan and George S. Curtis have ob tained an option on 65 claims on Iron Creek in the Burro mountains. A ledge of ore S5 feet wide and averag ing high in copper, has been uncovered there and the men who have taken option are planning to develop it. RICH GOLD ORE FOUND IN MAYFLOWER DISTRICT Clifton. Ariz.. May S. Fifteen feet vein of gold ore with a 20 inch streak running as high as $350 a ton is said to have been uncovered in the May flower district of Greenlee country. All 24 claims were located by David White. Joe McAllister, Frank Waters and Ollie Phillips. Six men are em ployed at the property and a churn drill is in operation. One hole 4U0 feet deep has been drilled and a cop per ore body averaging one and to percent copper has been located. TORTILLITA COMPANY I IS SINKING ITS SHAFT Florence. Ariz, May 5. The Tor tillita Copper company, operating in the Owls Head district of the Tor tillita mountains between here and Tucson, has ten men working on a I shaft from the 100 to the 200 foot level. This is considered a high grade property from which J 81,000 in ore has already been shipped. The Morajeski properties in the same district are being worked by a Los Angeles company. ' MINERS IN MEXICO ARE AGAIN HAMPERED BY VILLA The mining fraternity has been alarmed by another employers' decree issued b ythe Villa government, which it is feared will result in the confisca tion of much foreign owned property. Copies hare been received here of a decree issued on April 14 by Gen. Tomas TJrbina, the Villa governor of Durango state, the clauses of which the mining men assert cannot be fulfilled. According to the document, all prop erties will be confiscated unless em ployes are paid in Mexican silver or American gold at the rate of two pesos for one dollar. The present rate is from five to ten for one. It also call for confiscation if employes are not no tified 30 days before they are dis charged. It is siad that a protest has been j made to Gen. Villa, without result, and pruitnia uaic uvea icicBfFucu 11 cmi- ern agents of the many American and other foreign owned mines in the Du rango district. A general mining law amendment which prescribed confiscation for its iolation was issued recently .by the Villa government, but it was postponed indefinitely upon urgent representa tions from the American state depart ment. The more recent decree, which applies only to' Durango state, where some of the largest mines are located, is considered even more stringent than the abandoned reform. ide L Shoes We are again showing two new shoe crea tions which for beautiful effect surpass the previous efforts of shoe designers this sea son Those are ike side lace boots with S inch tops in the following styles: Patent Vamp Diamond Tips with Sand Colored Kid Toppings, dj C f. Welted Soles. Price POU All Bronze Kid Side Lace Boots with Cuban Louis Heels. f7 Efi (PJ.JU ( lfes 7 I ea I eo 1 I e J e & I ee 1 Price Many other new styles in High Boots to catch your fancy. GREATER EL PASO'S 'GREATEST SHOE STORE i 'Thp 203 Mesa. I Ask for Our New Catalog Mailed Free. ACTIVITY CONTINUES IN ALLAM0RE MINING DISTRICT Van Horn.. Tex May 5. Activity continues in the Alamogordo mining district. Mace & Nicholes, of Sierra Blanca, have made preparations to De gin work on the claim they bought of J. B. Knight and they are confident it will prove a paying proposition. DEXVER-XEW MEXICO OH. COMPANY I.VCORPOn VTKD Santa Fe. X. 1L. Map 5. The Denver Xew Mexico Oil company of Dayton, N. M, has filed Incorporation papers In the office of the state corporation commission. The capitalization s $50,000. The incorporators are Henry L Oliver, Denver, Colo., 25.S shares: George A. Proctor. Lincoln Wilson and Joseph A. Simpson, all of Denver. Colo., one share each and M. B. Culpepper of Dayton, K. JC one share. Mr. Cul pepper was named as statutory agent for the company. PECOS RIVER. COPPER CO. WILL BE RBOFKXBD SOON Santa Fe. N. M- May 5. David Brown, a mining engineer of Denver. has put men to work on the property of the Pecos River Copper company. at Cowles, rew Mexico. Mr. Brown represents W. C Brace Interests of Denver, who have taken a conditional bond and lease of the property. The Denver people expect to run a pipe line from Willow Creek to the mine and develop their power by water. GOLDEN' .U.W MINING CO. OVERHAULS W.OP Santa Fe. X. L. May 6. After three years' steady development work the Golden AJax Mining and Development company, a Denver corporation, oper ating near Elizabethtown. X. M, is preparing to overhaul their ten-stamp mill and instal uptodate cyanide ma- 1 chinery. ADVISE JITNE PEOPLE TO USE INJUNCTION Kansu City. Ma, Mar 5. The injunction is the most satisfactory method the jitney automobile associations have found for fiftht lmc what they consider unfair legislation. according to addresses Tuesday at the first annual convention of the National Jitney association. They all declared the Jitney business is growing. William Haensler, secretary and treasurer of the Auto Service association of San An tonio. Texas, told the convention that the business organizations in Kl Paso. Austin. Houston. Dallas and Fort Worth had won Injunction suits against the enforcement of clly ordinances they believed to be unfair. DAfitf RECORD HOT PO INT WEEK EL GRILSTOVO The New Electric Stove for All Around Domestic Purposes THE REGULAR PRICE IS $5.00 Hot Point Week i$n Ofc Hot Point Week Special Sale Price m J J Special Sale Price THIS SALE CONTINUES ONLY UNTIL SATURDAY. On Monday next the standard price of $5.00 will be resumed and they cannot be bought for less. We Have a Few Lett arsESatEsk sbbb aso Electric Rai Iwav Company Building; Permits. To Lois Castro, to boild an adobe at 1114 South Santa Fe street: estimated cost $100 To Loon Heights Investment company, to build a brick bungalow oa tots 1. 2. 2 sad 4, block 84 D. Loess Heights addition; estimated cost StM To Jose Vega, to build a frame dwelllng at Estrells, and Fludley streets, estimated cost SIM. Te P. Daran. to boild an adobe addition at Rivera street, estimated coat I1M. To F. Kempen. to make changes and re pairs at Ice; East Missouri street, estimated cost tte. Dnl) Tiled. North aide of Boulevard, between Hntton and Merchant streets J. F. Mullln to Jenn nette Alexandre, lot I and the west one halt of lot 4. block li. Cotton addition; con sideration 45M; May 1. lll. North aide of Bliss street, between Luna, and Crams streets Victoria L. Alberts and Henry Alberts to Mrs. Nettie Noble, lots 3 a , liul ... iv- Wl !. .iMlflnn' nui.Mtuii tsssa? a41 17. ills. ' South side of Montana, street, between Cebada and Luna. streets-T. W. Hull and wife to Bertha Walter Ford, west one-half of lot : and all of lot M. block !. Cast El Paso addition; conslderatioa list; April 17. 11S. North side of Ore street, between Crockett and Bowie streets Julia CKeeffe and Jena CTKeeffe to Dare Crockett, tots 4 and C block 5. French addition, consideration ft. April It. IMS. North side of Cumberland street, between Houston and Crockett streets Government Hill company to Dave Crockett, lots K and (. block 64. Government Hill addition; con sideration !: April 22. IMS. North side or Nations avenue, oeiween Division and Courehesne streets Pheenlx 1 Fuo Building company to Dave Crockett, lots and . block . Military Heights addi tion; 1 and ether coaatderatloaa. April 22. North side of Van Beeen etseet, between 1 Ord and Byron streets Morning Side Heights . Realty company to Crls Aranda. Jr. lots 2 I and 4. block 45. Morning Side Heights add!- . tion: consideration 4e; May 1. IMS. I North side of Nevada street, between Oc- ( tavla and Ange streets A. B. Russell to Adella B. Russell, his wife, lets 22 and 24. block 2S. Plerce-Flnley addition; Jit and other considerations: May 2, IMS. North side of CMff street, between Oeta via and Noble streets Mrs. Ella F. Pearson t Stanley Sevan, lots 15 to 41 Inclusive, block 2M. Pterce-Flnley addition: considera tion S2M: April IT, ISIS. North side of CUtf street, between Octavta and Noble streets Albert H. Pearson to Stanley Sevan, lots 42 to 40 Inclusive, Mock 2. Plerce-Flnley addition; consideration S1XM. April IT. IMS. Land In Taleta grant W. M. Holloway to LUlie Cowden States. 2.S1 acres lying along the county road and adjoining survey 212. Taleta town grant, consideration ?4ete. Not. 22. 1M4. Land In Taleta grant LUlle Cowden Sta tes to John R. Blair. 2 SI acres lying along the county road and adjoining survey 212. Taleta town grant: consideration 14, April 24. 115. Lead in Taleta grant R. L. Dorbandt and wife, W. M. Holloway and Burleson Staten and wife to John R. Blair. .4 of an acre lying along the county road and between C Pedregou's fence and the 2 51 acres belong ing to W. M. Holloway; In Taleta grant: consideration 1; May 1. 115. Land In Socorro grant W. A. Brand and wife to F R Allison, survey 25. la Socorro grant, containing 42.4 acres; consideration SI':; March 12. 115. Automobile Licensed. 342 J. Q Burcb, 111 Noble street: five passenger Ford. 244 Augustln Juetlalanl. MI North Ore gon street: five passenger MaxwelL 245 Dawson Fuel Sales compear. 71 Mills building; Bulck roadster. 2t American Lumber and Investment company, 155 Magoffin avenue: live pas senger Ford. 247 Lee Vaughn. 21 Durasno street: five passenger Ford. ' 34 Rafael Veroor. M East Third street: five passenger Velle. 24 w. V. Carroll. Hotel Dieu; five pas senger MaxwelL I5e Fred J. Feidman. Prospect and Law ton. Packard. licensed to Wed. Francisco Galvan to Javita. de Las. Miguel Navarrette te Pilar Perex. Jesus Lnaa to Manuela Griego. Death. Salvador Losaao. 1 Leon street. May 2. aged six months; burial Concordia cemetery May i. Florencio Reyes, 25 Hammett street. May 4. aged (S years; burial Concordia cemetery May 4. Socorro Corral. 17 South Stanton street. May 2. aged one year; burial Concordia ceme tery May 2. Perfecto Mireles, Oregon and Tenth street: aged nine months; burial Concordia ceme tery May 4. Jesus Hernandez. Leon alley. May 4, aged one year, burial Concordia cemetery May 5. Carmen Rlvas Daran, 11 Tnys street. May 2. aged 15 years; burial Concordia cemetery May 2. Francisco Augustia Motraar. South Santa Fe street. May 2. aged eight months; burial Concordia cemetery May a. Anaataeia Telle. 122 Canal street. May 3. aged 1 years; burial Osnoordla ceme tery May 4. Tomasa Vasqnez. SlUi Third street, aged 75 years: burial Coacordia cemetery May 2. Mareelio Rlos. 22 Seventh street. May 3. aged three montba; burial CoDCOrdla ceme tery May 4. ninn jiaie. To Mrs. Robert Michael. Roiston hospital: ' April 2. Te Mrs. Carmen Dan Roman, Copta street: April I. To Mrs. Juaa Ortiz, Fourth aad Ochoa streets; Aug. 22. 111. Birth Female. To Mrs. Robert Benson. 22 Erie street: April 1. Oar Cut Flower Department Is prepared to take care of your flower orders for Mother's Day, Sunday, May 9th. We've arranged for an extra supply of White Field and Hot House Carnations, White Roses and White Sweet Peas. We suggest that you order early. A May Day Blouse Event at Everybody's Tomorrow ) Another Opportunity for Comparison of Quality and Prices O EAD carefully the items below and then come tomorrow prepared to get a Summers supply, for assortments and values will undoubtedly be greater to morrow than at any later time. The values offered are extraordinary The styles are of the "last minute," for we've just unpacked dozens that will appear on sale tomorrow for the first lime. At 95c Choice is offered of Jap Silk and Voile Waists n high and low neck styles, and both long aad short sleeves. Remarkable values at 9oC At $2.95 Are crepe tie chine, cream lace and combiaatioBS of black and white lace effects, loop and buttoa trimmings, fancy patch and army pockets; an on- -usual assortment at 2.9o Charming New Blouses of pussy willow taffetas, crepe de chines and laces are offered in a wonderful assortment of styles and colors. And values that usually are priced at a much higher figure Ask to see the charming new blouses at JJ5U.95 We Give Trading Stamps EVERYBODY'S At $1.95 Choose from blouses of crepe de chine, pongee. Tub silk, ShaaUmg and voiles, in roflkg colhr aad pocket triaaed styles; values unusual at $1.95 At $3.95 Remarkable values in crepe de chine, pussy wil low taffeta and black and white cSatsosd check cMffbfts. Daintiest of new Spring styles. A splendid assortment at $3.95 Dressy Summer Blouses Most any style you could wish for in exclusive (one of a land blouses) very appropriate for dressy after noon or evening wear. Blouses of net. blouses of lace, blouses of fine silks and combinations; a pleas ing assortment at S7.50 and up to $25.00. Send Us Yonr Mail Orders If You Wsnt WINE 5? 25 Cents the Bottle Any Kind of LUNCH GOODS Call Keevil's- OUR 25c PER LB. SPANISH PEANUT BAR 15c PER LB. WEDNESDAY ONLY ev, rr&jrw& BANKING BY MAIL Jost as easy to open a savings account with us as though yoc Jived next door. WE PAT i percent Interest, compounded Twice Every Year. We do business under the Depositor's Guaranty Law if the State of Texas and are a Guaranty Fund Bank as provided by such Law. Our plan, in addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable and liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a State bank in Texas. Write today for our free booklet "BANKING BY JfAHV or simply mail your deposit. El Paso Bank and Trust Co., El Paso, Texas B: STATE NATIONAL BANK Established April. 1SS1 Capital. Surplus nnd Profits, 908,000 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. K. MOREHEAD, President. II C X. BASSETT, Vice President JOSEPH MAGOFFLN. V. Pres. GEO. D. FLORY, Cashier. U J. GlLCURISr. Ass't Cashier. 3IESA AVENUE AND TEXAS STIIEET Insist on Grlllnc Made In El Paso 'PEFE(TIO' IIKN AND CHICK FEED W. D. WISE SEED CO. Retail Store 10fl North Stnnton Office and Warehouse, Cor. 2nd and Chlbnabna Street. Does Your Car Need a Wind Shield Glass? AH sizes carried in stock anJ e can put them in on snort notice. PHONE US YOUR PAINT TROUBLES. TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. Pfcones No. 205 and 206. 210-212 N. Stantoa St E. l. RA.MvlX. JIl TO TAKE CIIAIUIIi UP DALLAS JlItA.NCII K. P. Rankin, jr.. of the El Paso Bridge and Iron company, will leave the last of the week for Dallas, where he will take chance of the company's branch office there. The Dallas branch has charge of the east Texas and Oklahoma business and the aaslfrnment of Mr. Rankin to this office Is in the nature of a pro motion. He has lived here a number of years and has been active in busi ness and church affairs. COTTON ADDITION LOTS Best Bay in EI Puo A. P. COLES & BROS., AjenU I" ' iHHHHHaH GOLDEN' ROD Is sweet, pure and clean and all stock dearly love it. Trr a sack and be convinced altr S. Cla ton, ,' tit Adirtist ir.tnU NOTES WILL BUY GOOD NOTES . J. FILL l. o. 102 San tntonloSt. ; DR. II. A. MAGItUDBR Graduate LoulsTiHe. Kr- Collrce, DR. H. A. MAGRUDER DENTIST Estaullshrd IMS Lnlon Clethlnc Co. Underneath V Reference -Ask Anyone. 'J D. & M. Baseball Goods COMPLETE STOCK PRICES ARE RIGHT. BE SURE AND INVESTIGATE OUR LINE BEFORE YOU BUY. Shelton-Payne Arms Co. 301 S. EI Paso St A. E. ItYAX Dun wrn eos.; DRUGGISTS 029 OPEX ALL MGIT 212 San. Antonio