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8 Bad WeatLer Plays Havoc "Witli Games -:I:- -:I: -:..- :: -:H:" CLifeJs Can t Overcome Terrapin Lead BY "BUCK." RAIN, -wet grounds sad eoJd weath er played havoc with the big league games scheduled for Tues . jt There were only two games played t the American league, one In1;" i il and one in the Federal. Chief in t rt centered in the American league rten at Boston where the Senators . d the Red Sox. clashed. George Foster i.nt to the mound for the Sox and mght t". alter Johnson for the Sen ioi Although Johnson held the Sox fi jr hits two of them were triples 1 e ich accounted for a run. Foster, on i c o her hand, pitched steady ball and 1. J - JAnklA W4WA Sill th aors could gather and they got ir or hits so well distributed that scoring j piate in mc u.a ..--- ---I. . .mnossible. Mike McNally was used , raplns got two runs, a lead which the t tb?d for the Ked Soi and the former I Ch.feds were unable to overcome. In Boyland: THE Feldmans are ready to talk turkey with the Lone Stars. The Feldman Juniors declare that It Is not their business what other clubs cll themselves and that they played a game with a team which was announced as the Lone Stars and beat it. Ted Coo ley states that the manager of the Lone Stars rang him up and asked for a game Ted replied that the Lone Stars were 'too big for the Juniors but sug gested that they get In touch with the Feliman Seniors. If the manager of the Lone Stars will call up William Caples at 55S9W they can easily arrange a raae and settle all disputes. Feldman Seniors played the St Mary's Firsts on Tuesday afternoon and the game proved to bo one of the beat of the season. It was full of snappy plays and went 11 Innings before the Feldmans FIGHT PROMOTERS LOST SOME MONEY (Continued Vram Prrnons Page.) $7i 000, according to the promoters, and they lost 15.00 at Juarez. That means that the fight cost them a total of ap proximaely $100,000. ...... .. If the receipts were only ?56.9. as Robinson said. It shows the net loss was $13,100. according to approximate figures on expenses. Even if the promoters did take in SUO 00 as Curley said "we are saying" the promoters would have lost on the affair, as in that case Wlllard's share wonld hare been around $28.oS, the Havana exepenses 578,000 and the Jua rex expenses $15,000. making a total ex penses of $113,000 o More ejjro Champs. The chances of a negro ever holding a pugilistic title te the future aro p-artieally nil. Every division champion now is a white man and each champion r.i -lowed that he will never meet a esro in a title battle. Jick Johnson's conduct while cham n n caused the lifting of the bars a rt the negroes. Johnson's actions ASK FOR GLOBE MILLS Peerless Hen and Chick Food Wade from the formula used success fully for years by the Peerless Poultry Supply Co of Los Angeles one of the largest poultry supply houses In the west. An elegant egg producer, and, lert you forget, MADE IN EL PASO GLOBE MILLS 1SBE 0ING AWAY FROM HOME? HSC It's careless to leave your valuables and private papers to the mercy of fire and bur glars. It's WISE to leave them in a Safe De posit Box in our Con crete Vaults and find them safe when you return. Think it over. Boxes $2.50 per year. to Grande Valley Bank & Trust Co V WE INVITE THE STRICTEST INVESTIGATION Both as to our treatment. One medicine is THE PENN CURE FOR sjpslf w trie, Why Hesitate or suffer longer' "Why submit to an operation with Its attendant dangers and hospital fees, or waste further time In useless self treatment with salves, dilators. etcT We take all the risk and guarantee results. WE ALSO TREAT RtrrTURE. OBSTRUCTIONS. VARICOCELK. HYDRO CELE. WITHOUT PERFORMING A CUTTING OPERATION. CONSULTATION FREE INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS DR. KETCirCRSID & CO. (Established 9 Tears) Hammett Block, Cor Texas and Mesa. Opp. Rio Grande Bank El Paso FTR1CE 11 1 MESA AVE. St. Paul iufielder played a sensational game, starting two pretty double plays. ar -w -x Hamilton was wild In the first inning at St. Louis and the Tigers soon hid the bases full with one out. James was sent to relieve Hamilton but the Detroit sluggers found him for a hit that sent Vitt and Cobb home with runs. McKee hit a homer in the sixth and Detroit had three runs. Boland held the Browns to five hits and one run. Playing bet en showers, the Pirates beat the Cardinals. 4 to S, at Pittsburg. Perdue and Harmon were both hit hard. r ir -w George McConnell couldn't locate the George acuonne,. ,.,, j" School Sports, Javenlle Sports, Boys Amatcnr Sport, nnd JSewn and Gossip of the 'Future Greats." nr "BECK." were able to put over the winning run. the nnal score dcius - - - - by Roy Strahan was the batting fea ture. Following is the score by Innings: . St. Mary's First e 111 SM 6 Feldman Seniors".... 160 2 017 The lineup of the FeMman Seniors was as follows Roy Strahan, c Frank Fellett, p . William Caples. lb., Tim Sul livan. 2b . Bruce Schuler. 3d.; Pat Dwver. ss.; Carl Beisswenger. cf .Fer dinand Welsh, rf ; James Earle, If. f- Many of the teams have open dates for Saturday and Sunday. If managers who are looking for games will commu nicate with this department we will publish a list on Thursday and Friday of the teams which are open for en gagements. brought the pugilistic game into worse repute that it ever was. The only sal vation for the ring game was the de feat of Johnson by a white man. and now that it has been accomplished championship battles between negroes and whites are passed. Jess WiUard has refused to meet negro challengers. The want no more mixed bouts The ring game is none too pure as It Is. It narrowly escaped death while a negro held the supreme title. And those who love the game for the games's sake, and those who love it for the money It brings them, want to keep it alive Cans Was Moc.l Champion. Joe Gans was a model champion. He never did anything to hurt the game. Rather he helped it. George Dixon was another negro who was a creait to tne ring game. Joe Wolcott was liked by whites as well as negroes because he fought cleanly and with honor But the cleanness and honesty of those ne groes has been discounted by the pub lic because of Jack Johnson s actions. Escaped Cauliflower Ears. The recent Johnson-Willard bout in Havana brought together many price fighting gents and most of them wore cauliflower ears. On tbe night before the fight it so happened that Mike Gib bons, wearing a deformed ear. Bat Nel son, wearing two, "Steamboat BUI" Scott and Willie Beech er, possessed of one each, together with several other fucny-eared folks were standing In groups in the lobbv of the Hotel Plaza, when a Cuban came in from the IbIo of Pines. He sighted the cauliflowered group, gasped, took another squint, and then said. "I am glad I was born a Cuban and so escaped the risk of Inheriting such ears." fill Germs Ordered To Beat it! Git! Searching Influence of a Remedy That Works Wonders. The Introduction of S. S. S. Is at once a command to blood impurities to find a "way out. And what are blood imparities? They may be the hypersecretions found In tht mucous linings of the body; they may be acid accumulations known as rheu matism; they may be bolls, pimples, ec zema, acne and stubborn. Indolent sores. But examined closely, they are all germs that have gotten the upper hand and it requires the flushing Influence of S. S. S. to drive them out And out they go when S. S. S. begins to circulate in the blood. It only requires five minutes to begin this influence, for it Is a fact that in this limited time S. S. S. may be traced In the urine, in the perspiration. In the effloresence from the lungs to show that it is at work. Germs, mind you, are of various kinds, but all are foreign to health and S. S. S. Is no re specter of destructive germs. It drives them all out, of whatsoever name they go by. Just get a bottle of S. S. S. of any druggist and soon you will observe a decided change. And If yours Is a stubborn case, write to the Medical Ad viser, care of The Swift Specific Co.. l7 Swift Bldg Atlanta, Ga. He is a regular physician, proud of his name by virtue of his distinguished family and Is recog nized as a foremost physician on his own merit. reputation and our methods of of the absolutely sure things in e administer this wonderful cure, which ellml lates the danger of the knife, ligature, cautery and carbolic acid Injections and effects a cure without loss of time from one's work. Hundreds of cases cured, all walking advertise ments, sending us their friends afflicted as they BASEBALL RESULTS j j; TUESDAY'S GAMES j i STAD1NGS OF THE CIXBS. Klo Grande Assoeiatflea. If Today Team W. L. 1'et. Win Lose Alsn-jo 1 l,e 1.MD 'MM Pheatx 4 : .6J 714 571 Las Croces ...... 2 1 .667 7s see El Psso I 3 Jtt S .: tiicwb 2 w .: :( Dovsiss l .em .sm tw Scheduled Today. Las Cmces at El Paso. Dostfas at Albaqveroue. Tacsea at Pnoeatx. Natfensl Leagse. , If Today Team W. L. ret. Wta Lose Philadelphia 11 4 .? .778 .7:2 Chlcage 11 ( .em .T .Ci? Boston ' JS .StJ SM Cincinnati I -KS .5IS EM st. Lotrtii it i .see .SM .47 Brooklyn 7 1 .11 444 .IS PittsbarE c 12 -MX .US 31 New York 4 1 8S .132 27 American Leajrae. If Today Team W. L. rt. Win Lose Now Tori. 1 4 .711 732 7 Detratt 14 c .78 .714 .MT ChtcKO 11 t JS7S .CM .55 Waablncton t 7 .its .SC2 SM Booten C J0 .S3 .4(2 Cleveland 7 It .39 .421 3C8 St. Louis 7 12 .3S8 .4M .3S PMhuMpfebi 4 11, .267 .312 .2St Federal Lcagae. If Today Team W. I- Pet. Win Lose Chleaco 11 C .847 M7 .til Pittsburg 11 8 .379 .M SSt Brooklyn It I .3o6 S7 .S2t Newark It S -S6 Jin S2t Kansu Ctly jet S2 474 St. Lout. 7 .437 .471 .412 BoffmJo 7 11 am 421 .3tS Baltimore 7 1! ,3 .4tt .251 American Assorislion. Team Won I,ost Pet. Indianapolis 11 t Cll Milwaukee 11 7 .(11 Louisville 11 7 .(11 M. Paul It 1 -5S4 Cleveland S It .444 Kaiuao City 7- 3 .4(7 MinaoapoUa It .37S Cetarabes t 14 .2(3 Paelltu Coast lacae. Team Won Lost Pet. Los Aiwetaa It 14 .SSt San Francisco 17 IS .S31 Salt Lake City IS 14 .317 Venice 11 14 431 Portland 15 17 .4(1 Oakland 14 It .427 Southern Association. Team Woa Lost Pet. Nashville 17 t .7(3 New Ortoans 12 t .(34 Btrmincham It ( . Memphis 11 11 .SM Cbattanooca. It It .Set Atlanta S 11 4St MoMte ( It JM Little Rock ( It .138 ITestern Leacne- Teaa Won Lost Pet. Omaha. 7 3 .7M Denver S 3 .(2S Topeka 4 .ttt Des Mohws T S .53 Wichita S S .Stt St. Joseph 4 c .4M Sloor City 3 7 .3M Llnola 1 3 JN Texas Leairae. Team Warn Last Pet. Galveston 14 It .S3 Dallas 11 II .S4S Waco It 11 .S4I Port Worth 12 11 .521 Houston 1 11 SM Shrevepert .............. ..11 11 478 Saa Antonio 11 13 .43 Beaumont 11 It 447 MRniCV I.BAGUB. At St Louis R. H. E. Detroit SM 01 0M 1 C St. Louis 006 let 0t 1 5 2 Batteries Detroit. Boland and Baker. McKee, St. Loo la. Hamilton, James, Hock and Aarnew At Boston R.H. E. Washington . 000 000 00 0 t 1 HAL CHASE IS NOW IN BASEBALL BOX UP Harrison. V J Hal Chase, formerly first baseman on the New York Ameri can league team, now initial sacker on the Buffalo Federal league aggre gation, got into a fight with William Quinn. of this place when the Buffeds played the local team in a Sunday game and it took the combined assistance of Hal, chase. the entire Harrison police department and half of the spectators of the gam to pry them apart. The other fie spectators remained neutral Chase was angrv because the Buf feds lost a 14 inning game to the Har rison team and refused to ride to the hotel in the players bus. As he vtas leaving the ball park he and Mr Quinn became embroiled in an altercation that soon took on the general appearance ot belligerency. BEST LOSG DIST.OCE THROWER IS RELEASED Pittsburg. Pa., Mav S Larry Le Jeune, holder of the world's long dis tance throwing record, was released by the Pittsburg National league base ball club Tuesday to the Sioux City club of the Western league It was the third time Lejeune had been re leased by a major league club His place in center field on the Pirate team will be taken bj Dan Costello. WALSH IS IMPROIG rRVEH II S LEIT HIM Los Angeles, Calif, May 4 Id Walsh, the Chicago American league pitcher, who has been ill for se eral dats with grippe, vm reported to greatlj improil ton t Tit hih feer fr m -ft huh In suffe i t.r U i h id u! i 1 l KL PASO HERALD Boston i" " iwi i Batteries Washington, Johnson 1 and Ainsmith, Williams, Boston, ' CacI., flnd TfaARUE. ' GnmeM Postponed. Chicago at Cleveland, Philadelphia at New ITork, cold. ATIOAL IXIGUE. At Pittsburg R.H.E. St lxuis MS Ml M . S 0 Pittsburg ISO 1 9 0 Batteries St. Louis, Perdue and Snyder, Pittebury. Harmon and Schang. Called end of eighth on ac count of rain. Games Postponed. ni-.H . SlsLi.aflrA nrftt irrAllnjlaT New York at Philadelphia, Boston at j BroOKiyn, rain. F1EDLR1L LB-GUE. I At Baltimore K.H i Chicago OM 1M 610 2 9 S Baltimore SM 100 Mx S S 1 Batteries. Chicago, McConnell, Prendergast and Fisher, Wilson; Balti more, Quinn and Owen. flames Postponed. St. Louis at Brooklyn, Kansas Cit? at Buffalo, cold. Pittsburg at Newark, rain. T15XA!! I.CYGUK. Tuesday's Games. ' At Dallas R.H.E. Dallas 1 hn Antonio 5 0 Batteries. Dallas, Bono and Dunn. San Antonio, Stewart and Hauenstem. At Dallas (second game) K.H.E. Dallas S 1 San Antonio S 6 3 Batteries Dallas, Sloan and Stephens, San Antonio, Munsell, Burch and liau enstein. (Called sis innings, darkness). At Waco P-H.E. Waco ............., 3 lv o Galveston 1111 1 Batteries Waco, Ashton and Reilly, Galveston. Allen and Dllgcr. At Shreveport R. H. K. Shreveport 7 10 3 Beanmont ISIS 1 Batteries: Shreveport, Jiolly. Crab ble and Toland; Beaumont. Taff, Spear and Bobo. At Fort Worth R. H. E. Fort Worth 3 11 1 Houston 1 5 1 Batteries Fort Worth, Bedford and McMurra) , Houston. Kapler and Allen. 1 ESTER'S LEAGUE. At Topeka R.H.B. Lincoln 0M tit OM S 7 S Topeka Ml Ml Mi 5 S S Batteries Lincoln, Ehman and Mc Allister. Topeka. Dash tier and Monroe. At Des Moines R.ILK. Sioux City SU 1M SO S 9 1 Des Moines SOS OM M0 1 T 1 Batteries: Sioux City, Hallman and Crisp. Des Moines, Gregory, Hogan and Price. Games Postponed. St. Joseph at Omaha, cold. No others scheduled. PVCIPIC CO 1ST LEAGUE. At Salt Lake R. Oakland. S Salt Lake t At San Frrnefsce R. Portland. S San Francisco 1 IMRHICAY ASSOCIATION. At Indianapolis R Columbus 2 Indianapolis 2 At Louisville R Cleveland .. 3 Louisvlllo i (Samra Postponed. Kansas City at Minneapolis. Mil. waukee at St- Paul, cold. SOITHBRN 1SSOCIVTIO.V At Atlanta 4: Birmingham 1. At Little Rock 2: Memphis 4. At Mobile 8. New Orleans 8 (Called end of ninth inning, darkness.) At Chattanooga 9. Nashville 7 TENER SUSPENDS MANAGER HERZ0G New Tork. May 4 President John J. Tener. of the National league an nounced today tnat ne had susperded Charles Herxog. manager of the C i- cmnati club, for fie days for his ai tercation with umpire Rigler at &L . Louts last Saturday. I Umpire Hart, who arbitrated on the bases during the St. Louis-Cincinna'i game, was also reprimanded by presi dent Tener for not following the dis- , puted play closely, thus necessitating an appeal to Rigler behind the plate. J which caused tbe latter to become in- j oled in fistcuffs with Herzog j HOLLAND WONT PAY GERMANY ' IN POTATOES OR COPPER j tmstf rdam. Holland, May S Because I Holland s agreement with Great j Britain regarding contraband of war. il Dutch government has issued an , orue- refusing to allow coper, potatoes and other articles needed in Germain i lo be used in payment Tor German ' manufactured products. German) Is I anxious to secure food supplies and , viifci cAunnna xur iiHtcninery aim other products. MIIMUUM3 MIKI.I.S SHII'j FOIR KII, 1.11), KOUlt MOLNDED Glasgow, Scotland. May 4 It Is re ported here that a trawler named Cruiser was shelled off Aberdeen ' y a German submarine Four men were killed and four others wounded ser iouslr The wounded men, together with three other members of the crew, are said to have been picked up by a collier i HEID BROTHERS COV WOOD, KITDLIJTG. H4.Y. U GRAI. FIELD SEEDS AND BUILDERS SJirrLIES. Prompt Delivery Pannes 35 nnd 3d. CORNER TEXAS AND DALLAS " -"i I Specialists For Men I I I German-American I i Doctors 1 I DR. BR0NS0N & CO. S Second Floor H I 1 0C 1-: JIESt U I sssssssBsssSSsBssssnsSBssssassnsnsSHsS FANSflTAFIGHT EE San Antonio. Texas. May 5 Referee j Frank Noel was a-isauuea oy tne crowu here Tuesday night when he gae Jack Read, of -Vustralia. a decision over Bea nie Cordova, of El Paso, at the end of the 10th round Ninety percent of the fans believed Cordova was entitled to the decision and most of the other 10 percent believed a draw the least the young Mexican should have received. The police had to interfere to stop the disturbance after referee Noel had been hit in the face. He was escorted to one of the windows in the hall and departed therefrom with no further trouble. In the 10th round Cordova had Read hanging on desperately and throughout the fight all the clinching was done by Read, who several times was In trouble, finishing with a terri bly out face Read did inucn ot tne leading, but would lead and clinch at once whether his left landed or not. MEDALS WILL BE GIVEN IN SOUTHWESTERN MEET The Y. M C A. athletes are working in earnest for the southwestern track and field meet to be held at Washing ton park on Saturday. May 15 The T boys will be greatly Handi capped in this meet by the fact that many of the best men are working dur ing the day and outdoor paretice is only possible late in the afternoon or earlj in the evening Practice is being held every day from 5 to 8 p. m. at Washington park. The running broad jump and pole vault will be practiced at the Y M C A. tennis court at Campbell and Arizona streets, where pits have been put in shape Every "Y" athlete is asked to come out regularly and make the most of the short time that remains. Prominent among the men who have come out are Shea. Gaylord. Race. Walker. Worthing ton. Livingston. Nichols. Romero and Smith. The prizes are well worth going after Gold, silver and bronze medals will be given in each event, a shield for the team prize and a gold medal for indi vidual place. DRTLG VILY OUTPOINTS COULON I TEN ROINDS Milwaukee. Wis, May S. Johnny Er tle. the St Paul bantamweight boxer, Tuesday night easily outpointed Eddie CouIor. of New Orleans, in a 10 round boxing contest, according to sporting writers at the ringside. Ertle had the better of six rounds. Coulon two, and two were even. Ertle's punishment was directed principally at the body, while Coulon landed only a few effective uppercuts. TORRES WI; KHARXEVS SECONDS THROW UP SPONGE Denver, Colo . May S A scheduled la round bout between Jack Torres, of Albuquerque, and Phil Kearnev. of Den vtr, ended in the ninth round here Tuesday night when Kearney's seconds threw up the sponge. Torres showed superior skill throughout and Kearney was groggy, though still upon his feet when his seconds conceded the match. The boxers weighed in at 115 pounds. SOLDIER TBAJIS ARRANGE S 1IB FOR s VTURD VY Company I of the Sotn infantry has accepted the challenge of company B of the sixth infantrv for a beseb-ill game and will pla at Washington park on Saturday afternoon if that date is suitable to the sixth infantry team and weather conditions permit STHEFEI The Spirit of Service In the long night vigils of the lonely exchange In the strenuous turmoil of the busy day With the builders in the heat of the dusty desert ami on the dreary mountain side With those who battle with the dements in times of devastating disaster In the loyalty, the faithfulness, the unselfish" devotion to duty el all those who minister to your telephone needs In and through the entire army of telephone workers err gfekd to senre In all, through all and over all broods the gentle, animatiBg and' sustaining Spirit of Service THE TRI-STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY REVOLVER CLUB 0RGANZED AMONG FEDERAL EMPLOYES The Federal Revolver club has been organized among the customs and Im migration officers and a series of re volver shoots will be held during the summer W T Griffith and E. P Trowbridge are the captains of the club, George E. Schick is treasurer and J. E. Farns worth, secretary The secretary will accept entries for match games witn army or civilian teams. The standing committee is: J. K. Farnsworth, George B. Schick and T. M. Gourley The charter members of the elub are E. A. Plowman T E. Edwards. K. P Trowbridge. O. W. Munster. T M. Gou ley, a B. Dixon. W T Griffith. Louis Holxmon, J D Reeder. Geo. E. Schick. J E. Farnsworth, L J. Ayers. S. -Bovee, J E. Woodrome. A. Biefer. J Monahan. JlLni'HVS BROTHER KNVADRS IUG IMl FIGHT IS LOST Boston. Mass.. May 5. Charlie White, of Chicago, knocked out Eddie Murphy, of this city, in the seventh round of a scheduled 12 round bout Tuesday night. The men are lightweights. The de cision was a technical one. being due directly to the invasion of the ring by Murphy's brother, after the Boston boxer had been floored four times. CLinilY OUTPOINTS MeCOY. New York. May 5 Jimmy Clabby. of Hammond, Ind, outpointed Al McCov, WHERETO X5S ACCESSORIES BORDERLAND LEE TIR ES THE Q.U1L1TY TIRE CADILLAC SALES COMPANY E. P. & S. W. BLDG. PHONE 5105 Phone 3585. EL PASO OVERLAND ATJTO CO. Overland Automobiles and Willys Trucks 120-122 SAN FRANCISCO STREET. Oakland FISK RED TOP NON-SKIDS FOR FORDS, 5,66 MILE GUARANTEE WESTERN MOTOR SUPPLY CO. Phone 528. of Brooklyn, claimant of the middle weight title. In every round of a 10 . t... ! du.vw. TtiMriav nizht. Clabby weighed 154; McCoy 15. 1-4. Women WATCH FOR DATES OF THE GREATEST I Kitchen Utensil Sale Krakauer, Zork & Moye's, 5. 1. RETAIL DEPARTMENT 117 San Francisco Street. "HARDWARE SATISFACTION" AND AUTO fclttPLY CO. TLAIX AND PUNCTURE PROOF CORVER MYRTLE AND KANSAS r5" El Paso Auto Sales Co. Lsfitti Office 713 N. Ocho: St. J. E. JOHNSON, JE., HGR. PHONE 170. Oakland Auto Sales Co. FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS 1B7-14B-U1 Myrtle Avenue. U n. ELMORE. Met. Tel 1113 318 San Francisco St. PUJ :fev 4UoT;fi' Xf aSe? -A WMSBm&Wmitf vyr" M.L.NAQUIN, DISTRIBUTOR West Texas. New Mexico. AnzoMa. Old Menco. Hotel Taxi Garage. Pboee 878 (or Demonstration.