Newspaper Page Text
SEN. GUT!ERREZ,WITHHISflHMY, WILL Jl WITH GU.UK The Two Are Waiting For a Chance to Strike at Villa or Obregon, Whichever Wins the Coming Battle; Villa Is Playing a Waiting Game at Aguascalientes. -EV EULAMO GUTIERREZ, de-1 y c.i. ijuww ! t posd president of JJesico. dm J appeared at La Ventura, on the southern border of Coahuila. -with a force of 4000 men. according to private j.-, ..iumA tn T!1 Paso. It is rumored that be is waiting: there for Gen. Eugenio Benavldes, .who fled from Mexico City with him. ena ildes is repciteo coming- north from central San Luis Potosl with a column nearly as large as that of Gutierrex. These two revolutionary leaders are .opposed to be operating Independently of either the Carransa or Villa factions .....t ..... riuirin to strike a blow tor their own ideals when one of the two , larger factions is eliminated from the . civil struggle in Mexico. : Ohregon jiovinjr .un, i crossed the line into Mexico near uua- Carranza outposts have occupied tne , daIupe Mondav night, .-nt absolutely village of Loraa, two stations norui or. , wltnout confirmation yesterday and io Leon. and 40 miles from Agnascaiten- dmT secret service agents of the Car tes, where Gen. Villa's army is ruul faction said this morning that - i , ..Mnlifii. tn nrivate aavicen t . ., ,-i.,-., n,M 1ib tia. Hn irencucu, ... -- - .--- T'n- f receivea m x. - "l villa ..MivMl in VA laso iroifl " ".:: important sKirmtsnms "V"." '"Z and Obrtson cavalry patrols are oc curring daily north of Leon. It is re ported, but no engagement of any mi T ortance has taken place since the bat tg, f ceiai a. Gen Villa has virtually "nmned the reorganization of hU army and is waiUng for Obregon s attack. Carothers Rejoin. Villa. Ceorse a Carothers. special represen tati" of the state department left Go mez ralacio Wednesday to Join Gen. according to dispatches received APPETITE FOLLOWS GOOD DIGESTION Nearly everyone Indulges their appetite and the digestive " ire abused, resulting in a congestion Jf poisonous waste that clogs the t owels and causes much misery and Sl ThVmost effective remedy to cor rect this condition Is toe.fw tion of simple laxative herbs with nensin known as Dr. Cawweus !y?up' Pepsin. This is a nturaL pleasant-tasting remedy, gentle jet p)slUve in action. 'u,11c"3r,f(S: ueves indlgesUon. consUpaUon. sick headache, belching, etc. Drug stores sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin at fifty cents and one doltar a bottle, and In thousands of homes it is the indispensable family -em-fdy. For a fre. trial bottle write Dt W. B. CaldwelL 451 Washing ton St. Monticello. Ills. THE BEST BflOK ET!R WRITTEX OX TOC SUBJECT. The Cowboy and the Bible, or A Defense of God BV L. C IJCrREK of Colorado City, Texas. Worth One Hundred Dollars, Price One Dollar .tH.l.t td wir for thl Simples and I a Box of Common Sense Powders given parading at Agua Prieta. Sonora. to wth each book. ' day, celebrating the Mexican fifth of If not satisfactory, after reading, re- ja. holiday, a detachment of Villa torn book and I will refund money. j troops, who said they were part of an I will acce )t a challenge to meet . ajanfe guard, came in under a ?lag Eillie SundaVs Devil in mortal combat. 1 0( truce and surrendered. They said Will give BiUie a section of land to j more Villa troops would desert Jose match the scr p for me. If I fl Jo . Ma torena. r . . a -11 r hi. Tmn ont in the first round. I will give Billie in- j otier section of laad. Will also give a section of land to , have cur prayers answered. Preachers get busy I mean business. , -iren.- re MONEY ORDER TO. i Lc-Dirn-E. COLORADO CITY. TE.Y. , Any Agent selling ten or more copies of this book vrtll he ovd n conunls- . slon OI Si. jcrcrui. I Advertisement. DEEDS, NOT WORDS EI Paso people Han- bolnte rroof " "" - . i m ii.iii a nrnv- i Its not words hut deed, that proe , .ia mrlt 1 rv-Tle mrit'. Tri., haH of Doan's Kidnev Pills. 1 irZ T7i d9qa vMn sufferers. Hae made their local rputmHoa. rroof lies ia the testimony of El UXeMeader, prop, blacksmith shop, ZT- . . i c? 171 Pacn ceVR' illB i JMBBOUr. ow "--, IT,' ;7T use Dotn's Kltoey Kill We ant-secretry of state is cut from $2M Ilwae have a oox in thl houie and to t0 a year and the citizen mem ave found that they do us more ber ..f the board of control from S4 good Than any orter kidney medicine to J1SW. These cuts are not made in w have eser used. I am pleased to -he house bilL Eire mv name endorsing Doan's Kid- ' Anditor May Reject Clahns. n Pills, for they do all they are j A section of the senate bill gives the to do" avditor authority to re'ect any cla'.i Pce J0C at all dealers. Don't sim- that ts presented, if he does not think ,i.. ask for a money remeay sei . ri.', TCidnev Pills the same that Mr Meader had. Foster-Milburn Co, rrops, Buffalo, X Y. Advertisement, HAD TUBERCULOSIS OF GLANDS-NOW WELL Glandular Tuberculosis has rlsleed to r-kman"s Alterative when other remedies failed. Keaa what Jt did In this csae. IS7 Laariston St Philadelphia. Pa. "Gentlemen In March. 1. my doctor Di-nti-ranced my case Tuberculosis tn the Clau'ls' and a number of operations in a horoltal tailed to benefit me. In the mean time a friend of mine advised Eckman's n.witiw Th, vfrBudf in mr neck were still open and In a frightful condition when i , -. .... .a alr I, Aftr Bdnr twA holtlM, I started to take It. After uslnc two bottles t fnnnd I was improving, havbic gained l welrht. could eat and was aw to deep. I conunued ustn-f it nnui I wen. on ncemthitumehVv not loi od.r ork tbrouch sickness. I hishlr recommend Ecknur.'s A'.terattve to anyone who is suffer laz from Tobercolosls." (Abbreviated.) (Affidavit). JOSETH B WHITE. KUcnans Alterative is most efficacious in bronchisl catarrh and severe throat and lure affeetitn!! and upbuilding the system. ( ontains no harmful or habit-fonnins; drucs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading- druzrists. Write Eckman Laboratory. P 'adelphi? Pa lor book t of reco erles Kellv & Pc'lard. Knoblauch Drue Co, Po : cs Tro Store AderUm. nt by collector of customs Zaeh Cobb. n-i, Twirman local nhntoff ra nhftr. left Bob Donnan local photographer, left for Aguaacalientes Tuesday night In .mnan with VlflT (llhkmi. At ttlM comnnr with Floyd Gibbons, of the Chicago Tribune. Carranza and Villa officials here and in Juares were without news from "the front" today, they asserted. When last heard of officially, Obregon had es tablished headquarters in Leon, 68 miles south of Aguascalientes and was pushing the work of. railway repairs. That news was received Monday and. at the rate of prcgress made in reaching Leon from Celaya, the Carranciata col umn should reach Villa's stronghold by the first of next week. That "Xnr Revolution. Tuesday's rumor stories that Pas- Coal Orozco and three companions had lnBJ c. ivutv v. .... u ...... ---- in this vicinity for months, and Villa officials in Juarez continue to deny the report. This is the first time that both factions' representatives in El Paso have fully agreed upon any news point in the present controversy, except that they are both "agin" Huerta, first, last and all the time. Huerta Stntcment Circulated. X statement issued recently by Gen Victoriano Huerta. in New York attack ing the Carranza and Villa factions, was reprinted in Spanish on dodgers and distributed in EI Paso yesterday to the Mexican population on this side of the line. The circulators of the doc uments have been unidentified by the authorities here. The circular bore a large picture of the former provisional president. Villa Aviator- Executed. Joaquin Bauche Alcalde, formerly, of the Villa aviation corps, was captured and executed by Carranza troops dur ing the recent battle of Celaya, accord ing to private messages received here. His brother. Jose, was killed at Parral during the attack of Maclovlo Herrera's troops upon that city several .oonths ago. Jose Alcalde was chief of 6taff under Gen. Manuel Chao. Both yjung men were well known along the oorder. j Their father was collector of customs I at Juarez for many years during the ! Diaz regime. A third member of the i family. Manuel Baucbe Alcalde. Is re ! ported In Yucatan. Autl-.nierican usiior ucre. Alfonso Ybern. formerly editor of "El Norte" in Chihuahua city and a no torious anti-American, is in El PasA Y'bern flourished during the Orozco revolution and was prominent in Chi huahua just before its evacuation by On. Mercado Juring the Constitution alist revolution His anti-American sen ments were aired time and again through his editorial columns and one time urged that all members of the imortran rnlnnv In Chihuahua, be out tu death He has been a political refu i gee on American soil since the success ! of the revolution against Huerta. GEN. HERNANDEZ REPORTED WORKING FOR MADEROS San Antonio, Tex., May 5. A mes sage received here from Reata. Coa huila, states Gen. Rosalio Hernandez, recently a member of Gen. Villa's staff, is operating independently in Coahuila to protect the mining and other in terests of the Madcro family with which he is friendly. Hernandez is said to have between e0 and ltM men. VILLA TROOPS ENTER AGUA PRIETA, SURRENDER Tlnnrlac Ariz rv 5 'Willie the rarra&?L srarrion of 2F00 men was fill SENATE . - HaS ItS OwH Appropriation Tfl, nf fTm Irr JJiil, JUbav&O J WV ViiAV , Land Commission. Phoenix. Ariz, May S. Without waiting for tbe house to pass a general i pprojrii-ticns bill, the sn- ; ate decided to take up and consider a bill prenareo. lij its own appropriation j Luuiuiiiinc. it in iauitii iv-i . zt.l- ... - ki,i. k h j.. J ' 7"" uTsi Inrei -w kt aya. The senate bill is complete, except that no provision of any nature ts made xor tne land commission or iana m partment." It carries z,SS.H3.30. Salaries that are not fixed by statute are slashed all along the line in the n,l. hill U-or .nstsnce. the zlt- . u i r . V. TZritiZ pvnsf. j-ii t.ftiu . m .v.... and sworn to. Senator Stapley. chair man of the committee. expUuned that th's trovlsiou wo. id ma-ic the auditor alitor in fact as -veil a name. An interesting feature of both meas ures is that no deficiency can be made i;ood out of the. gtin'ial f .ui. It has been the practice heretofore, when any department or office exceeded its ap propriation, to cover the excess from the general fund. Objections Are Made. There was some objection to the unit, annronriations committee intro ducing a bill Senator Webb said that he thought it would be setting a bad nrn-,l,nt to orieinate the general ap- propriation bill in the senate. Stapley -njj others exnlaiued that the idea was not to pass tne bill but merely to work . ,. t ,. Entors ould know what they wanted to do when the ' house bill came over. A motion to suspend tne ruies ana rw me , m rectlv to the printing committee was lost "by a vote of eight to six. two thirds being necessary. Typewritten copies were available for all the sena tors and objection was raised that to print the measure would entail an un necessary expense. Remarks by Clar idge to the effect that the appropria .nn pAmmittee merely desired to get j a little advertising, called forth a hot I denial irom omiMJ Trouhle la Prospect. Before the hause passes a general -in-otnatlons bill, attorney general Wilev Jones and C. C. Thompson, su 1 renntendent of the insurance depart ment of the corporation commission i a'-e poing to have their troubles. It W?S all Etartea nv a icuer irura ,onr "W Mis now in Tucson, to senator Moe Prachmin Mslsan insur-ir-eman and formerly EL TD DPEW MEXICO TO FOREIGNERS Gen. Carranza Makes Bid j For Recognition of His Faction by the U. b. Veracruz, Mex, May 5. In conversing wlth a correspondent regarding recog- ' niHon by the tate C Car- ranza Tuesday said that when peace is restored Mexico will be thrown open I "" 5 honMi fore investors, ana to all honesV f orelgn T" . . !!.. MaPanK Will IW BartlCUiariJ i ! k, , ....- -- . i welcome. r..n Carranza said he wished to overcome what ne ueiie -- - rmtrhc feellna- in the United stales , .. .,.. .--., i, .., inn. lli are oDDOsed lnKL L V V.W.. .. t foreigners. He also announce- . he intended to restore rauroaa uiu. . tt- s-w.n 9ji tne niiiiiary operations against Gen. Mlla are ended. 2eatea in ms,., u.- lighthouse overlooking Veracruz bay. "be first chief of the Constitutionalists talked at length of the future condi tions of Mexico. Will :eed Foreign Help. c..n! events such as the defeat of Gen. Villa at important points, re new my confidence that the war will soon be ended." said Gen. Carranza. "Then Mexico will start ner rcu-n na tion and will need legitimate foreign help. The resumption ot operaiiouo will attract American capital, which will be welcomed and protected. T will do everytning in w i"7Y" ni-nmnto American friendship. Americans would be optimistic over the conditions in Mexico if they could see the situation from this end. rne Constitutionalists have 70.(M soldiers and Villistas less than half this num- w ronstxntlv are spreading pur lines northward, leaving Mexico City to be easilv retacen oy us at "J ""- "How soon before yon expect to re store traffic to Mexico City, and give foreigners there relief and a chance to resume businessr Gen. Carranza. was aeked. .... . . . "Just as soon as viiia- is "" farther possibly after another wlia defeat," was the reply. "It will be a matter of a very short time. Buying More Transports. "As an instance of our progress I caT. attention to the fact that we have sent a commission to New York to buy three more armed transports, one to assist on the Pacific coast and .. o for the gulf of Mexico. This committee will be in Iw York next Saturday. "Another mission will artve in New York simultaneously to act on the for egn oil interests. "Indeed we are taking steps already for future industrial and financial rela tions. Our hope is that the United States will see fit to give us recogni tion. That will do much to end the war. . "There is every reason why tne United States should recognise us. for the Constitutionalist government Is the one which has legal responsibility. Villa and Zapata are leaders of per sonal ambitions. Behind them are the remnants of the old reactionaries, struggling to regain lost power." FIGIITI.NG 5B.1K TAMriCO Washington. D. C . May 5 Officials I of the British emoabsy nere prt some concern Tuesday over reports mat Villa and Carranza forces had resumed figl-ting at Pannco in the vicinity of Tampico. Panuco is in the oil district, and if shells should ignite the British owned oil wells or tanks, the supply lor British warships would be menaced. CARRANZA AGENTS nOLD MEETI.-VG AT TUCSON Tucson, Ariz.. May 6. Carranza agents of this district held a meeting her to discuss detail; of their work The consuls present were Ives G. Lele vier of Douglas. R. Garduno of Doug las. E. Padres of Douglas and M. T. Vela of Tucson. The real return of their con ferentt was not disclosed. GEN. VILLA NOT 1VOWDED. Washington, D C, May 5. The Ilia agency announce" the receipt of a dis patch from foreign minister Lombardo at Chihuahui citv saying reports that .en Villa had been wounded by one of his officers were without founda tion. TQ GUT SALHRJES lived in Santa Fe. Recently he moved to Tucson. He wrote to Thompson for c xuftrmlt to do business in this state. Thompson sent Mays blanks for his ap- plication and for an affidavit agreeing not to split commissions. In a letter Thomnson stated that the affidavit .was required only of new agents. Tells Him to "-re a Lmrjer. -vv iiV the -view that new arents -. ... i i j l . Ua' wrote attorney general Wiley Jones ii ar TtmmAAn nan nnr in "b "--.-"--" !... ci.h jtiwnmtnntion Jones re- plied that he was not employed by the . , .....a n, nnn.lanA,l AntnidtlC d suggested that Mas see a lawyer TO Ibis letter 4iaB repiiea m aiusui , sarcastic vein. Then he signed the af- 1 fidavit asked by Thompson. His ap- plication was rejected and Mays thinks j it was upon recommendation of Jones, j Thereupon the wouldbe agent wrot to j Lewis T. Carpenter, collector of inter nal revenue for Arizona ana ew jsex ico. and to senator Drachman. Drach man told the story to representative W. J. Graham, of Cochise county, and Graham Immediately demanded a ses sion with the house appropriation com mittee. Three or four hours were spent in discussing the matter. Graham urged that no appropriation be made for Thompson's department and suggested punitive measures against the attorney .general It is probable that the whole question will be fought out on tbe floor of the house. RISKS HIS LIFE TO TELL "THE TRUTH ABOUT RUSSLV Dr. C. C Tonngs book, "Abused Rus sia." published by the Devin & Adair company, of New York, has made it appearance In the book stores of 1:1 PmsO- Thi. honk nroves the difficulty with j which the doctor met in order to enter ih. fro-hidden military zone of Central ' .Asia, which is absolutely closed to ail . and In manv Instances the , doctor not only risked his liberty, but ! M. ,.r. Dr. Younc owes his success to j .presldent Roosevelt and to the uncle of the king of England, the duke of Connaught. UIUIU .governor s.n- eraL They, as well as -PJml'D' r'Vnn ??. most acOve leoewtion noff as well as that of Sir Buchanan. British ambassador to Petrograd. Dr Young discusses the weird cus- toms of Central Asia, where women are placed in a sack and thrown from towers head downward for the slight est suspicion of impurity and where tbey are flogged while being tied in a sack for being seen unveiled. Dr. Young also discusses some of Russia's serious problems the vodka evil, the Jewish problems, the pass port system, the cossack. the peasants and their customs, and gives farts senerallN not known, which explain- whv Russia s en. mies here found it in America. PASO HERALD 'GOMDCniBIlS ; WLLLATTENDED Bishop Howden and Eev. Henry Easter Talk on Sunday School worn. Las Cruces, N. M.. Say a. Many v is .. AiAwvn.n 9r nttandinsr the ses- 8ions f the Episcopal convocation, be- ing he.. .here th weeK, roin- of great interest. iun.heon i, MrveJ shortly after noon each day to the delegates, the women f st. jan,es's church in MesilU Park " . .. . . . . I. . ta. lh. M.,-vin- tne luneneon eijii.. - dinine room of the Methodist church. Iltsbop Delivers Addreic Th frature ot the seba.w.i was tne ,,,- bv b.h0D Howden, which was . xtrdnv afternoon. After the !,Mrx mnd a husinees session, the vis- I .. j.t.K.A n,An.H a rACeDtlOn i .me .""- ",?"- w. JLAnt, b'V" "',." J7. -Vrfrw.- chilrch and members of St- Andrews's church . ,. ,.. ,..... an ftiA Mnmtwn( of the ' to the bishop ana tne wma i " convocation, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoes. rne reception largely attended and the home was artistically decorated with a profusion of roses. The home was darkened and lighted with electricity. Refreshments consisting of ice cream, several Kinds of cake and mints were served in tno dining room, which was lighted with candles and decorated with flowers. An orchestra furnished music for the occasion. Evening Session Interesting. The evening session of the convoca tion was an interesting one. Music was furnished by a quartet composed ot Mrs. L. A. Broaddua, -r. J. X. Zan ders and Messrs. R. A. Stevens nd J. A Stevens. The first address was given by chap lain Lloyd on The Army Chaplain. He speke at length of the" difficulties which the army chaplain has to con tend with and the hindrance to nla work by having no suitable place tn which to hold services. Rev. Henry Easter 'spoke on the "Sunday School," dividing his subject into four parts aeveioproeni oi om acter. habits, actions and ideas. Bishop Howden then spoke on the "Sunday School Motive." He empha sized the placing before the child the true aim of Sunday school instruction. The session this morning opened with the holy communion and was devoted chiefly to convocation business. Luncheon was served by the women of St. Andrews's church. Uil.,M.a Wlffftr.. Meetlair. .,. ..... .. -- - .1.. An interesting meeting of the Public Welfare association was held last night- Dr. R. E. McBrlde, county pby-I frt,n rav an address in which he menuoned the principal classes to which charity should be dispensed. He related numerous pathetlo Instances of which he had known personally. He spoke of the great need of concerted action. The woman's auxiliary or the .pis copal church held a meeting this aft ernoon in the Methodist church. Mrs. E J Livesay of Mesilla Park, who is aistrici secretary, preeiaew uu, b j ner report Miss M C Peters, who was lately a missionary in Mexico, and who is now of El rase, delivered an address on "A Missionary's Plea for Missions." PANHANDLE BIG BEilliET Santa Fe to Spend Nearly 2,000,000 in Im provements. Amanllo. Tex. May S. Strawberries are being received in Amarillo In car load lots. The berries come from southeast Texas in refrigerator cars an are coming in at the rate of three cars a week. Santa Fe to Spend I,T.0,00fl. Announcement is made by general manager Fred W. Fox of the Santa. Fe railway that the Santa Fe plans to spend Jl, 750. 000 In the Panhandle and on west Texas lines. Included in the improvements planned are shop build ings, new turn tables and the laying of 100 miles of new SO pound rails. Irrparing for Commencement. Amarillo's public schools are active ly preparing for commencement. Reg ular exercises in the schools will oe suspended on May 14 to allow the pub lic to inspect the work done by the pupils In the various lines of school work. The class day program of the 1915 class will be given at 10 a. m.. on May 19. in the high school auditorium S ZTi.T r. ;J held that ef"f in " Granjl LneaJe1r- 1? bf1iurff te "n?n wi" ... Methodist rhnrrh bv R... 1 N H--,i i ' w rr"- i LIBERTY BELL IS GOING nv uAV nc chti vr t ul ,im V4 tjrUjl ImUVI, I Philadelphia. Pa, May 5. According ! tO nlftRS 'tide hv thj f MHvilmfl ni I committee in charge of the trip of the i,:ift. ,. w ,i 4i.,m.-v, mv int vs. Ill leave here on July J. Stops will be made by the special train on which the hell will be carried at Chicago, Topeka. Kansas City. Omaha, Cheyenne. Denver, Salt Lake City. Ogden. Hunt- ingdon. Ore , Spokane. Seattle and Portland. Arrangements will be probably made for other stops. rOHCn CATCHES FIRK. The shingles on the front porch of the house at 1100 Texas street caught fire at about 115 oclock Wednesday, and the Central fire department was called out to extinguish the blaze. Little damage was done. Planning for the Stork's Arrival 'Anoig thosp things which all women Tnnlil Vnrtw rt. and msnv nf thn At ...w, . . .. .... , -- -.-, ls a splendid ex- temal application. soH In most drug scores under the name ot "Mother's Friend." It Is a penetrating llqukl and many and many a mother tells how It so wonderfully aided them through the period of expec- . ..-.. . T . T.Bmce. .. . rraJic,iu, tendons, ligaments and muscles so pliant thlt u" expansion ny be accom- " characteristic of th psripd ot i expectancy. r ! At any rate it Is reasonable to believe that since "Mother's Friend" has been e. . companion to motherhood for more than nan a century no more timely advice conld be given the inexperienced mother than to suggest its dally use during ex pectancy. Ask at any drug store for "Mother's Friend." a penetrating, external IkruM of great help and value. And write to Bradfleld Regulator Co.. SOI Lamar Blag., Atlanta. Ga., for their book of useful land timely information to expectant that are of Interest to all women. PAVLOWfl VISITS JUAREZ IN AUTO Russian Dancer Witnesses Cinco de Mayo Celebration in the Mexican Town. A pair of big brown eyes, a pale, pinched face, and a lithe figure entirely surrounded by Russians. That in Pav lowa. i.,.t hr Thinuer was. singing the charms of th incomparable Russian dancer, the elevator door clicked and .""slight woman wearing a panaraa hat ." . - ... .. hM. imnAx mrr her ears, a set of sable . . ,,.. ...;. ,.H ruilr furs, a winter wsikimj, ,.. .- t of chamois gloves appeared under the arched entrance to me raw " lobby. She was accompanist! w ! ballet master, whose size emphasized k, .l.mior .f ienre and small stature. n.L- A....l Vnman ritnr l7aa "JT. .riTrtrJiiarM cinco de Mayo with local manager r. -.c.,i..t. .! .a-v Hlrwh. her J"a' ""T" Z. .iTh u.T manatnr L. R. McCUntock and Jax Hirsch. her manager. She was to start at noon and she stepped out of the elevator at 1Z:01. shook hands with the little group with a grip that pinched and said: We are r-ready." Only she did not say it that way. She put a burr in the "r some place and gave the "y" an extra emphasis. 4n7 Likes Our City. "What do you think of our city?' she was asked. "But I have not yet aeen it, yon i know." She said It like she was tam ing through her teeth and with a far away Russian accent which made it seem a foreign sentence instead of a good. American answer to a simple question. "And the Mexicans, how do they com pare with your own Russian peasants'" "Nor have I seen them yet. I have jus' come and have seen nothing ot your city. But I think I like them as I like all your people." "Has the war the big war- -come home to you yet Have you any rela tives at the frontr "No none But friends, yes. Many friends I have fighting with the Rus sian army." Lithe as Fanther. She sprang into a waiting automobile like a panther leaps into a tree and the most wonderful woman of Russia was off down El Paso street toward the riTer and Juarez, where the wind was blowing, the dust flying and the flags fluttering for the :th of May celebration. She spent an hour in the ! r ..... .. ....... w.Mh, l . I iejfticii vnn, rci jftuftw vniiie. " , . . . . th corners by order f dancer, to the jail and market nd monument, where Mile. Pavlowa showed the keenest Interest, especially in the history of Juarez and the revo lution. The Pavlowa company. Incorporated, carries 71 people In a private trail consisting of three Pullman cars and three baggage cars. The special ar rived from Albuquerque at 14 oclocK and Mile. Pavlowa and a number ot her company went to the hotel for th day. Ifternon Rehearsal. Wednesday afternoon the entire com pany held a rehearsal at the Texas Grand In preparation for the evening performance. The company will go from here to San Diego, leaving soon after the evening performance. Accompanying Mile. Pavlowa and her company is Mile. Svirskaia. the Russian countess, who was here several year, ago at tbe bead of her own company of Russian dancers. She is now a member of the Pavlowa company and is the special feature dansense- M-I-an Oust tne and Alexandre Vollnine ; are Mile. Pavlowa's dancing partners. ana tne orcnestra or zi pieces is unaer the direction of Theodore Stier. former conductor of the London Classical or chestra. NEW COUNTY EDUCATIONAL BOARD IS NOW ORGANIZED The county board of education met the first ot the veek for its quarterly session in tbe office of the county superintendent of schools. Miss Myra Winkler. Routine business and plans ror next year s educational policy were discussed. M. H. Webb, the president of the board, presided. The next meeting will be held the first Monday in August. At this time the board will announce its policy, which is still in the formulative stage. At the August meeting the apportion ment of school fnnds among the various common school districts will also be made. At a meetint? on Anril ?2. lots wr ' drawn to determine who should serve the one year term and who should serve two years. C A. KinkeL of ,rln ton. W. C. Carson, of Sierra Blanca., and W. T. Duncan, of Tsleta, drew the two year terras, while M. H. Webb, of Clint, and G. P. Putnam, of El Paso, representing tba county at large, drew the one year terms Hereafter mem bers of the board will be elected eery j ear to serve two years. TWO MORE ARRESTS MADE IN GENEVA STORE THEFT Jose Ramirez and Marie Ortiz have been arrested by the police and detec tion forces in connection with the rob bery of the Geneva jewelry store. -2 San Antonio street, early last week. Under the floor of a room on Broad way was found a gold watch, identified as one stolen from the jewelry store, also an automatic pistol and a dirk. A total of five arrests has been made in connection with tbe burglarizing of the Genet a Jewelry compan and the Richelieu bar. XCWS OF MlSa. ttcUOACII.S 11 K ATI I ItRCIKVKD 1IKRR ! El Pasoans have been notified of the j death ot miss Mary Mcuonacn. sister of Mrs. E. M. Harter. vho made her home with Mrs. Harter heri when Mr. and Mrs. Harter were residents of El Paso and Mr. Harter was auditor for the old El Paso Northeastern rail road. The death occurred on April 17 in Berkeley. Calif, where Miss Mcuooach was making her home. Mr. and Mra. Harter are now living in New York. rUXBRAL FOR SIRS. HILL. Funeral services lor Mrs. Lillian P Hill, wife of J. C Hill, of the local postofflce. was held Wednesday after uuuu nun, ftiie Mmicn oi me iibuwcu- late Concent ion lira. Hill died Tues noon trom the Church of the lmmacu- t . T" : z : L . . . day morning at 4 oclock. The burial was in Evergreen cemetery. J. t. grant nrr BY AUTO. J. T. Grant, formerly an employe of the city, is suffering from an accident which occurred at the corner ot Meea avenue and Mills street Monday after noon. According to Mrs. Grant, he was crossing Mesa avenue when an automo bile, which she saya belongs to J. M. Harris, struck Mr. Grant, fracturing one rib, and Injuring him so seriously that he has been compelled to remain in bed since the accident- She sas he was dragged several feet by the car after it struck him. JIALLORY AGENT XAMED. W. J. Eckenroth, soliciting freight agent for the Mallory Steamship line in San Antonio. Texas, for the past tbree years, relinquished that position Saturday to come to EI Paso, where he will serve as commercial agent for the same concern. Before going with the Mallory line, Mr. Eckenroth was em ployed in the division freight and passenger office of the G. II. A S. A. railroad. 825.00 reward for anv impurities found In GOLDFN ROD Walter S. Clayton. ; Agent Ad ertist-ment. "Wednesday, IMay 3, 1915 7 A 3-J A AVA '-' ' Vanderfailt and Madison Aves., 43rd and 4-tth Sts. THE largest and latest of American hotels and the social and business center of the Metropolis. Convenient to everything, and in the heart ot tneatreana snuppms uwni-w. 1000 outside rooms. Rates from Fittingly termed "The America." To stop at New York at ti Den. Tour.' ' Ulostrated JOHN McE. President I IRE FINES nn pur Park Commissionership Is Abolished; Joyriders in City Autos to Stop. Fines collection from the wome of tbs restricted district are to be stopped by order of mayor Tom Lea. He issued Tuesday night after Johnson had taken I charge of the police department- The restricted district is to remain where it is for the present and the po lice supervlaion is to be made more strict in the district. But the major announced that he did not propose to conduct his administration "with the blood money of these unfortunate women." and his first official order to the new police chief was to order him to discontinue the old system of fine collectlona. In the past there was a regularly employed fine collector whose duty it was to call uopn each woman Inmate of the restricted district and collect a fine of tI4 a month. Fine System Changed. When the agitation for the removal of the restricted district was brought up at the city election two years ago. this SNSteni was changed and tbe po lice served subpenas on the women of the district for their appearance rn po .lice court to answer the charge of 'agrancy. The women then appeared at the police court and paid their fines, after pleading guilty to the vagrancy charges. The amounts of these fines, which were entered on the regular po lice, court docket, are said to have to taled thousands of dollars each year and were a source of much criticism of the citv officials in the past No Park Commissioner. A change has also been made In the supervision of Xhe city parks, -instead of having a park commissioner who has complete control of the city's parks and parking, the parks are to be under tbe direct supervision of councilman John W. Fisher, who will have a fore man of parks under him Don Hartman has been appointed foreman of the parks, park cosomissioner John Con nor's resignation having been accepted Tuesday. This is a part of the new ad ministration policy of having tbe four aldermen take direct charge of the de partments assigned to them. City Autos fer City Work Only. Another order has been issued by the mayo' instructing all department em ployes not to use city owned automo biles after business hoars and only for city business. This order was Issued because of the practice in the past of city employes using city owned ma chines for trips down the valley on Sundays and for taking friends over the cit. The new plan will include a garage at the city warehouse where all of the city owned cars will be placed after working hours each day and where one repair man will have charge ot them. Xew Corporation Court Clerk, Pete Candelaria. who has been asso ciated with the police department as clerk of the corporation court, has re signed and Alexander Gomez has been put in his place. Mr. Candelaria has been in charge of the records of the po lice court for a number of vears. This wis the only change announced in the police department following the ap pointment of Don lohnson as chief of police. He was sworn in Tuesday evening and was in charge of the office Wednesday morning. Whr wHI to still writs -April" long after May 1st Habit; and habit makes character. The practice of periodical savins means more than dollars and cents. Call at the Savings window at the First National Bank for a coin saver free for asking. Advertisement. OPHELIA i ;':: SS' IS! 950 private baths. $2.50 per day. greatest hotel tacceii ol The Biltmoro to seo "- "" -"t" booklet upon request. BOWMAN !S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Bridgetoo,N.j-"Iwanttothai&yi , tWnnaavu?! timM TOT the) WOTidelfQl J uno - i i,yuia rj. rms La Veeetabla Compoand has doss or me. I sauered erv much frosi a 'exnale trouble. I bearine down ins. was irrezulax td at times cocki ly walk aerosa room. I was rabla to do a? l.-n-.udrlr Ottorul tfl TTlV bsb? I W&3 soweak. Lytfia E. Pinkham's VegetabJa Compoand did me aworld of good, aad now I am strong and healthy, can do my work and tend my baby. I advise all suffering women to take it and get well as I did." Mrs. FASME Coofee, K.F.D., Bridgeton, N.J. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Blade from native roots and herbs, roftaiwa so narcotic or harmful drags, and to-day holds the record of being tbe most soccessfol remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of votantaiy testimonials on file in the Piskham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact. For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored tbe health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc If yon want special adYice write to L.ydla E. Pintham Med icine Co, (confidential) lynn, Mass. YourletterwiTlbeopened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidences OCULIST (eye physician) Not to Eat for 5 Years Prof. Kemp, the great oculist, said. -Tbe man '(medical sraduato) after specialising 1b th eyeHjuet be pro pared, to wait at least S to 5 years 'un der heavy social expenses before his practice will he remunerative enough to support a family" "This may well be called th non-eating stage." It is !"! good bmsUcsJ ethics to ad vertise lit it is better than not eatinc for 3 to " years. TJr. W illiams can offer yon the serv ices of seven consecutive years of con tinuous study in the big Universities and Colleges on the eye and head. - Literally thousands are forced into the hands of spectacle sellers and "ex amination free" fakers by the high fees of the oculists frotL. $1 to J 15. Xy fee for ' complete examination and prescrinUon. when necessary, i only SZ.00 for the time being at least through the non-eating years. X drops" or bHnaHnc: drugs are now used im the new modern methods. No detention from hardness. J. HOD WILLIAMS. It. D. lleadaehe peetaUst. Cor. El Paso and Sa Antonio. Over American Savings Bank. Hours to S. Spanish and German Spoken When Women Suffer No remedy gives neater relief than Acti-kamnia (A-K) Tablets mail condi tions generally known as "Women's Aches and Ilk." One trial will satisfy any woman that she has at last found the remedy she has so long been look ing lor. Indigestion Dyspepsia Are you distressed after eating? Do yon have nausea when riding in toe cars or on tbe train or boat? Take A-K Tab lets and get instant, relief. Genuine A-K Tablets bear the K. monogram. At all Druggists. ! SSSesSSfe' 2sTs?TS"eaBrdd ffJBSSH 4 ief KC3 E9EM - S5v wssSrA -r tMfilsd ll&Stf 5sslriai