Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO TTF.B.AT.n 10 "Wednesday, Mav 3, 1913 STOCKTENDENGY WHEAT MLUES is nil! mm: In Later Dealings Shares j Corn Develops Weakness; Ml KEI RALLIES AFTER OPENING eranda and sleeping porch at SOO . 1 MtrtU arnn C. I- Saln frw culn I Wanted Help Male For Rent Houses Unfnmished. I ater and ice cream stand at Third i mil w 1NTKD Apply Frldav morning. J TOR BKNT Infurniabed S room bouse. -nd South El Paao streets: Peter don't ohone I Marco, to cancel lsts taxes on nouses ! ' tin lota 1 to 5. block 48. Magoffin addi- I lion. Parsons Chicken Ranch Pbone 124 J WANTED Track foreman, section awl ex tra leans, moat have flrstclaas referent. Hanlin Supply Co 1M1 S. EI Paso. t Patins. For Ilrfek Plant. t I The International Brick companv ; WANTED A'l around young man for ma I petitioned to pave I orchester. between I chinery hou-e. one who can keep books and 1 Magoffin and San Antonio, as did the ' dictation. Address w 3 .tare Herald. ruTPrnmMt Hill nmiMiir Tnw monu. ! For Reat ApartmentJ Furnished. 3 ROOM APT. I3t X Oregon. I'lRMSHKIl APIS. 325 W. Missouri. Tend to Rise on Favorable News From Europe. Tl.- Quotations d5 lit) ( reflect closing pries Bears Govern Oats; Pro visions Are Lower. ni-v ork. May 6. The foreign wtsation -igal n the f oremoat factor in today's ifRuUr market. Recoveries in the later ? Minims coinciatod with reports that nego- iti .ni betwean Italy aad Austria were pro- hnc fararablj mcrican jecritiea were modentslv ac- m LondOB tatfajr. with mast C the baat- ' -s in Unite Pacific. Southern Pacific, ian Pacific ana United States Steet sagged in the afternoon aad the mar- Ioed etn . iy reported that anotlMr .?.&v9.v in i ts being shipped from Parts ta New N. Y. LISTED STOCKS fBy Associated Press). N w York. May . Following were the I using quotations at the New Tort block i Jiange for the stocks mentioned: j Chicago. Ill May 6 Wheat a!uAs showed a hardening tendency todaj. as a reenlt of comparatUe firmness in quotations at laiTerpooL The opening which varied from the same as last to c higher, was followed by additional gains and then a reaction. k The close was onsetRed at c ta lc an tler Wednesday night. Corn developed weakness owing to selling pressure from local speculators. After open ing c off to a shade advance, the market made a slight upturn hot soon underwent a sag all around. The close steady. &w3c to c net lower Favorable crop reports gave the bears an advantage in oats. IiwrisioM average lower with hogs. Slight Gain Marks Copper ;1 Stocks; Shattuck Breaks Production Record. FlHNIsHKD AIT. 85 X Kan ..ovc-rnmeni n, company. lor manu- , ANTKI( AT .NCBFirtrlas marker and ' .rVTlrZ. ... w TaiaT facturers' rates for water used for Mrter. mB,t be str.ciiy sober, tap wages to iqKMaHlIP APTS. Ill w. Boulevard. For Rent Rooms Furnished. FRONT DOOM ill X Stanton. THK KBNNAHD 423V4 J room Oregon. ROOM with Ph. (t5 J porch. Ilrginia Apt N ( FOR 8KST Nicely furnished room in rr - (vate home, good board 1 block. Ph. CI- COMFORTABLE bedroom close in. 5U Missouri. hliiK HurpoMi, ana ae jiSTueiu nrhl man rrfrrwww riven and reontrea. I thw ih'-u0 ui-i. i . ?!.,.- ataa i r'tnldinir and lnnrovement nsmminr. I imuu... iiamMla lRtulrv i -J 1 for sewer extension to Mock 13. Mundy i . - FURM-.KKH APIS. S3 and up. Ph. 554. j ricie.iii. itctusu aaicncru usra LARGE BBIIHOOH with sieepinr porta suitable for two. MS X El Para -Young; man who speaks Spanish Help Wasted Agents. malgamated Copper 74 , roencan Slurar Raflnina: 1MH M'hison 11 hmo copper 4ixs 'r hfrn Pacific ..........leg Pfadlnc Its'. Pacific r mon Pacific ....12SV l "ii States Steel SC 1 n i.,; states steel. Pfd l;i Grain and Provisions. Cbieao 4J rains. Close. Wheat May J166S. July. J1.I3H forn Muy. 7CVc. July. 7SHc oats May. 54c. July. SSc. Chlcaco ProTidons. Close. Pork July. (18 32: September. S1S.T2 lrd July. J1IJ. September. It 4T. Ribs Jul:. ilOTi. September. 11 2- LIVESTOCK. MOliEY AND METALS.. XEvT TOKK SIAEKKDT. (By Aasodatea Prase. - York. May C Mercantile paper. St ('K Bar stiver, it. Mexican dollars. Ill, tovernmeat bonds, steady. Railroad bonds, easy Time loans, easy; M and s days. tHff I; ral I-, mi months. i!ii1. all money, frrm; Ugh. I4; leir, inr rat- z ' opper. firm; ektetrolytie, 319. ; easttsi, Jl- o18T5 Tin doll. :.M4l.4W. Iron, steady: He. 1 Northers. 14 Mf? lS.t.- : 14 1514 J. NO. I Southern. 1 M 1 : No :. 1J.74 IS. fad 4 1Sa4.2. Spelter, not eseted. JjoBdon Metals Markets. I ondon Kne . May . The tsadsn met a market closed as follows: I ! M. at. d. Spelter 4. sit. not copper. 171. at; futures 7. ill. ixjt tin. fill, alt, Xutsres. ltl Mi'imony fSlM. THE LOCAL 1IAKKET. M.ican currency. 12K. Mexican tsos (El Pase buylne pries) r '"arraasa curreBcy. c; Caihttah cur rency $i 39i Paso SmeHer Qaotations, Corrected D&flr.) Bar sHrer (Handy & Harmon Queta t ral 59 I-ondon lead, fit. It. dt. Pit lead. 4 S copper wire bars. IS S7S After opening sughtly weaker than 'Wed nesday and suffering a slight loaa during the first hour, the stock market rallied Thurs day and fcbowed a slight net gain over the opening. Opening prices Included Amalga mated 741,. Cbino 4s. and Shattuck 21, tiEZ?r J2S. ti EJE TriLTJS, I An ordinance was adopted changing ' i,.. .eaity in Arizona. See Albert Kun- Kff.iMW.i i?.-t Muu. : the name Of tne ottice neretotore hei d r. Francis hoteL Satuet Breaks Keeeed. known s. ."'.. .of oetr" ? , .. . .., . , .. . r T" Bisbee advices Thursday showed that th -captain ot oetecnve- ana iixinsr me neip naniea mate ana remale 1 AVTIIII to drive auto delivery truck and make him- I ( M)I. well furnished aata.. walking- distance. self generally useful in retail store, must f none fvss he experienced and rurnlsn gooa references state bw, salary expected and references In replying rite T 2. Herald. I HOlSEKKEI'l-SG AITS. 14 noma S3. , 4C1 Ph. quitclaim deed to lots 16 and II. block ?.:. Bassett addition. R G. Rios was J granted a hawker's permit. . Intiteil To I'lnnrcr- liny. i n invitation to the mayor and cjun- ; i il to attend the annual dinner o? the El Paso Oountr Pioneers' association on Slay la, was received and (lied. i w axtbii A good man to sell a well estab- i 'MALI. FIK. AIT one room, kltchenet and ! ONE MODERN 2 room flat. Inquire 1SS X. 1st. raln. ,rVYKTTE KOOMfi CXtBAT Ooae in. 1 Z Alius s rnmm ae. KXCEPTrOXI.I.Y nice bedroom in coole" part of city Phone 21 7 W. IIHGK ITIOXT ROOM with S window sleeping porch: summer rate. Call S-13 Mes bath. Hotel Adelaata. Shattnrk-Arlzoaa mine u now producine the rank equal to that ol cnpta'Ji ot ponce. age in Its history. ! "'' ror ct l-rlnlins. '. tv. highest daily toaaage in Its history. lopcr 9IOCI. tiuafsltwns. The following wire qnotatlsns gie the closing prices: Amalgamated 74U China sets Calumet a: Arlzoaa 7 Anaconda ti tlreene-CaaaBoa ,n . Sin Insplratloa S1H aliami . 25 New Cornelia f. 9 Ray ConaoUdated !3 Shattuck C8S United Verde Exteneion 3. Phelps. Bodge A: Co 2S024 Utah Copper 7H J Bids for printing- were opened. The rents per inch per insertion: Morning Times. 3 1-1 per line per insertion, nsr ured on basis of actual count lines, or 2 cents per line per insertion on the AXTBll Dramatic musical tab people. chorus girls full company for permanent stoca in ntv state all J .Bark Margrave, t'en. PeL city THTn DUIU r ! 1 ... rm wn .t lSlft 'Arizona. Phone :m W. HeIpYanter Female. aniTe meliurement basiT e Span- j cV,VY?,MesaKKl "iC " '" h""rt ih rates are quoted at I US and 81-7 c" ' Mwa per line Rates For Classified Ads: Oaa Cent cer Word. No WANTED Settled rhlte woman to do home cooking goitd home to right party Ph. 5877. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. Spsm.h preferred. 447 E. Franklin. (.EORCRTTB APT8. 2 bath. 711 X. kltchenet. FURNISHED FIT rooms and bath, no children. Call SI Wyoming FURNISHES APT. In Sunset Heights. 1S24 Upson. Apt. 2. Phone (S73. DBWITT APT. i noma, furnished, ment. private bath. Phone IIS. X ROOM AIT, private bath, walkiag dis tance. Phone C4S5. FIKMHED KOOJI with bath. Hotel lante FOR HKNT Room with adjolninr bath, fo gentlemen. wanting- dhrtanee. Phone SSSL NICRXT furakdMd front room, summer rste. Phone 225. 71 Mess. FTKM.-HED ROOK in rear, lights an bath 1123 X. Oregon. DBLMAR BOOHS 117 K- Staatos. rug. wa ter. free hatha. Kc St day; S2.W np wtlr YOUXG MAN wants roommate for moder room close la on W. Missouri St. Phor 777 W ,1)K ttlTTK AITS. One room, kitchen and bath, furnished. Phone 11. ONE furnished and two unfurnished flats . . nf I Yl tNTRII KxneriMtcMt wAman f., .mm..1 f ONI CSarge USS Uian. ......... .v 3 1 housework, references reaulred. Ph. 2121 ! 'or rent close In. Apply H. B. Stevens was returned late HTednesdav jr0, WorrJ 05 urainst Frank D. SaffonL the ons, pe. norn J Chicago Livestock. tlee. Chicago. lit. May . Hogs Receipts. 21 -See . market slon . 5c under Wednesday s average. Bulk. 37 44).t. heavy. 3.St) 7 5S. pigs. s..2Sa)C.S5 Cattle Receipts. 2M: market steady. Na- I SS.7S7.t. calves, s 5.;i Sheep Receipts. . market firm. Sheep. S7.4S4. lambs. $.) 1 S. Kansas City Livestock. Otose. Kansas City. Mo . May s. Hogs Receipts. SM; market steady Bulk. J7.17.4. heavy. J7.J7 1. pigs. S7.4)7.2S. CattleReeeipta. lit; market strong. Prime fed steers, SS.:S9.M, western steers. S7.M9S.S. calves. .Mylt.zs Sheep Keeelpts. 3tt. market steady. Lambs. It4lt.4t; yearuhgs. 37.4tO-2S. Fort TtorUi Livestock, dose. (By Zeiger Hotel). Hors Receipts. ISM: market 5c ower, top. 7 . bulk. 37 3ty7 4: quality good. Cattle Receipts. 32M. lndudmc 1M calves, steers, strong and active, top.; bulk. J4itjt7l. cows, steady, top. t.25: bulk. SS.S49S.M. heifers, steady, top, S7.2S: bulk. SSMSS7M; bulls, strong, top 5 SO. bulk. SSSS.(S: calves, steady top, JS.S0. bulk. 15 57 it. stackers, steady, steers. SCSt: cows. S5.MAS.7S. calves. IS !:! i. J Sheet) Receipts. ll.Mt. Including lt.Mt .... ouccih Btrvns. oippea ireiners irom SanderaoB. SC pound average, S7.M: clipped wethers sod yearlings from Fort Stockton. S7.U: clipped ewes and leraos. S7 M; goats, slow, none sold. guilt night against Frank D. SafTord. the aged hotel clerk of the Hotel Kensing ton in Plainfield. X. J. who was charged with perjury in connection with proceedings growing out of the $500,000 breach of promise suit brought by Mies Rae Tanzer aasslnst James W iOeborne. a widely known criminal lawyer The jur deliberated more than 11 hours. I Six Consecutive Icjer- T.'nited we stand Lets unite in buy ing home valle products KAN'SAS CJTT PRODUCE. CLOSE. Kanras CHf. Mo. May (.Butter Creamery. 27; first, 2S; seconds. 23; pack- Eggs Firsts. 17: seconds, IS. Poultry Hew. It; roasters. It, turkeys, IS. NEW lORK- COTTON. CLOSE. New Tork. May , Spot eottoa. quiet: middUsg uplands, lO.tS: sales. ISM bales. News Brevities (Advertisement.) Train Bulletin. M) afternon and night trains for to c .ire reported on time. "Welch were also arrested for violating the traffic code. Dr. Hurley. 31 Herald Bldp. Diseases of children, and nervoas troubles. tk for Surety Bond Roofing at your dware dealer or Lander Lumber Co. Vr. A. T. still Osteopathic Infirmary. Lr Ira W. Colling, physician in chief; Dr. M Alktre. lady specialist: Dr. Carl Walter Martin Not Wanted. Walter M. Martin went to the nolice station Wednesday evening and told I the officers that he was a fugitive j frcm Earlington, Kj A telegram sent ! to that city resulted in a telegram irora tne police saying he was not wanted b the officers, but that his wife was ill and he was urged to re turn home . Gibson, 301 W. Missouri street. They ; Dr. Cameron, dentist, SOT Rob-Ban. Bldir cjred others. They can cure you. t k Cen. Oraelas Buys Auto. en Tonus Ornelas has bought a n( National touring car in SI Paso, i k has registered his license number - :5"S at the county clerk's office. Dr. Jamleaon, diseases Of Kidney. Blad der. Skin -ad Reetam. SIS Mills Bid?. Charged With Brass Stealing. T-ehx Cano, was arrested by watch Tua ulmstead in the Galveston, xiarris i urg & Baa Antonio yards Thursday inurning for burglary. Cano is alleged 1 1 hm e been caught with some brass in his possession. Phone 07. Wilson Million, the best cltaners. White work a. specialty. Tinker to SMvrr City. 1. T.. Tinker and Chapman Smith j lrft Thlirl. Cat. 8tl-.- rlr An ! i Icasure trip The journey will be made ii Mr Tinker's Peugeot touring car. Hope to Knd Lone Strike. Clet eland, Ohio. May Miners and operators of the Joint scale committee continued their conference Wednesdiry in an effort to further approach an agreement which mar end the 13 months' strike In the eastern Ohio field. PROPOSALS FOR LIVESTOCK. De partment of the Interior. Office of In dian Affairs. Washington. D C, April 17. ISIS Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the sealed envelope "Proposal Tor Livestock for the Indian Service'' and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. D C, will be received at the Indian Office until 1 o'clock P. M.. of Monday. May 24. 1I3. for furnish ing and delivering 451 heifers, 2C milch cows, and IS mares for the Cheyenno River Agency. South Dakota. 20 bulls. 31$ heifers. 42 milch cows and 40 mares for the Standing Rock Agency. North Dakota- 4 heifers. 17S milch cows, and ITS mares for the Pine Ridge Agency, South Dakota. 44 heifers. 1 milch cowj. and 23 mares for the Crow Creek Agency, South Dakota; 20 bulls. ZS3 heifers. 230 milch cows, and 34 mares for the Rosebud Agency, Son'h Dakota; :; heifers for the Lower Brule Agencj South Dakota. 50 bulls for Klamath Agency. Oregon. 30 bulls for Warm Springs Agency. Oregon 20 bulls and 509 heifers for Walker River Agency. Nevada 40 bulls and 1.000 heifer-, for Jicarilla Agency, New Mexico, and 10 bulls and 200 heifers for Tule River Agency, California, as per specifications, conditions to be ob served by bidders, etc . which will be ! jurmsnea on aDDllcation to tne Indian Office. Washington, D. C. the C. S. Indian Warehouses at Chicago. Ill, Omaha, Xeb.. and St Louis. Mo, the of fice of the newspaper in which this ad vertisement appears, and the Superin tendents of the Cheyenne River Agency, Cheyenne River, a D.. Pine Ridge. Agency. Pine Ridge, S. D, Crow Creek Agency, Crow Creek. S D. Standing Rock Agency. Fort Yates, N D , Lower Brule Agency. Lower Brule, S D. Klamath Agency. Klamath A gene. Ore. Warm Springs Agency, Wtrm sprintr. Ore. Walker River Ageno. Schurz Nev. Tule River Agenc. Por terville, CaL. to the Supervisor in charge of the Rosebud Agencj-, Rose bud. S D. and to the Special Agent in charge of the Jicarilla Agencv, Dulre, New Mexico. Bids upon the blanks fur neshed are not absolutely essential They may be made in any other form, proided the conditions are observed. Cato Sells. Commissioner Lost ard Fonnd. FOUND Small sum of money near Piedras ami Cedar St Owner pnone 3S.2 ana ae - ribe proper;;. I.OVT Platinum brooch, set with pearls and 72 W diamonds crystal DacKgrouno. noerai re ward if returned to W G Walx Co. WANTED Woman thoroughly experienced in steel highway bridge erection. El Paso Bridge and Iron Co.. 517 Southwestern Bldg LADV BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted mt once for real estate office. pbone 524S FOR RKNT. FIbK AITS. Small apartment, shower bath, hot water all houra. furnished or unfurnished. Flak-Ramsey Realty Co, Hawkins Bros. i ViANTBO Young colored girl to help with i miw miBKKRsuis ana care oz cntia. Jrn. ONE LEFT Pennell Apts.. private bath, hot water, ideal for 2. 712 N. Santa Fe, or phone 3vl7 mornings or after s a. m KTRAYBl) Brown horse with one white hind foot, abont SM lbs. H4 hands high. plesse return to Court House Wagon Yard. Reward. Persona!. W NTEI Lace curtains to wash. Ph. 3(78 AILKKN BERG'S preparations at Ryan's SriKELLA Corsets Mrs. Hslett. Ph. 3472. SEWING MACHINES for rent or sold on easy payments. Phone 11M. Cbas. Fontz. SPANISH GENTLEMAN who writes and speaks correct Spanish desires to exchange conversation with American who speaks snd rites good English. Coffee Mill. 72t S. Stanton. COLORED KR1PTOK. can grind you Kryptok Leaees In any ampcr. neuxai. ametnysi. smoke, biue m any shsde. light or dark. These will gie perfect satisfaction and will give the eyes perfect rest in bright days. Geo. I. Kendall. 20s Mrvt Ave., Makes Glasses Right WANTED English speaking woman for general housework, to stay nights: must come well recommended Apply 315 Trust Bldg. WANTED A white woman for cook, some housework sc-t assisting In care of two children, wages Si per week Address Mrs. S. P. Herren. State College. N M. Situations Wanted Male WANTED Windows to clean. Phone 1174. RIYERIIEW APT. 2 and 4 room fur nished and tmrwrsjlshed. private bath, sleep ing porch, hot and cold water. 705 W. Main St. COOL, CLEAN well furnished apartments. 2 large rooms, kltchenet. private bath. Bleeping porch, no children or sick. 1305 Wyoming. EXCELLENT HOU&EKEKTLNG AITS. Cool and pleasant garage, phone summer rates and other conveniences: none but re sponsible parties accepted, references. Ph. (22. COLLARD cleans windows and walls. S275 Ph. JOB YlORK neatly, promptly, reasonably done: references. G. A. Jackson, phone 44- WANTED Work of sny kind en ranch: can handle aatemeblle. Write X 2St. Herald. BOOKKEEPER, age 2(. wants clerical work of any kind. Address .B.. cere Herald. POSITION WANTED by registered gradu ate pharmacist after June 1st. Address J H. Cain. 1M Ave. D. Galveston. Texas. FOR SWEDISH MAS'tGE CAM at lilt Texas St or telephone S382 J. XtS LEATHER COUCH for 115. Bait Furn. Co.. 215 S. Stanton. Phone It4. WE HAVE THE BEST FACILITIES la Kl Paao for w rltlag Fidelity and Surely bonds. Douglas C Crowell Agency. 2tS Mills Bldg Phone 571. LONE STVR HORSESnOEINC SHOP. 3. P. MORARTT. Manager. 417 S. Santa Fc Phone 21S7. $10 REWARD for Information that wiTl tecure position for competent bookkeeper and office man other work acceptable. W hat do you know of 7 Address L. St A. A. KERN. THE KBV MAN, Is now lo cated at 3:1 Texas St. Keys fitted locks repaired, knives and scissors sharpened. Copper brass and galvanised utensils sodered and repaired. Phone 4SM FOR RENT. LEASE OR .SALE Garage en Borderland route and Sunset Short line. Ben son Ariz. Parties must hsve money to stock same Address box 52 Benson. Ariz. M STENOGRAPHER and office man wants place with good firm where there Is chance to advance. Address T 27. care Herald WANTED By a Jaaanese fh-atehus all around cook, a position In hotel or restau rant, speaks English, will leave city. Write W. 2St. Herald. WANTED To post books for several busi ness concerns not employing regular book keeper, terms reasonable, highest references. Address F 35 HeralC rosrnON WANTED by experienced ants salesman who bas Just come to El Paso; can bring results If given a chance Writ. T. 35. Herald YOUNG MAN. age 22, good health, desires position in bank. 1 years experience, will ing to begin at a board aad lodging salary, good references. Address 3. P Boxes. Tu tumcari. N M For Rent Apartments Unrnrnuhed. ALEXANDRIA A ITS --Phone 6434. UNFURNISHED APT. In the Montana. S553 M RILO APARTMENTS 2 rooms, kitchener, bath snd sleeping porches. Call 310 Wye i Ing Phone 1328 GENTLEMAN WANTED to share rocrr separate beds. At (23 X. El Paso St. PSw 1144 Bachelor Apts. NICK HOOK, southeast corner, t Tnlnnt walk from nostofflee; hot water all hoar 4M E. Missouri. Apt, 34. St. Regis. HOTEL NORMANDY Flrstclaas rooms, ti aad cold water sjlght and day. everythm Phone 2411. FOR RENT 3 large front rooms for 1t housekeeping or bedrooms, with large slec ng porch Phone 4411 W. FOR RENT Large east front room In pr vate home, adjoin bath: 15 zmnates wsj north from poatoffiee. Phone 5147 W BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room a Joining both, in bungalow. 2 in faxni y other roomers, reasonable Phone 3A2a 3 LARGB front room neatly furnished, ver airy, without board. Sit: board '-an be s cured If desired. Will fix for light bouse keeping. Phone 1531 W. St3 Wyoming- For Rent Rooms and Board. NICE ROOMS and Phone C3S2 W FOR RENT Nice front rooms witn- got. home cooking; summer prices. Ph. itil WANTED Several nice young men to roo and board. Call SM Mesa. FIHMSHKH ROOM with board and sleep ing porchL 1515 Boulevard. Pbone 4579 For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. . HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 1015 E. Overland TTtO housekeeping rooms Phone 31t9. mo housekeeping rooms. 141( Boulevard. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS til E. Missouri. HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms 512 Myrtle 3 OR 4 ROOMS for housekeeping. Ph. 21S4. FURNISHED housekeeping suite. Mi X B Paso THREE light housekeeping 804 Mesa. for rent. ROOMS AND BOIRD Strictly nrstcass Mrs C F Leery. 3X3 W. Missouri NEAL'S. MS MESA Phone 3117. Boom? strictly uptodate. Table Brstclasc TWO ceanecUng south rooms with porclx board if desired. It25 Arisona. Pb 2C15. WANTED Two gentlemen to room togeth wlll board, nice cool room. Sll N El Pas" FURNISHED ROOMS with sleeping porelu and board. 1210 N. Oregon. Phone (72 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, nigh, coo location, breakfast If desired. (31 prosper BOARD Phone SINGLE MEALS. 35c. Sunday 5 ociock di: aer. 5c Mrs. Wood. 70S X Santa, Fe. no cbtl- TWO FRONT dm. M5 X. Staaleu. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 415 Myrtle; "I. (SS( Situations Wanted Female EXPERIENCED lady stenographer open for position May 15th. Phone 5510 after ( 11 ANTED Position by experienced nurse girl Phwie 5S3 W between 3 and 12 a. m. JACKSON MAY GET WATERWORKS JOB I Mexican I MAKE V S-I'ECI.U.TY of making and re pairing window screens, doors snd sleeping porches. I do the work mysell. uick Baser. 511 X Campbell St. (Continued From Psse Two). IJr. Khrrt. dentist. 2K-218 Mills Bldff. ordered m a resolution adopted b the . , . 7T I c,tv council Thursday morning. Navnl Petroleum Iteserrc Created. I Health Kcnort Washington, D C Maj (.President ! The weekl report of the city health -VJirJi?:. "ielD J-"-"0" oJ "cr showed 47 deaSs. of which ?w. ". ... r ., w. UM1 I . C, 1 r 1 v a. cum - prising 0181 acres of land in Natrona county. Wyoming. No wells have yet been drilled in this area, but experts believe the new reserve will prove a product i-.e source of fuel for the navy. were Americans and 45 were Mexicans Birth totalled 22. of which six were Americans and 17 were Mexicans. Cases of contagious diseases numbered 85. as follows. Measles. 33. scarlet feier. 10, small pox, 4- typhoid fever. 8; diph theria, 24; chicken pox. 3. whooping American citixena having claims against Mexico for damages inflicted by revolutiottariea are invited to cooperate witb us for Joint action. Write full details Write 4287. Herald. AUTtrHilHILE. KMrLOIERS' LIABILITV AND WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE. All losses sdjustod here. Get our rates before insuring Douglas C Crewel! Agency. 28 Mills Bldg Phon 571 I HA1E SOLD my Interest In the a W Howard Product Co 1217 E. Missouri St.. to Mr Tapscot He will be In charge of said huBincsa from this date, and assume sll debts from id date Thanking my patrons fir ttinn n.nn. Ttn-1.. TtlM .-Bit I """" . cniCReD pus. a, wnooping 1 irwm uu uir lainwis my piinjiw ur.Anna neom.Bnckler Blag-over El 11 a. -,, r Met condemned. 33 pounds J '"' their psst patronage and hope they will Dr. Yiarnock. Dentist, over Postal Tel. Pyorrhea successfully treated. J. Kriillt-vlinllt, Jr. Here Turns Kruttachnitt. jr of the Amer- i' Sirclting and Refining company. as a guest at the Paso del Norte to- a en route to Santa Barbara, Mex n business for his companj. El I'asn UlstHIrd Water Co. Ph. 489. Three Traffic rrrl. Ii ''uaderrarna was arrested Wed- t'Sda efternoon on a charge of dnt- - his automobile without a light ih i. isht before He was also charged - Th .peeding Jose Garcia and R, N Flood Damncs Is XSOa.BOO. GalnesVule Tex iiTSuMre i2Q nlm,lB wr 'f ' "' J?,"?f?r"?:lfZz CAy irPi" two were tondenmed. Other insoec- .... u a ..vv.vw iiaia wen none oy floods to growing grain in Cooke coun ty along 25 miles of Red river low lands. From Warren to Sivel's Bend, farmers report the destruction of thou sands acres cf wheat, corn ami etf Heavy rain fell "Wednesday throughout ! ( aWwa 4w t ArSrnlinn Seeks Hie Loan. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ma (. Ne gotiations of the Argentine government with London and New York bankers for a loan of approximately 3"0,040,000 in gold are progressing favorably and it is expected a contract will be signed before the end of the week. ontlnue to patronise the present manage jnent Respectfully. S. W Howard. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem porary or permanent office work. Write X. 284. care Herald LADY STENOGRAPHER, i years experi ence, wishes employment at once, references. P O box 2(5 UAM1ING AND IRONING done, work guar anteed, called for and delivered, by dosea only. 31 dosea. Phone 47SS W. WHITE IIOILIN wants Job as chamber maid, dishwasher or taking care of children. Phone 0373 ANTED Position as housekeeper by mid dle aged widow with girl 3 years, in room ing house, bachelors, widower or any good home Call 12(5 Wyoming St. Wanted Money. 11 ANTED To borrow 315M on brick bouse aad 4 lots in East El Paso Add Write H. -:77 Herald. Wanted Automobile. ANTED TO HENT By responsible party for 2 or 3 weeks. Ford car. ts be used on a business trip into New Mt4co a.m. t O box 723. Kl Paso. Texas IIOUKEKEBTING BOOMS. Mess. Pbene 4ML 501 NICK ROOMS for sleeping or light keeping. IM Myrtle Ave. FOR RENT 3. 4 5 or 7 : 3 p. m. Pbone 1M4 W. Call alter SIITE of cool light per month. Phone 34M 1 315 FOR RENT 2 furnished reoma. 710 oe4eT 2a7. TWO housekeeping rooms. Oregoa. Sit. 403M X. TWO housekeeping rooms, 33.5t per week; bath, telephone 55M J NICE COOL famished front rooms for rent, housekeeping or sleeping. 311 X. Oregon. THREE nicely rm ulsbid housekeeping rooms. no emiazea. sit H. Tito LARGE, cool nicely furnished rooms with kltchenet. Phone 5451 W. BOOMS WITH BOARD (4)1 X. 532S. El Paso CAN ACCOMMODATE two summer boarder la my country homo foothills Chlricahn national forest: excellent aocommodatiOB For particulars address Mrs. E, L. Stuar Rodeo. X. M. BOARD ANT) ROOMS for limited numbe of young men or couples, best board In r-i for desirable people, large, airy rooms, bah and sleeping porches: no sick. Address 12" Arisona. Phone 4401. For Rent Store: and Offices. I.KiHT. airv offices for rent in Hra f: B s Pesrtry and Pet Stock FOR SALE Turkey eggs. Phone 335. SITTING EGGS Barred Reeks. Ph. 32TS THOROUGHBRED Belgian hares. Ph. .231 CANARY BIRDS tor sale. Pbone 253) I vt ANTED Some bautaas. exxs for slti,..r Phone 5S77 TWO beautiful Urge front boasekesptsg rooms, no sick or children. 7t Artsdha, 3 ROOM AFT., furnished for light house- eepittg. si? Ti -.CAK,XTBED fresh eggs. 4 dozen for 3 Phone 701 L srrnNO BOOS Thoroughbred Anconss heavy wia-er layers. 33.50 sitting. Pb. -n. THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Red egg for hatching Phone 2M2. NICE COOL ROOM with kitcbenet. also single room. 4tSH vryomlng. Pnone 4571 H0r!BKKRPlN6 and also nice bedrooms. 127 X LARGB COOL ROOM with gas plate, very zzxs uregen. BaIn;ss Chances. MEAT MARKET for sale In small country town, cheap for cash Write X, 2S3. Herald. I OR sUt-General long lease located at merchandise store. 14 & El Paso St. bafford oavicted of Perjury. New York ."n Y erdict PUZZLE PICTURE I . , i ,- r , FOR SALE Confectionery Stanton St HANTiai vestment Call 213 X A partner with SltM good in AI business. Write T. 304. Herald. HAVTK-D To lesse 2 or 2 chair barber hop ,r a picture .how. with privilege of tutng Address Box 48. SUaton. Texas WANTED Partners with capital to develop copper, gold aad silver mines. See O C Yssquex. ttc S. Oehoa. room No. S. 11 ANTED Automobile to store la business j sleeping porch. St X Oregon, ente- opposite Del Norte hotel. 35 per I -2- AjitojndTsjriJinesllt W San Antonio St. Wanted Real Estate. 11 1NTRD from owner Mill Phone 4318 lots in Government Wanted to Rent. It ANTED TO HENT lannnlm.t.1. 1U t. of floor spare within 5 blocks of Mills Bldg." ddress Room 218 M-Co) Hotel I'K KALE "est known restaurant In Doug las, doing good business, owner hns other I Imsiaess no reasonable offer refused. P. O. box 193. Douglas. Aria MEXICO. Gentleman with large Interests In Mex ico, traveling constantly throughout the entire republic, will undertake the repre sentation or management of other utseosts or prope-ties Write S. 223. Herald office Wanted Miscsuaneoci. WANTED An invalid's rolling chair. 11ANTED Address G -Refrigerator for H care Herald. grocery store. It A XT Ell To bay a from owner Write X small grocery cheap 5, Herald. LUNCH COUNTER and show case wanted. 217 N Stanton. Pbobe 153. I fruit condemned. 20 pounds. A total of lions numoerea 123. April Hrports Made. The April report of the cltv engi neering department showed revenues of 5211.50 and expenses of 31.125 The April report of the park commissioner showed a pay roll of S2.204.05. A total of 2.208,000 gallons of water was con sumed. The April report of the sewer commissioner showed collections of 500. and of the city electrician. $232.25. The building inspector reported collec tions of 3331 for the month, and the meter inspector. 524S.50 The April re port of the city blacksmith ahowed col lections of S.S2C 12. The April report of the chief of police showed fines collect ed of 518(7 and S(l pending. The re port of the street comniissioner showed 2242 blocks swept and 2.8(3.200 gallons of water used for sprinkling. Petition re Granted. The following petitions were granted. C Kiefer. for earning and selling fireworks. Coles Buildin? and Real Estate company, for arc light at Piedras and San Jose streets, also at Rayner and San Jose streets. Ed Sanders, to ex tend awning over alleyway Joining China Palace stores, Sheers-Lazenby company, to insts.1 barber pole at 208 Mesa avenue: L. Hudson, for special permit to finish repairs at 505 South Et I I'aso street: J A Morriss. agent for Mrs lloscoe Cornell, for tax refund; tlas Jones, to grade alley and fill in '"1 iff street in block 44. Alexander ad dition. Miss Alleen Berg, to fill Inter section of Michigan avenue, between Walnut and Willow streets. Petitions Ire Denied. The following petitions were denied: Emilio Luna, to run hand cart to sell Ice cream in front of Hidalgo theater. W A. Burk. to lower grade on Cliff street, between Kansas and Stanton nnVeVt. rZL.,1. '"' "" ,- I MHITY IN SALOON for sale or trade, soles St. . . . i;n0t0frph car on wheels i average 840 day. Rooming bowse, dose In. Ministerial association for use of : sale or trade, clears 340 month. Cleaning Washington Park on Jnne 1. 115, to and pressing establishment, money maker, celebrate Emancipation day. !..". Labor Petition Filed. j See Jeter. With Stephens. The petition of the Central Lane- 17 Morgan Bldg. t'nion. for appointment of union men ,-,, s.fw ?LtnV!niml,,Jh ",l,0I?.?rd V",0'. D'e store eoulpmeSt excellent condition, the negro Knights of P thins, for in- i,.. ..a -.ti Z -i- ., . fluence to obtain rales in bringing the and shelving, st a bargain, when you want lf,K KENT, room fu'ni'hed ottage, bath NICK housekeeping rooms, dose In. (3(5 W. THREE largo cool housekeeping See Bob Hilgartner Mgr El Paso i LIGUT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished tit X Kansas. SITTING RGG Thoroughbred Buff -p ington heavy winter layers. Pb 5?45 W BARRED ROCKS Selected hatching: egg3 31 for 15. Phone 477 J lilt At-tcs. THOROUGHBRED. WyckofZ slng'e etr-s White Leghorns. 31.25 per sitting rhea? by the hundred. tt Douglas. Fh a.!. CELEBRATED Wyekoff strain a C Wbj' Leghorn eggs for hatching, fertility gsa-aa teed. Phone (27 W. TWO furnished bortssksessne rooms cottage Phone Sits . ONE LARGE front housekeeping room. 311 B. Missouri. WANTED TO BUY from owner. 13 or is room rooming bouse Phone 3M8. lOUNG MAN possessing executive ability, j WANTED TO BUY One or two second band technical education and thorough training In j piste glass floor show esses 5 to 7 ft, long rrnirsi staueR. sua, reinssrsuni ana auto i tuu,-w ... jams or pnone zzwz. servlt- work desires opening with view to i ,. ,-,,': r ROOM, steeping porch. Phone 157 for housekeeping. FOR RENT 3 lovely rooms for housekeep ing all nvodern. Phoae 8317 W LARGE front room with houaekeeptug privi leges, for employed lady. 711 N. Oregon. TWO MOOM4 and kltchenet. also one room, kltchenet and sleeping porch, newly fur nished, for tight hessskeeplac Ph S124. FOR RENT 3 pleasant and completely furnished housekeeping rooms, private fam il no children. 821 E. SssnJevard. THREE LARGE outside furnished keeping rooms, private hath, porch and en- ssv. ins ruo uruaos. rx ass j. TK.YP NESTED BARRED EOttKS bate'' j eggs. 32 15 baby chicks. Jit hundred, tan log free. Parsous Cbiekea Ran b IXDLYN RUNNER DUCKS White Leghc White Wyandotte, Barred Rock eggs Phone SSt J S. C WHITE LEGHORNS, baby chicks SI per hundred, eggs. SI per IS. 35 per ba dred. Little Florida Poultry Ranch. Dem ing X M Fit E 1 ARIET1KS BABY CHICKS. 1.. e,, Itt 314 Two varieties. 20t. 15 eggs, SI a SL.t lot 35 and 3. Stork. 31 up. Try t-s Measday Poultry Farm. Alpine. Tex LATEST WRINKLE X-Bsy incubators w vspor moisture pans, freight paid sto csmd in El Pace. Parsons Chicken Bar -Agents catalog free -fjg SjJtFanfitoe. FOR SALF Refrigerator, stove, beds z: table 7 Noble. FOR SALE A SO lb. Ice box ralx usel months, p-rfectly new. Phone (OS J TWO ROOMS, aleenins: noreh. santrr ma I sick or children, isfetenees exchanged. St5 j PUK S.1LK Furniture of S rooms house foi X. Stanton. I rent. Phone 31X4 W. 1101 Jtrlsom PUKNITIKS FOR SALE Number of pie e of furniture for sale. Phone 3757 J fa Montsna St. purchasing Interest Write T 27. Herald. PARTNER MANTJUl with 3M0 cash to take half Interest Jn solag business Invest ment, secured, salary S2M per month to right man business experience necessary; references required. Address Y. 2(. cars Herald. W ANTED Scrap brass, scran sine asai km. copper. Will pay highest market pries. Her- I FOR KRXT man asiocs CO. r-n. ai.x. MS E. Blvd, I I'tl Olive For Rent Houseieeping Rooms Unfarniseed. 3 large i! FOR 8.I.1-A tlrstclass restaursat and cafe In one of Arizona's booming cities, all I equipment or tne best, now doing 81(0 per day business, every month shows good prof its, business reasons for selling, corres pondence solicited. Address C B. S.. care El Paso Herald. WANTED All kinds of second hand fur- FOR BKNT Two unfurnished rooms. 4M S. miure, stoves and machines In exchange rlorence Phone 1722 iw new rsvat lies. CHns. Feolr. FOR RILVT Two unfurnished rooms. X Oregon St Phone 3M8. For Reat Houses; Furnished. FOR KENT Completely furnished bunga low with garage Apply t!3 Dallas. XfCKLY furni bed modern cottage. 53S3 between 7 a, ri. and ( p. m. FOR RENT 2 unfurnished noma for tight housekeeping. In private family; no children taken. U2t Mundy, For Rent Room FaraH&ed. ! AIRY FRONT HOOM! 217 Arisona. fi HilllV Hfll SR rnntsaa.!. fnMkl.Kt ... i nitare lir sale very reasonable. Call ssa. 1TRNMHK1) ROOMS Court House Block. Inge. Pbone 542t J 6 BOOMS completely furnished, sleeping parch snd garage. 8(5 per month. Ph. 3733 FOR BENT 2 room furnished cottage. I eleautne nereli .nrt hath tia r.A,.i-. -.t OctavlS- 118 state convention to El Paso, were 'store fixtures see rcceiveu anu llieu. The bid of Baumgarten Wvler for material for the mesa put-iing plant, amounting to $322.38, was accepted. Clocks on Urn Alcnur. The followinc netitiona were receivetl anu lovuru. XI. V. riaiL to PI?CC i XL II.I. HIT1 MMl ttrmt .- ,1 mm II.. . 1 ' . ..-. .... ... I-tHGK front bedroom. 317 X. El Paso. ROOH and sleeping porch. Phone 17(8 . WILL LADY FROM OHIO who called a (M Montana Monday night to rem hour Please ca'l again. BIGGER furniture bargains than ever in c j new store, 215 8. Stanton St. Bait Furn ture Co Phone 34(. HMOfST BARG.VINS ra fsraltnrs la Paso for cash, any ttmo. See Chas. Foulx, II X. Stanton. PURXITUBK FOR SALE Refrigerate--, rng Circassian walnut table, lawn mower, per -chairs potted palms, flower pets, lc exes freeser Phone 305 W. SeS Lrrestock Buy. BUY RtniSTRRall Imtm J.F.4.V Ann Sam B. Olllett. El Paso. Texas. MODERN clean rooms 417 X Oregon. Furnished Reenvi (M X. Oregon. Ph. 52(2. BEDROOM for rent hot snd cold running water 3tS N Oregon Winner Jt Kemner. Lighting and Store Fixtures of All Kinds. 2W Herald Building Financial. ; FOR KENT Small nicely furnished room, (lose in. 80 V Kl Paso. Phon 2141. two adertlMUK clocks on Mesa, avenue notes or loan money on city or and Orego-i street. W. V Reynolds, estate (It First Nat'l Bank B: for peanut and popcorn stand on . ' T- rannnm l .... .1- J-J5HSONAL JUIKI for sale St epair Eucalyptus and Merchant , i11-?l,r wri?'1?" -P'U ." """' t. south from Magoffin avenue. "v""y" rlto X. 2. Herald. nlrrtric light, gas block from Hlshle i Psrk car Phone 1604 1 FOR RENT 1 room cottage, rarnlshed. fine i Maeping porch, closets, one block from cars. i 311 L Blakc-ler. phone 2757 J i r n . tv t e . . . .miiii-iriLLi ruraiaoeo ' ror Rent nouses Unfarnisiied. in the btsso. Phono NICE ROOM Hot water. Urate, bath. Ph. 2181 BEAUTIFlLLY furaiahed i OOOD, sound all around hers for sale II vme x. 22. Herald. TMOROIGHBRED Jersey cow for sa.e. Pi 551 TW O JRHSKY COWS for Sal cheap. Ca. a 32t Portland Ae vILE OR RENT Freeh Jerseyw. eas terms. Phone lj I md the soldier's father, YNS11ER TO lCSTI.nDVY'S PIZZIE. I pper right corner dorrn in girl's body. street. Tcias Compan- to raise srraile t ana T streets. I property o nern, to lower grade on i"sa iiicuue, nwn v.aiiiornia and! River streets. Knoblauch lc Wolf, to j n ir rin iin 1.111 i,t ( it W stern nm "n Kanix street lietwern -inj lir n inil Mi rllr- ptin Kl'ciit t; i lunitin i 1 mm it ir valley real i -? iuuih e ,n .. . t ., ' ...,-. il.llH, V.I..W ... awost. . .--antor- J'EHSONAL NOTES for sale st liberal dls- Call 121 X FOR RENT Newly vate home 2 K. SUo Grmado. FOR SALE s, e joung swell drive- or rider 3(5 4 .ears e 71 kl. FOR SALE ; joung Mlbll'ii cows f-e must be .out at once. Can be seen O-.ha Park addition. Apply X18 SJL Stanton St Wanted Help Male isn at 222 Mesa avenue WISTFRIY C1FE, 214 Ssn Antonio Oil co-npam f.r storco 1 f . il p i- e to eat at reasonable pritc St s LM IN W 1NTLD for r ...ming houe. ) 1 e v nn i r.i e,iftt. FOR KENT a room house at 111 Wyom ing rb mi after S p. m I ROOM i.nnje 71nse In. nrtvato Phon 13 home. Ml W HORSE VXD LHJWT tfAfiON f r r Rio 'err light work Write Mrs Z 51 Re Fort Bliss FIRN1SHED BOOM. j Keva la private fassiry. Jl - ROOM BINGALOH Bnlltia fe Phone 213. tv .i viir-r hfii-h-k a .-. ,...- .- , FOB HENT One nicely furnished room ..ET..H,TSi.rrmv,r,t.,:5e ,0 "- - north side Phone 413. ' L.1R4.E. I porrhr-R CIMll UM FOIt RENT j room rottage close in at 1200 e ai'a --t cle-iriW. ,i -vtli n S3j no mil .rei r . ; riiune lij r il at l.l ' NE 1 KI.I front N J IS I Mj-.r f Vr -, front rooms with sleeping . Nttiton Phone .ltN M om for genMem n 712 Far Sale Bicycles. rVK ALK 5lrl a blryele cheip S345 or i all 711omlng Dogs, For Sale, Wanted, Etc M-OTC1I COLLI! PIPS : v . I llankin. llroa.