Newspaper Page Text
ITODAY'S-PRICES ' Mexican bank notes. 12 Mexican T 35 Chihuahua, currency, 5H urdna cnrreEcy Bar silver (Han- 1v a Harmon quotation) 50 Copper 19 i rams. loner Livestock steady lock" steady HOME EDITION WEimtB ronSCASZ. H rv and Wert Texas, air; New Mexico, fair, warmer; Arizona, fair. J. I JtJ LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. EL PASO. T-XAS. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 8. 1915. DELIVERED ANYWHERE t CENTS A MONTH. 32 PAGES. 4' SECTIONS. TODAY. SINUL.E COPT FIVE CENTS. Japan Plans To Disarm Chinese ArmyffPj Japans Plan Of Campaign Invoices Seizure Of Cities Throughout China. . WOULD AVOID BLOOD SPILLING China Finds She Had Al ready Agreed To More Than the Ultimatum. TOKIO. Japan. May 8. The Jap anese foreign office anounced this morning that it had re te ved no information as to the nature of Chinas reply to Japan's ultimatum. The press published today an outline of a program said to have been decided upon by the government for military and naval action against CMas ttnttn event, now regard as MadHtelft Slot an open rupture shonld occur. The pro gram as published provides for the oc cupation by Japan of the ce iters of "Health and politic power of China. Japans aim ij these operations Mould be to avoid bloodshed if pos sible. Chinese troops would be cap tured and disarmed and not fired on, if possible. Would Seize Pekln. The operations in the north of China. a -wording to this program, a strong force would be landed to occupy Pekin. Tien Tsm and other Important points and seize the railroads.- In the south m'portant moves would be made Jointly nv trie army and navy. Chinese ves-J st-ls would be sweat from the coast. The chief base of operations would be. established at Tien Tsing. China Has "Weak. Vrmy. It is generally estimated here that China has about 4S6.00O troops under arms. 300.000 having had modern mili t irv training and the remainder be longing to the old school. China Drafts Compliance. Pi kin, China, May S The attaches o the foreign office were at work al night drafting the terms of China's compliance with the demands of Japan. The reply will be delivered to M. Hioki, the Japanese minister, this en-pine or Sunday morning. The CTinese note will review China's case: j answer me caaiKW coniaineo in me ultimatum and accept the demands without qualification. Queer Feature of Ultimatum. The handing in of the Japanese ul timatum to China has brought oat one point which has caused surprise. It teems that Japan, after insisting on the acceptance of her demands, sus pended her ultimatum discussion of f-roup fie, with the exception of the lmand bearing upon Fukien province, tn which vhe Chinese had agreed .in t' eir reply of last Saturday The rec ti ids now show that China offered to i oncede- to the Tokio government more than the ultimatum now exacts from her It was learned today that in the course of vice minister Tsao Ulin's visits to the Japanese legation Friday" een:ns- he nronosed ifrhallv tn nr the Japanese railroad demands; to grant school and hospital privileges, offered to bestow land without compensation Upon the Japanese and proposed to Withdraw Chinas three requirements regarding Shantung province, namely the return of he status quo before the war China's participation in the peace conference and compensation for dam apes in tbe :Kiao Chow compaign. Roosevelt "One of Thieves' Band lo 1900," Declares Pettigrew, VUom-T. R. Had Called a "Swine NEW YORK. May 8. In a let ter written by CoL Roosevelt in October, 100. to l,Boss" Piatt, and produced in evidence at the Syracuse trial, the colonel, re ferring to R. F Pettigrew. then senator from North Dakota, said 'Good Lord' I hope we can eat Pettigrew for the senate. That par ticular swine seems to me. on the 1 nuie, me most noxious of the lot " The New York World telegraphed the expression to ex-senator Petti grew at Paco, Wash . asking for ( omment on it- Here is the reply: To the Editor of the New York Wo-ld 'ou ask me what emotion the colonel s characterization arouses in me now, and jou ask if I am still a Progressive. It is ouite likely CoL Roosevelt entertained "the views ex pressed in the Utter to senator ko w Me GERMANS REACH THE BALTIC SEA 4 BIG HP'S HUE KS1UIIJ.I Insurance Totals $7500,000; Lusitania Carried Sup plies of Ammunition. New York. Mav S. Insurance on'the Lusitania. it was said today, amounted to J7.SO0.0OO The vessel was valued in round figures at S10.000.000. The worth of tbe carsro she carried was reckoned todav at 735.000 On the amount of insurance carried, it is understood the line paid a pre mium of 3 percent and a. sneclfl war risk premium of 1 l- newent for each trip. It is understood that the line carried one-third of the Insurance, the remainder being divided among Lloyd's and other underwriters. About one naif the insurance upon the cargo was taken by local underwriters and the rest by Lloyd's. War Munitions Aboard. The cargo rate,' influenced by the theory that the fast liner was too Y speedy to be caught by a torpedo, was l percent, much lower than tbe cus tomary trans-Atlsntic rate at this time. The Lusitania carried 250 bags of mail. She had no specie aboard. On her manifest the largest single item Was listed as "cartridges and am munition. 4260 cases. J15J.OO0." The cartridges and ammunition cases were enanMsTned to London. Tfeere.-aae frequent mention dwrjns Uk day of the fact that tbe advertise-meat- placed by the German embassy in New York newspapers the morn ing of the Lusitsnfa's sailing, had re appeared m the newspapers today. "This Is Vaster Scale OfMurdcr Than Piracy Ever Produced" T. R. Syracuse, X. T, May 8 Commenting heatedly on the .blowing up of the Cunard liner Lusitania by a German submarine. CoL Theodore Roosevelt said Friday night- .litis is t not merely piracy, nut piracy on a vaster scale of murder than any old time pirate ever prac ticed. This is the warfare which de stroyed Louvain and Dinant, and hun dreds of men, women and children in Belgium. It is warfare aeainst inno cent men, women and children travel ing on the ocean, and it is our fellow countrymen who are the sufferers. "It seems inconceivable that. we can retrain from taking ction in this mat ter, for we owe it not only to humanity bnt to our own, self respect." Captain Slays Al Post Until Ship Sinks; Is Rescued From the Sea London. Eng May 8 Capt. Turner, of the Lusitania. stood at his post or. the bridge until his ship went dowi, and was- rescued three hours, afterward wearing a life belt, according to D. A. Thomas, tbe Cardiff, Wales, coal mag nate. C0NSUL CABLES LIST OF 43 AMERICAN SURVIVORS London, Kng Mav S The American consul at Qneenstown, in a telerram to the United States embassy here, said he sad cabled, the state depar'ment at 'Washington a list containing names of message Adds "There may be another-di-zen Ameri-. cans not in touch with. me. .1 also be lieve that Qne tender load of survivors landed, at Clonakilty "The survivors will proceed at soon or later 'this afternoon. The total sur vivors at Qneenstown comber M. About ST bodies remain unidentified.' I Piatt, for in 1900 I was Progressive and CoL Roosevelt was a stalwart Republican and, a minor member of Mark lianna's. Aid rich's and Joe Cannon's band of theives. who made the government of the United States the most corrupt government in the world at that time. "Roosevelt believed, with the rest of the gang, that property rights, were more sacred than human rights, and that the rights qf prop ert should be protected rather than tbe rights of man nd therefore tbe owners of property should own the government and run it in the in terest of tbei stolen wealth. "Mr Roosevelt has since changed his views on these questi ns and become a Progressive. When he he changed his views he bec- le mv friend and I became - s friend I believe in the principles of Social ism R. F Pettigrew " Germany Has Seen Wbat We Mean Bv "Strict Accountability" CAPTURE LIBflil H CZAR'S FORCES Teutonic Dash Through the Russian Provinces Suc ceeds; Goal Reached. CLAIM PRISONERS AT LIB AU ARE 1600 Germans Also Wage Fierce Artillery Bombardment In the West. RKRLIN, "Germany, May 8. Official I announcement was made at the I J-' German war office today that the J city of Libaii, in the province of Cour- J land, Bussta, has been captured by the Germane. . uljtie capture of t."t" the ilermatu bare gabion ojm ot the main objects of their invasion of the Baltic prov inces. This movement was deigned to occupy Llbau and, Riga, whiclr-woold enable the Germans to harass com munications with PetrograU. Lfbau Is an important seaport and indsstrlal center. It Is about 75 miles along the seaeoast from the German border. Violent Fighting at 1 pre. The text of the communication fol lows: "On the greater part of the' front there were Friday the usual artillerv dnels. which in certain places, namelv at Ypres, north of Arras, in the Ar gon ne, and in the hills of the Meuse. Increased in violence from time to time. "An infantry battle took place in the Vosges. Only in this section did the French attack our! positions. At Stetnbureck on both sides of the val ley of the river Fecht, they attacked after a preliminary fire of artillery which lasted for hours. All these at tacks resulted In failure with heavy losses to the French. Llbau Is Captured. "In tbe eastern theater of tbe war. "The troops we sent against the city it Llbau too kpossession of this town Friday. Sixteen hundred prisoners. Is zaanon and four machine guns fell into our .hands "In the i southeastern theater of the war: j Russians Are Mill Pursued. "The pursuit of the defeated eremy oy tne army under Gen. jsackenzen and such troops of our allies as Joined this army, was continued steadily through out xTKiay our advance forces rossed the river Wisloka in the "neighborhood of Krosno in the evening. "The Joint action of all parts of the army engaged in this advance led to the cutting off of i not inconsiderable Russian forces. Conseauentlv the total number of prisoners taken in the Ga- iician area since the end of April so far has been increased to about 50, 000. Thirty-eight cannon, including nine of heavy caliber, have been taken from the Russians." nrltlfth Recapture Trrnchejc. Paris. France, May 8 The French war office this afternoon gave' out a report on the progress of hostilities, which says- "In Belgium Friday at daybreak the Germans delivered a violent attack against Uie British line near St, Julien. This attack was repulsed and the enemy suffered heavy losses. "South of Ypres at rfill No S, the. British troops Friday recaptured a fur ther section of the trenches lost by them three das ago." ANOTHER LINER CAPTAIN WANTS TO MEET SUBMARINE New York. May 8 "I have been hunting for a submarine ever since this war began. I only hope we meet one and that she comes close enough for me to ram her" ' This was the statement Friday of CapL John Black, of the British owned Anchor liner Transylvania, which sailed Friday for Li erpool" within a few hours after the news of the sink ing of the Lusitania was received. Cape. Black 'tas transferred to the Transyl vania, from the British auxiliary cruis er Columbia. Do you expect to fly the American flag when ou reach the war zone?" he was asked. . , "No. sir I'll take my ship to port with the flig of England flying or not at all," he replied. All precautions, howerer, Capt. Black said, would be observed when the Transylvania reached the war zone. Of the Transylvania's passengers. 117 were in the first cabin, 310 in the sec ond and 452 in the steerage Almost half of the passengers were from Canada, it was said There was little nervousness apparent among the passengers, all of whom had heard of the Lusitania s fate Twelve cancel ations were received. A. G. Vanderbilt, a Lusitania Victim y w iHtliiii vappp --, ! f iT,i i ?iX,"VHsJr- , ' JjfS&s vs - TURKISH FORTS SEE1IIBLED Paris, France, XMay 8 A dispatch from Tenedos to the IIaas agency says that, although the bombardment of the Dardanelles fort is being con tinued by the allied fleet, all Turkish batteries as far up tbe straits as Nagara, at the end of the narrows nearest Constantinople, have ceased firing and apparently have been de stroyed: lyALY TO DECLARE WAR ON TURKEY Geneva, Switzerland, May S. The Tribune publishes ad ispatch from Rome saying tbe Italian government has decided, owing to the recent up rising in Tripoli, to notify- Turkey 0 it considered oid the treaty ot Lau sanne. Such a notification, tbe Tri bune says, would amount to a declara tion of war. THINK AMERICAN CONSUL IS SEIZED BY GERMANS London, Eng , May S E. Kilbourne i Foote. American vice consul at Chem- nitz, is missing, according to announce ment made here today by the Central News. It says Foote left his post a month ago for America Nothing has been heard from him since and it Is thought he has been stopped by tbe German authorities. Foote is a native of Ohio STEAM TRAWLER IN SUNK BY GERMAN SHELL FIRE London, Enf?.. May S. A dispatch to tbe Central News from Aberdeen saya the steam trawler Rennlngton, one of three which escaped from a -Geroan submarine Sunday, was sunk by shell fire from a submersible off Aberdeen shire at 4 oclock Friday afternoon. The crew was saeu by a Norwegian steamer. HAVING PREMONITION OF DANGER, ONE MAN STAYED HOME Boston. Mass, May 8 Though his name was on the list of first casta passengers on the Lusitania, Edward B. Bowen, a wealthy shoe dealer, was not among the hundreds of drowned. He was. at home reading about it Bowen had a premonition which, al most at the last moment, kept b jon land. 137 ArWEBICflMS LOST APPALS U.S.; CABINET IS II PLANNING ACTION t President Counsels Nation to Withhold Judgment Until Full Information Is Received; Senator Stone Com-. , ments on Fact that Lusi tania Was Ship of Bel ligerent Nation and Carried War Supplies. ' -e--ir TASHINGTON. D C May S. , Apftalled by the tragic aspect " of the Lusitania disaster, as hourly developments disclosed Its mag ; mtude and far reaching possibilities, I with the probable loss of AST American i lives, president Wilson and his advis ers are waiting tor ail tne iaera ana for a crystalizatioa of public opinion to aid in lav ing out the course tbe United States will pursue ra this latest inter national complication the gravest the president has faced mnce tne outbreak of the European war General RenresrntatlonA Forecaet. In many quarters it Was thought probable representations to Germany voultl be general covering all the sses of attack n raencan vessels. In otfii. al quarters and among dip lomatists there was apprehension that the American people might not consid, er reoresentations sufficient. A spe cial session -of i)naist.hss bsj Jsllts of. but there hashes no'mttmhUem ot it as yet from any official quarter. ' Officials ever where were sparing la their comment, realizing that a word from the hish officials of the govern ment nnght have weight with public opinion before the facts had been re ceived and digested. President Wilson while seeking the facts hopes the country will assume in exa-nining attitude and 'reserve full judgment until complete information is at han.l. Embaxsieii Seek Information. tsec-eiar isran cameo, ainoassauur ask the German government for Its re port of the disaster, and to ambassa dor Page at London he sent messages urging renewed efforts to aid the suf fering and gather information. President ilson, while he went to the golf links for his recreation, left instructions to be notified of any im portant dispatches. Cabinet officers who had planned a weekend holiday away from Washington, canceled their plans. Cha'i-man Stone, of the senate foreign relations committee, issued a statement j counseling calmness. He pointed out i that qualifying circumstances must be taken under consideration because the Lusitania was a belligerent, and that he considered the attack on the Ameri can steamer Gulflight a much more se rious offence against neutral rights. Planned Murder of Centrals. The American consuls at Queenstown and vicinity were ordered to render ev ery assistance to tbe Injured and sur vivors and take testimony. The fact that the Lusitania was a British ship, flyjng the British flag and even bad oentraband of war aboard, did not re move from the minds of officials the ever recurrent thought that a hostile submarine deliberately destroyed the ship with the knowledge that hundreds of defenceless neutrals, including wom en and children, were aboard. Everywhere that aspect overshad owed the legal phases of the case, for while there is said to be no precedent in international law for the attack without warning on a belligerent mer chantman, it was realized that defence might be made on the charge that guns were mounted on the deck That, how-, ONLY 600 SAVED FROM Iffi VICTIMS DIE WITH BRAVE HEARTS QUKENSTOWN, Ireland, May 8. The various craft which went out from here to the scene ot the Lusitania disaster, returned to Queenstown Friday night and, early this" morning All of them brought sur vivors in greater or lesser number. It is now estimated here that 009 will be the outside number of those saved No trace has been found here of either Alfred G. Vanderbilt or Charles Froh xnan. The latest rescue boats to arrive are bringing mostly bodies of the dead picked up from, the water at the scene of the disaster The dead here now number 124, and many of them are women. Queenstown has nev er witnessed such a scene befoie The dead are being conveyed to morgues and undertaking .establishments and numbers of motor cars have been brought into service to take the injured to hospitals. Msny of the survivors are still be wildered from their terrible experiences and their accounts of the sinking of the Lusitania are not entirely clear It Is to be noticed, however, that one and all united in eulogizing the man ner in which the ships officers be- hVfcl I ever, the British government has de nied. Other Developments Overshadowed. Other international developments were completely overshadowed. The annexation, of Belgium by Germany was hardly commented upon. The far east ern crisis, now averted, waslmost to tally eclipsed. Tbe president returned to the white house at neon sad resumed reading dispatches. He continued ta, aefnse to make any comment Americans Amply Warned. Chairman Stone ot the senate foreign relations committee made a statement; in part as follows. ' "It seems to me that good sense dic tates that we keep our heads until we get our bearings. It is a bad time to get rattled and act impulsively. "We cannot overlook the fact that Vbt Xositaaia was a British ablp flying be slatels s sisal silalVliiis,it tne sv 4SUWM uw ai assa sjhba io at the tune she Vas'sntacken she was 'carrying mtutary nniillslu to Henrland for service in the Brtilah army. Trne, , there .were American citizens aboard. but it- must not be forgotten that they went aboard a belligerent ship with full knowledge -of the risk and aftCT official warning by the German govern ment 'When on board a. British ves sel tbey were on British aoiL Was not their position substantially equivalent to being within the walls of a fortifed city "I express no opinion at this time. I am merely suggesting reasons why we should maintain our exmfllbTinm and not 'rock the boat" until we know wuai we are aoour. Where Do We Come Inr "Aside from tbe possible loss of American lives, let us ask ourselves just where we come in. At the present moment and with the lie-lit now before me, I confess that it appears to me that ..E'2!!Ji!! tlon, the Gslflight case presents a more 4-1..m,- j w-.. Z. . Vi. e"f thTLusitS" ' B thaB tne case or the LusHanls. Secretarv RrviTv LSl m. i earfv i ifu, Ztt3FJLa?l!? went inw SSSSSSLTSTSS Lansing and assistant secretary Phil lips. Officials showed by their de re Thl1. meanor they reamed? the.- were facing a grave situation. Secretary Garrison conferred with his assistants and secretary Daniels con sulted bis aides. Everywhere the atti tude of president Wilson was tbe sub ject of grave consideration. Most of them- seemed to agree that It might be several cays before the pol icy of the United States could, be learned, because of the scarcity of in formation of an official character. BRITISH STOCK BROKERS 'DRIVE GERMANS OFF FLOOR London, Eng . May 8 The feeling of resentment against Germany over the torpedoing of the Lusitania, was so strong on the stock exchange this morning that the British members united snd turned all their fellow mem bers of German origin, and also all German clerks, bodily out of the house. The scene as tbe big liner went aown is described by the survivors as heart rending beyond words Battling for life, the passengers called to relatives and friends or bade each other' good bye. The small boats which had gotten away from the'side of the liner picked up a good many survivors who with life belts or clinging to wreckage, were floating on the surface of the water. But soon the boats were crowded. These boats were in turn picked up by rescuing steamers coming at fall speed from shore points bnt in many cases four or more hours elapsed before the rescuers reached the scene. ' - a. Commends Herald Editor 1 Paso Heraldl We wish to thank The Herald for work. At no time have we known a ready to give space for our work than Very sincerely yours, Sorrow Stricken Relatives Besiege Cunard Offices;, Frohmans Body Found, GERMANSTHANK , ADMIRAL TIRPITZ Teutons Consider They Are Revenged for Loss of Fleet Of Falkland Islands. LONDON. EnC, May S-The Ex change Telegraph company 'Berlin. kb WS oLAnutterdaiii which. "Hgllfcl llw of teletrram. Bf mn gtntointten are being sent to ad mlrml von TIrpItx, The German minister of marine, on the sinking of the Lnsttanlo. vrhlea Is con sidered by the Germans to be an anxrrrr to the destruction of the German squadron off the Falk land Islands. "The news of the loss of the Lu sitania HM received with mixed expressions of amazement and en thusiasm. "Berlin newspapers print the news of the slnklnc; of the Lusita nia in colossal type and hall the successful torpedoing1 of the ship as ' a new triumph for Germany's na val' policy. The general Impression is that England has sot what she deserves." . Between 45 and-50 relatives 6f nas sengers on the Lututaala maintained 1 " a rum m scores ox outers, women " or the,r dead fathers and j brother, mourned the women and little ' cbiWrn they ne,er a wouW I "' of Inquiries grew constants I ESLL " I-ftLtfT?"? 'J'A'fS- was s rash of scores of others. Women " ---."" j.- "1 w. a- marine Friday alternooc off JUnsaie, on 'he Irish coast The latest available information in dicates that about two-thirds of the persons on boan! tne Lusitania lost their lives. The number of passengers is given by the Cunard Steamship rep resentatives in New Tort as 125i, and of the crew as 665, a total of ISIS Tho number of survivors now accounted for is Tt3. This indicates a death list of 1216. FrohmaD'fl Body Found. The body of Chas. Frohman. the the atrical manager of New York, has been recovered and brought to Queenstown, where it is now being embalmed. Hopes that the list of the persons saved may be materially increased were dashed by the announcement from the British admiralty that all but one of the rescue fleet which put out from Queenstown had reported and that there was little prospect of news of further survivors. Nevertheless inqui ries are being made all along the coast in the hope that other rescues n.av have been -made by smaller craft which put in at isolated points. Vanderbilt Still Mlailnc Of the 2S0 first class passengers, it is now believed only 76 'were saved. No word has been received of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt ajd other promi nent men who were aboard. Only 31 Americans Saved. The work- of cosapiltng lists of those saved Is progressing slowly because of the indescribable confusion at Queens town. but apparently few first cabin passengers are among the survivors. The United States consul at that port can account for only 51 Americans saved out of 188 who were aboard. Hit roll does not include the names of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, Chas. Froh man. Elbert Hubbard. Justus Miles Forman. the author, or Chas. Klein, the playwright. Of tha Americans. 106 were rb the first cabin. 66 in the sec ond, and 17 in the steerage. j Magazine Editor Missing. Herbert Stuart Stone, eider son of the general manager of the Assoc tted Press, is another American vassenger not accounted for. Youni- Mr Stone (Oentfamed on race S. Col. I). as Newspaper all of its kindly internet in our newspaper more friendly and more The Herald. Mrs. Thos. A. Pitt, Salvation Army.