Hiss AJletne Howren and B. R. Nunn
w r married Monday evening at 7
c clock in the church ef St dement
at a very simple ceremony, performed
i rev Henry Easter. 7e chnrch was
attractively decorated with quantities
cf pa'-ns banklrfg the choir stalls on
e fter side of tie chancel and among
"-es -were great stalks of the waxy
c a blossoms. Sweet peas decorated
t-e altar and were strewn down the
a s e o" the chnrch. over which the
'rlda.l party passed. The bride was
c ve-i in iparriage by her father, A. S.
"'fowTPTi, sr The bride's brother, A.
s Eowren. Jr, was Mr. Nnnn's best
r ar The bride was costumed in a
pown of white net, with a white hat
"d carried a boquet of La Prance
roses, arranged shower effect. Edwin
B.mekmeer played the wedding
- arches as the bridal party entered
ad left the churchy.
The wedding ceremony was Quite In
formal, but was attended by a large
DTber of the friends of the bride.
Fo 'owing the marriage service, a
wfadirg supper was served fc-the
-latnes at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A S Howren. jr. in the Brazos apart
ments. The table was decorated with
swrt peas Mr. and Mrs. Nann left
Monday night for Tyrone, N. M., where
Mr Nunn Is an engineer connected
with the Phelps-Dodge interests. Mrs.
"Vun was a teacher in the iAnfar
s cool for a number of years. The past
car she has been a teacher in the
Dallas high school, at Dallas.
El Pasoans Reluming.
T Jones has returned from a trip
tn fhihuahua City, Mex- where he went
or fullness a week ago.
Mies Blanche White, a student at the
Toretto academy at Las Cruces, will re
rn to El Paso Wednesday, to spend
Ter dmmer vacation here.
arer Porter has returned to Bl Paso,
o :i Georgia Military school, where he
g-a-iuated in June. He will spend his
i -cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W i" Porter.
SIisi Loretto Xiyons will return to K!
Paso Wednesday to spend the summer
acauon with her father. Tim Lyons.
She has been attending school the past
cltei at Loretto academy in Las
Mis Kubv Fuller daughter of Mr.
snn Mrs Chet Puller, will spend her
s .mmer vacation ith her parents In
T : Paso, arriving Wednesday evening
"rom Las Cruces, where she has been
te 'ding Loretto academy
Women's Organizations.
H e rescue workers held a meeting
Vcnda afternoon in the Kirst Presby
terian church parlors. The routine
)anss was attended to and arrange
ntit'i were made for the finance com
ir'ttee to meet on Thursday afternoon
3. t 3" at the home of Mrs. C F. Bitot
4-il Tremont street. Capt Kate Marek.
h- officer m charge of the rescue
work gave a very interesting talk on
tT character and development of the
iou-g girls now in the home under
-heir care. Capt. Marek also stated in
he- talk that she Intended to set aside
a a for all Bl Paso women, who were
nterested in the rescue work, to visit j
a- the rescue home, to become ac
tual ited in the work and to see the
from which so aany'wsfflen suffer is
significant of organic trouble. It tells,
'with other symptoms, such as bead,
aches, nervousness, and depression,
that nature requires assistance. For
forty years Lydta K. Pinkhams Vege
table Compound, a simple, remedy made
from roots and herbs, has been the one
effective remedy in such cases. It
speedily removes the cause and re
stores the system to a healthy normal
onditlon Advertisement.
are enjoyed by those in good health.
The perfect digestion, clear system,
and pure blood upon 'which sound
health depends, will be given you by
y, r"' 5al of Any Me&cine in tae World
Sold erszywocrc In bcxes. 10c. 25c
I Special For Wednesday
B Fresh Tomatoes, Af g California Strawberries, 15 baskets H
jH basket Trl C to crate, per (t OJ? IH
gjj ew Potatoes, ftC crate tP.leJ jg
B 9 lbs ttOC California Raspberries, la baskets Bg
H Sugar, rf1 (r to crate, per $1 OC 1
j 15 lbs PI.UU crate pL.dD Kj
jH Cantaloupes, ftJ Blackberries, 24 quarts to JQ H
oca 3 for ftOC crate, per crate P- tu
B Full Line of Economy and Mason Jars at Attractive Prices. flj
I Cut Price Grocery & Meat Market!
H 403 Wyoming St Phones 1571 and 1572. JX
1- - - ' - - , .- .
Da Da's Gone For fLAi
Fresh Tomatoes, A.(n California fetrawbemes. 15 baskets
basket Trl C to crate, per (t OJ?
Jiew Potatoes, ftC crate tP.leJ
9 lbs ttOC California Raspberries, la baskets
Sugar, rf1 ff to crate, per rf1 OC
15 lbs 31.UU crate pL.dD
Cantaloupes, OfJ,, Blackberries, 24 quarts to JQ
3 for ftOC crate, per crate P-
Fnll Line of Economy and Mason Jars at Attractive Prices.
Cut Price Grocery & Meat Market
4C8 Wyoming st. ,
Miss Jessie Sanderson, who is to
marry J. E. Cribbs on June 21. was the
guest of honor at a miscellaneous
shower given by Miss Alice Webb at
her home on Gold street, recently. The
evening was spent in various games
and with music. A color scheme rf
pink and white was carried out in the
decorations of the rooms. An ice course
was served at the close of the e enlng.
The gifts for the bride to be ware
placed in a large box covered with pink
and white crepe paper. Those enjoy
ing the evening were Misses Martha
Loman, Lola Courtney, Cora Forgason,
Xellie McKemy, Ruth Webb, Mesdames
G. A. McClure, C 3. Nprstrand. W. R.
Newbrough, F. H. Sanderson, V. Law
ton and A. K. Webb.
Miss Elsa Farley, who is to become
a bride on Thursday, was the guest
of honor at a party given by her Sun
day school cleas in the Westminster
Presbyterian church Monday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. D. H. Huffaker. in
Manhattan Heights. The rooms were
decorated in pink and white sweet
peas. Bunco was played during the
afternoon and refreshments were
served after the games. The bride-to-be
was presented with a surprise
shower, which was concealed in a bas
ket covered with white crepe paper
ami tied with pink ribbon. The guests
were Misses Elsa Farley. Josephine
March, Aeolian Statham, Mary Hardle,
Mary Shermans, Martua Lowman, Bessie
Roberto, Louise Kerr, Isabelle Kitch
ens, Floy Greer and Frances Farley.
I The teachers of the primary depart
ment of Trinity Methodist church en
tertained Monday afternoon in the
church parlors, in honor of the teach
ers of their department, who are to
become June brides. Miss Emma Hoff
manMiss Edna Thomas and Miss Lucy
Clair Hoard were the honored guests.
The children of the department were
the guests of the party. Various gams
and songs were played and sung by the
little folks. Mrs. Will T. Owen played
the accompaniments for the songs.
Each bride to be was presented with
a souvenir spoon and a -little booklet
which contained the names of all the
children of the Sunday school. Pink and
white sweet peas were used tn the dec
orations and the same color was re
peated in the refreshments. There were
about SG guests present.
Miss Edna Thomas, who Is to be a
June bride, was the guest of honor at
a handkerchief shower given by Miss
Rena Shea, at her home on North Kan
sas street, Tuesday morning. The
morning was spent in sewing on the
front porch, which was prettily decor
ated with ferns and nasturtiums. Miss
Thomas was presented with a guest
prize. The handkerchiefs which were
showered upon her were in a hand
kerchief box, tied with ribbons. A
salad course was served later in the
morning. The guests were: Misses Ella
Preston. J. Mitchell Lilla Thomas,
Eleanor Wright, Helen Lucas, Velma
Casey, Emma Hoffman. Bernadine
Schultz, Margaret Cunningham, Sue
Lattner, Bess Brown. Juanita Smith,
Ernestine Murray, Anna B. Mnrry, Ber
nita Thomas and Era Thomas; Mes
dames John Woods. B. Singleton. Geo.
Beandett, Jack Bunting, H. N. Miller
and P. V. B, Schuyler. . .
Miss Clio Russell was the hostess at
an informal bunco party given this af
ternoon at her home on Nevada street
Pink and white sweet peas were us id
in the room decorations. After play
ing bunco during the early afternoon,
an ice course was served and dancing
completed the afternoon's pleasure. The
hostess was assisted in entertaining oy
her mother. Mrs. C R, Russell. Mrs.
William Hogarth and little Miss Mary
Josephine Evans. Among the guests
present were-Misses Jane Barges, May
Kranzthor. Ruth Guyer, Nancy Will
iams, Lydia Happer, Katherine Dicli,
Dorothy Williams, Paula Krupp, Marion
Howe, Helen Stewart, Margaret Schus
ter, Virginia Toensfeldt, Anne Magof
fin Birdie Krupp. Florence Cathcart,
Julia Morse, Frances Oppenheimer,
Marion Ainsa, Patty Alnsa. Helen Read
ing: Dorothy Vollertsen. Phyllis Loriir.
Marion Moses. Elizabeth Kelly. Mary
Kelly. Katherme Foster. Anne Pit
man and Mary Pitman. Later in the
afternon a number of the boy friends
of the hostess were invited for re
freshments. These were Rowland
Kemp, John Crockett, Edward Sim
mons, Harwood Simmons, IrTin
Schwartz, Itolfe Sample, Sollle Sto
laroff, Wilfred Kranzthor, John
Thompson. Herndod Kemp. Joe Magof
fin. Leonard Goodman, Asa Porter and
Carter Porter.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Roe will motor
in their Paige car to Las Cruces, Wed
nesday, to attend the commencement
exercises of the Loretto Academy. Their
son, Winton Roe. will accompany them.
Miss Blanche Roe, their daughter, a
student at the academy, will return
with them to spend her summer vaca
tion in El Paso. Mrs. Roe returned
Monday from a week-end trip to Cloud
croft, N L, where she went to pre
pare her cottage for the summer.
Mrs. J. W. Lorentzen will entertain
the Tuesday Bridge clnb on Wednes
day morning at her home on Monte
2i ma street
Mrs. H. Carlin entertained with a
icn informal bridge party Monday af
ternoon, at her home. 1SV4 Montana
street Red sweet peas decorated the
rooms Following the games a three
course luncheon was served at the din-"
mi? table, which was decorated with
red sweet pea3 and ferns.
Phones 1571 and 1572.
El Pasoans Away.
Mrs. S. S. Birchfield wilQeave the
latter part of June for Chicago where
she will visit for about a month.
Henry Welsch, sr., left Monday night
for a 10 days', business trip to Denver,
Mrs. J. I Campbell has gone to Los
Lunas X. M. to visit her daughter, Mrs
Harry Schute. '
Mason Pollard left Monday after
noon for a short business trln to Cali
fornia. H. Williams left Monday night for
Ran "Francisco and Seattle, for a short
1 Visit.
Walter M. Drury leaves this after
noon for New York City and Chicago
on a short visit.
J. D. Mitchell and R M. Brown, of
EI Paso, are registered at Hotel St.
Regis, San Francisco.
Miss Isabell Redmond will leave for
San Francisco Thursday and will visit
there during the summer months.
Miss Bertha Scheffler has gone to
visit her father In Cananea, Mex, for
the summer.
C. L. Casr-ary. sr, went to Long
Beach. Calif. Monday afternoon. He
will remain there through the summer.
Mrs. A. Levy and Mrs. M. I,evy left
Tuesday morning for Cloudcroft K. M
where they will remain for the sum
mer. Mrs. J. Donnelly and her grandchil
dren, Jeanie Monroe and James Mon
roe, have gone to Houston and Gal
veston for a month's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtis left El
Paso Monday afternoon for San Fran
cisco, where they will spend the sum
mer. Mrs. Albert Gusdorf and daughter
have gone to San Diego and San Fran
cisco. They will be away most of the
Mrs. T. H. Francis, with her children
and Mrs. Frank Bowers, have gone to
Ruldoso, l. JI.. where they wHl remain
for the summer.
Mrs. B. P. DubinskJ. accompanied by
her children, will leave Wednesday
for California, where she will spend
the summer.
Miss Manle Bobertson left Monday for
Alpine. Tex. where she will attend the
summer course of the Alpine Normal
college. She will remain away for six
Mrs. R. C Walshe and son. NelU
Walshe, have gone to Los Angeles. She
will visit Long Beach until the last of
the July, when Mr. Walshe will Join
them and they will lisit the exposi
tions. Mrs. Louis Laskin and her daugh
ter. Miss Minda Laskin, leave this af
ternoon for California, where they will
spend the summer visiting the exposi
tions and at the various beaches.
Mrs. Henry Jerrell and sob Henry
JerrelL Jr. with Miss Mamie H. Hem
pel, will leave about June 15 for Cali
fornia. They will visit the expositions
at ban uieiro and San Francisco.
Mrs. U. S. Stewart has gone to Chi
cago, to meet her daughter. Miss Agnes
Stewart, who has been spending the
winter in the Bnnett school. Mlllbrook,
X. T. They will return to El Paso next
Mrs. J. C Mee left this afternoon for
Los Angeles. After spending a short
time there visiting the various schools
she will leave for Berkeley to attend
the summer session of the University
of California.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott left for Kl
Centro, Calif.. Monday. They will visit
Mr&y Annie Howard for a short time
there, and will later go to see the ex
position in San Francisco. They expect
to return to Bl Paso about the middle
of July.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Langford, accom
panied by their daughter. Miss Myrtle
Langford, and son. Half Langford. will
leave the middle of the month for Cali
fornia, where they will visit the expo
sitions and remain about two months
irs- Jiaurtce (ioiaott witn nr sons,
Byron and Robert Goldoft. left Tues
day afternoon for Ocean Park, Calif,
to spend the summer. Mr. Goldoft will
join his family soon and they will visit
the expositions, after which they will
return to the beech.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Orr and family
left Tuesday morning for the Pacific
coast. They will -visit the expositions
at San Diego and San Francisco, stop
for a short time at the various
beaches and then go on to Seattle,
Wash. They will return to Bl Paso In
about six weeks.
Miss Kate Kranse left Monday after
noon for California. Miss Ruth Criteh
ett will Join her at Douglas. Ariz. After
visiting in Los Angeles and San Diego
for a short time, ther will go to San
Francisco and then attend the summer
session of the University of California
at Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gllson. accom
panied by Mrs. William Donahue. Miss
Bessie Gllson and William Gilson,
leave tonight for New York, City. Af
ter spending a short time visiting
there, they will go to California to
visit the expositions and will be away
all summer.
Mr. and Mrs. C M. Lyman will leave
June IS for San Diego. Calif. After
visiting the exposition there, they will
go by boat to San Francisco and will
visit the exposition In that place and
then travel about the vaTfous beaches
until August 1, when they will return
to El Paso.
Mrs. Clarence S. Plckrell has gone to
her forner home In Terrell, Texas, to
be the matron of honor at the marriage
of her brother. Matthew Cartwrlght.
to Miss Emily Roberts, which will oc
cur June 34. Both young people are
known In El Paso. Miss Roberts visited
Mrs. Plckrell for a number of weeks
last winter and was much entertained I
during her stay here. Mrs. Plckrell
will be away until the first of July.
About El Pasoans.
Master William- Keaton Stark, who Is
confined to his bed from an accident
which occurred on Friday, Is recover
ing nicely.
The Army.
CacL George Vidmer. of the ISth cav
alry, left this afternoon for New York
City, where he will remain for a short
Health First This Week.
This week we want you to get ac
quainted with Bleetro Puro Water.
After an introductory trial we know
you and Electro Puro Water will be
fast friends. This is a delicious table
water, pure and sparkling, and It will
add Health and Pleasure to living. This
week only we will deliver t Half-Gallon
Bottles of Electro Puro Water to
your home for S5c Telephone JUS
or 1866.
Here's a Tooth Paste
Thafu "Different."
It's the hygienic cleanses, whitens
and preserves the teeth and keeps the
gums In perfect condition. Mighty
pleasant to the taste, and costa no more
than ordinary kinds. Ask or phone for
It Potter Drug Co.. corner Bl Paso
and San Francisco streets. Phones 356 '
and S75. Advertisement.
Everybody Is Reading "Open Market"
Josephine Dascam Bacon's new society
noeI El Paso Book Co. Mills BIdg.
"It's Handy " Advertisement.
"Cactus" Typewriter Carbon paper
lasts longer Fl Paso Book Co Mills
K'l? "Its H-indv "idvertisenient
Out Of Town Visitors.
Dr. B. F. Berkeley, president of the
First State bank, of Alpine. Is in El
Paso on business.
William Green of San Francisco.
Calif., is stopping over for a few days
in El Paso en route to Chicago.
Hugh H. Williams, who has been vis
iting his brother. E. T. Williams, has
returned to his home In Santa Fe. N. M.
Mrs. E. V. Gardner, of Berlno, N. M.
spent Monday in El Paso and left in
the afternoon for San Diego and San
Francisco. She will spend the summer
H. D Sherrod has returned to his
home In Del Rio, Tex. after visiting
bis sisters. Mrs. I. N. Winens and Mrs.
George Mengel.
at Long Beach. Calif.
Mrs. P. H. Parker, who has been vis
iting her daughter. Miss A. L. Baker,
for the past six weeks, has gone to
San Francisco, where she will remain
for the entire summer.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, who have
been spending the past year or so In
El Paso, returned to Los Angeles Mon
day They will make that city their
Mr. and Mrs. B. Weitzenhoffer. of
Oklahoma City, who have been the
guests of their' daughter, Mrs. Julia
Kaufman, left this morning for Cali
fornia, where they will visit the expo
sitions. Mrs. H. B. Staley and Miss Virginia
Buchanan arrived the latter part of the
week from Marion. Va.. to be the guests
of Mrs. P a March for about a week,
before going on to the expositions in
San Diego and San Francisco.
Murry Carlton, of St. Louis, Mo. Is
stopping in El Paso on account of the
Illness of his son. Murry Carlton, r.
who is In Hotel DIeu. Mr. Carlton will
be the guest of Rev. and Mrs. C W.
Webdell at dinner tonight
Mrs. J. B. Henry and her little daugh
ter, who has been ill for a short time
in Providence hospital, returned Mon
day afternoon to their home in Colum
bus, N. M. where Lieut Henry Is
stationed with the ISth cavalry.
Mrs Robert Emerson and her son,
Robert Emerson, of Chihuahua, Mex.
who haie been visiting Mrs. Emerson s
daughter. Mrs. Lawrence A. Moltane.
and her husband, at their home. Ill
Grand View avenue. left the last of the
week for Cloudcroft, N. M where they
will remain for the summer
Miss Dorothy Qulgley, who has been
attending school In New York, has re
turned to El Paso and joined her moth
er, Mrs. W. J. Quigley. of Chihuahua,
Mex. They are at present at Hotel
Paso del Norte. Mrs. Quigley and her
daughter will leave Wednesday for
California, to spend the summer at the
beaches near Los Angeles.
Cloudcroft Notes.
Cloudcroft N. M. June 8. Capt C I
McKain. Stth infantry, has returned to
El Paso after locating Mrs. McKain and
baby in "Blue Jay cottage, the Lamar
Davis place. The baby Is improving
Bruce Bevan and Francis Broaddus
spent Monday visiting at the Boy
Scouts' camp at Mountain Park. -
Miss Florence Able will arrive this
week to be the guest of Miss May
H. W. Broaddus has returned to El
Paso after spending the week-end
with his family.
Stanler Bevan has returned to El
Paso, after locating his family here for
he summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Blake Gallagher re-
urned to El Paso Monday after spend-
ng their honeymoonat the Lodge.
Mrs. E. c. French and son have re-
urned to El Paso. They have been the
guests of Miss Eleanor Forcher y
Phillin Stevens, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Horace B. Stevens, who is spending his
.CllltllMl Willi 11IC .0VJT CIVUU ill J1UUU
tain iarK, was a visitor to Clouderorj
Late arrivals at the Lodge are:
Hugh Parry. Dallas: L. D. WIIHaras
and wife, Austin; Mrs. L. A. Klrkpat
rick. Marietta, Okla.: J. V. Austin.
Charles Beisswenger, H. B. Thompson.
F. E. Loft. L. G. Long. E. E. Hawks. El
Paso. A. S. Cunningham. Dallas; L. R.
McCIintock. T. F. Keich, Tom Cour
chesna. El Paso: M. E. E. Packard. San
iranciaco: cnarles A. Stewart and wife.
El Paso; R. E. Yoakum, Omaha. Neb.:
H. li Stevens and wife. R. B. Stevens.
El Paso: B. M. Catlin. Dallas: W. R-
Meridetfa. San Antonio; Thomas F. Bun-
ana wire. El Paso; Mrs. Josephine
smitn. victoria, Texas: Mrs. T. L. Chap
lin, Austin. Dr. L, Haffner and family.
El Paso: Thomas CReily, Alamogordo;
H. S. Fairbanks, Carrtzozo; Wayne L.
Appiegate, Shirley Smith, Mrs. A. H.
Woods, Miss Alice Dulohery. El Paso:
L. A. KampeL Chicago; Bertha P.
Schafler. .Houston: Dr. and Mrs. L. M.
Breck and family. El Paso; Frances
Cecilia Spaldlngr Jackson, Miss.
Lodges and Clubs.
Officers were elected by the Pythian
Sisters. Monday night In the Knights
of Pythias' Hall Mrs. VIda Tatom
was elected past chief; Mrs. Matilda
Burroughs, most excellent chief; Mrs.
Carl Lee Smith, excellent senior; Mrs.
Samantha Eiell. excellent junior; Miss
Edna Elaine Scotten, manager: Mrs. F.
D. Scotten, mistress of finance; Mrs.
Hassell Williams, mistress of records
and correspondence Mrs. Fleeta King,
protector. Mrs. Mattie Mott, outer
guard. Mrs. Lulu Mattlce. trustee.
These officers will be installed at the
first meeting In Julv by the Installing
officer, Mrs. Ola Love.
For the benefit of the Red Cross so
ciety's relief work among the widows
and orphans of the allied armies in
the European war, the El Paso chapter
of the Daughters of the Empire will
conduct an auction sale Thursday
eenlng at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mrs R. B. Alves. 1410 Hawthorne place.
The au. tioneer will be Dr. W. R. Jamie
son, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Frank. Mrs.
William Jennings and Miss Margaret
Walsh will be in charge of the fish
pond. The flower booth will be in the
care of Miss Janet Mack. Miss Elizabeth
Emmons and Miss Gertrude Smith. Mrs.
Harrv Day will have a cherry basket
Mrs. Fred Woodworth. Mrs. J. D. Read
er and Miss Mineta. Hennlng will pre
side over the candy booth. Miss LuRee
Knight attired In a Spanish dancer's
costume, will sell cigars and cigarettes.
The refreshments will be served by
Mrs. D. Bruce Smith and Mrs. C. M.
Gibson. Fortunes will be told by a
-woman of mystery who is known as
"Savar Odlardf
Dinners, Luncheons, Teas.
Mrs. R. E-Kohler entertained with an
attratlvely appointed luneheon Monday
afternoon at her home on California
street in honor of Mrs. Ross Cunmck.
of Bisbee. Arlffc. who is spending her
honeymoon in El Paso. Cape Jessa
mine blossoms decorated tee table. A
large cluster of these fragrant blos
soms filled a cut glass bowl In the
center of the table and at each guest's
plate were sprays of the same flowers.
The guest of honor was presented with
a set of silver teaspoons by the hostess.
Among those at the luncheon were
Mesdames Ross Cunnick, William Mc
Saln. C. H. Tiessort R. A. Nooke. A.
Taylor, J. D. Foster, Neva MeGulnn.
J. Carr and Miss Lulu Preefer. Mr.
and Mrs Cunnick will leave Wednes
day for Douglas.. Ariz,, where they will
make their home.
Just Apply This Paste
and the Hairs Will Vanish
(Boudoir Secrets)
The Judicious use of a delatone paste
insures an woman a clear, hairless
skin To prepare the paste, mix a lit
tl of th powdered delatone with some
water, then apply to the objectionable
hairs for 2 or S minutes. When the
paste is removed, and the skin washed.
eerj trace of hair will haie vanished
No pain attends the use of the delatone I
and it will not mar the most sensitive
skin tint to insure results see that you
pet real delatone dvertisement
YEARS Ago Today
From The Ilrrald of This
Date. 1901.
Arrangements hare about been com
pleted for the reception and entertain
ment nf th T,iftM Women's Press as-
! sedation, which arrives tonight Mrs.
party to take dinner at the Hotel Shel
don apd after dinner be serenaded by
a Mexican band in the plaza. Tomor
rcw the women will be taken on a sigh
seeing trip over El Paso and Juarez.
Monday the party will go to Cloud
croft Miss Lucile Catlin left for Cloudcroft
this morning.
Joseph Brick has returned to the city
from Alamogordo.
Otis Turner has gone to Clouderoft
to spend the summer.
Matt Robinson has gone to St Louis
on a business visit
W. E. DeGroot has gone to Los An
geles on a business trip.
Mrs. Glasgow andVshtldren will leave
tonight for South Dakcta.
J. Cbilberg and family baTe gene to
Cloudcroft for the summer.
Mrs. Louis Fenchler of Juarez, left
this morning for Cloudcroft
Mrs. P. F. Brick and children left
this morning for Cloudcroft
Miss Grace Allen has left for a
month's visit to Mexico City.
Mrs. Alice McDonald has gone to Ds
catur, I1L. to spend the summer.
W. M. Witchter left this mornlnff
I on a business trip to Teneseee.
Dr. J. A. Rawlings. wife and baby
went to Cloudcroft this morning.
The Knights of Pythias will hold
their annual memorial services tomor
row. Miss Maggie DeConreey left this
morning on a visit to friends in Illi
nois. Rabbi Martin Zielonka and wife left
last week for San Antonio to visit
Mrs. W. N. Small and family left this
morning for Boston to spend the sum
mer there.
.Deputy collector Townsend of thi3
port has announced that 'the sort will
be closed at noon every Saturday from
une until ovemoer l.
About 40 head of cattle were seized
by Charles Doud, & mounted Inspector,
a few miles up the river yesterday
Customs authorities express the opin
ion that this seizure will result In en-ling
the recent smuggling of cattle
that has been going on on a large
News Brevities
CAdre rtisemeat.)
Southern Pacific trtin No. 161, from
! ihe west, due to arrive at S:M a. ra.
rs reported to arrive at 12:15 p. m. All
. other aftj.rnrmn an ni,ht ...- -.-
reported on time today.
Dr. Eocrt, dentist 216-MS Mills BIdg.
Dr. A. T. sail Osteopatnle Infirmary.
Dr. Ira W. Collins, physician Jn chief:
Dr. M. Alklre. lady specialist: Dr. Carl
Gibson. Ml W. Missouri street They
cured others. They can cur yon.
135 Blocks Are S Trent
The street sweeping force sweet 1S5
ocks of paved streets Mondav nieht.
abcording to the daily report of the
foreman This was an increase of sev.
ed blocks from the previous night
r. Hurler. 319 Herald BIdg. Diseases
of children, and nervous troubles.
Trash Box Fire.
A trash box fire at the corner of
First and Kansas street caused an
alarm at 1:10 Tuesday afternoon. No
damage was done.
Our licht tracK wiell ret lnmhr.
j doors, windows, roofing, screen doors
ana Dutiaers hardware to yon NOW.
Lander Lumber Co.
Special Carrie Recruits.
A second section of the Golden State
limited arrived in EI Paso Monday aft
ernoon with three cars of recruits from
Jefferson barracks bound for Nogales,
Ariz, where they will Join the 12th In
fantry. The second section was in
charge of conductor O. demons.
Dr. Jamlesoa, diseases of Kidney, Blad
der. Skin ind Rectum. 1S Mills BIdg.
Our steel fence posts will end your
fence troubles. Lander Lumber Co.
No Light on War Arrested.
Wagons must carry lights when out
at night B. Litter, who drives a vege
table wagon, was arrested Monday
night because he had no light burning
on bis wagon. This is the first arrest
to be made under the new traffic ordi
nance. Dr. Anna Reum.Buckler BIdg. over Elite.
Phose c27, Wilson MUllcan. the best
cleaners. W hlte work a specialty.
Hunters Return.
J. K Farnsworth and R. R. Miller
have returned from a ten day camping
trip In the White mountains. They re
port a number of El Pasoans already
camping In. the mountains. There is
still plenty of snow on the higher
peaks, they say.
Dr. Rowlings. Practice limited to obste
trics & children's diseases. 494 Rob-Ban.
El rno Distilled Water Co. Ph. 4J9.
Watch Stolen. Boy Arrested.
Sunday D. Davis missed his watch
from a room at 2(7 San Francisco
street Mondav night the detectives
arrested Philip Martinez on a charge of
taking the watch. As the Mexican Is
under age he will probably be given
in charge of Mrs. Emma Webster, po
lice matron.
Ask about our reinforced Malthold
asbestos top roof in colors. Lander
Lumber Co.
Thirty-two aditional boxes of dyna
mite, enough to blow up all of the
buildings in the business district, were
discovered in a vacant adobe house near
the Santa Fe bridge Monday afternoon
by Capt W. A. George, of the detective
department and the federal officials.
The dynamite was hidden in the abode
and was identified as a part of the
large quantity of explosive which was
stolen from the storehouse of the
Momsen-Dunnegan-Ryan company, near
the smelter.
Sunday night customs officials dis
covered 20 boxes of djnamite near the
American end, of the Mexican Central
and Mexico Northwestern ralroad!
bridges crossing the river. It was be
lieved that the dynamite was to have
been used to blow up these bridges as
there is no embargo on dynamite goln,;
Into Mexico at this time and it could
have been exported In the regular way
if desired. '
Capt W. A. George and a force of the
detective oartment men made a search
or the Mexican houses along the river
bank and succeeded In locating the ad
ditional dynamite cases. These were
later identified as a part of a largs
amount which had been stolen from the
Momsea warehouse.
Alderman W. G Jolly announced
Tuesday morning: that plais were now
being prepared for a fireproof black
smith shop and repair shop to be built
at the city corral on Alameda avenu
br the cltj The new shops will cost
J250 and bids will he asked for the
ork at once the alderman declares.
Plans for holding a dollar dinner tn
order to secure more members for the
chamber of commerce -were discussed
at the Tuesday luncheon of the board
of directors. Secretary Malcolm Fraser
1 Is arranging for the dinner and sug-
gested that each of the members attend
ing brin one nrosnective member. The
dinner will probably be held on the
! rnnr of th Hotel Paao del Norte. A
number of five minute speeches will be
The directors attending the lunch
eon were president Burt Orndorff. Har
ry Potter. George- Le Baron. Walter
Kohlberg and secretary Malcom Fraser.
m. 1-1 t . 4AA - nit
1 the regular weekly venire have bee
exnaasie-a in ncanns cini jmwio v
In view of the great interest taken now in the
MILK SUPPLY of El Paso it may be of in
terest to know the results of the BOARD OF
supplied by the six largest Dairies, from January
to April, 1915, the last, test published.
A high Bacterial Count indicates DIRT IN
MILK, the higher the count, the dirtier the milk.
"Dairy Bacteriology"" by Russell says "The
number of bacteria show quite correctly the con
ditions under which the milk has been produced.
By this we mean that a sample of milk with a
high count shows that the. milk has not been pro
duced under the conditions most desirable. '
Texas Dairy 55.000
Price's Dairy '. 140,000
Sunset Dairy 140,060
American Dairy ...130,000
Hawkins Dairy 140,000
EL PASO DAIRY. . 40,000
Certified 2,110
Note the average of each of these Dairies.
The nearest to our Dairy had nearly three times
the bacteria that ours had and the greatest had
six times as many.
Draw your own conclusions. Visit the other
dairies and then ours and you will observe the
reason. If
El P
The Clean Dairy.
" - Mi' a 'ii1-
tmi: nee hots.
iBsv rsHnP'l5?'""i
June 8, 1915
The Mexico Northwestern railroad of
fices in Juarez were closed at noon
Tuesday, out of respect for the memo
of Dr. Frederick Stark Pearson, whj
perished in the Lusitania disaster
Memorial services were held In Lon-'
don Tuesda)
the trial in the S4th district court of
Juan. David and Jesus Gnaderrama,
charged with the murder of deputv
sheriff W. H. Garlick and state ranger
cott Russell. Another venire of Uj
men ard now being summoned.
Those secured up to noon Tuesdav
are F. M Filler. Robert S. Trumbull.
Jdhn Moss. C C Beardsley. W J
White. W. R. Smith, A, E. Chesney and
Oscar Downs.
A dollar saved by buying goods pro
dneed elsewhere is a dollar thrown a
tout neighbor birds.
250100 XOflOO 16333
35MX 4V0OO 1340100 16200
TOfiOO lOQJOto 90000 WdfiOO
4Sfi09 100,000 110J0Q0 9 1,2 JO
40,000 3VK0 10(VOOO 77,500
30000 18,000 25,000 28,250
1,416 1,884 LJ07 1,779
Dairy Co.
A biscuit like this light, short
(but not "greasy" short) , tasting
of nothing but the flour, skill and
goodness you've put into it
that's what you like, isn't it? It's .
no miracle that makes it so good,
but the know-how and Crusto.
A step higher than lard at no greater
cost; a price lower than cooking butter
and better for the purpose.
Eat a Crusto biscuit and you'll try
Crusto from cover to cover through the
cook boot with success.
" i " M .
Six. 44a 5u- lOls. M 20ia
Hboslon, Texas
bake a perfect loaf sever failing.
The eiv ktejl and mt satisfactory
design, t&tnbtittag tfte beat scitnnfic
aHy. CefMequeady every batch is the
same. Umfonwty. quality and
weight ja every loaf plus the taste.
That's rat yon wsct
owelTs Home Bakery
411 E. Boulevard
Phone 2801 -