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HOME EDITION TODAY'S PRICES in bink Botes 18 Mexican pesos, huahu currency 33 Carrania in-pr v Vx Bar Silver, i (Handy & t t on quotations) 4H Copper 20 M r n higher livestock steady m ks lower WEATHER FORECAST. B Am, fair; New Mexico, fair, ranntr; Arizona, fair; West Texas, fair, vumer. ERED ANYWHERE S CENTS A MONTH. 12 PAGES. TWO SECTIONS. TODAY. LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. EL PASO. TEXAS. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 9. 1915. SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS. END YEAR IN PARLEY, BRYAN'S IDEA resident an ryan rewe Meet In Bryan, Out Of Office, Says He Sleeps Soundly First Time In Months. SOME EMOTION IN LAST MEETING President and Former Cab' inel Associate Exchange Blessings and Part. WASHINGTON. D. C, June 9. President Wilson and bis former secretary of stato, tt illiaro Jennings Bryan, formally parted shortly after noon today in the . ourse of a farewell meeting- at the hite House. Shortly previous, Mr. BrvanJiad left the state department, and Robert Lansing, counselor of the department, had been appointed by the president as secretary of state ad in terrm. -Fox. 15 minutes the president and Mr Bran talked, exchanging -words of farewell. Cordially, and withoot ary trace of feeling, the two men dis r issed the situation -which resulted in Mr Bryan's resignation. Bach spoke dispassionately of theirdlff ereacesand . of the belief of each that the other i. as doing what he thought best for the United States. Finally Mr. Bryan remarked that he knw the president was a busy man and that he would not detain him longer The two men clasped bands. . God bless you," said each. Mr Bryan confided to friends today trat he slept all night Tuesday nighf for (he first time In months. Bryan Wouldn't SIcn 3fote Mr Bryan told his colleague as they gathered about him in farewell at the state department that his affection for president Wilson was unchanged and that he knew the president felt as warmly toward him. Differing not in the object sought the prevention of war bat in the Tr-ethod of approaching the problem, Mr Bryan resigned rather than sign; his name to the note which states in unmistakable but emphatio terms the demands of the cnited States. The note was signed by Mr. Lansing, who aided president Wilson in Its preparation. Mr Bryan told his colleagues as they gathered about him in farewell that ms aftection for president Wilson was un changed and that he knew the presi dent felt as warmly toward him. Tears stood in his eyes while friends commended what they termed his cour ageous fight for principle and his deter mination t" eliminate himself rather than continue in the cabinet as a possi ble embarrassment to the president. Failed to Swerve President. The story to sway the president's judgment as to the method of dealing with the situation regarding Germany fti, as yet untold. He made no effort to align other members of the cabinet with him and, -when he came to the parting of the ways on an lrreeoncili nble question of principle, he did not tell his colleagues generally, hoping that his action to the last would not produce any complications in the cab inet W III Support Wilson. Mr Br an intends to continue a staunch political supporter of Mr. Wil son on domestic affairs and believes he can even assist him in the sentiment he hopes to build up for the principle of investigation of disputes before hostili ties are begun. Other Members Ready To Quit. That there had been friction between the president and Mr. Bryan has been the undercurrent of comment for sev eral weeks, but as the president here tofore bad always been able to secure the acquiescence of the secretary in his point of view, talk of resignation was discounted generally. It has come to light, however, that the position of Mr. Bryan in the cabinet recently has become very em barrassing his advocacy of peace be ing so pronounced that ether members of the cabinet who felt that the United States should assert itself irrespective of the consequences, were understood to have on one occasion declared their intention of resigning if a policy of firmness and vigor were not adopted. Afraid Of War. Rather than sign the document Which he believed might possibly draw the United States into war. Mr. Bryan sub (Continned on Fare 3, Column One) THINKS "UNSEEN POWER" GUIDES HIM TO SKELETONS Silver City N M-. June S At a hearing held before judge Colin Neblett, AI Perdue, an automobile driver, was declared to be Insane and ordered committed to the state hospital for the Insane at Las Vegas. Per due labors under tbe delusion that an "un seen power" na commanded him to find a certain skeleton burled la tbe raoastams north of the cftjr, and a short time ago he went to the supposed spot and unearthed a human skeleton. Suppressed VILLA Tie "War At a Gl; ance ANOTHER victory for the Aus-tro-German armies in Galicia was announced officially to day In Berlin. The town of Stanis Iau has been captured by the Ten tonic forces In their eastward sweep. ,A dispatch from Austrian press ' headquarters to Cologne says the Russian army in Bukowlna, the Austrian crownland to the east of Galicia, has been cut off from the Russian forces in middle Galicia and is being pressed eastward. Unofficial dispatches from Gen eva say the Russians have won a victory In eastern Galicia, check ' ing the Austrians and Germans along the Dniester. This, however, is not borne out by advices from Petrograd and Berlin. Submarine Raider Sunk One of Germany' submarine raiders has been sunk and her six 1 officers and 21 men made prisoners by tbe British. British Casualties 2WS.OC0 The total of British casualties In killed, wounded and missing from the beginning of the war to May 31 was given out by premier Asquith today as 258,H9. German Successes In N'ortb A communication from the Petro grad war office indicates that the German army which invaded the Baltic provinces has won further successes. Having brought In re inforcements, the Germans made a new attack and compelled the Rus sians to fall back on the town of Double in the province of Kovno. Another Transport Sinks The loss of another ship- by the 'allies at the- Dardanelles is an nounced in an official report from Constantinople. It is said a trans port was struc' by a shell and set ,on fire and that later it sank. The report does not state whether it was a British or French transport, or whether there was loss of life. The landing of new troops on Gallipoli peninsula by the allies is reported from Athens. The British steamer Lady Salis bury has been sunk by a German submarine. TEUTONS Mf! SHISLI II Berlin. Germany. June 9 The Gali clan town of Stanislau has been cap tured by the Austrians according to the official statement issued by the German army headquarters today. Stanislau Is 75 miles southeast of Lera berg, the Galician capital. A dispatch from the Austrian press headquarters on the eastern front states that the Russian army in buko wlna. which has been strengthened by portions of the detachments already defeated at Kaluza, eastern Galicia, has been fully cut off from the middle Galician forces of the Russians and is being driven back eastward. SAY GERMANS MADE BOMB TO WRECK PASSENGER SHIP New Orleans, La.. June 8. United States attorney Guion today caused the arrest of Hans Halle and George Sum mers on charges of conspiring to ship explosives not properly marked The police say Halle admitted preparing a huge clock bomb with the intention of destroying a passenger ship of the French line leaving New York last De cember. The bomb, according to the police, was manufactured with funds supplied partly by Summers. The police say Halle claims to be a German citizen, while Summers Is a naturalised Amer ican of German birth. SAYS GERMAN WARSHIPS DAMAGED IN BALTIC FIGHT Petrograd, Russia, June 9. The "Army Messenger," referring to the naval engagement June S in the Baltic sea off the Gulf of Riga, says Russian submarines engaged no fewer than ten Gorman -warships which were attempt ing a sortie into the Baltic The explosions on board some of the vessels led to the belief that damage was done by the undersea craft The newspaper says one cruiser was struck by a mine. She did not sink but was towed into Llbau. A German ship called the Hindenburg was blown up by striking a Russian mine. CE.V. DAN'KL LEAVES EAST FRONT TO FIGHT ITALY. Innsbruck. Austria, June 9.-r-Exten-slve preparations are being made by the Austrians to resist the invasion or the Italian armies. Dankl arrived at Trent Sunday, coming from the Rus sian front to take command of one of the Austrian armies. A consider able number of German troops also have been brought Into the Trert re gion. The Austrians are reinforcing their line all along the Isonzo river where where an engagement over a wide front is developing. Heavy artillery is being brought from the eastern front by the Austrians for use on the Isonzo. ALLEGED SPV CAUGHT WITH AMERICAS PASSPORT. London Eng, June 9. By swearing falsely that he was an American citi zen, it is alleged. Herman Rosenthal. -who has been arrested here on a charge of being a German spy. secured Ameri can passoprts from the United States embassy at Berlin. It is believed here that Rosenthal was sent to England by the German admiralty tq secure In formation. For Two RETREATS RAPIDLY CD IS CAUGHT; SUBIIESUI Great Britain Announces a Change in Treatment of Submarine Prisoners. London, Eng June 9 Official an nouncement was made today by secre tary of the admiralty Balfour that a German submarine had been sunk and that six of her officers -and 41 mem bers of her crew had been captured. Mr. Balfour announced also that Ger man submarine prisoners hereafter shall be accorded treatment Identical with all other German prisoners In England Some time ago it was an nounced that, because of the nature of submarine warfare, captured subma rine erews would not be regarded as honorable prisoners of war. Germany at once'announced retaliatory measures and placed British officers in solitary "confinement. The British steamer. Lady sails bury, was torpedoed by a German sub marine this morning and sent without warning to the bottom near the Har wich lightship. She sank in five min utes. Of the crew of 18. IB were rescued. The chief officer, was killed, and two men are missing BP5HT0SSES IS London. Eng , June 9 Premier As quith announced in the bouse of com mons today that the total of Britiaj casualties- fiuui the beginning of the war to May 11. was 3bS,M9 men. This includes killed, wounded and missing ITALIAN DIRIGIBLE TAKES FIRE; LOST Rome. Italy. June 9 An Italian- dirigible, which made an attacK- on ins Austrian port of Flume, caught fire and was lost. The crew is believed to have been saved and captured by the Aus trians. Official announcement to this effect was made here today as follows: "Yesterday at Flume one of our dirigibles dropped a number of bombs on quarters being used for military purposes. Returning from this raid, the dirigible was obliged, as tbe result of an accident to come to the sea in the vicinity -of Lussin island, and caught fire. "The crew of the dirigible is reported to have been saved and captured." AUSTRIA REPORTS AIR ATTACK UPON VENICE Vienna, Austria. June S. Austrian aviators bombarded Venice, Murano and a torpedo boat destroyer, according to a statement issued here, which says: "A telegram from our naval com mand states that naval flying machine L-47, Com. Bonfield and observer naval cadet von Strobel, this morning suc cessfully bombarded Venice and dropped bombs on a balloon shed at Murano. two miles northeast of Venice, and also an an enemy torpedo boat destroyer" Another official communication tells of the destruction of an Italian air ship by an Austrian aeroplane. It says: "The Italian airship Citta dl Ferrara, returning from Flume this morning, was atacked. set on fire and destroyed by our naval aeroplane L-48. com manded by Lieut. Glasing and with naval cadet von Fritsch as observer. Two ofifcers and five men of the crew were captured," ENGLISH SEAPLANES RAID TURKS OX GALLIPOLI. London, Eng, June 9. Nine English seaplanes have made a successful raid upon the Turkish positions on tne Gallopoli peninsula, according to the Daily Telegraph's Bucharest corres pondent. He reports the seaplanes bombarded Akbasch, the Turkish base in the harbor of Gallipoli. killing three soldiers, wounding a dozen others and severely damaging the storehouse and stores. The corespondent adds that the Ge--man submarine U-SI, which recently sank the British battleships Triumoh and Majestic has arrived in Constan tinople, where her crew was enter tained VICTIMS OF RETAIIAT10N" POLICT, ILL. ARE PREBD. Berlin, Germany, June 9. Two vic tims of German's policy of retaliation against Great Britain for the letter's treatment of captured submarine crews have been released from solitary con finement. They are Lieut Goschen. son of Sir William Goschen. former British ambassador at Berlin, and Lieut Sand erson. Both officers had apparently recov ered from their wounds when they were selected for solitary confinemen ts t their health suffered severely. Two othr British officers were substituted FLAX TO BLOW TJI SIMPLOX TUXXBL ALLEGED. Geneva, Switzerland. June . A dis patch received here from Brig, Swit zerland, declares that a man has been arrested at Domodossola, in Italy, charged with the intention of blowing up the famous Simplon tunnel. This individual is presumed to be an Austrian agent He had a plan for the tunnel which is 12 1-z miles long and connects Brig with Domodossola While In his room the authorities found a powerful bomb. 3,1031 Long Years, Mr. Bryan Today ZA SENGS TD 1EXIC0 GIH Cienlificos To Be Important Factor in the Forthcoming Peace Parleys. VILLA REPLIES TO WILSON NOTE Is Preparing Message, But Has Not Completed It As Yet, Says Raschbaum. GEN. VILLA'S main army, defeated at Leon, is retreating on Toi reon, according to advices re ceived by Carrandstas here. These state that a small guard has been left at Largos de Moreno, 'where Villa re tired, in the state of Jalisco, following tbe loss of Leon, but that all equipment saved in the battle has been sent to Torreon and that tbe main body of troops is already beginning to arrive there. A further northern advance by Gen Obregon 16 reported to be undf way. Has Trouble Moving Trains. Villa is having great difficulty in movina- trains on the Torreon-Jnarez M-'tti jm aotraunt nf the striro otMI-i aw in iiianib car naaaters ana engineers. Passengers who arrived on the train that reached Juarez early Wednesday morning report that a heavy guard ac companied the train and that the engi neer and fireman were kept at their posts at the point of a revolver. There is a large quantity of freight In the Juarez yards and large amounts of freight destined .for the north are re maining in Chihuahua. Rifles Arrive for Villa. Fifty-two cases of 38-38 Marlln rifles, model 1893. were received here Tuesday for the Vllllstas and will soon be crossed to Juarez. The consign ment numbers E20 rifles and is one or tfe largest single orders that has ar rived here recently. Famine Relief. Immediate relief of the famine con ditions in Mexico City Is promised by the opening of tre railroad be tween that city and Veracruz. Car ranza has ordered that the line be to advices received by the Carrania consulate, and has also ordered that all classes of food stuffs be allowed to pass through to the capital at once. The message does not state what ar rangements have been made with pro visional president Roque Gonzales Gar za relative to the passage of supplies between the lines. Gen. Pablo Gon zales, the Carrania commander In charge of tbe campaign against the capital, was last reported as only 40 kilometers from Mexico City. Clentlficos to Help. The Cientiflcos who, with represen tatives of the Clerical party, make up the so called third party, will be an important factor in the peace confer ence negotiations, according to a prom inent representative of the party here. He states that overtures from the de feated Villa side have already been re ceived asking that delegates be ap pointed to confer with Villa regarding the proposed peace plan. These dele gates have been assured safe passage to Villa's headquarters, the represen tative states. Villa Makes Xo Reply. According to the statement of Villa officials here. Gen. Villa has as vet made no reply to the Wilson note. Dr. L. B. Raschbaum, formerly Gen. Villa's physician, who states that he has just returned from a visit to Gen. Villa at Silao. declares that Villa told him that he "was entirely willing to eliminate himself to prevent intervention." Dr. Raschbaum states that at the time he left for the. north, early Saturday morning. Gen. Villa had not yet re ceived the official message, though he knew its contents. The. doctor states that in skirting the Obregon lines north of Silao, both going and re turning, he was nearly captured He has no idea of how Gen. Villa returned to Leon and later left for Lagos de Moreno, his present headquarters, but believes he worked around the Obre gon right Juarez Fears 31utiuy. """ Juarez was apprehensive Tuesday night of further trouble. Reports were current on both sides of the line that a mutiny was brewing and a number of merchants closed their shops early in the afternoon and remained closed until Wednesday. Officials of the town de clared mat there -was no tlange: extra precautions as to the guards in the outskirts ofjffi town were taken. Arrivals frmirthe south Wednesday stated thattlrere was a gen eral feeling of unresvfn Chihuahua and that extra precautions were being taken by the militaryy Rosorlo Captured. The passengers also reported the cap ture of Rosario, near Parral. by troops of the Arrieta command. One of the Arrieta brothers was recently reported as having occupied Maplml, near Tor reon When the train left Jimenez a column of 1090 Villa troops was en training for Parral with the object of BOARD BEJEGTS FRANK' Gov. Slaton Will Make a Study of Case; Commis sion Cites Its Reasons. Atlanta, Ga.. June 9. The Georgia prison commission today declined to recommend to Gov. Slaton a commuta tion of sentence for Leo M. Frank, con victed of the murder of Mary Fhagan, a factory employe, and sentenced to death. The board rendered Its decision after having considered petitions both for and against commutation of Frank's sentence to life imprisonment affidavits regarding Frank's trial and a plea by Mrs. Frank. The commission's action, it was an nounced, is not binding upon Gov. Sla ton, who will probably conduct a per sonal examination of the merits of the ease before rendering a decision. Board's Reasons. The commission decided against clemency by a vote of I to L The majority report of the commis sion said: t "None of the grand jurors who found the indictment none of the trial jurors who heard the evidence under oath, nor the prosecuting attorneys have asked that the sentence be commuted. The judge who presided at the trial and who had the right to exercise the dis cretion of fixing the penalty of either life imprisonment or both, overruled the motion for a new triaL Appeals Are Cited. "Several appeals were taken to both the appelate court of the state and the supreme court of the United States, all of which were denied and the Judg ments of the lower courts affirmed thus assuring the defendant of his le- ?;al and constitutional rights under the aws of the land. It further appears that there has been no technical vio lation of law or precedure that has pre vrntfl ttM lf""lf"fiMT'" having his guilt dr tanbeesce -jogged by a Juror of his peers- ..-.. "We feel constrained not to Inter fere with the enforcement of the order ly Judgment of the court." clearing the district of the Carraneistas. British CltUrna Killed. Carrania reports received here re garding the fighting at Tnxpam. in the oil fields, state that the town has been recaptured and confirm the earlier re ports of the- shooting of four British citizens. The report which comes from Veracruz, says the Vllllstas sacked the offices of the oil companies and looted the town. VILLA PREPARING REPLY TO AMERICAN WARNING Washington. D. C, June . Gen. Villa will reply today or tomorrow to presi dent Wilson's message concerning Mexico, assording to a dispatch re ceived byte Llorente. the Villa rep resentative here, from Miguel Diaz Lorabardo, Villa's minister of foriegn affairs, at Chihuahua City. Diaz Lora bardo's dispatch says. "Gen. Villa has never desired, nor des he now desire, anything other than a peace that, within the shortest pos sible time, would realize the princi ples of the revolution by means of the establishment of a constitutional gov ernment calculated to harmonize all existing differences. Tomorrow or the day following, an answer to the noto will be forwarded" Two of the British subjects wounded during the successful Villa attack oa Tuxpam Sunday died Tuesday. They were A. T Graves and the Milliard baby. Mrs. Mallard's condition, con sular reports said today, was serious. Consul Sevan reported that the shoot ing was by Villa, troops. He said the noncombatants probably were mistaken for Carrania troops while seeking shelter. MAYTORENA AGREES NOT TO ATTACK AGUA PRIETA Douglas. Ariz.. June 9. In response to a request from CoL Charles M. O'Connor. commanding the United States border patrol here, not to attack Ague Prieta and thus endanger-American lives, governor Jose itarbv May torena of Sonora has replied that he has no intention of attacking tbe bor der town, but merely wishes to harrass the Carransa forces garrisoned there. A minor engagement between Carrania outpotas and the investing Maytorena troops occurred Tuesday. It ended in the retreat of the Carran dstas. Four wealthy residents of Magdalena and Ariapet Sonora, are reported to have been shot by Carranza raiders because mey lauea to pay promptly i when a demand for ransom wan maitA Sunday. MEXICAN FEDERAL CURRENCY GOES TO 18 CENTS WEDNESDAY Mexican federal currency, which has een ranging around 11 and 11 cents n value on the border for months, umped to 18 cents Wednesday. The lpward tendency of the old issue of Mexican money started Tuesday when t went to IS cents, and the additional ise of two cents Wednesday has caused nuch speculation as to the cause of oe rise. Villa's Chihuahua currency eoa- rency continues low, being quoted Wednesday at 3 1-4 cents, but Carranza currency jumped from seven to seven and a half cents. FIRE BURNS FIVB BLOCKS OF PORTLAND WATERFRONT Portland, Ore.. June 9 Five blocks on the waterfront just south of the east approach of the Burnside bridge were completely destroyed by fire here early todaj The damage is estimated at over 3300,000 Mills and warehouses covered the principal part of the area destroyed H NORTH I EIE M LIFE Domestic Trouble Believed Responsible For Double Tragedy in Carrizozo. Carrtzoso. N. M June 9. About nine o'clock this morning Samuel Potts shot and killed his hired man. named Coleman, and then killed himself. Do mestic trouble Is supposed to have been the cause. Coleman came here about three months ago and went to work for Potts, who, for several years, has run a dairy here. Friendship between Coleman and Mrs. Potts, it is said, ceased comment among people -who saw them in town together frequently. Potts aws a quiet, hard working man, well liked, and appeared to be doing an excellent business. He is survived by his wife and stx-year-oW daughter. The sheriff and coroner went to the place of the killing, but have made so finding yet NAVY OFFICER IS NOW BROUGHT INTO SCANDAL Annapolis, MdU, June 1. One .ensign In the navy who became so with the re ceipt of his diploma upon graduation from the naval academy only last week. and a midshipman of the second class, were today made additional defendants before the court of inquiry which is Investigating the "gouging" scandal at the academy The additional defend ants are: Ensign W. A. Confer and midshipman A. C Rogers. Commander Trswt testified Tuesday that the evidence of scrape of paper found outside the examination re-ssa tended to show that Confer had re ceived assistance, while a memorandum in the hand-writing of Rogers con tained both the questions that were given in the examination and their answers. SOCIAL CLUBS GAIN POINT IN SUPREME COURT ACTION Austin, Texas, June 9. The Texas supreme court today granted the ap plication for a writ of error in the case of the Country club against the state of Texas, from Travis county. This Is what is known as the "Bona Fide Social club" ease and on a final decision of it depends the existence of practically all of the bona fide social clubs in Texas. Today's action of the supreme court is regarded as favorable to the conten tion of the dabs. This is the text of the notation made by the supreme court today on its pri vate docket, as to why the writ -was granted, "We grant the writ for the purpose of hearing the case on argu ment" WRITS OF ERROR GRANTED IN FIVE EL PASO CASES Austin, Tex., June 9. Applications for writs of error were granted today by the supreme court in the following. El Paso county cases: Y. Bustulloh vs. Southwestern Portland Cement corn pan) , H. B. Stevens et aL vs. G. H. A S A. railway company; G. H. & S. A. railway company vs. H. B. Stevens. Rosa C Dezabalgottlo et aL vs. Chas. Ginther et aL two cases, application re fused: H. B. Hutchison vs. JL D. Mur ray, from El Paso. J. GUADERRAMA KIDNAPPING RESULTS IN A COMPLAINT Prominent military and dvil author ities in Mexico are made defendants in a complaint filed in justice J. X. Denv er's court charging a conspiracy to kidnap Jesus Guaderrama. Five are mentioned in the complaint as having been implicated No names were used as no arrests have been made. The complaint grows out of the al leged disappearance by kidnapping of Jesus Guaderrama on the night of Feb. 24 It was claimed that he was taken to Juarez. PARAG0RIC USED AS "JAG" PRODUCER IN DRY PHOENIX Phoenix, Ariz , June 9. Paregoric is the latest addition to the numerous jag produoers discovered In Arizona since the state became "dry." Two "drunks" arrested by the dty police confessed that they had several bottles of Joy fluid cached In the rear of a restaurant and turned over to the offi cers a quantity of paregoric. The drug is 50 per cent alcohol and contains two grains of opium to the fluid ounce. JITNE CASE GOES TO SUPREME COURT NEXT Austin. Tex, June 9. Motion for re hearing was overrated today by the court of criminal appeals In the case of ex parte T W Sullivan, from Tarrant county This is the socalled jitne case and in which the court held that cities have a right to regulate jitnes and sus tained the city ordinance of Fort Worth regulating jitnes. It Is understood thlr case is now to be taken to the supreme court of the United States. LITEST CAXADIVX LIST OP LOSSES TOTALS SMS. Ottawa, Ont. June 9 The Canadian casualty list up to date totals 8008 men consisting of 1213 killed. 5250 wounded and 1565 missing, according to the records of the militia department i Re - enters Public Lif Out Of Office, Bryan 'Gives Views Regarding Way, tr Deal With Germany. GENTLEDEALING ' TO AVOID WAR Daniels Wont Resign; Cab met Is Unit In Support Of President Wilson. WASHINGTON, D. C, June J. Just after 2 odock this after noon, the new American note to Germany which caused the cabinet crisis culminating in secretary of state Bryan's resignation, started on its way to Berlin, simultaneously. William Jen niiun Rnan-s resignation as secretary of state took efreci and he gave ont a statement of nis aranot, u6au -year's inquiry into the situation re garding Germany. Cabinet Solidly With Wilson. Reports that secretary of tie navy TI..UI. KI roaie-Tteri- or WOUld dO SO. ' were current today, but were flatlj de nied on all sides, rne reporv ji said, grew out of the well known friende4ilpnt Mr. Brian and Mr. Dan iels. As a matter of fact, nine members o tbe cabinet stood solidly for the naesident's position as expressed in the note. Mr. Daniels was with those who differed with the secretary of state. Some members even advised a stronger Phraseology than the president used. but on the final discussion the decis ion to send the note was unanimous Bryan Explains Retirement. Mr. Bryan's statement follows. "My reason for resigning is clearly stated in my letter of resignation, namelj. that I may employ, as a pri vate citizen, the means which the president does not feel at liberty tv employ I honor him for doing wnji he believes to be right, and I am sure he desires, as I do, to And a peaceful solution of the problem which has beeu created by the action of the sub marines. "Two of the points on which we dif fer, each conscientious In his cobtk. twn are: "First as to the suggestion of Inves tigation by an international commis sion: and. "Sfccond. as to warning Americans against traveling on belligerent ves sels or with cargoes of ammunition. Should Apply Treaty Prindple." "I believe this nation should franklv state to Germany that we are willing to apply in this case the principle which we are bound by treaty to appiv t disputes between the United States and 30 countries with which we have made treaties providing for investi gation of all disputes of every cha -acter and nature. "These treaties, negotiated under this administration, make war practicallv impossible between this country and the 39 governments, representing nearly three-fourths of all the people of the world. "Among the nations with which we have these treaties are Great Britain. France and Russia. No matter what disputes may arise between us aid these treaty nations, we agree that there shall be no declaration and no commencement of hostilities until the matters in dispute have been investi gated by an international commission and a year's time is allowed for in vestigation and report. Germany Accepted Principle. This plan was offered to all the na tions without any exceptions whatever. and Germany was one of the nations that accepted the prindple, being the 12th, I think, to accept No treaty was actually entered into with Germany. but I cannot see that that should stand in the way when both nations endorsed the prindple. I do not know whether Germany would accept the offer, but our country should, in my judgment. make the offer. . "Offer Would Silence Jingoes. "Such an offer, if accepted, would at once relieve the tension and silen- . all the jingoes who are demanding war. Germany has always been t fremdly nation and a great many of our people are of German ancestr Why should we not deal with German) according to this plan to which tho nation has pledged its support" "The second point of difference is .13 to the course which should be pursued In regard to Americans traveling n belligerent ships or those carrying car goes of ammunltlon. Should Americans Avoid Danger. "Why should an American citizen be permitted to involve his country in a ar by traveling on a belligerent ship when he knows the ship will pass through a danger zone? The question is not whether an American citii" 1 has a right under international la v to travel on a belligerent ship. th question is whether be ought not. oat of consideration for his country, if not for his own safety, avoid danger when avoidance is possible "Obligation Is One-SIded." "It is a very one-sided citizenship that compels a government to go to war over a citizens rights, and yet re lieves the citizen of all obligations to consider his nation s welfare. I do not (Ceatinaed on Face 9, CoL 1).