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HOME EDITION VtEATH FORECAST. El ro and t Texas, fair. New Mex iro. local ttnnder showers; Arizona, partlr eleedy. warmer. rTi TODAY'S PRICES T'fi rai batirf notes 18 Mexican peso - Chihuahua, currency 3H Carranta urrencj S Bar (Hadny & Har men quotation) 49 Copper 20 27 o u rains lower Livestock Steady Mocks irregular 12 PAGES. rwO SECTIONS. TODAY. EL PASO. TEXAS. TUESDAY EVENING. JUNE 15. 1915 DELIVERED ANYWHERE M CENTS A MONTH. LATEST NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS. AYS POLITICS GOVERNS U. S. CONGRES ' esro PASO 1 3 Seizes and Kills N Two Hundred Tale Part In Chase When Speeding Cars Pursue Quarry. ONE OFFICIAL DODGES CROWD Second, Receiving Prisoner, Overpowered and Negro Is 'Lynched. LITTLE ROCK, Ark, Jnne IS. Roy Hale j. the negro who on Saturday shot and killed Roy Letter, a well known young planter of LaFayette count, -was taken bv a mob from sheriff Boyett or Hempstead county, and lynched toda In the woods near Louisville. The mob. nearly 280 strong, overtook the sheriff while he was in his auto mobile driving toward Little Rock to place the negro in the penitentiary for safe keeping. Halev was delivered to sheriff Boyett In sheriff Jackson of LaFavette county who captured him Monday After be ing chased 20 miles b several automo biles filled with citizens, Jackson eluded his pursuers and arrived at Hodc f.,T ,1,. fJi'Lf JpS not cle P ur department of incom Jail there and several more cars were , , hd . .tSMararioiw , war. i mmandeerea in UMjgianxp taction stead cogntrjtjjLi prist I Br Boyett. ta! rag uaiey. suh'bss rsatse ear ir Rock but was overtaken and overpow ered. MINE UNIONISTS ALLEGE JUDGE IS PREJUDICED Walsenburg, Colo. June 15. The de fence halted the further consideration of the 70 or more strike cases now pending m the district court here today bv substituting a motion for a change of judge. The motion was presented bv ittorney Horace N Hawkins, repre senting the United Mine Workers. The motion alleges that Judge Gan b Hillyer, who presided at the trials of Luis ZancanellL John R. Lawsos and Robert Uhlich, in Las Animas cc-unty. is prejudiced against the defendants and charges, among other things, that the defendants cannot receive a fair trial n answer will be filed by the attorneys for the state DENIES REPORTS U. S. IS NOT AIDING PEACE EFFORTS Washington. D C Jnne 16. Reports that the United States had declined to become a party to efforts In various neutral countries to make peace in J3u rope were said by president Wilson tc be untrue . He declared the Washington govern ment had done everything that could be legitimately done to encourage any movement that might lead to peace or any accommodations of interests in Europe. The president said. Col. House, who recently investigated the peace prospects in Europe, had not been bent for bv him. but he expected to see tfce colonel here very soon. SIERRA COUfiTY PIONEER SHOT AND KILLED FOR DEER Santa Fe. N M., June 15 James McCraiken accidentally shot by his nephew at Chloride, Sierra county, died of his injuries. His left lung had been practically torn to pieces. McCracken, who was 7 years old, w as out hunting with Ms nephew and 1.5 id down under a tree to sleep The boy seeing soemthing move un der the tree, thought it was a deer and fired, although deer are out of season. McCracken was- a well known stockman. BOY IS KILLED WHEN STRUCK BY LEVERSTICK OF GATE Santa Fe, N M.. June IS Six year old Bryant Alexander was Impaled on the leverstick of the gate of R. A. Mupre, 10 miles northwest of Clovis. while endeavoring to close it He died a few hours afterwards from his injury. Itr .UD HAIL STORM spreads mn in nvyoming Cheyenne, Wyo , June IE Belated reports of a terrific rain and hail storm which swept Niobrara county last Sat urdej state that a railroad section house at Noda 'was blown down and one bo, aged five vears, was killed, and his sister slightly injured. V Chicago and Northwestern bridge was washed away by the flood which swept down an ordinary dry draw. All streams became torrents and numerous ranch houses were flooded. Great dam age was done to crops by hail. At Lusk hundreds of windows were broken bv haiL A report that four persons lost their lives is without foun dation CL1IMS MISSOURI COJIPANIES WOULD FORM ZINC TRUST Jefferson City. Mo, June 15. Attor ney general Barker today filed an in formation in the state supreme court against Z5 companies alleged to be In u rested in the purchase of zinc ore In the Missouri aiscnct, slating he Baa I ute poet, has received an oraer to re reason for believing they were In an Join his regiment in which he Is a unlawful combination to control prices. I second lieutenant This Section, Concrete Is n WILL PROVE LUSITANIA UNARMED GERM LEADERS Favor Compromise With the United States So as to Prevent a Rupture. Berlin. Germany, June 15. An indi cation that Germany's, political leaders are working tor a sentiment in favor of a peaceful solution of the difficul ties existing between Germany and the United States, is contained in the fact that the Lokal Anzelger prints an arti cle on German-American relations by its general director. Essen Zimmer man. Other leading periodicals are adopting the same coarse. A few of the more radical papers still persist In advocating an uncompromising 'atti tude. "President 'Wilson," says Herr Zim merman, "desires nothing niore ana nothing less than an understanding be tween Germany and England concern ing the forms of maritime warfare whteh at the same time will ensure the safety of American passengers. The task Is not light, considering the de velopments of naval war, but it can be solved if all interests display good wilL" A form might be given to naval warfare, Herr Zimmerman continues, on the basis that passengers on ships with special marks of identification and sailing under the government guarantee that they are unarmed, should receive proper consideration at the hands of submarine commanders. Mlsht Cnrtalll W nr Declarations. , The article concludes "We wish to act and write with blood and iron, but Just because we are fear less and determined we may look for possible ways by which to arrive at an understanding with America. We need I log ahd outgoing declarations of war. wnicn MRWorp na wawstesL nomx, hot ft seems to me that we can curtail the output without incurring a reputa tion for excessive caution." Deplores "Jingo" Spirit. The editor of the Tageblatt. Theodor Wolff, also publishes an article in fa vor of a policy aimed at the avoidance of new conflicts and bringing in of new adversaries. He urges a suitable method for giving German diplomacy adequate authority and prestige at home to stand firm against "Jingo and whip-the-world enthusiasts." Says U. S. Doesnt Vnderstnnd. The Kreuz Zeltung today declares that the "mild form" of the American note cannot conceal the earnestness of the situation and that it reveals that president Wilson has not the slightest comprehension of the German stand point nor the situation which has com pelled Germany to act as she has done. "From this," the newspaper says, "arises his demand that the lives of non-combatants must not be endan gered. Americans who want to ilsit England can do so without appreciable danger on American ships that have pledged themselves to carry no contra band, a pledge that can be easilv veri fied by German consular agents. England Must Alter Course. "If we are to give in to the demands of the note.. Great Britain first would have to make serious changes In its previous practices and guarantee the changes satisfactorily President Wil son must busy himself about this next. He must be able to comprehend that we are not going to let submarine warfare out of our hand as a weapon so that American travelers oav cross without danger to Kurope on British ships, perhaps with the Intention of in suring the freightage of ammunition and other war materials for our ene mies." Says Germim Too Jnliilflnt. George Bernhard, a political writer in an article on the American note in the Vossishce Zeitung declares the Germans are too jubilant over the tone and contents of the note "There Is no Justification for the Joy fnlness," says Herr Bernhard, "because Of the essential differences which ex ist between Germany and the United States. Not one of these differences has-been removed by the exchange of notes. Of course we are pleased that the United States is willing to submit to England all of our commissions, but we have no new commissions. "American told us she would take the initiative in preventing England from a further misuse of naval war fare. This we greeted thankfully. If America's representatives are unsuc cessful she may repeat them. Whether the German submarine warfare can be moderated depends solely on the atti tude of England." ALLIED AIRMEN BOMBARD KARLSRUHE; SEVERAL KILLED Karlsruhe, Germany, June IE Five hostile airmen bombarded, Karlsruhe for 15 minutes this morning Several persons were killed or wounded. A number of places suffered material damage, but the destruction wrought has no military Importance. Karlsruhe is on the Rhine, about 75 miles from the French frontier It has a population of about 160,004. "BIG JACK" MinnOE WODADED. Otawa, Ont, June 15. John A. Mun roe, better known as "Big Jack" Mun. roe. former prize fighter, has been seriously wounded in the European war, according to Monday nlghfs list of casualties among the Canadian con tingent issued by the militia depart- i ment here. Munroe enlisted as a xnem- Der ot rnncess I'aincias regiment at North Bay. Ont, where he had been in tbe mining business. POET MUST JOIN REGIMBXT. Rome. -Italy. June 15 The Journals d'ltalia says that Gabrlelle d'Annunzlo. SPEAK fOH PEACE Trie War At a Glance T.HD Italian Invasion of the Trentino, which heretofore has met with little opposition. Is now challenged by the Aus trians. A force of 25.0W Aostrlans left Trent Monday and Is advanc ing against the Italains on the Rli. a-Rovereto front. Heavy fighting has occurred on the Isonzo front, north of the "gulf of Trieste. A dispatch from Inns bruck. Austria, says the Austrian casualties in the vicinity of Gorz and Gradisca have amounted to 1509. with nearly as large a total for the Italians. Karlsruhe Bombarded Karlsruhe. Germany, has been bombarded by the allies' aviators. Great "War Credit Noted The British house of commons today voted another credit of ;i,:50.m,eM. making a total of S4.310,66.00 already allowed for war purposes. Premier Asquith, in moving the vote of credit, estimated the ex penditure of the next three months at not less than $1S,8,0. daily. British arr Lossex 33rI7 The lasses of men in the British navy up to May SI, were given offi cially in London today as 1S.S47, of whom 8:15 were killed. Conflicting Reports From Bast The extent of the new Austro German offensive in Galicla is in doubt Although Berlin and Vienna assert the whole Russian line over 11 u 11 mile front north and east of Przemysl was broken down, it is said officially at Petrograd that the Russians recaptured on Sunday almost all the advanced trenches north of Przemysl lost on Satnr da Further south, in the region of the Wiesnia river, successes for the Teutonic forces are acknowl edged. v An announcement from the Turkish war office claims a vic tory over the Russians tn the Trans-Caucasus: The Turks, it Is said, occupied Russians position la the eUreeteef tmiT'near the Rtre , shm-Jwrdec- Battleahlp Asramemnon Not Sunk Reports that the British battle ship Agamemnon bad been sunk by a German Mibmartne at the Dardanelles were denied officially today in London LOSSES, 13,147 London, Eng., June 15 Thirteen thousand five hundred and forty-seven officers and men of the British navy. Including marines and members of the naval division, have been killed, wound ed or reported missing since the be ginning of the war up to May IS, ac cording to announcement made in Lon don today Of this total S145 were killed. . England Will Spend $15,000,000 a Day In Next Three Months London. Eds. June 1C The house of commons this afternoon voted an other credit of SSe.m.M pounds. (Sl.250,006,000) making, with previous sums, a total of 86I.OOO.OOO pounds al ready allowed for war purposes. Premier Asquith, on moving a vote of credit, informed the house that the war expenditures in the next threo months would not be less than 115 006 000 daily GERMANY ENDS REPRISALS AGAINST ENEMY PRISONERS Berlin, Germany, June 15 As a re sult of the announcement by Great Britain that the harsher treatment of captured submarine crews had "been discontinued, Germany has stopped its reprisals against an equal number of British officer prisoners. They had been kept in solitary confinement With this problem out of the way, it is believed plans may be carried out for the exchange of enemy civilians who are incapcitated for military ser vice. SHIP SUNK WITHOUT WARNING; ONLY FOUR OF 11 ARE SAVED London, Eng, June 15 The British trawler Argyll was torpedoed and sunk today by a German submarine. Of the crew of 11 men. only four were saved. These were landed at Harwich, on the east coast The Argyll was sent to the bottom without warning and went down in less than two minutes. 25,000 AUSTRIANS ADVANCE AGAINST ITALIAN FRONT Innsbruck, Austria, June 15. Twenty-8ve thousand Austro-Hungar-ian troops left Trent Monday and are now advancing against the Italians on the Riva-Rovereto front HOLLAND BLOCKADES EXPORTS. GERMANY TO UNITED STATUS London, Ens., June 15 A blockade of German and Austrian goods passing through Holland for the United States has been declared absolute after June 15, according to the Times correspond ent at The Hague. The reason is not given. The correspondent aays the sta tistics for April show a Ug Increase in the export of food products from Holland to Germany, and a decrease In those for England. t in RH ITICU nCPimiBIRTISH GUNS IN AFRICA I ! luil ULulll Captain Of Liner Is the First To Testify That Ship Carried No Guns. SAYS PASSENGERS GAVE LITTLE AID People Rather Hindrance Than Help; Modern Seaman Inefficient. j LONDON, En&, June 16. "The Lusi- tanla was not armed and she j never was fitted out as a trans port," was one of the remarks made oy Sir Edward Carson, attorney general i in the new cabinet in addressing the court this morning at the opening of ) the board of trade inquiry into the loss ! oi ine uunara liner Baron Mersey, president of the court of inquiry, is assisted by admiral Sir Frederick Engelfield am Lieut Com. Hearn as naval assessors, and Capt Davies and Capt Speeding of the mer cantile marine. Attorney general Car son and Frederick K. Smith represent ed the board of trade, while the Cunard conzuveE Denies Liner Was Armed. Sir Edward Carson said he courted the fullest inquiry He made a com plete denial of the contention of tho German go eminent that the Lusltania was an armed vessel, carrying gum and serving as an auxiliary to the naval forces of Great Britain. ' In Jts note to permany." the speaker said, -the United States already has of ficially denied this, and the evidence I propose to call will confirm and fully prove the remarks of the American government that the Lusitania was not arraej and that- she never had been fitted out as a transport "Deliberate Attempt at Murder." "Without warning, a German sub marine fired two torpedoes at the Lu sitania and it is believed that a third projectile also was fired. Such an act was not only contrary to international law, but it is contrary to the dictates of civilization and humanity To sink passengers in this manner was a de liberate attempt at murder" "The real question arising," the at torney general said, "are only two. first as to the Navigation of the ship, having regard to the instructions and information conveyed by the admir alty; and, second, a3 to whether every thing was done that could be done after the ship was torpedoed." Captain Denlea Ship Armed. Capt Turner, of the Lusitania, ex amined by the attorney general, said the ship was not armed, either for of fence or defence, and carried no masked guns. The captain estimated that ten sec onds after the Lusitania was struck it was Impossible to stand on deck. He said the three difficulties in rescuing passengers were the list of the ship, her headwav, which carried her two or three miles after being struck, and the shortage of time. Passengers Rather Interfered. The captain testified he had given orders to look out for, submarines and to proceed at full speed if any were sighted. He said the boats had been swung out the morning of the day pre ceding the torpedoing Two lookouts were placed in the crow's nest, two at the bows and two officers on the bridge. When asked whether the passengers were giving help as far as they were able, he replied: Old Time Sailor Better. "Interfering. I should say" He added, however, that the passen gers showed a desire to assist In every way possible. Speaking of modern steamship hands, the captain said they were not as efficient as the old fash ioned sallorraen who would have been more effective in the work of rescue. At this juncture the public hearing was suspended while the court took secret evidence regarding' the Instruc tions of the admiralty AUSTR0-GERMAN FORCES TAKE M0SCISKA, GALICIA Berlin. Germany, June 15. Official announcement was made at the Ger man army headquarters today that the Austro-German forces operating In Galicla had captured the town of Mos ciska, IS miles northeast of FrzemvsL MORGW FIRM IS BUYING MUNITIONS FOR ENGLAND London, Eng, June 15. In an edi torial in the Chronicle it is announced that the banking house of J P Margon and company in New York is acting as agent for Great Britain for the pur chase of munitions in America, and that there is a growing desire for a re vision of this contract claiming it is no longer necessary to employ middle men In New York, r AUSTRIA II S 313 TYPHUS CASES. REPORT ASSERTS Paris, France, June 15 Three hun dred and 42 cases of typhus had been reported In Austria In the week ending June 5, according to a dispatch received by the Times from Berna, Switzerland. the Only I i T TRAGEDY tiammai"'tiLjwuumMmxi. -jams km" m aBaWW f I CrBsrHsssssssssssaKsXii. 4 i .9 WR 'la.'iPjSW t v rftKi--.. -KZT3 or3 W TAHDIHG. BIS, GWH ttt ,&& A British 1 po m er he -g put asiio'e from a nit transport to be mounted on an armored tram for use in the invasion of wnnan boutliwest Atnca- GHBD IDES 1 People Swarm Over Engines Also in Effort to Seach Places of Business. , Chicago, I1L, June 15. A burst of real June sunshine cheered the army of Chlcagoans who, because of the street railway strike, went to their occupations today In automobiles, vans, delivery wagons and on foot The suburban trains of the steam railroads, upon which .a great burden was thrust Monday, provided more ac commodations today, but all trains were Jammed with passengers. At the Gross Park station of the Chicago i. Northwestern a large crowd which had been unable to obtain a foothold on earlier trains, or even to buy tickets, broke through a barbed wire fence on to the station platform and swarmed on to the train. Thirty Jien found seats on the coal tender and 10 more In the engine cabin, the running boards and the cow catcher Anti-Strike Breaker Ordinance. No definite promise of peace was In sight The anti-strike breaker ordi nance passed by the city coancll Mon day night was placed in the hands of nuvor Thomoson. He has a week in which to veto it or to make It a law oy nis signature. . It provides that a certain period of training must be given motor-men and conductors and that their Instructors shall be men who have had three years' experience. 1- months of which has been In Chicago. Train Wrecking Attempt Fall. An attempt made by two men to wreck one of the south side trains failed. Standing on a fire escape, the men tried to throw a plank In front of the train. The plank landed on a coach and bounded off. Detectives on the train said they got good descrip tions of the men. Another train was the subject of an "air raid." when - man standing on the roof of a building near Eighteenth street hurled a brick into a car con taining 20 passengers. The missile hit a platform. Mediation Offer Rejected. An add bomb was thrown thta after noon from a building at Wells and West Kinzle streets. It smashed a window of a north bound elevated train but did no other damage. The presidents of the two traction companies, after a conference, re jected an offer of mediation made by the state board of arbitration on tn ground that several "talr" offers for this method ot settlement had bees refused by the unions, including a previous one by the board itself. The unions apparentl were paying no at tention to the offer SILVER CITY MAN SAYS ' HALF FREE, HALF SLAVE Santa Fe, N M-, June 15 Federal judge William H. Pope has remanded Thomas M Bates, of Silver City, to the custody of the sheriff of Grant county, quashing the writ of habeas corpus and dismissing the petition without preju- Bates attacked the constitutionality of the "suspended sentence" as enforced in New Mexico courts, declaring that it leaves a man half free and half slave. Bates bad been given a suspended en tenoe of 12 to It months and several months afterwards was brought before the court and without further trial ent to the penitentiary to serve the sentence. i Road Material Worth Item ; . -"''.uC!!mS5! FELIX IfilEZ FIB 1ESEHIE Judge Raynolds, H. B. Holt, H. 0. Bursum and McDon ald Also Mentioned. Santa Fe. N M, June 15 With the passing of the basket by the Democratic reorganlzers and the levying of contri butions, the 116 campaign may be fairly started. It seems to be taken for granted that Thomas B. Catron will be candidate for reelection to the United States senate and will have the inside track as far as delegates to the nominating convention is concerned. His opponents, however, are grooming Judge Herbert F. Raynolds for the sen atorship. and H. O Bursum and Her bert B Holt may also be formidable candidates. For governor, the progressive wing of the party favors Ralph C Ely, while the other wing "will have to take Se condino Romero B. C Hernandez Is quite certain of being renominated for congress. McDonald and Martinez. On the Democratic side, governor "W. C McDonald, Felix Martinez and A. A. Jones are most frequently mentioned for the senatorshlp and Antonio Lucero for governor. The prohibition question is to cut a wide swath in the election, as the "drys" are now as well organ ized as the "wets," and each side will make it a point to fight any candidate that has pronounced fcr the opposition. HARVEST HANDS WANTED . IN NEW MEXICO FOR WHEAT CROP Santa, Fe, N ML, June 15. Possibly for the first time In the history of New Mexico, there Is a call for bands to harvest the wheat crop. Curry county reports such abundant crop that outside hel is needed te garner it Even now threshing machines are working dally to dispose of the wheat crop of last year and will not finish the Job before the new crop Is ready Lto be cut Wheat Is proving a more profitable crop than either alfalfa or fruit WORK TO BEGIN ON NEW ARIZONA RAILROAD JULY 1 Phoenix. Ariz.. June IS A formal order giving the Tucson. Cornelia and Gila Bend Railroad company authority to issue SS75.00 worth of stock and the aame amount of bonds, will be issued this week by the corporation commis sion. Attorney Cleon T Knapp, of Bis. bee, represented the company at the hearing on the application. He stated that actual construction would be un der way by July 1 and that the road would be in operation by Jan. 1 SAN MIGUEL CHERRY TREES BEARING HEAVILY THIS YEAR La Mesa. N M June 15 One of the things' of beauty in the valley are the cherry trees in H. R. Hannum s orchard at San Miguel which are bearing heav ily for the first time. The treets are very healthy looking and are demon strating that cherries do well here RECLAMATION SERVICE TO LMPR0VE CARLSBAD PROJECT Santa Fe. N. M-. June IS. The recla mation service has ordered important Improvements on the McMillan reser voir of the Carlsbad Irrigation project The dike on the west side will be extended for some distance toward Lekewood and a new spillway provided lll sal J Former Secretary Of Navy Arraigns Petty Qualities 0Representatiaes. SPECIALSESSION MAY BE URGED Defence Advocates Discuss Means Of Preparing Na tion For Possible War. NEW YORK. June 15. An arraign ment of members of U S. con gress was delivered today by Charles J. Bonaparte, former secretary of the navy, in an address before the Peace and Preparation conference which Is seeking to find means of pre paring the United States for possibU war. He said members of congress are so wrapaed up in the political affairs of their ewn districts that it Is Impossible to interest them in the larger matters affecting the entire nation. May Urge Special Session. An executive aesauui of the con fnreMeti was called far Uua evening Wirt -fcV aWtmitfed. The nuipewe of the conference, whica began Monday, is "to Inquire nto ue necessary steps which should t.- taken for adequate defence and, if necessa , to urge upon the president of the I m ed States the need ot calling a specat session of congress. This, the concluding day of the con ference, was designated as navy aaj Two former secretaries of the navv department Charles J. Bonaparte an it George von L. Meyer, were among tae speakers in the morning session. Lake& Wright, former secretary o war. Geo. voa L. Meyer and Fredens. R. Coudert, lawyer, of New York, were to speak at lnnhceon. Urges Nation Wide Enrolment. The enrolment and military Instruc tion of every available able bodied iii in the United States between the ages of IS and 40 was recommended in the report of the militia committee. Na tional and state laws to this effect should be passed without delay In the opinion of the committee, which is headed by Cot Charles K Lyedecker Courses in military education and field hygiene should be embodied in the curriculum of every college. In the committee's opinion, and the huge en rolment of citizens, it is urged, should be affiliated as a reserve more closely with the regular army than the nation al guard Is now affiliated. A school ror officers to tram the cit bran soldiery is also advocated. Stlmson Points Out Dangers. Immediate preparation for a national defence adequate to meet any eventu ality was urged Monday night by Henrv L. Stlmsoa. secretary of war in the cab inet of president Taft in his address. "The main danger of war today," said the former secretary, "lies m the fact that we have so acted in the past as to give good reason for believing that we do not really mean to protect our rights. The surest way to get into a fight Is to use strong language and then stand with your hands in yoar pockets. Is there a man who doubts that president Wilson's note to Ger many would receive more attention i it was known that our navy was ia readiness and that our free people. ia the language of Washington, disci plined and trained to arms " Mr Stimson disclaimed intention of saying an thing that might embarrass the government but declared he con sidered it his dut and the duty Lf every American citizen to help create an intelligent public opinion. Mr btoi son asserted that the development ut the right of the neutral has been the means of "putting the brake upon. savagery." and then continued. In na, :. as follows Scores Germany's Actions. Today we are face to face with the European war in whfch. one of the com batants has reverted to the thorough golnglogic of primitive warfare. Find ing force to be the ultimate factor a. war, she has declined to recognize any inconvenient restrictions upon the use of the force which interfered with her purposes or methods of warfare The neutral rights of Belgian terrltor lay between her and her goal and she trod them anoT4r foot "Unable to barm the fortresses or battleships; of her island enemj he has not hesitated to bombard u-ip-o-tected. towns and illages. or to torpeio unarmed merchant esseis. It was li st liable that such an attitude mast sooner or later bring Germany into antagonism with the rights of every neatr&l nation dwelling in or doing business in Europe 'From the maritime code which reg ulated sea trade in the middle ages until today, it has been beyond dispute that the lives of neutral passengers. even on the merchantmen ot one s enemy, must be protected. This rigit of our neutral citizena German-' has trodden down on the plea that It has embarrassed her methods oi warfare . just as on a similar plea she trampled the rights of Belg'um. V. S. May Xse Force. MIf the government of the United (Coathiaed oa Tage S. CoL 4