OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, June 23, 1915, HOME EDITION, SPORT and Classified Section, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1915-06-23/ed-1/seq-9/

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Eise of Lead Ore Is Making
Property Pay; Nippess
Mine Sold for $18,000.
Douglas. Ariz., June 23. The Lead
vllle mine In the Chlrlcahua district Is
again producing-, according to George
A. Walker, interviewed at San Simon
"when he had arrived there from Para
dise. He brought the camp Into promi
nence In 1899 and is again operating it.
now that lead has climbed to a good
value. Mr Walker has Just shipped
a carload of rich ore to the El Paso
smelter, and expects to ship two car
loads of lower grade ore within a few
The Nippers property consisting of J 7
Claims, owned by Duffner and Walker,
has been bonded'to Douglas people for
$18,000. It is reported. Work was to
have started June 16 on a tunneL
Mr. Walker confirmed reports of the
striking of 200 feet of ore on the Hill
top property
Use Cocoanut Oil
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair in
good condition, the less soap you use
the better.
Host soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali. This dries
the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and
is very harmful. Just plain mulsl
fied cocoanut oil (which is pure and
entirely greaseless). Is much better
than soap or anything else you can
use for shampooing; as this can't
possibly injure the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with
water and rub it in. One or two tea
spoonfuls will make and. abundance
of rich, creamy lather, and eleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly. The
lather rinses out easily, and removes
every particle of dust, dirt, dand
ruff and excessive olL The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it
leaves it fine and silky, bright,
fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get mulsified cocoanut oil
at most any drug store. It is very
cheap, and a few ounces Is enough to
last everyone in the family for
months. Advertisement.
: ..JEsesSifcr s
The Color That
Proves the Flavor
IF YOU over-do the cooking of
a dainty, snow-white mor
sel, you give it a dark-yellow
color and a "harsh cooked
tasto". Has the evaporated milk
you are using a dark-yellow,
over-cooked color? Has it that
suggestive, strong flavor?
"From America's Healthiest Cows"
became of the usa of the most scientific
machinery In America; because of a less
severe process of sterilization; retains the
natural whiteness of p-re, fresh oream, and
has "less of that cooked taste" than any
other evaporated milk on tho market.
The above Illustration shows you tho dif
ference. Shows what scientific machinery
has produced In LILY MILK Illustrates
the lighter color, that proves the milder
12 Lily Milk can labels will
bring you our new COOS BOOS
Pacific Creamery Co.
Tempe s n s Arizona
Inspiration Concentrator
Will Be Treating 850
Tons by July 1.
Miami, Ariz, June 22. Before the end
of June, unless the unforseen happens,
three of the IS sections of the new
Inspiration concentrator should be in
operation and treating about SS0 tons
each, a total of 2250 tons Der day. Fol
lowing this the otner sections will be
brought into operation in successive
groups until the whole 18 are at work,
and it is expected that this result will
have been achieved early in 191C. It
is fair to assume that the operation cf
the earliest commissioned units will
have a decided influence upon certain
of the flow sheet and equipment details
In the section that will be commissioned
later; consequently there will not be
the same rush in starting the last sec
tions that has characterized the incep
tion of operations in the first sections
of the milL
Test 3IIU Works Well.
The 600-ton test mill xnat has been
in steady operation for the past 17
months has admirably fulfilled the pur
pose of its erection and operation, the
determination of the most economical
flow sheet it was possible to instal in
the main concentrating plant; and yet
this determination can be made witn
greater accuracy by operation of one
of the units of the mill proper. A
parallel case can be noted in late re
ports as to the partial remodeling of
certain sections of the Miami Copper
company's mill. In section 6. as a re
sult of modifications of the flow sheet,
it has been found that a better copper
recovery can be made than is passible
in nv of the other sections, with all
sections working on the same class of
ore; consequnetly. these other sections
are to be made to conform to the flow
sheet of section 6.
Considering the high recovery antici
pated at the Inspiration mill, the flow
sheet may be regarded as extremely
simple as compared with those of the
"porphyry copper" mills that have been
erected in recent years. Apparently
oil flotation and improved grinding
methods have been the potent factors
In developing this simplicity.
Parker. Ariz.. June 23. W. H.
Tharpe, who recently acquired a half
interest in the Billy Mack Mack mine,
six miles north of Parker, has sold half
his interest to Alan Klssock, of New
Jersey. Mr. Kissock is to bo personally
in charge of operations at the Billy
Mack. Within a few days 40 men .vill
be at work.
Machinery Is Being In
stalled in Main Shaft of
the Oatman Mine.
Kingman. Ariz, June 23. The Orion
Mining and Milling company, which re
cently took over the old Victor-Virgin
property, better known as the Gold
Dust, is preparing to unwater the main
shaft, which has a depth of SS0 feet,
and to start development work on the
upper levels.
tsast ot tne main shaft is the 375-foot
shaft which is the principal feature of
w.- viiiiiaL nuiaiuga. x Jitt IWU are
to be connected by a drive from the
Much rich ore was taken from the
stopes and 'drifts of the old levels, but
indications are that vast bodies still
exist there. Levels were established
at the 100 and 200-foot points and a
three-foot vein of ore was followed a
long distance.
West of the main shaft, a distance of
495 feet, is another shaft sunk by a
former management. It is 300 feet
deep and passed through the main Gold
Dust ore body on the dip. at a depth
of 91 feet. Four samples recently
taken from this vein gave results
from 411.26 to J30.94 to the ton in gold.
Machinery Installed In Oatman.
Machinery is being installed at the
main shaft of the Oatman Gold Mining
Jn?,.rn,nnf;r company, and necessary
buildings are being erected. This prop
erty lies northeast of and adjacent to
the Tom Iteed and is crossed by a series
of well mineralized ledges. At surface
and nominal depths these ledges have
(riven snmo tt Ik, ri,v.., ......
" - , - "- ""'real INXII1I1IIKS ever
secured in the Oatman camp. The shaft
Is In h, Clint" .n .,...,- . .. - r
--. au,, tw n ucum ot ami Ieet
without delay.
On fha Tllal, cni -. -.
Keed company the main shaft is down
more than 300 feet on its way to water
IeveL From that point crosscuts are to
Z,at ut, !2 intersect the northeast
extension of the Tom Iteed ore zone. It
is expected that the water level will
toann?Mntfe?t.at d6Pth f DOt more
Will Go to 500 Feet.
In a surprisingly short time the shaft
. . ,a bvuu was Been suns
more than 10 feet. Sinking will be
. . cpui vl 9vv ieet nos
--.---- "-' .a.o. Ant? ursi attempt
?Ldt1?Dm.en,t wrk be made St
i ,. V1- annougn the real
campaign will begin at the 500-fDot
KlnL There the ma,n and intersecting
ledges that gridiron the property wiU
be cut and developed. r
mlnn .KJ l "if OKI JIOIK
f??2 JIllfJLS- . Tli 'K Teln
pled. """"5."'y expio.cu aiiu wa-
R f! .TnpnKcAn a.nni j . " . -
V?"?'" ""Pi"'- " been
iT- --, lvr a. cunxerence -with'
the principal stockholders. The confer
,result in an arrangement to
Zl P company for big things.
For the last year the company has bef n
de7nt?nnUf e- S JiaSSn
1 .,-. -----, -jwu, duo some wcn
j derful bodies of copper-molybdenite ore
iii,. . .i.. 1 , "l"e greaiest neces
sity at this time is a mill to dress the
ores for market. At the present time
ferro-molybdenum metal Is quoted at
.75 a pound, which gives great value
to the Leviathan ores.
On the 465 and 565-foot levels of the
ITmted Eastern mine, drifts have been
earned north and south along the v-in
a distance of more than 50 feet Wm
,1., or,e has been opened on the J65
f oot level a large part of the "vern o
ing freely speckled with gold. On
the level above the ore is just as rich as
in the crosscut.
Phoenix. Artx, June 2. Several im
portant legal points have been settled
by the supreme court In decidlnc- tho
i case entitled state of Arizona vs. the
Miami Copper company, appealed by the
company irom tne superior court of
Gila county. A fine of J 590 imposed
upon the company for alleged violation
of the eight hour law in its electric
plant, will not be collected, for the
case wa3 reversed and remanded.
Nine of the 12 jurors who heard the
case in the lower court decided that the
company was guilty on 15 counts and
fixed the total fine at $00. That was
In June. 1913. but it was not till Oc
tober, 1913. that the Arizona law per
mitting nine jurors to bring In a ver
dict in a case of this kind became ef
fective. On this ground the Judgment
was reversed.
The appellant set np the claim that
the superior court did not have Juris
diction, as the maximum fine that could
be assessed on each count was onlv
$100; that all cases Involving less than
$200 should be handled In justice
courts. The supreme court overruled
this contention, holding that the pos
sible fines were cumulative and that
the various counts really constituted
only one case.
Phoenix. Ariz.. June it. The head
quarters of the Arizona Chapter of the
American Mining congress have been
transferred from Phoenix to Prescott
for the summer. Secretary John H.
Robinson will have his office in the
mile-high city till September.
Melbourne Australia, June 23. The
movement for a coalition government
for the commonwealth of Australia un
til the end of the war appears to be
growing in strength.
Both the Age (Radical) and the Argus
(Liberal) urge the gravity of the situa
tion and demand a real sinking of
party politics in the national arena.
Bulldins Permits.
To Juan Garcia, to build a pereh and
make repairs at ii Hill street, estimated
cost S100.
To Jesus F. Romero to Duild an adobe on
lot 3, block 1. Miratlora addition; -Mlmaled
cost SUD.
To Mrs. D. LaB. to build a brick out
hoase on the northwest corner of Rio tirande
and Campbell streets, estimated coat 315.
To Ilcolas Abraham to rase building at
Chihuahua street and Santa Fe tracks, es
timated cost $25.
ToA. M. Sackett to erect a sleeping porch
at 1108 North Virgala. street; estimated cost
To S. D. Baaeford. to build a porch and
make repairs at S4 Myrtle avenue; estimated
cost tS5.
Deeds Filed.
South side of Aurora street, between Da
kota and Kentucky avenues J. S. P. Gar
field and wife to II. C and Cora B. Work
man, lots 29 and east half of lot 3. 81. High
land Park addition; consideration $30; June
IS, 1315.
East side of Porflrio Diaz street, between
Mundy avenue and Roosevelt street W.
Cooley and J. F. Primm to El Paso Brick
company, south 2f feet of lots 34. 35, 34 and
37. block 1. Mundy Heights addition, con
sideration 5M. May U, 1S15.
North side of Texaa street, between Brown
and Newman streets E. Hewit Rodgers to
El Paso Brick company, lots 37 and 28.
block 3. Franklin Heights addition; conrtd
eratton ;; June 11. 1915.
South side of Oro street, between Crockett
and Bowie streets Florence F. Dwver to
Jose Gqerra. lots IS and 19, block 4. French
addition, conlrleration $10. June 3. 1915
Lot in Summit Pla'-e B K Oanfill to J .
Anaye, lot 21, b'oik 15 Summit Place addl-
New Owners Will Sink Main Crowds Visit Architectual
Shaft to Depth of
1000 Feet.
Trescott, Ariz.. June 22. J. L Gilles
pie, an Investor of Tulsa, Okla.. has
Just closed a deal for the property et
the Harris Copper company, at the
junction of the Agua Fria river and
Black Canyon creek. Other Tulsa men
are interested in this deal, which is of
great importance.
Under the management of the late C
C Harris, the Harris ground was devel
oped in a desultory sort of way. Sev
eral hundred tons of high grade copper
ore were freighted to Beardsley anl
shipped, but no systematic effort was
ever made to prove the ore body. The
Kay mine, adjoining, is a proven prop
erty, however, and the vein cuts right
through the Harris claims.
Gillespie plans to sink the main shall
to a depth of 100 feet without delay.
A wagon road to Turkey station on the
Bradshaw mountain railroad, was re
cently completed and the freighting in
of machinery and supplies is now an
easy matter.
The old mill at the Union mine. Chap
arral district, is now operating on hish
grade gold ore It will continue as long
as water is available.
Little doubt exists that the Big Ledge
Development company has demon
strated, through diamond drilling, the
existence of a new copper field three
miles east of Humboldt. The first hole
penetrated a great body of ore carrying
seven percent copper The depth of
this hole has not been given out. but
a second one is now being sunk and
the company Is putting more men to
work. Over 40 claims are included
in the Big Ledge group and all are -to
be prospected thoroughly.
There are a number of outcrops of
copper-bearing rock in that region.
Some mining men claim that they ex
tend all the way from Jerome to the
Black hills.
It is reported that two molydnite
mines In southern Tavapal county were
recently purchased by eastern parties.
Milydnite is much In demand now. It
is used in Europe for the manufacture
of high explosives, of which picric acid
Is the base. In Mohave county recently
a molyndite prospect sold for $25,000
F- M Anderson, who recently pur
chased the old Little silver mine, near
Humboldt, has erected a whim and un
watered the shaft. Active exploration
is now under way. Samples from the
bottom of the shaft carry good values
George C. Meese. president of the
Rosalie Copper company, has arrived
from Los Angeles and Is making ar
rangements for the resumption of
operations on a large scale. The camp
is IS miles east of Majer. Early his
year th Rosalie we operated for a
time. The Rosalie ores carry good gold
values and a high percentage uf copor.
V c5BBaSSif y
Geo. F. Mitchell Applying Smelling Test to Tea.
Uncle Sam says that most of the 100,000 pounds of tea imported into this
country annually is spoiled in the brewing, lieo. F. Mitchell, the government tea
expert, ghes the following recipe for making tea:
"Into an earthen pot which has been previously scalded, put an even tea
spoonful of tea for every cup desired, and an extra tcaspoonfn for the pot.
Four over it water which has been boiling for at least a minute. Let it stand for
exactly three minutes, then decant it into another pot, preferably as earthen one,
which has also been scalded, and serve from this."
Uncle Sara permits no bail tea to come into the country. All our tea is
good; bad brewing makes it bad.
tion; consideration I121.S4: June T. 1915.
Automobiles Licensed.
3757 John E Qua id. 919 Ange street;
fiie passenger Overland.
J7J8 Wm. Blrt. 90s North El Paso street:
Sears runabout.
I7J9 Mrs. R. F Connell. Fort Bliss; five
passenger Ford.
3740 Ulobe Mills, El Paso; two passenger
Are Yom Heady
For Your Trip? Take
mn a p mjri4
aSted Milk
with you when Yachting, Camping,
Motoring, Fishing, or Golfing.
A nutritious,saiisfying Food-Drink ready
in a moment, A good light lunch when
tired or run down. Simply dissolve in water,
hot or cold. A fine night's rest is assured
if you take a cupful hot before retiring.
Our Lunch Tablets are the acme of con
venient nourishment. Dissolve a few
in the mouth when fatigued or hungry.
Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis.
$sFKoSubstitutcis"JustasGood" I
as HORLICK'S, tiio Original 1
nffSlai ft
Show; Mayor Lea iraises
Opening night at tne architects ex
position was a complete success and an
annual display of the best architectural
work of the city, southwest and United
States is now assured for El Paso.
The first annual exposition is betng
held at the chamber of commerce build
ing, which has been converted into an
exhibition hall for the exhibit, which Is
free to the public and which will con
tinue the remainder of the week. Even
the local architects themselves who had
planned the exposition and had fur
nished many of the exhibits for the
show, were surprised when they at
tended the opening Tuesday night. It
was the first time the Illumination had
been turned on for the exposition and
the pictures stood out in the reflected
light from the border lamps, which
made all of their outlines appear like
miniatures of the buildings they were
to represent. This was particularly
true of the work of Willis Folk, the
San Francisco architect, who has a
large collection of drawing at the ex
position. They are some of the finest
ever shown at an architectural exposi
tion, local architects declare. His water
station at Spring Valley, the temple to
water nearby and the Mills bank In
Sacramento are especially fine and a
large crowd stood in front of these ex
hibits all evening Tuesday.
Mayor Lea Opens Exposition.
There was no formal opening of the
first annual exposition of the South
western Architects" association. Mayor
Tom Lea was present and. to the group
of architects who were responsible for
the exposition, he expressed his appre
ciation of what they were doing for
civic beautiflcation. "An architect Is
a dreamer who makes his dreams come
true." the mayor said. "He 13 the one
man in a community who never loses
his point of view, who never allows
business to blur his vision of a city
beautlful and he is the man who makes
the adornment of a city possible. The
world needs more such dreamers who
bring their dreams to a realization, and
the architects of Kl Paso are doln? their
part to make this a better city by mak
ing It a more beautiful one to live In."
All Tuesday evening San Francisco
street was lined with people going to
and coming from the architects' expo
sition. Some of the most prominent
men in the city called to examine the
exhibits and study the drawings which
had been made by the local and out
side architects. Among them were R.
B. Orndorfr, president or tne cnamoer
of commerce, who Is especially inter
ested in civic beautiflcation and who
has been of material assistance to the
association in preparing the exposi
tion. S. J. Heafield. general manager
3741 C C Chenowetb, 515 North Staaton
street, five passenger 3aoBarch.
' 742 El Paso Ice Cream company, 19
West Overlaad street. Overland traek.
3741 Jacob Mann, 1414 East Boulevard;
flte passenger Ford.
J744 Carlos Terrazas, 142 Myrtle ave
nue, five passenger Ford.
3745 Hugh H. McCalleck. 115 San Afl
tonlo street; five passenger Overlaad,
374S Mrs. W. F. Jacobv. 2820 But Bio
Grande street; Ave passenger Chalmers.
3747 F. H. Harris. Caautlllo. Texas; five
passenger Ford.
Mrs. SalUe Graves, June 20, aged 7 years;
burial Evergreen cemetery. June It.
Juan Espeaasa, 514 Kansas street. Jbbo
21. aged one day, burial Concordia ceme
tery. June 22.
EH Ira Bodes, 1109. Ninth street. June 21,
aged 10 months, burial Concordia cemetery,
June 22.
James McLaughlin, local hospital, June 20,
aged 5S years, burial Concordia cemetery.
June 22.
Mrs. Susie A 'Wells, Talets, Juno 22, aged
82 years, burial Evergreen cemetery, Juno 22.
Ernesto Tores. 80S South St Train street;
June 22. aged two years; burial Concordia
cemetery Juno 22.
Susie Scott, local hospital. Juno 21. aged
37 years, burial Concordia cemetery, June 22.
Mary Casey, local hospital, June 21. aged
30 years, burial Eergreen cemetery June 22.
Richard Wil'lam". eruptive hospital. June
21. aged 31 jears, bur.al Concordia cemetery.
Juno 32
Guadalupe Men.ie: 100S South Virginia.
June 22. aged six months, burial Concordia
cemetery. June 22
Illithn Vale.
To Mr A'!n' O. French, 4106 Cumber
land street, June 9.
1 of the International Brick company,
was another caller Tuesday evening to
examine the drawings of buildings,
many of which will be built with brick
from the S250.0OO plant he manages. A
drawing of the office of the brick com
pany is one of the exhibits at the
architectural show.
Civic Center Exhibits.
! The Chicago. Minneapolis and Syra
cuse civic center plans attracted more
I attention than any other group of
I drawings at the exposition. These were
carefully studied by the callers, especlal-
Ily the business men and city officials,
and many discussions of how these
plans could be adapted to El Paso"s
needs were held In front of the civic
center section. The Chicago drawings
by D. H. Bernham were especially In
l terestlng. as they show. In detail, the
wide scope of the plans for the beauti
flcation of Chicaco by the widening of
' streets now lined with massive bulld
lngs. the establishment of a civic cen
. ter on the lake front, the erection of
I fountains in the wide boulevards, the
I lining of Michigan boulevard and other
i drives with parking and trees and the
arrangement of the lake front Itself to
I give the best possible harbor facilities
! and at the same time enhance the
i i..u,w nf th isfcH front.
Exposition Is Free.
The exposition will continue during
the remainder of the week. An orches
tra is furnishing music eaeh evening,
the exhibition hall has been filled with
palms, and punch Is served to everyone
who calls to see the exposition. The
members of the architects' association
are acting as guides during the week
and are showing the crowds the dif
ferent sections and explaining in de
tali the drawings which make up the
exhibits. . ,.
This evening H. D. Slater will give
- a lecture on "The City
Beautiful." There is no admission
charge to any of the exhibits and the
public Is Jnvited.
Knights of Pythias of El Paso are
entertaining H. E. Ellis, grand chan
cellor of the grand domain of Texas.
He arrived Wednesday morning on the
Texas & Pacific from his home in
Denison. Tex, and will remain here
during the remainder of the week.
Mr. Ellis was elected head of the
Knights or Pythias lodges of Texas at
tho last meeting of the grand lodge at
Fort 'Worth when V. S. Goen was
elected vice chancellor of the grand
domain and who will succeed Mr. Ellis
as grand chancellor at the next meet
ing in Brownwood. He is editor of the
Denison Herald and one of the leading
newspaper men of tho state.
His wife and daughter have been
visiting In EI Paso for the past two
weeks and he Is with them at their
apartment in the Brazos flats. Thurs
day evening the El Paso lodge will en
tertain in honor of tho distinguished
lodgeman. Following; the regular
meeting an entertainment and recep
tion will be given for Mr. Ellis and
he will make a talk on the lodge.
The grand chancellor was met at the
statlno by TJ. S. Goen and Dr. Carl Lee
Smith as a committee from the EI Paso
Washington, D. C, June 23! Tho con
struction of the governments railroad
in Alaska is now under way. according
to an official report received by secre
tary of the interior Lane irom xjeut.
Mears of the Alaska engineering com
mission. Lieut. Mears has established
hia base of supplies at Ship's Creek.
Cook's Inlet, and is landing materials
and supplies.
Building of wagon roads, oti of the
first requisites of the railroad con
struction, is under way and the force
on that work will be increased to
2000 men as facilities can be provided
for bringing material to employ that
"By using water transportation along
the Knik arm," Lieut. Mears reported,
"we araable to attack the line at
various anoints. We already have an
active construction camp at Eagle
river. 12 miles up the coast, and an
other has been started at Peters creek,
about 10 miles farther north. We In
tend to continue this system of estab
lishing camps along the tide water,
close to the lino as fast as the final
location Is completed and the neces
sary construction arraneements made.
The first operation of the engineers
was to build a dock at Ship creek for
unloading supplies. A number of
barges and lighters and a floating dock
for the unloading of ships also has
been provided and with those facilities
the engineers, on their first Job, nn
loaded 1,000,00 feet of lumber from a
steamer in three days. The Alaskan
line, when completed, will be 471 miles
long, extending from Seward to Fair
El Paso is on the map of the eoast
to coast aeroplane contest which will
start July 4 and continue for 1H days
until Columbus day. October II.
These contests, for which S156.M9 In
prizes have been offered, will Include
endurance tests, speed tests and con
tests in cross country flying. The con
tests will be held along the four main
continental highways Including the
Borderland route. The flying contest
is being arranged under the auspices
of the Aero club of Illinois and the
Aero club of America.
The Lincoln highway has been desig
nated as the main route for these aero
planes but the three other routes have
also been designated and aeroplane
owners will fly to these routes and
compete along these routes under the
auspices of the two clubs.
As there are no aeroplanes in EI Paso
except the ones used by Villa, it is not
probable that any flying will be done
here unless some of the northern flyers
come through EI Paso en route to the
coast or western aviators fly this way
toward the east.
So many applications for tickets fbr
tfre chamber of commerce excursion to
the Elephant Butte dam on July 4 are
aelng received that the allotted num
ber. 110. may be doubled. Should this
be done the entire excursion will be run
on one train to the junction, where it
'will be transported on two specials to
the dam.
Day fireworks at the dam will be a
feature of the excursion. Arrange
ments have been made with the Harvev
house to prepare the lunches, which
will Include a regular picnic menu.
The excursion will leave at 7 a. m.
and return at 7 p. m., with a 30 minute
stop at Rincon on the return trip.
Tickets will be placed on sale at the
chamber of commerce late this week.
Hundreds of letters describing the
many advantages of EI Paso as a site
for the Moose sanitarium, are being
prepared by the publicity bureau and
are being sent to Moose lodges
throughout the country, together with
copies of the "Brief Facts About El
Paso" booklets.
Wednesday the Moose opened an of
fice In the chamber of commerce build
ing, in charge of E. F. Phelan. to take
charge of the campaign of publicity,
which will be continued up to the time
of arrival of the big Moose delegation
to San Diego, which will pass through
El Paso on July IB
Harrisburg. Pa.. June 23 The atala
board of pardons Tuesday night an
nounced that it had refused to recom
mend pardon for il-s. Helm Boyle, the
accomplice of James Bole, her hus-h-i'id.
in the kidnaping of "i,illy"
Whitla from his home at Sharon, Pa, i
In March, 1909. j
iWiHE mtm
KB 5 tin I
mum w fiispsrin
Before tho stork
arrives there is much
to talk about. The
comfort of tho expec
tant mother U the
chief topic Andtbera
Is sure to be someoso
who has used or ksowj
of that splendid ex-
Friend. It 1.3 a7mlt? fo th aMnmU.! ....
cles, gently rubbed In and has a most pro
nounced effect as a lubricant. It soothes the
, Eetwort of nerves, enables the muscles to
expand naturally, reHeres strain on the Hga.
zaents and thus sets at ease any undue strain
on the organs Involved. And it does this with
perfect safety. Expectant mothers thus go
through the ordeal with comparative ease and
comfort. Snowing mothers who have used
"Mother'a Friend" speak In glowms terms of
the absence of teonuBg sickness, absence of
strain on the Boamems and a freedom from.
, main? other distresses.
Ton can get "Mother's Friend" at any dms
store or they will gladly get ft for you. writa
today to Eradaeld Bedalor Co, 4i T.3m.r
' P" AUaBta. Ga for a Mgahr InstrucUTo
. DOOk Of rrcat VAlna fn all A-uf it
- - - o - . KvMi, iuuuicrs.
It contains a valuable expectancy chart, rules
on diet and Is brunfal of jusjrEstloas vyr ti
umen will appreciate.
Stop Using a Truss
TRUSS WEARERS. Ken's Crest, Good, Haws
frewnae. Torturous Trusses can t thrown swayfor
erer. and iti all btcasM STUART'S 1-LAFAO-PADS
are different tram tba patafal truss, bela? peaclM
ftppBeaiora mzdo sif-adttestTe purposely to prerrat
sbpptoz and to aUord. an arranzement to nala t
distended xausdes tecarely to place.
cannot slip, so cannot rbafa or press azainst tbe paste
base. Ttaaaasnds have treated themselves In the privacy
ot the home most obstinate cases cured delay
fromvrork. Soft as velvet easy to 37 Inexpensive.
Process ot recutcii ts natural, so afterwards no toe
for trusses. Awarded Gold M dal lotemaxioaal Expo
sitoo. Roaaca Grand Prix et Pans. Write cs today to
prove It by sendtes TRIAL FLAPAO FRE& Address,
nao Laboratories, E3sdcI100St,lieuis,K
Lime Medication
In Tuberculosis
In the X. T. Medical Record c" De
cember 5 1914. Dr. John Xorth. of
Toledo, sayst I have come to the con
clusion that one of the moat prominent
causes (of tuberculosis) Is 'lime atarta
tlon. In all eases of Incipient tber
enloals there is a deficiency of calcium.
Many do not ent food containing enooith
lime. In such eases we must resort
to lime medication."
Eckman's Alterative should be given
a fair trial in such cases, because one
of its chief Ingredients is calcium
(lime). In such combination with other
remedial agents as to be easily assim
ilated by the average person.
"Where Its use Is combined with
proper diet, fresh air and hygienic
living conditions, we believe it 'will
prove beneficial In any case of tuber
culosis. It contains no opiates, narcotics or
habit-forming drugs, so is safe to try.
From your druggist or direct.
Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia.
Sold by Kelly & Pollard, Knoblauch
Drug Co, Peoples Drug Store and lead
ing druggists. Advertisement.
Simple Solution
Hair Growths
There Is only one safe and sure war
of getting hairs off the face, arras or
neck, and that is to dissolve them, then
you destroy the hair roots entirely. To
do this, simply get an ounce of sulfo so
lution from your druggist: apply tho
solution with the finger tips to the
hairs, keeping them moist for a few
minutes, you will soon see the hairs
shrivel up and dissolve away entirely.
After washing, you will find the skin
is left soft and smooth as velvet
Easy matter to Exterminate Tnese
Filthy Pests.
Even a feeble Imagination can think
of the germs the cockroach must bring
as it crawls around the kitchen and
pantry, contaminating and spoiling
food. Now is. the time to kill off the
ccokroaches and free your home from
the repulsive insects. A dozen cock
roaches killed now is better than kill
ing hundreds later.
A two-ounce box of Steam's Electric
Pasta which you can get for twenty-five
cents from any druggist, will rid your
home of cockroaches or -water bugs. It
Is much better than powders, as It can
not blow away and get into the food
Easy to use and an absolute extermi
nator. Directions in fifteen languages
in every package. Advertisement.
For sour acid stomachs, gas and fer
mentation of fi.od A tea-pot.n'-U In a
fourth of a glass of hot water usnall
gives INSTANT .ojiLlEF. Sold by j'l
druggists in either powder or table:
form at 50 cents per bottle Adv.
Assayer and Chemist. Agent for ore
shippers. Look after consignments
at both Copper Queen and C. & A.
Laboratory 3S5 10th St.
Donglas, Ariz. : : Box 332.
I buy gold and silver bullion.
Sw 30fi aoerimoun fgjH

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