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y MINING NEWS SOUTHWESTERN DEVELOPMENT. Week-End .Edition, October 2-3, lyiD. 3 B READY Tl : LIIESMSIH1I1LI1I E BONANZA JHoswell Is Ready to Enter tain New Mexico at the Big Prosperity Fair. Ttoswel. N. M., Oct. Z. Everything Is m readiness for the State Livestock E position and Products shew. The 'rig show will start Monday and con tinue through the week. dditional buildings have Been erected, a 50 foot addition to the horse, ham has been built and another of the same size to the dairy barn. All or thise impro ements have been made necessar by the growth of the ex position since last year as the old buildings were found entirely too small for the big show. The crowds which will make the e! ow a success are assured and plans are bein made in all towns, settle ments and farms of eastern New Mexico as well as the entire state to attend the exposition A special train Rill be run fiom Albuquerque and "n ill bring 100 business men from that cit The publicitv department of the exposition has done its work well pnl there is is much interest in the products exposition as there is in the state fair at Albuquerque The horse department of the fair promises to be one of the big features. There will be races and some of the best horses in the state have been en tered for the contest The amusement fatures hare not been overlooked and there will be music, many -sideshows. and other entertainment features at the fair. Roswell, the plains country and all of eastern Xew Mexico have united to make the state livestock exposition a big success and these men who nave deoted the greater part of their time to the big show will see the results of their efforts next "week when the fair grounds will be crowded with people and the buildings filled with splendid exhibits of livestock, agri culture, horticulture and other re sources of the prosperous Pecos val- I?B HENRIETTA AND BUTTERNUT MINE GROUPS CHANGE HANDS Prescott Ariz., Oct. 2. One of the most important roininp deal that has heei put through in Tavapat county TT..s closed when the BSr Ledfre Devel opment company bought the Henrietta an-1 Butternut groups. The Henrietta tv .r formerly one of the standard gold producers of the district and it is the grei.eral opinion of mining engineers conversant with the property that there is much good ore to be found with greater depth and proper devel opment. The Butternut claims were bought chiefly for the silicious - content of their ores which, while carrying good copper values, w ill serve admirably as a flux for the Big Ledge ores. It h is been definitely decided to erect a reduction plant on the Big Ledge prop erties and work is to commence at once. SWANSEA MINE DISTRICT HAS OLD TIME ACTIVITY Phoenix. Arte, Oct I. A. -. Mit chell, manager of the Arizona and Swansea riallrad. was in Phoenix and ii ought news of a wonderful rejuve nal on of the once famous Swansea Trining district The Planet and Swan S3.' mines are producing steadily and in quantity sufficient to warrant the running of three trains weekly to the smtlter at HamboMt and a. number of smeller properties are shipping an oc cax.onal carload of high grade ore. The development of the district, ac cording to Mitchell, is proceeding .it a rate unknown for a quarter of a century Horn Silver Is Found in Old Workings Near Mexican Border byPhoenixMen. Phoenix. Ariz.. Oct 2. The reported discovery of two "antiguas" in the dis trict lying between Ajo and the Mexi can boundary seems thoroughly veri fied by reports brought here today by men who have been on the ground. Seme three monts ago a party, headed by F 3C and Ival A. McCann. made a systematic search for traces of mines and a mission said to have existed a few miles from Sonolta, Mex. They spent several weeks in a care ful survey of the country, working north from the Mexican border town, and finally located an old shaft whlca seemed to have been abandoned for many years. The dump running from the mouth of the shaft showed high values la copper. An attempt was marie to 'penetrate the old workings, but was foiled by the presence of thousands of rattlesnakes. Find Horn Silver. The party penetrated the workings to s distance of less than SO feet but found ample evidence that the work ings were in rich ore. Horn silver was found in the walls of the shaft and it appeared a typical working of the old Spanish regime, when mining consisted chiefly in gophering along the vein. A second trip was made to the prop erty a few weeks ago and plans were made to clear the shaft of snakes and debris. A large party will leave here on Monday to make another attempt Gets 73000 From One Car. A storekeeper nemed Levy at Ajo found another antigua three miles from the McCann discovery and has shipped a car of ore which netted him a trifle more than $3,000 after paying all ex pense of mining, freighting 90 miles to the railroad, freight and smelting charges. Considerable local excitement has been caused by these discoveries and it is likely that the district will be pros pected thoroughly. Xew 31111 at Jerome. A new 100 ton mill is being Installed at the Copper Chief mine near Jerome, where the Hayden Development corn pan, 3 close corporation, has been do ing much quiet work for the past ten years. The ores at this mine are highly complex, containing copper, silver, gold and lead. The mill was specially de signed for their treatment and an ar rival from the camp states here today that more than 500.000 tons of ore have been developed. A 20 ton shipment of the ores was made to Denver before the mill was designed and the values a-e said to have been highly satisfac tory Think Oil Prospects Good. Oil prospects are very much in the public eye at this time following the relocation of 21 claims in the Big Horn district which lies west and slightly north of Phoenix near the Big Horn mountains. "Buffalo Bill" Cody spent a small fortune in drilling there several years ago. and after going through 790 feet of solid shale, abandoned the attempt The relocators have an nounced their intention of commencing operations at once and of continuing to boring through the shale. In the Tonto basin country several drills are at. work and in one of the wells, it is said that gas has been flow ing for more than a week. !SAYS NACOZAEI ! MINE IS PAYING ! rr.i.c-lf Ariz.. Oct 2. A letter from ' John U. Alexander, prsldent of the Nacozari Consolidated Copper company . which is operating a property a few miles from Nacozari, Sonora, states a , recent 40 ton shipment of concentrates 10 uie EaI ran .mvirr uci . company $20S.3i. The ..mpany ex pects to make steady shipments or one to two carloads a month if there is no interference by Mexican author ities with the Nacozari railroad, Alex ander states. The letter also states the company is planning to jnstal equipment for the separation of zinc Talues from cop per. A strike of native silver is re ported in the San Pablo claim. INSPIRATION UNDERGROUND WORK IS BREAKING RECORD Miami, Ariz Oct 2. Underground work at the Inspiration mines is pro ceeding at a rate never before at tempted in the history of the property Th stoping areas are being mapped oai and put in shape for a production that will crowd the mill to its ultimate capacity. Compressed air locomotives are be ing used for tramming on the main haulage levels of the mine and are said to be giving most excellent service. The air locomotives are able to haal 25 ton cars without trouble and it is claimed that their use shows a slight cost advantage over electrically drivn engines. The compressors deliver the air to the locomotives at 1000 pounds per square inch pressure, and this is reduced to 250 pounds for operation. VERDE VALLEY0iL WELL TO BE DRILLED TO 3000 FEET Clarksdale. Ariz, Oct 2. The Verde Valley OH company has made prepara tions to continue its well to a depth or 3000 feet The work was abandoned a year ago, after the well had reached a depth of 1700 feet It is said that the drill penetrated more than feet of solid salt and ,it is thought that this fact may be the true reason for the revival of the company. C. & A. RESCUE TEAM RETURNS FROM EXPOSITION Bisbee. Ariz, Oct 2. The "Calumet and Arizona mine rescue team has re turned from San Francisco, where it visited the exposition and took part in, the national contest for mine rescue work. The team took second place. First place went to a team from the TJtah Coal company. Capt J. C Green way, general manager of the Calumet and Arizona company, accompanied the team to San Francisco. Lina Cavalieri Tells How To Bathe For Real Beauty By MME. LINA CAVALIERI. LET me direct-the baths of the body and the complexion will take care of itself. - - The daily bath, in some instances the bath twice a day, is not, as persons ad vanced in some directions and pitiably :a t is a neceffbiiy. " does not, as some ig norantly assume, de stroy the oils of the skin. It causes thera to circulate more freely through the medium of the skin. h- "4 && E vr GOLD ORE ASSAYING $17 IS FOUND IN MINE NEAR GLOBE Globe. Ariz. Oct 2. Work on the Pmal Mountain Mining company's prop erty, eight miles southwest of Globe, is progressing satisfactorily and it is s ill that the mine will ship within a few weeks. More than 1000 feet of tunnel have been completed and 317 gold ore has been encountered in sev eral strong veins. It is proposed to strip back from the. three tunnels al re?d driven on account of the un usual width of the vein thus far un co ered. BiG COMPRESSOR AND HOIST INSTALLED IN 0ATMAN MINE Oatman. Ariz.. Oct 2. A horse power compressor and a large hoist have been installed on the property of the Jerome-Oatman Mining company. It is intended to commence further s.nking of the shaft as soon as this machinery is placed and it is planned to have the shaft down to the 500 foot le e within three months. DOUGLAS SAYS CLIFTON MINERS ARE FAIRLY PAID Bisbee, Ariz, Oct 2. Walter Doug-la.-s managing director of Phelps, Dcdge and company, has returned from a visit of inspection at Clifton, where the big strike of copper mine employes is in progress and has given out a statement explaining the attitude of the companies. Relative to the demand of the miners for the Miami scale, he says: "Americans, who constituted about 38 percent of the employes, and wno occupied positions of trust and skill, were receiving same pay as in other mining camps of the southwest Un skilled labor was performed largely by Mexicans and Spaniards, whore wages exceeded those paid for similar labor elsewhere. "In order to view the situation In telligently, it must be borne in mind that the Clifton-Morenci-Metcalf dis trict comprises the highest cost mines in Arizona. Taking into consideration th fact that the average price of cop per for the past ten years has been less than 14 cents. It is obvious that the companies are barely able to earn the interest on their investments. It is equally obvious that it is commercially impossible to increase wages and con tinue to operate." COMMONWEALTH EXTENSION BEGINS SHIPPING ORE Court land. Ariz, Oct 2. Tne first shipment of ore has been sent from the Commonwealth Extension mine to the Copper Queen smelter at Douglas. The ore is being taken from the 15 and 200 foot levels Work is being continued on both levels. DR. BRADEN FINDS MEDICNE CASE IN A PAWNSHOP Dr. C F. Braden. who lost a black leather hand bag on Monday, September 27, while his car was standing in front of the St Clement's Episcopal church, discovered his bag in a pawnshop on Fifth street where the bag had been pawned for 00 cents and a small case of instruments for 31. The compartment which held the drugs and hypodermic syringe were missing, as were also the packet con taining stethoscope and larger surgical instruments. x The Daily Novelette The Denth of Jacob Boirervoeks. Da Sang Jk Wellborn, phone 390, car pets cleaned clean. Advertisement Why does he hold hi arms that way, And Hcurry like a rahbltf He cannot help it, so they sari It Is the package habit IT WAS the hottest August 33 In the history of the weather bureau. There was no hotter man In the city than Enoch Wisners. for 32 people by actual count had asked him in the past hour If It was hot enough for him, and each time he had been asked, his temperature had leaped two degrees higher with rage, and stayed there. "I must set away from my fellow men or else commit a crime!" he cried, and boarded a trolley car bound for the country. "Hot enough for you?" asked the con ductor pleasantly. "Not for you!" replied Enoch wildly, and leaped backwards off the car, his .fingers itching for the fellow's throat The next day one dies!" he vowed and rushed into a pawnbroker's office. "Give me a loaded revolver," he de manded. The pawnbroker gave it to him. "Is it hot enough for you? he said. (The end.) My skin happens to be exceedingly thin and sensitive, annoying)? so. If it were one of the harder, more durable r with n fondenev to a coarsening and rougkening, I would try this much mora drastic method of removing scarf skin. If I were strong enough and my physician vouched for the fact that I were, I would try the daily eold plunge or shower. This I would take in the morning, remaining in the iey tub or under the chilling shower not more than one minute. Then I should have a brisk rub down, not with the soft linen towel or cheese cloth, but with a big, eoarse Turkish towel. For this purpose I like best the big towels that swathe the body completely, which one may wrap around herself, and, wrapped in them, sit upon a bathing stool and dry herself with immunity from chill. Unless I were to dress at once I should briskly rub the body with alcohol to render less the possibility of taking cold. But if my room were sunny I would prefer to run about the room half a dozen times, or a rehearsal of dancing steps for five minutes or jumping the rope. One of the greatest authorities on hygiene in your country has advo cated exercise be called it a sun bath directly after the bath. But this would by no means suffice for my bathing. For every one except an Englishman knows that the cold bath does not deanse. It merely exhila rates. For keeping ---o ""V the skin clean there T- f -yi should he the warm SSVt V hath Ymi observe .(wLA-. that I did' not say the hot bath, for it is my opinion that the hot bath ener vates. For cleansing the water should be from 90 to 95 de grees Fahrenheit A good soap should Tu nlnf'full 1141. White eastile the soaps made from sper macetti and good glycerine soaps I be Keve to be the best. The soap need not bs used directly upon the skm. Much better is it that for ten minutes or a auarter of an .hour before taking t your Bight bath a cake of soap or a I ... .-. 3 Y- lLH,im min quantity ot n suavea uc wuv.i the water, so that the water becomes B& Ul V a milky eofor, or that a lather rise to. the top of the water. No one should remain in the bath more than 20 minutes, and this time should include the rinsing off of the soapy water by a 'shower or spray of cooler, perhaps 15 degrees cooler, not cold, water. A cold shower at night, when this cleansing bath is taken, would be over-stimulative, and tend, as does strong coffee to certain persons, to keep them awake. Between the two 'extremes of gentle and drastic bathing Ke many interme diaries known as beauty baths. There is, for example, that simple and effica cious starch bath, taken by women whose skins are tor mented and disfig ured by pimples. To an ordinary bathtub half filled with water add one pound of pure starch. Let it dissolve in water at 90 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit. To this many French women choose to add one wine glae of toilet ammonia for its whitening effect. The oatmeal bag is an old and ad mirable remedy for rough or stained skin. The best is made in this way: Oatmeal 1 pound" Pulverized orris root 1-2 pound Stir well together and sew into a large square bag. Toss the bag into the tub and let it remain in the warm water for 15 minutes. It will give the water that delightful milky aspect so pleas ant to the luxurious bather. Bran may be manipulated in the same way with equally good results. For 'whitening and softening the skin a bath powder may -be made at home from these ingredients: Bicarbonate of soda 6 oxs. Cream of tartar 5 ozs. Starch 8 ozs. IT1 Af Lmaii 1 dram Oil of bergamot 10 drops ii anoiBer seeni, is preferred to berga mot it can be sub stituted, for in-' stance, by oil of geranium, in half that quantity. For a person not strong enough to endure the eoM bath, this tonic in tepid water is rec ommended by many European physi cians: Aromatic vinegar 1 pint Tincture of benzoin 1 wineglass A delicious bath used by our grand mothers, and that is as efficacious for their granddaughters, is made by boil ing for three hours two pounds of bran. Strain the bran through a sieve. To the remaining liquor add sobso seent of your choice, let us say 10 drops of bergamot, 5 'of rose of geranium, or 5 of oil of lavender. 3. $w 1 VfXC&kL To Get Acquainted I Mini KWi in Ht jtS i- 5i at. LsssH llllll att fill JW 67 flf J Esnk bbbSH I M ELECTRICAL I I Hf Convenieiices0 I 1 For Your Store or Hom I 111 .Write, Phone or Call on us for literature on how to Light Your ffl Show Windows or ease up your wife's household duties. Or let U H Hjl us send a representative and show you! J ' H III Yours For Service, H J El Paso Electric Railway Co. I Electric Building. Phone 2323. 1 Bag """ ssffi "RED" FLEET PUTS TO SEA; WILL ATTACK U. S. COAST Newport R- . Oct- 2. An attack somewhere along the Atlantic sea board is to be made by the "Bed fleet of American warships which today put to sea from Narragansett bay. Rear admiral Austin M. Knight president or the navy war college, will command the invading fleet and also act as um pire of the game. The Invaders will consist of the cruiser Brooklyn, three destroyers, three fuel ships and a repair ship. The defending navy, commanded by admiral Frank E. Fletcher, will consist of 1 battleships, 15 destroyers and 11 sub marines, besides colliers, repair ships, ammunition vessels and mine sweepers. I: Is expected the war game will oc cupy four or five days. Dh Sang Wellborn, upholstering.-Adv. CANDY SPECIAL Our Delicious Black Walnut Kisses 25c THE LB. SATURDAY ONLY MuMe Every Afternoon. t?? MANY STATES ARE BARRED FROM LIVESTOCK. CUNItM San Francisco, Calif, Oct. 2. Many states will be barred from participa tion In the livestock shows to be held at the Panama-Pacific exposition tne latter part of this month by a ruling Issued Friday by Dr. Charles A. Keane. state veterinarian of CalttorniM,ocaL sioned by the prevalent of foot and mouth disease In Illinois The ruling follows: . -No cattle, sheep or other ruminants, or swine will be permitted to enter California from any state east ofUie Mississippi river or from Mlnneaoia, Iowa. Missouri. Kansas and Montana. The exposition shows will be nem. It was announced today, but. on ac count of the restriction, will be roucn smaller than planned Da Sang & Wellborn, phone MM, car pets cleaned clean. Advertisement. REQUISITIONS ISSUED FOR TWO MEN HELD IN COCHISE Phoenix. Arix.. Oct. i Reqaiiulon papers for two men. both charjed with falllst to proide for minor children and both held In Cochin county, hare been honored by gov ernor Hunt. Mallory Miller 1 the nams of one and he to olng back to New MeUwi. Walter roster, the other Is said to ba wanted In California. MAYOR LEA AND OFFICIAL FAMILY GO TO LAS CRUCES Mayor Tom la, aldermen W -Jolly. J. W Fisher, park commissioner Don Hartman, H. P. Jackson, manager of the city waterworks, and E w Baight. city purchasing agent, left for Las Cruces Saturday morning to at . a ,k n... Ana luunitv fair Alder man R- B. Stevens Is acting as mayor In his absence. Du Sane . Wellborn, porch curtains. r INSTEAD of RENTING -JM- 1 wO J7 A Confectionery Co. Mesa Avenue and Texas Street. Think how soon that same money would pay for this dandy home! The same sum you NQ PAY OUT each month for the privilege of living in a home somebody else owns in a few years would give you the deed to a valu able piece of real estate. Which is better off ihe maa vtt a DEED worth two or three thousand dollars, or the man' with a buadle of paper rent receipts? Every month you delay is YOUR LOSS yew aresHnpIy help ing some landlord instead of your family. Last week we sold seven homes on this plan. Hosae buying has started with a rash. " See This Splendid Home built in the heart of El Paso's best residential district close in only three blocks flora the Lamar school, close to the new 'high school. Five rooms and screened-in porch. It has all modern conveniences hardwood floors, built-in book cases, buik-in buffet and kitchen cabinet, large basement; near splendid car Ene and in a splendid neighborhood. Our price for a short time .only $3850.00, $250.00 cash; balance Kke rent. James L. Marr & Co. SUCCESSORS TO AUSTIN & MARR CO. 304 San Antonio Caples Bid?. Phone 4351 it A message to boys and girls and their parents Suppose Every Boy and Girl in El Paso Had $500.00 That would be a lot of money wouldn't it? Much more than-any boy or girl could need. But in a few years, these boys and girls will be men and women, and when they start in life, some amount of capital, be it little or great, is a splendid help. Every boy or girl in El Paso can have some money to begin-adult life on, if they start in right now to save. And by getting into the habit of saving a long step toward final success is taken. The First National Bank asks every parent to consider this proposi tion carefully, then read our offer. Tli C&(- To help develop thk habit of saving among the boys and gtrk of 1 lie Verier El paso First National Bank has started a special campaign to get the children's accounts. It wants the children to look upon this as their bank, for the children of to-day are the men and women of to-morrow. And to attract the children's interest in the plan, we have arranged to give, as a souvenir, to every boy or girl who starts an account with us of $5.00 or more, a reliable, practical camera made and backed by the Eastman Kodak Co.. of Rochester, N. Y. This offer closes October 31st. Have your children take advantage of it at once. The camera will mean great fun for them now. The account will add to their happiness in the future. First N ationa El Paso, Texas 1 Bank The Camera The souvenir is a reliable, sub stantially constructed Premo camera, nade by the Eastman Kodak Co. of Rochester. N. Y. It make 2Vx3 pic tures aad loads in daylight with 12-ezposnre films, k fit ted with automatic shutter and carefully tested leas. So simple mat any boy or gill can make good pictures with k at oace. No experience neces sary. A camera of genuine East man quality certain to give satisfactory results and with each camera is included free a year's subscription to the-most entertaining and instructive photographic magazine pab Gshed, "Kodakery." 1