Newspaper Page Text
J . BRINGING UP FATHER EL PASO HERALD Copyright. 1J15- International News Servle-r "Week-End Edition, October 2-3, 1915. 5-B i BY GEORGE M'MANUS TONWttT- DON'T forget to use the finser-bowl: l 1 HKTE U THESE DINNERS) HOW HAVE XOU BEEH- I VERT THANK VOO! V II WHX DON'T L THEX ALi 17 OOWtS "fOU'D TIMK TB VWOZ A FFEe"LONCH COUNTER j "' THAT'S THE. FINDER-I50WL- USE.1T'!'. r- ' HORRORS" r V t'lM OK- F2"3?t I cocC I riKirU I MAyMCr irt I n-. ISj- V . f v &8?5 I u.,T,:n. . I AS& WlTf WFN EY COLLY I COULD 4.T ME HMSDb CLEARER US THE. KlTCr-YEtS s.nk: Notice To Classified Advertisers All Classified Adverttalog ordered to ran Indefinitely (t. f.) mast be In writ ins No t- f. advertisements accepted over the telephone. Order to discon tinue t f. ad mart also be In writing and cannot be accepted over the tele phone. A atop ordr receipt will be given n ben a t f ad is ordered discontinued. Rates For Classified Ads: Oae Cent per Word. No charge less than $.25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word 05 Answers to Herald Ads. The following list of uncalled (or answers to Herald Want Adevrtlse ments are now being beld for delivery at The Herald basinees office: W P Z 25 124 a. 1W ofc atotkers Hc'ir B ITS 28: F 145 F K 358 K. 147 L 3S6 n isr X 37.. N 33 O lis P 198 T :il T Owner Lost and Found FOCND One pocketbook. Owner can 400. I FIND strayed livestock. Archie Bett. (19 Arizona St. Phone 77L Business Chances. WANTED Partner with ISO, legitimate bnslaess Investigate. Write O 400. Herald. WELL established fire insurance bustne. i constsUnf of "Font" large companies. Here's a good chance for yon fellows that want to set Into business for yourselves. Price li right- Write P. 420. Herald. Pool ball and cigar stand In connection, centrally located, doing a good business, rent onlv 12.50 ner month. price 1050. Terms. Death of owner reason for selling. I See Geo. Segtl ultn iamn i. juit a w., IS I San Antonio St. rhonea No. 41S0-43S1. EL TASO TRADING COMPANT. We are experts in sewing machines. Agents White and New Home. We sell. bay. rent. repair and In fact attend to anything per taming to sewing machine business. 117 S. Santa, re. Phone 227. THIS IS YOCB CHANCE. A manufacturing business for sale at a bar gain. SH cash will handle. Look Into this. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THIS. A spieaoiu oakery now uoins i mwiu that you can handle with S500. bee Mr. Rice. Kamey Bra. let Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone SI. Help Wanted -Sjalenen. WANTED Solicitors, to sell aluminum 'ware and household specialties. :ii Trait Bldg. SALESMEN make big money selling our punehboard deals Address Behrend Bros.. 1147 Adams St.. Chicago. WANTED Men to sell our line of goads In Balllnee r. Abellne and Browawood. Texas. Bond reauired. wagon furnished. Write I Grand Union Tea Company. Denver. Colo. SALESMEN WANTED Experience ry. easy work, Mg pay. write for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from Slot to 3500 a month while yon learn. Address nearest office. Dept., 221 National Salesmen Training Asaoctatloa. Chicago. New York. San Francisco. SALESMEN Pocket side line, new live propovtOoa. All merchants In towns of 100.000 and under want It- Pays SO.00 com-, mission on each sale. No collecting, no risk to znerchanl. We take back unsold goods. Easiest, biggest paying aide line ever of fered. Cantleld Mfg. Co.. 20S Sigel St.. Chicago. Cleaning and dyeing establishment, center location, doing a large cash business. a mosey maker, all the necessary tools and now Hofman pressing machine, delivery wagon, etc.. leaving city, must sell at once. Price S0OO cash. See Ceo. Segil with James L. Marr Co., Ml San Antonio St. Phones No. 4350-4351. Are you looking for a business, if so come in. let us show you our large listing of hotels, rooming bouses, groceries, barber shops, c-nfectienery business, cigar stores. amusement places, eta We know of every thing what is for sale in city. See Ceo. sejil with James L. Marr Co.. 14 San Antonio St. Phone No. 4350-43.1 SALESMEN If you can show as that you are an A1 man making small towns In ter ritory still open, we will show you the best sideline punch board proposition ever offered. Big. prompt and repeat commissions. Answer quick. Grove Mfg. Co. 2502 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago. Help Wanted Male and Female SONG roEMS wanted for publication. Ex perience unnecessary. Send ua your verses or melodies today or write for Instructive booklet it's free. Marks-ttoiasmttn Dept. 2tS, Washington. D. C News- Brevities (Advertisement.) Train Ilnlletin. Vz Texas Pacific train No. 5, from the east, due at S:J5 p. m, will arrive at 10.02 p- m. All other afternoon and night trams for today are reported on time. See Drs. Wright A Kldrrell. Osteopaths. Dr. Anna Ream, Buckler BldtT- over Elite Tvro lien Detained. Ira Kinder and Harne Hamilton are being held here for officers at liads, Colo. They are in charge of county officers here. Dr. A. V. Still osteopathia Infirmary. Or. Ira W. Collins, physician In cblef: Dr. M. Alklre. lady specialist; Dr. Carl Gibson. 2(1 TV. Missouri street. They cured others. They can cure you. Wanted Help Female. Photo Contest Award Postponed. Until mayor Tom Lea finds suffi cient time to serve as judge in the chamber of commerce's photographic contest, the awarding of prizes will not be made. Odd I-'tllovia Attention. El Paso lodge M4 will confer Inl thiArv riaTf Mondav evening, ten Co J candidates, at :. Brotners are rc- questea to stienv. ioiLiiib . welcome. Geo. F. Allen, Noble Grand. E. W. Bryan. Secretary. L.VBGE el low collie dog. lint in left front p H,inm )ii SIS Wmii.lir Ar Phant. 13:4 J Reward. j STOLEN From in front of WMte House. I wheel No 1814. Reward. G. 3. Halt, care I Krakauer. Zork & Moyea. J LOST Lady's hand bag with 2 and pair of I ear ring: In it. Finder please return to 3420 : Douglas or phone ' 6620 X. and get Mg re- ward Personal. I SPIRELLA CORSET. Mrs, Hnlett. Ph. K72. j LACE cnrtalna cleaned beautifully. Kramer. , Phone 5785 I EL PAhO TRADING COMPANY. I Wholesale and retail agents White and New Home Seming machines. Paris and . fmpplies for all mike machine, second T 2id.nd drop head Singers, very cheap. 117 S. Santa Fe Phone 227. I CROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. J operation with our factory starts you with little capital during spare time In your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. Write for booklet and proposition. Address I Pease Mfg. Co, Dept D. 67. 08 Broadway. BHffalo. N. Y. FOR SALE AT A BIG BARGAIN. ! One standard M ft. ten pin alley, with 2 ' doz. pins, scoreboard, return ball apparatus ' and 12 large balls all In good condition and ' as good as new One 45 ft. ten pinet alley, with self pin : setting apparatus, score board, balls etc. ; practlcallr new and In good order. j One regulation stxe Brunswick-Balke billiard table 4HxS. nearly new, cost I27S, and Is a good one. f One small size billiard table 4xS In good condition, been used about S years, but la all O. K. Ore regulation aise pocket pool table, good as new except cover on bed 1 torn. cues, cue racks, balls and everything go with these , tables. Make me an offer on any or all of these goods. Must be sold In the next M daya. You can get them at your own price. It will surprise you how cheap you can buy ' the whole shooting match. Nothing against , them. No forced sale. They are simply on the market for what they will bring, far . good and sufficient reasons. Make me an offer, on the lot and move thera. yourself. . J M G'.lmore. Midland. Tex. 4 j WANTED Good Mexican girl for general.' housework. l:s ban Aniomo. WANTED .Woman to do cooking and gen eral housework. 2-05 Magoffin Ave. WANTED Colored woman, 610 E. San Antonio. WANTED Waitress, at once. 417 Mesa avenue. WANTED Most popular young lady la El Paso to get free from Albert Taylor Co.. 1 S-passenger touring car Xmas day. WANTED A teacher of physical culture or vocal expression or both. Write X M. Herald. Wanted Furniture. WE PAY the highest price, for second hand furniture. Phone 7S2. Scantier Furniture feehance. 24S Myrtle Ave. Wanted Bids ,- ty rviv"r Arrrostst Sealed nroDoaals will be received at th office of Secretary Board of ScnoolTruateea. Bailer School bul'dlnc. El Pajjk Texasij on or before 11:00 o'clock, noon October SOth. ISIS for the erection and completion of a hlch school building located la El Paso. Texas- , , . Instructions to bidders and elans and spedflcatlona can be obtained at .the office of Troat 4 Trout- Architects. Mills Build ing El Paso. Texas. . . Each proposal .must be accompanied by a certified check of Five Thousand SSOO0.00t Dollars, made payable to "Trustees of In denendent School District of El Paso": or a Bidder's Bond In the sum of Five Thousand (Si000.00) Dollars as a guarantee that the contractor will enter Into a contract for the construction of th building, and furnish a surety bond satisfactory to the Board. If awarded to him. A deposit of Fiftv (SSO.eO) Dollar will be reouired for each set of ulans and soeci flcationa. which will be returned to the con tractor w hen nlans and ssoclficatlona are re turned to the Architects. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. For Sale Autornobflts Wanted. SAXON car In good condition, Texas 3t- I1S0. 1S20 Sell Livestock Buy. 19 STOCK ho for sal. P. Q. Box 71. La Mesa. N. M, or Phone HI - WANTED Cow. chickens or duck, young calve, cash. Phone 2811 M. BCY registered Duroe Jersey hogs 'of GU letts' dairy. 420 Caplea building. FOR SALE Team horses and mutes, good Phone III. NOTICE FOR CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposal will be received at the office of County Auditor at county court house. Kl Paso. Texas, on or before 10 a. m .. November Otfa, 101S. for the erection and completion of a new county court house, lo cated In El Paso, Texas. Instructions to bidders and plans and speciflcstions csn be obtained at th office of Trust & Troat. architects. Mills building. El Faao. Texas. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check of five thousand 4SS.O0C0O) doila , made payable to "Adrian Pool. Coun ty Judge." or a bidders' bond in the sum of five thousand Ss.000 00) dollars a a guaran tee that the contractor will eater iato a contract for the construction of the building, sad furai-h a surety bond aatJatactory to the cosanslsBloner's court. If awarded to htm. A deposit of fifty (SS0.00) dollars will be rerea xor eca sec ox piaas ana spe s 1e niankcts for Jail. The city has purchased 12 woolen blankets for the prisoners in the city jail to keep the warm during the :- tv nM-swKc rras CUnUIa ,. as yr aw i , . Bl( J T -" L IPs. jpi B CM B, arJJ IM. a , . - made by B. W. Ilaigbt. city purchasing uoa. which will be ictw d to ctnctr ajrent. wh ptaas ad tpeclflctiMM h- bees re- ! tsncusd t th rcmitctft. Guns for nrnt and repaired. Allen J Separate lwopee-ta win rteHr en Arm. ,d Cydeto j Pmbin. JgS gTug2&?r EI Paso Distilled Water Co. Pfc. 4S3. J ?? Z, . . , . , .. . l trie wiring. Deposit lor plana. I:., ueru- 1'nlse Alarm nt China Palace. 1 fled cht.k bidder's bond of $500.00 with 1204 GOATS for sal at a bargain, by later national Realty Co. Phone 2000. SIXTEEN HUNDRED head good angora goats, fat. S2.25 head. Box MS. Silver City. N. M. For Rent Hoasei nfurnuhecL 5 ROOM cottage 1100 N. Kansas. Ph. 5SSS W. HOrSE FOR RENT. 30S0 Tularosat. J JO a month. Apply In rear. FOR LEASE for one year. SS0 per month. Beautiful new modern fit (5) room bunga low with sleeping porch, oak floors tile bath room, bullttn features, hot air furnace, and garage. Just completed. Montana 8t . op- L posito Alt Vista school. No small ehlldre" r s t j i - -J - TBbsfcsii S I H- is .suiuii,u. awn Hull. SSS0 Montana St. 44S3 J. W. For Rent ApartsiesU Furnished. TWO rooms well furnished. Phone 400. A SPLENDID mar for sale. Will take east or exchange mar for room or hoard. Address 427 care Herald. 40 HEADS of stock, well bred weighs 1400 lbs. 12 saddle horses, head. Including stallion. C Woods. Blanca. Texas. SIC a Sierra CATTLE. 160 HEM). 0 COWS, 100 CALVES, packed stuff, ready to ship. Near B Paso. Tan t a bargain. See B. W. Hale at oae. tit First Natl. Bank. H. B. KHfcu Co. Ph. gOt. Poultry and Pet Stock NINE varieties cocks and cockerel SI up. Meaaday Poultry Farm. Alpine, Tex. FOR SALE Pure whit lackorn a. cockrsla. Jl.s. 1200 Erie St. Highland Park. ADULTS private family, baby Phono 1230. objections td THREE room apartment. 5771. ISIS Men-. ST. REGIS APIS -Mod apartm ts, 4 East Missouri St.. corner of Kansas. Ph. "a THE M.KCJRITE Completely furr -Si apartment. Inautr Apt. 1 Phono 394" 3 ROOM Mesa- apartment, steam heat, 61 WANTED To buy Belgian 2247 W. After 6 p. m . harse. Phoa MODERN furnished apartrrent. steam t-a- SS0; basement room IS. no sick. 611 w a. j souri Phono 5544. COLORADO apartment, modern. 2 or I room. prlate bath. 14 JO Myrtle. Fhnne 2001. KIVBKWBW APIS. 70: -VS. Mais. 2 and 3 ream apartments, also sing.e sleeping rooms suitable for two. hot and cold water Phone 4122. APARTMENT Three rooms, sleeping pon b. and bath, close in. Private entrance. Kent 125- Ideal for two or three people. Furni ture for sal, practleany bow. Everytning complete for houashoeuiag- Phone 2473 w. NICE poaches and apple delivered m Bl Paso la quantities of no hat than XS the. each at xu.c per pound. JbIius Kantor. Canatiuo, Tex. MEAT SCRAPS Swift Special J 1.00 per 100. Oyster Shell JL25 per loo. and er go . APARTMENT at the Rule 1 rooms, kitch- i?,"I?.J F ,Be. pool.tTT r2L iT2l!r I oiwtt. bath, alospiac porch, .team heat, no J For Rent Apartment. Unfurnished. site to court house. For Sale Furniture. NEW furniture 4 713 E. Overland. TOR SALE 2 S05 J. room apartsneat far sale. Special Notices. AILEEN BERG'S preparation at Ryan. MATTRESSES renovated and made to order. R. L Daniel Furn. A Matt. Fcty. - HOI SB'S TRANTER Phone lSSO. Prompt ana reliable service. j CHIMNEYS cleaned, stove denned, repaired nd et np on short notice. Phone 1730. j DR. EKA BKCERRA. Sklhfui Mexican rgoon. Phone 8080. j MO ED Bankrupt stock of the Reliable rurnuure store, wui oe closoa out at Zl I South Stanton Street. Get your Tick while j JJe Wanted Male. it last. Beat mattress tn town, worth SS . wwsvvCwwrvNvwrtwNA for S3 73 WANTED To give home to girl, American or Mexican. Reference given. For parti -tors Phone 2027. WANTED Settled German woman to keep house for one lady, suburb. Phoa evening. 2S71 J. WANTED Young lady as cashier and tea- i ogr apser. State salary expected, experience I and references. Write O 100. Herald. WRITE newa and stories for newspapers and , sary. detain free. Press Reporting Syndicate 117 St. Louis. RITE Motion Picture Playa. 350 each, ex perience unnecessary. Details free to beglnneis. Producers League. 220 Waln wright. St. Loula carpets and famltare. Phone for sale by place. 715 N. x fir alarm -waft turned In from the China Palace at 110 San Antonio street separiie proposals will be received on at 1ft:?5 Saturdav mornins:. The Clerks 1 hMu.. ventilatina. temneratura controL iBoucht they smelled sfnoke In the I vacuum cleaning and power system. De- TT'RNITUBB basement and called the depart ent- j posits for plana S2S 00 Certified chock or Stanton. No fire was found. 1 bidder" bond of Sl.000.00 with bid. .,-,., ia. w iHbHu- t eh-x . Separate proposals will be received on Jail , S-VT'F1 ld dlnlnc set cheap. x., v-.ti,,.dv nlarhr El Paso aerie eH work. Depawit for plana. 125.0. Certl- -j raw' - y OrltwIlWO ZcUl&L ! " -k W" - " "t I K.vriRE tumlahin dhmsc r-sii jr . ,... Md kitchen for sale ehean. Johnson House. (01 Dr. Bbert. dentist. 21S-I1S Mills Bldg. I : Wanted to Rent. kitchen for sale cheap. Johaasa Hsuse. 01 I X. Oregon. Man nnd Children Killed. Iscuter. Pa... Oct- 2. E. SI. ZcIL IXRN1SIIED housekeeping roam, gas burn er, steam heL Writs N. SOS. Harala. FOR SALE Complete new j room cottage oa Stanton. Phono 5S7L tur ta 0 MMUaa. chlldrea. S10 Wyoming. GLENORE APTS, 4 large, tight rooms, with Bleeping parch. 517 W. Main Street. S2S0. Ftsk-Raawey Realty Co Phone 1073. Trust Bldg. - :r . '. m-,j wiiiah i aw. ana lour scnwicmiur .""r .-.. .-.,.. .-- -.. , .- -.- WILL ba- frltnre for 4 or rton e-ttac. late Friday wnen zneir wiowWi -,- t ,s... -oj' .i. "-"""- - iir .- n tM.b. s m --.- ;n -(- - srrad orosf; near i Phone 7S9 J Leola. Two other children were w Inna4 thflt thnr miv die. Money to Loan. COME TO US for a quick lean. We can al ways lnmiih the money on the spar of the i-oroent it yoar security Is jroed. Eqnltable Teen At. . U-U Trust Blq. - Situations Wanted Male UAILKOAD Ktenocrapber-clerk. cicht year- experience Phone 51 M R. rAKTXEKSHIP DIiM)LTIOX NOTICE. Tsotite i hereby given that the partsaerehlp he-tofore exlsUne; between R- Btllard and Hush T Henry under the name f 311 lard Hrry has been diaaolved. R. BUlant Hngh T. Henry. " EL aM-0TKADINC CO. Sole arents New Honu and White Sewlaff -machineK. Wholeaale and retail. A nice line of cond hand machines. We trantee them. Prices from np. Baay terms. 117 s bam.. Fe Phoae 227- IMSVRANCE. ", -- uruo fire, liability, comnea-atton. acci dent plate slaaa. barctar. haO. aad aatonto bile iD-orance. Pfeoae a aad we will send nan with ratea D(iTw Bros. l'is T-as Street. Phone US. Bosineu Chances. FOR bALli Small atore doinc a nice bosl TisF Hill sell at sacrifice. Mast be eeld at iv Call 4S N Oregon. FOR SALE Uptodate barber abep la one of the mot prosperous mining towns in Ari z"sa Address Box 527. Jerome. Arizona. 1 ANTED Partner in a well eeUhttehed bus-int-Sb mil bear the closest inTeatlsation. Is a moiifj makr, $22i0 will handle. Write L :. Herald. l"OK 8LE General store and ttrtldin? in- ud ng fi.e If-vj-f? room t Clint. Terse, Hill cil at & bargain 1 Ptso Assn. CredK Mn 3"; CUy Kstl Bank BM. FOR SALE One of the best located ctgar -dD'tb In the oty. just assiened. Will sell fr J600 Call quick El Paso Assn. Cr. Mv-n 307 City Vtl Bank Bld. FOR SLE ejaragp and business, new boUd :rtr l-tett small town in state, also A-l hard n at business, wonderful chance, must sell. a P.trai. La ;m CA FOR SLE OK EXt ILVNCiE A-l hotel P'-opo'-'iion. TU- N M Best town between y Pao and I -nn X M Feedine point i r trains Lamf rin-h patronage Address H 11 Roy. N M WANTED A J.'-." i "- t jounc men capable ' fmintMng- themselves to take county - -' - '"r n invention. No one but live teen appl Room 1126 Mills Bids. ( u T-xas. Fall & 3111 cb ell. Employment Aency. 23 Sad Francteco St. WANTED Meat cutter, alee boys to deliver meat. Ardolns Market. WANTED Boy about 1, references r quired. Hlnden Grocery. 916 X. El Paso? EAT at the Algrona. Delicious home eookinc Regular meals 25c 118 S. Oregan. WANTED A-l automobile mechanic. Must be able to deliver the goods. No ctgaretU smoker. Alamo Machine Co. Phone 2432. CIT KATE guaranteed. carpenter work. Phone 2872 Willlai satlsfacflOR BOOKKEEPER wanU office work, long ex perience, good references. M. 4t. care Herald. WANTED Expert cement finishers for omrb and gutter and sidewalk work. Steady em ployment to the right men. Apply at 223 Trnst Bldg. AUTOMOBILE Instruction book, driving, re pairing examination questions, only ltc post paid. Thomas Publishing Co.. m E. Glen more Ave.. Brooklyn. N. T. 80 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES, to travel, distribute sample and take orders, or appoint agents. Permanent, Jap American Co- Cht-caga TELEGRaVniERS WANTED Everywhere. Expert courses. Bookkeeping, shorthand, civil service, banking, salesmanship. Earn board while learning. Write now Dept. C. F. A. Farmer Business College. Ninth and Main Sis.. Fort Worth. Texas. WANTED Work of any kind or i tracts by 2 (iennana. We have the tools. Phone W8. WANTED Position as first class Japanese cook, hotel or restaurant. Will work at any place. Joe Matsamato. 4v8 S. Et Pass- St.. El Paso. Tex. lOLNU MAN, badness and executive ability, desires opening with good concern. Would leave town. Good health. N. 34 cire Her-ald. 1 S LTTltV .1 i i. n.a.m aMIH W.B1I nation nmnnlM and exMBM PTODOSi- ! Oregon tion enK. Will sot consider salary. Write B . herald. COUP1 E would like nice sunny, complete I furnished housekeeping suit of 1 room, kltch- Frank JudUlns, Lawyer. 713 First Nat. . tlon Within walking distance. Write & H. Bank BldT phone 32IS. Herald. 15. AVclls. Osteopath. 424-5 TeL 107: Res. 1SS5-J. Wanted Board and Rooms. house. Phone (024. HALT PURNITrRK COMPANY. Fl-KNITl-RlS. nOlCHT S4ILD AND KXCHANGED. S0C S. STANTON. PHONE S048. NEAT ROBINSON- APTS cor ner Sua Aau ih aa St- Vraln. Ready for oecupaaey Oct. 1st. now seiBsr ac Fisb-Ra s BeaHy Oo 1UTS. ru .mug. Apartments Furnished & Unfurnished. II r. Ceo. Mills Bids;. Ilnnltiona Plnnt Closes . Cleveland. Ohio, Oct. 2- The Cleve land Automatic Machine company closed Its war monitions plant l-riaay as the restslt of the strike of 700 ma- ''K i "SiSSSSr " w " """ ! ss-Tt4o'C's IIUVUM j... i '.. . ,7 .. L. Garford, presiaent oi tne vumhmj. ROOII and board wanted by young maa In exchange for good horse and express. Would make nice delivery wagoa. Addres 420, care i Herald. Wanted MIsceDaneoss. KEFINISIIING furaltur. and stanos. Color caangsd to suit. R. L. Dsnl). Pur. & Matt, j n FCRNlTrRB refinlahed. repaired and up- bolstered, white enamel aad Ivory work our ! specialty, furniture aad glassware packed. I oCTIDE (juarantecu worn, uet our price, neaujgwr Bros. 404 San Francisco Phono 2204. LRXISIIKD or unfurnished modern apartment- Apply 1100 Wyomins. Phono For Rent Rooms and Board. For Sale Vehicles. who is on an automobile trip. Situations Wanted Female WANTED To buy sewing machine In good condition. Not over S10. Phone (SIS M. I S2S. SS04 Hueco For Sale: Pianos. WANTED Buy second hand sewing i not over seven fifty. Phoae S0S0. aehlae i LADY pianist wishes position. and experienced Fiona 2iJI W. WANTED ffr a competent work or chamber work. Hole! Phone SsSI, Room SI. 400 H I WANTED A medium slxe iron safe. Must be good condition and a bargain for cash. Llcata. 307 First NatL Bank Bldg. For Sale; Automobiles Wanted. lOANO FOR S.VLK CHBAF 1 mocutely. Phoa 174 Ira- WANTED By thoroughly experienceo book keeper, capable of assuming full charge of office. Can furnish bond and beat of refer- Address L. M. K-. care Herald. HAVE energy, executive ability, long and successful experience on public works In Mexico. Any legitimate proposition consid ered. For Interview write P 110. Hemic' WANTED To buy for caak,.Bulck 2S or 17. . i It muat be In first class condition snd s Phono 2171 and ask for Smith. wnvmwrVTI . ... ,.. vwM.tA housekeeper in hotel, boarding or rooming ' ""- house, good references- Address HouseRoep- . VPiiOLSTfcRING. all kind furniture. Auto er rare Herald. . .-u crvr and top to order. H. L. Daniel MILL TRAUK good La Cruets lot for piano Phone AZZS. - FOR S-LK At a bargain, mahogany piano, cash or terma. Address Piano, car Herald. FOR SAI.K Table cabinet grand piano, mahogany case, good condition. Phone 17SL HOTBL DILLON, room aad Madera St- board. 2210 PRIVATE family will steam heat. Phoa 2503. roam, beard couple. HKAUTIFUL large front room with private porch. Phone 0972. , FURNISHED roo ta private German tam lly. board If desired lilt Texss St ROOMS and board, also heusaheoping rooms, reasonable. East El Paso. Phoae 4020 M. ROOM, board and sleeping morch In private I family for convalescent. Phoae OISS W. BOARD by day or for worfctBg people. week, walking distance Phone 0SS4 J. GOOD tabl. board and rooms. Mrs. Wash bum. 40 Prospect. Phoae 2047. rrKNIMIBII room. 21: w. Rio Urande sleeping porch, board. Wanted Honey. Fern, it Matt. Fcty. WANT TO BORROW SIOO, three year. 10 per cent per annum, interest semi-annually, gilt edged bccurity Box 171 Columbus, NM. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED Neat appearing agent at once, j . B,. T .. ..utg,.;, .(...k,,.., v. ..... . W.VNTED At once: Young men for automo bile business. Big pay. We make you ex pert In ten week by matt. Pay ua after we secure you posit.on. Century Automobile Institute. Los Angeles. CaL WANTED The first time In the history of WANTED To bear from owner of good ki so. rugs ana rpei . uf i upi . v . b, lev nu. state cash price and de- scription. D. F Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. Wanted Real Estate. VI ANTED Uovernmeat Hill lot from own er. Must be bargain. Give location and price J. R. Chitders . Phone 303V M. PORTRAIT MEN 21 hour service on proofs, finished work or frames. Write for cata logue. Roberts. 1420 McGee. Kansas City. Ho. AGENTS ISO a week and expenses selling our sign letters for store fronts and office windows. Anyone can put them on. Big de mand everywhere. Write today. Metallic Letter Co., 4S7 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Get particulars of on of the best paying proposition ever put on the market Something no one else sella Make S4000 yearly. Address B. II. Feltman. Sales Mgr.. 2707 Third St. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS Sell marvelous SIMPLEX gas lighter with cap improvement. Every dem onstration a sale. Work under direction of manufacturers. Most liberal proposition. Postal brings Information. Automatic Gas Appliance Co, (Inc.) Union Square, New York. AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY The best line of food flavors, perfumes, soaps and toilet preparations, etc ever offered. Over 200 light weight, popular priced, auick selling I necessities, in big demand, well advertised. easy sellers, mg repeater. i.e per cent profit. Complete outfits furnlahed tree to workers Just a postal today American Products Co 370S American Bldg. Cincin nati. O. in old faded ru and carpets, we actually brighten and restore colors. Men's suits 1 cleaned, pressed and creased. Lace curtain , ihiob ukc new nc icvu.vir u.k.j body delighted with our work. Phone or drop a card for prices on your work. Texas Cleaning Co. S72S Clifton St. Phone 430S W. ' Situations Wanted Female Fall Mitchell. Emplojmnt 203 San Francisco St Agency. POSITION a waitress in hotel In New Mex ico. Write R. 424 Herald. WILL CARE for children at by hour. Phone 5S0C or go out EXPERIENCED good references. stenographer. Write R. 414 can furnlah Herald. VI ANTED To hear direct from owner good farm or unimproved land for sale. C. Buckingham. Houston. Texas. AUTOMOBILE, S or 7 passenger, for sale or trade for light car. Switxera Garage. 1101 Pera, . WANT TO GO to La Crures" Phone SSS2. ' reserve your seat, car leaves Hotel Fisher 10 . a- m. 32.50 round trip. 31 50 one way ! FOR SALE BY OWNER Cadillac 1014. 7 j passenger, ex-mech . condition, six tires. ! tools, complete. Muat be seen to be appre- ! elated. Phone 072. 1 i Dogs, For Sale, Wanicd. Etc FOR SALE Esqmmo-Spitx Phone 0100 W. THO 7 months old male collie pupa for sale. - pedigreed Phone 4I7S. 1511 Hueco ..Urn tvbbieik T , nr ,. ! -RNU.HBU or unfurnished room, with or - - -a-... a-- - , ,,-... hsrsarrl- PtintMi 7- I LARGE rooms, first class board. 1M1 North. - Stanton. Phone 147S doc Flahter. trailers and gaardtans. Thoroughbred puppies. -Kales $lv. bitches K Ry at Spcnce, Sablnal. Texas. For Sale MisceHaneoos. I BLY and sell second haad harness. Phoae 47..1. 61 S. El Paso. SELECT BOARD at reaaoaabie rate. Moa:ar.a. Phono CC58 W dass board. D1BT FOR SALE, 13i0 FOK hALETwo fully equipped automobiles. i and 7 passer.ger. la A No. 1 condition. OviisT loraTiiaar eltv Xnoulr S2S S Kl Paso St. TVHi """."""" "..-. - - r- ".'.'.. i ...... . . ... ,. I I Chalmers, this car ts tn good condition, all ' rus aiua-Dary sgr in .penoaa comu- z G4IOD comfortable room, first ; Phone 101 J BOARD and room private family. Manhat- I ten Height Phone 3401 W Kansas St. Phono BEST ROOMS with sleeping porches and j board 1210 N Oregon. Phoa S72. very pretty bab buggies 4tt5 West tnerland. for "aie. ! ROOM suitable for two ntlemen with ex- I cellent board, term rt.wiubl. 1107 N Ore- . POSITION as nurse for Invalid, or tuber -iod best reference. Write R. 421 Herald. WANTED Rough, dry laundry to do at home, called for and deUvered. ISc per dos. Phone IIKB. WASHING AND IRONING Work teed. Called for and delivered by only. Phono 4700 W. PRACTICAL nurse wants posltiOB ta nurse sick or will traveL Best of refereaca. Phone 4011. S01 Mesa. POSITION girl of 12 Herald. as housekeeper by widow with Best of reference Write O 103. WANTED About 1 lots In K. El Paso or Govt Hill additions Give me lowest cash mice and description la first letter. Or might consider 4 R. home If real bargain. I Ton. F Young. P. O. Box 1SS. VI ANTED Ten or twelve room house, close 1 In. first claas neighborhood. Some trade. I vendor Ilea notes and cash. Want to deal i with owners anxioua to selL write P. 4s. Herald. VVAXTBD Lots for cash. Will pay cash for two to four lots In Altura, Highland or Grandvtew, if bargain. Write' I. M., cart- Herald. new Urea, and will sell cheap for cash. The Gsaranlee Realty f.e.. Phone 2715 7:0 1st Nat Bank Bldg WANTED TO BCY AT ONCE 2 second hand Fords or MaxwelL Must be In good , condition. Will pay cash if price right, I Kliea Hernandez. i With Bailey Land O. too Mesa. Phone 30SS. tlon Price reasonable Phone 5-01 W. SINGER SEWING MACHINE. draB haad. e.iih 9 'lay nail and mantle Seta Thomas tlixks AH goul as new Phone 4000 W nTsWBK TEN -Smith-Premier typewriter, good aa nea. Bargain. 00S Magoffin- Phone -1S7 W. I NICE front room for one or couple with or , without board, with private Iamliy. sis . Campbell FIRST CLASS board aad sleeping porch. 5 week Altura Park. Phone 04SC Mrs. L. Jackson. WANTED CITY PROPERTY. Owner of 10 acres In young BarOett pear trees wanta city property Land located this side of Ysleta on paved road and about one- mile from interurban station. Value S400 i per acre, price 3150 per acre. Will Rasume i your debt on dty property. j Buick roadster 10 to 40 acres at S2S0 per acre tn alfalfa. , Saxon ro i.lster located on paved road Just the ether side 1 Ford ro.!ettr Factory rebuilt Marmon cars UI2 Merter 1015 Stnti Bearcat 1012 Mollne pas 1013 Chalmers Umouslne 1013 0erland. 5 pass 1015 Overlaml s pas- S.75I1 00 t 'Ml Hudson 54' paaa 11000.00 HI! Marmon 12" 5 pass S 050.00 1010 Packard "10 7 pas S 800 00 See Bettham. MoVm Garage 112 W. Overland FOR SALE Complete machinery and atui ! equipment of 2 ton can system Ice plant. t M aa ; De La Vergne manufacture, used only six 3 400 00 neK. m goo i i ontiuiou sua at a 3 400 00 ! tratie price W rite Z -56 Herald. at- ! , -.MONll HAND ma.hinery bought, sold nd ? r: a exthang.'.l We apei iallz on power nU mining m nlnr write or see u regara lug that inatallauon you ara goras; to la stalL SoathwesterB Wrecking: Co. 111-113 115 During,. St El Paso. Texas. FOR SALE. For Rent Houses Furnished. of Yelrta Owner will trade enough land to equal our equity m city property or w'll sell land oa easy terma. Cash payment no object to good farmers. For oilier Farm H.tlnes see the NEWMAN INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone 550. 100 San Antonio St lortl j passmger Buick i pa-.--nKer model SI. new an.l i.rhauled Ainertcaa 0 passenger new H punt. 1 trd oerbsulol Th .ir- niuvt be seen to b appreLiattd T rm anil trade carefully considered. Saxon Meter Sales Co. 321 Texas St 3245 I-"? I FOR RENT Half of t room furnished cat- iZr..1 I 'Je Ort 1st 1101 Arizona ,n,.... .. 7 ROOM furnished house on Montana. Phone . t U FOR RENT Modern bungalow of S larg rooms on McKlcley Are., with furniture for sale. Phone 1010 or 202. WABASH hotel under new management. r om and board. $10 month. Cor. Pledras and Fruta1 EXCELLENT loom and board la select rest lencs district, hot and cold water la rooms. No .Irk. 1IT7 Aria. Phone 4C0S. THO oung ladles, convalescent- may aecure bourn and aleeplng porch In private home In Highland nark, reasonable Telephon SS41 J. VON RIKSENS S" ORIIM for coa- valeacents on Ft E'l.s rr line away from dty dust and heat Trained nurse in charge. Home rooking tvate 3.0 to SIS per week Phone 1ST4 SSPv3i7 uwiow(sfey)' it LABE