Newspaper Page Text
, Ready Reference BtuineM Directory Accountants. IflRUS: T TTlTKr. p v Box S27 Phone W and 22. (LYKENCE LOMiNECKER Phone 514. -0 Firtt Z.t'L Bank Bldg. , 1L IL UENDRICK, SO years' experience. Of f e t.09 First Nat. Bank Bide. Peace 611. . m !-. XT .allnelctA- 4 Assayer. cuemis. .., CKITCUETT FERGUSON. Eeiire..:taties lor ore ahlppers. Dmplre ana control -Rork a specialty. Send for ore mail ing envelope. zie ou rrsuwvu. . --- BECKIIART'S INTJEPEXDEST ASSAY 207 San Francisco St. Phone 7a. 4.EO. W. CAMERON. ASSA1ER AND CUBM1ST. JOS Saa Francisco St. Phone 27. Auctioneers. Yl. A. WILLIAMS. Auction Sale nod Commission Broker. Offica phone 1. Residence phone ISM. rveri,- vmniM tji rs&nles BldCL 1 Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale ACCTION SALES PLANNED. ADVERTISED AD EXECUTED. A regular licensed auctioneer under the laws or the city county and state, also navlng t years experience. It you want results rive m. your ECATA. SfiT first Natl Bank Bide vhons 41. ........ env-vm C71l TTrtV REMAGNETIZING. MAGNETOS. COILS. Foil line ot Remy repair parts, we re pair magnetos and colls. Texas Electrical Supply Co. 11 N. Stanton. Phone 112 EL PASO AUTO JC TAXI LTVEBY llfi w. San Antonio, aw Phones il I4 Ml. ...A -VTH. V1ITW BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Ill Mesa Ave.. Cor. Texas St. Phone 180 Books & Stationery. i ir rriiRAN, Books, Stationery and Office Supplies. Complete Line of Filing Devices. 40. Mea U; Phone.l84. Business Colleges. DRArOHON'S Business Collese guarantees position1 zr Cement. EL TOBO BEAND CEMENT. JOCTBV. ES-1BSN PORTLAND CESTENX COHFANT. Cement Contractors. t vfr iuv r carson Figure on your cement work for a first class job. All -work guaranteed. Phone 244S. ChinaPajnting (.UNION STtDIO No. 2 Lucerne. Ph. 5M Chiropody. MIS3 MAREY TURDY, halrdresslng. raaci- urine Burnhan preparations. Ph. 3vll. SnTS STEAM PRESSED. 50 CENTS. Morebeads Busy utile aaop. 4: N. Oregon St. Phone SL rllONES 4Jt0-44l. WILSON-MILL.CAN CLEANING WORKS. rhe Best Cleaners. The Best Work. Ull K. Boatevard. Carpets Qeaned. STEAM AND VACUUM Carpet deanins. u Sang & Weilborn. rhsne 3990. VACXXM CLEANERS for rent. DoSang t e lborn. none vvs ... .. CARl'ETS CLEANED, furniture repairing. I acuum Cleaning Works, rhone S218. AKMENIAN CARrET CLEANING CO. Carpets cleaned, sewed and laid. Steam pro cess. Phone 561. Civil Engineers. D.E.IL MANIGAULT. 223 Trust Bldg. Phone M4C or Hes. Phone 5141 W. C.t3 Engineer & Surveyor. t,-tt f WHTTR Tnmr and surveyor. 815 Mesa. Ph. 1J11-W rtoivcT T" vtafTRK. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. 721 First National Bank Bldg. Phone 2373. A. S. ALBKO. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. City and Valley Surveys. ' Irrigation and Subdivision. Plans aad Estimates. 722 Mills Bldg. Phone 17.5. Dead Cattle. FULL CROWN dead cattle, horses, mules, hauled away in, rnone it immcmn.gj. Dentists. .... a. -w. ,1TT, TlTTS'l'IST- Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. 214-1S Mills Building. Phone 114. Detective Agencies. J. C. STANSEL SON Detective Agency. Room 507 Two Reoubucs me.mog.irii. The Ben Wlfllams Detective Agency-oite Rlfi Virst Nat'L Banc Oiac mww vt. Giiptnnv iinTEL. BCSINESS MEN'S LUNCII. SO CENTS. TABLE D'HOTE DINNER. SLOP. DruggutSj TKED SCHAKFEB, DRCGOIST. 204 Mesa Ae xizone 165. Use Sehaefer's Foot Wash For Your Sore Feet. WARNER DRUG CO. Special Attention to Telephone Orders. Under Ormtorft Hotel. Phones 711 732. LOVE'S DRUG STORE, WHERE QUALITY PREVAILS. prestr'p'ions rilled correctly and promptly d!Uered. Agents for -Whitman's" Candles. 213 San Antonio. Phones 11 25B. KELLY POI.LARD, DRUGOISTS. 201 N. OREGON. PHONE 178. PEOI'IX'S DRLG STORE Agents for Hny ler b candy Gibson water and Rexatl reme d e- Z27 E San Antanlo. Phone 161 162. OWL DRUO CO. A. E. RYAN. Prop. 212 San Antonio. Open All Night. Phone S29 J. A. WEABER CO. NEW LOCATION. 113 E. OVERLAND. I mieriv 20 a El Paso. Will be pleased to ueiroine old customers and new. Phone 366. POTTER DRUG CO. Co' San Francisco and S. El Paso Sts. Phoaoa 35637. Educational. Km 1. N. Corriwrlon eiuiusslcm. Ph. 123S. ., ' Electrical. 5t MODERN Acquaint yourself with the "Jt tri'al Larratee t'cctri Co Ph. 3833. Ready Reference Bnsineii Directory Feed, Hay & Grain. TVALTEK S. CI AYZOS. Ocboa and First. Pbone 291. Pbone U tor Pore Peed. Also Hay anc Grain. Prompt De'ivery Fire Insurance. FRANK A. SPENCE, Real Estate and Insur ance. 406 Mills Bids. Phone 1SJ2. Furniture Packing. FURNITURE rrilOLSTERED, repaired and packed, Dn Sans X Wellborn. Phone 39. PACKING and shipping household goods oar specialty. Furniture repairing, finishing and upholstering. R. L. Daniel Furniture Mat tress Factory. 418-11 Myrtle. Phone IMS. nromn? TTT7RT- AXTl S WT! MONEY. On groceriea and fresh meats. The best of staple and fancy groceries, also fresh meats. Cot Price Grocery, 408 Wyoming. Phone 1571. TTxrwjriiscrtlinvrv rri Hides. Wool. Pelts. Tallow. Etc. , El Paso. Tex.. Albuquerque. N. M.: Doug. j las, Arii.: Phoenix. Aria.: Tucson. 'Arlx. j Chihuahua, Hex.; I'arral, ilex. Ice. BIO GRANDE ICE & FUEL CO. Pure Distilled Water. Pure Distilled Water Ice. Phone 229 Jewelry. WATCHES CLEANED 5c HAINSPRINGS see; crystals lsc. Work guaranteed. Manu facturing Jewelers. We buy geld and silver for manufacturing purposes. 22.- San Antonio. Geneva Jewelry Co. Junk Dealers. ILLINOIS BOTTLE JUNK COMPANY IMS Overland. Phone 1441. WE BUY all kinds of Junk and bottles. Nelson. First and St Train. Phone 2133. EL PASO IRON AS METAL CO. 1SS San Antonio. Dealers in scrap Iron, rubber, cop per, brass, bones, etc. Phone 4364. LireJWires GET THE HABIT Of calling on the "Live Wires" Ready Ref erence Business Directory tor any and every thing you want. It's a Good Habit. Manicurists. MCNDY BLDG -Room 5 Phone 3355. Mercantile Agencies. I l-J-crlfXJIJLra,,ii,"i - S;s R. G. DON CO. Mercantile reports. Paso office. 501 Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on Individuals, collections. Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Harry Foteman. Mgn. Rooms 321-322 Herald Bldg. Musical. MB. I. N. CORRINGTON. violin. Ph. 1235. GARCLV, violin, mandolin, guitar, bandore. sohTege and piano lessosa Tel 4IM. Box 4W. MRS. EDWARD NIEBCHR, teacher of piano. Seven years experience. lCM Magoffin, Apartment C. WALTER DAVIS. Piaro teacher ?-. Ma Voice 3S.eS Phene 23. ifurseries. Tr. PASO NURSERY CO. Fruit and ornamental treja. snrabbery aad evergreen, cut flowtrs aal pot plants. Bverything for the garden. 324)0 Alameda, phone 3310. Painting. Yelton Paint Co- 389 N Stanton. Ph. 1247. Pavements. TEXAS BITUHTHIC CO. PAVEMENTS. Best by Every Test. Built tjpon Honor. 77-7S New First Nat'L Bank Building. " Phone 2s Pianos. Oldest Piano House In EI Paso. EL PASO PIANO CO. W. R. Schutx. rrop. Strictly -ONE PRICE!" to alL 20! South stle of Texas St. STEINWAY'-EVKRBTT-WEBER. Plurabers N". E. NATIONS Plumbing. Phone 220. PRONTO PLUMBER Call ns for that hnrry up Job. We don't hold you up In prices, Ras. phsne SO. 3: otflc. 163. Printing. HIGH CLASS All kinds commercial, society, color, show and catalog printing, guaran- Southnestern Printing Co. Geo. L. WUton. Mgr. 13 Chihuahua St tnone 136. Real Estate. B. , Hanunett. 1. P. Irammett B. F. HAMMETT SON. Real Estate and Mining Brokers. Rents Collected Money to Loan. Pnone 22 Hatnmett Block. 24 Texas St. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE in Bessmer. Colorado, to exchange for El Paso property. Lots to exchange for diamonds or automobile. Val ley land for residence. Good improvements. w. N. Carl. , Storage Warehouses. EL TASO TRUNK FACTORY New house, safest location. pwSaibl? luwesl Office 17 Mills St.. Phone lost SecondHandFnrnitnre. WANTED 2d hand furniture R. L. Dan iels Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 125. EXCHANGE NEW JtURMTURE. For second hand. Western furniture 38 S. El Paso St. Phonj Z4. Co. EASTERN FURNITURE STORE Highest prices paid for second hand furniture. New starter. Need goods Phone 1737. WANTED Your second band furniture, coal ranges, cook stoves, rugs, refrigerators, dressers, tables, etc, Texas Furniture Co. Phone 4997. 46 S. El Paso St. Louis Rob blns. Prop s , Second Hand Clothing. Ladles' second hand clothing bougnt. Ph. 6845 Men's second hand clothing bought. Ph. 6S45 NEW STARTER needs goods, highest prices paid for second band clothing Phone 3056. UNREDEEMED OVERCOATS best quality, on sale cheap. 47 S. Bl Pass. HIGHEST PRICES paid for old clothes and shoes. Phone 176 BROOKLYN TAILORING CO, buy second hand clothes, pay big prices. Phone 3360. Span Lessons. PROF. BRAVO. Ph. 386. 24 Buckler Bldg. CONVERSATIONAL Palmore college. Phone 3180. IF YOU WISH to learn Spanish quickly and correctly, see ProL W. L. Moore about les sons. Method easy, practical, thorough. Twelve years' experience. Best of references. Arlington hotel Room 32. SheetMetalWorks. ACME SHEET M1.TAL WORKS. Chas. A. Kaurfman, Oil! It. Moore. General sheet nigta) cotirac.ors Heating and ntiltuig n',r upe-ia tj '09 Texas St. El Pano Tex. Phone si'.n E3L Ready Reference Bniineu Directory Store Repairing. STOVE REPAIRING New parts made and carried for all makes of stores. I J. Peeler, with D. and H. Iron Works. Phone 344. Tanks. TANKS. CULVERTS. Irrigation pipe, silos, garages, etc Ask for catalog. Phone 14SC. Hills. Sutton & White Manufaetnrlng Co. Taxidermists. McLELLAX BROS Ph. 7ft V9 Frisco St. Transfer and Storage rOMEROVS EL PASO TRANSFER 345-310 S. Oregon. Storage, baggage freight transfer. Phone 1414. CO, and EVERYBODY IS DOING IT. Doing what! Moving. Bat Odours Trans fer la doing most of It. Thre is a reason. Get wise. Storage. Piano. Safe moving. Phone mr Tools. WANTED To bay 2d hand tools and guns. H 3 S. El Paso St. Turkish Baths. 408 N. OREGON. Louis Wacht. Ph. lvv. Typewriters. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUTFLY CO. Ai; makes sold, rented, reoalrsd. Corona Typewriter. SIC Mills St Phone 123 Veterinary 3nTgeoiu. MAX MASER. D. V. 8. Phone 1157. DR. T. BROWN, veterinary. Phone 451T. MAX SIASER. Veterinarian and ratholeglral Horsesboer. Ex-horseshoer of Troop L, 7th U. S. cavalry. Proprietor of Veterinarian hospital at Chihuahua, Mex. 1Z1S San Antonio St. Phose 1117 Welding Shops. HEAVY MACHINE and sntetnoaile parts welded promptly. Brown Welding Co. Bond Election. BOND ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that there will be a special election held In El Paso County. Texas, on Tuesday, the 12th day of October. A. D- 1915, at the voting places hereinafter named, to determine whether or not special road bonds of said El Paso County shall be Issued In the sum of Three Hundred Thou sand (33.6w M). drawing Interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum, payable semi-annually oa the lth day of April and the lth day of October of each year, ma turing forty (4) years from date, with such option of redemption as may be fixed by the Commissioners' Court of El Paso Csemty. Texas, for the purpose of eonstractlnc. maintaining or operating macadasalsed. graveled or paved roads or turnpikes In said county, or la aid thereof: aad at said election there shall also be submitted to the qualified resident property tax paving voters of said county, the question as to whether or twkt s. tax shall be lvid BUM all tha property of said county subect to taxation for the purpose of paying the interest on said bonds and to provide a sinking fund f for the redemption thereof. Said election shall be held under Chapter Two of Title Eighteen of the Revised Stat utes of Texas. 111. and the xneaner of holding said election shall be governed by the general laws of the State of Texas when not in conflict with the provisions of said Chapter. None but qualified resident property tax paying voters shall vote at said election. The ballots to be used at said election shall have printed thereon the question to be submitted and also the following propo sitloaa: "For the bonds and for the tax aad ''Against the bonds and against the tax and voters shall scratch with a pen or pencil tAe proposition they oppose by mak ing' a distinct marked Hoe through the postposition not intended to be voted and Shan nave uascratched the proposition which they favor and for which ther intend to vote. Seld eeeattoa shall be held at the fallow rag plaoes In said county, and the following aamLil persons shall act am- prealdlag Judges of said election: Precinct No. L Voting place. Greer's Sta biea. 112 W. Overland street. El Paso. Texas. W. C Balger, presiding judge. Product No. 2. Voting place. 117 Bast Second street! Bl Pao. Texas, TaoeBas P. Holgate. presiding Judge. Precinct No. 3. Voting place. Central Fire Station. El Paso, Texas. W. E. Corringtos. presiding Judge: Prednct No. 4. Voting place. 41 South Virginia street. El Paso. Texas. D. R. Mc Duffle, presiding Judge. Precinct No. S. Voting place. 41 Tays street. Bl Paso, Texas. E. S. Oemoeta, pre ening Judge. Prednct No. 6. Voting place. CMr Hall 13 Paso, Texas. H. E. Kttburn, prassdtag Judge. Precinct No. 7. Voting place. Fire Station, Bl Paso, Texas, c B. Artless, presiding Judge. Prednct No. t. Voting place, 363 Ala meda. Bl Paao. Texas. Joe Dsmne. presid ing Judge. Precinct No. . Voting place. Will Wat son's Garage. 1 E. Boulevard. KI Pass, Texas. Crawford Harvte. presttUag Judge. Prednct No. 1. Voting place. Highland Park Fire Stattoa. El Paso, Texas. George L, Hilt, preoMlag Judge. Prednct No. 11 Voting place. Lumber Yard, corner Missouri and Brown streets. El Paso, Texas. Vardle Fuckett. prealdlag judge. Prednct No. 12. Voting place. MS Oeta via street. El Paso. Texas. R. A. Whlt lock. presiding Judge. Precinct No. 13. Voting place. Mesa Fire Station. El Paao, Texas. Edgar FsweU. pre siding Judge. ' Prednct No. 14. Voting place. 5M-3 North Kansas street, Bl Paso, Texas. W. C Height, presiding Judge. Precinct No. 15. Voting place, Fraaer Brothers, 612 North Oregon street. El Paao, Texas. V. E. Ware, presiding Judge. Prednct No. 16. Voting place. El Paso Oss Company, 425 North Oregon street. El Fas. Texas. B. Tom Smith, presiding Judge. Prednct No. 17. Voting pUx Neff-StHea Company. Main and Santa le streets, Bl Paso. Texas. R. H. Rlnehart. presiding ! Judge. Prednct No II. Voting place. Altura Park School House. Bl Pas. Texas, a J. MapeL presiding Judge. Prednct No. 19. Votlne nlaes. S3 rn Refining Company. El Paso. Texas. J. H. Hurxthal. presiding Judge. ' Prednct No. 2. Voting place. School House at Ysleta. Texas. Vi. T. Duncan, pre siding judge. Prednct No 21. Voting place. School House at Socorro. Texas. Maria nna Sierra, presiding Judge. Prednct No. 22. Voting place. Ban Bll zarlo School House. San Elisario. Texas. J. J. Perec presiding Judge. Prednct No. 23. Vot'ng place. CUnt School House. Clint. Teiaa. H. BL BlUott. presiding Judge, Prednct No. 21. Yoting place. School House, Fabena, Texas. Joe Madrid, preetd. ' lag JBOge. Precinct No. IS. Voting place. School House. Fort Hancock. Texas. Bob Ross, pre siding Judge. Prednct No. 26. Voting place. School House. Sierra Blaaca. Texas W. C Carson, presiding Judge, Prednct No. 27. Voting place. School House, Alamore, Texas. 1. R. Millleau, pre siding Judge. Prednct No. IS. Voting place. School House. Tewne, Texas. Brook Jones, presiding Judge. Prednct- No. 2. Voting place. Frank Warden's store. Canut.llo. Texas. Cart Longuemare. presiding Judge. Prednct No, 3. Voting place, Morrison's Ranch. II. L. Daugherty. presiding Judge. Prednct No. 3L Voting (place. Sabino Si erra House. Sabino Sierra, presiding Judge. WITNBSS MY HAND and seal of office, this the 11th day of September. A D 115. Adrian Pool. County Judge. El Paao County. Texas, Attest: County Clerk, El Paao Count), Texas, and 1 . 4. av,fnivi:&. , Ex-offido Clerk. Commls-oonera Court, KI Paso County. Texas. By C Aranda, Deputy. HOG TRICKS RISK. Chicago. Ill . Oct. 2 Hogs rose In price today owing to the number of arrivals hav ing been much urtalled. Mrt of the nttle liep ami laml- w re ronslgnci to killers dlrect- PASO HERALD iSPEGIflL STOCKS FEiMlKE. "Westinghouse, General Mo tors and Bethlehem Steel Shares Are Soaring. NOTE Quotations Saturday. Oct 2. reflect closing price New York. Oct 2. Speculative interest la today's market centered around a few spe cialties, mainly those of the war contract variety. Westinghouse. which came forward with a bound in Friday's late operations, claimed the bulk of attention, trading la that issue during the first hour amounting to one-third of the whole at Ita maximum. 13V The stock showed a gain of H points. Steel moved uncertainly, falling to equal Friday's quotations, but sensational galas were recorded by General Motors. American Car and some of the, more obscure Indus triala Bethlehem Steel rose ten points to the new high price of 37S. Bonds were firm. The closing was strong. N. Y. LISTED STOCKS (By Associated Press.) New York. Oct. 2. Following were the i dosing quotations at the New York stock exchange for the stocks mentioned: American Sugar Refining Les i Anaconda Copper 74 Atchison l.3X Chlno Copper -47 Inspiration Copper 43 Northern Pacific LI Reading L51K Southern Pacific S3 Union Pacific 1.11 United States Steel tls United States Steel, pfd 1.14 S MONET Am) METALS. NEW YORK MARKET. (By Associated Press.) York. Oct. 2. Mercantile New York. Oct. 2. Mercantile paper tail. Sterling' Sixty day Mils 4.U: demand 4.71S5: cables 4.72X5. Bar sliver 49. Mexican dollars 314. Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds firm. Copper firm; electrolytic S1S.3S. Iron firm: No. 1 Northern S16.259 16.75: No. 2 Northern tl6.16.5: Southern No. 1 ilk e16 5: Southern No. X SU.HVlC.t5 The metal exchange qootes tin 332.06 132.5 The metal exchange ojuotes lead 34.5. LONDON METALS. London, Bog., Oct. 2. The Leodon met als market closed aa follows: Lead 124. si. d. Spelter iff. si. Spot copper (73: futures 173. sl7. K; elec trolytic 37. sift. Spot tin ( 15: fnturos I1SL sS. Antimony (125. THE LOCAL MARKET. (Mexican money quotations supplied by Rio Grande Valley Bank and Trust Co.) Mexican currency If. Mexican pesos t. Carranxa pesos : Chihuahua currency 2-1 of s cent. 13 Paso Smelter Quotations. (Corrected Dolly.) Bar stiver (Handy & Harmon notations) Load (14. sJ. dt. Pig lead 4.5. Copper wire bars 17.C5. WOOL TRADE EXPERIENCES ANOTHER WEEK OF QUIET Boston. Mass.. Oct. 2. The wool trade has experienced another quiet week, according to the Commercial Bulletin todsy which states, hn'vever. that there has been no downward tendency. . The Bulletin adds: "While there haa been a disposition on the part of deaiera to meet buyers half way In the matter of prtcea. Use landsssry toward higher values In the fenlsn asaraots taps dally for good woola. Is having a strength ening effect on the market here. Scoured bases, Texas fine. 12 lanalhs, 67 Sc. fine months. 43c Territory fine, staple, 73t)?3c; rme me dium staple. 7c: fine clothing. 707c. fine medium clothing, sic: half blood comb ing. 7(r71c; three-eighths blood combing. 76c Pulled, extra. STc: AA. 567c; fine A, 64066c. A supers, 6 6 65c Cotton Market. New York Gotten Cloe. New York. Oct. 3. Spot cotton quiet, mid dling uplands 11 85: salea 14. Cotton fu tures closed steady. Oct. 1L7: Dec 11 97; Jan. Ill: March 12.41: May 12.62. Liverpool Ottoo date. Liverpool. Eng, Oct. 2. Cotton spot easier, goad middling 7 lsd. mldeulag s.ld; low mlddUag C3Sd: salea 64.. A dollar saved t:y ttuViog jroods pro duced elsewhere - loliar thrown at your neighbor's birds. -a" UNWRITTEN TO BE HER DEFENSE! y-7 KOSA BCllivaC Mrs. Kesa Bellioa and ser daughter, rrancts, posed as the "Madenna and Child." New York. Mrs. Kosa Bellina. 30 year old v ife and mother of two children, who shot and killed James Montiglia. an artist ami music ian in Brooklyn, because he recused to marry ber after her hnsband had cast litr aside, will ase the un written law as her defence in the trial whi m is now prtHedinjf. MtMtieiia won the lore of the notnan nli.le -lie i- ihiii' with her 7 months old baby ;irl for it nevt aintitif of th- Mauoima and thr child, it is said. When she fled to him for protection, her lui-band haMiip di-iovero 1 their relations, he merely laughed, det-lannir that he could ncir marr a nunmn with two children. The older of the two children is nw in her third eai Difficulty wag experienced in the selection of a jury, many of the men in the first panel .ayinr flatly that thej believed Montigli.t ";ot what he deserted." Mrs. Bi llina shot Mouf ijilia 111 lus room-, ulnlr -.he held her bah 111 ner arms. Her liuband is a wealthy Brooklyn contractor. iCDRNISLOWEI WHEST HID Bad Weather For Wheat, Good For Corn, Causes a Shift in the Trading. Chicago. III.. Oct. 2. Predictions of un. settled weather tended today to lift the price of wheat. Besides,- cable dispatches told the needs of an enlarged supply. Open lac prices, which ranged from KCtic off to He advance, with December at Kc and May at 37 to 7tsc were followed by a moderate upturn above Friday night's level all arouau. The close was strong l.c to 114c net higher, with December at MSic and May at ttc Corn sagged, owing to warmer tempera tures, the market aooa rallied, however, with whoa. After opening &c down to a shade up. prices anderwent a slight general decline, and then recovered to about yes terday's dosing tlgares. Prices dosed steady at !c to lc net de cline. Oats swayed with corn. The chanre In quotations, though was narrow. Higher prices for hogs strengthened- provisions. As a rule commission booses were -oa the buy ing side. Grain and Provisions. Chicago Grains Close. Wheat Dec. J.c; May c. Corn Dec 5Hc; May 5SKC Oats Dec 35c. May 37c Cniraxo l'rovtsions Close. Pork Oct. 13.3. Jn.16.15. Lard Oct. 3.27: Jan. .. Ribs Oct. 8. si. Jan. S.9S. Kansas City Produce Clase. ST.aaaa rtt Hft. Oct. 2. 1 Creamery 27c: firsts 2Sc: seconds 3te: pack ing 19 He. Eggs Firsts 23c: seconds 19c Poultry Hens 13c: roosters c. broilers ISc KS,.S" irr AST TlSih wheat Kansas City. Mo. Oct. 3. Cash wheat-; No. 2 hard. S1.21.7: No. 3 red, l.llf L14: December, l!tc: May. 4c Cora No. 2 mixed. 6HS7c; No. I white, 5657e: December. SHc: May. 52W 52c Oats No 2 white. 337c. No. 2 mixed. 34 c Elgla Butler o-. Elgin, III . Oct. 2 Butter higher; 2M tubs at 27c, 53 at 27 fie LIVESTOCK. Cnirnco Livestock Close. Chicago. Ill, Oct. 2. Hogs ReoetpU ; market firm: mostly tea conU above Friday's average Bulk SI.2)8.M: mixed H-H0t.zi: pigs S5.7.5. . Cattle Receipts 50. market weak. Na tive beef cattle 3.1.25; western steers 34.593.75; cows and betters 33.MtyS.2S: calves. I. 751L5. Sheep Receipts SM: market weak. Wethers 35.5a6.4: lambs 36.M0s.t5. Rsmi City UveetaeL Oose. Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. 2. Hogs Receipts 1M: market steady. Balk 7.68.; pack ers and butchers S7.M93.1: pigs S7.M)7.75. Cattle Receipts zse: market steaay. rnai . fed steers 3-Stl.l. dressed beet steers . ee SA is. .ra ip. is lgSes9.M: ' stockers and feeders 35 5)3.M, bulla SS.M9 6.M: calves t6.M)lM. Sheep Receipts 2M: market steady. Lambs SS.2598 75: yearlings . 6. 75. wethers 35.596.5: ewea 3S.2S5.M. Ft. Worth Livestock, dose. (By Zelxer Hotel ) Hogs Receipts 13. market steady to 5 cents higher Too 7 4S. bulk 37 597.6. market 20c lower for the week. Cattle, receipts 12. including 1M calves. Nominally steady and unchanged. For the week, all fat cattle steady, good stockers steady, half fat steers It and 21 cents low er: half tat cows, 19 15c lower; calves steady. Sheep Receipts 12e. billed through. Steady for the week. CLEARING HOUSE BANKS HOLD BIG EXCESS RESERVE Now York. Oct. 2 The statement of the actual condition of risettasg house banks aad trust companies for the week show that vw K-ta siaaXTlilas reserve in exeesa of legal requirements. This Is a decrease of 1.T1.7M from last week. The statement follows. Loans, etc 33.7.4M.M: Increase. 314. 11.M. Reserve la own vaults. (B) 35S.372.M; decrease. 3.4K.M. Reserve in federal I ess r re bank. S1I4. 75.M. Increas?. 82.439 M. Reserve in other depositaries, 337.I7S.M: Increase. S7.M6.Me. Net demand deposits. 3.S3.379.M: In- Sl'staftas? " 1 41 ftsM Net time deposit. )1311tl,t; decrease. Build up your Home valley, products. TJsti her LAW s S HER. C-4.0 rtZANCCS. Veek-End Edition, October I lllllll II L I I H l uurrrn jiuuiw i OPEN STI1EEI Soften a Little After the the Opening, but Close Strong With List. Copper stocks opened strong Saturday but i softened before the dose of the market, ac cording to advices to CarUsa. Manning A Co., j stocks and bonds. First National bank build- : ing. The market opened strong, featured by V. S. Steel and t-c war stocks. Steel sold up to 81 at the oaao. Of the war stocks. j Americas Car a Foundry and Bethlehem high records. BetbJahesa Me at S75 and Car & I 1" Can aad Locomotive were I high I of M. Bay aad Nevada were I strong. Railroads were dull aad not so strong. Tradlsaj was featured by the war i stocks manipulation aod invostsnent Issues were not so much m ofenanad. The market ! dosed strong. ' Copper Stocks Quotations. I The following wire qajotatlons furnished ( by Curtiae, Manning ft Co.. give the closing ! prices: I Anaconda 73H I Braden S . Butte ft Superior 6e Calumet ft Arizona 63b . Chlno 47 Copper Range 56t Davis Daly 14 Bast Butte 12 Greene-Cananea 39 Inspiration 42X Miami 3K Nevada Consolidated 15 New Cornelia H49 North Butte 3 Ray Consolidated 25 Shannon -. ? Suattuck 27 Tennessee Copper United Verde Extension 51s9 Utah Copper 68i Industrial and Railroad Stocks. American Can 65 American Car ft Fouudry 1 American Locomotive .- 7i t American Smelters ,,., rniti. sa UmIiIwIi Lneomotive ............. .126 Bethlehem Steel 375 California Petroleum 2 Colorado Fuel ft Iron 62 Crucible Steel 16. Baltimore Ohio S Maxwell Common 54Vi Maxwell 2nJ pfd J4TS Mexican Petroleum S3H Missouri Pacific Ji National Enamel Jl Republic Iron ft Steel 54S Texaa Company 1' Virginia-Carolina Chemical 42H C VNAUIAN CO.VntACTOR AHRKSTED Chicane. Ill, Oct i. Thomas Kelly, contractor, who erected the Manitoba parliament building at Winnipeg; was arrested here Friday night at tne re quest of Winnipeg authorities. He regltsered at a fashionable hotel and was taken into custoily when he went for a walk He refused to discuss his arrest, but intimated he would tight extradition. Kelly is charged with having defrauded t e Canadian gov ernment out of Sl.2i9.000. RAILROAD AND AUTOMOBILE TIME TABLES All trains arrive and depart rrom Onion station, foot of San Francisco street. All arrivals and departures given in Bl Paso or mountain standard time SANTA FE. For Albuquerque. Denver. Chicago. Lot Angdes Lv. 3:5 a. m. and 8'M p. m. From Albuquerque. Denver. Chicago. Los Angdes At. Mam and (-SS p. ns. EL TAM A SOUTHlVEWrEKN. (Wettesn WtWod). For Arizona and Sonera Lv. 2:S p. m. and 7.45 p. m. From Arlsona and Soaora Ar. 7:M a. m. and 1:4 p. m. (Basiern OirMonl. For Kansas City. St. LoaU aad Chicago Lv. 1.5S p. a. and 4:4 fj, ax. Far Tucumcari Lv. 7:3 a. m. From Chicago, St. Louis aad Kansas City Ar. 6 So a. m. and 1:4 p m. From Tucumcari Ar. T2 p. os. C. n. S. A. ANTI S. P. TRAINS. rw n asimIil Mew farlsstas and Wash lugton Lv. 3:45 a. as. aad l:3d p. ra. rrom masstiasusa, ssw cniiinn u o Antonio Ar. 5 3 p. m. and 1 p. m. For jLrixaaa aad Caltfetala Lv. CIS a. m.. ( p. a. aad 1:1S p. m. From Arlsona and California Ar. 8:31 a..m. 4.30 p. m. and 1 m. TEXAS PACIFIC. For Dallas and St. Louis Mr. f:M a. n-u. From St. Louis and Ar. 9:15 a. m 9:S5 p. m. MKXICAN CENTRAL. For Aguascalleatss aad tatermedlat points Lv Juares at 8 p. m. From Aguaacallentes aad touraediatt points Ar Jjaret 7 3 a xa. MEXICO NORTH WESTERN. Fer Pearson and Intermediate points Lv. Juarez Mondaya and Thursdays at 3 a m. From Pearson Ar. Juarez 6 p. ra. Wed nesdays and Fridays. ROSWELL-ALAMOGOROO PASSENGER AND EXPRESS LINE. Automobiles leave Alamogordo far Ros well at 7:2 a m, arrive at Rerweil at S:34 p. M. "Vestbound automobilo leave Roe well for Alamogordo at 7 M a. M Arrive at Alamogordo at 4:13 F M. Stops are made at the following points FtcacBO. Tlnnie. Hondo. Saa Patricio. (Men Cee. White Ml Inn. Mesrslero. Best, Tttlx resa. La Lua . Through tare doe way 311 a Interme diate points Be per mile Twenty-five pounds baggage carried tree. Excess lc par pound. Telephone No 22 or No 55 1 Roewdl: 49 or 43 Alamogordo. Bert Browning, (som, Mgr. Koswell. New Mexico. MARFA-FOBT DAVIS AUTO MAIL LINE. Leaves Fort Davis dally and Sundays 8 a. m. Leaves Marts. 3 p- a. One way. 33.M: round trip. 34.M. (1. W. Darts, Prop. IIICKOK I'OTBL AND AUTO LINE. Eagle, N. M. Trips to Biepbant Butte and Palomas Springs. Cars meet all tralas. BLACK RANGB AUTO STAGE AND EXPRESS LINE. Passenger servics. leaving Bug! and Chloride dally except Sunday, at 7 a. m. fot Elephant Butte. Cachllla. Willow Springs. and Falrvlew. Through fare one way. 36; Intermediate points, lc per mile Bag gage carried. M pounds tree, excess S cents per pound. EL PASO . Sinter, editor nnd controlling tivrner. hns directed The Hemic' for 17 J. C. Wllroarth la Jlnnagcr and G. A. Martin Is News Editor. AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSrKPER Tne EI Paso Herald was established In March. 188L The El Paso Herald includes also, by absorption and succes sion. The Daily News, The Telegraph. The Telegran, The Tribune, The Graphic, The Sun. The Advertiser. The Independent. The Journal. The Re publican. The Bulletin. Entered at the Postofflce in EI Paso. Texas, as Second Class Matter. MEMEBU ASSOCIATED rRKSS. AMERICAN NBYVSPAPBIt PUBLISHERS' tttnci tTioNV and audit BrnKt.ii of rinrrii..Tiog. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily Herald, per month. Sec: per year. S7.9. Wednesday and Week -End Issues will be mailed for 32. per year THIRTr-FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION Superior exclusive features and complete news report by Associated Press Leased Wire and Special Corre spondents covering Arixons, New Mexico, west Texas, Mexico. Washing tan D C. and New York. STATE3IK.YT OK TUB OYVMJRMIIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC Of 1 Paso Herald, published daily at El Paso, Texas, required by the Act ot August 24, 1S-11. Editor and Managing- Editor. H. D. Slater: Business Manager, J. C Wilmarth; Publisher, Herald News Co., a. corporation: all domiciled in EH Paso, Texas. Owners (If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock): H. D. Slater, J. C. WMmarth. H. Lv CapelL H. B. Stevens, 1. A. Smith, J. J. Mundj. Waters Davis, M. C. McGlennon Estate. W. T. Payne, G. A. Martin. A. L. Sharpe, all of El Paso: H A. True of Denver. R. C. Canby of New York City. John P. Ramsej. of Charlotte, Vt- ' Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mornraxes. or other securities: The bonds of the Herald News Co are payable to bearer and present ownership is unknown thev were sold originally through bankers and others in various cities north and east including St Louis. Chicago. Grand Rapids. New York. Kansas City. Janesville, Wis, WuMnxton, r C. and Sprinsfleld. Ill . a few were sold in El Paso, other stcurlties htld h First National Bank ot El Paso Average numLer .if topics of each issue of thi- publication seld or dis tributed, through the malls or otht-"cise. to paM subscribers during the six months p ccetiine. the date of this st iteTie'it Is 1' Yera;e daily actual distribution for the six months, 19.579 copies. ' (Signed 1 H D Slater. Editor. Sworn to ami subscribed before me this 1st da of October. 115 P W Still SETj. Notar Public For El I'aso Count. i"ei 7 B ! WEATHER BTJLLETIJti". S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. lAEVTHER BUREAU. Observations tun iiIls, 75th me ridian time (S a. ra. KI Paso time ) Oct. 1915 forecasts. El Paso and victn ly Fair tonight and Sunday New Mexico Fair tonight and Sunday, not much change In temperature Arizona Fair to night and Sunday. cooler northwest por tion Sunday West Texas Fair tonight and Sunday I'. (ra Inches)..! Weather at 8 a. m . Lowest temp. taM atgha I Mfanrlieat vesterday I Temp, at 8 a. m I Abilene clear clear dear ABVanno Atlanta Boise Boston Chicago....... Clnctanarl Denver . Detroit Duluth El Paso Galveston ..... Haire Jacksonville Little Rock... Los Angeles... 60 5: il 51 5: 5 56 5 53 73 76 6 56 ctoud clear dear .01 dear cloudy .37 cloudy dear dear dear .63 pt. cldy .34 dear cloudy foggy dear rain .33 NasbAlile 68 New Orleans1 76 New York 5 Omaha ... ;t Phoenix C Rapid City 52 91 7 TS T8 8 clear pLddy dear clear dear dear dear dear cloudy dowdy clear Roevrell St. Louis 5.4 Salt Lake City.... San Antonio San Francisco Santa Fc Seattle ... Washington Wichita Yuma .2 164 56 54 7 iS I-' clear Note Amounts of precipitation of less than 01 of an inch are not published hereon. Comparative El raso Precvsttatlen. Jan. 1 to Sept. 39. Inclusive, 111 ...9 35 in. Jan. 1 to Sept. 3. Inclusive. 112 8.36 in. Jan. 1 to Sept. 3. Inclusive. 113 5.3 In. Jan. 1 to Sept. 3. inclusive. 114... 11.15 to. Jan. 1 to Sept. 3. inclusive. 191S ...9.4 in. Normal, Jan. 1 to Sept. 3. inclusive 7 78 In. DR. C00X GOES TO BURMA; IS SEIZED AT GERMAN SPY San Francisco, Calif- Oct. J. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who left San Fran cisco in June to climb Mount Everest in the Himalatas. was arrested m Kan goon. Burma, as a German sp.v, and his motion picture outfit was confis cated, according to Curtis W. Allen, an American timber huyer. who has re turned from an 11 months trip in the tar east. Alien said that Dr CooE was released later, but permission to climb Erevest was withheld. The timber man. born in Anacortes. Wash., said he himself was arrested as a spy seven time3 in 11 montns, and at Ransoon was in the same Jail with the explorer. BIG SPRINGS. LAMESA. TEX, AUTO LDCB Leaves Big Springs daily except Sunday at in i m.. arriving Lamesa via Soash and Snaraaberg: at 12 noon, returning to Big j Spring! same day at 6 p. m. 33.5 one way. s-vv raius inp. CordW S: SmHb. Props, Big Springs. Tex. TITLAROSA-MBSCALZRO Auto leaves Tularosa for Mescilere 33 round trip, fare to Alamocordo 32 D. TV. Shoemaker Aula Line. dally. H. M. BURN A 1STA-OWE-0 STAOE IXSE Round rrtp dally except Sunday) one way 3L3S. Meet aH Orient trains at Owego. ci. O. Marshall. Owner. 91L1BR CITY MOtillLLON STAOE LINE. One Way 37 J9: Round Trip SlI-00. Stanley Steamer. 12 Passenger Car. Wire or write tor reserratioo. Bight years e perse ace Mogoilon Road. Frank Townsesd. P O. Box 74 Phone 243. Silver CHy LAS CRCCBS AUTO LINE. FOR MBSILLA VALLET POINTS. Leaves Herald office each week day at 1.3 p. m. Faros from Bl Paso to GaaatUlo ............ ..... .3 .75 Anthony ................ 1.00 Berino ............................... 2 'Vado ,............ .......... 1 .5 McNiuvte ...,................. 1.7 Mesilla Park ............. 2. Las Crocos 2.0 Leaves Las Cruces Drug Co. tor Bl Paso it 11 a. a. dally. LAKB A1.LBT. HIIXSBORO AND KING STON AUTO STAGE AND EXPRESS LINE Mees all trains at Lake Valley. Wire at my expense for special trips any where at any time. Rates reasonable. F. W. MISTER. Hlllsboro. N. M BUBNA VISTA-liKAND FALLS AUTO LINE Round trip dally (except Sunday) one way 32.M. Will go anyahere. any time. J. V. Brown, Owner. GLOBE TO rHOENTX. Bight houra Via Roosevelt dam. Leaves Tjomlfcten hotel. Globe, dally. 3:3 a. a. Arrive Phoenix 4 3 n. m. Fare SIS. Mnkt reMrxi'HU In advance. OWa ulley Auto Stage Line. Globe. Arts. ROSTVELL-CAKS:zO:0 MAXL LINE. Passenger service leavtsg both RoswsII aad Carrixcao dally and Sunday at S a. ro tor Ptcaebe. Tlanle. Rondo, Lincoln. SX Stents. Capltaa and NogaL Through fare one way. 38.4. Interme diato points at 8c pet mue. Baggage car ried ap to 17S pounds. S pounds tree. Excess at le per pound. RosweU Auto Co. Owners and Operatora BL PASO-LA MBSA AUTO LINE. UrrBR V.VLLBV. WEST SIDE. HERALD DELIVERS-. Leaves Herald office each week day at IM p. ra. Fares irosa Bl Paso to the fol lowing potata are ae follows: Canutlllo ...c 3 .73 La Usnoa star LH Chamhorloo M... ....... ....... LIS La Mesa LH Car leaves La Mesa fer El Paso at S a. m, dally. Telephone 212. La Men. N. M. K. T. Hewitt. HERALD years 1 2-3, 1915. TsBBarxaag .. .iuu m last 24