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El Paso herald., October 02, 1915, HOME EDITION, Cable News and Classified Section, Page 16, Image 16
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 83 Week-End Edition, October 2-3, 1915. I v $12.00 IN MERCHANDIfi AT Order Y our Fall fsuit or Overcoat now and we -will have it here iu plenty of time. Come in Monday and make your selection. More thsn 500 all wool fabrics to select from Let us show you now DUNDEE Woolen Mills 319 S VN AVTONIO STREET. El Paso Trunk Factory Trunks. Traveling Bass, Suit Kases and Small Leather Goods Made and Repaired and Exchanged. Oppo. Post Office, Across Plazi Next to Crawford Theater. Phone 1054. Violins Mandolins Guitars Appollo Player Piano Sold on Eisy Terms. Dunn's Music Store 404 San Antonio St. WP-JSSM Drink Good Coffee SUNSET BLEND 35 d pound, 3 pounds for $1.00. Fresh roasted daily and never ground until ordered. Satis faction Guaranteed or money refunded. Premium coupon in every pound. Ask your grocer if he can't fill your order. Phone us We Deliver. Fant Coffee Co. 611 San Antonio St. Phone 2153. Measure BBia, fp2& Q E3 w DRESS UP! If Your Shirt and Collars Were Laundered by the ELITE LAUNDRY You'll Be Dressed for Fair Are You a Customer of "SPICK AND SPAN?" ELITE LAUNDRY 4I2 S. Oregon. CHRISTMAS GOODS Mexican, Indiam and Japan ese Art Novelties. Navajo Rugs Large Stock Beach's Art Shop City National Bank Building. ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO YOU! READ! We Buy Second Hand FURNITURE Or Take It in EXCHANGE FOR NEW GOODS BEST PRICES alowed in all Exchanges. Let us Furnish Your House On Our EASY PAYMENT plan. The Home Furniture Company Phone 1293. 111 N. Stanton. Fountain Pens $u And Up All Guaranteed Mills BIdg .-"It's Handy.' Electrical Appliances Yes, we have a complete line of heating appliances. BE MODERN "Acquant yourself with the way electrical." Larrabee Electric Company Phone 3823. 405 Texas St. 4fe Take life Easy Wolk On Rubber Heals Men's 35c Women's 25c For Sale by Enterprise Shoe & Leather Co. 316 Mesa Ave. You'll Soon Eat American Beauty 5c BREAD 10c If you are not already enjoying this bread with your meals don't deprive yourself of its goodness any longer. Order a loaf now well deliver. Phone 310. Belgian Bakery 210 E. Overland St You Call 21 77. We'll Call. Invisible Protection THERE are countless ways, unseen to you and unreal ized, in which we safeguard your purchases. Extraordinary care is used in the selection of our merchandise which ex cludes unworthy qualities and doubtful styles. Price mark ing is not a matter of seeing how much we can pet but rather how much we can Rive. Thus, absolute value for your money is assured. Here's a chance for somebody it niiglit as well be yon to get $10 worth of merchandise ABSO LUTELY FREE: somebody else $7.00 worth; another $5.00; another $4.00; another $2.00 worth and 14 others $1.00 each. This total of $42.00 worth is given EVERY week absolutely FREE. Each one of 19 different people will receive orders worth from $1 to $10. In the 42 ads published ' below are certain misspelled words. Find these words and write them neatly on a separate sheet; also write yourname and address on the coupon; also state on what advertisers you prefer orders for $1.00 each in merchandise, which mer chandise will be paid for by the advertisers on tins page. Winners will be decided by the neat "Of Course Certainly" For the Best Cup cf Coffee. Candies. Pastry Goods, and Fontain Drinks. Visit Us. At 410 So. El Paso Street BUSTER BROWN BREAD is the best, the purest and most wholesome bread made. It is of a quality to grace the table of every provider who desires to give the family "something better." For Bus ter Brown BREAD is better, and besides it costs no more than "other kinds." BAKING COMPANY (Our Merchandise Orders are Good at All Grocers.) Mt. Franklin Fuel &? Feed Co. Manufactnre the Best Line: also handle the Best Domestic Coal to he had-Wood and Kindling Phone 186. To Herald Misspelled Word Contest Dept. The misspelled words are: If successful make my orders of ?1 each on the following 14 My name and address is: Winners Will be Announced Here Next Week. EUREKA THEATER. SIS S. El Paso SC Sunday Oct. S. S Reel Drama. "The Snt llattle" With Hobart Henley and Agnes Vernon. Directed by Leon Kent. Vigorous young manhood never mad a stronger appeal than In this cleverly written and realistic ally staged and acted drama which leatnrea that virile roans actor. Hobart Henley. The con tinuity proves the excellence of the directing and the story Is swiftly unfolded in a way that holds the interest throughout. Hobart Henley as "Wild Bill" Lovett. the scspegraee son of an eastern millionaire, la disinherited and leaves home to mike a man of blmseix. In the hands of the average posing leading man the story would be ordinary only, but the athletic Henley, riding the bumpers of a freight train, saw ing wood for Us breakfast: en gaging in a free-for-all fight with a bunch of bullies, and his silent battle with his craving for drink, gives us scene after scene with the punch that thrills and satis fies. A splendid picture and one that wfll stand for a lot of boosting. "We Know n ow ANGELUS CLEANING taf PRESSING WORKS Harry M. Ross, Proprietor. Ladies and Gents" Garments neatly cleaned and pressed. Suits Maid to Order. Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Crawford Theatre Building, Opp. Plaza: Telephone 1610. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Pure Milk The Milk in Every RED TOP bottle is produced and guar anteed by the American Dairy Phone 402. Good Things Ta Eat PRICES REASONABEL. QUALITY THE BEST. SERIVCE QUICK AS LIGHTNING. AUTO CAFE Heid Bros. Coal, Wood, Kindling, Hay and Grain. PROMPT DELIVARY Phanes 35 and 36. Texas and Dallas Streets. Tne Jitne Company Inc. PHONE 3500. OUR EQUIPMENT LIMOUSINES SEVEN PASSENGER CARS FIVE PASSENGER CARS TAXIS BAGGAGE TRUCKS RATES LOWEST SERVICE BEST est correct, or neatest nearest correct answer. The winner of the first prize will get his orders on exactly the advertisers he prefers and the other winners will get their orders on the. adver tisers not named by the winner of the first prize. Just take these orders to the firms to which they are addressed and they will be accepted as cash, being paid for bv the firms whose advertise ment appears on this page. Address all answers to "Misspelled Word Editor, care The Herald." They mav be either mailed or brought to The Herald office. All answers must be in The Her ald office by noon next Thursday. Next Satur day winners will be announced and the awards mailed. Johnston's Appreciated Chocolates A special assortment bought in bulk, packed by us and dis tributed in boxes at 75c and $1.00. Telephone Orders Filled, 356-375. DRUG COMPANY Fresh Meats Too! In order to accommodate our many patrons who wish to buy their groceries and meats at one store we nave decided lo carry a complete line of fresh meats, poultry and oysters, be ginning September 0. We can assure you that we will carry nothing but the best and at reasonable prices. STAP.EI. AND FXSCT GRO CERIES, MEATS. POULTRY, OYSTERS. Valley Grocery 800 San Antonio Si. Phone 413-433. 10 Twenlith Century Teeth Didn't Hurt i Bit. 20th Century Teeth 10 Anatomical moulds and E. J Mccormick's rubber are the best materials used In artifi cial plates. Until Dec. 1st -will make these plates fortio.00. Guaranteed IS Years. NEW YORK PAINLESS DENTISTS Cor. Mesa and Texas Sts. Over Silberberg's Jewelry Store FORD Specialists Vi EXPERT MECHANICS PRICES REASONABLE LEAVE IT TO US MARKE & Y0NGE 601 Texas. K $10 Just Received A Large Shipment of Extension Dining Tables in Period and Pedestol Styles, in all the different Oaks. Prices range from $11.00 to $65.00. Buffets. China Closets. Serv ing Tables and Chairs to match. ROGERS FURNITURE COMPANY 108-1 I0-U2 N. Stanton St Investigate before you deside That s wise Try the work before you pay That s fair P. J. MULLIN, Pre. CMes BWg. Phone 1147. Will Open Friday, Oct. 8 The finest Fish, Oyster. Veg etable, Fruit and Dressed Poultry Market in the entire South. Fuller particulars in a later announcement. FULTON MARKET 114 Texas St. Phone Number Announced Next Week. Wedg wood The Newest Thing m Cameo JeTPelry. See the only display of this prelty jevelry al The A. D. Foster Co, Herald Blig. "Our Wedding Rings Insure Happy Marriages." The Home of Hart Schafiner & Marx, Rogers Peel and "Filform" Clothes For Men and Younz Men. Sunday Dinner FAMILY STYLE. Look What Yon Get For Roast Pork with Apple Sauce Roast veal with Dresatas Umb Stew Curry with Dumplings Sweet and Irian Potato Corn on Cob Sliced Tomatoea Peas m Cream New String: Beans Green Onions Radishes Grapes Watermelon Peaches Famous Corn Bread Change it Bill for Supper It's this Good Every Day it Cafe 408 San Antonio St. ELECTRIC FIX TURES MADE TO ORDER TO MATCH COLOR SCHEME OF YOUR ROOMS An Kxpert is in Charge of tJua Department t. "If It's Electrical We Have If National Telegraphone & Supply Company W. B. GLARDON, Mgr. 317 Mil St. Phne 759. BEFORE YOU BUY SEE OUR LINE OF Secondhand Heaters Bait Furniture Company 205 S. Stoston St Phone 3046. Garringers' Market Carries a full line of Fresh Meats, Fish, Oys ters, Poultry, Butter and Eggs. 207 E. Overland. Phone 2122. From sun to sun a one -cent run This is the cost of running Sew-E-Z scarcely more than a small 6-cancfie power light. Take It to a neighbor's you can pack Sew E-Z la a small parcel. No extra balk. Sew E-Z does a bit? work in a simple way and comes to small, compact. convenient form. 5-YEAR GUARANTEE Sew E-Z Sewing Machine Motor Makes Sewing a Pleasure. Southwestern Electric & Machine Co. SOf San Francisco St. KKEI' YOUR EYK OS TUB CITY GROCERY AND WATCH FOR OUR SPECIALS BACU SATURDAY". We Gtse Trading Stamp, and Deliver Orders at Your Door. IS lbs. of Snjrar 1.0O 24-Ib. sack Hlsh Patented 7 Bars of Soap SSe Flour .......90c 12 lbs. Sweet Potatoes SSe THE CITY GROCERY PHOK S-SeS. Dress In Style at a SMALL COST Ton can If you buy from aa Low rent; small expenses, cash, are the reasons of our underselling and undersell we do. Right now we offer Dress Skirt", good grade serge. Meek and colors at Sl-S Drrn Skirts, a finer quality at , . . FINE AW. SILK CRETE DE CHINE WAISTS. Also the now so stylish Striped and Scotch Plaid Tstfeta waists. SX.S raises for S1.M Ladles' line Shoes, pat. lea. or gua metal, black, mode or grey doth top. a stylish shoe of a well known maker at only S?,4S Hoys Sehool setts, good quality, S to It years. 3 or. pants . Come and let us snow you. 77te Bee Hive Dry Goods Store :$ E. Overland St. We have Sorae Bargains in uncalled for SUITS to show you. MoreheacTs Busy Little Tailor Shop 51 403 N. Oregon Si. Phone Note The dollar you win in tlas coolest will be accepted on purchase of clothes only. $2.00 In Merchandise For your $1.00 order this week if you buy $10 or more. See us in our new location 105 S. Stanton St Buy. sell or exchange new for your old furniture. Young Furniture Co. Phone 835. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. Write For Catalog. AN EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. Thornton-McKeel Shoe Company 231 Sin Antonio St. YouI be DeBghted With "Spick and Span" their permanent home is now the ELITE Laundry 412 S. Oregon. You Call 2177 Well Cau. 53 X. CAMPBELL. Removal Sal e FURNITURE AT VERY CLOCE PRICES Western Furniture Co. The Store That Saves Yon Money. 306 El Paso St F 'SV bag 4