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EL PASO HERALD 2 A DTEBD TO SKIP OCTOBER COURT Court Fund Is Exhausted and All Cases Will Go Over to Spring. I'M.nrdo. N. M, Oct 2. There will "- iclober term of the district court "" i n. ro county this year. This la the . -inn of K. L- Medler, presiding judge - t o district. This decision is due to -v' "hc' that the county is without ade-'--it funds to hold a term of court. r than to a lark of business to ji --ir-' At the beginning of Septem v - th court fund contained only a' i at SViOO. and the Porter case, which .intly concluded at Las Cruces, hi ig: b. en earn d there on the state's - T for a chinere of venue, cost - th-n S30t"i There are now in the lail six prisoners who have been r- ri oer to the grand jury and are ' to make bond, while a seventh s rder lnditmnt for murder and ifl without bond It is thought c -v likely that funds enough will have ai i rTied in the court fund to hold a --n- next April The trial of Turner TT Smith, under 20-odd indictments ;rr 'ns out of the failure of the First S'"t bank at I-a Cruces, has been t-- inferred to Otero county, under mo tiri for a change of venue. This case v M be tried here next April, M is e tLcs ed w Hank Orcnnlreil. pplieation ha? been made to the '"racury department for a charter for the People's National bank, which the rft tioners are making an effort to era' "nh in Alamoeordo The capital s vn will be S25.00n and the petltion-c- are as follows B. F. Fear nr "L. R Hughes. G J "Wolfinser. TT H Reber and W O Oldham. The "F -st National bank, which had been in j bis ress about 14 years, was liquidated and meTged with the Alamo State bank o-'t a few months ago The reason g.ven by the owners at the time of con solidating the two hanks was that there s 'not enough business in Alamogordo f enable two banks to earn dividends. fTiTis B Agutlar. probate Judge, held a special session of court yesterday to snpnint an administrator for the estate cr Gr erory Simnacher, who died on his ranch, near Tularosa. not long ago. S Tnacher left an estate estimated to be worth about S5000 Two etitrons were before the court, one for the ap pointment of father Lucien Migreon. the otbr for Dr I. X "Woodman, as admin-"st"-aton The court compromised be tween the two requests by appointing V "am Sundby His bond as admln-lst-ator was fixed at J2000. Collecting Mineral DIsplnj-. to Tlnklepaugh, secretary of the AlTrnzordo commercial club and spe c a commissioner in charge of the Otero county exhibit wieh will be sent to the state fair at Albuquerque, has jrone to Orogrande to make a repre ss; itve collection of minerals. Charles P- Downs, assistant district attorney, has left for his headquarters, aftfr a short business visit in Alamo-g-i-do J "W Pennington has bought the X Hill residence, on Maryland avenue, between Sixth and Seventh streets. The' coridcration has not been mSde public. V-. Randolph R. Pratt and Miss Eva Touts- Zolher, of the New Mexico insti tute for the blind, have returned to Alamogordo from a visit in El Paso. HUE if DH HE LIVESTOCK IS BJ Blooded Cows Are Bought i Gov. McDonald, Senators Ca by San Miguel and Cham- tron and Fall and El Paso- bermo Farmers. ans Guests on Last Day. m fi G SUCCESS Tjl Mesa. N. JL. Oct. 2. H. R. Han- num. of San Miguel community, has Just received a herd of 20 fine blooded Holstem cows ana a duil. ineee ani mals came from Iowa and through in fine shape. W. O. McNary, of the Chamberino community brought down from Las Cruces a small" herd of fine milk cows, which he bought from one of the sev eral car loads of blooded cattle recently shipped to that pojnt from Wisconsin and Minnesota. Interested and progressive farmers who met at the house of W. O McNary. in the Chamberino community discussed and formed preliminary organization for the handling dairy products from this portion of the valley. The name Rueeested for the organization is the West Side Dairy association. Quite a number present have small herds of blooded milk cows and hope tb add to tnem as an outlet for their products be comes more apparent. There were some propositions from SI Paso to take all the milk produced at a good market price and also propositions to deliver the miiK at a given point in eu rwo uy several truck owners as well as an of fer to sell the association a truck for its own operation. Nothing definite was done regarding these several propositions and the members ad journed for another meeting at the same place on Saturday evening, Oct. 9. Mr and Mrs. McNary extended their usual hospitality and opened their home for this cause. Among those pres ent from this community were: J. D. Potter, A. P." Williams. J. J- Cochran. H. R. Hannum and Lee Harlan. Fair Attracts Many. The Dona Ana county fair and the district court in session In Las Cruces claimed many of our citizens for a visit to the county seat this week. The school board, too. got "good" to the teachers and children and gave them Friday "a day off to go to the fair. Dr. E. K. McNeil, of La Mesa. was-In El Paso this week on business Mrs. R. T. HeweU. of La Mesa, was a business visitor in El Paso. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of La Mesa, motored into El Paso Friday, returning the same evening. Miss Lois Parker and Miss Pearl Lile. of the La Mesa school were visitors In Las Cruces, visiting the.falr. Miss Mary Morle took advantage of the school holiday and went to El Paso for a week end visit to friends. The La Mesa community escaped the big hail storm which was very ae structive in other valley communities. ARIZONANS MUST HAVE HUNTING LICENSES -READY rhoemx, Arix., Oct. 2. Instructions t- arrest all hunters unable to pro uuce Icenses have been issued to his rui5 bv state game warden . M. Vll-ird The law require the arrest hunters who have not their licenses i thp-r pockete. even though they i e licenses which they inadvertently 1-ft at home Heretofore, however, the ' v has not been rigidly enforced. Forge tfu In ess is no longer to be ac ttjted ai an excuse. MRS. WILLIAM H. TIPTON NAMED PUBLICITY AGENT Santa Fe. N. M, Oct. 2. Mrs. Will iam H. Tipton has been apopinted state publicity agent to compile and dis tribute stories about New Mexico's resources throughout the country. The appointment was made by state land commisioner Robert P. Ervien. The publicity department will bo supported by a three percent levy on the revenues derived from the sale and tease of public lands. United States district attorney Summers tJurkhart has filed an appeal from the decision of the supreme court which declared that the use of the three percent was legal. ROSWBLL BBVTVAI CLOSES. Roswell, N. M, Oct . Rev. Bills Smith, pastor of the Methodist oJtrrch of this city, has Just closed a revival with Rev. Frank M. XeaL of AmariUo. conference evangelist for the nortawest Texas conference. There were more than a hundred conversions and 75 additions to the church. Ira Huckabeev of Mineral Wells, led the singing. A free-will offering of $450 was made Mr. Neal and Mr. Huckabee. f 4A "The House of Musical Quality" Your Children Love Music "JgWBalssssl -,j they need music Possibly you have not given this thought enough consideration. TJndoohtedly yoa wnt yonr girl and your boy to have every athan tape, yet some of these things THAT ARK VERY NECESSARY escape you. A Piano, selected from this list, will be just the tliin your home lacks just the thing yonr own daughter needs, and if she needs it, mos surely she should have it you will want her to. Come in Now and See for Yourself the Fine Tone The Splendid Appearance of These Pianos. Second Hand in Name Only About 20 Unusual Bargains at $150. $200, $225, $250 Pay Us $10.00 or More If You Can then pay $7 or more a month The Piano is yours you are pleased the daughter is given a chance at music the home is brighter, happier, because a piano siU in the living room. 88 note Player Pianos low as $375. STAXDAHD MAKES TERMS TO SUIT YOU. The Cost Is Small! "We have several slightly used Electric Pianos, nickel in the slot, gold orig inally from $750 to $2500, we offer now from $350 up; terms like rent. Jenkins Piano Company BIG PIANO HOUSE. i Las Cruces. N. M.. Oct 2. The Dona Ana county fair closed to day with a large attendance. Today was El Paso and governor's day. the guests of honor being Gov. W. C. McDonald, senator A. B. Fall and senator Thomas Catron. The concerts given by the sixth Infan try U. S. A. band were hichly enjoyed. The afternoon sports consisted of the football game between the El Paso High school and the A. and M. college. ( "bronco busting? and and burro roping. iTize AiTarun Toniciiu The fair grounds will be open this evening when the prizes in the sports will be delivered from the superintend ent's office. A minstrel show is exhibit ing on the grounds at night. Dos Parade Unique. The attendance vesterdav was large. The dog, bicycle and pony parades were very fine. The dog parade was a howling success.. There were about 5a children in the parade and about 75 dogs. Many of the dogs were dressed as children, others were hauled in beautifully decorated carriages or car ried by children. This parade was probably one of the most successful of its kind ever pulled off in the south west. In the pony race there were 1 boys and girls. The children represent ed different personages as -they rode their steeds around the ring. The bi cycle parade had IS children in it. Santa Claus. George Washington and Uncle Sam and other personages were represented. , The baseball game between the sec ond team of the college and the Las Cruces high school resulted in a vic tory for the college. Better Rabin Contest. An interesting feature of the fore noon was the Better Babies contest Dr. R. E. McDride made an address and the diplomas were delivered by Mrs. B. T. Link and Mrs. George Frenger. The best baby in class three was declared to be Vivian Hess. The best In class two was declared to be Margarita Geek. The best in class one was declared to "be John BirdwelL jr. woman to Make Address. At the Presbyterian church on Sun day morning. Mrs. J. IV. Aldredae. of Oakland. Cal.. will deliver an address. In the evening the Christian Endeavor win convene at 7 oelock. To Be Farewell Sermon. At the Methodist church on Sunday morning. Rev. C. K. Camobell will preach on "A Pastor's Cbronation." and In the evening on "Unrealized Onnortu- nities." This will be a union service, as it will be the last sermon Rev. Mr. Campbell will preach before going to conference and will be transferred. He has been pastor here four years. No preahcing services will be held in the Baptist and Presbyterian churhces on Sunday night Special Program. The Baptist Sunday school will render a special program of music, recitations and drills Sunday morning. The sub ject of ReT. H. F. Vermillion's sermon will be "Go Forward." The young peo ple will meet at 7 p. m- Deata of Baby. Alice Elizabeth, the Infant daughter o ZMr. and Mrs. Irvin Toast, died Thurs day and was burled Friday. Interment was made In the Odd Fellows' ceme tery. Y Miss Katberine Kilgore and stater, from Rlncon. are here. They are meats f Mrs. II. F. Vermillion wMle attend ing the fair. Mlu Ross and the Misses Schumaker. of Rody, are guests of Mrs. H. F. Ver million. Injured When Tire Blows Ont. A. B. Cox was injured -when the tire of his auto blew out and a piece of it struck him over the eye, inflicting a bad cut Injured In Race. Hal Cox had his left leg injured In a running race at the fair on Thursday. TEMPE OOTTOX flIX HAS STARTED THE SEASON'S RUN Terape, Ariz.. Oct X. The season's ran tu begun at the Tempe cotton gin. and the gfn will be In continnona operation for the next three or four months. From four to five hales a day arc now being ginned, and the farmers are delivering cotton at a faster rate than that. .Salt river valley Egyptian cotton is xs selling for 1!4 cents a pound at the gin. Special Bates to Iloswell Fair. The Roswell-Alamogordo Passenger & Express Line will make a special round trip rate over their lines from Alamogordo to Roswell and return of $15 00 during the week of the Fair, which Is October 4th to 9th. Automo biles leave Alamogordo at 7 -M a. m, returning leaving Roswell at 7:ot a. m, connecting at Alamogordo with Kl Paso train arriving at El Paso at 7:00 p. m Write to either Alamogordo or Roswell for reservations. Advertisement A dollar saved by DUylng goods pro duced elsewhere is a dollar thrown at your neighbor's birds. Claim Opinion Damaged Their Reputation; As Rehearing For Villalobo Phoenix. Ariz., Oct z. Arizona has acquired a reputation for unique legal procedure in connection witli the at tempts to save the necks of the men condemned to die at the state peniten tiary, but competent attorneys say that the ultimate limit has been reached In the filing of an application for a re hearing of the Ramon Villalobo case. The motion has been filed by Stephen H. Abbey and G. M. Allen, of Florence, present attorneys for Villalobo. The principal ground advanced for asking a rehearing is that the reputations of the attorneys were damaged by the de cision of the supreme court refusing their application for a new trial. Villalobo was convicted of murder and sentenced. His attorney at that time was John P. Conmy. The statute allowed 0 days for the filing of an ap peal Five months after that time had expired. Abbey and Allen, acting for Villalobo. filed an appeal. In dismiss ing the appeal the supreme court used the word "frivolous," and the opinion was framed in sharp language through out. Subsequently Villalobo was re sentenced to hang December 10. In their motion for a rehearing Abbey and Allen claim that as thev were not the attorneys who neglected' to file the appeal within the statutory time, the pointed remarks of the court did them an injustice. They ask that the case be considered on its merits. WATER CONDITIONS, EIO GRANDE PROJECT Height of Water Behind Contents Dam 6 a. m Acre Ft ADD WEATHER Elephant Butte reservoir St 09 375.1: Decrease, In It hours 0 11 1.SJS Flow of river at San MarcJal 410 second ft Plow from reservoir 700 second ft For Irrigation, Leasbnrg canal 7 second ft For Irrigation. Franklin caaal 0 second ft For Irrigation. Three 8ahts ditch ISO second ft Date. Oct 1. HIS. EIGHTH CAVALRY BAND TO PLAY SOLDIERS' CHORUS The Eighth cavalry band will play a concert at Fort Bliss Sunday night at 7:M oelock on the parade ground at the post The program will be directed by Rocco Resta and will consist of the following selections: March, "Lineup." Reed. Overture, "Hunyady Laslo," ErkeL Paraphrase. "Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground," Clappe. Selection, "La Bobeme," PuccinL Waltz, "Gypsy Love." Lehar. Medley overture, "Bits of Remicks Hits," Lamp. For the closing number of every pro gram it is the custom of the Eighth cavalry band to play the regimental march, "The Soldier's Chorus," from "Ermlnie." instead of the "Star Span gled Banner." Automobiles are requested not to start their engines until after the com pletion of this march. TODAY'S AMUSEMENTS -i he runri.E XIGIIT" at BIJOU. Florence Rockwell, the former Klaw & Erlanger star, will be seen at the Bi jou today in a society drama. "The Pur ple Night" Miss Rockwell's first ap pearance on the screen, supported by an all-star cast of Broadway stars. To suit the purposes of the plot in interior set of an Inventor's laboratory, handsomely furnished and full of scien tific Instruments and glassware, was exploded to smithereens. The scene is a masterpiece in realism. This will be shown today only, at regular prices. Tomorrow. Sunday, the Bijou will show the best bill in town A Vita griph drama, featuring the Vltagraph star Gladden James: an Edison comedy that Is full of fun and the ever-popular Dreamy Dud" in a cartoon comedy. Advertisement Surgeons Find Phoenix , Girl Has Three Distinct Vermiform Appendices Phoenix Arix, Oct 2. When three local surgeons operated on Miss Blanche Vales, for appendicitis, they discovered that she had three vermiform appen dices Instead of the usual one. This is something unprecedented In the annals of surgery. The main organ, at the end of the caecum, was 10 inches long instead of the customary three. The i other two, much shorter, were attached I to the large intestine, above the first ' at Intervals of two inches. 1 '8 Fill IISi PLAINVIEW SUPPLIES THREE COUNTIES WITH ELECTRICITY Plalnriew, Texas, Oct i. Electric power and electric lights are now be- ini, uinnllaJ tn T nkknb ,bi1 ljuknV M !-... , . mi . 1 light currents are supplied by the Ma- tone ugnt & ice company. The luo bock plant Is owned b ythe Malone com pany and will be used as an emergency nnit. Two other towns. Hale Center and i Abernathy. are to be supplied from j PlaJnvlew as soon as they are wired for the service. Plainview is now supply- j Ing the principal towns of three coun- ties. Hale. Floyd and Lubbock, with electric current SAYS CHINAMAN SOLD HIM "DOPED" WHISKEY; GETS EVEN Prescott Ariz., Oct I. In order to get even with Wan. a Chinaman, for selling him what he .claims was "doped" whisky. W. p. How gave the local au thorities evidence which has resulted in the arrest of a Chinaman on a charge of violating the prohibition law. The officers believe that they have un covered an elaborate system which In cluded the importation of liquor from China and its forwarding to Prescott by a Chinaman in San Francisco. How saya that since January 1 he has bought 10 bottles of Chinese whis ky from the Chinaman at Jl.W a bottle. He produced a cancelled check which, be says, he gave in exchange for three of the bottles. On September 20 he says he bought .two glasses of whisky at Wah's store, and they made htm so siek that he decided to use the law to get even. Wah's place was raided by sheriff Joe Toung and four cases of whisky were discovered. MAX FIG.MAX TODAY. The Unique presents today and to morrow the popular Max Figman and Lois Meredith In "My Best Girl." a I comedy drama in live delightful parts, fiom the play by Channing Pollock and Retinoid Wolf. "My Best Girl" is the kind at entertainment that Is now packing the large theaters of the east ! ana tne Kind of entertainment that will cause you to wish for more. It is a picture, for the masses and one that wili please everyone Soeclal orches tra music will be rendered for this pro- j acuoB Deiween tne nours or ::se and 5:38 p. m. and 7:30 and J0:M p. m. Ad mission Is 25 cents. Adv. ARIZONANS WIN PRIZES AT SOIL PRODUCTS SHOW Phoenix. Ariz., Oct 2. Arizona gained wide recognition at the Inter national Soils Products exposition in ' uenver. Koad Willis, of snowiiaae. Navajo county, won a prise medal blue ribbon and sweepstakes prize with a bushel of soft wheat and was also awarded a straw spreader valued at $100. First prize on soft winter wheat was taken by the exhibit from the Saca ton Indian reservation. Many ribbons were won by the fruit from aYvapai. Maricopa, Coconino and Navajo coun ties, Yavapai making a specially good showing. FIVE CORPORATIONS ARE - SUSPENDED BY COMMISSION Santa Fe, N. Mm Oct 2. Five corpor ations were suspended today by tne state corporation commission for failure to file their statements. They were the Dexter Water Supply company; Ken tucky Copper company, of Roswell; King and Queen Copper, company, Ros well. Tucumcari Iron company. Empire Copper company, Santa Rita. The corporation commission has paid the state treasurer $780.50 corporation fees and 65 insurance feea. ALIIAMBRA. "The Little Dutch Girl." advertised for today's showing at the Alhambra. failed to arrive and another program will have to be substituted. "The Little Dutch Girt" will probably arrive In time for tomorrow's snowing. Adv FORMER LAS CRUCES 3IAN GOES TO SOLDIER'S HOME Santa Fe. N. M-. Oct 2. William H. Sloan, for many years a teacher at Las Cruces and then at the State college, and who went from New Mexico to Washington, D. C to edit a Catholic publication, has entered the Soldiers' home at Leavenworth, Kas. DOUGLAS CITIZENS GIVE PRESENT TO COL GUILFOYLE ' Douglas. Ariz., Oct 2. A committee ' or. Douglas business men paid inoute to the popularity of CoL J. F. Guil foyle, who Is leaving command of the Ninth cavalry here to take command of the Fourth cavalry at Honolulu. T H The committee presented Col Guilfoyle with a handsome sealskin traveling bag. CoL .Gullfovle has been here three vears. lie will lesv within r a few days. The officers of the .Ninth cavalry recently gave a dinner m honor of CoL and Mrs. Uuiiroyle. HUNT SAYS HE HEARS M0YER WILL GET OUT OF CLIFTON Phoenix. Ariz., Oct 2. Governor George W. Hunt, who has returned from Clifton, said he was advised that Chas. H Moyer. president of the V est ern Federation of Miners, would leave the Clifton district and also that .the mining companies had announced mat they would consider noproposition In settlement as long as "Western feder ation Influence Prevailed." WILLC0X BANK TO BE REOPENED NEXT WEEK Phoenix. Ariz., Oct I. It Is now ex pected that the Sulphur Springs valley bank at Wllicox, closed some time ago by the state banking department will be reopened next week. Negotiations for Its transfer to the interests behind the Central bank of Phoenix have been practically completed. r Ns-W-Wr-WWNs kWW il ! tavVVoW-. 'VS.-V'VV.rV , Announcing the Arriva of a distinguished lace boot made of light gray Kid Stock, welted soles and Cuban Louis heels. A product of Wichert & Gardner, New York. Kl -Phone 2958. . 211-213 Texas St. I FVY CEHY bafiaW I COMPANY UNDERSELL ALL OTHERS LOOK WHAT 25c 6 cans Deviled Ham 25e ;; cans Vienna Sausage 25c b cans Tomato Pulp 25c 5 tns Tomatoes, Is 25c Trade with us and save mono. Phones 505-50 WILL BUY 3 cans Oysters 25c 2 glasses Jelly 25c 2 plasses Chipped Beef 25c j cans Uaked Jticans 25c Mail Orders Prompt Attention 204-206 East Overland Street. Price $6.00 DIM YOUR LIGHTS Don't spoil the appearance of your automobile by painting your headlights. Use MITCHELL I FL EC TORS And comply with the law. They add to the appearance of your car. iet us show ou. F. D. OLBERT Distributor. 363 Myrtle Ave. siiuiii.auE ur siiwr jtokubs CLOSING OK CHANDLER FLANT ' Chandler. Aria. Oct. X. Because of lack of straw, the Caandler broom factory must close for the season within a few weeks More orde.s than can poeMbly be filled are on hand. The average prodnctlos is 45 doz en brooms a week and over 39 doxes hae been shipped this season Registered Holsteln rteaian Bulls of teaurpassed breeding: from cows that produce over :0.0VO pound of Milk a year The greatest bull of the breed was Sarcastic Lad No. S3971. the sire of Colon fca 4th' a Jonanna, former wold'a champion cow, 1247.8S pounds utter from 27.4JJ pounds of Mill in a year ana grandslre of Fthderne Hollnser Fayne the 1 year old iloistein cow that becaaH queen of tne dairy world early this year only to be dethroned bi her sister Finderne Pride Johanna Hue with the enormous record of 1470.59 sounds butter from 28.403.7 pounds Milk. This old bull is now the sire r grandslre of 3 world's champlo. cows The only bull of any breed that ever was. Our cattle are descended direct from Sarcastic Lad. We bought his great son Watson Ranch Jo hanna Lad In October. 1304. ana the wonderful productivity or our cows Is due to his blood and that of his sons. If yoa want the greatest Bolls in the world we have them. You can see their sires and dams. The only way to get good caws is to raise them. Our Bulls will convert a scrub herd Into mort gage lifters. Every bull tubercu lin tested. Come and see them. El Paso Dairy Co. The Clean 'Dairy sWVVVV-VVVwV,VVVlwVVwV liWI SPECIAL ATTRACTION TODAY AND TOMORROW, MAX FIGrVIAN Starring In "SVIy Best Girl" SPECIAL Orchestra Music From 2:30 to 5:30 P. From 7:30 to 10:30 P. SHOWS START 11:00 A.M. 5:15 P. M. 12:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M. 2:45 P. M. 4:00 P.M. The Great Plate Opportunity of the Year 10C SETS FIXE PORCELAIN TEETH. (Secured in New York mt a fraction of their north) In cooil Tulranlte plate at $10.06 Each. Their xalne will never he duplicated at this price. Thee teeth are JCoioT qaJeklj. Ctme while the selection I rood, I I YmiJTfwA II THEATER lq 1 Hill H I m I I nfTtl I ll B ' Hill llplSIliSr III Thursday, Friday, llBVfcBJIli Saturday sBBSBBssasBisssBSeHBsSBnBB sH I BIB H ! Albert Taylor Co. hh U Presents H M Walker Whiteside's Oriental Mas- S3 HM terpiece 1 1 "THE II TYPHOON" m. ga iin M. H mil Pi20' used in this honse from j lil 1 Paso Piano Co. H Ull Fashion Show of 'Millinery from H III the White Hocse. I I SEATS AT RYAPTS 1 IIU Next Sunday, Monday, Tuesday liffl aBi Wednesday I The Man From Mexico ill I k ,-j 6:30 P.M. 7:45 P. M 9:00 P. M. 10: 15 P. XL ANCHOR rfA Tbla U the first time the Anchor Bootless Ilate has been offered for lesa than $tUM All extractions and op erations laifileft. MADE IN ONE DAT These plates will fit, ANY rnoath. Theuftand are made la erery Iarce city dailr by the New Sjfttem only. Yonr month Is adapted to It. i IXLL SET OE TEETH $7-30 UP GOLD AND SILVER FILLINGS 1.09 CT NOTE We are not competlnr with cheap advertising dentfot. bet with Ethical men at one-half their prices. NEW SYSTEM DENTAL PARLORS. COM) CROWNS. M-KARAT $3.00 REAL r.VTSLESS EXTRACTIONS SOc Cor. Bl rao. San Antonio St.. In OLD Actom the street from cntranee to Hotel nt National Bank bsHdinf. Del Norte. r We solicit comparison. Your inspection is cordially Invited. Thornton-McKeel Shoe Co. i 22 1 San Antonio St. Merely Taking Your Measure Does Not Mean Tailor-Made Clothes 'Any one can lake the measure ments for a Suit but it tales ah ex pert cutter and master tailor to execute these measurements in such a manner as to produce a proper fitting garment. Another essential to Tailor made Clothes is the FITTING, by haw ing your clothes made by us all risk is eliminated. Our clothes are made in our own premises right here in El Paso. fiicnaein ri wTrQJZ tfi2 sjaMffgflaTtaf-x Cits National Bank Building. Second Floor. Crawford Th fdttJI v L. R. McCHntock, Mgr. The Albert Taylor company will gyre free to the most popular yonng lady in El Paso on Christ mas day, a 5-passenger touring car. Particulars will he an nounced from stage. Car will be on exhibition in lobby of the ater soon. n i ii J SWEET PEAS LAWNGRASS Blue Graw, "White Clover and 11 je Grass, l'lnnt NOW for Best Remits. For Fresh Seeds, at the El Paso Seed Co. . I'bone 510 San Antonio St. 8. Opposite Court Hoase. AUTOS FOR HIRE All tJood 7-Paascnger Cars Kate, S! Per Hour Phone 509-510 AUTO LIVERY CO. City Hall Stand - 418 San Astasia