Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 6 A Week-End Edition, October 2-3, 1915. SELLCITYJAIU inrCOUHTTJUL A P. Coles Suggests Trans-. fer of City and County ; Property; New Station T :. j rti. ier oi juy auu vuuuty -li the present police station, rire 6 , rtment and city Jail and bu the r unt jail and adjoining property on v. rland and Campbell streets for a err a.u lire ana police aepanmeni- Ihis is A P Coles s suggestion rZ r ?h. ,.reet i solution of the present I to th cltv as a tniunou ui cmc mm" i jJ nrohlem OI oarnip mr me cnj 3 ,.. -i i ., !. jlAiiart. ' Crs me D II' iir: u,i hit: m,..-.- vwAnr The i nnnl Tail and fail nl now ieir- a iertisel for sati?Tv the r-jnt because the new 6rthouse I 1 ins include a jail, heating plant and jiil ard on the roof f ' Mv sugjr "tic ,i to the ltv is that the police statu n jnopert be sold and the T-ioTie reci ed for it be used to pur- hae the Tr ent count Jail property ind the rem under of the block to the Overland and Tamphell street intersec- t on s?id Vr Coles 5aturoa in' coiintr jail would make an ideal cit ,a, for ,11 time to com. It would no I seu for rrucn xo anyone eite as v .ild not bf used lor aniimnr oui would hae to be wrecked and sold to some little town as a second hand jaiL B purcha-sme this building the city would have a solution of the crowded at the same time, , would realize enoucn iron im " . the police and fire department building to purchase the adorning ground and erect a modern nolice and fire depart ment headquarters. "The present cit jail property has become valtnMe b reason of the fact that bus-ness buildings have been erect ed on all sides of it It measures It fri 10 feet and I would estimate it to be worth at le ist $60 000 That should be sufficient to purchase tne jaii, jaii this I site and adjoining propcn nrnnnrtr 1R leRS valuable thi 1ail propertv The cit council could make no greater improvement than to m.ike this transfer and abolish the crowded condition which exists at the i m! f d -partment and police dernrlnlerlts " . AWEALIHOF LraMANTMll r i 1 TO CARE Sliampoos with Cuticura Soap pre ceded by light touches of Cuticura Ointment do much to cleanse the scalp of dandruff, allay itching and irritation, arrest falling hairand promote a, hair-growing condition. Samples Free by Mail Courorm Soap and Otntiaeat sou ereryweer. liberal sample of each mased tree with 32-p. book, address postrcard "Cnncora." Dept. 10G. Boston. "CASCfiflETS" FOR I CI. GOLDS, . BOWELS i Enjoy life! Don't stay bil ious, sick, headachy and constipated. Get Eid of had breath, sour stomach, coated tongue, indigestion. Get a 10-cent box now Thej're fine1 Cascarets li.en your liver, clean your thirty feet of bowels and sweeten your etomach. You eat one or two, like candy, before going to bed and in the morning vour head js clear, tongue is clean, stomach sweet, breath right and cold gone. Get a box from 3 our druggist and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Cascarets stop sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath and constipation Mothers should give a whole Cas caret to cross, bilious, sick, fererish children any time They are harmless and never gripe or sicken Adv. Rochester Mines Co. Has already produced orer J 1. . W It is now producing ,M.4 a month. It ts earning 49 per cent on. selllne Trlc of stock. Immense tonnage of high grade' milling ore blocked oat on three veins to 5-0 foot level and proven to over 5M feet. ild alues increasing with depth. Driv ing tunnel at rate of 1 feet per day to rut veins at 120 foot level. Now within 300 feet of veins. Sensational development anticipated very shortly Seven Troughs Coalition Is great Gold Mine now paying quarterly diidends of 2 cents a share (equivalent to 40 per cent on selling price of stock) and producing about $50 000 per month For full particulars of these and other in terestlng Nevada Mines, ask me to send vou YTESTKRN MINBK. a weekly puhli cation, edited by experts for three month absolutely free 110 JANUARY JONES gazette Building Reno. Nevad." JCTTER THAN SPANKINfc Spaakisc does BOt core caiMren of bed -wettiE. Thtn Is a eoostitctloaal caase for tki tnnble. Mrs. 11. Summers, Boi W. Iwtre Dame. lad- will send free to aay setter her sseeeaafal borne treatment. wMS full teatrBetloss. Send bo mosey, hot write brr today If yosr eUHren troabie yea In this way. Don't Mime the etna, tse cbasees are it can't help it. This treatciect il cares aolts and aged people troubled irttfc mine ijlfflraiuta ty izz or :J&t, am 'DULL ASALDNEIS LEAD In Building Construction, rnV;r- nitrr Tn TTor T ittlo xmo jmj wj jjuui j Behind Dallas. Frt Worth. Tex.. Oct. Z. Approxl- nliteH 165.000,000 will be expended tor nstructing new buildings ana rei nces in Texas during the calendar ar 1915, according to preliminary timates compiled from reports fur- Id H e nifehed b commercial organisations. h,KMl -,,, ,j architects ousrhout the state. i the nine largest cities oi i" e more than $15,000,000 in building nennits hare alread been issued tn8 year. and. while the total alue of the permits issued this year is not as great, as for the same period of 114. the actual number of buildings construct ed in 1915 far exceeds the number built during the same period of ISIS. Many v lleltlenc. An unprecedented era of home build-inc- is resraonsible for this condition There are anproximatelv moo resl- "?. " " inhibit liM have STLSSitS U is reliably estimated that 30 percent . of the residence building in Texas at I this time is of brick, while the gen eral average a few vears ago was not more than 10 percent. In El Paso practcallv all the resi- den,M now Heine built are of clay nroduct construction UKe all me nroduct construction larger cities, man of the small towns report a heavy oricK resiaence miliu ms: and numerous farm houses throughout the state are being erected from cla products. Irllvlfliex In I-nrezer Cities, During the past few sears the j ST'Si.l.rSi'! e?tlJ7Tf Text T have ?. '"I", lZSSS,t&SU&ZUr " ti. ,t.i r; th.. v..r will 1 wlll probattv run around $:0,00,00 for the j nine cities. i I There has been a general slump in bulletins activities throughout the state this year, except in El Paso, which has more than held her own when compared with the other cities. This clt s comparative rank with other Texas municipalities in residence and business buildnc constructon shows up exceedingly welL rtulldlnir in El Pitn. in nil tl 1'aso ranK-cj tnira wi in , : other leading Tecas cities in the value i of building permits issued Up to the ' In lSli El Paso rankd third with nresent time this tear E Paso is al most in first rank, there being but a few thousand dollars difference be tween the amount of permits issued in Kallas and EI Paso since the first of the year JUAN FRANCO FINDS ALLEGED "FENCE! ri cirUTII CTDEET i Jt tlunin OirvCLl . When city detective Juan Franco went to the store on the corner of Eighth and Kansas streets to search for some property which has been taken from the wragon of John Helm, he discovered a quantity of cigarets. five gold watches, a bolt of government uni form cloth, other clothing He placed J. J Gomez, said to be the proprietor of the store, under arrest and entered j a charge of receiving stolen property against him. i Four young Mexicans were also ar ' rested in connection- with the alleged i theft of the property from Helm's wa j son while it was standing in front of They gave the names ofRocendo Olo- the Momsen store on "Virginia street. ' sabel Dion Salcido and Florenclo Bel- lela. Helm reported to the police that i a roll of clothing had been taken front his wagon. i-tn tcvic T Tt?r; ivctiDiMrr 110 IfcAAi Llrfc INaUKAKlt, AGENTS COMING THIS EVENING i ' One hundred and ten life insurance i ients will be in El Paso this evening for 36 minntes. They will make up the , special pant oi tne American national Life Insurance company, of Galveston. The life insurance agents 'will be headed by J. Frank Montgomery, ajrencj manager, and I F Collier, sec retary The agents have been selected from the ones who have sold the most business during the past year They are being taken to the California fairs as the guests of the company Upon their arrival here, the agents and managers will be met by Robert B Patton, general agent for the company in El Paso, who will urge the entire delegation to arrange to stop in El Paso a day when they return from the fairs. FORGERY CHARGE FILED AGAINST J. H. D'AGNEAU Complaint has been filed in justice J. M. Deaver's court charging Joseph H. D'Agneau with alleged forgery and em bezzlement. D'Agneau has been a book keeper for Jolly A Morris, contractors, for several months and the complaint was iuea oj uiai nrm. I D-Agneau is said by county attorney J Frank teunie to oe in uenver. selec tive W T Drown has gone to Austin and county attorney Feuille announced Saturday that a request for D'Agneau'a requisition had been made to governor J. E. Ferguson .f- . nnTinni nnamc cri 1 $500,000 SCHOOL BONDS SELL TO DENVER FIRM AT PREMIUM Sweet, Causey. Foster & Co, of Den er, were awarded the $500,000 worth of city school bonds Friday afternoon by the city council The successful bid was par, accrued Interest and $10 pre mium- - The bid was submitted by ZfSt T TT,-. ...... ...TAn n ttia iCftmllnfr mnanv The bid also InHuded a I clause which offered to relnnrarse the j city for all expenses connected with the printing and registering ofAhese bonds with T na - up to ?iiv. IK EL PHI i 1ophelia MSK Letters To (AU communication mM bear dam wtl! b withheld If reqaested TUB CLIITO. STRIKE. j BJTTmtSrvJSi T"Suwri,fr . wm sem in ms Dime. IIM'IIKCI VTK IIKKYI.D CUITOO.NS, I want to express my appreciation for the splendid stand The Herald has taken on the liquor question. The re cent cartoon, showing the awful evil j the saloon is doing: is a splendid work ; your paper is doing. let the good work continue. ! Mrs. Herman G. Porter. PROTISsTS I'OK MlLDIURs. i Kditor Kl raso Herald. j I must express my approval of "A i Soldier's Complaint." i The good people of El Paso would j ponder a. long time before asking the i school cadets or soldiers of the citisens' ' training camp to assist in cleaning up Chihuahuita. I thought our United States soldiers j enlisted for military service and not as j scavengers for the city of El Paso. I most sincerely hope that Gen. I Pershing will not submit his soldiers to such degrading work. ! A Mother I CIIIIII IIIIT1. Editor El 1'aso Herald j I am glad that El Paso has at last wakened up to the conditions existing ! in Chihuahuita. Two years ago I spent four months visiting the homes of the Mexicans liwng in that part of the city, j and it is true that the fault lies with i the property owners, and not with the j Mexicans. They were herded together . like animals, and had no sanitary ar- j rangements provided for them. I Mail) babies died daily in spite ot good milk given them every day and I ""1 attention. 1 have visited the han-U"s of Boston and .New York, but Chihuahuita was the worst of all. Miss R. Chisholm. v iio' cmit'LAivr. Editor El Paso Herald It is m opinion that the majorit of the people here do not approve of the Gary sstem However, it is not be cause I attend school and bale to do things w hich some grow n man consents for me to do. but it is because it does not please children unless the can play what they want to plaT There is no recess for them. I would rather stay in recess lor tnem. I would ratner stay in school and study my books during that socalled recess time than to play games socalled recess time than to play games that a grownup man consents to allow The same way with singing Were J on a child, would you like to spend 4& minutes' constant warbling' And at that, it does them no good. It is like manual training for bos and cookins for girls. They don't know as much I about singing, when they are over, as they did when tney started. Th. dr. n.t.m is the moat ridleu- lous I ever heard tell of Lamar Boy UROTIIMHI.i LOVE. Editor El Paso Herald The head of private Johnson was paraded on a pole through a village of Mexico, it is said. In October, 1S5. in company with Cliften Bell and William Robinson, I was traveling in the north ern part of Mexico In tbe little village of Janos. we witnessed two heads of Apache Indians raraded through the streets by two women, in front of a company of cavalry, on the point of lances. I don't know that these things are any more brutal than taking a man out ot Jail by force, and burning him at the stake. There are excuses for the illiterate Mexican, "0 percent of' them are Indians, and know no better. Broth erly love, and peace on earth. In my lilt-tnnt . a Atnnlt f.ftni-e ln.t . Mook across the Atlantic and see what I brotherly love is doing for the thou- ' S3nds of hard working emoerors and kin en. an men a war ior . ' emperors and kings, and a poor man's battles I ask. is Christianity on the i improve or has it vanished from the J earth I pray God to restore peace and . happiness to all tne world. Ben C Moore. IIKRM.D'S MKXICO rOMC. Editor EI Paso Herald Thru vreV. avn T tnnlr fl tlltk4rin tion to The El Paso Herald. I must ! sincerely state that 1 am more and more satisfied eery day and I I shall neer reget it notwithstanding I was offered a free subscription to the How to Heal Skin-Diseases A Baltimore doctor suggests this simple, but reliable and inexpensive, home treatment for people suffering with eczema, ring worm, rashes and similar itching, burn- lcln troubles. lnK sk,n troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar of resinol ointment and a cake of resi nol soap These are not at all ex- Lsnsie With the resino! soap ana im water bathe the afe:ted t! oroughly. until they are free from c usts and the skin is softened. Dry vlry gently, spread on a thin layer of th resinol ointment, and cover with a. lilht bandage if necessary to protect Lhd clothing- This should be done twice y Usually the distressing ltcning and burning stop with the first treat ment. and the skin soon becomes clear i la a e .. -. iiani ana nrautiv a&aii. ouinpic 1. k 8-R, Resinol. Baltimore, Md. Adv I.IL SUM IE i Nasty drug salivates, makes ' you sick and you lose a I day's work. j Ev ery druggist in town your drug gist and everybody's druggist has no ticed a great falling off ir the sale ot calomel. They all give the same rea- i son. Dod son's Liver T,ne is taking I Us place. "Calomel 11 4une;erous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is ; erfectlv safe and gives better results." said a prominent local druggist. Dod- 'on's Lirer Tone is pe'sonally guar- i inieea by every a. uggl: wno sells It. large bottle costs 56 cents and if it . 'ails to give eas reliei in every case of 'Her sluggishness an., constipation, you hate only to ask foi jour money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant , tasting, purely vegetable lemedy. harin li ss to both children ano rdults. Take .. spoonful at night and wake up feel ing fine, no biliousness. sck headache, icid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take i dose of calomel todzy and tomorrow vu will feel neak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a da'i work' Take Ood- ; ons Liver Tone 'nsteart and feel fine, fnll o vigor and ambition Advertise fijCy ' r-"tX Xl i i ment- The Herald the atgaature or the writer, but the . Spanish section of the Times, when I took and preferred The El Paso Her ald. However, what I have said in The Herald's regard is not the main object of these lines, but to express a senti ment more than satisfaction, a senti ment of admiration for the three ar ticles that appeared in the last days of the month in reference to the Mexican trouble and the United States govern ment. They disclose great civil courasre, great morat force, and show character. You deserve the hlshest esteem. I congratulate you for the integrity of your pen and your civil courage in making a statement of so much trans cendency. I do not belong to any of the bel ligerent parties in Mexico, for I am not a revolutionary either in thoughts or in doings. I am entirely impartial in the interior affairs of Mexico, but I pay a tribute to justice and to those who make it clear as sunshine before the whole world as The El Paso Her ald has done it. This is the only object for which I have written these lines, and I do not voice the spirit of party. I am not a Carrancista but a peaceful citixen who loves peace and progress. Antonio Lopez, 3501 East Madera street. OUIl DUTY TO ClIIIIUAIIOITA. Editor El Paso Herald "Clean up week'" Thank heaven, there will be none, and tbe W omen a Busybody association may now have time to look after some purely domes tic affairs. Seeral times during the past year have I heard of and read of proposed 'clean up" days and "clean up" weeks for El Paso. Some persons have even managed to get their names into pnnl thereby, but all these vocal and writ ten efforts hate accomplished little else. Chihuahuita has had more than its fair share of this windy and writ ten effort, but nothing practicable. I dare say there is no town in the ir nited States of El Paso's sise or even half Its size that has so wholly neg lected its surface drainage. Poor Chihuahuita! The poor people after paying their exorbitant rents haie.not enough left to buy sufficient food, fuel or clothes. The rest of the city dumps its flood waters with their contained dirt, muck and other wash ings on poor Chihuahuita There they remain to stagnate, stink and sicken. The first clean up needed is to re move the stagnant, stinking, sickening waters from Chihuahuita. Has El Paso as a city got the brains, energy and Justice to see and do Its duty to Chihuahuita; Then drain off the foul waters. Daily Herald Heado- CONDUCT IT CMI SKRVICK. Editor EI Paso Herald: My warmest congratulations and thanks to the "Eighth Cavalry Man" who. in a letter to The Herald, said some of tbe things I wanted to say. I am glad he is here, and I wish he were a million strong. El Paso should give him a hearty welcome. The wonderful service at the Seth in fantry camp every Sunday evening is like nothing else in the world. It is, of course, for the soldiers, and we El Pasoans have, primarilj, no right to be there, but haing heard the chaplain once, we cannot stay awa They would have to order out the artillery to keep El Paso at home If we go and go we do. by hundreds and thousands then for decency's sake, let's behave like civ ilized folk while there. We are treated with the most beautiful and thoughtful courtesy on this earth, let us try to return a little of it It is a mighty poor advertisement of any man's town, his bringing up and his brains, if he cannot order his conduct like a human when he is at church, and the guest of men who are centlemen in the finest and truest sense. Maxim silencers for the offenders, please. It is to be hoped that clrilians who have disgraced El Paso bj the noise of automobiles during the service, or by any other breach of good manners, are nnt nnr own nennle. but transients from some far country to which they may I speedily return. An El Pasoan who j goes to this great service and prefers BANKRUPT SALE To Highest Bidder. The Theodore Meyer Bankrupt Stock of gentlemen's furnishing goods, jewelry, all fixtures, show eases, safe, etc, will be sold as a whole at public auction at Xo. 417 South El Paso Street, El Paso, Texas, on Tuesday October 5th, 1915, at 2 P. M. For inventory of the goods and all particulars concerning this stock and business inquire of W. C. Porterfield, Trustee 505 First Natl Bank Bid. Phone 536. Te!I These People What You Want They Will Respond Promptly PH0NE 608 I 629 I a. E. UTAH DRUGGISTS OFZ3T aXi STATE NATIONAL BANK rstabllahed April, 1881 Capital. Surplus and rroflta. S300a INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. R. MOREHEAD, President. II C. N. BASSETT, Vice Presitai. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN. V. Pres. GEO. D. FLORr, Cashier. L. J. GILCHRIST. Ass't Cashier. R. B. BIAS FUEL COMPANY Better prepared than eyer to serve our customers promptly and efficiently Phone Sin. ir,10 K. Missouri St. WOOD COAL FEED POULTRT SUPPLIES DR. W. B. COLLINS, State Health Officer, Decides Kb Quarantine. Paint beautifies, prcencs and kills both American and Mexican germ Kitchen Floor Paint , . . $1.80 gaL Outside Porch Paint $225 gaL Tattle's Imperial House Paint $25 gaL TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. 210-212 II. Stanton St. Phones 205-206. (. V THE MAN'S GAME Call on us or send In our Specifications and a I! T OI) It I1 II 1 t K s Store Open Saturday Nichtu I ntll 8 Oeliiel. SHELT0N-PAYNE ARMS COMPANY P O Box 35 Phone 43S. 301-303 South Ei Paso Street the sound of his own horn should be not onlx dehorned, but decapitated and deported John Dugald Duncan no m " in old i v Editor El Paso Herald BxceptinK the anr unt, all objections to the reientK defeated proposal for a road bond issue appl to its pending substitute Again the taxpajers are asked to provide a large amount of money, to be expended where and how they know not. except that the money is to go In the same old way by the same old method or rather lack ot meinoa the pork barrel way in which expendi ture or money has been the first con sideration and good roads the second. Money has been spent in lavish quan tities but good roaas are yet w oe ac quired That is true because our road building has been done without a ra tional, business and scientific plan which should have been devised and ready as the basis for the first bond issue for construction of modern good roads. We have demonstrated to our cost that the old way will not produce good roads. Why should we persist in if Are we incapable of devising a better way'' We should bring ourselves up with a round turn and place our road building upon a sound business and scientific basis before we vote and spend another road bond issue. Defence of the present proposal be cause it is smaller than the previous one is insufficient. Not another dollar should be provided or spent under the old method If we continue that method, we will have our highways paved with an in definite number of bond issues and still have bad roads. There is a limit some where to our resources. We have been exceeding the speed limit in going to ward the end of them. Our road failures are not due to the kind of roads we have attempted to build. They are the result of a rottes method. J. L. Campbell. - SOMB SARCASM. Editor El Paso Herald: Let The Herald be given a Just measure of credit for the publication of the article in regard to fewer churches, not because I agree or dis agree with the writer, but because It served as a stimuli for thought, and the resultant molecular bombardment in tbe brain cells of several men con strained them to reply, which again furnished The Herald's readers with something besides telegraphic brevities, stock and grain quotations and flaring headlines that precede accounts of patricides, matricides, fratricides, homi cides, infanticides, uxorcides and sui cides. A bargain sale of glassware initialed in filigree would not be needed by a paper to popularize itself with tbe peo ple in a city of this size. If It adhered a little less rigidly to the rules that aim at big dividends to its stockhold ers. The news purveying syndicates are now able to furnish the papers of the entire country with literary rot at a price so low that. In view of their greed for gain, few papers are willing to accept for publication any article not coming through the syndicate channels and for which liberal payment would have to be made or might at least be expected. However, there still remains the "editorial page. and a paper that lays claim to prominence and importance should consider itr a duty towards 1U PURE RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEASE Bad blood. that is. blood that is im pure or impoverished, thin and pale, Is responsible for more ailments than anything else It affects every organ and function In some cases it causes catarrh; in others, dyspepsia; In others, rheuma tism: and in still others, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. It is responsible for run-down con ditions, and is the moat common causa of disease Hood's Sarsaparllla is the greatest purifier and enricher of the blood the world has ever known. It has been wonderfully successful in removing scrofula and other humors. Increasing the red-blood corpuscles, and building up the whole system. Get it today. Adv 212 I Antonio SIGHT - --,..., II UK IltVB t COMPI.BTE I,IE OP FOOTBALL GOODS Guaranteed first class and fully up to all requirements of subscribers to retain on Its staff some person capable of properly conducting I such a page, a person with llterarj ability and some originality of thought. for there are those among its reader! who look to that paKe for an occasional intellertil il tpta! The editorial pae of Monday's issue of one of I 1 Paso s papers (not The Herald i inclines us to the belief that it has dispensed with its editor entire !. and that in response to tbe call for copy, the scissors were brought intc pla. as excerpts from 19 exchanges appear to fill up the page What saith the editorialist in the effete east, or how runs the tweedledum of the man at Spokane or Phoenix in terests us less than what saith our max of letters in our midst. Decline of prestige will be experi enced by a paper that adopts a policy that denies its readers their just deserts. F M Kramer Are Yei Eeaesy For Your Trip? Take j alted Milk with you when Yachting, C-mping, Motoring, Fishing, or Golfing. A nutritions, satisfying Food-Drink rezdy in a moment. A good light lunch when tired or run down. Simply dissolve in water, hot or cold. A fine night's rest is assured if you take a cupful hot before retmng. Our Lunch Tablets are the acme of con venient nourishment. Dissolve a few in the mouth when fatigued or hungry. Sample free, HORLICK'S, Racine, Wis. g65HoSubstituteis"Ji!StasGood" as HORUCK'S, the Original r Brink Pore Water PRESERVE Your Health Our Water is Distilled, REBOILED, Thrice Filtered. FREE FROM CHLORIDES AND NITRATES Every BOTTLE will STAND the NITRATE OF SILVER TEST. Phone 114 or 115. We Maintain Our Own Delivery System. El Paso Ice & Refrigerator Co. k aOl'LL GET TUB BEST "Perfection3 U HADE IK This food Is prepared from the best of grain and is guaranteed to produce healthier chicks more eggs than any other food on the market They are composed of choice grains and seeds, careful y selected as regards purity, cleanliness, sweetness and freshness, and are mixed with such care that each mixture Is a scientifically balanced ration for the purpose for which it Is intended. A TIUAL ORDER WILL CONVINCES YOD W. D. WISE SEED CMPANY RETAIL STORE. 10 NORTH STANTON Office and Warehouse Corner Second and Chlhnahna Streets High Grade Phone 11 Poultry BY WISE LAWS AND RESTRICTIONS the National Banks of the United Stales are carefull) inspected by the Government. The First National Bank of FJ Paso, a strong deposi tary for funds, a bank where exce'lent service is afforded, cordially invites vour account, subject to check. The First National Bawk EL PASO, TEXAS r" i I DONT I 1 miQr.VT I Vhc yoa waste a dollar, you Mt only lose th: dollar, but the iftterest or it FOR EVER. Consckatioutiy and syste matically sae every dollar you can from now on, begin ning TODAY. We will be moc than glad to have you start saving with cs here NOW. I Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trust Co " it RESULTS IP aOL FEED EL PASO Poultry Foods Seed. Grain and Supplies Phone K90 u:u