Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD TTeelc-End Edition, October 2-3, 1915. 7 A 101 Bill TERRACE HIES; HEN 11 IS GRil ma Mayor Tom Lea's New $8000 Home Almost Completed; R. C. Walshe to Build Residence on Nevada; Karl Hanselman Erecting $9000 Home on Montana; Many Home Sales in Manhattan Heights. H: COS 'av.n -ace ME building continues In Rlch- r-ond Terrace and In Golden Hill, where many new homes are being e-e .e3 Will K. Marr"s home In Rich roorj Terrace, a six room bungalow Is a T nearing completion and will st $" Stafford Campbell is also . n home built In Richmond Ter un Bliss road, which will cost -n,ri vill R. Winch's house is now in c ip of construction on Bliss road ,-il will le a six room bungalow and w II cost JfioOO when completed. Richard nsn i haing plans made for his t i in home in Richmond Terrace, on r 83 road and has arranged to have it 'corapl tel this falL The home of W. J. ilorar i r Richmond Terrace, is nearing c- rpi. tion and -will cost 800. & J. "ieafi'ld. of the International Brick c-anp-iin, is expecting to occupy his J'2 two home In the same addition with in a i mnth. In Golden Hill R- C "Walshe has bough two lots on Nevada street, be tween Newman and Austin streets from ' Jmes I SCarr company and will tuila a $6000 residence there. Mayor T ra Lea s new t8M residence on Ke ida street in Golden Hill, is Hearing completion and will be occupied or the jnaxor and his family this fall. J. I- Mnrr & Co. Sales. other sa'es made by James Ij. Marr ani compan during the "week are ,o e-nment Hill company to C M. . Aitt-nr lots 1, 11 and 12. block 5fl, &r v i nment HIH addition, $00. Natiois Packing company to Jose Gf ez, lot No 9, block No. 4, Mlraflor addition. S325 Nations Packing company to Pedro Juarez, lot 31, block S, Miraflor addi tion $325 Govt rnrrent Hill company to Castulo Ba.a. lots 29 and 10. block No. 4S, Go eramept Hill addition. S400. Goi crnment Hill company to Domingo "Velasiuez, lots 23 and S4, block No. 4S, Gncrrraent Hill addition, $400. Tam-s I Marr and company to Creel & philtips, tne room bungalow, part of lot"! 6 and T block 80, East Bl Paso ad dition, 13200 Mirtinez. Austin & Marr to E. H. Roger lot 1 and lot 20. in block 19. Alhambra Heights addition No. 1. J500. Mountainside Real Estate company. Golden Hill, toRC Walsch, lots S and ". block SS. Franklin Heights. Government Hill company" to Staf ford Campaell. lots 12. 13 and 14. in " lock No ' Richmond Terrace. S14O0. I Richard insa to Government mil com. jieiit lot No 1. block No. 10, Mundy Hehrhts addition 5420. Richmond Ainsa. to A. Vallecarap, lot No 16, and the west one-half of lot No IT block 52, Government Hill addi tion, S150 Go ernment Hill company to Richard Aina, lots Nos. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13 and ""4. in block No. 8, Richmond Terrace, $60"0 )ew Montana Street Residence T M. Mavfield of the Mayfield Build ing i. Improvement company, says that Justness In the building line has not been better In El Pascat any time dar ing the last three years. Among the Jobs recently started by this company is a two story and base ment brick residence in the 280 block on Montana street for Karl Hanselnmnn at a cost of $900 for the house and ground The company is building for nale In the 2400 block on Montana street, a two story brick residence with base ment and heating plant at a cost of 56000 The brick work is completed on this Job and the entire building will be completed, within 60 days. A two story brick residence Is being built bv the company on Cincinnati Etrett, Kern Place addition. This resi dence -will cost $6000. "New Home for Mnrehlson. "Work has Just been started on a six room basement pebble dashed bunga low for F M. Murchison. manager of the Texas Bank & Trust company, on Cincinnati street. Kern Place addition. This bungalow will be one of the most uptodate in the city and will cost when completed $7000 Plans are now being drawn for several residences to be started within the next -week y the Mavfield company. A four room brick residence is being completed bv the company at 2618 Rio Grande street at a cost of $2000. In the came block the same company Is bund ing a six room brick bungalow at a cost of $2S00 The same company has Just finished for sale at 20J Montana, a five room brick bungalow with base ment and heating plant and two sir room bungalows at 2704 and 2708 Mon tana street, at a cost of $3800 each. Moved Imo err Home. C H Rhodes, claim agent for the Southern Pacific railroad, has just moved into his home at 3108 Bliss street completed at a cost of $5009 by the May field Building and Improvement com pany two etory brick residence for Lee H. Orndorff. president of the Texas Bank & Trust company, located on Cin cinnati street in Kern Place addition, the total cost of which is approximate ly $13 000, has Just been completed by the Mavfield company, and Mr. Orndorff moved in this week. A two story brick apartment building has Just been completed by the Mayfield company in the 1500 block, on Upson avenue, for H F McKinney, of the Rio Grange Realtv company Mr McKinney rented the entire building before it was finished. This cost over $9090. Judge Calloway's New Home. A two etory and basement residence for Judge C L. Calloway on Cincinnati street, in Kern Place addition, is now nearing completion. This residence will cost approximately $9000 and will be completed 'within 30 days. It is also a Mayfield home. A six room bungalow is being com pleted for F. M. Beail on Cincinnati street, Kern Place addition, at a cost of $5000 Mr. and Mrs. Beall will oc cupy the place next Monday. In the same block a six room bungalow is be ing completed for Leo R. Schuster. This will cost approximately $4850 and is. being built by Mr. Schuster for a home. A six room brick bungalow is being built on Cincinnati street, Kern Place addition for Mr. and Mrs. W. D. May field at a cost of $5000. On Cincinnati street, Kern Place ad dition, is being built a six room bunga low for Torn Bailey at a cost of $4509. Brick work is nearing completion on this place and Mr. Bailev expects to occupy it within six weeks from this date. 4508.000 lllch J-chooL J- E. Morgan during the coming week will complete the shell of the new $500,000 high school building under his contract of $111.501 35. The pouring of concrete has been practically com pleted, and little odds and ends are now being finished. Bids for the com- Sletion of the building will be opened ctober 20. On this date also bids will be opened for the $60,000 addition to the Alia vista school The steel frame work for the new Commercial National bank building. corner of Mesa avenue and Mills streets. to cost equipped about $199,090, place. ,,, I to K. L. Daroux. four-room bungalow h 1a lories its ami ims Lite iwDoirui-- ac 34Z3 JHOUtana Street tion of a two story apartment house on $3360. Montana street, between Grant and Coles avenues, to cost $5750 Parry Kirkpatrlek Bungalow. Perry-Kirkpatrick company, during the present week, took out a building permit for the construction of a $3000 bungalow on the south side of Bliss street, between Grama and Copia streets. Jolly & Morris are starting construc tion work on a two story addition to the residence of Mrs. Frank Carr at 515 Prospect avenue, to cost about $5500 Construction work has started on a $2000 bungalow for J It. Richardson at the northwest corner of Dorchester and Canal streets. ?wjto Aiirvn airtri uonir. I Newman & Hatfield are starting the J j corner of Birch street and the E. P S. TV, right of way in the Bassett addi- I tion. The bungalows will be built on lots 1 to 5, and will represent a total cost Of $6000. O. H. Thorman. the architect, has purchased from the Manhattan Heights company, through LeavelL Palm It Sherman, lots 1 to 19 inclusive, in block 32, Manhattan Heights, the property fronting on Silver street, between Louisiana and Florida avenues. Mr Thorman will build a number of bungalows on this property The purchase price was $4500. Manhattan Ilelchtx Sales. Other realty deals announced by Leaven, Palm & Sherman are as follows: Manhattan Heights company to w. A. Carmical. lots S and 9, block 16, Manhattan Heights, for $900. A six- room bungalow Is now being built on this property by Mr. Carmical. Manhattan Heights company to '. D. Gardner, lots 19 and 20. block 5. Manhattan Heights, for $1050 Mr. Gardner will build on this property C. H. Leavell to V. B, Leonard. four-room bungalow on Mashvllle street, between Byron and Ord streets: consideration $2850. A similar bunga low, adjoining Mr Leonards home, was sold to Y L. Rider for the same price. W. Cooley to William Russell, a five- room brick cottage in the 1506 block on Boulevard; consideration $4000. Anderson-Filler Sale. Anderson-Filler Investment company anounce me iouowmg sales First Presbyterian church to "W. Cooley. lots 6 and 7, block 219 Camp bell addition: consideration sioaoo The property lies on Florence street I between Texas ana Myrtle and is Six 120 feet. The deal Included two small uses. Phoenix-Bl Paso Buildinxr company .wmna o.oKe. norm one-hall of lot nd an of lot 5. block 29. Alexander tion; consideration $1500. on; consideration $1500. to' consideration Tneir Married Lif Helen Finds Mary Entertaining When She Returns Unexpectedly, T"T TARRKN opened SURVEYING CTTY AND THI1T L1NDS. CAM. FOR CARTER. iff'ce Phone 491. Res. Phone. 3870 'ffice Room 1, Buckler Bldg. the door with a latch key and they stepped j inside and looked around we empty apartment. Helen had left the place closed up and the chairs were shrouded In linen covers. There was a musty smell in the air and the door that led into the kitchen was closed. Helen thought she discerned a faint sound behind the closed door, a sound of a man's laugh half smothered. She looked at Warren in silence, but "War ren walked over to the door and threw it open. The dining room was Just as Helen left it. But a sound came from the Kitchen beyond,, and warren, fol lowed by Helen and "Winifred, walked over and threw open that door as welL Mary rose with a shamed expression on her round good natured face. The room was strew,n with the remains of a spread, and two men and another girl were sitting with Mary around a table in the center playing cards. Helen no ticed plenty of her best china in evi dence and she looked at Mary reproach fully. "It's late, Mary." she said evenly, "and you had better ask your friends to go now." She said this kindly, and the visitors rose instantly and began to get ready to leave. "With a whispered word to "Warren. Helen left the room, and. leaving her outer things on the bed in her room, she told "Winifred to run into the front room with daddy. She was a little uncertain as to how to approach Mary. Of course, she had done wrong, and "yet it was hardly 11, and any girl will take ad vantage at some time. It might have been worse, and of course Mary was not Nora. Out in the kitchen Mary was scrambling to put the dishes up. There were several beer bottles scattered about, and Helen had a suspicion that their own beer had been taken to quench the thirst oi Mary s irienas. , Taken By Surprise. "Where did this beer come from, Mary?" she aked finally. "Oh. Mrs. Curtis," began Mary. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be after coming home tonight." "But what diference does that make'" questioned Helen. "Did you take the beer out of the case in the oantrv?" "Tea. ma'am." very low. "Why did you do it, Mary? Of course you know that it didn't belong to you?" "But, ma'am, you let me use other things in the house to eat. I didn't see any harm." "Don't you understand that I trusted you, Mary, and you took something that didn't belong to your Mary began to cry softly and her big Irish eyes looked up at Helen plead ingly. She was so young, only a child. Helen hated to be severe with her, and yet if she were to be a good maid some thing must be done. Helen walked over to the dishpan and looked within. "My good china, too, Mary," she said severely. "Yes. ma'am." assented Mary, weakly. "Wasn't the old. good enough "' "Yes. but I" Mary faltered. "Well." prompted Helen. "I wanted to show them the good china, it's so pretty." Helen stopped to hide a smile and she did noticed the pall which stood under the sink and into which the I odds and ends were tnrown. stie I 1 stooped lower and brought to view the II !! II X X II II II n jfi 16 fm , , mru jjjKa n' M. sjh T, j-sww .B IB w n 9 e m u ttaiBun Sap nBv'RiiH MfuWl EH JK Hi w Hi IE H H Jflf M H v 9 1 II On the IVIarkef October First I if IE 9 H i i imm I 91 broken pieces of one of her Haviland v lmies. "Oh, Mary." she said, "how could you betso careless?" 'It was mv friend mn'tm i aia mean to." , "I didn't let you know when we were coming home." said Helen, "because we came unexpectedly, but I didn't expect to find anything HkS this." I Mary hung her head. There isn't anything more to be said, went on Helen, "but the kitchen I P10!' S a" put ln order before you go I to cmhL ' hall I cook something, tna'ara . it ." wl have ""d dinner " A'd ' 5L sigh turned away. -Re- t -.wrci juii job are never to touch the best china and there must be no I more night parties. I don't object to ' your seeing your friends, but not in ' "?,?" ," X " trust you Marv. you will have to go and I will get someone else." I "Oh, no," protested the girl, "don't send me away, Mrs. Curtis. Nora wuld never forgive me, and she would ' -... u.,,t ana leu my people, please don t send me away." Helen left to go back Into the liv ing room after a few more Injunctions. ,, Tle Reunite. Warre " 'S "h BoinB'" ineried 7.? "t1.1 dT: she ls really sorry. wf a" si,ls. youn and foolish. .!.? n smokd '" silence and said nothing aort Winifred nodded her Helen lifted her In her arms with a murmured endearment -reTr,sffnV0aUnd ffilBW earner SV ms. -rU "You'd itta- ..- said a. he sYood' and wASm! undress hi j. .." :lcneo: Helen dead aired." """" " must usfdS,",! 5iST she d4WelI so were you wern.t berrrand'r-iVd '"LY" - wnpioth lltUe lei chlng the . "And well," amended Helen, "anrt i "ear. aS he went out .l,.-v .CI" "? c ?land -5- Hi-iW.-" "e "" international News Service.) deal Place For a Home Many costly residences are expected to be built on Grant avenue in the near future. Price of lots, with paving and sidewalks paid for will be very reasonable 1-6 cash, balance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. years, 6 interest ISSi&TSr I NT AVET " "? I Choicest TERiS Paved With I Residence Part EASY Blthulithic !nf fhp flfv I 1 SIDEWALKS PUT IN and PRE- ! ui uw uiiy gL ON I PARED F0R PARK,NG I 202 N. Oregon St. Just Below the P. 0. Telephone 195 be met (Copyright. L00 Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality 9 ;er s IS JUST RIGHT It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it ij skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial cotorine matter. It it pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National ana state rare rood Laws. Cauucn: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS II W-A & BREAXER STRIP IS AN IMPORTANT PART H-.n' motor'st ask me about the breaker strip in our tires." said a K yrTirchnmxaKn,ser ot SrSJi- SuV ? and Rubl company. ,hZwHU,put .'? th t,re to take the shocks before they can reach the or ganic part of the tire. It I? not de siKned to add to the strength w effl-a!-m f.,the f"' but ilmply ,n tl Tvbe,.t ,r"5n,nK around the caslns r ? ' U. irom ,nJury- Tne body ?fh,?e Vre J3 mde ot eIose-wov?n tI Kaeed at an anele of 46 de grees. The tread rubber Is raide thick and tough, and exerts a dragbn tne fabric, tendins to pull It K&e. B? niacins the breaker strip Svm, thi fafrWreX'J!." "' r1I'en Svarp s,tone "- glass cut the iiS!lirubr'. ln manr tn .m is stPPd at the breaker "-f, mirenunj tne water and dirt from working down to the main fabric. PreTent water-soaking and sand-blistering. oiicnAnn p.vrtrc to have STUEKT SIGNS A.VD SUMIJKHS Orchard Parlr : ia i,ova ...i. t !L i?08e whlch tave n Placed on the clt ystreets. This was decided at a meeting of the Orchard Park Im- the Orchard Park Methodist church Fri day evening. It was also decided to number all of the houses ln the sub urban addition. The society, since it has been formed, has had all of the weeds in the addition cut. has had streets graded and Mar Un" and Hadlock places widened. P Ided?" "" pres,dnt o the eletr. 9 ftwaJk .lr" HHlgp?iSWg?WSMr4 jm H 1 DAILY RECORD Building rermitji. To A 1mm Frederick eon to Valid a brick bBRffalow at ZC2S East Minouri street; esti mated cost 7. To White Cafe, to chance front and pot In partition, estimated cost $W. Deeds Filed. North side of Rio Grand street between of San Antonio and Leon street, eonttdera tion 93. Sept. 27. IMS. Public school lands I P Schooler and wife to J H Cunningham, section 9. block IS. public school lands, consideration S64 Sept. 25. IMS. West side of Florence street between romlnc; and Boulevard John McOovern and wife to F N Hall, lot i and the north half of lot 4. block 252. Campbell adttttton. consideration S1M, Sept. 8. 1515. South side of Oklahoma street; between Paima and Walnut streets Manuel Ramos to Francisco Garza, lot 8. block 2C. Bassett ad dition, consideration SI. October 19. 195. Automobiles JUcensed. Dallas and Williams streetJames I Marr to Maria Espaxza Manqoeros. troste for Juan Francisco Esparza, lot 17 and the west 2ft feet of lot IS. block 78. FrankUn Helahts addiUon. conslderatloB 85M. Sept. 23, 1915 ! passenaer Ford. North side of Alamogordo street, between J 4452 A Flore. 2314 Wyoming ""J " " i TV im w i seven passenaer Jtci-arian. Marr rompany to C. T Stanchfleld. south 4413 Lee Benham, 112 West Overland cwfc v avkb a, ii. mimi i, mu ibk street, stats roadster 4481 A. Flores, 2314 Wyoming street, fire street; j south 35 feet of the east 15 feet of lot 12. f block 82. East Kl Paso addition, considera tion 81159. UCt. 1. 1915. Lots in Government Hill addition -James L. Marr to WU1 R. Winch, lots 1, 3 and J. block 9. Government Hill addition, considera tion 175. Sept. 30, 1915. Southwest corner of West San Antonio and Leon streets O H Baum to L K. Booker. a three- e;bths Interest, tract S3 feet and 8 inches by 12t feet, at the northeast corner Humphreys' Seventy-seven For Grip, Influenza, 4S4 H. Im. St.w.rt. 221 Smith SUBton street: Petrol track. 44SS Herman Soahlar. J15 Seath Staatea treet: Re track. 44 G. F. Drake. UU Trtraont street; five BMeasr Valcan. 44S7 Saeen-Ijaseiiby compftajr. 214-11 North Stanton street. Hupmoblle track. 44(1 6 J. Petronanl. North Stanton street, five passenger Appersoa. Licensed to Wed. Alejandro Flores to Harla M.rtltwz. Ilntha. Tm Saenz, 5l park street. September ts. aced Tt Tears, burial Concordia cenu tery October 1. Carmen Torres. 712 Florenoo street. S.n- tember 39. aged seven months; burial Coa- oonns cemetery uctooer z. Birth. Kojs. To Mrs. Theodore VeUrmes, 7 Sonth Santa re street. Angnst IS. f if OltBUBNINO tr I J I LOCOMOTI VIS I Jbl 1 Jacksonville, Fla, C7 fR and return pO.UU Augusta, Ga.f fl-fic nc and return. . . . 4UJ.OJ Savannah, Ga, CCC CO and return.. :. $00. DU Charleston, S. C, tT-j on and return .... $ I.-CU Tickets on sale Oct. 15, 1915, to April 30, 1916. FINAL LIMIT MAY 31ST. Libera! Stopovers Allowed NO VALIDATION REQUIRED. Our rates to the California Exposition -will be on sale until Nov. 30. City Ticket Office, No. 206 North Oregon. Phone 3400, Branch 11. CIIAD CIUCI IT 3IRKT IIOI.Il! ITS GBT11VA1 D VY Columbus. Ohio. Oct. I With a pro .am.. Ji, to?r . the Columbus Grand Circuit racing meet will close .?,? ..The Buckeje . 8take for - 12 trotters is the most attractive race on today's card. Tfce 2 pace, in which f ern Hal won tiro heats and Fred Rus sell took: one on Thursdav, is to be finished. To complete the card ' 1! parers and 15 trotters -Bill be calle,! out. Mention any sickness from Sprue to Gout and every one has a pet remedy to recommend. Mention a Cold or the Grip and nearly every one recomends "Seventy seven" as their own particular pet remedy. To get the best results, lake "Seventy-seven" at the first feeling of a Cold. If you wait till your bones ache. un you cough and sneeze, it take longer. Jl no. at all drusrfrlste may or i'-c and mailed Ilmnphrrr' liomeo Medicine Co, 156 'William Street, New York Adv. MORE Truth j Than Poetry The Force of Habit. Henry Ford has got so interested In inventing submarines that before he knows it he'll have spent that 119.000, 000 anti-preparedness fund on peri scopes and torpedoes. A Man Is As Old As He Looks. No one under SS is allowed In the Apawarals Elder Statesman's golf tour nament, but none of Mr. MeGraw'a team would be refused entrance if they want ed to apply for It. MK.Y.M'NG IIRMir m-D. Henry had a lnrKe fat sack Hxtremely full of doogb. And nrrrnhrre that Henry Trent The Hoc ttoi sure to go. Vowel deleted by censor. TuMdc a Chance. A New York candidate is askinK people not to ote for him. hcplnic that test Thursdav .... ii i ii i- i t im iniirf iinpniinn m mm i th . .i.--. i . . th.n th., I, t , ih lind,d-,te!, who yut pre, ared b Mr', V t J, ,k "and ihe the request the other way round. I bahy entered 'n the Mue nblinn "asi TREASURY INCOME IS FAR f BELOW THE DISBURSEMENTS ! Washington, D. C, Oct. 2. Disburse- I menu of the treasury department for I the month of September exceeded the in- ' come about 10.000.000. The income was a little more than J50.0o0.000. i For three months of the current fls- ' cal year Just ended, the receipts have ! been about I3S.T5S.000 below the dis bursements. The deficit for the similar period last year was about $.13,000,000 I Receipts for September were nearly ! S2.000.000 less than those for Sept em- ' ber of the fiscal year of 1"15 The I treasury still has a net balance of al most S41.000.000. aside from many mil- I lions to Its credit outside Washington. Mil. VM MRS. o. D. S VLE-S B 1BV WS BLIK KIR HON IN CO.VT1SST " Because of an error in totiTa -u- -w.J I Jtrs. u. u. sale's baby daughter. Mar- garet Sale, was omitted from the blu. ribbon clats -t the B tter Babies' eon- EL PASO THE PASS Ji I PASS Keevil's If Yon Want the BEST DUTCH LUNCHES, BUDWEISER AND LEMP'S STANDARD 528 N. Stanton Phone 185 TRY HERAID WAKT ADS