EL PASO HERALD 2 B RECEPTION BY MRS. BROWN TO WOMAN'S CLUB TO THERE will be a great many events n this coming week to occupy the time and interest of EI Paso itom The club women and their friends Ni'l be Interested In the reception in mor of the club president. Mrs. S. H. ;- therland, which will be given for the i .embers of the Women's club by Mrs. TV R Brown, at her home on Rio i, ande street, Tuesday afternoon from to 6 oclock. Mrs. Brown will be as sisted in entertaining by the Junior embers or the dob, who will be eos 1.11 ed in the ante-bellum period. The ncirs of the club and the chairman . ' th various departments will be in the receiving line. The meeting of the u ,d 1..K WMlnu1av will be the 'ii vt meeting of the current events NEW HA VILAND CHINA Xho Valmont Pattern Eoviland China WE hare jnst received an irapor tation from Haviland & Com pany a complete stock of their "White and Gold on the Silver Shape" and the "Valmont." Also the new "Rose of France," a 1915 pattern. The "White and GoM on Silver Shape" has the reputation of having more repeat orders and a larger volume of business than any pattern ever made by them. The "Valmont" is considered the peer of all the colored decorations since ifs production, three years ago. The "Rose of France" has been selected by more buyers this season than any of the new patterns shown. All three of the above are beauti ful, all in good taste and all carried in OPEK STOCK. You may buy one piece or one hundred at any time, to r.eet your requirements. 102 N. STANTON (K A'""SJ'lli"l,u'"'-"wt"i.-i lTW 5.' rfSMRa afiBHH G m SB SHSiS .txMV Winter is here and we are prepared to fill your orders "with Heaters and Ranges. Heaters Charter Oak Hot Blast. .$12 to $22.50 Heaters (The Oak Line) $5.00 to $25.00 Coal Ranges (Charter Oak) in four sizes, guaran teed bakers, extra size water fronts $35 to $70 SECOND HAND STOVES HALF PRICE Gas Ranges (the Peninsular with the Sherman and Starr burners), an extra large line. .$10 to $50 Stove Repairs to Fit All Sizes New Furniture in full car lots from the best Eastern factories, with quality, style and prices equal to the best in the southwest. See Us Monday Bargain Day. Phone 1106. J I 113 N. Stanton St. "FEATURE WEEK'S FESTIVITIES literature department of the club The roure of study for this vear in this department will be the literature of the Bible and the program topics will be the presentation of a biography of a prominent Biblical character with a pa per on parallel conditions i our own times. "Abraham" will be the first character to be studied. Miss Virginia Stewart, the charming daughter of Mr and Mrs. V. S. Stewart, whose marriage to Lieut. J L. Collins will be a December event, will be the guest of honor at a luncheon to be giv en Wednesday by Mrs. Frank Coles and Mrs. Charles Davis, at the home of Mrs. Davis, on West Boulevard. There will be a very large number of social affairs given for Miss Stewart berore her wed dinat. as she has been one of the most popular of last season's debutantes. Two marriages will occur during the week that will interest a large number of people. Miss Katherine Lavlnix Ger man and Frederick James Clark will be married at 4 oclock Wednesday after noon in the residence of Rev. Francis Roy, adjoining the cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Rev. father Roy -will perform the marriage cere mony Miss German will be attended by Mrs. F. E. Collins as matron of honor, and Freeman Bailey will be Mr. Clark's best man. Immediately after the ceremony. Mr Clark and his bride will leave for New Tork citv where they will spend a month's honeymoon. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pruett m their private car as far as Kansas City. Miss German is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thomas An drew German and is a native El Pasoan. She graduated with the class of 1911 from the Bl Paso High school. Mr. Clark is the superintendent of the Chi huahua division of the Mexican North Western railway. Miss Edna Frances Henry and Wil liam Dowser will be married on the af ternoon of October 24. at 4 oclock. in the F-rst Methodist Episcopal church. Rev Herman G Porter will perform the ceremony. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Henry. For members of the Toung Women's Christian association mucn interest is attached to the visit of Miss Harriett Smith, a secretary of the association at Shanghai. China. Miss Smith will be the speaker at the vesper service to be held Sunday afternoon on the porch of Mrs. Howard B. Durkee's home, at 151 North Campbell street. On Monday af ternoon at 4 oclock Miss Smith will be the guest of honor at a reception in the boarding home of the associ ation. Monday night the newly elected members of the members' council of the association will meet at the boarding home to elect a chairman to represent them on the board of directors and to plan for their work. Of the dances there will be the usual Wednesday night and Saturdaj night dances at the El Paso Country club and the Thursday night dance at the T Pimples Disapp ear. . There is one remedy that seldom fails to clear away all pimples, black heads and skin eruptions and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with zemo. which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, black heads in most cases give way to zemo. Frequent!, minor blemishes disappear overnight Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo Is safe, clean, easy to use and depend able It costs only 25c. an extra large bottle. $1-00 It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positivelj safe for tender, sensitive skins Zemo, Cleveland. Advertisement. West Tsleta Country club. The members of the Bohemian club will give the first of the winter series of dances Friday night at tne Home of Francis Broaddus. on East Boulevard. Or the various card clubs. Mrs. J. E. Winner will entertain tne silent Twelve Card club on Tuesday after noon Mrs. E. M. Bray will have the members of the Pioneer Bridge club as her guests on Tuesday, and Mrs. Charles Matthews will entertain the Jolly Eight club at its weekly picnic down the valley Tuesday. Mrs. J. J. Murphy will entertain the Wednesday Auction Bridge club Wednesday after noon and Mrs. Frank Langan will be the hostess for the Ezell club at a bridge luncheon, to be given in Hotel Sheldon. Mrs T. L. Binkley will enter tain the Thursday Embroidery club Thursday The Fortnightly club will meet Thursdav at the home of Mrs. Ernest Depperman. Mrs. C. C Cun ningham will entertain the members of "Ye Goode Tyme" Bridge club on Thursday. Mrs. W. G Dunn will be the hostess of the Saturday Luncheon club next Saturday School Notes. The Philomathean literary society of the girls of the high school held a business meeting Friday at the school, followed by an interesting program. Winnie Tankersley gave two readings r.uzauem i.eiiy piayeu a violin seiec- tion from "II Trovatoie." with Mary awij atomimnymg ner. aaaie ituia ( ivmnage gave a reading. Margaret Bush sang, with Vivian Pomeroy play ing her accompaniment. Caro Mitchell gave a reading Officers of the Parent-Teachers" as sociation of the Sunset school were elected at the meeting of the associa tion Friday afternoon, held in the kin dergarten room of the sbcooL Mrs. George Brunner was elected president: Mrs. Empress Arrington, vice president, Mrs Lee Burdick, treasurer, and Miss Hallie Jameson, secretary. An inter esting program was given. The chil dren of the fifth grade of the school danced a lierman folk dance. Pearl Nelson and Helen Zelman each sang. , n..Muuno wmv swell uy tawtiv .- f uesi ot nonor al a nr.ner given 03 llott and Katherine Hinden Mrs. H. Mrs. Rowlands Thursday evening at W. Broaddus, of the Bailey school Par- i their home on Douglas street. The liv-ent-Teachers' association, talked, urg- j ins: room of their home was decorated mg a greater cooperation between the with quantities of rl and yellow afiRMHntlnn nf th tn uhiii.lc VAllnir. I dahlias and ferns, with English iVV ing her talk It was decided to hold two 1 united meetings of the associations dur- I KS. X the" even?ng. -ffi?S ?"jen? EzmZtiSUSS Ih8"!.": I elation. Mrs. Walter Stowe sang a group, of songs. Mrs. I N. Corrington I gave several readings. Mrs. W. D. Howe presided at the meeting, which was very well attended. There were a num ber of new members added to the asso ciation. The Sam Houston Debating society of ine iiiKn sen 00 1 new its regular meet ing Friday night at the school. Maurice Blumenthal nave an interesting descrio- I tlon of the work of the students' mill- tarj- training carao at the Presidio. San ' Francisco, this summer, which was composed of students from high schools and colleges throughout the country. Mr Blumenthal spent the summer in the camp. He described the routine of work done at the training camp. Blu menthal was recommended for a second lieutenancy of volunteers at the com pletion of the camp. There were three EI Paso boys attending the camp William Sharp, of the Texas School ot Mines. Ashton Hawkins and Maurice Blumenthal. of the High school cadet corps. An organization of the national reserve corps was formed among the students and members were appointed to work recruiting other students to join the reservists and to cultivate in terest in military drill and prepared- ness. Mr. Sharp is the secretary of the t reservists at tne xexas cnooi 01 james. f and Mr Blumenthal at the High school. A brief business meeting was held. Will Roberts and Leland Bartlett were ad- 1 mitted ai new members. M. H. Grif- fitn was the critic ror tne day irom the teaching staff of the school- There were a number of visitors at the meet ing I IS JIB K ILL 117 FREE HUE Something New For El Paso Women. The latest form of insurance being 1 1 issued in El Paso has proven a great 1 success Surprisingly to state no ! premiums are required and the divi-1 1 dends are large and paid regular!) , This Insurance is especially popular . 11.11 uui. ivuo appreciate tne iuii j significance of the protection afforded. j This new form of insurance is issued , by Spick & Span, agents. It is called ' Fabric Life Insurance," because the life of everything washable and clean ! able in the way of fabrics, is length ened, when done by the Elite Laundry. They Insure your laundry against wear and tear. Their policy calls for clean liness, prompt service and efficiency. Become one of the Elite Laundry company's policy holders now and re ceive your dividends regularly Adv. Snnerflaon narv. mot etrir, hi Ishes removed. Mrs. Grace Benson. I liermatoiogist. zs Hoilenbeck. over! Watsons Grocery. Advertisement I Look JUR opening, from present indications, will occur Wed nesday morning, Oct. 20th. We will be ready for your orders with a complete new stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Your patronage solicited. Free automobile de livery. Telephones 4233-34 Overland Grocery Co. v Fred Widmann & Son, Proprietors. 209 E. Overland. m Dinners, Luncheons, Teas. Miss Katherine Lavima German and Frederick James Clark, whose marriage "e Krause. the twin daughters of Mr. I studied by the Current Events and Lit occurs next Wednesday, will be the i iid 3rST Charles Krause. a delightful ature department of the Woman's club, guests of honor ?'?" "fal '?""' SancTwas given Friday night by Mr. at the first meeting of the department. ' Z S tonlsnt by ward I , anTsirl Krause at their home on Olive ' to be held Wednesday aftenioon at J . t ., t. , . , .... I utreet. The rooms were attractively i o'clock in the auditorium of the First i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ainsa will enter- sireei. i v" . . h. --. , ,,m., ,.i..,, vi wn ix.u. win I tain tonleht with an Informal dinner - v . rt , V. V. A ,Vi: . Vi. , n honor of CoL E. V. Smith, at their nome u una avenue following tne - course was enjoyed. The Seward will give a paper on the berit dinner. the guests will attend the JE an JCwhiteTf the color Plan was age of the child. The discussion fol- Country club week end dance. Gus Momsen. Jr, was the guest .of repeated m ine ;j''gSS XZ FwCTiPT h?"r tK!&nner' s'?'en "VI'mv i MesdameWD Ponder? Gus Momsen. will play an organ solo. The officers of his birthday anniversary recently. ! j,e"moetB'- aa James Magoffin, of this department who will enter up by his i Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mom- nG.rM" "w"e Misses Mary ' on their year's work are Mrs. W. L. sen. at their home on Magoffin avenue ' m.?nB J5"n Kelly. Helen Rogers. I Crockett, chairman: Mrs. Hal R Chris SliSSS. ! ". . fohon . Heten A'guirre. Nellie tie. rice chairman: Mrs. M. N.gle, sec- Afterdinner the g'uerrts SnJoyeS a mo- . . .. & -r ci tatv; uc- 3 otgj - torriaetouiint. mere were i: suh . An informal dinner was given i oy mt. and Mrs. George H. Morgan Thursday night, at their home In the Masonic temple. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. a D. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. R. Milllgan, Miss Julia Cooke and Miss Viva Dris kell. The Women's Missionary society of Trinity church will give a tea on Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. S. Birchfield. 809 East Rio Grande street, from 3.S to S JO The hostesses for this nleasant social affair are Mesdames A. M. GrambHnfc. T J. Woodside. H. A. Lay. O. A. Danlelson. R. L Daniel, W. R. McKenaa, Wip Robinson. J. W. Brown and I. J- Ayers. All women of the city are Invited to attend, as well as the women of Trlnltv church. Mr and Mrs. U R. McCllntock enter- tained Thursday night with a dinner at mcir numc. uuocu f" ..-- of Charles McCllntock. of Chicago, who their home, J905 Oxford street, in honor is spvnuing m irw t3 in r.i lafw "" I his war to the expositions In uaiiior- nia. and of Mrs. C. E. McCllntock. tneir : were in cnarge 01 u ""?'ir ".""..? mother, on her return from Detroit-he I those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. . table waa decorated attractively with Harley, Mr. and Mrs. T J. Stafford, pink and white cosmos blossoms and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hambaugh. Mr. autumn leaves. After the dinner, violin and Mrs. A. J. Strayer Mr. and Mrs. ". solos were ejoved. played by Siiss Cecil & Labbitt. Mr and Mrs. W. G. "My, Spaulding. Miss Bstrella Haley was I Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Winch. Mr and Mrs. her accompanist. Later the guests oc- : O. A. Martin. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. "" cupied a box at the Crawford theater. Mrs. F. W. Knollenberg. MI,KhrI The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Al- Ine Harper. Nettie Louise Rowland, hsrt Taylor. Mrs. Josephine McCllntock. Milda Connelly, Willie Mae Carson. Miises Cecil Spaulding and Estrella Grace Sheetey. Henrietta Alberts Ola Haley. Messrs. Charles McCllntock ana L W Drewry 1 "G? VnirlaBila .rhn-3 hlrtliilqr an. n'iversary occurred Thursday, was the twined about the chanillcrs and oyer he windows and archvkas. In tae H5sS5 tSSSS.SS sa bagkets of Irish crochet work. ' fined with nuts. The handles were tied ! f.l. .I1.. .... A ... .ha iltnMAP ttlA 1 Willi )CIHJW Lil.t.O. .-..MS. . w...... . -. , guests spent thi evening playing cards , and dancing In the yartv were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hirt. Mr and Mrs. Wal- ter E. Arnold. Mrs. Frank Thatcher. Miss Hilda Sorensor. Lieut. Otho E. , Michaells and C L Sirrapna j Miss Florence Paul, .r Houston, was the guest of honor at 1 .'elightful dm- I ner given Thursday nitnt ny Jr am. Mrs. & W Fant. at the West Tsleta Countrv club Yellow v as the color I noie 01 me auiiitr. .h" "KH j baby daughter. Born rnursaay ai noi Larce jellow charvsaithemums Ailed 1 ' ua-nitaL The baby has been a white Marie Antoinette basket in the XVuia Hampton Crews, for its tTedlew,thf ahbiga,w oetfo-rinaiTn-e- j Smofter. Mrs. cc. Crews. ,r, of El oflhbaste? wkiTnankmaH! I "j3 E. K.nn.ne a Dmii. leader low chrysanthemums and ferns. About of Michigan ? E,"rsdflYs5on tt,. t.hU wr mellow candles under I way home from California. Ills nome yellow shades, in crystal sticks. The candlesticks were tied with bows of the yellow maline i-umpKin jv-n. u lanterns, lit with tinv yellow tapers, were the place cards and the favorj were Hallowe'en nov-!tls. filled with mints The dinner gueat were Misses Florence Paul. Julia rool. Gladys Mc Ouatters, Beulah Brown. Lauramaude I Fink. Mr and Mrs. & w Fant. Messrs. ! Robert McCart. Charles A. Brandberg and T E. Edwards, Lieuis. aianey Graves, Oscar Strawb and Theodore Barnes, Jr The guests remained for the dance afterward. Corns Stop Dacelng Now that the weather Is cool enough I to make dancing the most enjoyable of , all pastimes, some attention should be paid to the "feet. You cannot dance gracefully, nor will jou enjoy dancing. If you are afflicted with corns. But. whv have corns? It is the simplest matter In the world to get rid of them. Simplv buy a bottle of White's Guaran teed Corn Cure, use according to direc tions, and your corns will vanish. White's Corn Cure is a Made-in-El Paso article, and as hundreds of corn-free ci Pasoans is can tell you, it quickly removes trace of the corn. The price is everv only ISc a bottle. Sold only by Scott AV,hlte Jt Co. "Safety First" Druggists Mills BIdg Roberts-Banner Bldg Depot Pharmacy. Adv. o RrnonnhIe Offer Rcfned for ai.y of the following second hand pianos and players. Cash or terms. Emerson, upright, rosewood. Decker Son, upright, ebony, "nickering, upright, ebony. Kimball Player, mahogany. Pianola Player, ebony. Johnson Electric walnut. Peerless Electric oak. Two Victrclas and records. Two Edison Phonographs and records. Guaranteed as represented. F. G. Billing Piano Co. 1429 R. Boulevard. Advertisement. Mmpllrity the Keynote la otc Paper. Note paper of -plain white In a su perior grade of paper with the initial or monogram embossed In gold or in a choice of several colors, or in a com bination of colors is desirable and quite the vogue Just now. All our en graving and embossing is done in EI Paso. El Paso Printing Co, 10S W. Main St, Phone J7. Advertisement Why otf Use Navajo Rugs in your new bunga low. .o otner rugs are as appropriate. Baeutiful assortment at Bench'. Art .shop. City National Bank Bide Adv Out ' Dances. t t,nnnr nf the birthday anniversa- . !& YaA WWi SlfUI Oecoraieu mui ... -"- ---- tlnnv ami ferns, uureng m uaims , Mom and ferns. i, even refreshments. Mrs. Freeman, Margaret O'Boyle. Alzlna Orn- ' . -r . irrrnfrin , ':. T7.,r,;.c.k: K.neran- . -. wva viairniTin. .tiHrv jiahuuiHi uernice ""' -"" pi""," an' Kathryn ra Gonzales, Helen Garrigan. Kainryn Tobln Pattv Ainsa. and Mary Smith, of was held Friday afternoon in the down X S TT.,P n?e?ion Jim Anderson, town rooms of the Young Women's the boys. Paul Anderson, Jim Anaersu , aBMciatlon. Renorts of tem- Alexander cmton iwara v,-.-- 2ZSL .BSSu?i Mci'uat5 Herndon T. &n (malin PrMRiail. JOC MSgOffin, Rowla'nd Kemp. Victor Hector. Ted Piatt, Don Piatt, Wilfred Kranzthor and Steve Agulrre. The Quien Sabe club of the Elks gave a riellarhtful informal dance Friday night in the ball room of the club , house on Myrtle avenue, ine ruum - J attractively decorated vyith quantities i of potted plants and palms. Ore rheaa the ceiling was festooned with i stream- ! ers of purple and white novelty crepe paper alternating wltn siranas bright colored autumn leaves, reaenmg i - --- - -- - . j,,rin chandeliers. Punch was served """; from the corners ot ,ne "a" '" ." " " ----- ---- . th duo , enieriainurem cunuuim . ... - --- Ianiei. vriuie rf, -"""- ' Hilda Sorenson. Hattie Mae Loretx, Mrtle Longrord. Eleanor wnsni, Ji Anne Minealus; Messrs. George Arnold. Eugene Harris. C. L. Sirmans, H. W. Bro-vder. Hope Smith, Dell Rlchey. Julius Alberts. Will Alberta. Charles A. urann. Frank Durack, Steve LeUro. Recce Littleton. Clarence W. Harper, Fred Hewitt, C L. Sirmans. Roy D. Bar- j num Joe stafford. y. h. Cunningham, j CUrford Gaylord. Hugh Dunn. Dr. B. K. I """ " & C""nt" "nd ,he"" nul ot Town Visitors. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Kyle, ot Las Cruees. were in El Paso for a brief h.wlnMa trin PMWtlV UHv...k.. . ... .. --- Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Potter have as tBtir guest their niece. Miss Elsie Crawford, of East Orange. N. J. She Kln k their finest for some time. jack Saul, of Denver, CoIol. is in El pano for a short time. He was enter mea at dinner Thursdav night Dy Mr and Mra A F. vr-irdell. at their frne in the Fisk apar'raents. Mr and Mrs. Clifford C. Crews, of Hlllsboro. N M-. are the parents of a is in Lansing and he has been visiting the California fairs. While here he was the guest of collector Z. L. Cobb, who met him while Mr. Cobb waB speaking in Michigan in 1S12- Dr. and Mia. T. H. Tuten, who have been visiting friends here, will leave for their home In Hampton, South Car olina, this evening. They have been visiting the San Francisco and San Diego fairs and stopped in El Paso for. a visit of three weeks here. Both Dr. and Mrs. Tuten have many friends here. Mrs. Tuten being a former resident ot El Paso Mrs. W. T. Davis, of Cincinnati, was on CI Patui visitor this week, the guest of her nieces, Mrs. R. F. Ebert, of 10 Lee street, and Mrs. J. J. Finney, of j Mw Fort Boulevard. She left Thurs day morning for Los Angeles, where she will spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Geo F Pennebaker. former residents of El Paso. Mrs-. Davis is prominently identified with the work of the Daughters of the Confederacy, be ing a member of the Richmond, Va,, chapter, and had the pleasure of meet ing a number of her old acquaintances among the delegation which stopped over in El Paso the first of the week, en route to the San Francisco exposl- " r "on. Lodges and Clubs. -ur rt T-r Mills most worthy grand matron of the world of the Order of the Eastern Star, will arrive in Kl Paso this morning and will oe , entertained oy tne memoers ot au mony chapter No 241. with a recep tion and program In the Masonic tem ple tonight from S to -10 oclock Mrs. Mills is en route to San Francisco to visit the expositions. She has been attending the state convention of the Texas grand chapter of the order, in v. tx-A.i. Tn 171 ron chanter's I delegates to the convention will re turn with her These are Mis -Vivian Sheay. worth matron of Harmony chapter, Mrs. G W Dennis. Mrs. J K Walker .and Dr. Mattie I. MIL The local chapter was honored by the state chapter in the appointing of Mlrs Vivian Sheay as Grand Ruth of tile state. For the reception Saturday evening Mrs. Matilda Burroughs. Mrs. S A. Vaughan and Mrs C. H. Holloway are in charge. About El Pasoans. Jasper Williamson is recovering nice ly from an operation at Hotel Dleu. "Why Notf Inspect the genuine imported linens for household use, from practically every country on the globe, shown In Denutl fully embroidered and drawnwork de signs at neaeh'a Art Shop. Clt National Bank Bldg Adv. ThU Week's Bargain. Louis XV Style Art Case. Kranich & Bach Baby Grand Piano in Mahogany Caie. only $4e.M We advise calling early at the strictly "ONE PRICE' piano house. El Paso Piano Co., tv R. Schutz, Prop. 298 (south side) Texas street. tVhy Notr Genuine hand painted place cards, im ported direct from Japan, in a hundred and one exquisite designs. Finest as sortment ever shown in the city. Prices from Ave cents each, and up. tBench'a Art &hop. City National Bank Bldg. Adv. -WITCH HAZEL CREAM will keep the skin soft and velvety during the winter winds. Made from the best of antiseptic Sent post-paid or delivered to any part of the city. Zi and 50 cmts. WtlMER. DRIG CO. Advertisement Initial Stationery Whiting's new gold monogram paper or correspondence cards. c the box. at EI Paso Book Co., Mills Bldg. "It's Handy." Advertisement. Lodge notices. OTICB O. E. S. There will be a recep tion it the Masonic Temple October 16th from s o 10 p m . In hnntr of the Most .1 t .h. tv o M Mary ebl, Sec M lift M i Women's Organization: . "Abraham" will be th first of the i otvAnav haa sm a . 1a TXtvl Ha i "- -t--V-- .-V ...7V -- ftrBseni me coanicitr ot Aoniiiiiui as foundr of - Mrs. F. w. , lowing these two papers will be led by retary and Mrs. frank soence. treas- iiraf uv The usual monthly meeting- of the Woman's Christian temperance Union "; iJ;?i:VT.2S5 in th. down- nce mtk and-of the' panaraa.pa. h' P' Sa Francisco were Hvtn hv frn FraneM Robles and Mrs. Charles Weeks. Mrs. Mark Peak, of Hot Springs, Ark., talked on the work of the temperance people in Arkansas. Mrs. Horace A. Lay, the president, pre sided. The scripture lesson was given by Mrs. M. Collier. The prayer was iea by Miss Mina Everett Miss Everett. . who has been lor a number of years i connocted wjth missionary work in , Mexico city, talked on temperance i work amonB Mexicans. The business of the unOB was largely the preparation or entertainment plans for Mrs. Nannie Webb Curtis, the state president of the W. C. T. U- who will be in Bl Paso from Oct Jl to Nov. i The next meet ing of the union will be held Nov. 13 The St. Patrick's altar guild present ed Rev. Edward J. Barry, of the Cathe dral of the Immaculate Conception, with a gift or the trip to Denver. Colo., so that he may attend the consecration of Rev. S. J. Schuller as bishop of the Ro man Catholic diocese of El Paso. The gift was presented at the meeting of the altar guild, held Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. J. F. Waddell, on Upson avenue. Rev. father Barry made a speech ot thanks and appreciation of the work of the members of the guild. Mr. Waddell talked in praise of the women's work and the purpose oX the uu4.iv Th Afternoon was spent In I fancy work in preparation for a coming oazaar. ai me taw; . . -- -- light refreshments were enjoyed. There were about present. Mrs. L. A. Sher man will be the next hostess of the guild. Mrs. Waddell was assisted in en tertaining by Mesdames W. E. Trues dell, Robert Rinehart, L. A. Sherman and L. R. NeaL Parlies. Mrs. peter Dehlinger entertained Thursday afternoon at her home, 1313 East Overland street, with a shower in honor of Miss Leona Huttanus, whose wedding to Sam Darr will occur on No vember 11. The house was attractively decorated with red and white carna tions. The shower gifts were presented to Miss Huttanus in a box decorated with white tissue paper. Refreshments were enjoyed. The tables were dec orated with red and white carnations. Among the guests were Misses Leona, Huttanus, Ola Darr. Mary Heafle, Jean nette Cassens, Lovette Cassens. Mar garet Peper. Beulah Lusk, Geneva Luck Mary Hammer, Minnie Dehlinger. Mes dames G. F. Stafford. John Gedeon, K. R. Laymen. J H. Cassens, William Schindler. G E. Angerstein and L. Hut tanus. The Philathea and Baracca classes of Trinity Methodist church held a mas querade social Friday night at the home of Miss Juanita Smith, on North Bl Paso street The house was decorated with Hallowe-en symbols of witches, black cats and other significant creatures and lots of Jack-o'-Lanterns were about the rooms. The guests came masked and in costume Amusing games of various kinds were enjoyea during the evening Fortunes were told by Miss Lila Thomas, who was dressed as a witch. Miss Vera Ballard, who was dressed as a Turkish girl won the prize for the most artistic girl's costume. Philip Slm pleh. who was costumed as a Turk, won the men's most artistic costume prize. Miss Lila Thomas, as the witch, won the tume an j AsnieT Gillett. who represent- prize for the girls most comical cos- ed a negro woman, -won the boy's most comical costume prize. Refreshments appropriate to the Hallowe'en season were served The hostesses of the day were Miss Juanita Smith. Miss Rena (Continued on Next Page.) EL T Dose of nasty calomel makes you sick and you lose a day's work. Calomel salivates! Ifs mercury. Calomel acts liks dynamite on a slug- filU A.r. II 11CH IIUUIOI kVUlCd IU1V I contaet with sour bile It crashes Into It, , causing cramping ana nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, consti pated and all knocked out. Just go to your druggist and get a 59 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is a harmlHs raa-etahle s-bstltntn for dan gerous calomeL Take a spoonful and j if It doesn't start your liver and than nasty calomel and without tnak- Ing you sick, you Just go back and get ' jour money. i If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; besides, j it may salivate you. while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work or play, its harmless, pleas ant and safe to give to children; they j like it- Advertisement. r CH HEATING STOVES New and Second DRESSER Solid Oak Princess Dresser, large Regular $20 value. Special for a BALT FURNITURE COMPANY 20S S. Stanton Just Below BANKING BY MAIL Just as easy to open a savings account with us as though you lued next door. WE PAY 4 per cent Interest compounded Twice Every Tear We do business under the Depositor's Guaranty Law of the State of Texas and are a Guaranty Fund Bank aa provided by such Law Our plan, in addition to being convenient, is safe, profitable and liberaL Nobody has ever lost a dollar in a State bank In Texas Write today for our free booklet, "BANKING BT MA1U" Tou simply mall your deposit. EI Paso Bank & Trust Co., El Paso, Texas vNo Gas feplpain No More Dread of the Denial Chatr. By the New Method of Dentistry we can ex tract, fill, or crown your teeth absoTutely wlthoat the least particle of pain No co caine or any of its derivatives used in any form. NOTE We are not competing with cheap advertising dentists, but with first-class ethicial men at one-half their prices. Full Sets Teeth, each.... $7.30 up Gold Crowns S.0O Other Work in Proportion. All Work Guaranteed hi Writ In r 10 Tears. New System Dental Parlors Cor. El rM and San Antonio Sts. In the newly renovated OLD First National Bank Bide Spanish and German Spoken. Open Evenus. CONKEY SAYS: DON'T WORRY But be ready wheii trouble comes by having a well stocked CONKEY CORNER in jour poultry house. Conkey Poultr Remedies save life. Dealera Kverj where. Advertteement. The safest soap for babies is esmoi This is so, first because it is one of the fear soaps which contain no free alkaH that harsh, drying chemical which so frequently causes eczema,orotherskinirriution. But, even more important, it contains the J soothing-, healing Kesmoi medica tion to keep the delicate slun soft, clear and beautiful. You can safety trust your baby's skin health to Resinol Soap. SoMbyaadrntrists. Fcr trial size caaeh-ee. wnte to Dcjt. 2-r", Rrvmol. Bairjnon. Mi. Prescribed by doctors, for tmr 39 years, ia Resiaot Oistseat, to heal skin aSecnosa, EL PASO It costs a little more than: some nlher nrnrlnrt hnr wlien r4f- Hand SPECIAL oval mirror. (t A gf few days PiTTeHJ St, Phone 3046. Fire Station J 'j THE VERYi I IS THE PRODUCT OF THE I H i ing with us. you get the best a U there is and the very best of a g service. a 9 Do not fail to give us your g I The Clean Dairy 1 I EL PASO 1 g DA2RY CO. 1 I nt.. ,s i n rnone a-v. m $1.51) up f ts: 2