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El Paso herald., October 23, 1915, HOME EDITION, Cable News and Classified Section, Page 8-B, Image 16
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
8 B Week-End Edition, (Vtober 23-24, 1915. EL PASO HEBALD i i p -w " i J. gMpenawiiiaiL' ijyggw Ir. and Mrs. Rent Payer How many times have you expressed the wish to own your own home and not to be compelled to move every time the house in which you are living is sold. We will show you how to avoid the discomfort and annoyance of moving if you will give us the opportunity. Phcenix-ElPaso Building Company, Inc. SUPERIOR HOMES 1-4 Buckler Block Phone 491 A. C. Barnes I. T. Dewey. A. C. Barnes & Co. SATISFACTORY PLUMBING Ljt us fix up jour heating apparatus before cold weather 502 Mesa Ave. Prompt Service Phone 3055 irmnrmraiHiiJi n i nnrnnimrnTTm i i iimniingiwnm The Largest Stock of FIXTURES in the State The only CHANDELIER FACTORY in Texas. Quality the Best Prices Reasonable Pass Citv Electric Co. 419 N. OREGON A GUARANTEED TITLE MEANS Absolute Protection to Your Investment When you buy real estate or lend money on same, you should have the title guaranteed. This absolute protection can be. had at a reasonable cost. Why take any chance? Remember: "It is better to be safe than sorry." Stewart Title Guaranty Co. CAPITAL, $300,000.00. Office: Fourth Floor. Two Republics Bldg. EI Paso, Galveston, Houston. Dallas, San Antonio Rose & Gallagher Sv General Contractors We Make a Specialty of Brick Houses of All Kinds We Also Have Some Very Desirable Lots Have Been in Business in El Paso 1 4 Years ROSE & GALLAGHER GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS Room 1 6 Buckler Bldg. Phone 2506 5. TO THOSE WANTING A HOME If you have not already secured your site, I have seeral locations that I can let you hate at bargain prices, among which are 2 lots in the 2500 block on Montana 2 in Mundy Heights. 4 corner lots in East EI Faso. In all of the subdmsions I can give you as good as there is My houses are the best; my prices the lowest Efficiency is mj motto. ILLIAMS SIS Caples BnUdlnn. TJT" T": i M llvawwy jl 11 A Time to Visit Us. WE buildhome If you have any building problems on your mind for coming Winter, we'd suggest that you call on us and we'll see if we can't help you out for less money than you're figuring on. The kind of lumber you'll need de pends a whole lot on what you're going to build and there's a difference in the price of different grades. Let s talk it over anyway we ve all kinds. Rheinheimer Lumber Co. We will build for roa on easv monthly payment, a home on your lots, or any wf w choice sites any part of the city A SMALL PAYMENT OXLY REQCPZ" CREEL & PHILUPS iffE hu-h XA ME&A A-T Lumber. Sash & Doors, Fence and Roofing Material. Brotvn & Missouri Sis. Phone 498. Suburban Home Building Is Breaking Records UOME BUILDING continues in all parts of the city. Bungalows are springing up in every suburban section and the neat little California type homes are dotting the different districts where, only a short time ago, were unimproved fields and hillsides. In Manhattan Heights 29 new homes are now in course of construction with a total cost of $100,000. In Castle Heights Grant avenue and the other streets are being rapidly built up. Richmand Ter race, Government Hill, Golden Hill, Morningside Heights and all of the other additions are being improved as rapidly as men, lumber and money can do it. Downtown the building interest con tinues. The Commercial National bank is now ready for the walls to encase the steel skeleton. The Rio Grande Valley bank has not yet announced the location of its new $150,000 building, the Tri State Motor company and the Lone Star Motor company buildings are going up in the new wholesale district, and more are being planned. See Our New Furniture EVERYTHING FROM KITCHEN TO PARLOR SPECIAL FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ChaSa Foutz Phone 1106. 113 N. Stanton. Here's: Comfort ! If you never experienced it, you can't realize the restful comfort there is in stretching your feet to the glowing warmth of a Gas Heater. It makes you forget a strenuous day and tired brain in physical relaxation and mental contentment. It makes you at peace with the world and yourself. They work just like an open hearth fire and give the same hospitable air to a room. Eery home needs one, or more of ihese per fect heaters. They cost but little from $3.00 upward and pay big returns in health and comfort. Don't suffer with the cold. Just a stroke of a match does it all and there is neither odor nor smoke. "V ou can eliminate the uncertainties of spring or fall. Come in and let us show you them. Our service is yours to command. EL PASO GAS CO. Phones 3398-3399 425 N. Oregon St. Home of F. J. Tibbetts 1515 N.Florence St. Built by Ramey Bros. RAMEY BROS., Home Builders PLANS AND ESTIMATES FREE! We will build on your lots or ours, with a small payment down. We Aim to Please All 609 First National Bank Building. Phone 613. J. E, MORGAN Building Contractor WORKMANSHIP EXCELLED BY TO VE- EOV.3LLED BY -L7'" Phone 1950 Office 209 N. Kansas St. UB BUNGALOWS Beauty in design the utmost m convenience permanency and durability in construction ex pert supervision of building and the lowest possible cost and terms to you. i vgj.i?:afcjw'v-j;irtgd The Proof of the Puddinz Is the Eating The fine homes, (not for sale) that are going up and increasing daily in number, and the sales that we are making, is sufficient eidence that KERN PLACE ADDITION is the choice residence property in El Paso. All modern conenienees. Close in. Restricted. Terms to suit. Monthly payments if desired. COFFIN INVESTMENT CO. Part Owners Kern Place Addition. 518-19 First National Bank Bldg. 416 Mills Bids 077 KEALTY CO. Phone 5379 Painting just Receive OTHO R. HILL Has,homes of all kinds in any part of the city on your own terms. Don't forget that it will always pay you to see me before you buy or build. 501 Caples Bldg. Phone 251 If it's Painting you want done, give me a chance to figure on it. Here's a few big jobs recently completed: Brewster Apartments Arizona Apartments Knickerbocker Apartments Booker Apartments Beall School Also 37 Bungalows C. H. Williams PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone 7055 Warehouse, Hill and 2nd Streets Material and Workmanship the Best. Pnces Reasonable. Two Cars of Paint and Wall Paper Call and See Our New Designs of "1916" Wall Paper from 5c a Roll Up We Now Carry a Complete Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass and Painters' Supplies Our Contract Department Is Waiting to Serve You Yelton Paint Co, 'Wo Contract Too Large or Too Small for Us" Phone 1247 309 N. Stanton St. Fhone 3383 A I