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El Paso herald., October 23, 1915, HOME EDITION, SPORT and AUTO Section, Page 4-C, Image 20
About El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931
Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
EI PASO HERALD 4 C Edition, October 23-24, 1013. AUTD SIBTS 1 HESSE; (HUE ffJILEIS m Northern Markets Are Closing and Southwestern Dealers Get More Cars; Several Carloads of New Cars -Beach El Paso; Many Factory Men in Ter ritory; Many Sales Reported. yT "TlTH increased shipments from w the factories and plans lor (or "Automobile Week" un- i wav. the past -week has been i tlicr a busy one on gasoline row. i lie Tri -State Ifotor company has i ii setting dally shipments of from c to three carloads of Fords all week j lie other carload lots have been dt- cited to subdealers la the southwest . i n territory. The El Paso Overland mpany received five carloads of ma ll mes this week, while the first shlPr n nt of the new Reos arrived for the imian Motor Sales company this ii ternoon Th. Cadillac Sales company received .- c rload of Cadillacs while the Bu- ii Motor Car company has had a i pit of carloads of Maxwells. The . e Star Ifotor company has had sev i il shipments of Dodge and Hupmo I models this week. The Oakland 1 1 o Sales company unloaded a carload or uaklands early in the week, while tlier companies have received advices ih it cars are en route, so the local sit- tion will be vastl improved during the next fortnight. CendldoiHi Are Improving. " hile touring conditions arc still in the southwest, many of the I When Detroit the Home of Automobiles makes Studebaker its own "First Choice" Can YOU safely buy any other car without knowing what Stude baker offers? Think! Detroit makes three-fourths of all the cars made in the entire country. Detroit peoples the majority of them are either directly associated with oee of the many manufacturers or else come in -daily touch with the people who are. They KNOW the cars know the factories know the organization. Do you think they'd invest their own money in a car unless it was the TOP value of the market? Fact is that the official registration figures for the first set en months of 1915 show a substantial preference for Studebaker Cars oer all other cars listing at $500 and more. And when Detroit people make Studebaker "First Choice" over ever' other car listing at $500 or more, what can it mean but that Studebakers give the GREATEST value for the price? But see the cars judge for yourself. Ride in them and see on the road, in ACTION, on the hills and thro' the rough going11 WHY Detroit favors Sludehaers above all other cars selling at $500 or over. Four Cylinder Models rouricjr Car, 7-pawenger RSS Roadster. 3-pasenger - SSO Landau-Itoadster, 3-pass- 1183 Commercial Cars Panel Delivery Car - - asjs Open RxpreN Car - - S30 Station lAngou - - - 4T5 ELLIOTT-GARRETT COMPANY Southwestern Distributors 500-506 West San Antonio Sl I 19 1 6 3 C1 HFRF I I $950 IN EL PASO S northern motorists hate already Been compelled to put their machines Into w.nter storage and the market in the north is rather slow, the result being that the southwestern dealers are get ting a few of the cars for which they have been making demands for several weeks. Ben L. Clements, manager of the Bor derland Auto Supply company, spent the week in New Mexico cities In the interest of Lee tires and accessories. E. Ben Ottestad, manager of the Saxon Motor Sales company, has pur chased the interest of A- W. Pollard, or Iteming, in the company and is now sole owner. Mr. Ottestad has made a big success of the Saxon agency and is also doing a big business in used cars, commercial bodies, etc Valentine Men In Town. E. O. Finley and J. F. Mitchell, of the Valentine Auto company, Saxon dealers at Valentine. Tex., were in the city this week. Mr. Finley proceeded on to Flagstaff, Am, to attend to some per sonal business. A carload of new Saxon cars is doe here this afternoon and will be on the sales floors of the Saxon Motor Salee company by Monday morning. R. W. Deason, of the City National bank staff, has resigned to join the staff of the Saxon Motor Sales company in the capacity of sales manager. Sales reported by the Tri-Slate Mo tor company this week are: Ford tour- Six Cylinder Models rourlns: Car, 7-pa.snenger $in.-,o ItondMrr. 3paxsenger - 100(1 Landau-Roadster, 3-pasau 13SO Coupe, 4-passniRer - - 1S30 Limousine. 7-passenger 2230 F. O. B. DetroIL EL PASO MOVIE OF " I Tell VA THERE'S tJOTHoiG LiKe ix - owe Gets To see A LOT OF SWELL SCEnJERY" iT comes FROM BACK iHEpe" ing cars to W. G. Gooch, J M Aeuilar, b. L. Lane and B. F ioans, 1 ord deliv ery cars to W. Welsh company. Fulton market. J. C Peyton. City grocery, ana Laskin Swatt compan ; Ford runabouts to J M. rroctor. F. T. Shaw. jr. M. C i Caballero and IL Levinsky. I Hall Is Due Home. I W. R. Hall, purchasing agent of tne 1 Tri-State Motor company, is expected iliome Monday after a trip through the eastern manufacturing cities that has lasted five weeks. Among the Ford dealers who were at the Tri-State offices here this week for cars were N. J. Scott, of Lordsburg, 1' S. Kirk, of Tularosa: A. J. Evans, of Columbus: and W. J. Newton, of Las Cruces. W. A. Baird has purchased a Mitch ell "six" with a sedan top, which he will place in service on the city hall stand. lluy usize Wintnn. The KI Paso Auto Sales company re ports the sale of a Mitchell "six" to Terza Voza, 1101 East Third street, and another similar model to E. Codoma. 3306 Bliss streeL A "nuslxe" Wtnton was sold to W. L. Fox worth, 1500 Mon tana streeL A carload of Mit hell cars will arrive here late this afternoon for the El Paso Auto Sales company while a carload of th- "nusize" Wintons will be here in about two -weeks. The new Reos are here and will be on displav at the showrooms of the Nauman Motor Sales company by this evening, as that company was recently given the southwestern distributing agency Truck in Demand. II. M. Gillespie, manager of the G M C truck department of the Nauman Motor Sales company, has returned from ac extended trip through western Texar. He disposed of two G M. C trucks u nile on the trip. Th Cadillac Sales company reports the sale of a Cadillac "eight' to Hat -man Krupp, while John r. Means, of Valentine, secured delivery, early in the week, of a Cadillac roadster. Chest-r D. Henry, of the Cadillac Sales company, is in Deming and Silver City in the interests of the Oldsmobile. Auto Hare nt Tucson. Tucson is to have an automobile rac. on November 5. in which prises -Sgregating J1S00 are offered. Carl Reeves lias decided to enter the speedy N.'.tional roadster, which swept all the hig car events at Juarez recently. F J. arrett will go up for the race, but declarer that he is not fond enough of long distance touring to accompany Reeves in the racing car. which will leave here about November 2 Leo J. Trost. manager of the Frank lin Motor Sales company, paid a isit i A MAN MOTORING THis i& certmly BeAUTlRJL 'cowjtrY " MAYQe iT ( O.MLY MY imginathmJ to Marfa and Pecos early in the week, arranged for two deliveries and booKeu an order for a I- ranklm touring car. Touring Car to Aei Orleans. K. C. llaii. a bulc&inan tut me Hoal Cocoa company, passed through KI Paso this week in a Maxwell touring car, en route from Colorado Springs to New Orleans. Frank M. Lynch, of the El Paso Bank Trust compan, motored to 1-ort Hancock last week in Ins Maxwell and enjoed some good shooting J. A. Krannerwitter, of Corona, -N M.. purchased a Maxwell toucing car tnls week from the Buuuor Motor Car company. Mnxnell Official Here. Several Maxwell ueaas oi depart ments are now visiting El Paso, among them being "Heavyfoof i oke. zone supervisor, "Cyclone" Clarke, assistant zone supervisor, C. E. O'Meara. oistrut sales manager. J. S. Thlel, southwest ern district manager, and "Salome Smith, one of the cradc salesmen o the Maxwell staff. Mc3rs. Yoke ana Clarke are particular!- well pleased with the big sales of the MaTwell in this district as in a recent sales ion test, this zone finished second in the w hole country and the sales were lim ned onl by the number of cars tne iretory could supp. "Some people overlook the fact that the Franklin was the first car to be. plated on the market with a four-ol-irder motor." said L. J. Trost, of the. 1 ranklin Motor Car companv. in nis cussing the past, present and future uf the automobile. "It was also the first to use a six-cylinder motor in this country in 10. and I have great rea son to be proud of the wonderful achievements of the Franklin." The Buqoor Motor Car company is extending its scope and is putting in a stock of accessories, oils and gaso line storage planL More Chevrolet Orders. r P. Freeman, of the Mission Garage, Int . is now in the. New Mexico terri tory and reports excellent business tor the ChevroleL A carload of Chevrolet touring cars will arrive this week but W. R. Eidson. proprietor of the Mis sion, reports that the orders still ex ceed the supply by about 3o cars T L. Tincher, district sales manager for the Haynes Motor company, is in the itv. The agencv has Chang d hands, J Y Canon selling his contracts t the Southern Motor company, a new concern which plans to open up on Myrtle avenue in about a month Da vid S. Russek is manager of the new oncern and M. I Burkhead continues with the Hayes as local sales manager Messrs. Russek and Burkhead are to lcate roon for Kokomo. Ind . to dis. uss business with th llavncs factorv offi - its a fine Time op YcaR. to TAKte. A TfltP- The TREES R Simply gokgcoos mo by Gosh There, a is cials and will then proceed on to Ken ! osoa. is., for a talk with the Jeffery concern. Two Haynes old. The Southern Motor company re ports the sale of a itaynes "light six" to Silas King and another to W. F. Si 'rXry Leading Oakland AvSSr--l5- rsr H 9B r7pC( Superiorities O-i'CSj a CT ffi m Oakland ---- 0 Road B m Auto Sales Co. sZcZ3r7m n 2Udu m WlS KIT Myrtle Vvenur. fiXT BSaSll'SCP 91 KB . II. FMIOKE. (.CD. Msr. 0 SJ V CRllX&X) Bj K No matter what your car preference Kl Wi S C. M B P t Wnd k aette Oakland. At any time K IPl W t SrL BO,! II GTVTrC l you select we will caU for you. fi EX f tfi.JaA sVttak aiAEO i Four, and Six f-Sorditm.Roai,tmand Wk """if t euer Gere. P LITTLE MOfJEY AH6A3-", Be t-iEue mc Vto CSMkHS To SUY p, LITTLF farm;'- Iti 6ET OUT AMB TAKCi A LCK-- etV- Pav ne Mrs E. Hickok, of Engle. N. JI.. has secured delivery of a Haynevs touring car John Cros sen. of Marfa, Is in the city to secure two Saxon "sixes" for custo mers at Marfa. Ben Turner, of Marfa, is busy gath BY BRIGGS But mah. FLat HRE ering used cars for the used car de partment of the Saxon Motor S.H' s company Six commercial bodies of the "Ma I in El Paso" brand were delivered to Continued on next page