Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1915. .- HEP OF SEGBEGY IS LIFTED FOB MM OF JAPANESE RULER For First Time in History of the Nation, Japanese People and Representatives of Foreign Nations See Corona v, tion; Elaborate Ceremonial Revives Ancient Cus toms and Dress; Proclaims Himself Mikado. (Continued from pace one.) r-fremonial robes of the European court v i tii train. The United States was represented l-y ambassador George W. Guthrie and Mrs. Guthrie; by Poat Wheelr, the first secretary of the embassy, and Mrs. "heler, by Col. James A. Irons, the Trilitarv attache, and Mrs. Irons and Capt. Fr-Mierick J Home, the naval attache, and Mrs. Home, rear admiral lbt-rt J. Winterhalter and Mrs. Win i rhalter, commander Jay H. Sypher. rrlmial Winterha Iter's chief of staff. p i Vi Sjhper. and commander Stan- ford E. Moses of the monitor Monterey T The masters of ceremonws rituals. rn nt musicians and other officials and u'f'cers participating in the ceremonies a'so arrived in due time, all dressed n ancient ceremonial costumes or uni form. A democratic note in the mat ter of dres? was that the members of tTie house of representatives like am asrfdor Guthrie wore plain evening dress. Other Japanese who did not hie an ctual part in the ceremonies wnre a uniform of black coat, white wdi'-Noat and white trousers. The i ba-adors and ministers of other pines wore their dress uniform, and f"ol Irons and Capt Home wore the f-H dress uniform of the American arniT and navy. Subsequently the princes and prin cesses of the blood and other members o the imperial house entered the ;nod"n hall, nearby, and there await - d the arrival of the emperor Short ly afterward the emperor made his en try fter a brief rest his majesty i hanged his dress, donning: the cere monial Shinto costume, and cleansed iis hands with sacred water. Mean- t wnle the princes and princesses of the b1 vd, liousehold minister, lord keeper cf the privy seal, lord chamberlain. - h f coronation commissioner, grand i aster of ceremonies, chamberlains. maids of honor and other court digni iriv changed their costume to the ai c -it ceremonial court robes. AIne Imperial PHneefieJi Present. Thtre were nine imperial princesses nt the coronation ceremonies, four of them sisters of the emperor: Their ii-npt-rial bigL i esses Asaka, Higashi- Drink Coffi n Safety Take a Stuart's IljKpepiIa Tablet After MenU and Cat and Drink. Anything Von Feel Like. Send for FRBB Trial Package. Just because coffee seems to aggra vate --our stomach troubles is no rea son for giving it up without a strug gle Not until you have tried using Stuart s Dj spepsia Tablets will yon be justified in denying yourself the good things of life. Mas?- -"VIx n Cultlnc Out Cotltl I Drink MI I 'Want nnil Junt Take Staart'a Dyspepsia Tablets After. Stu. n's Dyspepsia Tablets when pired at work in the 'weak stomach a1 small intestines, supply what these cvins need They stimulate the gas-t- l glands and gradually bring the u ?esi'-. organs back to their normal CO" uiUon Stuart's m spepsia Tablets are at safe and powerful remedy. They v il litest jour food for you when u: stomach alone can't. ;et a 50c box from your druggist today or mail the below coupon nou. Kuni. Kita-Shirakana and Takeda. Of highest rank is the princess Kan-in, daughter of the late prince Sanjo, a famous Kioto lord of the MeUi era. Next in high rank Is the princess Higashi FushimL Then follow the princess Fushlmi. jr., the princess KuRi and the princess Naahimoto. All appeared at the ceremonies in the ancient ceremonial dress of the Kara period, consisting of a half dozen kimono of different colors, surmount ed by an outer kimono of green and scarlet brocade and a hakanm or di vided skirt of scarlet silk brocade. The guards of honor assembled In the courtyard without the gates, and high officials attached to the corona tion committee took positions to the right and left sides of the south sate, newly built for the entrance of the Shunkoden balL The costumes worn by these officials were ceremonial court robes of very ancient origin. ftcr the preliminary oere"Tions he emperor entered. All rose as his majesty entered and howed low as he slowly made his wy towards the sanctnar.. With stately nods to right and left the emperor ac knowledged the respectful greetings of the court, his people and the envoys from foreign lands. On his bead the emperor wore a silk coronet of Imperial shape which was fastened under the chin with bands of silk. A rlctnre of Old Juan. The emperor accompanied by the chamberlains holding the sacred svford and jewel seated himself on a dais at the inner side of the halL The sacred sword and Jewel were placed on stands beside him. The divine mirror bad been previously enshrined In the sanctuary, which was decorated with bamboo blinds, silk portieres and silk curtains After , a brief Interval the emperor rose and facing the imperial sanctuary read an address before the Kaehikodo koro announcing his coronation as the 122nd ruler of the Japanese empire and its dependencies and hs acquisi tion of the sacred treasures. Emperor flrants Amnesty. Rmperor Yoshihito. desiring that the entire empire share in his happiness on the occasion of his coronation, has Is sued an amnesty decree under which death sentences have been commuted sentences of life imprisonment and sen tences of life Imprisonment to servitude for S9 years. The terms of other eon victs also have been reduced by half. The emperor in addition has given l.OIHM.000 yen ('SW.M) t charity. President Overlooks New Testament When He Quotes', Says W. J. Bryan Washington. D. C Xov. It. Former secretary of state Mryan today added a chapto- to his disagreement with president Wilson over the question of national defence by issuing a formal statement In comment on the president's recent quotation from the Scriptures in support of his advocacy of military preparedness. The same quotation had been used by CoL Roosevelt in a recently pub lished article. "It is not surprising that Mr. Hooee velt should consult the Old Testament rather than the new," said Mr. Bryan's statement, "because he classes Christ with the mollycoddles, but why should the president, a Presbyterian elder, pass over the new gospel In which love Is the chief cornerstone and build his de fence unon a passage in the Old Testa- ; ment. written at a time when the chll ! eiren of Israel were surrounded by enemies 1 "It is all right for Mr. Roosevelt to sound the trumpet, because all colors are red to him. He sees armies arch ing against us from every direction, but the president is a man of peace and he is In a position to know that no one Is threatening to attack us. It is sur prising, first, that in looking up 3tble authority be should ignore the teach ings of Christ, and second, that he should select a passage that refers, not to preparation against Imaginary dan gers, but immediate action to meet an attack actually made. What the world needs today Is a Pentecost, not an Armageddon." A. Boreas Swipes Two Tens And Beats It Down El Paso FEEE TRIAL COUPON K. A. Muart Co.. 290 Mnart Jlnllding, THamhall, Ttlirlu. send me at once a free trial package of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Xame - ........ Street . 1 itr State Advertisement. A Roman opened her purse to get jitne fare Wpdnesday afternoon In front of the City National bank on Pioneer plaza. The wind poked Its nose into the purse and escaped with the two tens down El Paso street. The womin gave chase, a few men started to her assistance and a moving Picture chase started down El Paso street toward the river. The bills were recovered after a chase of two Mocks. A charge of theft under $5t has been filed at the police station against A. Boreas. i i - . irs The Most Practical Light in the World Gas Arcs are restful and easy on vreak eyes and a most practical and efficient light for office or store, let us demonstrate. El Paso Gas Company m o -. Oregon St. Phones J3G3-136'. jh KEEP THE BflflT 1IIE00II1 Surgeon General Blue Says Preparedness Should Start With Child. Dallas. Texas. Nov. 19. "Maintenance of the body of man on a war footing against disease" was urged by Dr. Rupert Blue, surgeon general of the public health service, in an address be fore the Southern Medical association, in session here "The sanitary nrenaredness 01 a nation." miri Dr TllnA moan not nnlv I the health of the fighting units, but of the mothers sho are to tear them. I BUSINESS HOURS FROM 8:30 A. M. TO 6:30 P. M. and of the civilians upon whom both, in tune or peae ana ot war tne mu itarv forces must depend for food and clothing and the weapons with which to fight. Community health is, there fore, the all important prerequisite, and in order that -we may have mili tary preparedness we must first of all hat e sanitary preparedness. Itegin With the Child. "Tne first step in the creation of sanitary preparedness is to teach the citizen the value of a sound body. If. upon the plastic mind, of the school child the simple truths of sanitation are i-ipressed. we will gradually cre ate a people in which sanitary living is a habit. If by child hygiene we pro duce better and stronger men and women, these in turn will have learned that mating with the weak and de fective produces weak and defective children Thus we will have a prac tical eugenic betterment." That New Kali Suit. I have a limited nHmber of uncalled for Suits in New Fall materials and Stvles. These will go at J2 and tzS. Axel Swanson, Tailor Hotel Sheldon. Advertisement. I 521.11 TO SET CONGRESS Chamber of Commerce Plan ning to Raise Guarantee; Live Stock Show. El Paso Is assured tne International Dry Farming congress and Soil Prod ucts exposition if the ti,BW necessary to pav the expenses of the big con vention and exposition can be -aued among the business men of the city. This is the problem which faces the chamber of commerce and it will be necessary to have the money sub scribed within the present month to assure the congress meeting in Bl Paso next fall, as a part of the big festival of Talleys and plains. There is little doubt that the money will be raised and president R. B. Orndorff Is arranging to call a meeting of the directors soon and to plan a campaign to raise this money. Make It Great Fair. If It is decided to hold the great triangular show International Farm ing congress and Soil Products ex position, the International Irrigation congress and the formal dedication of the Elephant Butte dam. In El Paso next fall the plan and scope of the affair will be so widened as to make the International Farming congress one of the greatest agricultural fairs ever held anywhere in the United States. The soli products shows In the past have been very largely devoted to shows of soil products. The cattle men of the southwest have become deeply interested In the show proposed to be gien in El Paso next year, since the arrival of Mr. Drummond In this city, and a number of them say that they believe advantage should be taken of the occasion to let the thous ands of visitors know What is being done In developing El Paso's greatest single industry. Llvextsek Shmr. The question of holding a rt; show in conjunction .th the Soil Pro ducts show was submitted J- Primm, chairman of the "V"illL" mittee of the chamber of m?irf: "I think it not onlv favorable Jo hold a livestock show at the time of hold ing the Soil Products show, said w. I. Drummond. "but I believe that it a good thing to hold a Sfjat auction sale of blooded stock for breeding purposes at the same time. This would add interest to the show and would attract hundreds of cattle men to El Paso at that time. It would not be a bad idea if the matter were taken up with the cattlemen who will be in El Paso in attendance upon the annual convention of the American National Live Stock Growers' Associa tion in January" An ideal drink is round in Tetley's Tea. Fragrant, delicious and of uni fo?m quality.' Tetley's Tea is abso lutely pure and guaranteed to contain no coloring matter. Advertisement. y ? II W TZZ 1 J Private Branch Exehance 3300 -"" - """ """ I I In Tlie Send Us Your Mail Orders. Corner 31esa .Vreniie and San Antonio Street It BacK. ?N a town trie size of this, we have only a limited clientele to draw from. A dis satisfied ' customer therefore , means an actual and often ir reparable loss to us. It is only natural that we are constantly endeavoring to improve both our merchandise and our store service with the aim of satis fying every customer. If anything that you buy here does not lhe up to your ex p:iatisns, we are always, more than willing to "make good." Instead of nursing along your grudge, come in and let us set ?-"! right We realize that mistakes will occur, and we are anxious tb rectify them when they do. (Signed) Kirts $4.95 'OMEN'Sand misses' lioveltv skirts i n nifty new checks, plaids, stripes and solid colors. Included in the lot are a few of the very stylish "Bannockbuni" skirts, which have fringed bot toms and are so extremely popular in the East. There are values up as high as 9.50 in these skirts "which we show Thursday at the modest price of $4.95. Middy Blouses at 95c EW arrivals in wom en's good quality White Galatea iGddy Blouses, trimmed in red, navy and Copenhagen. Pull length sleeves. You'd expect to see them sell at $1.45. A onstantly CfoansiiiP U-ll ver'5 anie iOO New In Monday '1IAT stanms "The Popular" as the suit store of El Paso! It means that stocks are bound to be fresh here and styles new and right up to the minute. If you could see our re ceiving room as this is written piled higli with new apparel, with great heaps o f boxes waiting to be opened, 3ou would understand why most women feel assured that when they .j-.-a-.-an liAnn 1l rrr itiell Fllll just the suit or coat thev want! Come and see our new suits lliursday. Everv material, every style P O, 1 $D 1 Q in these three great lots, at lU.J 3P0 & -lOo J 3 Valtaes to $20.00 for fio Values to $29.5 for 15 VeSlu&es to $37.50 for $1045 Spoyt Coats NEW line of women's and misses' Sport Coats in white chinchilla, Eng lish mixtures, fancy plaids and stripe's. Ex tremely stylish garments offered here Thursday, at $4.95 (RESSES of every new style and every correct model for Fall wear. Every favored' fabric is represented Mescaline, Crepe de Chine. Charmeuse, Taffeta. Crepe Meteor. Velvet. Combinations of Crepe and Taffeta and Combinations of Satin and Crepe. There are also a num ber of handsome Serge Dresses, as well as Serge in Combination with Silk. No matter what shade you prefer it is sure to be found in this great aggregation. RetEngote. yoke effect, Russian styles and long tunic models. Three great lots, at $10, 15 and 19.45. TKe Neisi "Wonderlift9' Coret A New Kind of Physical Support I AILED by thousands of physicians as a perfect abdominal support. 1 he serai-elastic Woadetlitt Bandlet UPLIFTS, supports, and holds in place the vital internal organs. It prevents, relieves and often cures the ills peculiar to women. It is instantly adjustable to any figure. Also, it is a superior STYLE corset, giving the military shape and poise, and the lines required by present $ AA modes. Three different models, at ftf'w'o yJ' J El Paso's GreatO vercoat Store Offers Exceptional Overcoat VaJhies, at '15 OU have been waiting. Everybodv has, -to buy the right overcoat. Ilere thev are in full assortment, at $15 and it's what you have been expecting and looking for. These overcoats are chuck full of life and spirit newest patterns newest styles from the loose coat to the long ulster models. See the assortment tomorrow when it is at its best, and choose, at touts O'coats $18 to $40 HERE'S nothing in clothing to compete with these splendid values; the finest read3T-to- wear suits and overcoats for men and young men; the most popular highlv honored clothes in the world. OTHER MAKES $12.50 TO $20. JDress Visits Accessories HE Shriners' Reunion, approaching weddings, the Charity Ball and other social functions demand correct clothes. We're ready for you with all the latest evening dress requisites at prices exceptionally low when you consider the quality. SWEATER COATS V neck style; pockets. A good worsted weave in navy, light grey and brown. 3.75 and 5.00. SWEATER COATS Rough neck style, in shaker, jumbo and worsted weaves. All colors. Made with pockets. Each, at 2.00 to 15. JERSEYS With turtle- neck, in maroon, navy and grey; also coat style. Priced at 2.00 and 3.00. SWEATER VESTS In neat worst ed weaves. Assorted colors. Each, at 1.50 to 4.50. NOVELTY SWEATERS A large line for school and college boys and girls, with hockey caps to match. $3 to $15 $5 to $15 Girls' Store SILK DRESSES FOR GIRLS $8.50 Sizes 8 to 14. The designers of these stylish dresses for girls have accomplished much in the way of supplying silk dresses at this price. They are made of fine quality plain taffeta in Terra Cotta. Copen. and navy; also navy trimmed with plaid, and ail plaid with velvet girdle. Choke. $QagQ' NEW CHALUE DRESSES FOR GIRLS $5.00 Sizes 6 to 14 years. Made of soft finish all wool challies in light and dark colors. Dotted, conventional, floral and striped de signs. Made in the new styles some with silk effects that are beau- gi?-1- $5.00 HATS FOR CHILDREN 2 TO 8 YEARS SPECIAL $2.95 In cluded in this Hne of beautiful hats for little girls are velvets, velours. silk and s3k corded velvets. Some are? exact copies of styles designed for grown-ups and would sell regu larly for $3.50 to $4.00. Special. SLEEPING GARMENTS We have a complete Kite of Dr. Denton's sleeping garments for boys and girls. In sizes 6 months to 12 years. Girls" Department, Secood Floor. It's time to. lay is a supply. A Sale oi B rassieres ARNER'S. Natures Rival. Gossard and H. & W. makes. We have many different and attrac tive styles for every type of figure, each one carefully selected for its special service and exquisite finish. Lace and embroidery trimmed models, as well as allover lace and 'alkwer embroidery stvles. Seven 4' great lots at' the following special prices: $1.00 Brassieres, at 75c $150 Brassieres, at 125 $100 Brassieres, at 130 $230 Brassieres, at 1.75 $3.00 Brassieres, at 2.00 $330 Brassieres, at 230 $5.00 Brassieres, at 330 SilK And Dress Goods Sale Now in Full Blast Witli Ever Yard of SilK in tlie House Radically Reduced e Us By Our Fast RecordsTliey Speali For Tliessas elves