OCR Interpretation

El Paso herald. (El Paso, Tex.) 1901-1931, November 10, 1915, HOME EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88084272/1915-11-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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Wednesdav, Xov. 10, 1913.
i Parties.
VERY delightful informal dance . -W J - J , . .ft 5rJ Manon"' te" ' will make their ho,ejn Kl Paso.
i was Riven Tuesday night by the
- a i.... e imriMn Refugees
from1 Mcsicr in the ball room of the
Hotel Faso del Norte The room was
TPObt elaborates decorated- Strands of
autumn leaves and vine were fes
jrt'c'a across the ceiling, extending
f n in Hk corners of the room to the
' rn as ihandeliers. giving a very pret
v efr. ct Large American flags were
draped about the windows and palms
a re upon the orchestra platform.
Abtj e the or hestra alcove a large
flora! norse shoe was suspended, formed
i.f -od and white flowers and green
oliagi The roof garden outside the
L all room was decorated with palms,
ind nere a Mexican orchestra plaed
du-iPR the evening. A buffet supper
was seried in the Intermissions The
uaiuf programs were ver clrter Iittl
ctMrhra of refugees stranded in the consul and
desert. 400 miles from United States,
with the Mexican revolutionists in the
back ground, and a train load of refu
gees with a Mexican bidding them
adlos on the other side. The Invita
tions were also ornamented with a
sketch of the refugees approaching the
"Hotel V. S. A" on the cover, and a
Me-can holdup on the back. The
guests present included: Mr and Mrs.
Walter E. Arnold, Mr and Mrs. Walter
Y. Lelevier. Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Bate
man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mr.
and Mrs- W. P Schumacher. Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Stevens M. and Mrs. J. C
Haves. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paddock. Mr.
and Mrs. E. S. Plumb. Mr. and Mrs
A. U Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. S. C Awbrey.
Mr and Mrs. J .V. Cruse. Mr. and Mrs.
IL J. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. H. C Sov
ereign. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Wedemeyer.
Mr and Mrs M. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Zork. Mr and Mrs. Fred K. Ste-
- - -
i r ii?
WttHHinPs. I
nil., urn. Fitchett and Ira W York I Miss Mary Clifford entertained Toes
Miss IJllie ! ilcnett ana jra . "" evening with a movie party In
were married the first of the week b i hoJor of Mls8 Doris UttelL After Uk
Rev. Ed. I Milllcaii at his home on 1 loK in tbe movies, the girls went to
the county road. Miss Ella Patterson I a local confectionary for refreshments.
wu, the bridesmaid and Will Cole at- i Those who enjoyed the Jolly affair
1 ... . ---i- were: me nosiero. jiiaws miuu
Wallace, ! tended the groom. Mr. and Mrs. orK yn. oong Lutell. Marguerite
Gillespie. Tessie Jones ana uuiy jonn-
Miss Out Darr entertained at her
Miss Krmon 1 Smith and Julius H.
nrf Mrs. W J Ouielev Mr and Mrs. Miss Krmon i smitn aim ""
and Mrs. . J. uuigiey. Sr- m-il... , Phiilin were auletlv married Monday
Mr and Mrs Gergrt!owenVtein. Mr'. ' afternoon in the home of Rev. C I-. non1on' Nor,n st. Vrain street Tuez
ald 5rf jJ5S3LS5 anSMrs. &!&.J&J&J22r& da? evening with a misllaneous
Overstreet performed the
Frank Seamon. Mr. and Mrs. " ceremony The couple were unattend
Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Glumaz. ". orlde wor a dark blue silk
Mr. and Mrs. Homan C. Myles. Mr. and ,vn WH a ,arjfe bIack haL Mr. and
Mrs. Kuno Doerr. Mr. and Mrs. J. k. jr& jhilllps will make their home
Wondiil. Dr. and Mrs. N. T. Moore. Mr. ,,. .kA it.if-Aii nnartments on San An-
and Mrs. u. - naiwn, -nr. iuu jm. tomo street. Tne Drtoe isine rausu
Ionald Kathbun. Mr. ana Jirs. aivoi
... -.. r XYatn.
uixon. -wr. ana .ir. . . j""i in jm iisu. i- miu ... . .
and Mrs. Frank Langan. Mr. and Mrs. clerical staff of Hotel Paso del prte. "": eening. Mrs J M. Darr assisted
Frank Beecher. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. He is a member of the local -lodge ,I"-in'L11htrs , entertaining. Among
l- Ul TAna Un-a
snower in niraw . " S. Tit
nus whose marriage to Sam Darr w.111
occur Thursday. Pink and white chry
M.ikAmmiii ilcorated the rooms at
tractively. Guessing contests occupied
the evening pleasantly. The shower
Taste In
Masonic Jewelry
Masonry, the greatest of all secret orders,
should be represented by refined, tasty
emblems. Emblems that reflect the un
impeachable integrity of the body politic.
We Will Help You Choose
Our large assortment b most complete. We are
showing new consistory rings. Masonic charms and
emblem buttons, in tbe iery newest and most up-to-date
designs. If you care to wear an emblem just a
little different, you'll profit by looking over our large
. Silberherg Bros.
The Mere Thought of Buying a
Diamond Should Suggest
Mesa Ave. s.iberberg Bros.- Con Texas
tomo street. The bride isthe daugn- , presented to Miss Huttanua
ter of Mrs. M. Smith and is well known P1.!, na?r in a prettily decorated
in El Paso. Mr. Phillips is one of the gjx An iiSe course was 'served later
clerical staff of Hotel Paso del Norte. ".,- Mrs J M. Darr assisted
He is a member of the local Jodge " the evening. - Amenc
Stewart, Mr and Mrs. A. Jones.' Mr. and of Elks and at the .lodge meeting oi , ' uest-. were Misses Leona Hutta-
Mrs. Hal E. Christie. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. the Elks Tuesday night, a "solution , e linnl. Dehlinger. Mary Hammers.
Ward. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Ewart. Mr. ' of congratulations was sent Mr. 1 hll- McNew of Big Springs. Mesdames
and Mrs. Victor S. Roberts. Mr. and lips. 1 Theodore Machold. LeRoy U Freeman,
Mrs. AV. K. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. B. U I Mrs. Nettie Williams and Ji E H Uu 1!uttanus and J. W.
Farrar. Mr. and Mrs,rranK '?T V.J "' ;. f..irfi I n" k win t
Miss Virginia aiii-.ii, - - -- -
wine tbe bride of Lieut. James. U Col
ics on December 1. will be the guest of
honor at a number of social '"actions
in the near future. Mr. and Mrs.
James Graham McNary ar entertaining
tonight at a dinner in which Miss Stew
art and Miss Mary Turnejr Nations are
tbe guests of honor .Mr James , L.
jtar. "------,--- ,j Her.,
rr vrf i
Mr and Mrs. J. C. Rumball. Ir. and i at the 1 ociock mass i in vw"..
Mrs. O IL Talle. Mr. and Mrs. Caul j of the Immaculate Conception Rev.
Story. Mr. and Mrs. J- R- Bapty. Mr.
and Mrs. R. B Faublon. Mr. and Mrs.
a B. Storer. Mr and Mrs. J. C Cruger;
Mesdames J. a. i-icaeii, jia 'ituti,
cv-nfi Rnv nerformed the ceremony.
The bride was attended by Miss Eliza
beth Roscow and George Villars was
-j- v..ntvnrlh't attendant. Miss Dixie
Fa-sett plaed the Lohengrin bridal
-r . . w --fc Ta wa.Aaac- fd wrff
fln. T C Hamm. H. V Jackson. M. O. ! chorus for the entrance of the bridal
Jackson. C E. Ambrosius. George Bird, party A quartet composed of Mrs. er-
KI MUUKIUB. X UUIOBlb -rm- - -- I v.. -- . - - ,
"rr r- t ci. .. r.-.. Rrtiftrc cinHv Raiuti and Carroll KOnan une; brides to oe nexi aaiuttwi.
FBawrksh.rr JepWe Natlonl: a wedding hymn during the service. bert Hayden ta UrtUM ng i .-,
Morfit: Misses Virginia Bean. Georglna Miss Fassett played the Mendelssohn night at the Country club ""ud
Martin Willie Mae Carson. Harriett
Bottorff, Elizabeth Simmdns. Florence
Browning. Jessie Ewart. Gladys Mc
Qnatters. Lucille Harlan. Matilda Hec
tor, Loraine Lewis. Lottie Hintxe. Clara
Hague. Julia Pool. Helen Lake. Tessie
Collier. Lillian Cunningham. Carlotta
Palon. Mina Jackson. Augusta Buerkln.
of Qulncy. I1U Anne Hushes. Adeline
Lucero, Cuca Lucero. IL Belknap. Car
rie Ivy Becky Merkin. Anne Lee Rix.
CoL E. V. Smith. MaJ. George IL Mc
Maater. Maj. W. Graham. Mai. F. A.
Wilcox. Capt. Clyffard Game. Capt.
Martin L. CrimmTBs. Lieut Otho h
Michaelis. Jlessrs. P. R Hines. Juan
nAi.iAr Tani ThnnuK. Edmund Hobart.
rE. IL Booth. James Anderson. Maurice
Anderson. Paul Anderson, itoniauu An
derson, jr, Roliert Martin. Will Race.
Dr B. F. Clutter. & S McClure, W. B.
Bishop. Al IL Kraft. Carroll Plumb, R.
F Baker. Victor Hector. Eugene Thurs
ton, Fred Hewitt. Louis Fischbein. J. M.
Allen. H. a Hase A. K-KennrliI1?-Dent.
Robert Krakauer. Howard Merrill.
Roberto Pesqueira, H. A. Ladd. 1. ii.
Byles. F.J. NageL Charles Biesel. R. P
McIIatton. George Hebron. R- F. Man
ahan. T. M. Evans. W. J. Deavitt. A.
C. Rowsey. Vernon lynan, IL J. Baron,
J. W. Thompson and T. B. Holmes. On
the committees in charge f the party
were: Messrs E. S. Plumb. F.-E. Ste
venson. W. J. Wallace. I. H Bayes and
F J. Nasel. on the inviUUon commit
tee: Marion Letcher. C. R. Watson. A.
J. MeQuatters. Henry Uornhoff. W. fc.
Harrison. B. Golaan Charles Biesel. W
J. Qulgley. W. M. Drnry. C. I. Baker
and G. Zork:Vm the etecutive : committee-
R. P. McIUtton. A. M. Major and
George Hebron, on the finance com
mittee. R. T. Wilder. George Lewen
Mein?E. H. Booth. R. F. Manahan. T.
M. .Evans. J. M. Spencer and W J.
Wallace, on, the reception eo"?ttee,
W J Deavitt. M. Anderson. J. L liane.
Vernon Lyman and A. M. Krakauer. on
the, entertainment committee. H J.
BarorZ R. Anderson. J. W Thompson,
vfctor Hector and T. B. Homes. on the
refreshment committee,
Out Of Town Visitors.
Miss Augusta Buerkln. ot QutBV.
Til is isiting Mrs T. C. Hamm.
Mr Julia A. Sharp. sUto manager
for New Mexico of the Woodmen cir
cle, arrived in El Paso Tuesday night
fo remain for the time that -
B Manchester, the " guardian
of the order, is Paso.
The wives ot tne --
wedding march as the bridal party left
the church. The Bride wore a gown oi
white crepe de chine, trimmed with
white fur. The skirt was made with a
fur edged tunic. The waist was of silk
net. trimmed with hand made silk
tatting and fur. She wore a white vel
vet hat Miss Roscow was dressed In a
hand embroidered white voile gown.
She wore a white velvet hat. Follow,
ing the service, a wedding breakfast
was served at the Harvey house. The
breakfast guests were the bride and
groom. Mrs. Martha E. Farnsworth. the
groom's mother. Mr. and Mrs. H C
Dunlap. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Arvin. Miss
Roscow, and Mr. Villars. Mr. and Mrs.
Farnsworth left on a morning train
for New Mexico. viere they will spend
their honeymoon visiting various points.
The bride's going away suit was of mid
night blue clotn. trimmed wun Drown,
' " ii..(.. t Allan
LTeulcSiiins." Mr W.W. Turney will
entertain on Monda. November 1,.
with a party tor is o.t. ---M
is NatJops. On Saturday November
l. Miss Estelle Berrien will entertain
in honor of Miss Stewart. ";.,,
Gaines will give a party on November
for Miss Stewart, and Mrs. J. t. .
Hams will- entertain on November -i.
There will be a number of other Par
ties that are now being pl"M
honor of Miss Stewart, but tbe dates
have not yet been decided Pf"-
Mrs. Theodore Saner entertained, the
girl friends of her daughter Mrs. W nu
Harrison, wno was !., ;j
Eleanor Roggenbucke. with a Kaffe
Klatch on Sunday afternoon at her
home on Fort Biulevard. Mrs. Sauer
was assisted in receiving the guests by
-u-0 n.,r RtMtcrenbucke The living
and dining rooms were attractively
..u.. "H-- ... " , - t i ana aining rtwnw w,t; ....
fur. She wore a Hue velvet toque. I decorated with American Beauty
1'non their return thev will make their
home at 16J0 Wyomine- street The
bride was for some time the post
master at Alamogordo. Mr. Farnsworth
is in the customs service ln,El Paso and
Is well known here.
The Army.
Mrs. Lincoln C. Andrews is the guest
of Capt and Mrs. George C Earnhardt
Lieut and Mrs. John Cocke have
as their guest Lieut Alexander R.
Cocke of the Ninth cavalry, who .Is on
his way to Douglas.
Capt Walter H. Johnson, who nas
been recently transferred to the Sixth
Infantry from the Second' Infantry, has
joined his regiment here.
Lieut Alfred A. Hickox. or the Sixth
Infantry, who has been visiting. in San
Francisco, with his family, has re
turned to his regiment here.
MaJ. W. P Jackson, of the inspector
general's department, is expected in
El Paso tonight on his return to
Washington from Fort Bayard. N. M.
Mrs. Thomas F. Schley and Mrs.
George Vldmer have gone to Sierra
Blanca. where they are guests In a
house party, given by Maj. George T.
Capt Clyffard Game entertained at I Among tne guests were .Mrs. n . i.
Hotel Paso del Norte with an informal I Rather. Mr and Mrs. T. J Stafford,
dinner Tuesday night His guests were ' Misses Hilda Sorenson. Gertrude Ben-
Music and refreshments were enjoyed.
A unique feature of the occasion was
a -Memento Letter" to Mrs. Wra. Har
rison, written by all present An en
joyable afternoon was spent On their
way homeward the guests stopped off
at Miss Pauline Donnan's home on Mon
tana street where punch was served.
Those who enjoyed Mrs. Sauer"s hos
pitality were Misses Pauline G. Dorman.
Genevieve Morrison, Theresa Morrison.
Ada Outlaw. Estelle Levy. Maude Doane.
Elizabeth Wetteroth. Ll Mason: Mes
dames Ella B. Howe. Nell D. Michel
more. Allie G. Wetteroth. Florence
Sheppard. Oscar Roggenbucke, Gertrude
Cook. Claude Mac KenzleT
The Bohemian club will entertain
Saturday night with a dance at the
West Yeleta Country club.
Miss Birdie Bucks loo entertained
with a dance Tuesday nighV at her
homo on Grant avanue in honor of her
cousin. Mrs. W. T. Rather, of Reno.
Nevada. Pink and white carnations
decorated the rooms attractively. Fruit
punch was served between dances and
an ice course during tne intermission.
There's a Treat in Store
fnr iKp vnimpster i4io sees Iiis mother
or big sister covering a slice of our I are"nereJo attend the Manicr.-j the ?&, -$
bread with jam or peanut butter. Try it J S TL ? E, r.P ! -rt. SL Charles w; Taylor. Cant
Mrs Lillian Hague Corcoran, Mrs. Max
Weber and Miss Clara Hague. CoL K. V.
Smith and Capt W G BalL The guests
later attended the refugee balk.
Capt and Mrs. Ben Lear enter
tained at dinner Tuesday night at
I their quarters In Fort Bliss, preceding
at your house and you'll find the IjT vtte
Kiuuies gruwiiig uiciiici uu jimuici.
Start by buying a loaf tciay.
Ve Close at 9 O'clock
Powell's Home Bakery
411 E. Boulevard
Phones 163-164
Pain is a visitor to every home end
usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But
you "are prepared for every emergency if
yon keep a tmall bottle of Sloan t
Liniment handy. It is the greatest
pain k&er ever discovered.
Simply laid on the skin
no rubbing required It drives
the pain away instcntly. It is
Ba jai
C!''i ! 'i'HliliiiiMf'i:-'" P3 M?er ever discovered. B laf
sb i ItlftniiiliHMf I:::i: x.mmJ&i
ill I ill! rlli
&k i HMlMIIIIIllllllfllMIl . ...I.T.TnA rmiTrrf Tf HHvel Kwv.tTTffP
M I I lllll I llllll III the pain away instcntly. It is JKjjffiSnlSjl
sllffl hinimeni H
SJ& tta"7. jS
Mr-. Sam P Cochran, of Dallas, wife of
the sovereign grano insiKrciui
of Texas. Mrs. J K. Blackstone of
Dallas; Mrs. W. B. Hancock, of Fort
Hancock; Mrs. L. D. Cain., of Big
Snrings. Tex. " Their hostesses were
Mesdfmes V. Van Gelson. E. M. Whit
aker. Frank Stewart J- J- OmHifee.. A.
IL Rodes and J. D. Love. Following
the dinner, the guests formed a box
partv at the performance of "The Lady
of Lyons" at the Crawford theater.
This afternoon the visiting women are
the guests of the niusle department of
the Woman's clnb.
El Pcsoans Reluming.
X X Ormsbee Is back from his trip
to the Scottish Rite reunion in Wash
ington. D. C- and from a business visit
to New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fineny have re
turned from a visit of several weeks.
ent with relatives In Tennessee.
They also spent a few days in Chicago
en route.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and lit
tle baby returned to El Paso Tuesday
night from East Texas points, where
Mrs. Anderson has been visiting for
several months.
Mrs. Charles T. Race, who has been
visiting for a number of months on the
Pacific coast is expected to arrive
Thursday to visit her daughter. Mrs.
Harry Lackland.
Dinners, Luncheons, Teas.
Mrs. V. P. Safford and her daughter.
Miss Nell Safford, entertained with an
informal afternoon tea Tuesday after
noon. The rooms were very attrac
tivelv decorated with quantities of pink
roses and chrysanthemums of various
colors. 'A large number of guests
called during the afternoon.
Consul and Mrs. Marion Letoher were
hosts at dinner at the Harvey House
Tuesday night complimentary to S. S.
McClure, of New York. Their guests
were S. S. McClure. Lieut Otho E.
Jamin. Vera DeWitt Katherine Harper,
Grace Fleck. Mae Buckaloo. Messrs.
W. R. Collins, a L. Slrmans. H. W.
(.Browder. Edwin Glllett, Brooks Mc-
Gimpsey. c W. Harper, Ffed liaruiner
and C. P. Henry.
The fortnightly hog at Fort Bliss
Tuesday night was a delightfully in
formal affair. The Eighth cavalry
band played the dance music The
guests were received by Mrs. George
D. Moore and Mrs. Victor S. Foster.
Capt George C. BarnhaTdt introduced
the guests. Among some of those pres
ent were CoL and Mrs. Joseph Garrard.
Capt and Mrs. Howard R. Hick ok.
Capt and MrV Ben Lear, Capt and
Mrs. George C Bernhardt. Lieut and
Mrs. John Cocke. Mesdames Lincoln C
Andrews. George D. Moore. Victor S.
Foster. Misses Valeria. Garrard. Walker
McCIellan. Emily Kemp, Fa ma Rick
man. Floy Barnhardt Helen Berry,
Lucy Berry, CoL Charles W. Taylor.
members of the aid societv ot the capt ueorge v lamer, ttplh. L. Napier.
First Congregational church on capt w. '. M. uoaaon. Lieut txiwin
F. H. Godson. Lieut and Mrs. John
Cocke and Lieut Alexander R. Cocke.
Lieut W. H. Cowles entertained
with an Informal dinner Tuesday
night at his home at Fort Bliss, pre
ceding the fortnightly hop at the post
which the guests attended after din
ner In the party were Mrs. George
D Moore. Mrs. Victor S. Foster, Miss
Valeria Garrard. Lieut R. S. B. Hartx
and Lieut Robert O. Annln.
Women s Organization;.
Mrs. Miles Hanson will entertain the
Thursday afternoon, at her residence.
1303 Laurel street, at 2:30 ociock. The
afternoon will be spent in needlework.
Claiborne Adams will speak upon
the things that are made in El Paso
at the meeting of the EI Paso Equal
Franchise league. Thursday afternoon,
which will be held at 3:30 ociock In
the chamber of commerce building.
Rev. Miles Hanson will discuss the
moral and spiritual side of equal suf
frage If S. S. McClure. of New Tork.
is able to arrange his time to remain
over in El Paso Thursday, he will
speak on suffrage. The meetings of
the league are open to tbe -public.
The regular meeting of the West
minster Presbyterian church mission
ary society was held Tuesday after
noon in the church parlors. Mrs. J. E.
Abbott, the president presided at the
brief business meeting. ' It was an
nounced that the study of the book.
"The King's Highway." would be con
ducted by Mrs. J. C Ballard on the
fifth Tuesday In every month. After
the business meeting Mrs. J. W. Mose
lev was in charge of a program and
L read the scripture lesson. Mrs. L. II.
Kllltan reaa a paper on me pruwrem
of the home missionary work among
negroes. Mrs. IL F. Hart read a paper
on the Maxwell mission In Lexington.
Ky. Miss A. R. Watson gave a talk
on the 17th street Sunday "school of
Richmond, Va- which has a member
ship of 800 negroes. Miss Willie Mae
Smith cave current events. Mrs. W.
W. Walte talked of the work done In
the Booker T. Washington institute
at Tuskegee. Ala. and also of the
were s. s. Mouiure. ueaL umo r i " --"j,7.r in Asheville N C Re
Michaelis. Mrs. T. C. Hamm and Mr , sment'and 'social half ho'ur
OFFICIAL reports of the Audit Bureau of Circulations upon
the circulation of The Herald, the Times (English edition),
and the Times (Spanish edition) are now atthand and may he
inspected at The Herald office by any advertiser who is INTER
THE CIRCULATION THAT HE PAYS FOR, and that is guaranteed
to him in his written contract. These complete official reports are
not the ez parte statements of one paper or the other, but the
formal findings of the great national standard authority on news
paper circulations, having headquarters in Chicago; the reports were
aade public only after a moth- careful, searching, and impartial inves
tigation ef this field, conducted here, consuming nearly two months.
The audit was made at the request of, and upon the insistence of, the
Times, and was agreed to by The Herald, both papers being members
of the Audit Bureau of Ci-culations. The reports are convincing,
and should be read and studied in full by every advertiser who be
lieves in giving, ard demand ng, T:i we.ghr and fjll measure"
J A. Pickett The guests later attended
the refugee halL
Whl Xotf
Do your Christmas shopping now
while assortments are ' complete. You
will' find many appropriate gifts from
which to make your selections at
Ilcarh'M Art Shop.
City National Bank Uidg. Adv.
Tbe special process used in preparing
Avondale Brand oats Is what makes
them better. Avondale Oats are put up
in a paraffine-lined. moisture proof and
airtight packages. Absolutely sanitary
and free from bugs and weeviL Adv.
Saperflnons hair & moles removed.
Grace A. Benson. Dermatologist Hol
Ienbeck IIoteL Advertisement
Save The Bab
Use the reliable
mtea mi
UpHuilds every part of the body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over foi
more than a quaiter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolve in water.
Agrees when other foods often fail.
Sample free. HORL1C1CS, Racine, WU
J&-tio Substitute is"iustasGood'
as IIORLICK'S, the Original
closed the meeting.
An ApjietlxlRfr Lunch
Have you tried one of the light
lunches we aro serving at the Foun
tain? A delicious Sandwlcii Ham.
Cheese, etc. and a hot Drink makes a
Lunch that is satisfying and the cost
is nominal.
We also call attention to our Hot
Drink Service. While the weather is
not so cold, still our Hot Drinks are
already meeting with big favor so get
the habit now and get the beet Hot
Drinks served In El Paso.
Scott White t Co. Hills Bldg. Adv.
It has come to our attention that new
Harvard Pianos are being offered
for sale here in El Paso thr ugh
fake representation.
Anyone else claiming to be able to
sell you a New Harvard Piano, can
do so only through under-banded
methods. They cannot get these pianos
direct from the factory In a legitimate
way. Because we are. and for the past
19 1-2 years have been, the Kxrlnntve
Vnthorised representatives for the Har
vard Pianos in Western Texas. South
ern New Mexico and Eastern Ariaona.
El I"aso Piano Co.. W. R. Schutz. Prop.
208 South Side of Texas street Adv.
N. Hardy, Alexander R. Cocke. Robert
O. Annin. Theodore Barnes, jr., and W.
H. Cowles.
Lodges and Clubs.
Manchester Grove, of the Woodmen
circle, will entertain Saturday night
inthe Knights of Pythias hall, in
honor of Mrs. Emma B. Manchester,,
supreme guardian of the Woodmen
circle, who will arrive in El Paso
Friday for a few days' stay. The
Alameda Grove and Willow Grove
members will also be the guests of
Manchester Grove.
An imaginary flour manufactory was
organized at the luncheon of the Kl
Paso Adclub, Wednesday at noon, in
the grill room of tbe Sheldon hotel,
with Claiborne Adams as president
and general manager. W. E. Mix. pres
ident of the club, in presenting the new
organization, stated that the firm is
seeking an advertising manager at an
imaginary salary of SftSa a month and
that the adman who presents' in 16
minutes the best credentials as to how
flour is to be placed on the market
and sold will be awarded a prize. The
luncheon on Wednesday. November II.
will be the day for this 'contest The
committee on applications consists of
H. R. McClintock, E. C. Davis and A.
E. Rowlands.
President Mix announced that a spe
cial dinner would be held in honor of
Irvin F Paschal, of the Poor Richard
Advertising club, of Philadelphia, who,
will be In El Paso on Tuesday night
next and that the members of the
Lions. Rotary and chamber of com
merce organizations had been invited
to be present
The second half of the lunch was
given over to a round table discussion.
George H Clements spoke upon com
munity advertising: F. Stolaroff dis
cussed "How to follow up display ad
vertising with window displays." E. A.
d Allemand spoke upon "Direct ad
vertising and when it should be used.
Those of Middle Age Especially.
When j'ou have found no remedy for the horrors that
oppress you during change of life, when through the long
hoursof the day it seems as though your back would break,
when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de
pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains,
don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds
of women safely through this critical period.
Read what these three women say:
From Airs. Homung, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bcttalo, N. Y. "I am writing: to let you know how much your
rnerticine has done for me. I failed terribly during tbe last winter
and summer and every one remarked about my appearance. I suf
fered from a female trouble and always had pains in my back, no
appetite and at times was very weak.
UI was visiting at a friend's house one day and she thoaght I needed
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained
eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day.
Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E.
Pmkbam's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you
wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and
get health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A. Hobxtjxo, 91
Stanton St, Buffalo, K. Y.
Made Me Well and Strong;.
Macedox, 2J.Y. "I was all run down and very thin in flesh, ner
vous, no appetite, ould not sleep and was weak, and felt badly all
the time. The doctors said I had poor blood and what I had was
turning to water. I took different medicines which did not help me,
hut Lydk E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and
strong, and I am recommending it to "my friends." Mrs. Feed
Coace, Ii. 2fo. 2, Jilacedon, 2T.Y.
The Change of Life.
Beltsvtllk, Md. aBy the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I have successfully passed through a most trying time,
the Change of Life I suffered with a weakness, and had to stay in
bed three days at a time. Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
restored me to perfect health, and I am praising it for the benefit of
other women who suffer as I did." Mrs. "W. S. DcvAii, Route No. 1,
Beltsville, Md.
For 30 years tydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard Tcmedy forfe
male ills. Xo one sick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself if she does not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it
. has restoredsomany sufferingwomentohcalth.
!? (C0XFIDEXTIAL)tY5S,MASS.,foradvice.
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman and held in strict confidence.
The S. & Bridge club was entertained
Tuesday aftenraoa by Mrs. Barry Lack
land, at her home on North Stanton
street. Mrs. James Vance won the
high score prize. The only guests of
the club were Mrs. Frank H. Todd and
Mrs. Howard Coffin and Miss Nannie
Lackland. Refreshments were served
following the games. The lub will
be entertained next week by Mrs. Will
K. Ramsey at her home near the
Country club.
The Jolly fclgni Bnage cimo ws
entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.
Victor E. Roberts at her home on
Montana street. The high score prime
was won by Mrs. Charles Matthews,
for the club members, and Mrs. Charles
Stambaugh for Hhe guests. Mrs.
Ueorge Taylor, ot the members, and
Mrs. M, P. Carlock. of the guests, won
the prfzes for which the players cut.
Refreshments were enjoyed after the
games. The club will be entertained
next week by Mrs. George Taylor on
Bliss street. .. . .
Tbe Jolly Neighbors' Bridge club
was entertained Tuesday afternoon by
Mrs. M. H. Fliey. at her home on
North Virginia street. Mrs. J. L.
Woods was the winner of the first
prize. Mrs. Earl Maxon was the sec
ond prize winner and the prize for
which the playera cut was won by
Mrs. Henry JerrelL Mrs. George John
son win entertain the club at its next
meeting, at her home on Overland
street.. Refreshments were enjoyed
after the games. The hostess was
assisted in entertaining by Miss Hazel
Johnson. Miss Johnson and Mrs. M.
B. CVXeil were the only guests of the
The scavanger department, under the
direction of J. C Mollmarv. is cleaning
the alleys in the downtown district
Three wagons of the department are
being used in the work.
For chapped hands, face o- lips. Pot
ter's Toilet Cream Is unequaled. price
tie. Telephone SS or S75 and have It
delivered. Potter Drug Company Adv.
i "Pane's Diapepsin " ends all
stomach distress in five
Time It Pape's Dtepepaln will di
gest anything yon eat and overcome a
soar, sassy or out-of-order stomach.
snrelv within five minutes.
I If yor meals don't fit comfortably.
or what you eat lies like a lump oc
lead In your stomach, or If you have
heartburn, that Is a sign of lndises-
Get from your pharmacist a afty
cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take
a dose Jst as soon as yon can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching; or
undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heaxtbnm. fullness,
or heavy feeling In the stomach, nau
tea. debilitating headaches, dizziness
or intestinal griping. This will all go.
and. besides, there wiU be no sour
food left over in the stomach to poison
flrour breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure
for out-of-order stomachs, because it
takes hold of your food and digests it
Just the same as if your stomach wasn't
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store.
These Urge fifty-cent cases contain
enough Tape's Diapepsin" to keep
tbe entire family free from stomach
disorders and IndigeaUon for many
months. It belongs in your home. Adr
. . "
"The Dinnerware House1
Best Taste, Best Quality, Lowest Prices
Phones 2398. 1 02 N. Stanton
MAAttndi&mAti arfe vntirftA W4tfln Aala v '
afternoon that the Midland polo team
will come here to play he army offi
cers' team during the military tourna
ment. November 17 to St.
Why Notf
Flowering bulbs look better in dainty
Art Pottery bowls. You will find them
very inexpensive.
Bench's Art Shop.
Citv National Bank Bldg Adv
"Jean of the Lazy A.' bv B M
B'-iner $1 31 and all the other ' Bet
.-.ll-i"i it the EI raso Buok Co M
Til- 'Its HiDdy Advertiser nt
ill I
J. L. Stephenson, of Reeves county,
and R. K. Deming. of San Saba county,
are being held on fugitive warrants
by the sheriffs department and will
be taken back this evening Sheriff
Tom Harrison, of Reeves county, and
sheriff Hugh Miller, of San Saba
county, are here to take them back.
iiai kmi'k ii nniBs i.nc.
Pavid Grej was detained at the po
lice station Tuesdav night when he
appeared there and aked the police to
loi'k hini up Thf police aav he had a
yhirp knife im hi liaml which measured
11 nuhes
Why ott
hand embroidered Japanese . crepe
kimono The i-ome in a vanet of
.1 unt iolor Vrii e rami- from $3 75
i P
Had Throat Trouble
Doctors said health
gone. Four bottles
Peruna ured IVIe
Urncli'ff rt Sbop.
. .iBnkHIU
Mr B. W. I. Barnes. ex-Sheriff of
Warren Count . Tennessee, in a let
ter from K. K. 2, Box 10, McMinn
ville, Tenn writes' "I had throat
tremble and had three doctors treat-
and pronounced my health cone. I !
onclnrJcd to trr Pruna nnd after
uin four iottIM 1111 i I wn- . n
tir. 1 t ur il Tha Mas th-i f e i
iiko 1 am no well ani a.o-W to rie
'all the time, thanks to ou. gentlemen.
TUof Mho object to liquid rorH
rlneft ran noir procure I'emnn Tablet-.
d rl - met l
1 Am
IszBzBSSzBzSSzmWv IztfYtlJI

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