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SPORT and Classified Section: SPORT and Classified Section y SPORTS, RECREATION, OUTDOOR LIFE CONDUCTED BY A. H. E. BECKETT ("BECK") Wednesday, November Tenth, 1915. S0ME PEOPLE'S MEMORIES ARE A GREAT INCONVENIENCE -BRIGGS DECilRES V Eastern Dealer, Reading in Trade Papers of El Paso's Coming Show, Is Attracted to This Trade Territory; General Committee Meets and Rejects Billboard Advertising; Parade Committee Is at Work. IIITIIMOBI1 F RHOW IS RSWHlSUS A BY "HECK." fck--jHE automobile show which El I El Paso will have is certaln JL. li tery unique and in an in stance where the writer had an op portune of visiting such a "how In the east. It proved a wonderful suc cess." writes Hoover Holton. general sales manager of the FVunnack Motor Car companv of Chicago. In a letter to the automobile editor of The Her ald Mr Holton saw an announcement of the show in one of the Chicago trade papers and hastened to send his ..ns,A tn.r- ltd tttirrMM The Farmack company will M open jl southwestern distributing agencv in El Paso for Its cars, which are announced as a -moderate priced product" Tote Down Billboard Jldveriwinjs. . . ,- .fcfc -ansi An informal meeUnB of the general , mmntee for,. "El Paso Automobile , t It'll! Iin l icr . Reek was held on Tuesday noon at a Mexican restaurant and various mat ters were discussed between courses cf MeTican food The subject of advertising on bill beards was settled definitely, the proposition being voted down. If, any advertising Is done. It will be through the newspapers. Souvenir Book Dlnensfted. V report on the proposed souvenir booklet and program was made and "Beck's" Amen Corner BY - DASEBALL in Mexico will likely come up for discussion at Na tional Association of Professional Baseball Leagues convention in San Francisco this afternoon. As the proposed league will be in the nature of a winter circuit, the matter is rather a ticklish one for the associa tion as it may involve the question as to whether the TJ. S. leagues, play ing summer ball, can prevent the players from going to Mexico in the winter and playing in another organ ization. pFFORTS are being made to get Graham back from Douglas to pitch for the soldiers in Thursday's game against the Professionals at Rio Grande park but in the event that Graham cannot get here, Cron icker, the sensational twirler of the Fourth Field artillery, will make his first start here. The artillerymen claim that Cronicker is a far better pitcher than Graham and point to the" fact that he had two offers from Texas league clubs last season. T7ASTERN factories are showing some interest in the "El Paso Automobile Week" and several let ters have been received from promi nent manufacturers strongly endors ing the scheme. But the best en dorsement is the enthusiastic re sponse of the local dealers and the business men in general. JOHNNY DUNDEE got another J popular decision on Monday night, Joe Rivers being the victim. The Italian's dancing style makes him look aggressive r.nd while not more than one in four nf his blows lands, as a rule, the fans like action in the ring and that is one reason Dundee is getting by so well. & When you say "Richmond Terrace" you have said'the last word in de sirable Suburban Residence Property. Also, the "Pumpkin" is a sym bol of the approaching Thanksgiving Season and the time of all times to think about owning a home. Richmond Terrace offers all the advantages of the Down Town district without the "High Price Feature. Also this is the Addition where Nature is lavish in Trees, Flowers and Prices Range James L. Successors to Agents, Tel. 4350. the special committee was instructed to get further details. It is likely that the booklet will be published ty the association and will contain illus trations of the various cars repre sented here and their specifications. Each dealer will be given a space for tLe car which he has registered and paid fees for. The accessory and tire dealers will also be sKen space The parade committee now has a bis task on its hands for it will have to allot the manv prizes to the various Slvisions. It will meet his afternoon at 4 oclock for that purpose. Overland Mronjr In Parade. L. E. Gillette announced that the El Paso Overland company was sending out Invitations to every Overland own er in the southwest to take part In the parade and also placed at the service 01 me committee two uanora Willys utility trucks. Favored. Whether there will be a big 50-piece orchestra for the Wednesday evening concert or a band concert eer eve ning has yet to be decided. The or chestra members rather object to an open air concert in the evening and want to play Wednesday afternoon, which proposition does not appeal to the dealers. It is likelv that the or chestra plan will be dropped and ne gotiations opened with the Municipal band. ' BECK." DOBBY WATJGH is reported as likely to sign up for a bout at Dallas in the near future. Bobby rather dropped out of sight after his last bout across the .nver and he needs an aggressive manager who can shove him to the front. The chief part of the manager's job will be in keeping Bobby in training but the man who can do that will have a meal ticket that will last for a few years. pOOTBALL holds the stage at Rio Grande park this afternoon when the Fourth Field artillery plays the School of Mines and, on Saturday afternoon, the "Hi" Tigers will tackle the New Mexico Normals from Silver City. Both games should be good ones. WILLYS-OVERLAND COMPANY ISSUES $15,000,000 STOCK New York. Nov. 19 Directors of the TVlllys-Overland company, according to announcement made Tuesday, have de cided to Issue 31S.0'e,e08 new convert ible seven per cent preferred stoek. which is to be offered to holders of the common stock of the company at 162 to the extent of 714 per cent of their holdings at the close of business De cember 21, 1915. Out of the proceeds from the sale of the stock the present Issue of Sl. 482.700 preferred stock will be retired at 110 and the balance will be applied to the general funds of the company. GUNBOAT SMITH OUTPOINTS COX IN SLOW EIGHT ROUNDS St Louis. Mo., Nov 10 Gunboat Smith of Philadelphia. Pa, outpointed Joe Cox of Springfield. Mo, in a slow eight round bout here Tuesday night. The men are heavyweights. Smith led aU the way while the Mis souri giant was on the defensive throughout. Cox .seemed content to let Smith set the pace but he kept him self well covered and took few telling blows. A left hook and a right Jab at the "panner" every now and then was all Cox tried for. I Whether You Say "Punkin ' 'or "Pumpkin ' ' Doesn't Affect Real Estate Is Shrubs. $450.00 Dp Easy Terms Marr & Co. Austin & Man Co. Copies Bldg. 304 San Anlonio Si. s: 'sN5i ,-W-S-ffiKi u Sij . v I fjAT "Build W6 ts ) There Goes tajo I There oe-s a j0 humdred six rigbeaw- he married f TEE That Car- '? I loviHE four - a ansawhj feet I - slowPoKe's, xu6hter. I SEE IHA-T --AH BeL0M&5 To ToE J HIGH- SCO Room S 6PV ArrST HUSBArW J I fHA-rj A KAZINWCT- I jjTU HEAj, ly WHICH 4-32 ARE -S F RUPERT f I SK.-- VAIV6-IJ-HAD V V MAKBLEMtAWJ OCCUPIES - TrieRE RE I WAS A 50M " 'I NoToR Triple! - V ") 5' M-LioH At FIFTY" . l. KU.SH - TrieRG GOES HUGH MC FtSM I f w ,, QROUMB YoU CH- THAT REMINDS MET -vj ? OPERATOR- m B0OJT r Coulo BE B(WHT I "flAT TEM 5POT "tbu J ME SOME- TVr I A PRoPeR-rj' at to? a pjpj 2gjf anj acre amO I SoRftovoeo A vuei BUT , CAJ I J f ft FttojT Foot anO 5o-D -roiAV it is listed ASo -J " RemEmBER IT t tc&tZJT) I at 64-5-am .mo, s I rs -V H HAS 1(1 37"r 3W. J2 V S 1 f fTK V rJ ' K. E. FED (01 BM Buffalo Franchise Is De clared Forfeited Also at Meeting of Fed Chiefs. Indianapolis. Ind, Nov. 10 Federal league franchises in Kansas Cit and Buffalo were declared forfeited at the annual meeting of the league directors held here Tuesday. The Kansas City franchise will be taken to New York, according to a statement Issned by James A. Gilmofe. president of the league, at the close of the meeting. What will be done with the Baffalo franchise was not Indicated. President Gllmore said grounds for the New York club had been obtained on Manhattan island and plans drawn for stands to seat 55.006 persons. The club will be strengthened to the "ex tent of making It a representative New York club which will merit the sup port of the New York fans." In additlon'to James A. Gllmore, who was reelected president and treasurer, the league Tiamed officers Vice president George S. Jo Brooklyn, and secretary Thomas . Gllmore of Chicago. The league also adopted a resolution on the death of Robert B. Ward, former head of the Brooklyn club. Reports from the clubs were received and "after consideration of all the facts" reacts the statement, "we felt that we were well rewarded for our opera tions In 191S" President Gllmore said no games had been protested. After the meeting, the majority ot the club owners departed for French Lick. Ind. where It was reported they would meet representatives of the older leagues with a view of settling "the war." The Pie Different r 1L m i FJCllFi SUFFER I USES. m FAR HELL IN HIS Annual Statement of Secretary of National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues Shows That 10 Out of 40 Leagues Failed to Start Season, and Five of Remainder Failed to Finish. SAN FRANCISCO. Calif, Nov. 10 , Many Interesting details In con nection with the professional base ball season of 115 which, for many reasons, was non-productive of finan cial benefit to those most closely Iden tified with the national game, were In cluded In the annual report of secre tarj John IL Farrell which he pre sented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues here. A resume of the business transacted by the national association daring the year showed that 40 minor league or ganizations, embracing :2 cities and towns in the United States and Canada qualified for membership in 1914 as compared with 41 leagues representing 300 towns and cities In lil 'len ot these leagues did not begin the sea son of 1915 and five of the 10 which started failed to complete their sea son's schedules. One of these was dis qualified and the other four dropped out. their failure to continue being at tributed mainly to the unusually ad verse weather conditions which pre vailed. In one league 105 games were postponed on account of rain in a four montns playing season. 1003 Player Itelraxrd. Five thousand four hundred and seventy-two players" contracts were re ceived, recorded and promulgated by the association during the year. One thousand and three players were re leased by purchase out of 2840 reporte 1 to the office of the association for re lease Ninety-one optional agreements were approved between national asso ciation clubs and 38 optional agree ments were exercised by national asso ciation clubs. Six hundred and s vnty plaers were reported for suspension and 236 were reported for reinstate ment Seven drafted players were claimed under the waiver rule and 73$ disputed cases were adjusted by the association during the year Seven teen players were drafted by the Na tional league a" ' -Imilar number by the American league. Out of J72,8um t ived by the asso ciation for drafted players, the Ameri can league contributed $23,400 and the National league $:i,950. In all 3129. SS7 passed through the office of the national association during the current year for drafted players, optional agreement plajers and others released by purchase The following Is a list of the play ers drafted by the major and minor leagues By Brookljn: Rellly from New Or- THE makes a specialty of Spanish Mexican dishes Kncbllldn. Chill Con Carnr, Hot ramale, MKNUDO. are Home of the special dlshrft. Served in Main and Private lMnfng Rooms from 6 p m to S 30 p m UNIT leans. $1500 Barth from Seattle. J1S00; Pneste from Syracuse. U2; Col well from Vancouver, 31200. By Boston: Blackburn from India napolis. 32500. By Pittsburg: Madden from Galves ton. 31200. Black well from Lexington. By St. Louis: Hiller from Durharo N. C 3500. By Chicago: Mulligan from Daven port, la, 31200; Wallace from Blrmlng ham. Ala.. 31500: Allison from Memphis. Tenn, $1500. Hogg from Mobile. Ala, 31500, Wright from Virginia. Minn.. $750. - By New York: Farrell from Port land. Me.. $1200. Sharman from Ports mouth. O-, $500. Baker from Little Rock, Ark, $1500, Koscher from To ronto, Ont . $2500. American League. By Washington Rondeau from Min neapolis. Minn, $2500. By Philadelphia. Stellbauer from Peoria. $1200. Damrau from Ports mouth. Va, $750: Ray from Greensboro. N. C, $500. Richardson from Marshall town, la, $500. Seibold from Cedar Rapids. la, 3500 By Detroit: Harper from Ft. Worth. Tex., 31200. Fagan from Oklahoma City. 3500. , By New York: Wercey from Venice, Cat, $2500. Blodgett from Omaha. Neb, $1500, Ross from Chattanooga. Tenn, $1500, Shocker from Ottawa, Ont, $750. Cable from Bradford. Pa, $500, Love from Los Angeles. Cal $2500; Brown from Topeka. Kas.. $1500. By Chicago. Lynn from Salt Lake City. $2500. Danforth-from Louisville. $2500. National Association Clubs. By Milwaukee: Crlchlow from Waco, Tex, $760. Madden from Galves ton, disallowed; Harper from Fort Worth, disallowed. Faeth from Vlrgln it. Minn, $500. By Los Angeles: Galloway from Denver $1000: Jackson from Blooming ton. Ill, $750: Thompson from Law rence, Kas, $750. By Salt Lake City. Utah: Mullen from San Antttilo. $750. By Indianapolis: Aid ridge from Erie. Pa, $750. Kirby from Sioux City, la, $1000; Kerr from Fort Worth. Tex, $750. By Providence: McDonald from Houston. Tex, $750: O'Neill from Utlca. $750: Thompson from Lawrence, Kas, disallowed. By Louisville: Parmer from Nash ville, 31000 By Richmond. Va. : Rltter from Lew- isiun, ate, i rv. By Portland, Ore : Qulnn from Syra cuse. $750. Halltker from Keokuk. la, $400. Br Indianapolis: Humphries from Norfolk. Va, $500. By Lincoln, Neb.: Lee from Musca tine, la, $300. By Denxer: Webb from HornelL N. Y, $300. O'Neill from Uthra, disallowed; Harris from Marshalltown, la, $100. By Mobile: Ledbetter from Char lotte. N. C, $300: Martina from Beau mont. Tex, disallowed; Harper from Fort Worth, disallowed. Bv Atlanta. Munch from Charlotte. N C, $300; Thrasher from Norfolk, $400 By Denver Stevens from Tacoma. $600. Howard from Gettysburg. Pa, $300. Bv Ohattanortia- Kflrd from Snf folk, Va, $400. Martina from Beau mont. Tex.. $000; Matteson from Troy, N Y, disallowed: Kerr from Ft. Worth. Tex, disallowed. Bv Birmingham. Ala.: Miller from Burlington, la, $300; Singleton from Burlington. la, $300; Mussel from El mira. N. Y, $00; CRourke from Wilkes-Barre. Pa, $00: Webb from Hornell. X. Y.. disallowed. Hanser from Evansville, $600. Clair from Olean. N Y. $300 ' B Waco. Tex Blttle from Rocky Mount. N C. $400 Causey from Sa vannah. Ja. $40, Myers from Raleigh. N. C, disallowed By Houston. Tex Burke from Tulsa, disallowed "itrano from Raleigh, N. C $300 By Fort V orth. Tex t Clements from Tulsa. Okla.. $300. Burke from Tulsa. Okla. $300. Woodall from Ashevllle, N C. $-!00 Bj shrev eport, Ii Farnson from Columbia. S C. $4 B Savannah Oa. R. T Milllnger frum CeiKir F.apids. la, $"."0 ARMY STARS TQ GHKIDP Cronicker, Star Pitcher for Fourth Artillery, May Be on the Mound. When the Army all-stars take the field at Rio Grande park against the Professionals on Thursday afternoon they will present many changes in the lineup that was seen Sunday. Bur- well will oe suon. snnioui ai im, IHoppIer at second and either Gsaham or Cronicker on the mound. The team looks 50 percent stronger than that which lost to Nagle's men on Sunday, i according to reports in army circles. ; it ... ...i,... . n.s uumure win ik icuiucu av u... u. Let Us Explain Our Pay -as -You-Ride Plan YOU seldom buy real estate for cash. You take time to complete the purchase. It gives you a much better chance to finance your affairs. We want to sell you an automobile on the same basis. We want you to own your own car and pay for it while you use it out of your monthly income. This "Pay-as-You-Ride" Policy gives you the benefits of an automobile for business; permits you to enjoy an automobile or pleasure; ends the necessity of sacrificing your savings; extends to you the privilege of complet ing your actual investment AFTER YOU PURCHASE in payments to suit your income. "Pay-as-You-Ride" in a Maxwell Having the Maxwell agency and kaowiog the Maxwell as the molt economical car to buy and to keep made us decide to offer the Max well on this "Pay-as-You-Ride" Plan. No "Extras" lo Buy. Tb Maxwell to completely qatpped electric starter and Itgbt, de moon table rtma, niffh-tensloft mag neto, one-roan mohair top. new stream-line deslffn. lmprored Inetra ment board with all Instruments set flush, handsome rounded radiator V IOUHIUK 655 and hood. ererT feature and refine ment of cars sell Ins; at twice tht- pr Full fie passen ger tuuring tar tab Detroit BUQUOR Phone 2607. El Paso, Pokren behind the bat, while the ont field will remain unchanged, with Cap oral, Savage and Sanford. Soldier Is Fast Hurler. Cronicker is the star fHnger of the Fourth Field artillery and his sensa tional work In the soldiers' league at Texas City made him desirable In the ees of Texas league scouts. He has so far refused all offers, but will buy his release from the army and turn professional in the spring. It is probable that Cliff Hill will work the first half of the game for the professionals, with "Lefty" Lewis finishing the contest "Red" Brennan is also likely to be held in reserve. , Kane Will Umpire. The Professionals will spring a few changes uls Hornbuckle'4 hand will permit-hlm to get back into tbe same Should the tajnry keep him on the bench. It is possible that Lawrence win beon the receiving end. Harry Kane will handle the Indicator and Jack -Kill-em-Dead- McCloskey will be In general charge, in the ao unr, of his father.- -Honest John" McCloskey Is expect ed to return home from the big base ball convention at San Francisco by Friday evening. This is your big opportun ity. A powerful, sturdy, de pendable, full five-passenger automobile with complete equipment for $655 and yours on a liberal "Pay-as-You-Ride" plan. Come in and see us per sonally. This new policy is our personal idea We want to give you the complete de tails ourselves. let's talk it over BROTHERS Texas. 308 N. Stanlon St.