"Wednesday, Xov. 10, 1915.
Second Floor of Hammett
Building Remodeled; to
Erect $150,000 Annex.
Work of tearing out the partitions on
the second floor of the Hammett build
ing, at the corner of Mesa avenue and
Texas street, has started and the sec
. on a floor will be occupied ty the Pop
wjlar Dry Goods company before Christ
inas. A lease was obtained on the second
floor of this building last June, but it
was not to be available until next June.
However, the Popular became so
crowded for room that the lease of the
tenants in the Hammett building was
purchased and work of remodeling the
second floor started Monday. All of the
partitions are being torn out, an arch
cut between the Hammett building and
the Popular building and the toy de
partment will be removed to this new
section as soon as it is completed.
150,000 Building.
The new department will be used for
toys until after Christmas, when the
rt.en s wear department, the draperies
Everywhere men complain about
trork; even boys and girls in school or
business find work tedious and irk
some, but it isn't the workhalf so much
as their own lack of phj-sical strength
that makes it hard.
Rich blood, strong lungs and health
ful digestion make work pleasurable
in business, in school or even house
work, and if those who are easily tired
who are not sick, but weak and ner
vous would just take Scott's Emul
sion for one month and let its pure
concentrated food create richer blood
to pulsate through every artery add
vein let it build a structure of healthy
tissue and give you vigorous strength
you would find work easy and would
i look'for more. Insist on Scott's.
ScoU&Bowne.Bloomfiekl.N.J. IS-JS
VOTICE to owners of onmerty on Prosoiet avenue In the Cltr jf ,P?5Ji,bBWnie
Vnrth property line of Cpson avenue and the South ooerty IbM or west uooie
fii-a -t-f-et and persons Interested therein of proposed Improvement to be ' maoe tJJS!
bv the Htv and proposed assessment of part of the cost hwfanstjsatd owners
and their property and appointing a time and place at which soch persons mar e
heard h the Cltr Council concerning such orooosed assessments.
WHEREAS the CltT Council of the Cltv of BI Paso has. by resolution ordered the
innmttmint of Prospect avenue from Its intersection with the Jiorth line oc upson
avenue to the South line of West Boulevard, as follows.
1 That the same be graded, raised and filled.
Thit the roadway of said street shall be paved from curb to curb with Light
S -i 'art Rltcllthic pavement in accordance with WarTen Brothers' specif IcaOoas Form r.
That concrete curbs shall be constructed on both sides of said roadway.
? HRRKAS. said council has ordered that a part of the cost of said lmprove-
--nt shal' he borne and paid by the owners of property abutttar tWeon and sunail
gaint said owners and their nrooevty If deemed just -and equitable .after the near-
ipt drp concerned, the cost of said Improvement to be paid by them shall be asseseea i
c ror1tner to the Iront tool -rule or Plan ana
WHEREAS, the CHr Engineer has filed his report with said Council estimating
the co-- of said Improvement to be paid by assessment against the owners of property
harint on the said street named to be paved and Improved at 3LM121 per lineal
-( o of frontage: and the cost of curb to b built and paid by assessment against
o ners of property abutting on the said street naraej to be paved and Improved to be
at the rate of $0 20 per Uneal foot of frontage
WHEREAS, the Cltv Council has ordered that a hearing be rlvei to owners of
, ropertv abutting on said Improvement and an persons Interested therein at which saiu
Trsons may be heard or contest said assessments. . , . ,
W THEREFORE, notice is hereby given to all persons owning or Interested In
such property to appear before the City Council of the City of EI Paso at Council Cham
r a! th Citv Hall on the 2nd day of December A. D 115 at IB .oclock a. m at
. ,i h time and place said city Council will hear and fir.allv adjudicate and determine
gi.Ti: -iy h owners and their property the benefit of all matters concerning the male -."
,. -. -j.i .w ., te av tn nph Awners and tnelr property.
,11 defi-mine the amount If any. which
ill det.rmine the amount If any. which snail ne asseseea aeiii. ygr ?"" "-JT;--
i their propertv. and adjust the eoultiea between said owners: Provided that In bo case
,' anv ,-sessment be made against any owner or hi. Jroperty JSLaS
or said improvement m eanancen T"-"T "' """ ""JvirU ' iT T.t ra-rnine
o.jnt of said assessment. Persons desiring to b- '.'-SSb
-.i. assessments or desiring to contest the same or the benefits ofsaia imorovemenx
. . hereby "Trerted to appear at the time and ptace mentioned I?-0", L S-
. r agent and present their objection, as aU such matters will hen and tfcere be eso-
'".nr???, b. charged against each a. shown
' RTI J-lr, W VtrSi. outnaiAnM.
AllrtP Buauor. lot No. HI Mock No. J
PT.n V VlMtt. IOCS ISO lO 13 IBCI1V.
rn.ioifo'crux.'lots Na S to 9 In'clu-ive.'
IP J -White.' lots No. 3t to' 9S inclusive, block No, 8. Sun
Pan' "cV-onSs." lots No SI to' 9 lnciosive.' block No.' S " Sun
st Heights .. . ..--....-. .--i -. -WJ-
A Hageberc lots No S9 to 91 Inclusive, diock o. . iso
vStEHAellDlaanl'lota No"s7 'to '' incluslvV. "block No."C
Smis.t Heights
Schiller, lots No.' ' S7 to ' l" lacinsive. block JJoJ 8.'
. oh" C
Blw S "iSfi loti Ni.'s"to'7"teclu'sive. block No. .
Sunset Heights .
Nei'l Carr. lots No 83 to 85 fhelusive. block No. . Sanset
Hjghla ... . n
C r Briden. loU No 85 to 8 Inclnaive. block No. 8. Sunset
Sopiie KHclc."lots"No. Sfl 'to 8i'SncjV4ve.' block No. 8 Soa-
s- Heights . . - .-:--
F'len Brennen and Otis Brennen. lots .. 78 to ,9 ta-
clusi'. block No s. Sunset Heights .-----
Flora 5f Jones, lots No. 75 to 78 Inclusive, block No. f.
Sunset Heights -.:.:-;--
v H. Fenchler and Fred Fenchler. lots No. 28 to J2 in-
rcsie block No 9. Sunset Heights . .......
Lewis Gootlman. loU No. it to 27 Inclusive, block NO. .
Sunset Heights IIJJ -
Jf.rgaret McOlnnls. lots No. 25 to 2 Inclusive, block No. (
3 jsunaei ntiEnu
it t- . ia t Jttlwt . n I,,. , SI .n .5
3. Sunset HefchLs
Israel J-aiinn. low '-o. zz 10 2 incnmve.
Cnnoot Uaiffhvir
Starcia S. Russell, "lots' No. 17 to 11 Inclusive, block No S.
niimon Kruno. lot'No. 1. ' bloek"No."tl.
Kinset Melgnts
C L. Pnmeroy. lot No 1. block No. 27. Sunset Heights. 1M.7! ft
JT"- irgmla Curtis, lot No. 27. Mock No. ZJ. tounsei
Vrs. Annie Hardli' lot No.' "l." block ""No." 21.' Sunset Heights .
MayHeid Building Company, lot No. 2S. block No. -1.
Sunset Heights - ----
El Paso Commercial Co. lot No. 2s. block No. 21. Sun
set Heights .---.- vvi.
J P McKenzie. lots No. 1 to J inclusive, block N. 2t.
Sunset Heights
TV J Lightbourn. lots No 1 to 4 Inclusive, block No. 2.
Sunset Heights . .. -. -
Sjmu'l Lefkoviti. lots No. I to I Inclusive, block No. 2a.
Sunset Heights ---
T E Bischoff lota No. to 7 Inclusive, block No. 2.
SnnMt H.l-ht.
Lnnie E. Dieter MeNellL lot No. 1. block
Mrs. Marv H. Hitchcock estate, lot No. 2.
6unset HelghU
Kate M settle, lots o. 3 ana 4. mock: no. IV. beneex
Heights f :
Mr& leanor B. Edgar estate, lots No. 4 and 5. block No. 19.
Sunset Heights
Joe H. Goodman, lots No. fi and 7. block No. 10. Suh
set Heights
T Kyriacopulos. lots No. 7 and 8. block No. 19. Sunset
L Heights f
I rdwin George, tot No. 9. block No. I. Sunset HelghU
J P. Mullin. lots No 11 and 12. block No. 19. Sunset Helghs
H. D. Slater, lots No. 12 to IS Inclusive, block 19. Suaeet
Heights 88.97 ft.
Mamrt . Bennett, lots No. C snd 17. hloelr No. IS Sun
set Heights 50
t m. c Keynolda. Trustee for mtaor Bennett children
lots No 18 and 19. block No. 19. Sunset Heights S9
C H. .-uttiagham. lots No. 29 and 2L block No. 19. Sunset
Htlghts J
J r v. a.ldell. lots No. 21 to 22 Inclusive. Mock N. 19. Sunset
Heights 27.5
Isac Laskln and Louis Laskfn. lots No. 22 and 24. block
No 10 Sunset Heights 3I'.S
3d innie E Rhein.- loU No. 24 to 29 UKluslve. Mock No. 19.
Sunset Heights 59
Rlillam E. Traesdell. lots No. 29 and 27. block No. 19.
Sunset Heights 39
Harry Hman. lots No. 28 and 29. block No. 19. Sanset
Heights 27.S
o '' Irtin estate, lots No. 29 and 99. Mock No. 19. Sanset
Heights 22
J S Gutierrez, lots No. 21 and 22. block No. 19. Sasoet
Heights . ... 37."
C H Cottlneham. lots No. 22 and 32. block No. 19. aMt
Heights . . . 27
A on.e and Junes H. Lynch, lota No. 24 and 35. block No. 19.
Sunset Heights 37.S
F.tluh T Taipls. lots No. 25 and 3C block No. 19. 9aa-
set Heights 31.5
Mr m k. LAoero. lots ro. 45 ana 49. block No 24. Saneet
Heights 45.81ft.
TV H Kraft, lots No. 39 to If lacinsive black No 24 San-
. Heighte 122J ft.
t .ctor Caruso, lota No. 31 to 39 inchastve block No 24. SB-
-n Heights 212J ft.
,' x-aso commercial u . iois io aun
2-! Sunset Heights
J N Ferguson, lots No 25 and 24. block 24. Sunset Heights
Kl Paso Commercial Co.. lot No. 19. block No. 2S. Suneat
Heights ...
lias Kustnsky. lot No 10 block No 25. Sunset Heights. ..
HI Paso Commercial Co lot Nu. 10 block No. 25. Sunset
Heights .... '
'Irs. Hazel Brickel lot No 11 block No 25. Sunset Heights
El Paso Ccmmertia Co lot No ll block No. 2; Sunset
Heights ....
Henry Welsch. lot No 10. block No 26 Sunset Heights
C T Pelham. lot c lu block "o . Sunset Heights
jouis O aad Ros. Hc-'I lot No If. l.iotk No 2. Sunset
Heights .... -.
4 H. Fryer, lot No. 11. block No 29. Sunset Heights. . .
E I'bui Commercial Co "lot No 11. block No 26 Sunset
H igl- - . . .
Zcir. iiucacoca- ioi -o n. i 'ock
J F Dawson. Ci y C'.erk.
and the general offices will be re
moved to the new part in order that
the old annex on the east part of the
Popular building may be raxed and the
new six storv annex erected at once.
This building will cost $150.&0 and
will have a frontage of 54 feet on San
Antonio street and 145 feet back. It
will be fitted for the men's wear,
drapery and a number of other new
departments to be added, including a
rest room for the employes, a restau
rant for the patrons of the store and
large stock rooms. It will be of steel
construction and the plans include the
adding of two or three more stories to
the main building.
To Have Toy Opening.
The addition which is now being
fitted up will give the store 7iu more
square feet of floor space, the Hammett
block rooms measuring 90 by 86 feet.
A part of this space will be converted
from the one store stock room in the
rear of the block, a roof and walls be
ing added to the one story part to com
plete the second story. This will oe
ready by December 1. when the toy de
partment will be moved and a Christ
mas opening of the new department
miarMH with RmiicrllRE the five Dstnt
ings said to have been taken from the cathe
dral at San Luis Potosi. Genaro Beynault
was held to the federal grand Jury Wednes
day moraine on a bond of Slot.
The paintings -were brought here and
seized by customs officials. Later It developed
that the paintings were only copies of fa
mous paintings and not the originals, as
the customs officials at first thought
A. S. Albro has announced his can
didacy for county surveyor at the July
primaries. This is the first announce
ment that has been made for the pri
mary election next summer, althougn
many local men are planning to make
the race. ... ...
Albro will be a candidate on the
Cltv and County Democratic club.
William Casarez will also be a candi
date for constable at the July elec
tion. Safety First Blue Tip Matches are
non-poisonous. Have the safety tip but
will strike anywhere. Specially tested
to prevent afterglow. Blue Tip Matches
conform fully with the new federal law.
shall be assessed against the several owners
Paving rate SI 'Mi!
Feet front.
.Sunejt nelghte S1..7 ft.
215. 9C
. -'" " 7 .
Dtock NC
. Sunset
112.31 fL
81.21 ft.
J1J5 ft.
. 37.W ft.
3 vft.
. ' 3f It.'
. I.i ft
44 ft.
3.i ft.
5 ft.
48 ft.
9L: ft.
its ft.
1 08.11 H.
ttiMnS, MMHC
........... -
i-mctf. nw. .
. ----. ....s
Sunset Heights lJl.Tt ft.
No. 19. Saaeet
block No. 19.
20. (0
238. 02
107 6i
219 93
112 2S
107 6j
11. !
naduslve. block No.
12T.S ft.
39.29 ft-
41.71 ft.
40 ft.
81.72 ft.
4L72 ft.
40 ft.
17. 4S
no 2. sunet
i.e: ft. iq is
Tom L-- Mayor.
121.72 ft. 22T.50 40.7S
12&2 ft- 227.52 40.70
40 Nft. 107.05 11.29
81.72 KS 219.82 29.14
70 ft. ll.29
49 ft- ly
49 ft. mos.
7S.8 ft- 202.02X
ft. 511.33 CT2i
ft. 124.5 It..
37.5 ft. 100.98 11.25
37.S ft. 190.92 11.25
27 ft. 100.92 1L2S
37.5 ft. 100.92
34.54 ft. 92.95
41.33 ft. 111.22
'Train Bulletin.
All afternoon and night trains tor
today are reported on time.
I'resh vrgtbls, fruits, game. Fulton Mkt
Mission Macaroni, ask your grocer.
Barbecued Meats. JUS Texas Ph. 12.
Home Made Pastry Pure rood Bakery
Dinner :5c. Short orders. Home cook
ing. Moorheads. Slo K. San Antonio.
Turkish Uathst 4 0 North Oregon.
Kodak Finishing; 421 Mesa. Ph. 7fc
"nncy dressed poultry dally.Fulton Mkt
El Paso Distilled Water Co. Pa. 483.
Mission Potato chips, ask you grocer.
Italian and French dinners well served.
314 South Stanton. Dell' Ara. Prop.
Hooker Washington Is HI.
New York. Nov. 1. Dr. Booker T.
'Washington, principal of Tuskogee In
stitute, is confined in a local hospital
suffering from a nervoos breakdown.
Snnny Monday bluing, ask your grocer.
Fresh gnlf fish, oysters. Fulton Mkt.
Dr. El.erf, dentist. 218-218 Mills Bids.
Pickwick Cafe, 405 N. Oregon.
Dr. Jamieson has returned and re
sumed his practice. 618 Mills BIdg.
EI Pajo School of Beauty Cultare. rm.
1, over Unique Theater. Phone 3987.
Dr. A. T. Still Osteopathic Infirmary.
Dr. Ira W. Collins, physician in chief;
Dr. M. Alkire. lady specialist: Dr. Carl
Gibson. 201 IV Missouri street. They
cured others. Tbey can cure you.
Kidnaped Child Is Found.
Charleston, Kas.. Nov. 10, Anna Lee
Garrett, eight years old. who is al
leged to have been kidnaped from a
school in Des Moines, ls was found
in Mount St. Scholastic Academy here
Tuesdav. The school authorities were
unaware that the child had left tne
other institution under circumstances
other than regular, and returned ner
to Thomas E. Henderson of Aledo. Ills.,
Local Bvldcncc.
Kridence that can be verified.
Fact is what we want.
Opinion is not enough.
Opinions differ.
Here's an El Paso fact.
You can test it.
Mrs. G. A. King, matron of Sunshine
Day Nursery. S99 S. Campbell St, El
Paso, gave the following account of her
experience on May 22. 1913. bne saio.
I couldn't lie on my back and sleep
was Impossible. My back pained ine
mo badly I couldn't straighten and I
had to use a cane. My ankles swelled
and I had pufffness under my eyes.
One of the family had died o"f Brighfs
disease and 1 was alarmed 'over my
condition. If I pressed the swollen
parts of my ankles, it would leave a
hollow, as in dropsy. I was so weak
that I couldn't walk. I was subject to
headaches, especially In the morning.
The kidney secretions were unnatural
and caused me much misery. I h"
chills and was so completely exhausted,
I feared paralysis. A friend had been
cured by Doan's Kidney Pills and 1 got
some. After using one box, every bit
of pain and weakness in my back left
and two and a half boxes made me
feel like a different person."
No Trouble Since.
On June 1, 1015. Mrs. King said:
"I have had no kidney trouble in sev
eral years and I attribute the healthy
condition of mv kidneys to the use of
Doan's Kidney Pills. They are far su
perior to any other kidney medicine
1 have ever used."
Pi-ice 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. King has twice publicly recom-
mended. Foster-Milburn
.a-..j Cxetov uiiiyiifn i 1 t'rnni-L.
Co.. Props.,
Buffalo, X. T. Arty-
-- .
"-UcailStSS bile 11LL1H IlVPr HTin
w iiwa iuc iiubic HVCi. dllU
bowels and they get
well quick.
When your child suffers from a cold
don't wait: give the little stomach,
liver and bowels a gentle, thorough
cleansing at once. When cross, peev
ish, listless, pale, doesn't Bleep, eat or
aet naturally, if breath is bad, stomach
sour, give a teaspoonful of "California
Syrup of Figs." and in a few hours all
the clogged-up, constipated waste, sour
bile and undigested food will gently
move out of the bowels, and you have a
well, playful child again.
If your child coughs, snuffles and
has caught cold or is feverish or has a
sore throat give a good dose of "Cali
Jprnla Syrup of Figs," to evacuate the
boujels no difference what other treatment-
is given.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers ketp it handy be
cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels Is prompt
and sure. They also know a little
given to-day saves a sick child to
morrow. ,
Ask your druggist for a Ss-cent
bottle of "California Syrup of Figs."
which contains directions for babies,
children of ail ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Beware of
counterfeits sold here. Get the genu
ine, made by "California Fig Syrup
Company." Advertisement.
Lime-Lou In Tuberculosis.
In the Journal or the American
Medical AssoelHtlnn un, ,. -ii jy
was the following!
"It has been many times stated thst
In tuberculosis or In the pretubercu
losls stage an increased amount of
calcium (lime) Is lost both In the
urine and feces. In fact, a demloeral
Izntlon has been thought to be a fore
runner of the development of tuber
CHlosIs.' If tuberculosis Is due to lime loss,
the success of Eckman's Alterative in
Its treament may be due, in part, to
its content of a lime salt so com
bined with other valuable Ingredients
as to be easily assimilated.
Always we have urged consumptives
to attend stricly to matters of food,
but often some effective remedial agent
is needed. In many cases of ap
parent recovery Eckman's Mti.t y
seems to have supplied this ncl li
contains no opiates, narcotics or habit
forming drugs, so Is safe to try From
your druggist or direct Sold by Kellv
& Pollard. Kntl.hudi rrue Co. Po..ic,
Iruc Store
IkinnnH laboratory, Philadelphia.
AtH ei-Li t'uci t.
said to be her lawful guardian, who
took her home.
La Pas Mexican Restaurant. 119 N. Kan.
3IlssIon Noodles, ask your grocer.
Dr. N. T. Moure. 24 Banner Bids
Silier King Cafe. 209 San Antonio St.
Courtmarttal Awaits lines.
San Francisco, Calif, Nov. 18. The ;
non-arrival of 1st Lieut. Edgar S. Gor- .
relL United States army signal corps. '
who has been , summoned from San I
Diego as a witness for the defence i
in the trial of Lieut. CoL Lewis Ooodier. j
United States army. Judge advocate of I
the western department, necessitated a j
postponement Tuesday of the court ;
martial until his arrival. I
Dr. Ilauehert, dentist. Mills bid: ph. 4857
Dr. Ceo. II. Weill. Osteopath. 424 -5
Mills BIdg.. Tel 107S; Res. 1885-J.
Dr. Carl Miillb. 227 1st Nat. Bk. bid.;
Ilr. I-rnrrr Osteopathic Phys. & Snr.
202 Mills Bldg. Phone 4tl.
l)r ntterlrc. Osteopath, 41 Mill BIdg.
ext time you eat try tb.3 Turf Cafe.
211 Kl Overland St.
Mar. Hurt at AVlIkesharrr.
Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Nov. 10. Several
persons were injured in a new out
break of rioting resulting from the t
street car strike here Tuesday. Strike
breakers were driven inside their cars '
bv mobs armed with stones and some ,
of their number and several bystanders '
are among the Injured. Six strike- ,
breakers have been jailed on charges
of carrying concealed w,ea-vins. j
p,nl c Knollenhrnr announces he
1 h0 rcmnved his Jaw offices from 405
Caples Building to 301-302 Caples
Building. Phone 878.
Proposals For Fresh Beef nnd Motion.
Office of Department Quartermaster.
Fort San Houston. Texas. Sealed pro
posals will be received here until 11 a.
m.. Dec. 10. 1915. and then opened, for
furnishing Fresh Beef and Mutton.
i Further Information on. application.
Dr. Jamieson, diseases of Kidney.Blad
der. Skin and Rectum, SIS Mills BIdg.
Longvrell Be careful of your bate
gage checks Deliver at Longwell's.
Safety Phone 1.
n t "...,, vii,eVtAe TtM over Bllte.
Dr Uie Hyde, Osteopathic Physl- j
dan. M'. Mesa Ave. uei. ii:,
Sergt. Paul Hervey won the com
petitive drill in the high school cadet
corps, held Monday at the school. The
competitive drill was the first of a
number that will be held during the
BCBOO term. Sergt. Hervey made
j perfect score. Cadets Charles Knob-
laucn ana nuncri nar uvu iw wvuu .
place. The rewards for -this drill were I
promotions of one rank for each, and
Sergt Hervey was made first sergeant
of company B and cadets Knoblauch
and Sharp were promoted -to the rank
of corporals.
A number of other promotions haye
been made in the corps. Second Lieut.
Eugene Womeldorf has been appointed
first lieutenant and assigned perma
nent dutv as battalion adjutant, first
Lieut. Robert Jolly having been re
lieved from duty as battalion adjutant
at his own request. First Sergt. Tom
Clements has been promoted to second
lieutenant. First Sergt. Hugo Becker
has been appointed second lieutenant.
Sergt. Bailey Winters has been made
first sergeant and corporal. Hanion Du
Bose has been made sergeant.
H YEARS Ago Today
From The Herald of Thli
Date. 1901.
El Paso is speculating as to whether
y illmm RnriAlnh Hsral whn nu
through here today in a Pullman on
a.i - i
his way east, meant to insinuate that
he was considering Investing in this
city when he stated that he had heard
much of the Pass City and the strenu
ous strides it was making as the me
tropolis of the great south yy est.
Mrs. William Burges and Miss Nell
Pollard returned today from Fulton
Mo. where they have been spending
the past few months.
H. S. Sims has returned to El Paso
from Ogden, Utah, and has assumed
charge again of the Continental Fruit
Kxpress company- agency, which he re
signed six months ago.
Miss Mary Wallace is entertaining
mis evening at tne nome oi .Mrs. t;.-o
Wallace, including among those pres-
1 e"1 "" " '"e inunnomi. Wynne
Crowe and Messrs James Hague, Dave
Miller. Charley Her pel and Max Move
Sunt lASran nf the street ese line
got hot under the collar today when a I
tram was held across South Stanton I
street this afternoon beyond the limit I
or time allowed under the law lie is
expected to start something '
irs. ca nuovris s nome on oania re
street is a scene of gaiety this aft
ernoon, with Mrs. Roberts entertain
ing in honor of Mrs. J. c. Voss. Those
invited included Mesdames Berrien,
Shelton. Newman. Howe. Burges.
Townsend. Clark. BealL Patterson.
Cox, Hamilton. Small. Lackland. Had
ley. Gaines, MacPhetridge and Bailev,
and the Misses Lillian Newman, Free
man and Pink.
The Daily Novelette
That life In full of ups and doivns;
This horse yarn proyes, to wit:
We must iut tip with yvhat yve get.
And then plank down for it.
DOGENES was still searching for
an honest man.
"I fear me 'tis an idle quest."
he murmured disconsolately, and came
upon a man holding a horse with one
hand and haranguing a crowd with the
"1 have no wish to take advantage
of a fellow human being." the man
was saying. "I will tell you one and
all that this horse I wish to sell is
stone blind in his right eye though
apparently both eyes are perfectly
sound. Xow who wlU buy my horse
for seventy-five kesonkas?" (See
"At last, an honest man!" cried
Diogenes. "I will buy your horse, my
good fellow, and moreover, I will give
jou 108 kesonkas for him as a testimo
nial to your honesty."
And he paid over 100 kesonkas and
led away the horse, and by and by be
mounted him and by and by after that
the horse rammed his head into a
rather hard wall and fell down dead.
The man had neglected to add that
the left eye also was blind!
"Oh, wassa use?" muttered Diogenes
i Footnote A kesonka in ancient
Greece -was yyorth eight and a half
ent )
All good dealers will sell ynu'Puis
lierpr - Iaj.t!' Hams And Baton.
-Deliciously if ferent' Adv.
Correct that eye trouble, and enjov
the (omfct anl pleasure of perfeit
e-liT For c iti--f. tion in eyeili.
filti-iir -.'- lie-- P KtnJiIl Optf'Teirlst
ana optuun, -i1 Mesa Ave. Ady,
New York. Nov. 10 Loose pearls
scattered on the deck of the French
liner llochambeau on her last arrival
here. November 2. gave the first clue
to the fact that th ship's strongbox
had been robbed of pearls valued at
nearlv loo 000, it has become known.
The pearls were being forwarded to
firms in this city from Paris by an ex
press company, and at Bordeaux were
turned over to the ship's purser, who
placed them in the safe. The theft
was discovered when a number of loose
pearls were found on the ship's decks.
Customs officials declared that the
robbery was the first of its kind in
many years. The pearls were insured
for their full value with Lloyd's in
i diicciaw n crTinxie
in nujj.ru, ...luiip ,
Petrograd. Russia. Nov. 10. A con
siderable change in party representa
tion in the imperial council has been j
maoe oy i lie ricL-uwiw. oiij iiucc
members were chosen. 43 by zemstvos.
12 by the nobility and the remainder
by the uimersities, the clergy and va
rious industries.
The campaign resolved itself pri
marily into efforts for and against the
progressive element, which gained a
majority in the last dona. The pro
gressives added materially to their
Walter Spitler has been awarded the
contract for the construction of a JSOOO)
apartment house for Samuel Stark. The
building will occupy the southeast cor
ner of Virginia and Arizona streets
and will contain four apartments of
threo rooms each.
H. L. Ponsford is just starting the
construction of a $2400 bungalow for
Mrs. J. A. Heinrichs at La Luz and
Grama streets.
Orange. X. J.. Nov. 10. Because
Thomas Edison is practically deaf. Ms
chief engineer. Dr. Miller Reese Hutch
inson has been named a member of the
naval' advisory- board Mr. Hutchinson
will aid Mr. Edison, who is chairman
of the board.
Mr. Hutchinson devised a method or
telegraphy bv touch which he and Mr.
Edison use in their meetings.
bi. paso sorrjiEitv mjks
The EI Paso Southern railway has
filed suit in the SSth district court
against a number of alleged 'squatters"
in the vicinity of South Oregon and
10th streets to try title.
Nine suits have been filed against
the following defendants" Pantollon
Rivas. Victor Rocha, Timoteo Castillo,
Francisco B- Labori. Candelarlo de la
Rosa, PoHnas Sanchez. Ttafael Gaiton.
Pedro Martinez. Preclliano Lucia and
H. W. Pontius. The last named is
made a defendant In each of the suits.
Juan Rubalcata. charged with bur
glar), was bound over to the grand
jury by justice J. M. Deaver. following
his preliminary hearing Tuesday after
noon. His bond was fixed at $100.
Rubalcava is alleged to have entered
the home or A. Eli on. 710 Arizona
street. Sunday night, and to have as
saulted Mr Klion with a screwdriver.
Rubaltava claimed self defence.
Work has been started on the re
modeling of the basement of the cltv
hall, preparatory- to the moving of
several of the departments into that
part of the building
The work includes the putting in of
a number of partitions, and the remod
eling will cost about JI000
' TWr.
rtsT -
Too-o-o-o-o-o-oo-ot! The morn
ing whistle sounds. Men and girls
are coming to work. What of those
who come to the spotless Sterling
They lift down uniforms spic
and span caps that are spotless.
They put on fresh laundered gloves
of white. All day long these gloves
of white keep their hands from
touching Sterling Gum.
They work in the bright day-
1 Crowded with flavor
2 Velvety body NO GRIT
3 Crumble-proof
The Sterling Gum
Company, lna.
Long Island
City, Greater
.ew l'orfc
Why Suffer With Backache,
Kidneys or Rheumatism ?
" A N U R 1 C !
The Newest Discovery in Ghemistry.
IZminent Medical authorities Endorse It.
A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and
all Uric Acid Troubles.
Dr. Eberie and Dr. Braithwaite
as weM as Dr. Simon all distin
guished authors agree that what
ever may be the disease, the urine
eldom fails in furnishing us with a
clue to the principles upon which it
is to be treated, and accurate knowl
edge concerning the nature of dis
ease can thus be obtained. If back
ache, scalding urine or frequent
g!!Yi i I U nil
You are nervous. You "have " crying spells." Yon are dejected.
Sou don't sleep well. You have backache. You have lost ambition for
your work. You are beginning to fed old and look old !
These symptoms, more than
or derangement.
(in tablet
will sSd von in regaining voaiami
doing ipr over forty years fo women
health yim now find yourself- It soothes
Bra .sawirr !.,1
m ammmmmtiminii
" 15! - w B1NSU'
Fresh, white gloves
every morning
(6 Untouclled by hands)
light in a factory which is
fairly sparkling with broad, high
windows. And they are not
hemmed in by the walls of other
factories. The Sterling factory
stands alone.
When you open your packages
of Sterling Gum remember that
your hands are the first to touch
it. And then, perhaps, you'll feel
an added pleasure in hunting that
7th Sterling point!
4 Sterling purity
5 From a daylight factor
6 Untouched by bands
The-point dum
urination bother or distress you, or
if uric acid in the blood has caused
rheumatism, goat or sciatica, or you
suspect kidney or bladder trouble
just write Dr. Pierce, at the Surg
ical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y.: send
a sample of urine and describe
symptoms. Yoe will receive free
medical advice after Dr. Pierces
chemist has examined the urine
his will be carefully done without
charge, and you will be under no
obligation. Doctor Pierce, during
many years of experimentation ha3
discovered a new remedy which is
thirty-seven times more powerful
than lithia in removing tunc aad
from the system. If you are suf
fering from backache or the pains
of rheumatism, go to your best
druggist and ask for a 50-cent box
of "Awtric," put up by Doctor
Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription for weak women and Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for the blood have been favorably
known for the past forty years and
more. They are standard remedies
to - day, as well as Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets for the liver and
bowels. You can have a sample of
any one of these remedies in Tablet
form by writing Dr. Pierce.
To the Woman Who
Realizes She Needs Help.
likely, are produced. Dy some weaiaiess
or liquid form)
healtn ana strengtn just aa k aas Deen
-who have been in the same condition of
and invigorates. It npbuiMa and uplifts.
Suitable re-
tvardgfor the
discovery of the
7th point will be
offered later.