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T Y iV - MINING NEWS SOUTHWESTERN DEVELOPMENT. us if nun ILII11J87 Output of Placer and Lode Mines In Ten Years Is Announced. Santa Fe, X. JC, Nov. 11. Otero county during the past 10 Tears pro duced $61.0S- worth of leai. copper, silver and gold, according to (he sta tistics compiled from the reports In the geographical library of the mu seum. Of this $11,954 was derived from placer gold and $1 59.51 S from lode mines. The greatest placer pro duction was in 1910. when It amounted to J602I. The heaviest lode mine pro duction was In 1913, when it amounted to J49.8J9 gold. Of silver 24.022 ounces were pro duced the last 10 years; of copper. 3. 009.331 pounds, of lead, 10,723 pounds. !Last year the production of Otero counts was S97.41C, the year before H72.179. Jnrilla District Lead. The Jarilla district is the principal producer, but last year several cars o" copper ore were shlppei from thfc ("ourtney and Old Reliable mines in t'i Hieh Rolls district. The Tularosa district also shipped several carloads of copper ore from the Hombrillo and Sulphur Canon mines. The Jarilla and Oro Grande district last year pro duced 11.009 tons of ore from its lode mines. Melding $38,459 in gold: 537S ounces of silver. 387.211 pounds of c i pper and 2927 pounds of lead with a total value of $93,019 as compared with $146,404 in 1913. There was no jjeld of placer gold in 1914. Producing mines were t he By Chance. Delusion. Garnet and Nannie Paird MINERS INYEST In STOCKS OF MINES INSTEAD OF BOOZE T-hotnlxC Ariz.. Nov. 11 Prohibition has been an important factor in the iet elopment of the Oatman gold min ing district, which is receiving the attention of the world just now, ac cording to J. C Goodwin, superintend ent of the mineral department of the suite fair. . Ooodrwin has Just returned from Oatman, where he made arrangements 'or an exhibit of ores and panoramic Mews. He says that the miners em uiojed by the 50 Concerns now operat ing in that district are putting prac tirall every cent thev can rake and scrape, above actual living expenses. WOMEN NEED NOT WORRY OR SUFFER Feminine Ailments Once Consid ered Serious Now Easily Con quered and Speedily Ended The mighty restorative power ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily causes all womanly troubles to disap pear compels the organs to properly perform their natural functions, cor rects displacements, overcomes irregu larities, removes pain and misery at certain times and brings back health and strength to nervous, irritable and exhausted women. It is a wonderful prescription pre pared with glycerine from nature's roots and herbs, with no akohel to falsely stimulate and no narcotics to wreck the nerves It banishes pains, headache, backache, low spirits, hot flashes, dragging-down sensation, worry and sleeplessness surely and without loss of time. Its ingredients are not secret for they arc printed on wrapper. What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion has done for thousands it will do for you. Get it this very day from any medicine dealer in either liquid or tablet form. In the meantime address Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, V Y, and ask for confidential advice from 1 Physician Specialist; absolutely free. 136-page book on women's dis eases sent free. Adv. Doctor Pierce's Pellets are nnequaled as a liver Pill. Smallest, easiest to take One tiny. Sugar-coated Pellet a Dose Cure Sick Headache, Bil ious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa pation. Indigestion. Bilious Attacks, ard all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. 25 cents a vial, 1 - 3-uecist HG BURNING IB PIMPLES All Over Face. Hair Thin. Would Comb Out Great Handfuls. In a Month Face Clear. HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "At first my face would Itch and I could not keep my tandj oS It I would scratch It and then plznplos came. The pimples were bard and red. and were all over my fsce. They go worse untB I could not sleep' tbey burned and Itched so bad. My head had lots of dandruff and zny hair was so thin, and it came out every tlzne I would comb it, and soma ttcses I would comb out treat handful. "A friend told me of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I used tbem for a month and my face was dear, and my hair growing nicely. " (Signed illss LeoU Prattle. 149 S. Morelasd Ave.. Atlanta, Ga- Jan. 29, 1915. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skio Boole on reQuest, Ad dress post-card "Cntlcora. Dept. T. Be, ton." Sold throiuxboat the world. S; cH WED EASTER SHIS HI ORE: Much Mining Activity Is in ! Progress in the Oat- j man District. , I Kingman, Ariz Nov. 11. With op j erations in the Tom Reed and Gold- road mines going steadily ahead, at tended by highly pleasing results, the ' chief interest of the public, in the San l.rAnMlaA nr Onttrian jiiafrif ll mtleS 1 southwest of Kingman, is centered in J I the United Eastern, which has aireaav owned Dy tne urmsn oecause oi a sjs , been proved one of the greatest mines i tem of finance which brings public J discovered in recent years. On the money to the support of mining much i 30-foot level drifting has Just been more generally than in America, where I started north and south from the shaft, i the investing public does not take the all in ore ranging from $26 to $30 per ton. The norm ami on tne tw-wwi level has been advanced more than 500 feet, the face showing $30 values. On the 585-foot level the south drift has been extended to the boundary line of the property from the shaft, a distance of approximately 375 feet. On this level the vein southward has an average width of 22 feet and returns ...i..rr ... in. ......4 tc ,. (nn . Th. ....., ?ift rn itu. level ' j has been extended thus far about 150 Central America, and plans for an ex feet from the shaft Crosscuts run at tensive transfer of control of other Intervals from this drift show the vein J mines are under discussion in the city, to average 22 feet in width. The val- , Kven in ordinary times the insistence ues range between $35 and $40 per 1 of the British authorities that income Drifting on 400-Foot Lei el. Drifting is in progress on the 400 foot level of the property of the Tel lurlde Mining. Milling and Develop ment company. The values being obr tained show an increase over those ob- tainoH In the develnnment work On the 200-foot level. Sinking in the shaft -will soon be resumed with the 600 I foot level as the object He point. I The shaft recently started on the , Arizona Rex is now down 50 feet A I IS horsepower gasoline hoist has been ' installed to facilitate operations. j Crosscuttlng is under way on tne u- foot levei of Green Quartz, south or i the Boundary Cone, which Is ownedby'J J L. Mclver and G. W. Long. This propert was formerly known as the Armll group. The Lazy Boy has started a two compartment shaft It will be sent down to a depth of 500 feet between two big ledges before any lateral work is attempted. A 40 horsepower Rasp- line hoist nas oeen ornereo. n I property has an excellent surface showing. Lexington to Mart Shaft. I The Lexington Mines company has , completed grading work and w(ll soon start a three compartment shaft- It '3 ! the intention of the management to I lint si itenih of COO feet before cross- cutting. ... I The newly organized Hidden Treas- j ure Mines company, which took oyer the TreasureKey property and the La 'Vita Colorado and Night Owl ; claims. is muni rllr i. .. 2. -I incline shaft on the Boundar Cone vein from the 300 to the 0 foot point . vii im .n . "" -; .,".. ?ri"?JSZe. 5EEr,.fl;.in! r:2 i that has given values ranging from I $100 to $3909 per ton. , la Out ur Debt. 1 The United Western, whic'i recently ' made the final payment of ;57.OO0 upon I its property, is now free of debt ac- 1 cording to general manager J. C Den- I ton. The payment was made 10 - months before due. i The Merry Widow Mining company. ' owning the United Western. United Western No. 1 and United Western No. 2 claims, has completed Its road grad ! ing and has started a five by seven . shaft The shaft already down mo e uic. ttaiui .,!-- ... w - --; - . than 25 feet is being sunk In tne vein whlch stands yerticaL It is the intn- l!2?eto. ?"? tbeJ?? ,. SJiZfZ nrt 399 feet before crosscutting north and ,nth t determine the full width of south to determine the full width of the s.clh,wh0a,nd!a"eha.rifdt IS the bottom of the shaft Is at present , pAt.irainc valtl.E nilTlllir frtlm 2 tO 4 per ton. A : norsepower gasoline hoist will soon be installed. IllacU Range Mia ft Knterx Main Ledge, The shaft on the Black Kange. at a j depth of 2S0 feet is entering the main I ledge or tne property ana vhiucb ' are being obtained. It will be con- , tmued to the 390 foot point before crosscutting is started. On the surface ; the ledge shows a width of ISO feet t and gives assays ranging from 31 to i 32000 per ton. Picket samples show ! free gold. A five-drill air compressor and two machine drills have lust been . installed. The surplus air will be used ! in the operation of a pump, when nec i essary. At the SO foot point the shaft j cut eight feet of vein matter that as i sayed 16 per ton. The Big Jim shaft has attained a depth of 329 feet It is cutting quartz stringers carrying encouraging values. Drifting continues in the ledge on 1 the 200 foot level of the lvanhoe. The t face has begun to expose stringers . that return pleasing values. 1 Col barn Oris Golden Star, i R. Im. Colburn. formerly of Gold- field. Nev.. now of San Francisco, and I eastern associates have become iden- I SffiSlSTS GoWen SuFxialne and u.a...n w.fc. ..-. tk. llliea Willi iae UOltlCii di- iuuis " i Sffljr3Brt nCera,P.arVS the Cerbat range of mountains. 20 miles north of Kingman. The mine is a close neighbor of the Golconda. Gol conda Extension and Tennessee mlne3 and has been developed to a depth of 271 feet It has to its credit a produc- ' tion of more than tlSt.900 north of ore ' above the 100 foot leveL The Golconda Extension Mining com pan. operating the Golconda Exten- ' sion mine, has just let a contract for the sinking of the main shaft from ' the 260 foot level to the 400 foot point , The work is already under war. An i air compreswr and machine drills have 1 been installed to expedite operations. Drifting north on the 280 foot level Is i going steadily ahead, the face expos- ing four feet of $50 ore, the value being in gold, silver and zinc Thus i far the drift has been extended 200 I feet and has exposed ore all the way. Shipments from the mine -frill soon be i gin. . Sinking Main Tellnrlnm Shaft. ! The new main working shaft being sunk by the Arizona Tellurium Mines 1 Mmnanr on its nropertv in the TValla- pai range oi inuuitittiup. jw iiina 3u,v of Kingman, has attained a depth of about 50 feet With only the hanging walls exposed, there is at present in the bottom of the shaft niae feet of shipping ore. some of which is of j specimen grade. j MaLm Second Shipment of Bullion, i O. T. James, operating the Orphan I mine at Secret Pass, 20 miles west ot , Kingman, has Just made a secpnd shlp i ment of bullion. The consignment weighed 62 ounces. A. recovery was I made on the plates of a Tetrault two ! stamp mill of only about 30 percent of i the values contained in the ore treated I in a 10-hour run The .value of bul I lion was estimated at $11 per ounce. I At a depth of IS feet the shaft has been j sunk on the vein is exposing three feet of ore averaging $40 per ton, with ' a high grade streak on the hangins wall. The Lost Basin Mining company is making preparations looking to the I early inauguration of operations on an extensive fertile uii iu uuiuuisa. in cluding the Scanlon mine and adjoin ing properties, in the Lost Basin dis trict, about 40 miles north of King man. This property possesses the ear marks of an Immense low grade mill ing proposition. Numerous big ledges have been opened up and a large ton nage or ?7 per ton ore is already avail able. CALVILL0 MINE SHU'S 40 Tin nrirnri v r n rwr . I lin VVE.r.rvL.1 1U E.L. l-AU 1 Tucson. Arii.. Nov. It Forty tons of ore are being brought in by wacon each week from the Calvillo mine, southwest of the city and shipped to the El Paso smelter. This ore averages $3" a ton in copper and a large amount lloKi out ir !; reported that Ceal for fhe transfer of the propertv j !s likely to be '"nsDmuat',l at any I t.rae. I ITII1RE rRiinrn r u ti 1 1 r 1 1 i LiBdiULU New British Tax Will Add to TJ. S. Supremacy in i Gold Mining. 1 I London. Eng. Nov. 11 American su- ! premacj in gold mining is one of the probable results of the new war taxa tion in Great Britain. While the large gold mines of the world have been mainl opened and managed by Amer- ican mining engineers they have been same interest In the industry. This structure, whereby London has become the mining capital of the world, is ' now threatened by the new -excess profits tax." one of the features of the new w4r budget. the new war .""Set. I Discussing the effSi "f Ihnew tax. I a prominent American mining engineer ij ...i .- ... ..., ..... An. TAAn .?.. s infi.ii Mmnani., v.v mines in Smith nnd . tax must be paid on all shares of com panies controled in Great Britain re gardless of the location of the mine or residence of the stockholders had driv en some companies away, notably the Kl Oro of Mexico, largely owned in France, which moved its offices to Paris two years ago. "The most recent taxation makes a more general migration almost certain. The new budget proposed a 50 percent tax of the excess profits of all British companies for the period since the be ginninET of the war. This excess is to he determined by subtracting from the i increase of the current year the aver- age income of any two of the jnK three years. This would ticularly hard on any new inc iiirvc- be par- business. but extremely so in the case of mines which have just begun to produce, since in their case there would le nothing to subtract and consequently the tax would be e percent ot tne profit of the year. This new Import I it is to be noted, is in addition to the ordinar taxation including the in- come tax Kffect Seierc on New Enterprlei.. The effect on new enterprises wokild be especially severe in the case of mines since they require liberal ex- penditure through Veveral years to bring them to production. The Brak- i o .. -t r -V.....10 I onened br W. L. Konnold. a Michigan " " -y.""'- -""..."" "-"" mining engineer, absorbed $.000.0o ,n ax rearB ana- ,tnen began to mak- . a proft ot about one and one-half milHon dollars a year. The Spring I mine nearby is now building a new d 4oaII normally sooa come ! , production. These companies. I tnousn organized in souin Airn-a, ana ?? Pr nevv reguUr -and spe- i ciai -war taxes, wouia come unaer tne new plan. Urge "Modification. "Representations are being made and some modifications of the original plan are expected, but In any event the taxation on mines is &ure to be heavy with no opportunitv to recoup by raising prices. A number of com panies have issued orders to cut down production to the average of previous j ears and are stopping all work of ex pansion. "As Great Britain's ownership of the great gold mines extends around the world and into many -ountries. wide changes ip the industry are cer- ta,n and , become o primary importance to the growth of America 1 . financial nower " I '" IIIlanC11 Pwr I OLD DOMINION SMELTER GAINS 400,000 POUNDS i uiuue. Ari . n. au .jviitoj. ' production or the Old Dominion smel- j ter was 2.T90.000 pounds of copper, an I increase of 400.000 pounds over Sep- ! tember. Ore from the Arizona Cora- merciai, jm iwmiaivn, unncu viuw. I Gibson and smaller mines is being I treated. The concentrator is handling dally TOO tons of ore, about 100 tons of which is from the Arizona Com mercial. Development is proceeding steadily In the Old Dominion and the mine Is maintaining its production record of 990 to 1900 tons a day. The pumps are handling C.900.000 gallons of water dail The Big Johnnie shaft is being unwatered prior to further develop ment at that point BENDIG0 ORE SHIPPED TO SMELTER AT HAYDEN Parker. Ariz.. Nov. 11. A carload of ore is to be shipoed this week from the Bendigo mine to the Ilayden smel ter. Development work is progressing in a highly satisiactory manner. .x- ' tensive development is blng: under- ?"" tZn2?la tJSt I ton S I running better than Jioo a ton in : ,.- HAttn than ian a tnn In 2 I Apart of. the Bendigo Property is I f ...... .-.-. -- ---r . A part of. the Bendigo property is vivriAiu V? a ... we' -". wi"" estimated to contain not less than 1.- 000,000 tons. The company is now j considering entering into a contract 1 for the deliverv of 250.000 tons, during the next two years, to Los Angeles plaster manufacturers BEAUTIFUL Hi TIKJIJE FROM DHHOFF Draw a moist cloth through ; hair and double its fceauty 1 x nr,na 1 all UilCC. I Save your hair! Dandruff disappears and hair stops coming out. Immediate? Tes! Certain? that's the joy of it Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy. abundarCt and appears as soft. lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after an application of Ianderlne. Also try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Tills will cleanse the hair of dust dirt or excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have dou bled the beautv of vour hair. A de- lightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is ecraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dis solves every particle of dandruff: cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and fall ing hair, but what will please you most will be after a few week's use, when you see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair grow ing all over the scalp. . . .." . . . . .. .. uanoenne is to the hair wnai iresn . .. . s j . .. .,.. """ " .." n puiwhih. . -- v?tntlnn Tt crnoa rlfrht In tile roOlS. invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. Tou can surely have pretty, charm ing, lustrous hair, and lots of it. if or will lust get a .a-tput bottle or Knowlton Danderine from anv dnic store' or toilet co-inter and trv I as direrted. Adr EL PASO SESEFIT SIOflDREFOOND ORE BODY IS ,K vii yi - Enable Reduction Plants to Resume and Help Placer Mining Greatly. , Prescott, Ariz- Nov 11. Heaty rains have been of incalculable benefit to the mining industr in Yavapai county during the past week. Creeks that have been dry for months are now carrying large streams of water and a number of idle mills will be enabled to resume operations without delay. During the last three months four-new reduction plants have been completed but have not been placed in operation because of the prevailing scarcity of water. The mill at the Cash mine, near Mon- 's .n?w,,i"bfr 5fil!?iiEf? shifts a day Instead of one, as Plenty ' water is available This mill has een producing a carload of hlgh- g,. cocentrate every month and its production should be well nigh trebled. ,ar" 3,,B,n&. Placer miners are also enabled to resume washing the golden treasure from the earth. This form of mining is receiving more attention in Yavapai than since pioneer days and .several important deals m placer ground have recently been closed. The six placer claims of the Lafay ette company, on Lynx creek, have been purchased by C. S. Israel, who represents a syndicate of wealthy Wichita. Kas- mestors. The soil from these claims has been proved to be of extraordinary richness and the new owners plan to expend at least $190,000 in preliminary preparations for working the property. A .huge dam is to -be thrown across Lynx creek and water stored for hydraulic operations. - An engineer n?med Paul Dyson Is at Placerita, making a final examina tion of the old field there- It Is re ported that he has already ordered ma chinery for a wet washing process. ' The El Dorado, on Lynx creek, and the Wichert on the Hassayampa. are both being worked. Their owners are recovering satisfactory gold values by wet washingr Install t-'ntnur Mill. Wood Bros, have installed on their J Lynx creek property a small placer ' mill of unique design The stamps are small and set ma nailery oi circular i construction, wim cwpiwr pu&ien eui- I rounding them. It is said that the I ml" admirably adapted to treating I free ores and it is being watched with much interest . Another carload of concentrates has been shipped from the Dunkirk mine, ' on Slate creek, to the HavdenOsmelter t.l,z -t .ki u.k. . . ..-. xiiib uiftnca vic .iiu ..a, ... e... ... ..... from that property in the last three months. The mill is treating 19 tons of ore on a shift Jules Baumann has gone to St Paul to confer with stockholders of the Baumann Mines company regarding a large line of explorations that he has planned. While he is gone a wagon road one mile in length will be built to afford easy access 'to the point where the main camp is to be estab lished. Missed Fortune By One Stroke Of Pick In Mine Tucson. Ariz., Nov. XI. An old man named John Iitolinson is doing som prospect work in the Santa. Rita, moun tains. II KoMnson naa jtwun nts pick ono more, 30 ears ago. he would have been independently wealthy. That swing would have broken into a tedxe ot silver-lean' ore at, tba old Hancock mine, which Robinson and his brother then owned. Despairing of finding ore in a claim for which they had paid J1S0, the Robinsons abandoned the property Todav it is be ins; operated under the i management of Charles Otis Leach and . )8 Known as the Sliver supper. Ber- tram l. Hitch and other Tucson citizens ; are interested. The ledge is six inches wm an(I shipments of ore will soon be j made- NINTH SECTION OF MIAMI CONCENTRATOR OPERATED Miami. Ariz.. Nov. 11. The ninth section of the Inspiration Copper com pany's new concentrator is in commis sion at last. This means that half of the mill is in operation. Material for equipping the remaininjr nine sections has been ordered and is on the road. A little oer a week aero the coarse crushing: plant of the Inspiration com pany was placed in operation. Now The hoists are being run under their automatic controlling anvice ana snips are being; dumped at the rate of one a minute. The most unique mine elevator in the state has been installed in the west shaft of the Inspiration. It is built upon the same principle as the automatic elevators need in some large ' "POllti buildings and does , not rMmlr nn nnpratnr wiin man not require an operator. When a man I .aiiia iw u iivn wie level u anoiner ne smply presses a button, the eleva- i ior comes 10 nim. ne gets inand rides , to his destination. NW COMPANY WILL START DEVELOPMENT AT OLD VIVIAN Oatman. Aria., Nov. 11. Organiza tion of the Gilt Edge Mines company has been perfected by mining men of Kingman and Oatman, and the devel opment of the Gilt Edge property, at Old Vivian, will be undertaken im mediately. The Gilt Edge lies sooth of the Vivian and Leland and has been prospected thoroughly. The veins are opened by shaft and adit drift and good ore has been opened. Most of the ore is cop per carbonate, carrying gold. New York capitalists represented by George Oster, have taken over the Ajax group. The big Vivian vein runs through the Ajax estate. Some hixh fitTvaers:ti?owewortSlnegs.from com- 0nAthIrTsyroI ?&. Io an" olner macninery nave been ordered. Much ore is in sight at the Tvro and the owners expect to have a reduction plant in operation within a few months. MOHAVE COUNTY MINING MEN FAIL T0IJSE REVENUE STAMPS Phoenix. AiMt, Nov. 11. Information received at the office of t S. internal revenue collector Lewis T. Carpenter is to thi effect that the federal revenue laws are being violated by wholesale in Mohave county, where a mining" boom is now in progress and newborn -panles are being organized daily. R. 1L Love and George W Olowner. agents of the treasury department, are new in Kingman to break up the prac tices that have prevailed. The low requires that when a com pany is organized its original stock certificates must be stamped at the rate of S cents for each $100 par value, thereafter each transfer necessitates an additional 2 cent stamp for each ?106 It is claimed that this law has been overlooked entirely by many Mo have county companies. BEAKLEY RESIGNS AS COURT REPORTER TO JOIN LAW FIRM George N. Beakley, for some time of ficial court reporter in the SSth district mnrt tndrH hia tMlm.ttnn t. 4nH - - ; ---""- .. r J. -. " Ballard Coldwell Wednesdan afternoon. f .. --.1.-1 h. nr-.-A i. " -T :-' "--"--. -- -. -" Ur. Beakley has Joined the new firm of Weeks & Vowell. and the new firm will be styled tVe.-lts ow.-ll : Be.iK lev Mr Beakiv has hc-n practit inc law. in addition to his court;. for some tim. K H Kvndge. who has been In the ftth- disti ict cojrt for niT'e -ekii nil! be reporter pending th ni'poMitm nf of -in official stenopr.ip'uer t juiicc '"oMwelL idmuhk uni uiNMUr-; hh h . in n v aiLiJ 11. utumimmmu u.usmu mu HERALD ; Gold Read Continues to Pro ! duce $20,000 a Week; J New Ore Opened. Oatman. Ariz.. Nov. 11. A strike of 5100 gold ore in the Gold Ore com panv's mine, adjoining the Gold Road mine on the north, is the most impor tant development of the last few days in the Oatman district. The strike was made In a drift from I the JS0 foot level. At last reports the i drift was nine feet into the rich ore i and the end had not been reached. 1 I ncelex Hen Form Company. v . .1 1 .,i tv. nrAwtieH tne Oatman Extension Mining company and are planning to begin work at once on a claim lying west of the Oatman Gold Mining and Milling company's group. It is believed that the Oatman Gold company's Kokomo vein extends over into that claim. ... Denver. Oatman and Los Angeles In terests have acquired the Nora group of six claims and are planning to work the property. ... .i. A. L. Slevert has closed a deal for the Pig Eye, an extension of the Moss mine. Oiher firoapn o!d. San Francisco investors have taken over the Surprise group of five claims, owned by Thornton A Dunbar, of Oat man. and J. P. Power, of Needles. The Surprise claims are located in the west part of the Oatman camp and include three big veins, all ore from the grass roots. M .ii.. The Gaddis & Terry group of eight claims, and the Cash Entry group, two claims, have been acquired by Kenneth Donnellan. a San Francisco broker, acting for Investors of that city. The consideration Involved in the deal wjs $160,000, part paid in cash and part In the stock of a company being organ ized. Producing O,00O a Week. Production at the Gold Road con tinues at the rate of 2.0 a week. The main shaft of the mine, already down 800 feet. Is being sunk another 100 feet, and new ore Is being opened in a drift from the 100 foot level. Henry E. Lang and Mike Coleman have recently opened splendid ore in their Blue Jay mine, at Union Pass. They have driven an adit drift on the vein 120 feet and It Is In ore practi cally all the way. The vein shows a width of over four feet and samples - , ... ,..u K. .. avAnrn S17 a ton In gold. Sinking of the shaft has been abandoned because of a heavy flow of water, though there are good gold 'values in the bottom. Land and Coleman expect to instal machinery soon. SANTA FE Tf) BUILD LINE TO ' mm road. TOPOCK & OATMAN 1 Phoenix, Ariz.. Nov. 11. Unofficial ! information has been received by the ' state corporation commission that tne Santa Fe Railroad company intends ., ... K...i.t . Imii,)i line from Topock to Oatman and Gold Roo. tne Mohave county mining camps where a big boom is in progress. The line will be a little over JO miles long and win follow the line of the old Mohave & Milltown lumber road, abandoned sev eral rears ago Topock is the point at which the Santa Fe crosses the Colorado river and the new line will run in a northeasterly direction. Oatman is nearer to Kingman than Topock. but between Oatman and the I county Heal i " ,v.,.m.. --. j which the most powerful automobiles nave oiriicuii. in ii.hmh6. - "- Jiresent time supplies and machinery or Oatman and Gold Road are freighted from Kingman by motor trucks and mule wagons. The busi ness more than justifies a railroad, for 50 companies are operating In the new district. Three of the mines are heay producers. CITY OFFICIALS TO BE MOVED DOWN STAIRS IN THE CITY HALL Radical changes in the arrangement of offices in the city hall will be made. as a result of the remodeling of the basement of the building The present plan is to put all of the departments, except the bookkeeping department and the city clerk's office, on the first floor and In the base ment The removal of the sanitary commissioner's office and the building inspector's office from the second floor, will make room for aldermen's offices., Aldermen John W. Fisher of the street and aUeys department and W. G. Jolly, of the fire, police and building depart ment will occupy the offices to be va cated by the sanitary commissioners: while aldermen R. B. Stevens, of the tax and finance department and alderman J P O'Connor, of the water and sani tary department will have the office now occupied by the building inspector. The of fiie now used by mayor Tom Lea and the aldermen will be converted into a private office for the mayor. It is probable that the engineering department will go in the basement to gether with one or two other depart- "Thf office of W P. B. MeSain. city tax assessor and collector, will not be disturbed, but Is being rearranged. YOU'RE BILIOUS! GLEAM Lli 10 BOIJJJ TONIGHT Don't stay headachy, sick, or have bad breath and sour stomach. Wake up feeling fine! 'Best laxative for snen, women and children. Enjoy life' Remoe the liter and bowel poison whiLh is keeping our head dixsy, vour tongue coated, breath offensive, and stomach sour Don t stay bllious. sick, headach. constipated and full of cold. Whv don't you get a box of Cascarets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleans mir on ei pxoeri-ntttl Yon will ! iK.- up fe- linK fit and fin' f'ascarets ' nvt - npt or nken like saUs, pills I and calomel. They act so gentlv that I ou hardly re-i'ize you hpx taken a cathartic Mothers shouM gn e cross, so k t.ihous or feensh cliilhen .1 who!. I'iscaret any t"iie the act tho-oughlj and aie harml- ?s A lv. JWORK WHILE YOU SLEEPJ Strike in Nelson Mine is One of Richest Made in the Crown King District. Crown King. Ariz.. Nov. 11. As work progresses at the Nelson mine, near Crown King, it becomes Increasingly apparent that the rich ore body re cently opened Is one of the largest and most important ever discovered In this part of Arizona. The lower tunnel, where the Dig strike was made. Is being driven ahead and an upraise started from the upper tunnel. A winze Is being sunk to connect both tunnels. That there is an nnbroken ore body in all the work ings has now been proved. Ore is to be trammed ont through the 1o.t tunnel and transported to Cronn King over the Nelson company's electric railroad The first delivery of ore should be made at this place within a short time. The railroad Is being rebuilt Heavier rail are renlacmg the light steel originally laid and an electrically op erated dumping car has been ordered. New ore bins are being constructed. No Idle Miners. There is not an Idle miner In the Crown King district A dozen mines are in regular operation and the own ers of other property are doing their annual assessment work. Practically all transportation is by means of pack trains and several mines ready to ship are being help up till the packers can fulfill present contracts. There Is much agitation for a wagon road from Mayer to Crown King, which would relieve the ore congestion to a great extent. A thousand sacks of rich ore are being packed from the Falrvlew mine to Crown King. From this point the ore is shipped to market by ralL I'ittobunr Mine Ilevived. C. E. Chample has revived his Pitts burg mine, near Briggs, on Castle creek. He plana to begin shipping at once as a large quantity of rich ore is exposed. The nearest station is 30 miles away. YEARS Ago Today From The Ueraid of Tnla Date. 19CU El Paso tonight ranged itself along the banks of the Rio Grande and watched the long lines of fires on the extended ridge of the mountains back of Juarez after theanclent customs of the Mexican Indiana. Many knowing of the old story of the expected return of Montexuma to his people by way ot the Great North Pass declared they had not witnessed many such nights in all then- lives. J. J. Finney, of Lebanon. Term., -arrived here today to make his home. Jack Morrison is preparing to build a handsome residence on Magoffin avuiue. George Look shipped 27 head of reg istered cattle to his ranch near Cases Grandes today. G. R. Herndon and W. T. Myers from Guadalajara. Mexico, are in El Paso looking for locations. Vance Fulkerson. who has been spending a thirty days' leave in east Texas, returned home to El Paso today and goes back to his work in the cus toms house. A nine pound baby girl arrived at the home of J. H. Robinson this morn ing, finding J. H. one of the Jubilant papas of the great southwest About the same time a bouncing boy arrived at Charlie Hall's house. Two very fine trophies are on exhi bition In A. H. Richard's window, td be awarded to winners in special classes during the winter carnival's cattle show, and donated by A. H. Richards and H. C Myles. The Daily Novelette HOMESICK. THE lone traveler plodded wearily onwards, sighing sorely, panting pitifully. Tin homesick, that's the matter wKh me." he groaned. "Only been gone a month, and homesick, I'm a fine one. I ami" And he trudged tearfully. The wind whistled Tlpperary" through the naked branches, a few dry sturgeon leaves fluttered down, every thing spoke of approaching winter. "Homesick"" he mattered resentfully. Tm a softie. I am. Homesick V And be meandered mournfully, mut tering. Overhead the sky was gray and cold, and. with the exception of a few shiv ering titolinks. no birds were visible. "I can't ststad it:" cried the lone trav eler. "I give in. Oh. what a softie!" And the tramp knocked on the door of the next jail he passed and asked please to be pinched over the cold weather. BREAKING OF AMMONIA TANK DRIVES EMPLOYES'FROM STORE The breaking of an ammonia pipe ht the Kelly-Pollard drug store. n their cooling plant In the basement Of the Sheldon hotel at 5.30 Wednesday after noon, temporarily pnt that company out of business. The fumes coming from the store to the street were declared almost strong enough to knock a man down. The leak was soon sealed up, but the fumes hung on for several hours. W-ir - Cy r ophelta"! 1 Jr H - I 13 S WE GROW OLDER .. : i- n actue US 1H Our nuuu ; !- -- - former years but our strength does no. respond when we need it most; pernap the kidneys are weak, the liver torpu-. rheumatic pains or stiffened j ait" beset us, and we cannot easily thrvi off the colds that winter brings What we need is die rich cod n er on in Scott's Emulsion to renew the bio. d and carry strength to every organ of fie body,whileiisg'.;.cerinesoothesther piratory tract, and iti hypophospbil strengthen the excitable nenes. Scott's Emulsion is a scientific o -food, of unusual benefit to those p -t fifty years particularly during t'" colder seasons, it imparts warmth "d creates strength. One bottle wi'.! VT" its worth. No alcohol or harmful drj -Scott Bowse. MoomSeM.N J i- Good-Night Corns, Good-Boy "Gets-It 11 New-Plan Cora Remedy That Nerer Fail. The Simple, Common Sense Way. Ton poor corn-llmpers. with, corn wrinklea and heart pains Sit down tonight and put a few drops of Gets It" the simplest corn remedy in tno world, on your corns. You can apply it in Just a few seconds, without ru.zs "Gets-Itf Ends Corn Pains. Xf Ssr and Bate, toot" or trouble. What's the -oaa applylnsT salves that make toes raw and sore. that make corns swell, bandages toat make it misery to walk, tape tliat sticks, greasy ointment, and other con traptions. Get rid of corns the easv way, quick, simple, sure, new way That's common sense. Try "Gets-If also for warts and bunions. "Gets-ir can't hurt the com loosens and comes right off clean off. -Geta-If is sold at all druggists. 25c a bottle, or sent direct bv E. Law rence & Co, Chicago. Advertisement How Stomach Acids Cause Indigestion Sweeten Tour Stomach. Dissolve the Add And Sourness. Gas. laln etc. Will Promptly Stop. "If thine eye offend thee ;!uck "t out." That's the way a gool t. people treat their stomachs. Th . food that doesn't agree with tr-t that ferments, sours and causes s- -- biting acid to form In their stomj. which then begins to burn. Wfca' j belch gas and wind. This the-. 1 , indigestion and use some disgesnw p to stop the pain and get the ' gested ont of the stomach. Art if digestion pushes this food, still and acid into the intestines whe-e " discomfort and pain stop but t - damage still goes on. Frequent fr -ing into the intestines of improp.-i digested sour acid food means futc-e intestinal disorders. Every time -take a remedy that artificallv digests food yon are weakening your stat ach by denying It needful exc-cise. Tt should be made to do its own wo-k and will, If you will let it To reha-e stomach distress after eating r-ere. take some simple antacid that reaching the disordered stomach w!' neutralize and sweeten all Its food con tents. Dissolve the add. and paj belching. burning, etc-, will promptly cease and healthy, natural, normal di gestion quickly follow Too raa easily and quickly prove this bv slrn- -taking a teaspoonful of pure bisu-a'el magnesia in a quarter glass of hot wa ter the verv next time your stomach troubles you. As there are several forms of magnesia yon should ask dis tinctly for bisurated magnesia whifa can be obtained from drugsnsts veri where and which will sweeten the -in' In yonr stomach and relieve all ii -tress and la moreover entirely ha-r less. Some druggists keep the bisur ated magnesia in tablet form as welL This Is equally valuable and sometlmps amrev. convenient to take. Adr. Thin People Can Increase Weight Tatm men and women who would Tftt t imcreaae their wetcht with 10 or 15 pour 's o lmlthr ".rtay theiV fat should t-y cr lar a little Sarffol with their meats for a while Bd note results. Here la a sreoj test worth txrlBff. First welch yourself ara measure yrureTf. Than take Sarso1 one tablet with every mea! for two -wee Them weigh and measure acain, T Isn't a question ot how yoa look, or fee' r what your friends say and think. The sca. ? and the tape measure will tell their cwa story, and many thin inea and woran r believe can easily aiM 'from fHe t o pounds in the first fourteen days bv- lowing this iirhplt direction. And btKt d all. the new flesh-ta pnt. Sargol does not if 1 1 e Lf make f j. t 1 mixing with your fool. i aim- to tj-i fats, sugir aid tir he, of what i fr eaten, irto n h rip i-t producinR t---ment for the tiut" unit blood prer " In an easily .i-mt.i! M form h e blood can ra )il accept. Much r? tv nourishment now pave- from ojr Tv U waste But Sartrol work to stop tl t x-. xml do it quit-kl) m t- make th. f i , due in it contenis f th e-y sax it - are a' nr nou d e p pound ai ' i of heUth ffi ' ttri your -. s- bon ;-.irKol i-t - it p t Asant fill "t inc-xp niv. V K ard otr-tr druKHi-t' in tri- i.i- 'y sll ' bot- f. rt il o a pruki-.- guarantee at u cM n rease or r ' as found in each large box. Vlf Call 1544 For Weed, Coal, Hay, Grain aad Poultry Supplies Rio Grande Fuel and Feed Company 3S0 S. St. Vraio. raoee ir-M. D. TV. CROSX. Prop. l ; ig,lUnmmmMWKa I'VH am 71rlH