Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD & TI Lir, Xov. 11, 1013. 1"IM SPEGilLS70CKS IEEHE STRONG Copper Shares Are Also i.ea.uinf. jrecuoxe: jKail- road issues Recede. a! nns i 11 reflect closing pries. N v 11 Stef..a.Uies and cop- 'i sironK fentmres of today lorr.'ou.. recession la rmllrsd n m-- on of the London stork - " """ 4arii un.ser tue lead idwe w-. -- n .- -.- .- .- Lnited Stt Steel ' n,e. with December at SH3,wS. t and .inn LISxED STOCKS ' A-oc'ated, Prest i 11 -PeJlcwinx at the Nrtr Stau-k nwa-avIr tiu- F'ucks meatfoned: ! . r iufimes U ; oper T j .-.-..... ..1C, --......., 64 i j ppe- 4 ' '..l-lS I , . t U2a I . ...X.X7s ! S7"4 1 pfaL..i Ult HON .am METALS. . tOSK KaVstaUST. a oc'a'ed Prass.1 Mil II Mercantile troiis .ii irty and ninety daya i months g per ccnt- at.T jvllng rate 1. e'-ctrolytie flg.lS.S. 1 Nortbera Sl.lsayl . M :itl.75: Ko. l South No. 2 goutbtia S1CS t-nj; quotes ttm spat - jens 4qsatsm lead at SS.15. I'jNnav Nor oltowa -11 r ts -'. fat iii futures CICC, aSS. I- r.. Nov. ce - per cent. . Short 'hills r. r nt. ' MAstaXBT. urrtnT 14. 4 U . j-rn . H Ij.j -metter flsilssl its. i t ted Daily I !iiruy & HsjTsaoa IT SSS. MEXITAN PaOCBR. i l' Hi Pseo exchange system. i Ll 1 a-.o street. m jj t S-SS ru. j.- erccruz S-2J J-SS . y ti-rlo- mixtea IXSS vt . ii.i y Iaondres y Mexico. IS SS :r.- SSS S2.S0 ano 4JSS' jIVSSTCSK ti'raTo Liintain asaa. i ,1 -!.. 11 Hogs Receipts 21,-1 o e cents usjder Thurs- r i, Bj k Sf 25ACSS. light S5.SS . '' " -0. pies SS.TS0S.SS r f nt imjh, market steady Na. -'ri $ 'OSTltUS. wislliu steers a- 5-TOgS.lSl calves SCSSs) r' 12 SSS. marlaet weak. lamos . ns iv i iv -fccr-dc C. M Nov 11 Hogs Receipts rl ', . r Bulk SC.XSet.SS. heavy : , i; Itil. pigs SS 5e.2a I pi" -aftO. market steady. -v ;..,-,? 1. dressed beef o r n outbern steers SS.254SI SS. 0 '.. ca'es SS.SS4J1SSS - i iHX market steady. ; v., yearlings St:ST.2S. f K ' .a it IS ..-! IirratecL. Close. iv 7elr-r Hotel, i : ' P- 21 Including SS held 1 11 c P t p J 'ulK ti i n ;ipi o2dri including 1SS enives I .J on al classes. Beef steers r ! t5 ,((! heifers S4.5S4J , ci fi,r.. m - ,t.M. ea caaa? a I" - r r 09S.ST5. cows SS 2S0S.SS. ' 7 50 elves St.SSS)S.2S. , rtrts 100 stesdv i Cotton Market. r t-k (ottan. CSese. T - N-i 11 Spot cotton steady. i up mi 11 si Sales 14SS u (sd btady Dec 11 S3: Jan. Mirrh 121 May 12.13 July 12.15. 11 ' AM)EH'0 PRKEK IS FRRKI) OF Vt.'.RW 1TED ASSri-T CII 1RGK Tu th -s of nGr-son Parker, chained a raa'.d issault in connection R i Hie- rl th of G W BrubaAer in j A r i i v nt to the jury in the county j m' -i o-'t'i rftei noon Thursday and i a " ' ct of u tt truUtv" was returned , T ee errw ut of a fight that oc- i . . , 3 .... . - 1 n s .S Tft VasT St lames? a HI H U "1 " I 'II 11 ( SaSsl ST uraj IsavLTW ptr-t in . nuh Krubaker suXfered in ji fron which he died two week Inn. dollar aved by buying poods pro dj d elsewhere is a dollar thrown at yojr reis:hb6s birds. CIS. ali: 1U Bar aDverl Fs-octJuiT and three ( y I PUZZLE PICTURE MHKKK Ir UhK PlRTNKKf ' flower vou we are rerd U iw n . No T" u-h ou sit all aJone with jour hanN in your li t tr 4 r kc not it e !- nil nt- r m' tht- t. . -tl ou to binili the poor 1 ri clpn 1NSUERTO lEHTr.RDll S l'l ZZLU r yiki corner dovrn, nose at back of neck. Ll. !BULUSH CABLES IICE IBT , Enlarged Offerings Weaken i t-orii.: uats iuuuw Changes in -trices. Chicago. I1L. Nor 11 Strms rather and bullish cables gat the uheal market to day an upward rwing opvnins prices whiru ranged from r S to c higher with December at SI C4", to SI at1 and May at SI SS to SI ;, followed by slight further gains tat then a moderate reaction. ! Compare, vita KrtnfJa)-' finish the I , .!, 1 r 1 . a. ae a tikes . Enlarged offerings from tb country weak- eaed corn. After opeclag unchanged in 4Sc higher the market receded well below Wedne-.days finish. A((V ... - , -v 49 -- PKa aadauaaa, savr iraar F (a. ID g C IawE ! i Oats merely followed the baegts in the price of com. Provisions followed wit), hogs. Grain and Provisions. Omra Srs Tfcw-i TSTiett Oec iltZls. May t.4. Coi-Dk. SSc May c Oatz-rDec SJV.C May 3c. aw:.-"! i.o:ioaf. c. Perk Dec MSI. Jan. 't. ard Jan. S-Si May - ' Ribs Jan. 8 . May Si tviimi 1 .-jr Ctaoe Kaaaaa Ory. Mo Kor I' Wbesvt -N. I bant LS1-1.7. No 2 reJ. 1 SSl-lS. Dec SSe: May SIMSsi Con iwn. 2 mixed 59c. No. wbith SS-lt 9lc. Dec S5'ec. May SSc- , , Ont So. z mile nine. r.o. - . S4c - j Kanrxs CT VI. Nor." 11. Bajtter Crcun-ery ic. firs-ji. 2c. second. 2ie. packing. ISIaC. 71... ... f i Poultry Hens. 11 fee; young roosters, 12c 1 trailers, lse. LlV(I SalSiSarSal ! . J Kew Terk. Nov 11 AB srades of refine-) sugar were advanced tea cents per 1W ncalds today I WSATHES BUIiSTIN. I U. M. IM5PKTMirfT OF AfJRKXI-TrilS. HE.1TH&B MaZIt'. , Observation taken ".l.So Va oT ?x?Ti.JC' ,? ,.1? ll, i- J""rn"Ik- . l . " Ity ea'r onhtand frost - !- jv Mexico and Arizona Tonight azd Kr, lay fair, net tnuc i hange in terpcrature V.est Tcxaa To nirt. fair, colder In east portion, treat, i probe My freealngm j :h- Pan-aJ Fr!- Relative hwmld'ty in Kl Pus at 1 p. i Thur-U.. I. rt.a Predpitation In last 14 hewn (in inches) tcatner at 8 a. m , j. laourest temp, last night 'I 1 Highest yesterday i j 1 Temp, at S a- m I 1 I i - Abilene it 82 it cloudy Amaritte K 71 H dear Atlanta.. SI n K cloudy Boise -...M 4S 22 snow 1 HSUM S .2 4S pt-CM) I Chicago is SS SS cloudy i dnrinnaH -2 4 -SS cloudy uenver n k h ciear Detroit r 4 4S Doluth .... ..... 42 It cloudy 4S rain pt eld) clear clouoy pt cldy cloudy clear pt. cldy cloudy cVssdy clowdy 1 elear ejesr dear rain cloudy El Paso 4S 71 Galvesion 7C SS Havre IS 2S 38 T IS IS SS 4t JacksonvCfle SS SS Little Rock TS IS ' ILosang - les 48 SS Nashville ct ic C4 New Orleans TS 84 7S New York. 44 Si 4S J St 24 S3 2 28 IS 42 2 St t2 TS ts 41 78 74 St Pheenis Rapid City. .'. Raswell - St. Louis Salt Lake City San AntonJo San Prancisce , Suits Fe Seattle SS V S4 tt St SS 4 4S 4C 28 SS 48 71 it clear IS clear t ctoudy S clear 4t pt-cMy Washington ... . w,-ichJta7 J" 44 4 42 clear Note Amounts of prexxnltatloa of thaat .SI ef an inch are net uvbUshed hereon. - ., twanaBrsSave ra nasn I J - j w am. . :nc rasive is.i i. 1 to Nov S. inciuclve. 1S12 IS ts In. ... S.SC in. . . S St In. ...11 SS in. Jsn. 1 to Nov. S. In-iuidve. 113 Jan. 1 to Nov S. inclusive. 111. f ante f van Thlswaj 4ft awaarTswstshB. ISsI i S 83 In. I NormaL Jan. 1 to Nov lnclnsi t.l In. Water ContHtlona, Rio (irandr Project. Hetcm of Water Behind Oontems Dam C a m AtFi Elephant Butte dam X1 J4.4&; Increase in i4 hoars .1 4 FloT of river at San Marcial 2fe second ft Flow from -eervoir. second ft. For irriffation. lafeasburv canal second ft! For IrriKaUrsax Franklin canal second ft. For irriatioa. a Three Saints ditch 0 second ft. Date. Nov 1 1915 OK9T. PBRSHIXG IXSIECTS REtJISEXT VT SLKS Nosalcs. Arbu Nov. 11 BriK Oen. J J. Pershing inspected the 12th cav alr during his stay here Tsie repi neat was tarnBd out with full eQUip ment. including trenching tools The ambulances and supply wagons aUo were out. An entire clay was spent in drills and inspection. lap. ; tf"crs2istti x I IrB3l9lRSUXs .1 'I " " sW wK ! : l GDPPERS SHOW B STRENGTH Market Opens Strong and .wyc luumuav, wuy- pers Being Leaders. i'oppcr 8tok wre nil strong durlnc the mrmn trading Tburdoj. Sh tttuck beinr the leader and aJ anting to 24 a new high rc-ctrd The mirk' t opened Ktronc and active, with well above yesterd-y s clone, according to advices to Curtl-s. Man nine Co.. six.ks and lont'? Flnt X-itloaal bank bttildinE. A continuation of the, good hnyiaa of resterdar amonx th railroad and Inrertment fassoea was in evidence from the opening. Reports of large tthlpmenta of lead ( ore us mddJUon to maximum of copper predoctSon were responrible for th rise iD copper ttoc-ks. New Cornelia copper made a further gain advancing to $! per snare . IXlXXa niDIaPr WB1I rsTW STTroniT aiHI smsTwas - --"---.. . . ". .. .: . Ustv. lBsiurauoB and Anaconda all naade good gains. Among the "war epecialUet. real support waa shown for the first time In IS daya. and rjl taaaes nt this class sold high-r note. My Baldwin Ixw-omoUre. Bethlehem Steel and Crucible SteeL fn the railroad stock-. Canadian and Union Pacific were tie le.-er, rising sharp ly np to noon. IntonaT Industrials. L" S Steel waa very active at advancing prices Automobile and equipment irvues all made up their losses of the part few days. A: noon the enure market waa e inin.. At the dose American Sme'lem fcatur" Cie metal share, selllue; up to . Ana coada also closed very s-rong at ST raim. Ht..ti. kaeiertai.i. . T allowin.r wire ouotations fumiahed ,- curtima. Manning Co.. giro the elaaias jjrice, American Smelters . . . .. ST .. SS44 .. M, .. ttVz , calumet J. AaSzona Chlno i Cefp-nr Ranse . Tk. rtftib.rialv .- " ... .. 11 it eaaMa-aJnnea laspiraUoa Hz , SI M sh-s'j , M'i 2'. ."--; !a',fSi."y T Ceawslmatted jthannon .........--............" Shattnxk :. 1 United Verde Kxteastea ... .- Inssnt.-k-J ami HaOread Marks. Amerl-an Car : Foundry 2j 1 n-u. at AalA Da-Ji ZC?1 iiX gIeW areei: ."":::: ' Canadian PacUle , Colorsd- Voe A Iron icmcll. Steel I Great Xorthern Ore I LcLwaina Steel Mexican Petroleum M1Jta g, I MisJoml Pacific ! Rock I-laiid t SL Paul j u s. Rubber I XlrslnJa-Carolina Chemical j ( !"I""4S5 'Canadian PacUle lat - TSt, ::::::. Sfc ue su .. . 2S S5 J4S .. . 4.8. Notice To CassfffeJ Advertisers All Cmsslfled Advertising ordered to ran Indefinitely (t. f.1 must be in writ Ins No L. t advertisements accepted ov- the telephone Orders te tteea tlnue t f. ads roust also he in writing and caMaet he scented over lb tele phone. A stop order receipt will be given when a t. f ad H ordered discontinued. Rates For Gassified Ads: 3se Cent oir Word. Nt charge less than $ 25 Sis Conieentive Inser tions, per Word ........ .05 Answers to Herald Adt. The fotlonins list of uncalled for answers to Herald Want Adevrtise BMtits are no being held for -ieilverr at The Herald business office: A J W R 1ST B 2S2S S 43 B TS S ltt' G R W 2St la W A W an I O IT VMi la W H X M US ' Cash O 147 State O 14S P E M R IS Ebrista Peanda Lost and Found MIST Maltese cat. Reward. 413 Wyorainc. LOST Golsi link bracelet. Reward. Phone IST 2 pheasanta. Phone 27. 28St Kast Rio Grande St. Suitable reward. C. P Hoe tetter JBHKV cow ami calf grayed. Finder re turnine; recetvins a reasonable reward. Phone C77t M. Personal. SPiKKleLA CORsKT. Mfa. Hlilett. Ph. S7fc L.CK CURTAINS Kramer Phone S7M cleaned beantifally. BARGAIN LB in Udies and children's hats. Elite Hair Parlors. :iC Texas. MRS. HAMLIN has reopened her drea mak ing parlors and will be clad to roe all former riitomer and alro near patrons. 71S N. Ochoa. Phone 1UCJ SpedaIRoHc. AILEKN IU:i:C.S preparations at Ryans. MArTKHSEir renovated ind made to order. R. i Daniel Furn t Matt. Fety 1 CHIMMiV TKKr Stores set np and re 1 paired. Phone 47CS. 414 S- Stanton. IIOUMTS TILVNFKK Phone ISCt. Prompt and re i able service. PURMTLKK repetreo. reflniahed. stored. Expert workman. Phone ttt. uphol- TIKKKV SHOOT tl of Cilnt on north loop road Sunday. November 14th TIIOK .VlHI.Nt, to join the Spanish clar should write to M. A R. care Herald. $2,$ a month three lessons a week. HCNTEKf. ATTENTION Let me sell you your Xe Sfrxlo license. Scott B. WnUams. C oud croft. X .ML gFxnancIal. WTMI to inet $3ov lth service In re liable El Paso business. C 21. care Herald. Money to Lean. HIVE from 510 see to S2. cIoe in improved city property P O Box C99 lo loan on R. Kaylor. 11 at. DO a general loan business, buy notes. can make loans to be repaid In easy In stalments to salt your incoaie. The money is always ready No delay Booitable Loan A"n 314-315 Trust Bldg. Business Chances. GHOCl.Kl TOi:iX doing 15t monthly business, for invoke SS32..4) D S- Arias A Co 27 Trust Bldg FOK MI AS First .Issn small restaurant In gootl healthy town For particulars write S. H i.k.ttf..n. Alpine. Texas. HISINESis C1IANCE. that is my specialty. u you uant to bu or bell any i-lzed business in El Pato or any a here In the southwest. See me ui once. H E. Carter, with James L. Marr A Co. ' DO OV UANT A H1RG1IN A nice restaurant, right down town doing good bsalneas. Hill invoice 39. 3379 cash takes it. See 31 r. Rice. 1st Nat Banfc Bldg Phone SIX I-OR I-.D OR t.ENTLEMlN. " Nic little ip-ir np 1 mdy stand rheap rent. H er luint v .i wi 1 let it go for f. ft C4-h See Mr Rice. Raraey Rros. COS first Nat. Bank B.dg Phone 613 Easiness Caancei. OK SLE Seieral rent houses, one rel d noe and saloon doing excellent business. anla Klta. 1119 OS month!? pay roll. A i haiif.'' of residence b owner necessary. A'Wr. as C Canllo. Box 143. Santa, Rita. N. M Wanted Helo male W ITKK WANTED. Ilrkwlclt Cafe. 1 C.t Ral Estate Salesman wanted, at once. t 1'rnnrbaLer, 2 ISrpubHr. Itldjr. - i MANTKI1 Han to drill welL I'hene Clint i Mercantile and Hanging Cat. Clint. Texas. V LMK,r. """ "-1- ,MS '"UV-''-S J3mt iinicpr) lore ' A barber, steady job. 1S San Francisco St I I JIAHKET MAN give bouse rent free in a i alee clean grocery store. For further infor- mation Phone J7S 1 - rr: : : : I V22 '"SrSSy Sf dZr, J,' Box 95. Anthony, X X. W VTKII Expert window trimmer ooce a ueek Apply at Beach's Art Shop, City National Bank Bide. J 5IKX Our illustrated catalogue explains how we leacn oaroer Lrmon in lew weeks swm free r:ic Moler Barber College. TL Worth, reraa. WAN n:i Sir first class plasterers, union iob and union wages. J W McQuade Con tractor T. M C A Albuquerque. N M- Help Wasted Hale ana Female AIIK )l out of a Job' Call at 1SS San An tonio St. next to Wigwam theater for propo- i sition Ak for Mr Tidbai! I K: M 'IFi: MANTKH To vork on dairy farm alu. t have experience and fur- nlsh referfioct o children wanted. Perma I nent Job for right man. Apply Model Dairy Co. Alpine. Texas. Wonted Helrj Female. KIaeiNCi:il cook for mornings only CM asansgeaaawMS B fas' ,ll B1UICU SallllCSgap 1 fiva L-ytll i M. 703 N Santa Ft BOOQ w"Kn I9r Eenerai n-w j worst a.r. E. J Hutabie. Doagias. Aria, t - ..ffc. AiunnvH w !! avjual aereal -Pbakn'. ela W.:NVKI Geod English speaking Mexlcai ! girt. Mast stay nighla. Phone SSSS AlANTKl) Yeang : cashier and telephone girl, must he strictly bualnemand write ' legible hanJ. WritejCiS Herald. ituctions Wanted male ! CARPISNTBK wants work. Price no object. Phone Carpenter 4S12. tVANTKl Small Phone CS1S. jobs. carpenter work. MAN AMI Wlfi: (lt.res position in or eg toun. A. D are Hi ra i. ---- it A N rKI) Pom Ion hi experienced grocery clerk. infiol up ixlale store References ex- thanked Auurea No 10. tar? Herald. VlA.NTKll Situ-tion by Japanese cook. Beat of reference- tlty or eoumr Address Kane 10. V Seiond Su. El Pao. Texan M1H stenographer, bookkeeper, speak Enrllsh wints general office work. Write 4e Vl yorilng St. or care Herald. U Irigoyen, Ill-ill ION wanted aa clerk or secretary. Thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, sten ography and business methods. Reae and. nrite Spanish. C 2S. care Herald. II tNTKD By middle aged man BOW em plocd. position as bookkeeper or aeeouatnnt. understands typewriting City references as to abi ity and character. Address X. 1, tre Herald. .PKIiILNLBr t-erman sans. re maker and pork packer ur all round man wnnts work In healthy countr In New Mexico er Texas. Can furnish references or start on trial. K. 12. care Herald "iOrNa MAN. 21 years, steno-bookkeeper. wanta position in office. JSxperlenee. good reference end willing te work. Salary no object Go anywhere. Address D. t. Herald re rOMTlON ...VTEI By younc man. ex-1 perlenced in cotton business, atatrart office, j expert cypewnier. sooer. aniDiisOua. oeac rei- i rvitr-M Anv awwrit (a. -iwsrswrlta'aM( InArmt ' ' jisriarv Addre-M FL M. TiL. Tlar 342. A1ita. fgordo X M- Sitnaiions W-intcd resale . AN T1J Family washing. Phone :- W. UANTK1) Lace curtains to wash. Vh. 3478. W.VNTI.n Office work by typewriter Phone -. It- lady. Can use PIANIhT want single or orrhestra work, evenings, write c Z. care Herald. WANTK1 Position by practical nurse to care for convaiescept or Infant. Phone 34 R. (ilUDLATK nurse (R. N wishes ntloii as aasiatant in vrm. ozxtce. wrtte a. 4, eare iier- llAXTKli Work by Spanish speaking wom an, kind to children, good references. Phone 3S73. WANTED To two furnished Phtvae CCS3 age roonalng house for is and stoat! salary. EXPERT stenographer desires -irk Sun- days or evenings. Has own typewriter. Ad- .AVTKI1 By young lady, place as tele- phone girl or general office work. Doctors office preferred. D. 4. care Herald. POMTION By youag expK!onced woman to take charge of apartment or rooming house, good references. Address A. P. care Herald. noOKKKPKK or foreign correspoadent. Toung lady experienced, knowing Spanish. German. Krench. English, wants hourly or i daily work. Elise 519 K. Rio Grande I City JVankd RealEstate. lit A Kit walUng for 4 room brick in Highland Park. IA. what you hY at once. Hawkins Bros. WAITED LOTS In Alta Vista or Gov HHL liust be cheap and worth the money. "Write at once C 24 care Herald. Wanted to Rent. CHICKEN RANCH between El Paso Ysleta. Address 217 Federal St. 1. ANTED C Nov I1 clo room house unfunushed - in. Phone .-. M. by Wanted Miscellaneous. 11 ANTED Cook "ttove. Pbone 3. UANTED floor case ' -To buy second band plate glass to S feet long Phone 2392. 11 ANTED Good single harness suitable for delier v agon. Phone 3S44. 11 ANTED All kinds of metals and junk at current market price, Herman Block L Co. Tl4-7U-7Hv S Oregon Phone i4S3L CNDEKTAKING Bl .nINE 11 INTEl Toan of lS.Wt AV ill build to suit desirable location. Gle long lease. Only one business this kind, there. Hw pay roll of f3M. monthly H E Stone. El Paso For Rent Houses rurnished. J ROOM' furnished 5. Phone CS2 M- PLRNIbllED 4 room cottage, with sleeping porch. 64 Montana. MODKRN HOME; rent or lesseT D. S care Herald. NICEL1 furnished 6 room bungalow. In I7S Address K 3. rare Herald. NICEIA furnisbeU newly renotated cottage. Sll Montana I-OIv RENT In Grand Mew. modern room, furnished bungalow phone 4r. 4 FURNISHED tent house, z rooms and porch, suburbs. Pbone 257 OK RENT Houses housekeeping rooms i and sleeping porch 319 per month. 2914) , aNempnis at. FfJI&NIMIKD 7 room house 4 porches, targe garage Phone 5-44 or j!04 Address R. it. No. 1 Box 33. 10 ROOM modern, full furnishes elegant place, 15 Montana St lie per month. Newman IntrMmrnt Co. Phone SS9 FDR RENT In ..rami lew nihe! roi ni frame tiUf.g Io' h t ie in Vrn rtienlt-T, No i k 1- t li!i-(v r t I- i I ur fur l MjVepint, Prlc. SI" r- r I i i pi w i k n rtii 1 ink. to urand Ae ply ZZ19 O ran a A.e. jForJ 4- ' Mitt file Real Houses UnTurnlsnea. room house oov Hill Phone 5S22. TllltKK rooms, bath and large garage. !il! Wyoming Phone -44a I New 5 room bungalow arlth healing plant SSS 5 room bungalow on paved street .S27S room furnished apartment Sunset Heights SSS St lllalr & KIos. 411 Roberta Banner Bldg. or Phone 1441. I-MTIIMMIKU. Kstrella and Plnley & rooms Alameda Are. 4 rooms S. P ...... FIKMMIKI1. ..IN . Ie i Montana St close In. ' .) 44 block Montana. S rooma. beatlnr plmBt. ilakabwalnsr tlAPIh SCA County road. 1 rooms, garage, sleeping I porches, etc SCt i OTICK TO BR Vet am handle your J property We appreciate your business and I gfTe ft our careful personal attention. Save t j ou ots of time and rry i I jinn i Marr X Co I Scceon. to A.l., M. C. 34 ban Artomo St. For Rent Apartment Furnish-d. AI.BANUR1 Aptr Phoao M-ti. KI.ATO AITS, and rooma. Phone ISSS. i 'UKM5IIKI apartment 117 -N I (INK Meara heated apartment, modem, eloee . In. Phone iM. MCK apt. I; n home. heat, running water. Phone S J. I A SBT Of Il.iClIEI.OR'. especially desired for an apt. at C2S N El I1M5 1IAI.I. apartment at the Echo. 112 Myrtle Phone KiJ ICB Meam heated apartment 111 Montana. Phone !2a. , S.TK.1M HrLVTKIl aoar:ments. vary desirable j for roapi,, i:ts x Oregon. Tltll nicely furnished MS Mesa phone 514:. MCKI.Y furnished apt. close in. steam heat. I p-o-l 7ta M. nil it room fnrm-hed apartment Ilamsey Phone J5X rITfVT hsrl n-Am hath kit hen sleeping Phone SS2D. 422 I porch. In private fami! j aft.r s 3S p. m. ; .-oil SA1.K rurnlture or & room apartment, ' . . .-n u . . i. Hh. apt. for rent Call Brazos Apt. IS Phone ! 2SST V. I Jlir. mjijiii. l. The most elegantly and individually fur- nished apartment house in the southwest. I ..a. i ii i l ,,i I Uln.l. rmm and j bath garages for automobile owners. Phone laax 117 izis ureiTon. For Rent Apartaenfc Unfarnished. NICK four room apartment on Boulevard for rent about November tuentieth. Phone r t ' FOR BBXT i large rooms 1R A.1? ei IrZmZiir: with closet. 1vate batb and pstairs flat unfurnished. 3 i , .leeplng porcn. also one neu f bath. 1218 Montana. 1 I adjoining; j T WCTORIV APARTMENTS. Oregon snd River streets New. 4 rooms each, strictlr up-to-the-minute, bed. refriger ator, gas rxLiige. shades, liaoieum on kitchen floor, steam heat. Make your reservatlon Ready shout Nov lata Andcrson-IIUer. Sle" A;. Phones 4S1-142S. :ents. NEW BINKLEY I-KTMENTS-. Corner Cnnon and FlVher !. 11. ..- ..u... .. 1..... .11. 1,!.h. ..kt hath, hardwood floors, hoffet. book cases, hailt In handsome interior flnlshinsa. pri vate porches, rear entrance absolutely sound J prWH IlSatOr-rS ailU sSrS-tllaV 1-TU IUI SjFl,-aMaamuVJ November 43 . aTamnt L- 31arr tr Cora pa nj-, -ur. to a.tin i Marr Co. yi. 3 San Antonio St Phone-" 4-SO-4151 Apartment Furnished & Unfcmiiabed. At'STIN ArAKTMlVTS. furnished and o li tnrntaiiex ew. nionern ano samiarw- fncea j reasonable. Hi Virginia 3t ioot off ol! San Antonio M. Phone 10Z For Rent Rooms Fornished I ROOM, furnace heat. Phone LS49 J ISRI i.OOM. sleeping porch. Arlsoaa. NICE .leepiag room 710 San Aatoo-o St. N'ICEL fmnihed front room. Phone 24.9 NICE desirable front room. tS N" Stanton. NICE front room. 15 Prospect. Phone 69T2 H j 1 FRiiNT t !. satesaV fanme Tjariw-aut svnt r isur I " r rtcfc- hone 44-g J . vixpttv .isiwt.'f r.UETTE Km)Ms'ClIlr Ooo ! Mills St. Phone 1739 FOR KENT Elegantly fmralslMd front l-ed l t00". Prints 1-OBae. 1411 Arlsoma. Phone 13 NICE front Phone 2181- roosa, hot water, lights, bath. A MOtVT destrable bachelor ape at XS X. El Paso St. IE.CTII-lXIa furnished room. : ilon- . n.HVANT frost room furnace heat. Phone . THE HENNAED, 423 N Oregon, modern MCEIA C39 W. furnished room, doss In. Phone fTUNIMIED room, breakfast if desired, lady preferred. Phone 932 W ONE large front ropm off porch. S4. also large oon $3. M X. Oregon. NICELY furnished room and sleeping porch suitable for two men. Phone 3233. HOl.NEKERPINb rooms, also bed rooms for gentlemen. SIS Mundy a.entte. Smelter car. FRONT room, close In. private home 214 W. I Klo Grande. Phone 32S9 J HOTEL. ADKlaANTU coxinecclng rooms with bath steam heat. Ill N. Kansas. Phone 30 la.RGE front room, dose Ln. good location. also garage Phone 3937 ' TUO furnace heated bed rooms, walking distance. Sunset Height Phone 2S9 r. NICKL furulasheu bed room, gentlemen pre ferred No sick Phone & R. TUO NICEL.Y furnished bedrooms for rent. 1 lltai Wwsnins ONr. NICEIA furnished bet! room $12 month. Phone 474 Z. FRONT room with alco.e. home Ifles N Oregon. In. private rXRNIMIHO rooms 32 S and walking distance Phone C35C W week. L.1 KG E nice heated room, running water, home healthy couple 4413 Montana. .... .....w ., , . . ... ae OR KfsXI Nicely furnlfhed room for gen- tlemaa 8e9 N Snnthn riililbaWT rooms, sleeping porches, close in. furnace heat 712 N Stanton. Phono 6192. DELMAB ROOM 417 N Stanton, run ning water free baths. iOc. SI d. $2 w up. N1CEL1 furnished rooms, good tocatlon. steam heat. Over Texas Grand Theater ICEL furnished front room, steam beat. 71 Mesa. Pbone 229. MULTIIhUN HOTEL, outside rooms. 31 week up. 423 S. El Paso KTEAM HEATED rooms U Phone 4917 N. Kansas. ROOll for gentlemen, steam heat, running water Smelter car line. 1 Day la. Phone C4e R LOl KI.l front room steam heated, half block from Cleveland Square. 77 N. Santa Fe N Ell LI furnished front room for gentlemen or ioup!e AH .1 bus and car lines. tift Airaoaa. IOR RENT -To men ont, furnished or aa ' furnished room with sleeping porch, refar- t-nce Z93 Grant Ave Phone 3S7C ELKG INT newly furnittned front with j porch, reasonable to partivs employed daring ' the da cose in Thone 4SSS ; ' .jf-'.s.ik vmotr .-. i.i,-. aa. nKCOND FUIOR front W.lroom ln Si ' home f ,r -ent. bite enameled furniture everything nei Breakfast if de4red. Isl9 j Montana street. I FOR GENTLEMEN employed, pleasant room n modern bungalow reasonable Manhattan an.I Highland Park rr. No Mrk. Phone, I s, 'T, V ilM)NOMKL furmnh-d t sm heate 1 front r m j rn itc fn h h Ir.- i i 1 .-e 'n tttr tiwr- pn e t L.em!eni 'wilh first claa'f referciice' Piiune 1742. To Classified Advertisers 7 ROM the recently completed 1 Paso it is established that THE HERALD has 56 p 'c:n greater City and Suburban circulation than onj other paper m this field TWs help to esplam why RESULTS from Want Arhertiseraents m The Herald always exceed many times the returns from similar ad.eriiseiaents ra any other local paper. I . T For Rent Rooms Furnibed. KXTfL lance front room with alcoe jte porch steam brut running hot uatrr to men only another rom adjoining sep arate beds if desired, near Boulevard. 797 N Campbell For Rent Rooms Unfarim&ed. ) niRREV-Two i - For Rent Honseeepiag Rooms Fcrnished. IIOl'MiKKBI'INC rooms o L pon. I CI.KAN housekeeping ronn. Phone 474. KOOMfe for light housekeeping i TWO clean romfonable root ICK large room with fcltcha itM.l-! hnnuiuij.. ... nu wi.. 1I01..BKEKPI0 rooms lee in. SSS7 JIOISKKEKI'INO 311 E. Uisoi,ri. room, large swnay room. housekeeping rooms. SSS amngef. TWO nicli fnrniaheil with private family. 1TSS EL BrvoV J.KillT housekeeping rooms. 1S24 Myrtle. Phpie s3k m after six. llfllnEKriEPINt. rooms with i porch. S2S SS !- Olive. th sleajpinc Ft UN I-II El) k-epiag SS2S n Tito hourekeeplng rooms. Phone Mi 111)1 iliK?:f.i'IM; and tie S13 Myr- HOI -EKl:KrlG Phone 427a J room IMC I.ICIIT housekeeping room Apt, 4. IMS E. ; Boulevard. TttO roomt-. kitchenet priate btw. south ride of house Sunset Height rawane 4SSS IIOlEKEEPIN(i KOOji.S closi Mesa. Phone 411 In. SSI WANTED Roommate for light housekeen- lug by teacher. Phone 1.87 HOLMlKEEPlNt. rooms including MBd wwing machine. 425 N Santa Fe piano Phone SS7 W T"TO newer furnished front housekeeping rooms, every convenience. No sick. Phone STt. TIKI .. kitchen and steeping porch, all . ..a.l.M... .11 Mnn.l.. .-ai ...a S o clock evenings. Phone 3SS8 R. 223 De- troll St. For Tvect Hocseieepin; Kooms Unfarnished. TttO unfurnished hon porch Phame SS2X. keeping rooma with rOR KlT Three """a ,.? porch ; Tnlaroea. Phono SM sleeping For Rent Rooms and Board. AV.VNTl.I) Couple, newly furnished 11 E Rio Grande. Phone SS2 CON AUECBNTs board sleenine porch, pri. ate family Phone 3542 W Ia.R0E front room for men excellent board. 3317 AUoseds. Phone l'i J .MS.IJ ssrved. home cooking, very reason- able Phone 5S J ROOM and board. Phone 4533 R. coaaIescents taken. ROOM snd board, home ccoklng, Stanton. Phone 6322. NICE room with large south side porch. Phone CS7Z. GOOD table board, rcoms. 46 Prospect. Phone 2S47 Mm. Wash burn. THE BACHELORS Elegantly famished rooms and two meals if desired. For men only 73 X Oregon or Phon 749 LlOV nKIHENs- S.NTORUM for con valescents on Ft. Bliss car line away from city dust and heat. Trained nurse in charge. Home enokhBg. Rates $1 to S15 per Phone 1874. For Jfenj-Stores and Offices. IUHMXS LtMXITION". In tahe heart of the shopping district. Solid plate glass front, low rent, long time lease. Jamc. L. 5Iarr Cow (Successors to Austin & Marr) 34 8an Antonio St. Phone 4 ICO. For Rent Misceiianeons. TU O GARAGES and out bouse for rent. ittS Oregon. Phone ? Cheap rent. R.NCHKS FOR LB.ll?E. Will lease ranches with abundance of grass and water thtt will support about tflt9 head of cattle. For particulars apply to Max H. Montova. San Antonio. New Mexico Socorro county Ordinance AX..ORD,NAXCE KEGfLATTN THE PUR CHASE. SALE. BXCH N1E N"D CHANGING OF MONIES FOR PROFIT flTHIN THE CITT LIMITS OF THE CITT OF EL PA0 TE BE IT ORDAIVED BT THE CITT COUN CIL OF THE CITT OF EL PSO "Section 1 Each and e.erv person firm or corporation entraged In the business of nvtnr selling exchanging or -h.nging monies for profit shall as s pre-reouisite of carrylna- on said business take out a per mit from the Citv Clerk and pay a fee of JIM therefor rietin IT Bv the term or expi ssion money as used in this ordinance t- meant snv snd all coins, bills notes or certificates Issued bv or under the of anv Government or de facto Go"errrnnt if such colas, bills notes or certificates were in tended h the isovernment or de fat to fiar- frnment st wsulng the to be u&ed or J nful for engaged or t us- vii i uiairu u1i ill' HI 4" "Section 3 That It shall be unlaw any person ir-n or corpora t'nn m Burn uuairKSM in yiMicil iraae tr us- t tomers for aid busineMii unon kn at the ' streets or sidnalks within the Cut limits of the Cit of EI Paso Texa " 'Section 4 No permit a. pro . ided for In this ordinance shall be tts-ned uiV the ol leant therefor shall file 'tn the t itv Clerk t bond approved In- s.i!d (1t CUrk. with tno or more cood and sufficient sure- "N va crvini as. (SST Uillllsllll as.UU en, .solvent corporation lmorporated under the tans Of Mai of T xas or h t Permit to lo husi nakftst in . f ti- Ststo of Ts-xsLa I which bord hall be in the sum of S7S0 e ' ror earn an 1 v.ery firm : rson or corpori tion carryins: on such businest ami ru h tond shall le paable to the Ma. or of the City of EI Paso. Texas, ind to h sort in office for th use and .entfii of any and all nersons. a his or thlr Interest may appear who shall have a u e of action against the principal in mh lond bv virtue of loss suffered bv reason of anv fraud or mlsrepreenntion of salt! p'-int aal is iwt-uin rrvauii or mDiinr n i n ne tton with the iunlui t of the pjn h i e sale exchanae and ih nrtns of mon'e ini vln h bond shall be . onditior 1 f t the pro-upt and faithful D-vm oi ut ludg- rutnts wnun th- prln iohI id tu ri tsond lutnis wnu n in shall In anv civil u.t in khc iouri of fir- atent Juris.llctlon h. condemned to pav .n ' 75 WI '"T lZtJ:w .".!l?" -I"" . aseau-a -Jt iiiisirwi r jruiMIIMii ill sue; (uuruvi 1 or ialtt hnincs Qsntlnn 1 Section Am nerson firm or rftr. - ration who .h.i tolate nv nrision uf I f thls fsrdmance hal1 upon ror let ion ther .f . r be fined In a sum of n t less than S5i 00 ' in anl not exces-slrnc irA SvMti'n The f t ih i .!- d nrnis ( iv r .'r there are m-n nd oa 'ut. t nr h uithou or torv lw p.l re- . a nitnirj thdnaing luxir 1 initi tni tthout i ti ' ales a public necesif jul'vtng the mui -ulc reoutrlng s'l 1 pension of the chrt " fl.lllll.flkAui ... IA tou.l - a a-iaas. isa .-. 4.s .aw- srgeil tao separate dava. ' snl suth chart vr rule is b. unanimous vote "f thi Iiie-inen oresen ttli mn-wT of the w -uo.n(lH ind this ordiaance hs1l fk"ff,Nt tnd ' ln t,tr ,rCm .t"1 aUr its TsasunFi ,innr n ,i Plm-eti and un o' Nofml r ll. Lea Ma or Aitent J F ! erk AN oRDfN N"CE 1EMIN. SK1TitS 1-1 d 12- OF N OPUIWV'K RKt.l - !-.T.-l- n JLC Jf' ." .JT1 ! T"1- SlT I I3i t i r t ur .ill t'r m, riNi ri- v -1:1- IT llM H THI- M M N 1e 1' n 1 - 1 1 ! ' 1 4 f an r In 1 1 . t r e I- 1 tor it, r ,, lill rtga a, Ing ir i a 1,1 h a Audit of nev spaper ci.culal'cr; m El the rrtr limits .f iw ill' r n Paso Texas, t. and the ?t i- ir b ru inwnd'd .o t , h.Mnr il i ali ill read - ' tion J ! r.h 4il cTv runnt-r as Hi it i -rm is hrin.iftcr .lcr ni L snail as ur r - t .i- o!in hi. trale take out i i.n . md Drmlt from lb- 'lt Cleric mi r. i licen. fe of J-"" oer month j, t i .- jutrlf-r! nd r-ri. a number fr ir. -til -.t trit he ihal' it all Urn-. hj an 1 . r a omfe- v Hh hi number in t t e n D '-U'jus ol if and h ne his ti- ,.nv ,rt 'it He with Mm. wht'h he hal I il wh n (all'..! usun i do PRO H' ' K r: . Il ha I ! unlawful for hit m n rum r t ol . It customers or ntv h.- tr,l. ui n v of 'he nrooertv of the I mm Depot i ".mn In the Cltv of I- 1 Pa Txa r uih n an streets or ld alk? of Ihe t'i'v of K! 1 do Texa nil ..n the lolloninc il.srlt"l district of j. . l'it U Wit Im VI 01 the n rth hv jlaitt street th . i"t t' rer' l r . t on tne soutu I, liv Eiaht'i street anil on the not DT the Rio .r in 1 er -rr on 1- Bv the trrn fr express!' n runn r a- i- 1 in tii irtmn'e Is meant l: .u .... ; i i r.on f noioTen in an n"in ir.iu-m- 1 .. . m,rr. K.,... of hnn'lnr botuw. or I t h- nroor.etor tbereor now traue ipI o- r .ei for sjid ennlorer Ppo- 'iKD Id ill El ER That nut ovt one i r. ..hall oe lltTned as a reoreentitive f anr hoi restaurant rooming house or I r lira rou- action The fact that there is no suf- fi nt orilinarce resTulatins the oocuoatioa t ru.Tier nd that said Oicuoitlon. a. th n Is l-inr carried on Is a menace tht- loTfon anJ eniovment of nasaenar ar! Manor ar-iVittar in the tltv of El Pao. r , ase of great public emeraenrv tv . irh i h rnuires the suanenslon of tho charter rule thtt no ortlinance shall ho finally adooted until IL has been read in meetina: of the Cltv Council at t i o regular neetinrs thereof and amid rule i p"- rrou vote of the ''d'mea wesem ii I a 1th the consent of the Mavor is nov re vnsnemld anfl thin or"naM sna'i l V- effect fun id aftr m Daasag-e an- J Dro il an! dontlon and duWI ation. 1 P-i o,i .nil appro. eil the 11 in dav of November 191a. Tom Laia, Mavor Attet i t Dai son Cltv fVrL AN ORPIN ivr RFi.I I TIXO THE FEElTIliN AND M AINTFN ANCE O" SHINS AND BILL Bl'ARDS IX THF riTY I I JUTS OF FL P so TEXAS AMI PEPEL1NG VLL DP.D1NINCES IN 'ONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDA1VED BT THE CTTT COUV- I CI I. OF THE C1TT OP EL P VSO pfciTiio i .o person, iirm or corpora- ' tion snan enaaae in ine wecmin o on bor la or any other class of outdoor ad- vending in the City of El Piso Texas, with out first hav ng fo and obtained from th. I ltv I'lirk a license to engage ir. such bus!- i " " i -"vctlng bill Doarr" or outdoor ad- C-II...1U& (I- Willi on ivi .una LUV Uflll hill hrre anil receive an annoal license fee of Twenty-rue IS25 001 dollars per an num SECTTOV .1. That closed signs of anv material over tw. feet wide shall not h J eri rtert oB anv handlne In the city limit . oi I ne ill? OI .1 raw 1 nM ami ii-ri icn snot more th tn two ft-ft 'V'de h- sn erected must t d! icel m the face (f th? irall of the bni'dinr udod w hich It i erccviL or to wMch it i- at achrd an I eh all not he placd at the f ri nt wai of cornl-e or roof of any bulldinr rivr l-Ti.vr t , iftri. all illnmlnnrr-d. j skv sirns. which. Inclutllna hv uoriah upoort'- and braces for the "an- are con . Rtructed entirelv of Jn ri -nav be erect1 I ; hoe the roof of apv bui h-ur ia this cit I prnTided such electricatlT il!uminat-d metal sign shall nor exiend more than thlrtv ,S feet aboe the fire wall of the buildjrg oi Vthich they are erected. anJ Drovidel that htfor such open electntaliV illumlnat! r sign shall be erected anon any bull 1 c in the City of El Pjsr jdd .cation for the same must first be mad to the buildinir n3i or and such mnnJiisition must be a i c nDamd bv sketch of the same shov.tnc j 9-t.IjV. jei 4-rinjt: iwrMrui i"i nu mznttin . and if in the judgment of the bui Id -i e inD4 to- -said sjrn I- struct am!) v safe the building tnsue tor wil! is s'l" a De-mi t for the contraction ? u.h opn elt-ctricall llumtnaled met al skv sign and until sue h oermit i granted bv the buUdius lnsnector. it sbll be unlawful to -rrt suth -Wrtricallv il luninatet -kv sign wititin the limits of the Cit of E.1 Paso. SECTIuN" 4 It sha T r unlawful to ere t or maintain any bill hoard illuminated r otherwi- in the citr limits of lie Citv Kl I"a-o Teas xcpt vithm the Ini 1 Ditr t i hereinafter d siirna'ed. aniens naid bit! joarJs ?rr mat .! at Iast a JI tan. of thrfe f-et further fr"m the fr mt str t Ii-e f said DrTDer udob wn ch th iamo are to bs erH ed or maintain. than tot front wall of anv hous-e or bal J me ..n th adjoining pro oer ties 5ECTIwN The territor In the Citv of Kt Paso Texas, bounded bv Main street on th- north Ochoa street on thv east. S-- -ond strs-ei n thV -outh. and the Rio Grar l- r(vr on the west sha'I be known as th In-Mde Di-iritt and nriihin -aid district igna and hill noariSS will he oermitted to bo erts-'e n the uroDertv Urea. SK- TION , No bill boar.! erected with a the i.. limits of the City of El Paso. TeTa ln co'-ft.rmitv with the Drovi4ons of thi ordinance mhaTl exceed fourteen ill. feet n heisht an the bottom of ah bill board Bhiil pot be less than t-rertv-feu- t24 lnce nbove the ground but thv owner of such b Ii 1 a-ds ra tr- lis the nace beTov the ttottom cf so h bill boards u th one Hi or two i I inch strips le-.insr four ( 4 . Inch -pace h-tv.en the -htii Proid horreier that the provision -euulnng h of all bill h-o?rIs to Jv- twent fd Inches abe the rround shall not op n hen said situ boards are ae(i as part " a conolete enclosure of fence around aa I us wyrr' I, SECTION" 7 411 si.rn-1 over s4t S. ..r htnFrl v. r ri etlvsait lsaa. s.aau iffAS ris i .f n th- nt I nuts of the nt of Fl Peso T. I -h ' h .e its. ini h tx e t-rv id feet of t j length of sh 1 signs and Jx. m-h h races w h i rtTs aJrm. on -ho which m 1 be of it "1." M.,,rr or oiner nn. oc euual trenrth IET1N It shail be the dutv of anv persi.n f r-n or corpor- .il.. r-ia ntainmg bi 1 boar Is w th n the eit. limits of the City . f Fl Pwn Te .a.s to kiv-p the nn.pertv -r. tlose 1 or pa-tlv enclos- bv said Mil boa-.l free fr n the i cumu'stion of f lth. weds. papers an 1 trash bFt Io 9 It shall be nnlaw'ul for a-r person firm o" co-Tor?tin erv tins c n strutting 4v ning or cont- ' irur anv v I board or in board to fai' refjue or nee lect to iils the name f the person. fi-m or corporation erecting con. t-nn. ting own ing or cortr- iling sueh bid board or sign ii j to ,,e Diain,T niarke' painted or oat lined tipor or above such bill board or siga booru in a c-nspicuous plate 'hereon. ACTION- 1- No Kign s.r hill board o r thr - ie x h -a sha'l be ercr:-1 tvithin the eit iimits i- tne Cit of M Paso. Tfi TM '." Dor" n -" to erect the same shall first anly for and obtain from the bUaMing insp, tor of the C r of El Ph s?" "n t to so erect -u h sign an I , o. .i ai.oii,HPnn ior sucR perm ; shall he ixn and if m the 1 in t" "to- 1 is j.-r ''- f '""..rin to th I"' ordinnm- such - " ' -ss.s-xi-11 r marram or sail ''tgn and if m the ludrmcnt of the tnii.- rUCUraltV ltfs X4 Iha the nts .s. --.. .. .. ..".. V V'"1 a t a. a. 'fcsa-aa urillll T1H. De I - 1 but before the im" .iSi !s- ... !HTIIi 11 U 111 1 bill niur.l. now b mr 1r41ntam.1l in he City of El x-aiui i.xa. nv an Pearson firm or cor roratfon In iolatlon the provisions of ini onllnan c are hi u i ia red to b- i 'ni he r, raovod or Trne-d SJWTTON 1.- It hall he un'anful to at 11,11 n?1v Men tn anv butMinr ir erect r -T!.'.n.,"r ,"'". h.r,' " "v rm r with n fur th- pnrn.K, of uH r ru ul'hout fi mc 1 r or. . .n I V fir: iain'1 1 r- irk am! !. nr, t i tt huihl r - th.D'h,',r. ' " 0i" or F F' t' th. huil ' ,e 1 in . r h 1 . , M iX.' ' "'"""'' '" -u '' "" 1 pers - rn tKiki-'-' o rrf t r build -sgn .r "irm -hill or. . n t- ten consen of .he o '.o-- of t " he writ- rr p?rt .t ih'N 1 . double i k v.ims sh t . - - " " " i isii i-i i nsr i' aJ Si T xai. arUs.a ' uh " "f1- nlr.ii .i ' n V"1 l? on " r or or n 1 .. f anoth r ' -n S-CTIt 1 If n pe-sn firm, cor- nw t"- , T il 11 I '( 1 n t ha. fi.u n.i. ., a. 1 . . .. I In o i -tton of p, r-ifii. -ha!l l. he profsions of this rd(nanrH ut n -onvi cion be tuiiishsj-i by a, t lv-.s than n- nir more tlian 0 lOilE-s -,,! , ,.rv Ut that - b bonrd is n t me l in vio- f -tall coastl'utc a separat I th f t - - . TIon 1 The holding b court of at s; or I ni. e t be iralu --h ill I v an oher se t raid s.-.llnane but 11 oth r bv an remain in full f or ir r CTItiN 1 1 or lin tn of ordinantes in c nf 1 t rii shall be a- 1 th -ai ir t 8WTH.N 1" ri ' l p t 1 i"r r u- sK s tn 1 t atliudi.a 'n cf th : tffect th tons of i lis sha 1 effect. and part - rdinun repea e i v nn--i' - - are t thiw i- i wttfi n; "wiui-ti a. t ,nK - a put fit n- the - j-rn n th i ill . r i'- i v rv ' , Sh ill IH -t" 1 iT ! v- i ai'op i nr tif t bv un ir I i-hm- at. i iae alst jiiasote .f tn al.lern en i !llt' "n.rn of h' M.i ul rf-iv-nt tnl suspfll le -1-1 fit fr 111 1 I "J Pa 1 l' th - i h day jii ' run -if Mil i t r it 1 Ia - ic 1 VNi I 1 n Lea. Mayor. aw sun. nu ferg. A -v. J 1 V y 4k