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EL PASO HERAIJ3 flTTDHNEY GENERAL PRDCEEDS HEIST UUp SOCIETY CHICAGO, I1L, Nov. 1L Proceedings hare been begun by the attorney general in judge Kavanaugh's "court in Chicago to put the Children's National .Tuber culosis society out of business. The organization was chartered "not for profit" but is said to have an income of 550,000 yearly trom tne saie 01 doui, the complaint says, whicj farther alleges Ihat the real purpose of the society is to publish books to obtain large sums ot money lor tne use 01 tne soaciy. An investigating committee found 18 children in the society's home at A gordo, New Mexico. Clarence Darrow, attorney for the society, denies all charges. . Dr. Paul Burmaster, head of the sodety, is now in Alamogordo. -A- DR. BURMASTER SAYS FIGHT IS MADE BY RIVAL ORGANIZATION The vhnl thlnir is 'due vo a fight , which is being made on as by the Ja l tional association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis,' saia ur. Paul Burmaster. by long distance from lamogordo, Thursday morning. "That socUU sells the Christmas stamps and we sell our publications and they are fighting us. The fight is ijn -unfair one for we do what we say we do. Clarence Darrow investigated our af fair some time ago and told me that 1 we had nothing to fear. We had heard romors of this fight but I Knew Dom ing of the case coming into court at Chicago. To Turn Overt banntorlam. "I am here to turn over the property to local people. The deal Is not far enough advanced yet to say who these neonle are. We have paid off all in debtedness on the institution and have spent 315.MO We sell our puniication: Our Tubercular Children." The people who sell these magazines are paid for it just the same as any magazine agents are-paid. A part of the profits from tne saie oi tne pudiicbiwh im The remainder goes m HOTEL RUNNERS IMULIPHf IHUEf HURT TO BE BINNED! Dff nSEHEli GOWS HEALTHY Courtcil Orders Them Away i Eighty Girls of Loretto Veterinarian Examines 2SU 'rom Union Station: Academy at lias unices and Finds All .tree rum Changers Rapped. . Spend Cay m Orcnard. MAN AND WOMAN ARE FOUND DEAD; BOTH SHOT i .wr. vm- it Bodies of l Eliza Ortiz, aged about S years and or Lester Clark, company I 18th infantrj. were found in a room here Both had . been shot and a revolver lay bfld Clark. Persons in the vicinity said there had been a violent quarrel, sounds I of breaking glass and overturned fur niture, and four shots The woman I waa wounded several times. BISHOP F. B. HOWDEN VISITS MESILLA PARK Jlesilla Park. X M . No 11 Bishop Frederick B. Howden, of the Episcopil church, arrived in the Park Tuesdav f a visit on church matters with R Hunter Lew.s. He left later for hi- home in Albuquerque. Mrs. Smith a student in the Stenog raph) department, motored with her husband to Demmg and will be absent from school I or aeigrai uj- T TI5H OB House of Lords Discusses Grave Anxiety Over the Country's Finances. London, Ens., Nov. 11 f'ear that England may go bankrupt unless present financial conditions are bet tered was expressed in the house ot lords Wednesday evening. The de bate came up on a motion by viscount Peel that the government exercise more effective supervision over naval and military expenditures. Baron Davenport said the country could not go on as it bad been in definitely and maintain financial sol vencj The marquiii of Crewe, lord president of the council, replied that the main bulk of the expenditure was on account of the importation of mu nitions and loans to the allies and the British dominions. Margin Is "Narrow. Txrd Peel, in support of his motion, said that the figures which were given as to the expenditure on war and civil establishments for a full year ap proached very nearly to the aggregate amount of the income of the nation. He doubted whether the government was sufficiently serious in referring to ecnom The government had acted onl half-heartedly in restricting the excess of imports, and while advising the nation to practice economy, there was no evidence that the government was setting an example in economy. Apprehend Forced Loan. Lord Davenport thought it likely that the go eminent would have to resort to a. forced loan. ,,., j "We cannot go on indefinitely and maintain onr financial solvency." he said. He estimated the country im ported from $SS,08.eO0 to J30,W0,0 worth of good which could be done without. The government, he urged, should have courage to recast the sys tem of separation allowances, so that no family should have more than it receiv ed before the war. Finances Cause Aaxiety. Baron Joicey. tio is a larze colliery owner, said he had no hesitation in saying that the financial situation or the country at the present time was causing a great deal of anxiety. The government, he declared, did not seera really to grasp the financial position, the waste, extravagance and reckless expenditure taking place throughout the country In connection with mili tary affairs. n. .w p-stl Suit. I have a limited number of uncalled for Suits in --w Fall materials and Stjles. These ill go at JIO and 3J. Axel Swanson. Tailor Hotel Sheldon- Advertisement. Hotel runners will no longer be per mitted to solicit business at the anion station or in that vicinity. The city council Thursda morning passed an ordinance regulating traffic 4b such manner that hotel runners will have no opportunity to ply their trade with in the district bounded by Main street. Oregon street. Eighth street and on the west by the ltto Grande Many Complaint. The ordinance has come as a re sult of numerous complaints that ho tel runners have plied their trade in behalf of unscrupulous hotel proprie tors and money changers, resulting In new arrivals, principally Mexicans, be ing short changed and overcharged. Mut !- Licensed. The ordinance further provides that a pre-requisite of plying trade shall be for the hotel runner to take out a license and permit and pay a license fee of $i per month. He is required to wear a badge and have his license AAf.lftnt.. with him Vnt more than ! one runner will be licensed as represen- iaue oi any nutri. icauiiuitui, iwvu.... house or boarding house The ordinance was passed under the emergency clause and becomes effective after 1 days of publication. Regulate Money Changera. In regulation of money changers, the council passed, under the emergency clause, an ordinance forbidding the so liciting or business on tne sireeis ui the city. A bond of S75O0. with two or more good sureties, is require!! of each I I Tuberculosis. La Mesa, X. M Nov. 11. In an thisn not make s&e.ww or anyining ntwe it. from the sale of these publications I cannot say exactly how much we did get, but it was nothing like that amount. Have 11 Children. "We have had our books audited and our books are open to anyone who wishes to examine them. I knew noth ing about the court proceedings when I came here Friday to eet the local peo ple to take charge of the sanatorium. We now have 11 children in the insti tution and have more coming. Wo charge th.em nothing and get them anywhere we find them between the ages of 4 and 14 years." LISS QUITS IS S. P. DIRECTOR New York. Xov. 11. The resignation of Cornelius X. Bliss as a director in the Southern Pacific company and the election of Frederick D. Underwood, president of the Brie railroad, to suc ceed him. were announced today at the conclusion of a meeting of the South ern Pacific's board of directors. Find a Fit Finn a Bargain. A limited nubber of uncalled tor Fall Salts wilt be sold at a BargateT Axel Swanson, Tailor. Hotel Sheldon. Adv. The special process used In preparing them better .A vena oatB are put up Avondale Brarxi- Oats is what makes In a paraffine-lined. moisture proof and airtight packages. Absolutely sanitary and free from bugs and weevil- Adv. Iji. r'nii-M X. M Nov. 11. Girls of I the Loretto academy observed apple ! .., ,, the state veterinarian rtv t the smith orchard at Mesilla examination by tne siaie Park. 80 of the pupils of the academy being taken to the orchard on drays. The girls gathered apples, played games and had a lunch In the orchard. Ap ple day observance is original witn Loretto academy and is an annual of the 1M cows belonging to members m im . ,t rieirv assoela- Ol tile newiy vta.- . j tion not a tubercular cow was ond. Among the farmers reeling daS cow this week were C.C KIgny. who .1. i: a uniatelns shinned here naa a. ot". i -:--.,.,.;, w OUNCEMEMT event with the girls or the academv. from Arizona, and G-A-, f?5' Many Greet e lllhop. I received a herd of 15 Holstelns. One of the largest crowds that has assembled at the depot since the time ex-president Taft passed through here, was at the depot yesterdaymornlng to greet bishop Schulei as he passed -. . - -...... a 1.1. war. hfiraA in mruuKn en iudio ... ,,; ...-i. .. . Kl Paso The train remained at the &, a general receiveu ii." "- " .-.-- . in J. A. Smith, ot r.i i-o. - riesa and visited all the dairy - Kn liranof j .... .-.- The deoot auite awhlli Football Game Friday. There will be a game of football here Friday afternoon between the Semlng high school team and the Las Cruces high school team. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marsh, of Kl Paso motored out to is Crucesesterday. They are former residents of Las Crucee. THE COURTS " simple message H HE personal thought; the spirit of the giving, determines the value of tht gift. What, then, could be more fitting than your portrait for the Christmas remembrance --to carry your simple message of friend ship. - i , A iozoi pertraits soke, at once, a dozen perpTermg, giJ problems. SP v sv V.r TuaRe dn appointment tomorrow dm TEumnn STUDIO XFrtSCTtOTS 1 the business of exchanging money for profit. The bond is maqe payaDie i the mayor for the use and benefit of any and all persons who shall have cause for action against the principal by virtue of loss suffered by reason of fraud or misrepresentation The bond is to cover such judgments as may be rendered against the principal The ordinance requires that a SI per mit be taken out as a pre-requisite of conducting the business of purchasing, selling. exchanging and changin; monev for profit. The weekly report of the sanitary commissioner showed 2fi? loads of gar bage hauled. Tnrklh Babv Born. The weekly report of the city health officer showed 38 deaths, of which 1 were Americans. 26 were Mexicans, and two were Germans. Births were 41, of which 10 were Americans, M were Mexicans and one tut Turk. There Here two cases of measles, 4 of scar let fever, four of smallpox, eight ot typhoid fever, and 1Z of diphtheria. Twelve pounds of frultanu 268 pounds of meat were condemned. One con was condemned, and seyen nuisances were abated. Petitions Granted. The. following petitions were granted: H. C. Swearingen. for gasoline filling station at the southwest corner of Pledras and Mcntana. for gasoline Ail ing station at the southwest corner of Ochoa street and La coffin avenue: for fHljng station at southeast corner ot Stanton and Wyoming streets; and for filling station on West San Antonio and South Santa Fe streets, Hloea Lumber &r Coal company, and others, to compel the Texas & Pacific to put i their crossings om Texas street In pass- for gasojine filling station Inside the building at 5a West San Antonio street. Want Taxes Canceled. The following petitions were received and referred: Tax and Finance T. J. Beall. Charles Davis, Lamar Davis, W. D. Davis and wife, and Alice Davis Wise for cancel ation of taxes; Mrs. W. W. Funk, for exemption from penalties on unpaid taxes. Streets and grades Cotton estate, to have Grant avenue in the Cotton addi tion parked. Water and sanitary Property own ers on East San Antonio and Olive streets for sewer. To Pave Federal Street. - The report of the city engineer show ing the estimated cost of paving Fed eral street from Kentucky to Louisiana avenues to be $5,731 31. was adopted, also a resolution setting December 30 as the date of hearing of property own ers on the street. Several property owners on Texas street appeared before the council ask ing if something could not be done to hurry the Texas & Pacific in the mat ter of providing Tor the pa Vine of Its crossings on Texas street. The Pro testants wk assured that the council would do alt In Its power to induce the railroad to expedite the work. Mayor Jloo( T. A. P. After the close of the meeting mayor Tom Lea declared: "The Texas & Pacific has held up the paving of Texas street for a month. Hereafter we will not wait on the rail roads, but will proceed with the work and assess the cost against them." 1 BT1I COURT OF CIVIL APPEALS. James It. llnrner, A. 51. Walthall and B. P. Hljrclnii, Justices. Motion' overruled Western Union Telegraph company vs. D. W. Schoon maker. from El Paso, appellants mo tion to strike out appellee's brief. Motion granted LHHe White vs. J. A. White et aL. from El Paso; appel lant's motion to advance submission. Set for December 9. Reversed and rendered Rose Hayes vs. G A. Stowers Furniture company, from Harris. Dismissed Flnnigan-Brown company vs. Leon Escobar, from El Paso Affirmed El Paso & Southwestern company vs. William Chisholm, from El Paso. r , Set for December 5 L. C Barlow vs. Eduardo Linss. from El Paso. A. Y. i Lindsay va. B. L. Collings, from 1 Reeves. Henry Benham vs. G. E. Tip i ton. from Ector; George Ahlrep vs. the James a. imck rarai", un .- ster. Southwestern Portland Cement company vs. Juan Antonio Moreno, from El Paso: a Tom vs. J. B. Rober son. from Martin; J. A. Talley vs. A. E. Bailey, from Reagan: El Paso Sash and Door company vs. E. M. Carraway. from El Paso: L. O. Dunn vs. the Jiomi National bank of Stanton, from Mar tin. ' will hold an alt day "". a l " ' " Mesa school house Saturday for the pur Po7e&tlng officer Lw"IaJS STa. general membership m1"? farmers will be present from Lr Cn.ce. and Mesilla Park and every town in the VaThe"dairy anto truck owned and oper ated by A. P. Williams Is hauling 18 gallons of milk each day to El Paso, and by the first of the month It is expected that the amount will reach 5M gallons. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis motored to La Mesa from El Paso and visited at the Potter home. carrying a pistol; defendant pleaded guilty and was fined J1W and costs. State of Texas vs. J. A. Tyler, theft: dismissed. . Stare of Texas vs. Alfredo Flerro and Jose Guererro. unlawfully taking an automobile; sentenced to six raontna in toil and fined costs, tate of Texas vs. Stella Wartell. appeal from corporation court: Olao- State of Texas-vs. Anderson Parker, .. . ., . A m nBMiilt An trial. Roberto Revllla vs. Francisco Joure qui, suit for debt- filed. JUSTICE COURTS, r tT nmir. T'reKlllln.T. State of Texas va, Gulllerrao Leva, assault: filed. --.. State of Texas vs. George Falley alias D. Bradley, forgery; filed. State of Texas vs. William Hardy aad Elijah Spencer, assault to murder. State of Texas vs. Henry Peck, as sault: filed. . , IaUlC . lOJMW .- . -.- ------- n . malicious mischief and assault; prose- 41ST DISTRICT COURT. I R. Price, Presiding. " Max Optiir et al vs. J. B. Larraxolo, Jr.. garnishment: filed. Ex parte Jose Cordova, application to have disabilities removed; appliea- K tion granted. IL L. Carpenter vs. u. 11. . "-. " for SzS. damages, for personal injur ies, on trial Mrs. Xannie J. Smith vs. The Jitne conipany et aL, salt for JW.M0 dam age for death of her. husband; filed. Xettie Gotns vs. J. F. Coins, divorce, filed. 31TII DISTRICT COURT. Dan 31. Jackxou. Presiding-. Ex parte Carmen Melnotte Henftegan, application to change name to Carmen strtflwc' annlieatioB crantod. State of Texas vs. Jose Aguilar. mar j der: on trial. . . R. L. Cahlll vs. Mabel Cahlll, divorce j Xufia Loya, vs. Guillermo Loa, di- , vorce: filed. . m I Elosia Apodaca vs. Emeliano Apodaca. i divorce: filed. Maggie, Guerdina Olguln vs. Romano Olguln. divorce: filed. . Fran'- Lees vs. Frank Lees, di vorce; filed. cuting witness paid defendant SI cause waa dismissed. State of Texas va. Santiago Carres, theft from person: filed. J. J. alurphy. Presiding. SUte of Texas vs. George XalL speeding: defendant pleaded gsilty and was fined 35 and costs. State of Texas vs. M. A. Jabas, speed ing, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 35 and costs. State of Texas vs. W. V. Reynolds, speeding, not guilt). State of Texas vs. Harold Bletcher. speeding, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 35 and costs. State of Texas vs. H. Kennedy, speed ing, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 3S and costs. State of Texas vs J E. Geiga. speed ing, defendant pleaded guilty and was r.ced JS and costs. State of Teas vs. Ri'hard J. Collins, speedlns defendant pleaded guilty and was fined JS.and costs. 8STII DISTRICT COURT. Ballard Coldrrell, Prexldlng. Hugh H. Elliott vs. Texas & FaPific suit for J1S.049 damages for" personal injuries: judgment for S161. , COUXTV COURT. ' drlaa rool. Presiding. State of Texas va. George Watsoc earning a pistol, not guilty. State of Texas vs. Joseta 'Morales, theft not guilty State of Texas v Vicente fortes. shRbSbbh LflacssaH Crawford Theater ' LYXX JleCLIX. TOCK. Mgr. Albert Taylor Co. presents tonisht a 1 all week. ititli Saturday natces. "The Lady of Lyons." with Miss Irene Shirley. Bene'lt Rescue II me Seats now se hie st Ryan a .J 150 AEE XOST IN SINKING ACONA 1 i (Continued from page one.) ' marine which shelled and torpedoed the ship. Statements "ill be taken from sur vivors and the United States will gather all possible information before taking the matter up with any foreign government. GERMAX CRUISER SUNK. Copenhagen. Denmark, Xov. 11 A Stockholm dispatch to the Politiken gives the report that the German pro tected cruiser Frauenlob. a sister ship of the Undine, has been torpedoed off the south coast of Sweden. $3,750, Completely Modem, on paved road. Basement, fuma'ce. Extra large yard. Easy -terms. Newman Investment Co. Plione 550 100 San Antonio St. Good Things TO EAT iPPST!mS CpfjLunch Room 110 S. STANTON "w COM P AN Y UNDERSELL ALL OTHERS EXTRA SPECIALS Itew Split Herring . . eir Golden Dloaters.. )r White Fish Fine Fat MaeLerel ....5c each ew CodfUh t is per lb. ....5c each Smoked Salmon ......... 30c per lh. ....5c each Smoked Halibut 30c per lb. .. 2 for 25c Trade with us and save money Mail orders prompt attention. Phones 505 & '506. 204 & 206 East Overland St CLAIMS DAM RUINED FARM; GETS JUDGMENT FOR $10,000 Phoenix, Ariz., No. 11 In the su perior court of Maricopa county. W. G. Moore secured a SIV.vOe Judgment against the Arizona Eastern Railroad company. Moore owns a farm on the nest bank of the Agua Fria river, IS miles west of Phoenix, and claims that his land was ruined when the Arizona Kastern built a bridge which caught drift ood and became a dam to divert flood water upon his property. The company gave notice of appeal. Used Whenever Quinine la Xeeded Dora Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXATIVE RROMO QUINIXE will be found better than ordinary Quinine for any purpose for which Quinine Is. used Does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember there Is only one "Rromo Quinine." Look for signature of E. W". Grove. 25c. The ncaHoii of Hot Water Bottle needs is here Let us hear your wants in this line We will send an assortment of AVearever Guaranteed Bottle to your home for inspection. Telephones .31- 732. AVarner Drug Co. Adv Cor. Overland and Stanton A Hundred Rooms of Solid Comfort Every Modern Convenience. Nothing Finer in the! Southwest &nn , The owners of the Standard Grocery Company 208-210-212 Mills St. AiNDTHE Standard Cash Store and Market No. 2 Corner Boulevard and Kansas street. Wi to pubKcly thank the people of El Paso and the Great South west for their generous patronage in the past at the above locations and beg to further That the Standard Cash Store and Market No. 4 Will open for butfjess at 407 North Oregon Street (between the G H & S A. and E. P & S. W. Railroad tracks, first storeroom below Purity Baking Co.) on November the 15th (next Monday) with a full and complete line of Staple. Fancy and imported Gro ceries. Fresh Meats. Fruits and Vegetables. ,,--.. Mr. Sol Franklin will be manager of No. 4-and he and h efficient assistants will be pleased to serve you. Standard Cash Store and Market No. 3 Will open for business between the 22nd and 25th if our Car of Fix tures arrive in time. Store No. 3 will be located on the corner of Stanton and Overland streets, in the New Zellman Building. Our Policy The Policy of our entire chain of Cash Stores 'will be the same ai we have had in force at Cash Store No. 2. THAT IS That we can and do sell better and fresher goods at a less price than others. , That our Cash prices will average 10 percent to 20 percent less than any; credit store in El Paso. That every sale is a Cash Sale Neither the owners or the manager of a Standard Cash Store can have a penny charged. That we will deliver Free all orders that amount to $2.00 or over. That "ve guarantee Every article that leaves any of our stores. And we further guarantee that if you w31 buy your Groceries. Meats. Frisks and Vegetable from a Standard Cash Store and Market that you riM Pay Cash and Pay Less THROW YOUR BROOM AWAY!! Get a Fronts Premier Electric Cleaner. , Let , steow yoa by cleaning & cthc la your bowse free of charge. "Years for Sarvlee." BI Paso Electric Railway Co. Electric Bid?. Phone 2323. 1 &R OYSTERS nECEIVKD BY liXITlESS E BUY Tl IT AM. KIXDS Or FUKSII FISH, LOUSTERS, SIIIUMP XSD CRABS. DOIN'S MARKET Z1SSW VJTOMO STBBKT. PIIOXES SOO. SOI, 803. Immediate Deliveries o Extra Charce. If ou want smoke buy cigars, jf you want the most heat for your money bu our coaL R. C. Semple, successor to Southwestern Fuel Co. Phone SSI Adv Su!benrer Majestic Hams are "De Uciously Different " Phone your dealer now to send ou one. Adv. "Jean of the Laiy A." by B. M. Bower. 31.35. and all the other "Best Sellers" mt th. K!l Ta ILuJ. rA Will. 11.1.. 1 ICa Handy." Adv. ?lv JSOILBURWN05J 1 UgtocoMcrrivt3gg Go EAST Or WEST VIA SUNSET ------- LIMITED A Solid Sleeping Car Train. Dining Car, Observation Car. Oil Burning Locomotives. CITY TICKET OFFICE, NO. 206 H0RTH OREGON ST. WE CHECK BAGGAGE FROM YOUR RESIDENCE. Howard Watches 1B1 and JM 'igj B&v The Liberty Bell snralllr fi I Next week toe are all going to feel J Jr!1 so extra patriotic. We will take lp 1 ks I off our hats and cheer the Liberty I' jjfl ltt V I Z U-b. t.'UfiMti li Tnbn ItAU full uutr AitfMf m IB U I Ivor uwvw. . ...m. ww. r.. J. ... - . . jm M your pfclcl and pull oul your 9otck? A Howard Watch h the wie American witch that vUl make you proud to on. Since 1842 it has been known as a fne watch. Carried by many men prominent in the affairs of our nation, the possessor of a Howard will take pride in the knowledge of its history and m the every day satisfaction of Us per formance. v We are the onbt dealer in El Paso carrying a full hue of Howard Watches. $170 to $40 Hie A. D. Foster Co. Herald EUg. "Our wedding rings insae happy marriages" f I