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EL PASO HERALD 11 uimLiv, Xu,. 11, lfl. FRITH ilf 1 C 1 IFFT 'si had a good lawyer, but whats ihe use? LI III IU ' I C Ills Ue it? I Owt.mwii-l-nta fJniKiS I HE BANGUE III TO (KI TIGHT T- :T9Ss Made at Reunion Coronation G-uosts Taken , Interstate Conference Will in Conferring Degrees ty on Excursion to Japanese FOREIGN BE SHOW N N , rUR HONOR MV CU7b Begin With Banquet; Many to Attend. John M. Murra), general secretary of c Knights Sadosh. T ruiu ciumil Knlgnts Kadosh 1 ida ct 1 far in the work of .. the degrees of this body at i mi annual reunion of the T it of Free Masonry To il t semi annual banquet will bs w -K of conferring degrees dp lay night with the con- lh 13th, zOth and 21st de- T m-'day morning the 2-nd, , . afteV, ,o tte "Stt. Mtk and I . .onf.rred The masters for i f-r.s were 11th degree W j ' i i Tush 20th. A J Carpenter K ier 22nd J I Hewitt i i I rf Darnall 24th, J A. I il i th T Pre udenthal. 2th. E. I ' w H "th, Parvin " itte, 2Sth. A.' I 3 roi I li -r the &iftrnng of the lTth V i 1" h and th desrees musical ' r -ini. weri rendered t 'eml-Annnal Itanqoet. i T nicht the "th degree, or Scottish j Rn-ht of Ft Andrew will be pnt on I Th s wjll be followed by the semi-I .. ,..1 VnnnnA. n. . j. Tfn , avp ! i t. ..... -tll w ....... .....4 i ruiiiam u: iiMiaiuioHn, uu tt r viil! be a number of speakers, in t! -i": the class orator The program for Fnda includes the r inferring of the 30th. or Knight Ka-d-h dreree completing the chivalric -inti nhilosoDhie series conferred by the Kn srht"! Kadosh The conferring of th's decree will start at 8 SO a. m ' ard continue throughout the morning. At 2 7 m the conferring of the offi c -il decrees will begin During the afternoon the 31st degree will be put on and at 7 30 p m. the work of con ferring the 32nd degree will start. The completion of this work will be the end of the 20th semi-annual reunion. S-imnel P Cochran left Thursday mo-n n? for Dallas, after being here to attend the semi annnal reunion. He announced that he was much pleased with the reunion and with the progress of the Scottish Rite In Fl -"o He is sovereign grand In spector general for tbe state of Texas for the Scottish Rite Camel With a Thirst Will Appear In Shrine Parade And Ceremonial Saturday rea' live camel thirst, hump and nc rocur.aloV,e" ,iT .w p,, , wi will ipepar m the Shrine ' "?d sword smith to ? LJt ,bW p - ,e aturdav sft rnoon which will I blade for hi- ue His Idea was that p f f e tie ceremonial session of the a blade nenly made at the hand or a i me h ene 1- Harris, potentate swordsmith in the new era is pref o i-l Mil u, ha arranged for the erable to the old blades, when the in- 1 .. kj.h , .11 nn. r.nm All.,l t . un . nn ,tt that nf (.fimmPtMrstlllZ thfl 1 ll'tl H IIH LI ..111 IV11II Aiw.( - i - ii.e Tihire the Sells-rloto shows 1 ' d for the winter "i . irme police will again round I il 1 ' - blinners who do not appear . ii t e rpde in their fex and waiters' I The police will be under the j i - of Srrine chief of police - T i--n.r, u - his picked ten of , th 1 1 ,st - trs, for his force 1 1 i - 1 be placed In the- , t T-fi1 tt1--:. n r ir e ,!' be led bv illustrious . II P itkon and tne olti- , . ,. .j i . 1 "" -"-r'" ,. '" "u" " ""'iXf . r , i-r i ,11 .txo antwar in , le Til n e of march is as pure gold. The emperor when dreesed .Tin at Masonic temple in the militarv uniform of general it " p m east on Missouri ' lissimo both of the arm, aiid navy. i r-U". south on Mesa ave- will wear the si -d- but in other cases T j neet east on Texas to the w--i ,e he'd b a chamberlain s th f n --tanton to San Au , an i,et n a hrocide bag n Sin Antonio to kJ Paso , Fl I iso through Pioneer . i in nn iinith fin llrivnii tn in nest oi Missouri to Masonic t r i f th largest elasse-i of novices n i r " the Shrine will cros 1 r t ids - turds', night hoWint, li'e nisto-if rope These candi V II J H.J i a Wi"c aii.B: louui II ippeir in the parade wltt I ois of thtir profession H i ii. 'e will ha a meeting Frl I t to complete plans for the il 1 j hrlBcr "otlce: 1 nettue of El Miida Temple has , r -i c i J1 for Saturday. November' 1 t t 00 A. M at the Masonic j Eugene U Harris. Te nl Potentate. Adv i -J- X; Masonic 1 I' Jewelry j IF YOU SELECT your charm, ring or button at Hixson's, you a're sure of get ting an article in solid gold and full 1 4 Karat. Our stock is complete and we invite you to look it over. W. T. Hixson Co, Mills & Mesa r V"-V' 2 "Bwo Giimne," that is L.2-- -2$ BE22i2 0uiame u ... Oie Day. Gup in 2 Days Places of Beauty. Kioto. Nov 11 At the conclusion of i the official coronation functions the I members of the diplomatic corps will I oe tne guests or the courts on ex- enrsions to the citj of Nara the home of beautiful temples and to the fa- mous take B wa which lies about 1 miles from Kioto Nara. 26 miles from both Kioto and isaiuu was ire capn-ii or me empire between 709 and isl A 1 during the period of the reiirn of the N ir dnast. The city abounds in places of historic 'am "d JEfSKSr-and 'S knOWn as Nar. ? Seaut'ISu!- . tteht n"lfal -. Lake Biwa Is in the province of OmU near Kioto It is the largest lake in the country having a circumference of about SO miles The lake is noted for the scenic beauty of its environments among which the most famous are known as The Eight Beautiful Scenes' These were seleited by prime minister Konoye,- in 100. following the Chinese example of lake Tungtlng They are the "Evening Snow on Mount Hira, a "Flight of Wild Geese at Ka- tata, the "Night Rain at Xarasaki.' tttA Ti..!, Tftn. fit ttlA PvHlH' Ra1I Bell VIM.m tfiA "Cnn.hltu ... the "Sunshine with a ......w. Breeze at Vwazu," the "Evening Glow at Seta." the "Autumn Moon at Ishl Tama" and the "Returning Boats at Yabase." These are favorite tbsmes of Japa nese poetry It Is traditionall relat- ed that Lake Biwa was formed c a night in 28G B C. b the action aurin; of an earthquake, which at the same time raised the sacred Mount Fuji on the aside, the two are considered fo be J among the most beautiful places in I Japan i trtr Swords for Coronation. ' The swords used by the officials of I the coronation commission during tne OTtMnttnn rlte ar. a KnectAl Ivind named "efu-no-tachi". worn by the J daimio and other retainers of the bho gttn in the Tokugawa period on the occasiod of tendering congratulation to the Shogun on New Year's Dav or on his Instalation As this type of sword has become rare, new swords were especlailv made by the smiths i to the order wf the cororatlon com mission. The officials who -wear the swords at coronation functions number 54 About 30 officials carry the blades mad bv the noted swordsmiHis of olden times. These have been kept In their househ' ids as family treasure's Public procurator Uen K mranuma iciiuvu ..m. v ...... .... new era of the new sovereign. Sitteen swo-ds to be used by princes 0f the blood and six swords for the ( use f the emperor ere pewly made I oy Sadakatsu Gassan of Osaka, who ls tne ffreatet contemporarv sword- I Emlth and holds th post of art con- ,-., . ,v. hnnxehold denartment. I . .u.,h r the .trnrd. for the em- p-pror, the crown pr-nrt and princes of .,-, nHnre and nnnces of ' the blood is cecoraiea witn gota aui the Diooa " cecoraxoa w.m-- uj " ---.--. ""' "-.- ," r ...- mamiImI with ti ImTrt-r-al crest. 7r v""..7,r , nev I- nnrnle i - old. the metal accessories being all of .11 ,h .wnrH. retain the ancient t curve form of "he Palmio's blades. Kioto to Be Mecca. After the coronation" ceremonies, the j i Shisbilden. snnnkoaen. inujo innne- 1 Y M C A. structure, the older boys b and other ceremonial halls as well as J ing addressed by A G Knebel on the the eardens of the NIJo pilace and the subject of "He" Came Back.' and the coronation bananet halls will be I thrown c pen to the inspection ot tne people. The halls and decorations will be left as thev were at the time of the proceedings of the coronation ceremo- nies. In orde- to enable the public to ' get a true idea of the proceedings. The period of public viewing will last till j -.- . .. 1 the end of Januarv next year Kioto i is therefore expected to oecome Mecca of pilgrimage with a large in- fluxyof visitors from all parts of the country ffj on bos. 25& I Mill i Vfa the loung Men's Christian association of Chihuahua, and one of the many , delegates to the interstate convention ! of Y M c As in E, p wch b us four das. session this evening, has just returned from a trip to New ork city, where he conferred with the , ioreign department upon the develot ment of the Mexico field now th it peace is assured One plan is to estab lish a Mexican branch of the assoc lation. here In the pi ice of I orcester on the Frida afternoon program. Mr ClInLUS It- 1I)SK. MUI 141 J 1 J UI0tUL I 1 At Murrav will discuss Practical Methods of Work With Mexicans. Hxpannlon in Mexico. Mr Murra said. ' A e are encour- aged b-v the appearance of peace in the near future in Mexico and plans are un- der wa for a great expansion. This is shown b the splendid response to the efforts of the association officials hese past fe months in Chihuakaa. where the Y M r V. has grown to a point far exceeding that of anj former Chancex In Pr-rgram. n-onnKT-i in i n-rniM. 5everal other changes in the official prograin of the convention haje be-jn made Chaplain John T Axton of the 20th infantr). will not be on the pro gram for the sen. ice Saturday afternoon at tbe First Christian church as he ls with his regiment in the Arizona field. X C Schhchter. who was scheduled for an address at the meeting on Friday evening, has been supplanted b C R. Towson Instead of one meeting for 1ks being held Sundav afierrfoon. to win - hiia in different parts of the ounger by Gale Seaman who will sneak .. i - .,..- on tne lnnuence oi great oecisions. Goodman to filve Two Talks. n additional element has been In- troduced into the program with the announcement that Fred G. Goodman will repeat tha same lecture in the af- ternoon at th First Christian church which he delivers between 30 and iv u Bgnaar morning 10 i&c didiv stu dents of the city Banquet to Open Conference. The formal opening of the conven tion begins this evening with a ban quet at the Hotel Paso del Norte, when James G McNar will be the toast master in the absence of John L. Dyer, who is out of town The meetings of the Y M C A. workers begin Friday morning and will be held In two sec tions a general convention and a student's section. Many -choo!-i Represented. The schools to be represented In this -econd annual conference are The InHersity of New Mexico, whose dele gates will come to El Paso in automo biles the Agrn ultural College of "New Mexico who will serd a delegation of 1 the X nn ersity of Ar zona, at Ttic- K k "iWr " i mm ' i'mtw m. 1 W- JHb ife sSiKm It. B. ION KI-KISIin. son will send Benjamin McCIure and Karl Itupert the Ignited States Indian school at Phoenix. Ariz., will send the following delegation, headed bv Prof James Smith Johnson Mcafie, Thomas Ely. Herbert Ternlpctit and CaHin t chi vat. Taeumearl Com Ins:. K R. Paddock, of Tucumcari, N" M wrote to the secretary of the conven tion that, while Tucumcari had no as sociation, she tv as planninK one and would send seeral delegates The Copper Camp association at Miami, Ariz will send J Bert Bruce and James A Donaldson both the New Mexico Militar School at Koswell and the State Normal at Las Vegas are to have re pre sentatives. as -will .ilso the Normal School of Arizona at T mpe. Principal earrv. On-1- of the four principal -iikers of the cciention will be Fred S Good man heid of tnH Bible stud depart ment of the i M V of North m nT with he I'hiunrter! in Vn York city Uale N-jnidb has been for a number of ears riresentatie of the National committee of the student i-p irtrrent on the wr-ct ocist witn he '(Viuarter-'J Tt To' ii?fl-s alif II1 1 ! st r i i m i lit ce nnd hiuh I ( ( v or IK UJNPEP- H$ ARM LIKE V 1 51S fe KCAPABLtoT lKJURK& zV 1 llg Mt M1 M- the railroad department, wit-t Quarters at Chicaeo. will also con Dr R It on JCleinsmid nresldemfof tbe Cniversitj of Arizona, who Is ai tinguished sociologist and a man sessed of an international reputation k win uv vne ui iric icMuers. C R. Towson, of the industrial d iartment of the internatiional com mi iS- tee, will also take X C Schlfchter! 4 place upon tbe program at the banquet this evenlnp. responding to the toast. "Industrial Work" The nroKram for this eveninc and Fndav will be as follows Banquet at C 30 at the Hotel Paso del Norte. -James G McNary, toast master Greetings from the city, mayor Tom Lea from the ministerial asso ciation. Dr J F Williams, pastor .f the First Baptist church; the El Paso association. Prof G P. Putnam: tpeeial talks by tt S. BUhetmer. district secuttve secretarv. Denver. Colo W. II Day. F S. Goodman. C R. Towsen. A. G Knebel. Gale Seaman. The "program for Friday wilt be as follows Friday MorntnK Christian Chnrek. 9 9 Service Led by IL SL Blair, general secretary. Phoenix. Ariz. ! 16 "Principles and Problems of Religious Efficiency." Fred S. Good man. 10 00 "Practical Methods of Relig ious Work In the Y M. C A" A. B. Richardson, general secretary. Bisbee, Am. 12 00 Adjournment and lunch at Hotel Sheldon. Friday Afternoon Ckrlstlan Chnrrh. 00 Service Led by 8. F Fraser. general secretary. Douglas. Ariz. - 15 Address. "Men and the Bible," Fred S. Goodman 1 08 -Practical Methods of 'Work With Mexicans." John M- Murray, gen eral secretary of the Y. M- C. A., Chi huahua, Mex. Friday Evening Christian Chnreh. 7 30 Song sen ice " iZ Address. "The Xorth American Student Mbement. Gale Seaman S lj ddress. "The Young Men's Christian Association Welfare Work for Industrial Workers." by C. R. Towson. Student Section. The student section Friday afternoon will include an adress on "Central Purpose of College Y. M C. "A." by Trof John II Vaughn of the & M. ollege at State college. X M. Gale Seaman mill discuss the problem of or ganization He will also talk on the suliject Student Association Relation ship to State. National and Worldwide Work ' Fred & Goodman will discuss the problem of "Kvery Real Christian tnd Personal Worker" The presenta tion of the North merican student problem will also be discussed at this meeting PRESIDENT MAY SPEND PART OF HONEYMOON IN AUSTIN Austin. Texas, Nov 11 Society in Austin i is all a-flutter The uncon firmed report has reached here from Washington. D C that president Wil son and bride will spend their honey moon here as the guests of CoL and Mrs. K. M- House It is said that there are a very few close friends of CoL House in Austin who have been let into the secret plans and these favored ones cannot be induced to discuss the subject at this time Suspicion that this citt was to be honored by the presence of president"! ana jars. Wilson, immediately alter their forthcoming marriage. was aroused when It was learned that CoL and Mrs. House were preparing to re turn to their old home here earlv in De ember for a star of several weeks. It is the first time since the election of president vi ilson that the Houses will ha spent am iirt of the winter in Austin It is known that CoL House his often urKed the president to isit Texas and to become his guest while here V BA iWm. 4J PLAN KySn-risrf FOK WfcST FOINT i-ifr v!Bm n t 11 The following 11 ud. -1st of 1IJ Gen. IT Brtt. Ga T H. en. E. IL crow- "r JuCe a -al Brit H. P Mc- atn. ta- adj ;il CoL c P Towns- W-' ujtrim.u. ri Lrfed States MIHUrr .ft-adtA n.I c-Jat twacUs MacArthar: yeem - ai .fi I n.lnti to mt In th! Yi ta. V ptv " ' c0,rr,,!. '"?: j tioH. f VnW.-VinT) the capacity of the United suizez Military acaoemy. west rflHL Cpt- Howard Clark, stedica! corns. k B ar . T -9l Ml 7 IWXvA? v - i-Ti i yj. lON arrival In Lnittd States, will proceed to Fort Lawton for duty First Lieut Z. L Henry, raedieal rsserrs corps, npon arrival c United states, will proeeed to the presidio of Monterey far daty Capt. W R. Dls. medical corps, upon ar rival In the United States, will proceed te Fort Meade S. D . far daty , First Ltent. J L. Holcomke. esast artil lery corps, will rsport to tbe president ef the mnlHlnr hoard at Fort Monroe for ex- I aminalion ts determine his fitness for pro motion. First Lieut D P "Wood, lsth Infantry. la relieved for duty oa -eerultlnr service at Fort McDowell and will Join his regiment. Second Lieut. Donald Armstrong, coast ar "like ood when yon re anxiom "Something's happened. You're waiting for the word all on edge. At last it's good news! You're happy and com pletely satisfiedl That's what CHESTERFIELDS do for yonr smoking jhey satisfy! "l ought to know cigarettes I've smoked 'em all my life and I've tried 'em alL So you can take this straight: CHESTERFIELD Cigarettes, with their full, pleasing taste, win over any other cigarette you ever tasted!" CHESTERFIELDS certainly do satisfy because it's tho way the high-grade tobacco is blended! Today, let them do for you the one thing you have always wished a cigarette would do satisfy! Ihe Cigarette that SATISFIl tillery corps. Is relieved from asaicnxnsQt to T7th company asd Is placed on the txnas stcned list and will rsport tor duty with, tha coast defences of Pensacola. Loaves of absence First Lieut. B. A. Sdawaoe, coast arttller corps, on montix aad 14 days. Cape. C B. Ball. Infantry, will proceed from ABatta to Beavmoat and make Inspec tion of company L Third infantry, organized mOltta of Tefcaa. and npon completion of tius daty retnra to Ms proper station. Be It ever so humMo there's no place like heme comfortably warmed with. coal from R. C Semple. successor to Sbnth wsetern Fuel Co. Phono S31. Adv. news 9 UsJjuiUc&iCCoC 1 rold evenings mide pleasant when ou 11 "iir roil R C Semple su c e j t ( inn it rn Fuel Co Phor.e I oJl Advertisement. I f'4Fjr A o Ku uelf luuonul secretary for I i