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EL PASO HERALD 10 Thursday, Nov. 25. lf15. con MCE IS 9nrnHi0 n..ij Turn -I.. i n-l-.r Donald Mackey in County niiqrcrprl "Wit.ll der; Happened at Cafe. -cott Vance, a Southwestern railroad inductor, was shot five times Wednes uav night wn.:e eating dinner at the Jem restfdrtnt on San Antonio street. t f. i TJ H . ul Khtrt tintA latar at tti poller emergency hosp.Ul. Donald Mackev is under arrest-on a" i h.irs;e of murder in connection with b. shootii .-,nd is now confined in the hTa&'meu tne St!' His'' "'vc admitted the shooting. His dl- v o-ccd wife and son were said to ha'e le-n having dinner with Vance at the time of th fatal shooting and to have hef-n unwilling witnesses to the tragedy Arrested by Cnpt. flreet. Soon afttr the shooting Mackey wat irestea n- uapt- w. u. ureet across the street from the Gem restaurant. V"- ? it g oea "."'.,. ,. u, unshoot this hunters gun when he's , -..hith is lot. ted on San Ant-mo street, J . .."a"- Bang, sounuea ouisiae tne don't know how to do . r the interic-tioi. of St. nton street.-' hollow stump bungalow Nurse Jane fte "'-., that water stwils pow Mackev is .,d bj Cxpt. Greet to have , and Uncle Wigsi!y shivered, thougn ! it If' " that ""' sPOj." P ; li'd pistol in his, possession -nd Capt- . : - -- - - -- - Croet declartd lpter that Mai-. y. upon upon being asked bj the polire captain what .1.- .i, .. .. ", L..r.: ..- -. -I i killed a. msn." MooL-e- m. tlron the police station where he sat in rfice while Vance t .e c it-'juii s ,,ri ite office while Vance ac oterat il on .it the .tiwr-rcnw: hi. . - 1" V : ". '"v;; ',:ar:i ift.e Ki,ce j?ji . .. - -- " ""T.. ?." curnea tiKi in an automobile follow- : irg the shooting. i 'it the ttion was also Mrs Marker 1 her son llonald- An officer entered :rom the -m"rgcn-y hospital and an ' - nccd that Vance was dead an S ifa'-key -waj, locked up and a charge f murder placed against his name at t'ir police station. Mrs. Mackey and --on then left tor thei. heme on East Jioulevard At the station Maeke i-j alleged to I.avc talked freely at th; a i fair Mnken Statement. "I rtiet m sjh downtown," he is said to have stated. "I asked him where l.c va going and he answered that hrf v a! going to meet his mother. I walked to th- plaza with mm and I sau Mre. Mackey sitting on th bench witli Vanif. Th-- thn tarted walking .apt &nd I zoijoned tnem to the Gen. r'btaurant. I tl1- i wont to Oie CaDlea hote', got tnj fc-un and shot Vance." Th prel,ni!na-i hearing was set for ThnrsCay ruorning at 3 o'clock but wu ;o..tioned u. til Friday momin? at 19 Clock by justice J. M. Deaver be-f cars, of Thanksgiving. , Jim. jnarhrj ?nrF la X-1 c itomBii. 5lr Mec-' wn came down at 9 t'ixk fc th- prel-mlnary hearing. -cus, irforincd tuat it would be held on Friday. Asked for a statement she i said "Mr Mackey and myself were,' ser-ar.'ted f.ncp Vaob of 1514. On Oc tober -. 19Z. I wr., granted a dlvorco from him lo J-lge Hallard Coldwell in the ''.it h disti ,ct ourt and given the custody of Donald, our son. I have been independent of him since tno sep aration and when in need of money re ceived it from my people in Kentucky ' Mr Mackey had no claim upon mo whatever and. I am a free woman. That he should have shot Mr. Vaaco is a terrible and unfortunate thing and there was no ercuse for it whatever. . T was shocked and horrified at th- shooting which happened very quick 'xrorrect. Second, if H takes 4S and was Wholly unexpected." cberrJes to make a S by cherry pic Worked nt TucumcarL ' and the cherry stoning machine missed Scott Vance was a conductor upon on an average of twice every 15 mln t'ne El Paso & Southwestern railroad, j utes. how many stones would the pie working out of TucumcarL He had contain?" linen with the railroad for a. number . i-BIeven and a fragment." of ears and was a member of the I "Right. Third, what dty in Europe Uroiherhood of Railroad conductors. He J was 46 years old and 18 montns a;o eyed pitblc dojrsr ' buried his wife In Everfrreen cemetery. I "Cracow." He is survived by one son, Walter j "True. Fourth, Is wistaria rash a Vance of Decatur. I1U and a sister, curable disease?" Mrs. C H. Mills, of Decatur. The body i "In temperate climates. is being held at Xacley & Raster's I "Exactly. Fifth and last, -what river pending the arrival of the son. Mrs. ' overflows is banks every S jnimitesT Mills wired to Nagley & Kaster Thurs- "The Endumpus." day morning to inter Vance beside tha I "a perfect average!" cried the ex remains of his -wife. aminer. "Toung roan. I find you em Llved at Itamonn. ,' inently suited for the position lor wao a lwtireT fit th 'Rntnona. hotel on , "Sorth Stanton street. IL A. Borcher- ding, the proprietor of the Ramona. j stated that he was a qniet, Jovial man, i jrderly in his habits and regular In j bis railroad runs. Mackey had a room I .k- r-.TA0 i.n.i .... ;.. intmii.-i !.t:eet. V. 3. -Williams the proprietor of the Capies hotel said: "MacKey nai Ueen cioomy ana morose tor several months and had been drinking consid- ! !ng consid- ! erably He talked a great deal about 1. I .,,,. oath on ntxA that Vanf- tRfi responsible for their separation." - ... Mackey was a memoer or tne local C irpent-rs's Union ane nas lived in tti pro for a number of Tears, save -rrnen out on contract work. Recently n- was employed at the Elephant Butte dam Eight months ago Mackey was arrested op a charge of quarreling with lus -aife. and It is alleged he was giver. o c.ii-.ft timd tn lMT. the oltV Happened UnlcVIr- Jl nappenea bo qun-ttij, iu v proprietor of the Gem Cafe, "that we oidn't have time to get excited. Vance. tlie woman and child sat down at a table near the door and ordered sup per It was served when Mackey en-t-red the door. Xot a word was ex . Uansed Vance keeled over and fell r PUZZLE 54! Iwr -t1 ".SSKTIr Xfit tft 5Ti nftSPtlSipffKti(3ffflP'fyvTtlv A '- IiuJS4VX TIIK Til IVKSGrVIN'O DIVNCIL jsew..c f i w tr-jt - our dish iri li rr e s. I c-j- t it 'raid w1h i.Ta r ft fcby Tn - i tree i3ta ' -v. j.j we U fae . is i- Avnn to i ftfb nvs PI 7.V I 1- Bedtime Story For tke Little Ones "Uncle Wiggily and the Hunter Man." By HOWARD B. GARIS. B' ,aSO! Bang:" sounded a lond noise outside the hollow stump I "" bungalow, where lived Lncie Wigsily Lnngears. the nice rabbit gen- t tleman. -Bansity-bang! b.w.- i "J"1 'Wfcat's lhatr' asked Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. the muskrat lady housekeeper. "Is that thunder, Wlsrgy? Thunder, when winter is so near!" "No. It isn't thunder. Nurse Jane. answered the rabbit gentleman. "I only wish it were, though J don't want the lla-htnin? to strike too near my bungalow. That noise you hear. Nurse . vb1& Kw 4Via mnc rtf hunrnT- i . . .-. T ... .1 . , 1SS2.'. T-SSS- -n,, '- t.n , thott- kr Nurse Jane, putting her paws over her 1S i hef fill iiTa hard knot " " lolcale" table" ' . .. . . w-"' i,.- I have to tell you that because it's true," said Uncle Wlgglly. "Tbla Is the hunting season and we must be very careful when we go out. Run s fast as you can. and keep down behind the bushes. And don't go out unless you !,,. oo "VLSVrv j - t ioii w.ii. "'.'"' " 'answered Nurse Jane. "Oh. there it goes again! I tnere was a warm lire ouruing on in i . . . . , - neartn. jjui tney sn.vereu w.m iear. hearth. But they shivered with fear. and not with cold jmi iroi wnn toiu t j- .. . jt -v-.. t- ' m th. l.nnr nnrlp dU not co out ex- ' cept at night, and then they hurried back Into the hollow stump bungalow ' back Into the hollow stump bungal i . 1 vl b.1.11a 4u.ini- the KtflU. SIU A.. .M. n.,... UW....F. -.. ? ! "'se " -' ns wtfe nearo. t last, however. Nurse Jane had to -' something from the Woodland animal stort I thlnR it was sugar or condensed milk and as the stores were not bpen n.ahts. Uncle Wlgglly said he would go h da light. "Oh, but you will be careful not to get shot by a hunter man. won't you?""' said Nurse Jan-. "I will." raid Uncle Wiggily. solemn like. , , "And here i3 a squirting water pistol that Billie Buenytail. the squirrel boy. left the lart time he was over." went on Nurse .!a.-it. "Kill it with water and 1 "WtoWorVaVkd Uncle Wiggily. So if a hunter man tries to shoot ou rou can shoot him with ihc water pfstorMmake him sneeze." K ... ia ...uu iTni WIlTKlIy. -I'll HO It. iMK HWU1US ,; n;.Ai .tth nir rian water, of: started the rabbit gentleman to the ,.. fr varae Jane. Uncle Wicci 15" was very particular. HJ T would tret behind a bush, and look JX v the Top tT watch for a ?"'' he did not see any. the . am noi sec ... i-- . bunny uncle would hop. skip and Jump. , on his red. white and blue striped oar- j WelL Uncle WiggUJ haa aimosi . .. a, The Daily Nove.etle Tin: TKST. ,"A: NSWER the following ques tions." said the civil service examiner, sharply. "First, who was the inventor of the first fly swat ter and when?" .--.. "Arteraus Giggcnsoy. April nw, ,,,- ,, .I.nnt reiadilv. contains the greatest number of one- Anri Keller Toober Walked OUt Of the I city hall with a full-fledged promise I that some day he would be appointed letter carrier In Squee Gee Falls. . , to the floor. I don t TJilnK he said a word. He seemed paralyzed with ingnu . -'""--" . . ... . FTe "hots, " .... Dr. I. J. Bush attended vance at tne , emergency nospitax uae snoi eniertu the left cDesi. SllRaUY io lae riKot u the heart, a second entered the man's i uo U-. 4VTUfw.l TnfroJ In tha lAIT ngui smu - nm ocj - hip. Two burtets entered the groin and being extracted, were turned over to i lodge J. M. Deaver. wno was sum- moned to the scene of fnooung ana - - . - iook mo iirea oi. .t.. .- u j j sublime. because it snows tne The shootlnfe occurred at a time when j ,rlt o man transcending his mor thp rMtaurant iraB filled with neODle. ! .,.. j Many people standing on the sidewalk waiting for street cars crowded about . .....,, ... a...t -.. .. -- . to learn the cause of the shooting. ' Mackey was transferred during the , night to the county JalL lie refused to i discuss the shooting with the report- ers Thursday morning sending out . word that he had nothing to say mitl. he had talked over his case with counpL PICTURE TVT)C reached the sugar-and-condensed-milk-store. when, all at once, as he peeked up over a bush, he saw a hunter man lyinjr on the ground right on the p.-th. "Oh. dearr thought Uncle Wlgglly. "I can't get past without htm seeing me, and it's a long way to go around the other path. I wonder what I can dor Once more he looked at the hunter man, and the bunny uncle saw that he j me D&rv otflt aat gmlt ' "Oh, maybe he's asleep.' thought Uncle WiRrtfly. "If only he is I could hop quietly past him. and he wouldn't wake up to shoot me. I'll go a little closer and look." Softly Uncle Wiggily hopped close tin a ha mu- tKr thA hunter man i was fast. fas? asleep, with his gun by i his side. ?. ?5" TS"Wh! K r ' ""N'0- I M -J he couldn't she hi run in Mtme way. so - ..h. - ?" S ":,,.?.", h X ' i"" ", ,."HTif i Vou'Tl--' b't: I wo,nf T,",LcrVi ,1 -rrie. .,Tn Sn w,s b'Bh and hdid K"f J c"r'-r " "" " ?h"d il j ' r ao ?,". bow to take out thJ Kwder I and bullets. I "Dear me!" thought the bunny un- .,. ;;..:i. .i -... , i hn "r- c-u u a kwvu iuaa.a- - iip rstir wn - is in iuwu:i . ";:.,-.- ,-,; ,viccnr was thinking I - - - - . rf lltUe . :. . . ,. l, i rustllnsr noise wenina mm. i'i was King ! '"be saw JacK J-rosu wo Winter ?Jmbl "fff,?.- asked ' . What It- It, Uncle Jsinly !- Jack Frost in a whisper, so as not to t w.a , ,ff-r,r .x.f way t i ..---.--r - .. . n.ifd t,t pi so it won't shoot," said the rabbit gentleman. "I have here Blllle Bushytail's water pistol, but "The very thing." said Jack Frost, softly "Just squirt the water from the pistol down the hunter's gun bar rel and I will do the rest." 1' Wisrilv did so. emptying tho water vlsxol. and then Jack Frost, I Ji . v.: li 1..11, th -watee blowing his cold breath on "ef- in the hunter's gun. froze It solidly full of ico. "Now. I'd like to see him shoot, said Jack, laugbin-. Just then the hunter awoke. He saw Uncle Wiggily near him. and. snatching up his guru he fired at tbe the gun burst and dldn t hurt Uncle Wlgglly at all. but the Ice new up the b' """ EO,eBe "ficMy ?c fiTarDriEeii he was. ine iicKiy ico made him sneeze, and if he has not stopped he is sneezing yet. But Jack Frost and Uncle IVIsailr ran safely away and tb rabbit gentleman went on to tne store, m w - ""e from that hunter, anyhow. Wasn't that a clever thing to do? thinkso; and I if th parrot desn a i go "---.- -J-. ;.-. , ,i. nsning wttn tne "". , --- ----- coa in nis --ir. .. j """."; ti.-.lI.AA pait . uu..- Vive la France! Kditor El Paso Herald: There is unfolding before our eyes ' an international drama so colossal that , many American observers seem to have lost sight of the eternal values. Oar Imagination is paralysed by the shock of physical horror and moral disaster. Prorsts against the German atrocities, complaints of British interference with oar tratio. sordid reckonings of loss and gain In our exports, and our for eign loans these fill the mind. Is it not well at the national Thanks giving that we should consider fo what our thanks are due? Shall we thank God only for our harvest--, onr favorable balance of trade, our escape thus far from the curse of war? Scould we not rather, living in a spiritual world, search now as never before for those spiritual values which can sur vive, not only war. but even the ig noble prosperity that fattens upon When the imagination turns, than, to find a resting place for hope. It will pause perhaps upon the spectacle of hurries Rel-lum. We think of that ; pathetic and heroic pair, Albert and EltzaDetn. noioing ineir loneiy cwun fn .-.1 n TfnVre- And -when we remem ber the ,ast k)n(r e tne Belgians, the wretched Leopold, with his scandalous amours and his cruel misrule of the Congo, we thank God for the regener- atlon of nations and ci royal houses. -.,. .,. .. (.. riiyiiro in Brussels and Antwerp and Ghent, those burgomasters and advocates and scoi- j an those humble men and ars. those humble men ana women everrwhere. wno have dared to speak an) Rct M ,f Belgium were still a na- tlon. Among the Knglish, amid the quar rels and delays of those In authority and all the appalling incompetence of democracy, we see tbe young men by iiiniisnrHiii ihkiusI uu thousands laying down tneir lives in splendld silence. All this Is pitiful, but - n h countri65 that are now flBhtn clviliration's battle against fgntln(j civilizations name asainL ., nemv of mankind, the true American turns most gratefully, most symIathetlcally to France. War B t transormed the French peo- . ,t has reveal them. Bealdes that JnraKe whlch was aiways theirs, they b disclosed a patience and resource- i fulness superior to that of the English. Tharn are fttmnce stories abroad of visions and voices In the sky at the battle of the Marne. and since. The Pnriich soldiers so the legend runs I saw St George leading them on to vlc- to-,.- onri the. French what did they torv and the Frencn wnai aia tne see? Was it St. Michaeir Did the martyr guardians of the city of Paris. St- Denis and Ste. Genevieve, walk once more upon the clouds when their ancient shrines were threatened? Or has tbe spirit of Jeanne d'Arc herself risen from Rouen to march Invisibly above the united hosts of the French, who loved her soul, and the English who burned her body, five hundred years ago? . ... n emllen indulsentlv at these hal lucinations of the superstitious warrior, j who fancies mat. neaven it " strife Hut if there are not visions and voices above the thundering fields e .hi- .r there nneht to be. Man has sunk lower, and risen higher with in this year of grace than ever before . In history. If there be angels, they must be watching above all those arm ies the falling bodies and the rising ouls, with the light of an Infinite enm pasion and the gleam of a terrible justice in their Immortal eyes. Heaven may be dumb, but it Is not blind. ' Our privilege Is this: That to France one ancient friends, to the France of Lafayette and Victor Hugo, of Pasteur and Bartholdi and Jusserand. France the gallant and generous, the cheva lier of nations: the France of beauty, where our artists learned to paint and our architects to build: France In her hour of trial, striving already to teach the blind and maimed of her armies how to till her ruined fields and re build her shattered fortunes: France bending above her graves, and France rising to salute the resurrection to i.i PranM -we mar send the Christ mas greeting of the new republic which has been and la to be net- nearest . , j Inhn R Slater. ! iriei u. Rochester. New Tork. i2 uf' auk rniooxmis. The report of B. J Zabriski- sani tary com-nistoner. to be made to the G itx- mincii i- riaav nionmiK in io. that s.iu-' the resumption of dog catch- j lng on No. ember IS. as a reiult of tin , rrad dog s ire -i,-' nniiial have been j rht. 11" OPHELIA w-4i THE MARKETS LIVESTOCS. Ft. Worth Livestock. Close I By ZelRr I'otel Hogs Receipts lsfte. closed 19 cents high er, top ItSO. bulk: $C6S4S. quality good. Cattle Receipts 4. Including 404 calvee. Virj sow no beef steers sold, eows alow d,7 K:ia( -. heifers steady. si.s(.7S: hB.B ee,y J4.44.S; calve. JI.e.S. i stocker steers and cows I to IS cents tower; (steers .: con t4.54C.Z: heifers slo. !.5ts.:5: calves steady I5.se7.s. Sheep Receipts 4e, steady, lambs at IS. I Cotton JklarKet. LiTerpool Cotton. loe. Liverpool. Enr . Nov. 5. Cotton spot: good bmdnosei done. Prices higher. Good middling j.S4d. middling 7.:M: low mid dling 7 Sales I.. AMERICAN STOCKS IN LONDON AND EQUIVALENT IN NEW YORK London. Eng.. Nov. Z The following are the closing prl-es for A-nerican stocks mtc turned, and the equivalent price In New Tork. A'chlson. London. 114: New Tork 17'. Reading. London. ' : New York. 11. Southern Pacific London. 1M4: New Tork 11. Union Pacific. London. 14S: New Tort: 1UU United States Steel. London s!4: Xew Tork 7 Bar atlrer. !Sd. per oaaee. Moae 4ftKi Diseoont rates Short and three months bills . MEXICAX PRICKS. QootmUoaa farnlsaed by the EI Paso ett ebaase arrtem. il Sotrth Kl Paso street: Asnllaa vlefas -? A sal Us nnevaa Veraerus . Moaclova .- Bancoa de Bstadoa. mtxtos ll.i-i Baacos Nadonal y Loodres y Mexico. . It SO Pesos faertea S"S2 Taarofkejs . .. ....t. -.-.......--. ..... S4.0S Oro Mexlcano 49.V , . . ,-, , . mi i ilt WEATHER BULLETIN. U. F. DEPARTMENT OP AfilUCDlTURE. WE.T11KK BCRE.U. iPIV.lftWiOlF'iUJU" Observation taken at S a. m- 7Sth, me ridian time (C a. m. El Pase time.) Nor. 25. ISIS. T.recast. En Paso and vidn Ity Fair toalEht and Friday: colder to night with ireextne. New Mexico To QiKht. fair; collier la extreme east portion. Friday, fair. Arizeaa Tonurht. fair. Friday, fair, with rising tempera- tV-ttieert: IDtMJWetl rwA.-.Tt teaaiR rv3E HPSH7HFTO SOeteWOH IUI KIOUKE HE' nire. West Texas Tonfcht, fair; colder, freez in. except in sootheast portion. Friday, fair. Precipitation in last 21 sours (In laches) weatner at 3 a. m Lowest temp last night. Htenost yeeterday.. Tamp, at S a. m I Abilene SS Amaritlo.......... 3S Atlanta 44 e St pt-ddy Tt M dear 4X Boise M 4 zsjow .41 Boston 32 43 S3 dear SI 48 elosdy 11 41 dear Cnlcaco C4 ClndaaaU 4C Denver 33 Detroit 44 Dalntb 40 ElPaso 43 Galveston. ........ 73 Havre I Jacksonville SS LltUeRock Ijob Anaelea....... S Nsabtdlle S4 New Orleans. ...... C8 New York 4 Omaha X Phoenix 44 Rapid City Xt Ronrell 4 St-Lonls (3 Salt Lake City 34 San Antonio....... TO San Francisco. ..... So Santa Fe 3 8eatlle 42 Washington 31 Wichita 14 Vim J SS SS IS 74 T 41 S 73 7 C4 se 41 S4 T 42 76 4 SO so S4 4S i 32 dear IS dandy xs doady 42 dear 7 pt-ddy 3 clear SS dear M doady i dr it dondy 6 dear 34 dear J deedy 4 etear 32 dondy 44) clear H cloudy 31 clear s s u 40 X3 s deodr doady snow rata doody pt- cldy 78 1 4 clear Note: Amonnts of precipitation of less than .l of an Inch are not pabitsbed hereon. Comparative El Paso Precipitation. Jan. 1 to Nov. 21. inclusive. 1911.. .19.(2 in. Jan. 1 to Nov. 23. inclusive. 1912... 9-SS In. Jan. 1 to Nov. 73, indnaive. 1913... -2t In. Jan. 1 to Nov. 23. Indnaive. 1914. ..12.23 In. Jan. 1 to Nov. 33. inclusive. 191S .. 9.S3 In. Normal. Jan. 1 to Nov. 23. Inclusive. 9.1S In. Got results Use Herald Want Ad3. Notice To Classified Advertiser All Classified " Advertising ordered to run Indefinitely It- f.1 must be In wrt: Ing. No t- f. advertisements accepted orer tho telephone Oruers to discon tlnoo t f. ads most also bo In writing and cannot be accepted over tba tele phone, a stop order receipt will be given when a t f ad la ordered discontinued. Answers to Herald Ads. The following list) of uncalled for answers to Herald Want Adevrtiie ments are new being held for delivery at The Herald business office: B tax C 2t C 21 C D 9 D 9 f5 --. tra.i.o I ..ifcato J -3 . S St SS 4 S ? S 1 T SS T M V S3 V 17 W US TRlii X x sen T 3 T 4 177 Us l"h 1 -. 1 Pn-Atriui E IS " O S H 97 IOC E 17 K 93 i. y a - "j " M J;t H 1 Rates For Q-tssifier Ads: 3ne Cent per Woro, no 1C Cent Der WorO. NO charee less than 55 -. .. m ni t-oasecunve use;- tions. per Word 05 Lost and Found. I)IjM Bull doc short tall, studded collar. Phone 5Ii:. i JJOST A rbort haired gray doc. Phooe ::. j Montana. i LOST Bunrto of keys la Manhattan Heights ' by return place Jit oe. Phone 4sfs J. Reward. I LOST Roll containing JttSe and diamond ' ring. SMS reward If returned to HIS La I Lui. Phone ISS4. $5 Kl'lYAKI far retarn of Indian Chief bicy cle No. l?-7?w. red fran-e. Clarence Bloom. I3IJ Maaoffin. Phone . ' L-lsT Between i!4 W Missouri and 21 Milla street, one brooch set wttn pearls ana diamond. Reward If returned to Herald. LOST A sold enamel pin brooch woman with butterfly wings, set with four diamonds. Iinrral reward return to 457 BUsa. Pbono ?74 CITARLE reward for Information leadinie to recovery of XSx4 3oodyear caeing with tabea and tims. stolen from my car in Eaat Rl Paso Tuesday night. J. H. Harzthal. 1 Cebeda. LO,T U1ST NItlllT A SS by 4H Racine smooth traatl tire b tween Sierra Btanca and El Iara. Tire t aji on rim and panped op. Finder bring EI Paso Overland Auto Co. office Reward. Perjrjsal. SP1REI.I. COKMrlT. j!t- Hulett. Ph. 157. j Soeaal Notlres. AtLKbN Itl.KU'S preparatioas at KrP- taXAK!l delivers that coantry battermilk. Phone SaS J. HOVS17& TKAM'KIt Phono 13S. Prompt i and reliable serrlca. MATTKKftNES renovated and made to order, j R. U Daniel Furn. A Matt. Pety. ' dox. All Tarte- ' FLO. EKING ISL'MUs J eta. ties and color, as1 tery 40. Pbone .ft .ted. ETersxeen Cemo- TIIK MVHTLi; TUAS1NO riCK. 1 r.ndj the man that wants to sell and the an that -wants t bay. the man that wants borrow and tbe man that wants to lend A. few ininatei of oar time is not very ex- penrde. . ! ' Financlaj. : Ir.K SALK FOK CIJKNT. Well scoured first vendor's lien note for Sq3.7 bearin: ! per cent Intc-est dae Sept. ! 1. 191C Park W. Pitman Realty Compan. ?-S Two Rep-jbli.-Blda;.Clty. ! MONKY TO I.OAN. $49,909 to be loaned cot la one loan on cloe in Improved property only. las V. Knox Company. M3 Mil's St. Pboae S4 UK IC a general loan baslncsa. boy notvs, can make loans to be repaid la easy H stalmen'T to salt voar v tie. The money Is always ready. No o y Eqvltaale Loan , Actu. 31-"1 Trot Bidg. Bniinejj Cuincci. WANTED T. boy payinr bakery In small town with payroll. Address C. 3SS. Herald. ISKSr I.ITTI.K IUV1.M' In B3 Paso salt able for lady or gentleman, fine location, treat future pol Writ tea See B. W. Hale, HI 1st N'atl. hank Bldr Phone WJL a ;oon nrsixiivi proposition" win take $450 raah or trade for food car. Phone 2(7 all. r ( n. m Call n:o .1 IrttS MtE BY OlV.NKn Most salts bis psaea .or dairy or nonltry business wlUl atrsetrj modern 4 room bouse. Most sell. 9254HI Lasy ttrc-F. Phone 214C FOR -SAI.K onfiMtlARen- and SBArt ordar I f resrawrant In small town. 2 Wllwsn nortjl of t El Paso, dolnc a narlnc boslfwpss Reason for pellitaE. ov ner wanes all his time for ealser baolaeas. Audress B. U care Herald. i MCE FOR LADY. Dasdy little cJar and candy stand, rent onlj Jl. Only IS. cash. See Mr. RJee. Ramrt Bros, First Nat- Bank Bid-. Phone 1. NOTICH TO UiUNTIRr MEN. For sale, dry room and fixture, starch box. roliir machine. i.leev maxnlne. shirt ma- chine, seam dampaer. collar ahaper. 5. roll Troy mana-le, can stove. IS H. P. boOr. horse and delivery men. all or part at bar- r". K. Harris, rsti Alameoa Are. isi Te- ' FOS b.Li Several rent hooses. one rest- j dence and saloon doinr excelleot oaviaesa. I Santa Rita. Silt. monthly pay roll. A cbaace of reslden'-e by otrner necessary Address C Cartllo. Box SIS. Santa Rita. N. I M. Wanted Hein iuaje Fall MItrhe.1. Emptaymrnt Acency. :1 9an FraneUco SL WANTED Machinist who has had expert- eace m wrecking work. Must be A-l me- ehanlc Apply J. W. Harm. Herald Press W.VNTED IN men to sleep at Hotel Every- ' steam beat Close in. S27S fUr six even bodya, a good clean bed with a comfort rags. and blanket. 15e a n:ght. snower betas tree. Hotel Bverybody'a 718 Santh Santa Pe St. 1 W.VNTED Exnerienccd clotalse man to take charge of clothing dept- Mast speak spaaiah fluently. Address uoreasretn ros Silver City. N. M. WANTKD Experienced undertaker and far- nltvre man. one who speaks Spanish pre- .'rred. To go to Arlxona. SISs to start- ao- uress Box 1S2. City I WANTUII Men yonnr and old from out of dty te loam the barber trade and accept po attions In small town- lmpuialble to get Ivht parnrn lor icese ponuvns mmrmjki inv wages are good. ft rite for particulars today. Mfier Barber Collage. Ft Worth. Texas. Help Wanted Salesmen. j IFANTED Mannfactnrers agent to open dis tributing branch tn Kl Paso at once. Kxcni 30 ' atve territory. No competition. S2SO0 year to rignt man. small capital required- Aoaresa Manufacturer S29 West 11th St.. Los Ange les. Calif; Helo WaDted Male and Female wanted First class cook in a amaii saaa-' torlnm In New Mexico. Write a 191. Herald. -.- . -- i Wanted Heip Female. WANTtl) English speaking chambermlu. Hotel Lo.kle. experienced W.VNTBD American girl for dining room, from S until .z; 73 N Stinta Fe. WANTED Two neat girls to wait oa par lor tables. Tbe Elite ConfectSooery Oa. 1IANTEI1 Engllrh speakiag girt for dining room. Pbone SS12. I room, rnone Ml- j WANTED To bay three diamonds. Address with description and price P. O. Box 19a, City. I M ANTED An English speabmg Mexican girl for housework and lavadrylng. Phono I i;9. I COMPETENT woman for general hoasework on ranch, three In family, modern bouse, as ; outside work. Drawer A. La Mesa. X. M. UKflK reliable cor-pony will pay 2 to Ss l-lly to employed persons for doing little ertra work ta spare time. No canvassing, no experience, no money required In advance. Palmer Co.. 992 W. Lake. Chicago Sitnatioas Wanted Hale CARPENTER work wanted, job work specialty. Ring 4412 M A GOOD young Japanese wants work as rhanffenr or gardnr. H. 9S. care Herald. MACHINIST wants position, particularly bench and lathe work. P. "13 care Hera O. I"XPEl:lENCKD colored cook wishes position I as cook aad villi do mineral house work. 34J4 McKlnley. f SPANISH stenographer, bookkeeper, -pe-ik English, want general office work. Write 499 Wyoming St or care Herald, u. 69 W NTED Pos lti..n I pan---e man ' rite B vj Herald C KPI- TEKlNt. -u- cook by ni irrie.1 to help In kltch, n p itnrn; en .-rvmTVtly Sitnatioss Wanted Slale i YOIXS MAN. two yean stly in medlcln-. " tf-T?!! -' af?nTSc!iJ?'J tiur an aufipiiii wr -. horaital Will ao anywhere Address K. :. care " WANTKJi Ral'road Job, aould Preler pumnlng Job. Have had experience wltn steam pump Can give references Am 4C year old Do not drink ar aamble Have a family John S. Casey. Flcacbo. M- Situations Wanted Female CALL experienced nurse. Phone 2s8 1IAY WORK, white woman. Phone ;ui v WATBIPamil7 washing. Phone -S V. WANTKI) la. re curtains to wash Ph .: SPANIMI-KNI.IMI. gov. de'l- toei- tion immediately. Keference. z re Herald. Addrei. H '. JrVanttd Realjstate. WANTLU S room bungalow in good dis trict from 'r.ner. No agents. Write lit. care Herald. v Wanted to Rent iVA.VIfcll To teat three room house with bath and rieeplng. nermanent. Address P O B 17. . Wanted Board and Rooms. TllO PERSON want good board and rooms, one with sleeping porch. Addreai 213. Herald HOMIt wanted where boya and girls may earn toeir nomru mna i-u"nnt wise atiwwu. . f'-hooL Phone 1484. PraitKhon's CoMctf Wanted Mccena neons. OL! ami new Mexican ataniM. Apply B B J car of Herald. l ANTI.1 All kinds of metaU and Junk at 1 current market nffce. iiennitn lUociw: C- 7!4-7I;-T!'! Oreffon Phone 433. For K-ent Rotues Furnished. ,--,-,k-,-Nrf," PKKN rot.m hoa-w. steeplns; porcb. Large gurace Pha. h2 R. 5M. FOR Ill-NT - room neatly furnished boose. , Phone iZ FLKMslItD 4 room cottage with porch. 04 slont-na. sleeping rent. 935 4 HOOM farr.i-ned Phone TV44. FOi; ItKNT Furnished 6 room house, steam heat, good neltthborhcod. Phone 444 V FOR RENT i room furnished cottage, bath. , sleeping; pt-r ch i biock from Hiajhland Park car Pbon 15C FOR KENT i;rird new house. nicel fur nished, fl-s room' a., new. sleeping; porch. fine '(a'lun. Phn C54 R. NICELY f..rni-he.i room cottage with rfeeptn por h alt newly papered and 1 'rfT't FB:rT7,,' rm,. wmwnwj rar nainted electric in. ht and Cn er iinr. "hd-ed. neat, prl-ijege cf bath, -mitaVe lor cost in MS ArizoTi j Phowe IM W . RIfcK street 5 room elegantly furnished - Mondj -.e . rooms eleganUy furnished J7 Koatd. 7 rootrs elegantly famished SCO dame L- Jtarr JC Co. eeeeviof . te Austin Jt Man Co. 54 San ntonlo Phone 4K FOR KKNT PPRXIsIIHD. 4 room 1ung-alow wltis glass sleeplns; pDreh. iieai turn -ceo. im car uae. xlest realdesjce Ustrii t Pbene 41. Strao4. AndenMn-PIlIer Jnretiaent Ce. !-! BaeUer Bide. i ROOM ITKM.-HKU HOUSE. rlj in on afvnrfy Ave. aarace. IVL-KXRMey Realty Co. Phone !;. Trast BWg-. For Rent Booses oafnmisced R RKMT BV HAWKINS BROS. Nicely famtsned 4 room apartmsnts. elsae in li. . i i ?J5 j SI44 B. 14. was. foar porchss. sarase. Mill? miyv -It room bootM. -doo 1. fsrai Pbone SSML , tMK for GOOD valley home for rent or saw. Pboae ixslT w. x-nos - TIIRKK room bona sstrnrambed for small American fn-.!ly. St5 S. Virginia St. FOR KKNT 3 rooms and sWealng gallery. Phone Sats. SS Tnlarosa. For Rent Apartments Furnished. FLATO APTS. and rooma Pboae S. TYtO room apartment, heat. (II Mesa. ' i T1IKKK -rooms, Phone 21. private bath, reasonable. RENT two room flat steam beat, hot and cold water. 1114 E. Rio Grande St. Fame 147. i FOR SALE Furniture of i room apartment, apt- for rent- Call Brasos Apt. IS. Pbono 2SS7 W. NICKLY farniyncd apartment for rent. .-... , !, iTSNNBLU smaU steam heated ape. I stoeniaa- ocrch nrivate bath. Pbone XS17 moralags or after n. m. 712 N. Santa Pm. NICELY iuraiahed sarte of 2 or mere rooms with sleeping porch, arranged for Ught howsekecplns. or will give apartment and la exchange lor board. 1M7 , Montana. Phoae CCaS. THE KOSKMOXT. 1I.a ,! .1., ,.H. bw ImII.M..II. m ' nlahed anartment boose In tho southwest. Four room apartments. Garages for awto- moblle owners. Phone IMS. Apt. 2. 1119 N. Oregon. FIsK APARTMENTS. Two room. bath. MtcJattt. sleeping porch, frxrnsaed. Phone 197X. rtkk-Ramsey Realty Co. For Rert Apartments Unfurnished. ' -- U w- FOl'lt room apartment, siotping porch. C9S : rrospect Ave. inioae zaa. . . . . ; TT i ONE onfaraisred and one furnished team hea'ed apartii.ent. modern. cIimm In. Phone 34. NCW B1NKLEY APARTMIKTS. Cor. Upson and Fisher. Ideal location, eon- venient to business center, uu-ge airy rooms. ; oeanurai tinisnings. largo uss ancnen ana win. Finn Dvrcues. botchkit mwino nroor Iloor and walls. Let as show you? James L. Marr i Oa hI1erei r te Auslln Mair Co. 294 S.-n Antonio St Pbone 4300. I IICTORIA APARTMENTS. 11CTORIA APARTMENTS. uregon and River Sta. New 4 rooms each, strictly op to the minute bed. refrigerator, gas range, shades, lino leum on kitchen floor: steam heat. Make your reservations. Ready now. Ansh-rMO-FHIer. Sale Arenls. Phones 491 and 1429. HltlllN'MlN APARTMENTS. One mi dssii able two apt, with bath, kitchen and doapfng porch. Ir-intedlate pos sessioa Pbone 19,3 Fisk-Rnmey Realty Co. For Rent Rooms Fctmslied. NICE iieeplrc rooms, close In. 717 N Kl Paso . PLlVxNT fro.u r,.m furna.-e beat 13:2 ! . 1 lTRNIMir.D fr., f '- gentlemen tilth For Rest Rooms Fcrcisbed HKMSHBII bed loom-, aleepinc- porch S4 LTneon unn) rlose In, Phono ;1X. FIKMXHF fmnt M.'i Paon- 11-' nun prcterreu S'Jj FRONT room U-.-4- In. rrlvate bo-ne n. ce heat No -" fc. Phone 4 ROOM "nith a 1 core, do Phone rC M ia pna'e FOB RKNT erne Myrtle Ae tars front room iOl NICK south fr ,nt room with keeping- porcu not and co!(l water. ul Cpon Pho-w "iT. fOK KENT i'-ie room and t-jrag Magoffin. NICELY furnished bed room", on M:r ka Phone S1I7. MdTHEKN HOTEL. onuiie rooms. J; up 4-3 S. El I aso. LARGE frnr rooni nicely furnished facing i library, steam heat. 11 V Franklin SLKGAVT rooms, they will please you. n -u 4 ISIS M. goffln. NICHLi furnished room. 77 Mrsa. ait conveniences. HOsTRLIKE rooms wtrn private family, rates reasonable No sick. 1.331 Tftyo-n'mc St. FOR RENT In Altura one room id sleep ing nor, h near car line- Phone 4',t , enU3iwIUro0o,rin1er,0!n tnr tAO Bent;e- I l" PAYCTTP KIHIX C1IE.1P Close In. SIS c I MU.-i St Phone : "3 p ; SLEKPING room or hourekeeplng and s.c Ine pc-ch juj n Oregon. NICELV furn!sb,l front room, large anU sonny hoosekeeainr Dririleces. 415 L'poon TWO nice rooms adjotaiog suitable for beii room and library Pboae J17 NICK room for employed refit I emeu $a. breakfast optional. No sfek. Pbone 627 S M. CUE IN. clean. Phone Sltk W. well f ornish ed rooias. MCE bed rooms close Is. Ill X' FiorTw-e Phono 3. , - laitRGB well famished room mitj.hl. fn- trn ' ladles to rmmls wfliiia. nrf Pbooe :mt R. !k tOK KENT Pleasant front roam. . osa it- private hor-e. bath, and heat, for srnii - x 157 N Ochoa. Phone 427. MM ALTXRA. Ft BMs: line single root. sieim neater private larnJiy Z1Z monthli ' inclodlns; breakfast. Phone 65-1 ATTRACT! k front bedroom bath a Ijoin- ioc. m pnvate zamuy. Phone 45. walking ti stauL-- PTRNISIIED room connecting bath. roeJ walking; distance for gentlemen only. Pcj3q I-VR4iE sonny steeping- porch fnrnlabed wi dressing room suitable for one or mor pe sona. Rent i-eaonabie. walklcg dis as ce. Phone rssi M. 10J Myrtle. ' -.,. . 7" VH'rT" -. "" ' ' I " "f w-- ! evda. Phone 81&. 5 ! , VfiVf" -nulla K T- ?wly tenlahod. roost. X miaiatea Xru-n pos V...V. ... Mil W hl AWIUI111TU. VL etJT Teaieacev m canecriOD. zvs vv Rio uroade. Phone 4S3. I : j i For Rent Housekeeping Roons Furnished. ON'K boosekeenins; room. 1029 Olive LIGHT hoaaekeepla: rooms. Phone 3M -4 TWO house fcepln. rooms for rent. Zf9 . Plorence. Pnone 1UC. IIOlEKIvEriN ROOMS, close In. Mesa. Phone '831. I10CSBKEET1.VG with private bat 84 E Bio Grande. HOGSBESEPING room with bath, he-it. S33 per an SIS Mesa. HOL'SKKKETIXG and bedrooms reasocali e rates. SIS Myrtle. 'I'M O rso-niabed housekeeping; rooms, sleeping pordi. Xo sick. S-1S N Kanaas. FOB KXNT Two nice- 4arg IUM trons. -keeping rooms, dose la. 191 Myrtle Ave ATTRACTI. E room prlvats family. keeates; privileges to right person. C344 W. Pba-, BE.inTFCL large bedroom adjoining baf aewly ranovatsd and furnished in priva-e home, kltebeaet If desired. 301 W T. Grande. Pbone 1419. FOR KKNT Attract X roo n fomiab apartment, private bath and sleep rig port v three blocks of postoCflce Also sm&ll u.usr keeping room witb gas plate. 615 N. EI Pas St For Ret Hacsekeeping Koons V Unfurniilied. THl.rP RMU! fnln wwh Yft? X ! Kansas. Phone S74. Til O natomlshed house keeping rooms; 7 9 North Stanton. For Rent Rooms and Board. ROOJI and board strictlr first clas. Mrs. i F. Lsary. XSX W. MtssourL - - RO03I. also glassed la sleeping por-h- board if deir-d. 7sS N. Orj;on. Phone 790. FOR KENT Fui ulabed rooms, cheap, wi or without board. S49- Alameda Ave. Ptr a 75 NICELY firai-bed arge front room STfc3.v for two or tbree ladles or gontiezaas. board if delred. Phone 5SI2. LARGE room f-r two gentlemen, separate bed, front roo-n with sleeping porch, ett.a.-i heat, good board. X2S Prospect NICELY fnrnibed room with tH-arti IS. ' veil, in private tamlly tor xent'emen ' elfleelv -mn' 1 -ni.n, II .-.n U ..' I Park car. 2111 Krle St- Phone 13-D BACIIELOK3 HOME 701 ME3.1. Solicits the patronage of gentlemen n:Tr : hon-e coo-,1 meals and well furnished sts heated r -.s. VON MRIESEN S.NATORrCM. for .0 vaescents on Pt. BUM ear line away Trc dty dust. Trained nnrse In charge. Ho cooking. Rates 1 to SIS per week. C Copia aad Frankfort Sta Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE l MENDING SECTION 1-2.--i.N ORDrNANfE REOLLlTTN(-TRAFFIC- WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF Elpiti TEXAS. BE IT OFJL MXF.D BT THE iITT lirX- CIL OF TI' . l-ITT HF EL PA ' TEXS Section 1 That Section Thirteen nf sti ore nance passed an-1 aonrore,! Dei-rrlHr ! 1 ii. rec-nlattnc traffic ulthin the lit l r ' me t-"v or El Paso Texas .- jv ; the .a-ae herehv intended so t-j.t tJa,- after said eeli..n sh.'l rerd Section 13. It hv l be on'jV to any vehicles atamt.-isj or hitch I f , - it er rcriod than l.-n: mlnu'.. In t Dlac -s n North O-ee in -- i the souther v lrr of the Gahiit- Hi-t bnrc- A San Ant mio K-vclwav , , --m . r s- ' of aar to th- iouth--tv line street, on lon'h I ?-- 1 -on'hrlv line ,f JJ.- Ulnnln south .-riv Urn of Overland ar north . t the r.Itro. d t-- . 3 IJlS'f - ,r.h ,-"n ,hSGal ,r -.n "hZ- 'horn' 4 "," ; railvriv to the s U'htrlv- line o' c- I trvet on Mill st--et utd Lit . 1 - tr t ' I ihe et line of ,.rtl Ore n -- 1 i line oi f-i raso from the e islcr'v line of - f- 2" street to t:i- viester'v lino of . r-t- rreel on San Fraii'v,' tri.t 'rn- t -wt'rtr llm of Orevt t atneer t. tp we rr. 'ine of Sc ath El I oso stre ..- s i Kl r so sir t f-o-i .-is north-- i-e I S n Pp.ncib-1, -.., an-i mil. -.- . . j s-tjthcrlv line or Ovr art! &tre- ' i V irwi iroiri ine -aslr' nne ot i -,-s to the eacrlv line f orth Sti"t., t on San Antonio street from th- r - 1 no of South E Pa-.i -irv-t t -h. line of Sojth lni,-i trett . - tree from the - u-h - r . o th t -n. Harrlibur- A 8. n Antonio -i -.nt rtr -of war lo th- uther'v line f Fist Ov - t street .-n Kannp. ntr -t fror. zc - r lints of 3:1' --r.t l. ire rrtb ne f Hvrtle aec- -li 1 t-owM- j t regui- on aha. I n, t it t-tnejr. t- of , octotk r in 1 o. 'fc a. l Section 1 Tne t , t iHtvl i vere is no suf fiU nt -rdlnpi. r z Inr th, o,-k r "mil i'nn tr- , -v lli-iite, and trat s. d oa-ki-c 3 1.- carried on I a a- in rrf - n fi, unon th- . . f sal'. " a ,ao ( f .- a- tu eni-r- vhlch r(. n. r- -- i .n-nr .- f Lit ter rn . I it - - j,. -h i t - o- ' i.,- I i' , tfn rest in :"' " "tt?, c"7. -oincil a- 1 1. .nt-eof. and aald rule bv .- ?' b slder-ii n nr.sent n i the Mavor r iiv heret. .u-1 r- tut- ord.n " l 1 mi. itr M'-t