Mexkan bank notes (state bills) KCH
Mexican pesos 43 Vi Nsclonales bills
It- Carranza currency 4 Bar silver,
(Handy A Harmon quotations) 56W
f opprr I J8 io drains higher Livestock
El Tam and west Texaa fair; eoliler In
north; New Mexico and Arizona, fair.
123 OF U.
Don't Arm
Germany's Lusitania Agree
ment Accepted, Pending
Further Statement.
Definition Of What Consti
tutes Defensive Armament
May Be the Outcome.
WASHINGTON-. D. O, Feb. 17
The United States will ask the
entente powers to agree not to
imt puna of any kind on ships carry
ing passengers, In return for assur
niues from Germany that such ships
i ill be Immune from submarine attacli
This, it was reported today, will be one
f the negotiations which have been in
Vioktcm between the United States and
i i rlln with relation to the Lusitania
c ise
If Germany gives the American gov
ernment the desired assurances, it will
innounce that passenger carrying ships
v ill in no event be srrviect to sinking
v ithout warning and without paBsen
nn and irew being given opportunity
tu reach safety, notwithstanding tho
astro-German declaration that all
.' i mod ships are to be treated after a
vpei lfied date as chips of war.
Lusitania Agreement Accepted,
Secretary of state Lansing toda ac-
pted Germany's draft of the Lusl
iniita agreement as acceptable to the
1 nitid States government. Insofar as
M rul-ttes to that case, but asked count
i nn Bernstorff, the German ambassa
(ioi, for assurances that Germany will
nnt carry out its policy of slnklns
n -reliant ships without warning to
liners, even if they carry defensive
ai inament
The question of -what constitutes
cj f nsive armament Is to be deter
n ined later in a way not yet agreed
npin It Is suggested that the United
Elites may propose that guns mounted
n the stern of ships and capable of
1 i. ik swung from IE to SO degrees in
hi r direction might come within
h u tlass. I
Germany Cannot Accept U, S. Proposal.
It was stated authoritatively that
' crmany, because of its unusual posi
tion, cannot and will not accept the
suggestion of the United States as it
i "W stands that liners carrying arms
shall be Immune from attack under
previous assurances.
Anatrlan 'Warning Received.
The Austrian notice of intention to
treat armed belligerent merchant ships
as subject to attack without warning
was received today by the state de
partment from ambassador Penfleld In
ienna It Is dated Feb 10. and Is In
1 ne with the German declaration on
the same subject already published.
XVtrograd. ItuSsIa, Feb. 17. Giving 111
li' alth. as a reason, ambassador ttenrre 7.
Marye baa sent his resignation to the state
tepartment at Washington. Ho asked that
h be relieved of his dstles at as early a
date as possible
Ambassador Marye's resignation Is regard
ed aa Inopportune, especially since his first
nerretarr Charles 8. Wilson, has been trans
ferred and Is leaving at once for Madrid.
a In expressing regret at the approaching
( leparture of Mr Ma rye, foreign minister
Razanotf voiced the opinion that the work
f drtne by the ambassador toward bringing
nbout more cordial relations between Rus
sia and the United Slates would bear fruit
immediately after the war. when the com
Tnerctai relations of the two countriea would
rommand closer attention.
ronsiRR covkhnoii rn.xcis
Washington. D C Feb. 17 It Is un
derstood president Wilson Is seriously
ronMderlng the appointment of David
n rrancis, former secretary of the ln
tenor and former governor of Missouri,
r as ambassador to Russia, succeeding
ambassador George T. Mane It is said
Vr Marve's resignation will be ac
cepted as a matter of course
Your Handwriting
Tells Your Character
The Herald will tell of the newest science, "Graphology,'' in its Week
End editions, beginning shortly.
Fully described, explained and illustrated by De Witt B. Lucas, America's
greatest graphologist, in a series of splendid articles prepared expressly for
tho Week-End Herald, beginning March 4-5.
These articles will enable you to read your own character, as well as
that of others.
Have Your Handwriting Analyzed
Clip the coupon printed with each article. Send 50 words in your natural
style written in ink on unruled paper. Inclose a self-addressed and stamped
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Mr. Lucas will then mail you an analysis of your traits and personality
in your own envelope that will be as valuable as it will lie interestinga
most amazingly correct analysis by America's foremost character diagnostician.
Send or bring your specimen to the El Paso Herald.
If You Didn't Read Elihu Roofs
Os I u
17. The losses of one of the
British expeditions In Mesopotamia
In a battle with the Turks near Batlha,
west of Korna, amounted to 2000 of
ficers and men. according to official
announcement given out by the Turkish
war department under date of Febru
ary 16.
The statement also saya that tho
Russians lost 5000 men in killed In
three day battle on the Caucasian
This Is supposed to refer to the bat
tle preceding the taking of Erzerum,
and was probably sent to Constanti
nople prior to the fall of the city.
New Orleans. La., Feb. 17 Flood
waters from the crevasse in the Mis
sissippi river at Buckridge today, after
filling Lake Bruin, approached the
town of St. Josenh Hundreds of re
cruits have joined the parties rescuing
marooned persons
At Newellton, where several thou
sand itepro refugees are housed In
mills and cotton gins, there Is scarcely
more than enough food to last through
the day.
The food situation at Nachez, Miss,
was regarded today as sufficient.
The crevasse below Melville, on ,the
Otchafalaya, continues to widen "and
today the back water was nearer Mel
ville. So far three unidentified negroes
are the only victims of the high water.
Washington. D. C . Feb. 17. Plans
for Increasing the regular army and
for the federalization of the national
guard began to take definite shape to
day. The house militarj committee under
took the task of framing a raiiitia fed
eralization bill while the senate com
mittee resumed work on Its measure to
Increase the regular army to between
1(0,000 and 200,000 men.
Austin. Tex., Feb. 17. The state
health department today announced tho
appointment of J. J. Howe, of Sherman;
George W. Best, of Galveston, and J.
B Stewart, of San Angelo as deputy ho
tel Inspectors. These men working in
cooperation with the Travelers' Pro
tective association will make an In
spection of hotels of the state.
Washington. D C. Feb. 17 Three hun
dred thousand dollars for government work
on the Colorado river at Tumi. Ariz.. Is one
item in the rivers and harbors MM as finally
perfected In committee Wednesday The
Mil carries a total appropriation of $11.
C0S.410. tho largest single item being
15,000.000 for work along the Mississippi
river south of the Ohio river
New York, Feb. 17 F A. Fahernwald of
Cleveland, announced Wednesday before the
American Institute of Mining Engineers that
American chemists have succeeded in nna
Ing substitutes for platinum which has been
rendered scarce and costly by the war H
said gold-silver alloys of palldum have been
found excellent substitutes for platinum,
and he believed the discovery would revolu
tionize dental work In platinum.
, .j. .;. . . c : : :
.'. i
Considered Nlcaraguan and
Colombian treaties In executive
Senator Hoke Smith Intro
duced an -amendment to the mil
itary bill providing for a reg
ular army of 250,000 men.
Brandeis nomination Investi
gating committee continued its
General debate on the post
office appropriation was re
sumed Secretary McAdoo supported
the administration shipping bill
before the marjne committee.
Rear admiral Grant continued'
his testimony on national de
fence before the naval commit
tee. ; v
Official Messenger estimates the
Turkish garrison at Erzerum, cap
ture of which was announced Wednes
day at 100,000. It Is also estimated that
more than 1000 guns were captured.
From such information as Is avail
able It would appear that the Turkish
army succeeded in slipping out of Kr
7erum, thus evading surrender. The
Turks are supposed to have escaped
Into a difficult mountain country to tho
westward, with scanty provisions and
fnclng the necessity of nasty flight
from the Russian pursuing forces.
Trehlmnil Capture May Follow,
The capture of Erzerum is regarded
in the allied capitals as most import
ant, accbrding to congratulatory dis
patches which have been sent to the
emperor and the ministry of war.
This victory Is expected to facilitate
the capture of Treblzond on the Black
sea coast and the relief or the British
army hemmed In by Turks at Kut-El-Amara,
Grand Duke's MenKase.
In the official Tunnouncement of the
capture of Erzerum, the ministry of
war made public the fallowing message
from grand duke Nicholas, commander
In chief in tho Caucasus, to the em
peror: "God has granted the brave troops
of the army of Caucasus such great
help that Erzerum has been taken after
five days of unprecedented assault. I
am inexpressibly happy to announce
this victory to your imperial majesty."
Vienna, Austria, Feb. 17. An Aus
trian official statement issued under
date of Feb. 16 announced that tho
eighth attack by Italian outposts on
the Austro-Hungarlan positions on
Javereck was repulsed.
The statement adds that the ground
in front of the new Austrian positions
in the Rombon district is covered
with Italian dead.
TOTAL $2,000,000 DAILY
Washington. D. C, Feb. 17 Depart
ment of commerce estimates place
American exports of war munitions to
Europe at JI.000,000 a day. with the
figures growing larger as production
increases; The total exports of muni
tions since the war began are estimated
at close to $250,000,000. The next four
months are expected to see these fig
ures doubled.
Washington. D C, Feb. 17 The re
cent seizure by British and French na
val commanders of American securities
en route to New York bankers from
neutral countries in Europe will be
made the subject of further represent
ations to Great Britain and France
by the United States. The representa
tions will supplement those already
made in connection with the detention
i (Continued on page 9, Col. 6.)
The War At a Glance
WITH the capture of Erze
rum by the Russians, In
terest In war operations
has shifted Its center momentarily
to the fields of warfare in Armenia,
Persia and Mesopotamia. Dispatch
es from Petrograd say the official
Messenger estimates the ' Turkish
garrison at Erzerum at 100,000 men
and the number of guns captured at
more than 1000.
Turks Silent Regarding: Erzernm
The current Turkish official
statement gave no record of the
capture of the fortress. The only
mention of the operations In this
war area Is the declaration that the
Russians In the fighting of the
three days preceding lost 5000 dead
and 60 prisoners.
Erzerum Garrison Flees
Unofficial advices from Petro
grad say the Turkish army Is flee
ing westward from Erzerum
through a difficult mountain re
gion. Military observers In allied cap
itals expect the Russian success to
facilitate the capture of Treblzond
on the Black sea coast and the re
lief of the British army in Meso
potamia. Other Fighting Slackens
Fighting on the western front has
lessened In Intensity, probably be
cause of the prevailing bad weather
and similar conditions prevail In
Italian Reported Defeated
Vienna reports a defeat for the
Italians in the eighth attack by
their outposts on the Austrian po
sition at Javearcck
I.imltniila Agreement Acceptable
. It is given out In Washington
that the Lusitania agreement with
Germany has been received by
secretary Lansing as acceptable to
the United States so far as It re
lates to the Lusitania case Itself.
Tho German ambassador, howevei.
has been asked for assurances
that Germany will not sink linen
w ithout warning.
T 10
Speaker at Panama Confer
ence Says 60 Percent With
out Honor or Hope.
Among the Rich the Family
Tie Is Strong and Well
PANAMA, reb 17. One-fourth to
one-half or the population of
South American countries are il
legitimate, according to Dr. Robert E.
Sreer. secretary of the American Pres
byterian board, who Is presiding over
the Congress of Religious Wcrii in,
Latin-America in session here.
Dr. Speer's statement Is included In
the report of the commission on wom
en s work which was presented to the
congress today.
Terrible Pictures of Women's Lot.
Terrible pictures of the lot of the
women of the poorer classes In Latin
America are drawn In the report Re
ferring more particularly to the west
coast of the southern half of the conti
nent the commission says: "The birth
rate Is largo but the death Tate among
Infants Is also great From 40 to 90
percent die under two years of age.
c cauBea are an unguaraea muK sup
ply, an apnalllne dlffURlnn of venereal
.diseases and a state of morals which
leaves nan or tne children to be raised
by an unmarried mother without aid
from the father.
"Miss Florence E. Smith speaks of
the women of Colombia, as they work
with pickaxe and shovel on the high
way, or stagger under burdens , too
heavy to be borne of the 60 out of
every 100 women In the whole conti
nent who have lost honor, self-respect
and hope of the mothers of the 40.767
babies who died in Chile alone in 1909.
less than one ear old, because of al
coholism and anti-hygienic conditions."
Enormous Infant Death Rate.
As a further illustration of the enor
mous Infant death rate in the southern
republics the commission draws a com
parison with the rate In the registra
tion area of the United States where. In
1911, IS percent of the total deaths
were those of Infants. As against this
41 percent of the total deaths in Chilo
In the same ear were of infants; in
Valparaiso the official figures were S33
per 1000, In Concepclon, 46 percent Val
dlvla, 43 percent
In striking contrast to the conditions
prevailing among the poorer classes of
the populations the commission finds
that the Latin -American women of the
wealthier ranks of society live on as
high a plane as any of their sisters In
the north or In Europe Georges Clem
enceau, former premier of France, is
quoted as saying regarding the higher
class of women In Argentina"
Fnmlly Tie Strong In Argentlnn.
"The family tie appears to be strong
er In the Argentine than, perhaps, in
any other land The rich take pleasure
in having large families. The greatest
affection prevails and the greatest de
votion to the family rooftree. Tho
women enjoy a reputation, which seems
well justified, of being extremely vir
tuous. In their role of faithful guard
ians of the hearth they have been able
to silence calumny and Inspire univer
sal respect by the purity and dignity of
their lives."
.No Middle Clans.
Similar tributes are paid to the wom
en of the richer classes in the other
southern republics. The commission
points out, however, that there Is prac
tically no middle class In South Ameri
ca and that a girl who has to work for
her living Is treated w ith much disdain,
even women teachers having little so
cial standing.
One result of the commission's Inves
tigation Is the conclusion that a great
change is coming in Latin-America In
regard to the status of the women. The
"women movement" Is said to be mak
ing steady progress, women are gradu
ally taking a more active part In poli
tics and business and the efforts of the
missionary organizations to relieve the
lot of the poorer classes are declared
to have met with most gratifying re
sults, although seriously hampered by
lack of workers and funds
Send Only Good Looking Women.
American missionary societies think
ing of sending women workers to Latin-America
should take care not to send
"frumps, dowdies or otherwise unpre
sentable persons" according to Senonta
Ellsa Cortes, an attractive Young Wom
en's Christian association representa
tive from Buenos Aires, who spoke at
the congress on religious work.
Senorlta Cortes asserted that a good
appearance was as essential as a good
education. She also cautioned those
undertaking such work to come pre
pared with good social equipment, be
cause excellent results could bo at
tained through social activities. She
urged that such workers would require
sufficient salaries to permit of the pur
chase of suitable garments, which are
exceedingly expensive In South Amer
ica. Government Lenders Oppose Church.
Many governmental leaders In Latin
America frown on the work of the
churches, according to a report sub
mitted today by the commission on
cooperation and promltlon of unity.
At the same time the commission
reported that the great majority of the
public men of the southern republics
were fully alive to the urgent import
ance of raising the moral character and
ideals of their fellow citizens and were
willing to lend their aid to any move
ment which they believed would tend
to that result
"The great majority of governmental
(Continued on page i, Col. 4.)
Speech You Missed
Grand Jury at Austin Be
gins Probe of State Con
troler's Office,
Austin, Tex.. Feb 17 A thorough in
spection and audit of collection records
in the controler's department Is being
made by experts.
The grand jurv. In session yesterday,
was charged that its authority extend
ed to an investigation of state depart
ments. Controler Terrell appeared before the
grand Jury and advised the members of
certain findings he had made since tak
ing office
Washington. D C. Feb 17 Moor
field Storey of Boston, an attorney,
charged before the judiciary subcom
mittee of the senate today that Louis
D BrandelB helped to wreck the New
Haven and New England railroad In
1891 and 1993, with the result that it
was absorbed bv the New Haven road.
Asked as to Mr. Brandeis's reputation
as a lawver, Mr. Storey testified:
"I think his reputation in the Boston I
bar Is that he is a very capable, very
energetic man and If necessary to ad- I
vance ms ODjects ne is not bctupuious
as to his methods, nor Is he to bo
Describes m Haven Deal.
Mr Storey described In detail th
contest between the New Haven and
New England companies, resulting in
the former absorbing the latter He
contended that Mr. Bramlels had not
acted fairly In tho proceedings.
Regarding the Warren will case In
which it was urged that Mr Brandeis
was guilty of unprofessional conduct,
Mr. Storev defended Mr. Brandeis He
said it was common practice for law
jers in such cases to represent all
members of a family even if some of
their interests did clash.
Another Lawyer Praises) Brandeis.
Sherman I Whipple, another Bos
ton attornev, concerned in the War
ren will case. In response to questions
by George V. Anderson, representing
Mr Brandeis. made this statement
"As a lawver. Mr. Brandeis Is able
and learned As a man he is conscien
tious and high minded. The feature
of his career which iB most striking
and remarkable has been his unselfish
and unswerving devotion to the social,
moral and industrial uplift of the
lowly and less fortunate of our peo
ple. I believe that on the supreme
court bench of the United States ha
will evert a strong Influence in es
tablishing the ideals to which he has
been devoted in his recent ears"
Chicago, I1L, Feb. 17 William Lori
mer, former United States senator,
attended today tho opening session of
his trial on charges or wrecking th
La Salle Street Trust and Savings
Bank, of which he was president
Judge Dever of tho criminal court,
presiding, granted preliminary motions
of the defence that the major charge
of conspiracy to defraud be consoli
dated with the minor charge of receiv
ing deposits when the bank was known
to be Insolvent
The court granted motions of tho
prosecution for a Separate trial for
John K. Seagraves, director of the
bank, and the dismissal of indictments
against Chas. G Fox, cashier of the in
stitution, and John B Devoney, presi
dent of the International Trust and
Savings bank, subsidiary.
Colonel Roosevelt Is
Again a Grandfather;
Kermii Is Proud Daddy
Richmond, Va., Feb. 17. A cable
gram from Buenos Aires announces
tho birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.
Kermlt Roosevelt Mm Roosevelt was
Miss Bello Willard, of Richmond,
daughter of tho American ambassador
at Madrid. Mrs. Roosevelt has been In
Buenos Aires two months. This is CoL
Roosevelt's fifth grandchild.
Austin, Tex., Feb 17. A county deposi
tory has no authority to pay tho obligations
of one school district out of the funds be
longing to another district, and if it does so,
It becomes responsible to tho district whoso
funds it has thus converted, according to a
ruling by the attorney general's department
This ruling applies to both county and stats
Mobile. Ala.. Feb IT. Tho subcom
mittee of operators and miners of the
central competitive bituminous coal
fields of western Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois, haB been unable to
reach an agreement on a new wage
scale and so reported to the full Joint
conference this afternoon
The joint conference likely will de
clare a recess of 10 days or two weeks,
the next meeting to bo held in a north
ern city.
New Mexico Democrats
Want Him to Run; De
clares Cannot Consider.
Sauta Fe. N. 1L, Feb. 17. Felix
Martinez for governor of New Mexico
on the Democratic ticket is the newest
announcement in tho political field.
This nomination has been suggested by
the Spanish-American element in the
Democratic party.
It is' now conceded that A. A. Jones,
assistant secretary of tho Interior, will
be a candidate for the United States
senate. In the event that he is named,
Mr Martinez will be urged to make the
rai-e for governor In order that tho
Spanish-American element in the party
may Have representation for which It
has been asking during the present
Mr. Martinez Is one of tho best known
men In New Mexico and his name has
been mentioned In connection with the
United States senate a number of times
Mr. Martinez stated Thursday morn
ing that ho would, not consider mak
ing tho race for governor of New
Mexico as he could not consider chang
ing hit residence to Santa Fe at this
time When the fall festival and his
other interests were occupying so much
of his time.
Mexia, Tex.. Feb. 17. The number of
persons killed as the result of the col
lapse of the opera house here Wednes
day night and the resulting fire re
mained at nine this morning. A. B.
Weisner, superintendent of the city
schools; Mrs. Wlesner and professor A.
C Bruton were killed when the build
ing collapsed A number of others in
the building at the time received in
juries. Two doors from the opera house six
men were killed in a care when the
wall collapsed and a gas explosion, fol
lowed by fire occurred
A number of buildings were destroyed
bv fire, with a loss estimated at $75,
000. An investigation has been.ordered.
Richmond, Va.. r"eb 17 The Sea,
board Airline's Florida limited train.
No. 10, northbound, was wrecked to
day at Klngsland bridge, 10 miles south
of here, while running at high speed.
No one was killed Fourteen persons
were badly Injured and others les3 se
riously hurt
The engine tender jumped the track,
ripping up rails and ties and four
coaches went down a steep embank
ment The Injured were brought to Rich
mond hospitals.
Austin. Tex.. Feb. 17. Announcement
from the state pure food and drug de
partment is to the effect that samples
will be gathered at once of all vinegar
sold in the state and a strenuous cam
paign waged againit the manufacture
and sale of adulterated vinegars The
department has found that the sale of
adulterated vinegars under the guise of
pure elder vinegar and apple cider vine
gar Is a common practice.
n nucN re.
1 1 1 1 1 1 llllull I HI I !
UUILUibhU I liloLUi
Want a Gold Mine?
Richer Than Solomon!i
Read Next Week-End Herald
f OLD fabulous in quantity lie
I -f Socorro county, not far from
been guarded by indians who hoot ev.iv
to make his waV to the place. The mines of SoloJ
pared to the richness of these New
piker beside the Adams "dieifins."'
mines. Indians tell their papooses of
hills. Jienhave gone in alter the gold
least that is the story.
It is a wonderful, weird story, this tale oi "the Adams Dig-nri ' It
reads like fiction, yet it lias the ring of truth Fvoryb.idv has heard of t
Adams "diggins"; it is a part of the mining lore"oi V w Mexux). The
Herald has-6ecured the story from a man who got it from idams himself
from a man who put up money to help search for the lost treasure house so
rich, according to tradition, that Indians made bullets of the gold and a
horse could bo loaded with pure gold nuggets in a day. Y. H. Byerts a
New Mexico banker, tells the story as Adams told it to him ; he-'gives direc
tions as Adams gave them to him, and says the world is welcomo to go and
search, lie says he believes in the existence of these mines and is wilhn
to furnish maps and drawings to help locate them. lie asks nothing in re,"
turn. He believes these mines exist and he gives the public what he knows
about them. It,is a thrilling story, whether you want to bunt for th. mm -.
or not. If yoif want to locate tHe Adams "diggins" then it will int. r. t
vou more. . ,
Watch For the Week-End Herald This Week
Some Entertainment
Secretary Of Slate Give
Figures On Citizens Slain
In Past Years.
Lansing Tells How Many
Have Been Killed on Each
Side Of Boundary.
All of the state departments
data on the Mexican situation,
asked for by senator A. B. Fall, of
New Mexico, was transmitted to the
senate today by president Wilson and
under motion of chairman Stone of
the foreign relations committee, was
ordered printed as a public document
It had been expected some of it would
i be held confidential.
In a letter from secretary Lansing,
accompanying the report, it is said
that 76 American citizens were killed
in Mexico in the years 1313, 1914 and
1915, as against 47 in three years pre
ceding and that 26 civilian Ameri
cans and 16 soldiers were killed on
American soil In the same three years
aa a result or Mexican troubles.
Congrens; Wanted; Facta,
It has been charged in the senate
that congress had not been taken into
the confidence of the president as to
the facts which shaped his opinion
Into deciding to recognize the Qar
ranza faction as constituting the de
facto government of Mexico The
claim was also made in the heat of
indignation following the Santa Tsa
bel massacre, that Important facts
relative to conditions In Mexico had
been withheld from congress and the
public generally.
Not a Constltntional Government.
In describing the Carranza govern
ment secretary Lansing, wrote in the
"It cannot be said that the de facto
government of Mexico is a constitu
tional government The de facto
government like the majority of rev
olutionary governments is of a mill
tary character, but that government
has committed itself to the holding
of elections and it Is confidently ex
pected that the present government
will, within a reasonable time, be
merged into or succeeded by a govern
ment organized under the constitution
and laws of Mexico."
Snysi Carrandataa Shovreil Loyalty.
Referring to the effort of the recent
Pan-American conference to get Mex
ican factions together, secretary Lan
sing wrote:
"Tho attempt to bring- the factions
together for a conference failed. On
the one hand, there seemed to be no
central organization among the Vlllista
forces; while, on the other hand, sub
mission to the central authority was
evidenced in the replies of the Car
rancistas. The unit and loyalty of tbe
Carranclstas appeared to indicate tn a
ultimate triumph of that faction."
"Order Being ltratoml On Bonier."',
Secretary Lansing further said
order along the Mexican ro- er
gradually being restored The
stated that it would be 1-coj
with the public interest to dlyl
respondence between the 1 1
and the Brazilian m -istej
City, who acted for the
(Continued on paga
in tli moucl
II Pa'io. Ifl
Mexico rnincgl
Men have hul
the wonderlil
and have nc