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EL PASO HERALD U.S.fflBli WIS IE STILL IB fy..wwrgewvKgvva-BmM i - JOinLLI! ILD IN IIZ Bandits Lay Waste San Juan Ranch District; Peo ple Without Clothing. Evidence Now Being Gath ered By State Department in Santa Ysabel Case. iallb mmm Annua issmns i i sssoo.oo IN Officials Wonder if Report Was Intended to Cover Hartman's Flight. Washington. t. C, Feb. 17. An In quiry was today begun by Internal revenue officials to determine whether Guy- I Johnson, or Johnston, reported clain by Chihuahua bandits was really u Hartman, wealthy distiller who Is a fugitive "from. Justice, and whether the report of the' killing was bona fide or whether It merely was planned to over the flight of Hartman to another place of refuge Wednesday John Is, Casper, of Kansas lt. who is serving sentence in the Leavenworth federal prison for partici pation in th moonshiner conspiracy, telegraphed William IL Osborne, com missioner of internal revenue, that messages had come to him from Mexico, irliinc of Hartman's death on Dec 25. Canner Hnrtmau'tt Associate. Tort Smith, Ark.. Teb. 17 Admis sion was made here Wednesday night h J V Bourland. United States district utornej. tbat he received a letter Tues iav from John L. Casper, now serving a terra in the federal prison at Leaven worth. In which Casper said he had heard of Hartman's death In Mexico, officials are mystified to know how Casper learned the news. Casper was a. former business associ ate of Hartman and pleaded guilty last October to participation in a moonshine w hlskv conspiracy. S Johnson Warn Ilnriuinn. The letter contains virtually the same nformalion as that disclosed at EI Paso. It also disclosed that Hartman been going under the name of Guy Johnson while in Mexico. The letter from Casper was sent to i lie department of justice at Washing- I OIL Other Details Confirmed. . Kansas fit v. Mo. Feb. 17. Guy I Hartman. formerlv of Kansas City, said lu taae be-n "tHIf b Mexican bandits in the state of Chihuahua in December. iml rep&rted at that time as Guy lohiiaon. fled to Mexico, according to Government officials, and forfeited his '0 ooo bond for appearance in the I il'ed State"! court He was charged with roOornhlnc whisk v frauds in Kan v if cm and Fort Smith. Ark Convic tions were secured at Fort Smith In the jses of a docn or more acienaanis unused with Haitiuan Ttevenue officers and secret service uen are said to have made a trip to Mexico to Induce Hartman to return to his country and stand trial They re turned, however, without him. Judg- icnt was taken on his bond in the fed . ml court here last November. 0BREG0N ON WEST COAST; MAY COME TO CHIHUAHUA i. n Alvtoro ohrearon is stated to be i n Collma, on the Pacific coast, having. i rived tnere on vveanesaay irum 'uadalajara. where he held a cdnfer- nee with Carranra, according to an fficlal dispatch received by Gen. Ga 1 uel Gavira, commander of the Juarez rrison. "It Is presumed." said Gen. Gavira, that Gen. Obregon will take a boat for Guaymas" More than this Gen. Gavira would not state. The despatch confirms. In a measure, the announcement earlier In the week i hat Gen. Obregon would probably re turn to the north and take active com mand of the hunting down of Villa. Villa is now said to be at San Diego, between Bachlmba and Bustlllo, and about 100 miles from Chihuahua city. From the direction that the Carransa "-TOreiiu In this section are moving, the deduction is that Villa Is benig i 'osea In upon irom inree siucs. Loose Leaf Memo books and ledgers. I P" and "De Lux," JBc up. El Paso Hook Co. Mills BIdg. "It's Handy." Idv. He It ever so humble there's no place like home comforably warmed wltli oal from R. C. Semple, successor to southwestern Fuel Co. Phone 63L Adv. 1)D YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? Pain or dull ache in the back is often evidence of kidney trouble. It Is Nat ure's timely warning to show you that the track of health is not clear. Danger Signal. If these danger signals are unheeded more serious malts may be expected; Kidney trouble In its worst form may steal upon you. Thousands of people have testified h it Vie mild and Immediate effect of Kwamp-Iloot. the great kidney, liver nd binder remedy is soon realized 1 at tt stands the highest for its re- arkable curative effect In the most .istressing cases If you need a medl- e, yea snouia nave me oest Lame Back. I a' It Is only one of many kms cf ktdne' trouble, othe rs chowtng tbat you may need ot are being suoject to em iaoa ireucnt oiaaaer trou l'OTE - ou may obtain a ce ts to Pi Kilmer & Co . ' rrcve the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will i a I x of valuable Information, containing many of the thou- .1 letters received from 'be j st the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder trou- - ' r-j'- cis of Swamp-Root are so well known that our road Bftl for a "ample size bottle Address Dr. Kilmer & Co, i,o sure to say you ING i epn a savings er cent Interest under the DeDOsltor'a Guarantr lav nt th fltt of TexzmPHK a Guarantr Fund Our plan. In addition to being convenient Is eafe, profitable Sd liberal. Nobody has ever lost a dc'Iar In a State bank In Texas. Write today for our free booklet, "BANKING SX HAIU" Ton simply mall your deposit 1 Paso Bank & Trust Co., EI Paso, Texas LEVY GROCERY COMPANY STRICTLY FRESH EGGS Guaranteed, Per Dozen YELLOW YAM Sweet Potatoes If IDS. Phones 505 and 506 Carranza Government Says Forfeited From Villa; De nies Rights of Others. No action was taken Thursday morn ing relative to the Importation of $10,000 of wet and dry hides, confiscat ed by the Carranxa government from the VillistaB, SO per cent of which are claimed by cattlemen with ranches In northern nnd southern Chihuahua, though secretary William Harroll, of the Panhandle and Southwestern Stock men's association, has taken prelimi nary steps toward enjoining the ship ment to the Now York firm making the purchase Andres G Garcia, the Mexican consul, stated Thursday morning that he saw no grounds for holding up the ship ment, as the hides were "spoils of war" r,rt hn lao-mmate rvronertv nt the Car- ransa government, "It Is absurd." he said, "to take the position that because we send these hides to the border from the Parral A. ...( ofi n erpAat arnonw flllrl ft f tr taking them from the hands of Vlllls- tas. that we have no right to them: or that it will establish a precedent for nlunderlnrr of cattle belonging to Americans. I personally hate lost many friends in protecting the prop erty of Americans, but nevertheless that does not alter my determination to stand for fair play and honest. Ilelonc to Government. "The shipment ot hides Is a right of the de facto government If the Carranza officials should decide that the action of the Maderos and the Ter razas families has been such as to out law tliem. then wo should cbnslder it legitimate to confiscate their cattle and propertj, as well as the property of alb persons who have been hostile or In iwAfldnnarr' nnd the cattlemen upon the American side would have no right to Interfere with the shipment of hides or beef originating from these sources. "Not only has tne carranza Buvowi ment confiscated hides belonging to the Villa government but also much In the way of provisions. We have in Juarez now 2000 sacks of beans and somei 1000 barrels of sugar. thile we are using this as provisions, yet we should consider it perfectly legiti mate to sell It If It was deemed best as a source of revenue. Will Confiscate Money. "Furthermore we have knowledgo of the presence of great sums of gold and liver in Chihuahua that was buried by the Villistas and their sympathizers and we propose to confiscate it to the Carranza cause, if we find it whs. of claimants of this money? Wo have gone to all the work and all tho risk to secure it Therefore it is ours. "As a matter of fact, Mexico is go ing through a period of reconstruction. Property values nave nuueimi vl, " ,i.t.iai nrnsnerltr. We are facing I problem of sustaining good and clean mfntn at the" same time arc ' compelled to look entirely to ourselves for the raising of revenue The Amer- leans nave, my """ "; - --- .. fh TirntAetion of their prop erty but the property of men who have been hostile to us, I cannot speak for, that is lor tne general i" wumi. ."" his cabinet." SAYS CONSUL CANADA IS NOT ACCEPTABLE TO CARRCISTAS ttr ir n..Ji, TTnttAtl KttttftK COnSUl at Veracruz, Is among a number of American representatives in Mexico who are not acceptable o the Carranza snimmtint according to a statement made by Gen. Gabriel Gavira, of tne Juarez garrison Thursday m""nif,- "I was in prieoii "'"" " Z was in power." said Gen. Gavira, and Canada was 'thick with Diaz. Then when Madero was shot and I fled on a steamship for Cuba, it was Canada who had the vessel on which I sailed stopped at progreso. Yucatan, and de manded that I be surrendered to tho HUertistas. If it had not been for the American consul at that port, who re fused to accede to the demand, i would have a grave down In Yucatan. bles day and night, irritation, sediment, etc Lack of oontrol, omarting, uric acid, dizziness, indigestion, sleeplessness, nervousness, sometimes the heart acts badly, rheumatism, bloating, lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh, sallow complexion. Preralency of Kidney Disease. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable preva lency of kidney disease While kidney disorders are among the most common diseases that prevail, they are some times the last recognized by patients, who -very often content themselves with doctoring the effect", while the orlglnnl disease may constantly un dermine the system. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but re member the name. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp Hoot and the address. Blnghamton, N. Y., which you will find on every bottle. sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by Blnghamton, K. T. This gives you men and women who sav they found read this offer in the El Paso Herald. BY MAIL account with us as though you eomDOunfled Twlrn cr ve Dank as nrovlded bv m-h rjin ALU OTHER' 204 and 206 E. Orerland St. Mail Orden Prompt Attention Four hundred bandits, said to be Villistas, rode into the San Juan ranch district, between February 1 ana e, and brought havoc and ruin upon all they could lay their hands upon, according to a message received Thursday by a local mining conmern. The bandits are then said to have marched to Sierra Prieto, not far dis tant, and a thriving community, and after binding all the men and boys attacked tho women and young girls. I.envc People Without Clothing. When the band of marauders had departed it was said that the people upon the farms and ranches were left i without clothing, it is also stated that SO or more ranch hands were . Killed i The ranch Is on the Durango am . Chihuahua border line, and the slow ness of the news to reach tho border is because the message was brought I In secret and by a messenger who ran I many risks to reach the border . o Official lienor! of Another Outrage. No official message was received In Juarez Wednesday relative to the kill ing of a man and a boy In a small town on the Mexico North Western railroad, and tho attacking of a num ber of women. The attack is said to have occurred In the zone wiiere Villa Is supposed to be operating. The de nial of such a happening was made by Gen. Gavira. VILLISTAS CLAIM CHIEFS ARE ANXIOUS TO QUIT Torreon, Coahuila, Mex., Teb. 17 Two hundred Villa partisans have reached Gomez Palaclo and Lerdo, suburbs of Torreon, and asked for ara ncbty. They reported that Calixto Con trcras, one of the principal leaders, was seeking an opportunity to cross the border into the United States so that he might join his family fn St Louis, Mo They also declared that Severino Cenioeros, Canuto Reyes and Hilario Kodrlguez wished to quit and go to El Paso. These leaders, it was said, were only awaiting favorable terms of sur render Six filibusters reached the bandit chiefs, bringing quantities of ammuni tion and supplies, loaded on mules, but their efforts to animate them failed. Carranza. it is announced, has agreed to reduce freight charges and duty on cotton seed for export to the United Mates In return for corn to relieve the scarcity of grain in this section of .Mexico. MEXICANS PLAN EXPEDITION FROM U. S. AGAINST CARRANZA ., .v,afnl" ton, DC, Feb. 17.-Prlvs.ts ull of a ieeSVn Mexicans oS ,he Ameri X&t?Tl bordef. par" ncuiariv in California and Texas, for ?." partition to cross into northern MexiTOtoemW?asVtheCarranzagov- responsibility Is placed upon the Car ernment. . ,u. j ranaa government In International MaJ Gen. Frederick Funston COm-I manding the American forces on the ' ""i "" ueen nouriea to take steps to prevent any violations of American neutrality. will not confiscate Smelter, says gavira The report that the smelter In Santa "osfl'a. 1" Chihuahua, is to be oper ated by the Carranza government in Its policy of inaugurating industry throughout the republic, was denied bv the Mexican military authorities at Juarez Thursday morning "We are not conr seating property save where tho confiscation ls Justifiable.- said Gen. Oavlra. The smelter in question was operated for a brief time before the downfall of the Villa regime in Chi huahua. CARRANZA PLACES ORDERS FOR 400,000 WORTH OF FOOD San Antonio. Texas. Feb. 17. The first shipment of 150,000 worth of pro visions for the de facto government troops of Mexico left here Wednesday night on a train of 25 cars consigned to Carranza officials at Nogales, So nora. Orders are being placed today for more than JIOO.000 worth of rations for the Carranza troops, to be shipped through various gateways. It was said. CAMPAIGN AGAINST ZAPATA IS PUSHED BY CARRANCISTAS The nifvlniU ....An 4f.A IS... -.... 4 the vicinity of Cuernavaca continues. .uiuiiiK iv a. uispaicn rcoeivea inurs day morning by the Carranza consul aIf: .,Tne Hsratch says that the Con stitutionalists now occupy positions south of Enlava. The states of I'u ebla. Mexico and TIaxcala are rapidly being cleaned of Zapatistas, the dis patch said. MOVES PART OP KI3.NO OUTFIT TO AMERICAN SIDE Olf RIVER Ike Alderete. part owner of the keno hall of Juarez, has had part of the machinery removed to the American side and will keep it here In storage until ha has permission to reopen the halt He disavows any intention of shipping the equipment to South America ORi: FROM MUMCO. Three additional carloads of lead and Zino ore. f.omint? to th hnrrfAr nn Vnn. day night crossed the boundary Wed- j nesaay aiiernoon, consigned to I. Worthcester, care of T. J. Woodside Thli ls the third of a series of ore shipments from southern Chihuahua indicative of a resumption of trade condition COAI, FOR RAILROAD. Thirtv carloads of coal were im ported by the Moxican National rail way on Wednesday and crossed the Santa Fe brldcre durlmr thn aflsmnnn The coal Is to bo used in the engines of the Mexican Central and will relieve tne rrainc tension mar. nas held up ervlce for some time. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists Sell-ans OFRVICE is tho pnmarv factor in plaung Insurance An J Insurance agency can be of muih ..r little ShRVKE to in assured, while the cost is the same m oithci case. We have more methods of lumiehinjr S:miCh. to an assunJ ilian vou can find elsewhere. Let me prove it. Pire and Casualty Insurance Surety Bonds Douglas C. Crowell Agency Mills Bldg. phone 578. I Washington, D C, Feb. 17 Evidence i is being gathered by tho state depart- I ment touching the killing of 18 Amer ican citizens in western Chihuahua by I which it will be determined whether this government can hold the dc facto government In Mexico liable in i damage to tho families or heirs of the I uaao. it will first have to be deter mined whether Carranza was respon sible under the rules governing the movement of citizens of one country in tho territory of another, government. If this responsibility cannot be fixed, then It la Improbable that a claim for indemnity could bo sustained. Arriilniltx Made. Evidence being gathered by the state department is m the shape of affida vits and statements touching the move ment of the party in Mexican territory, the degree of protection guaranteed, and Whpth.l tha AfA. nt n-nnnHnn If , such was rrlvcn. can ha traced tn the established government In Mexico. In a general wnv It: 1 nnrlarstnnd thn general showing will be that the party entered i luexico under promise by officials of the Carranza government, and in one or two Instances passports were held frOlTl thA i-rtvuwn,. nt r,lilht,V i"n les of passports said to have been is- ' sued by other Carranza military au- J uiprmes are on file with the depart ment ' It is further understood that the evi dence tends to prove that the people w-ere killed because they were Ameri can citizens. One Moxican wai un molested and another who succeeded in showing that he was an Italian, was allowed to go free. Question of Indemnity The books are full of precedents touching the question of indemnity for the death of the nationals of one country In the territory of another and there have been many cases ot atrocious murders, seme of them aris ing from, a. race hatred, but unless tho crime can unmistakably be traced as being an act of the government H is generally agreed that nothing mora than an Indemnity can be sustained, and even that condition is said to rest up on certain fixed rules in international affairs. McManus Cane. The McManus case, in which this gov ernment collected $20,000 from Villa, does not furnish a fair Illustration of the responsibilities resting upon a gov ernment About the only fact estab lished was that the soldiers of Zapata uuiicrea aura me aoor oi ne AitJiunua ..,, , ,, ., htnrl according to house in Mexico City and murdered I """ly ! "is two anas. according- to him. Villa hardly questioned the show- Miss I. R. Gunn, fcaahier at the res ing this irovernment made, but has- taurant. who went on the stand for tened the payment of the cold with the evident purpose of preserving his standing with this government At the time. It may be said. Villa expected to be recognized as the de facto bead of Mexico. Discussion has not reached the stage of determining what amount of in-J demnity would bo. asked In event the law u ls Bald that 'nnere n0 Ilxe1 Bum ls contended for, the minimum of $3000 is allowed. Considering the Chihuahua massacre in the light of the McManus claim, it probably will be contended that the claim shall not be for less than was asked In the McManus case. This being true, the government would demand a total of $360,000. Vnder no circumstances, it ls said, will the claims be pressed until the United States has an ambassador to the de facto government of Mexico, and this depends upon the length of time the senate will consume in confirming Henry P. Fletcher, whom the president has nominated for that post There la quite an accumulation of diplomatic; matter to which the new ambassador will fall heir, and it is said to embrace about every phase of international ne gotiations. There are a number of per sons whom this government will ask to be extradited for crimes alleged to have been committed here. MANY ILLIGITIMATE IN SOUTH AMERICA (Continued from pase 1.) leaders In Lattn-Amerlca," says the re port, "recognize the necessity and Im portance of high moral character In their people; unfortunately only a mi nority believe that the desired char acter can be achieved by means of tho Christian religion. Not a few stoutlr contend that religion leads to immor ality." BILLS INCREASING PENSIONS ARE PASSED BY THE HOUSE TVaahlntton. D C, Feb. IT. Pension bills arantlne pensions to Spanish war veteran and veterans of the Indian wars were passed Wednesday by the house. Their effect ls to add more than JI.SOO.OJO annually to pen sion expenditures. One would grant pensions to the widows and minor children of officers and enlisted men who served 30 days or more In the army, navy or marine corps of the United States either as regulars or volunteers during the tear with fpaln, or in tne rniiippi" maui rertlon between April SI. 18S and J"1- Hot According- to the house pension com mittee, the proepect la that there will be 10,000 claims under thla measure, requiring Jl,600.0. the first year with a alight In crease each year for some years. Tho other bill would give 120 a month to survivor of Indian war, from 1865 to Jan uary, 1191, who served SO days or more In an actual campaign, and who are 6 yeara old or over, and would pay SIS a month to the widows ot such aoldlers. MEXICANS SAY U. S. TROOPS FIRED ACROSS RIO GRANDE Brownsv ille, Texas, Feb. 17. Charges that an American army patrol fired across the Rio Grande at a party of Mexican oificlals 75 miles west of here, wer. lnlfl l.ofnrn CoL A. P. Blocksom. commandant of Fort Brown here to day by the local Mexican consul. The rnnmil said that Mexicans were about to remove an Illegal ferry when tho United States soldiers opened flro on them. Nono was mjurea ana an retreated hastily Into the brush. The charge is being Investigated. S UNA TOR F U.J. IS nnTAINKD nv men i.-nit HIS DKrnNCE Santa Fe, N. M, Feb. 17. Elfego ( Baca announced Wednesday he had re 1 T A1nI tlA nemn i.. tained senator A. B. Fall as cruei coun sel to detend HIra In the disbarment proceedings Instituted by federal judge Pope. , . The disbarment charges grew out or the recent trial of Baca on the charge of aiding and abetting In the escape or Gen. Salazar from Jallmore than a year ago. Bai.a was acquitted a short tlmo ago by a jury in federal court here. I 1 4l3IE04TieB9agT SW73M8TOTS6438S165 868386879 6357f7S8S 91 tt 4S&S858399993'5937 8JiS94Se85ffie888 49SSO 6ZS778HWS49 885 79 53 K S8 58 Sk 84 47 42 7 57 78 J84J87730SS3 47 7S8S9ISI4S88 M8J98 49 9a73838B87e7 4S4S47 89 8(48 87834274885583627681 43 57 7v75SMS!M897969I 6887 487783K883551B55 884a3779057T8!n8 SJ908'OM&5476899 Thai w3 le KoirajoQ rf pni. U e of lilo eute tw, tboM tjuni wiB Kcete UK Ml nJoc oi ptue brdfor THE AMajnneof Mai. EVENING STAR BUILDING E PISTOL I III Cashier of Gem Eestaurant Says Mackey Pulled Pistol Outside.. , t)onald Mackey, on trial charged with thb murder of Scott Vance, an El Paso & Southwestern conductor on the eve ning of November St. entered the lobby of the Gem reotaurant with a pistol held , the stato Thursday morning. "I na.w the man come around the cor ner rapidly and onter the lobby, with the pistol held In his two hands," she testified. "He held the pistol in that position as he passed on rapidly and before I could get through to warn. five shots were fired in quick suc cession " Admits llnvlng Mxahooter. In the cross examination earlier in tho morning, Mackey admitted that ho j had the sixshooter in his hand When he entered tho lobby, but put It Into his hip pocket as he entered. Tho state questioned Mackey with regard to a Mrs. Lester. He admitted that Mrs. Mackey bad accused him of Improper relations with Mrs. Lester, but denied that there was any truth In her statement Mrs V L. Davia was recalled. Mrs. Davis testified that the engagement be tween Vance and herself was broken off because- Mr. Vance's son objected to his father marrying. She stated also that Vance was not an agnostic or Infidel. On the other hand, she declared he was a Christian man and was versed In the Bible. Day of Shooting. When Mackey resumed the stand Wednesday afternoon he was still un- ' der direct examination and related In some detail the events leading up to the shooting of Vance. "I worked all day the day of the shooting," be said, ''but got off a lit tle early, it being the day before Thanksgiving. After I got to my room I 'phoned Mrs. Mackey and asked her if our boy could come down. She said he would be down abojt C oclock. At this point attorney Owen, counsel for the defence. Interrupted to ask: "Had Mr. Vance ever asked you how you would feel towards a man who would Interfere In your family?" "Would Yon Kill n Mant" "He asked me If I would kill a man over a woman. I told him 'no," I didn't think I would," replied the witness. The witness then continued, stating that tho boy joined him at the Caples hotel about 6 oclock. He asked him to go and have supper with him. he stated, but the boy refused, saying that his mother had told him to come straight home. The witness stated that he offered to walk home with him but the boy seemed to prefer to go alone. When they got within a block of the apartments, he let the boy go on alone, he stated. To Send Roy Away. "I watched a few moments," he con tinued, "and saw him boh out and catch a car coming down Oregon street. I caurht the same oar and on the wav down the boy confessed that he was to ineot his mother down town. He then told me they were sending him to his grandmother. I aked him who 'they were, and he said. 'Mr. Vance and mamma.' I asked him If he would leave me, and he said he didn't want to " The witness stated that his bov seemed to want to get rid of him all the time, and finally he consented to follow him some distance back. The bov, he said went to the Gem restau rant, and not finding his mother there, returned to the plaza. There she was found with Mr. Vance and the three went to the Gem restaurant. nought lMstol for C1.50. "I followed them." the witness con tinued, "and saw them sit down to a table. I stood there awhile and the thought came to me, 'That man is going to take mv boy from me.' And I made ud mv mind I would take him awav from them. I went down to a second hand store and bought a pistol for $1.50." "What made you fhlnk you would neea a gun"' 1 knew this man had stolen my wiie. ,hat h , d threatenea mT life, and that he was erninn- to steal my boy." . .- : "Had you any Intention of shooting when you went Into tho restaurant" "I had no intention of starting a cHf flcultv with Vance I walked in to get inv bov." Vance Reached 1o Pocket. "I vvalked in," continued Mackes, "and had taken two or three eteps to wards Mrs. Mackey to ask her if I might take Donald out to supper. Vance looked up He was working at his plate. When he saw me be rose partly up, with one hand on the table and the other held back towards his hip pocket I fired once, holding the pistol in one hand, then when he started towards mo I fired again and again, holding the gun In both mv hands" 'Would jou have shot Vance If he had not arisen?" "No " ''Why did you kill Mr. Vance, Mr. Mackey?" "Killed nim for Breaking Up Home 1 i HELD II x Hiiiea mm ror nreaktng up my home, stealing my wife and stealing mv boy" "Did vou believe he had a gun" "I did. I had every reason to believe he had. for he alwavs carried one" In the (ros,-! examination conducted bv dlnrl. t -ittorne w. W. Bridgers, ho di clared that he killed Vance In self Uefi ni e 'Mv pistol iw in m pocket when FIRST AWARD $1000.00 SECOND AWARD $500.00 And 103 other cub prize otfered by "The American Spectator" to the person securing trie higriwt loud in a chain of 100 coasecunre Iraki, drawn in any direction, in ngbt angle moves oi from 3 to 10 bks, on a chart four tune the sze of thu lample chart By a link u meant a number wilhin a arcle. CONTEST STARTED FEB. 16, 1916 CLOSES MARCH 25, 1916 Award to be announced promptly. Thi contest it restricted to person m the United Stales residing east of the Mississippi Rner acj 4 la the state oi Texas. There is no guesswork connected with this contest The problem is strieuy mathematical one. " No apecuJ knowledge u required except the, ability to add 100 figures. Send ten cents for copy of The American Spectator containing foil particular of the contest, together with 5 extra copies of the working chart The Time Is Short You Cannot Afford To Wasle A Day AMERICAN SPECTATOR Published every other Thursday tmrvfMii-M!xrsmar- BOY LEAVES BE0: ROGK M T Explosion Throws Rock Through Into Boom Where Boy Sick. "When three blasts went off at the same time at the Sunset Heights water works reservoir Thursday morning, a big rock fell through the roof of Dr. I M. Breck's home, at 210 California street, and crashed through a bed in the bedroom, w here little Louis William Breckhad been lying only a few min utes before The boy is ill with measles and had been confined to his bed fen: more than a week. Thursday morning, a few minutes preceding the explosion, he got up to get a drink of water. Be fore he returned to the bed the explos ions occurred and the big rock fell through the roof and broke the bed. Children Escape. A .number of children who were Jilaylng In the streets of Sunset eights, near the reservoir, also had narrow escapes, as stones fell in all parts ot the residence district The explosion occurred at the site of the new $25,000 reservoir which ls be- ing built adjoining the old Sunset Heights reservoir. The contract work is being done by V. E. Were and the rock is being removed with dynamite he raised up out of his seat" the wlt- ness ueciarea. rae witness disclaimed any remem brance of having threatened the life of Vance, but would not deny that he uau mauo lurcais. i mane tnreats. Did your wife ever have any crimi- nai relationship with Mr. Vance?" was asked "1 don't know." NVomt Action of AVIfe. "What Is the worst thing that jou know she did?' "When she got out of bed in her night gown and came into the room where Vance was. The worst thlncr was when Vance got up In his night clothes and came Into the room later mat same night Th6 witness declared that he had heard many things which led him to believe that Mr. Vance and Mrs. Mackev were frequently together. "The things I heard would fill both- the newspa. he said. "Well, name some of them." T can't recall any just now." replied the witness after much hesitation. POLICE THINK POISONER IS HIDING IN THE EAST Chicago, I1L, Feb. 17. Capt Nicholas Hunt announced today his conclusion that Jean Crones, the assistant chef wanted on an accusation of having put poison In soup served at the ban quet to archbishop Mundelein last Thursday here, is hiding in New York or Boston. According to Capt. Hunt, there is a large colony of anarchists In Boston Police there will be asked to look for Crones The New York Times Wednesday re ceived a letter, signed with Cronu's name, in which the writer said he had placed '-arsenic and barium chlorine" In the food at the banquet and had then gone home, whitened his hair chemi cally, and fled, taking his personal pos sessions and a quantity of high ex plosives. STEAMER I'VNAJIV MARIT TKBS riniii REACHUS I'ORT Son Francisco, Calif, Feb. 17 The steamer Panama Maru, which arrived at Yokohama from San Francisco two days ago, experienced a fire at sea. .ac cording to a report received here 'to day by the chamber or commerce. De tails were larking. T?,T "?"'" may change, but the quality of our coal ever remains the same. R. C. Semple, successor to South western Fuel Co Phone 631. Adv SPECIAL BREAKFAST BILL At a very moderate price, Served from 6 a. m. to 10 a m. We know you will be sat:sfied after you have eaten breakfast here once. Try Onr Sunday Dinner, 73c. G p. ui. to 0 p. m. The Zeiger WASHINGTON, D. C 6115! BEAUTIFY yOHRlD STOP DiHHDRUFF Hair becomes charming, wavy, lustrous and thick in few moments. Every bit of dandruff disap pears and hair stops coming out. For 25 cents you can sva mir hai. Ih less than ten mtnut.. ,.. ... double its beauty. Tour hair becomes light wavy, fluffy, abundant and ap pears as soft lustrous and charming as a young girl'a after applying soue Danderlne. Also try this moisten a cloth with a little anderine and care fully draw It through your hair, tak ing ono small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust dirt or excessive oil. and In Just a few mo ments you have doubled the beatlty of your hair. A delightful surprise await those whose hair has been neglected ?l. is "a.EEr. faded, dry. brittle or thin. Besides beautifying tho hair Danderlne dissolves every particle of dandruff: cleanses, -purifies and In vigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few week's use. when you see new hair i !,,"" i. , . 4rs1' yes ODr I rea'F new hair growing all over U c ine anu uowroy at nrst ves bnt scaip. II yotf care for pretty, soft iiair, ana lots or it, surely get a -3-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or toilet counter and Just try It Advertisement. Throw Away Your Eye-Glasses ! A Free Prescription. You Can Have rilled and Tse at Home. Do you wear glasses" Ars you- a victim of eye-strain or other eye-weaknesses? If so. ou will be glad to know that there ls real hope for you Many whose eyes were falling, sav they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonder ful free Description. One man says after trying It "I was almost blind could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eves do not water jnj more At night they would pain dread fullj . now' they feel fine all the time It was like a miracle to me" A Udv who used It sajs "The atmosphere seemed hasy with or without glasses, but after oslng this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print without glasses It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them In a reasonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared tha trouble and expense of ever getting glasses Bye troubles of many descriptions maj be wonderfully benefited by following the simple rules. Hero ls tho prescrip tion: Go to Kelly 4 Pollard or anv actlve drug store and get a bottle of Optena. Fill a two ounte bottle with warm water, diop in one Optona tablet and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daib You should notice your eyes clear up pcrceptlblv right from the start ani Inflammation will quickly disappear If vour eves are bothering jou. even a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hopelesslv blind might, have been saved if thev had cared for theii eyes tn time. Adv. HOME AUTO SERVIGE B. TOM SMITO, Mgr. Phone 2379 All now. five and seven-passenger -ars $1.50 and 52.00 per hour No Fords. Day or Matit. 322 Una Ave. AUTOS FOR HIRE All Good 7-l?aa3engcr Can Rate, $2 Per Hour Phone 509-510 AUTO LIVERY CO. City Rail Stand 413 San Aatonla Herald Want Ads Bring Results Try Ono and Bo Convinced. JV VI Vl r 4i