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EL PASO HERALD 10 LEEDS w a BeckY' Amen Corner IIV "BECK." KELLY-SILENTLY-IT CANT BE .DONE -i- BY BRIGGS pHEDDIE WELSH has" been signed for a 20-round bout at New Orleans on Saturday, March 4, for which he will receive the sum of $13,000. Promoter D. Tortorich has been given the privilege of naming his opponent and has announced that he will send the winner of next Mon day night's bout between Joe Man dot and Johnny Dundee, against the champion. Mandot is a slight favor ite over Dundee. YAR plays the very dickens with the plans of sport promoters and now comes an announcement that the Vancouver franchise in the Northwestern league is likely to be , transferred to Great Tails, Mont., un til the close of the present war. Prior to the war, Vancouver was rated as one of the best baseball cities on the entire coast. As a mat ter of fact, the whole Northwestern league is said to be in doubt but the latest plan is to have clubs in Seattle, Spokane, Butte and Great Falls. BOWLING i-mriier laurpeuuriii jriur. Sr-crM In tli Indepandant laacu on the Cidu clab altera, Ttraradar eri- in, irfra mm lnuuws. Konlff team. lt id Sd McCormlck Hi 11 115 MorH HI US 1 Keenls 14( ' l" Ttl. S7( 43 441 Tot via . Bylee tram Stvrm . . . andpmoer lljiea .. . 414 !t . . 117 . 151 UK 3d 14 147 ion i: Ttl 375 m 12! i: 121 Tolala .403 171 1 IK"1 Tulnta iun. Kornlff 4. high gam KoTilr HI, high total. Kucnlk 444. Fnnr tnam lt 2d M 14" 1J7 1H 377 3,1 147 11 171) Hiurjton llaon rrnnnr . . , Tnlala Hteln tfam Mtln l.tlghton i:oin . . . 117 11 1S .31 lit If. 104 .IS 140 US lib iii :d ii: 114 its 1 1 hi 1 Ttl 414 311 43S Total- . . JI7 368 443 1191 l'olnta on. Framr 1. Stein 3. hleh game Rostra 170. hl(ta total, Rofrra 438. Htrlke nt Fanner The Horus team won from thp Berahauer team la the Wlcwim bowline match ThutT day nlsht on the Wigwam claba allej. J Frits, of the loalnc team, had high gam" with 347 pine down, and won high total lth Ml ptna. The Bsue team won by a marrin "f plim Th acore made by the competing teama were aa follows: Berghauer tpam. Jst llerghauer l8 Wild in Kane 11 Mratton 170 Krlta : 1S Grand total 775 Bogue team. lit Drownfleld 1 Bailer 19 Burt 1 Palmer U'9 Davie US 2d 3d Ttl 193 11 444 11 14 4M 144 1411 4K 15 168 45 19S 247 31 851 814 244? 2(1 3d Ttl iss 201 S3i 1H 111 4-.S 715 19' BS7 149 li3 401 201 Hi. '10 Grand total . .. .841 11 834 J6! Hleh game. J Frlta H7. high total. J Trtta SSI; polnta won. Bogue 4, Bfrghaile S, margin S( plaa. We are now showing the new spring styles in "Style-Plus" Clothes, for which we are EI Paso Headquarters. See the Window Display ' '''-' M . ! -, . i, j III ' ' --' ' . " y THE UNION STAMP Is the Peaceful, Up lifting, Educational, Economic Emblem of the Organized Shoe Workers It aims to secure bigger, better and happier work ing and living conditions for Union Shoe Workers by Progressive means; never by destructive meas ures. BUY UNION STAMP SHOES. Boot and Shoe Workers' Union 246 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Write for list of union shoe factories. Affiliated with American Federation of Labor. QHIEF MEYERS, once the star catcher of the Giants, has' been sent to Brooklyn and now the game of "passing the buck" is over Roger Bresnahan. Meyers has a contract calling for $7000 for the seaion and, naturally, he wasn't in great de mand. Bresnahan also has a fat contract and no club seems anxious to relieve the Cubs of paying his salary. CATURDAY night's basketball should proVe interesting. The First National bank team, which consists of the star players of the Feldman and Wall teams of the City league, will play the Cactus club in the first game, taking the place of the Walz-High contest, post poned because of the Tigers' engage ment at Mesilla Park. Millers and llines meet in the second game. Unless the Miners show up in bet ter shape than on Wednesday night, chances for the Millers to break into the "win" column will be bright. DACING will be conducted at the Juarez track every day of the week until the present meeting ends, according to an announcement, Thursday, by assistant manager Harry F. Brc'vogeL The Monday "off day" is eliminated for the rest of the '-et but no statement has been made as to how long the meet will last. 44 'T0MMIE LEACH, former Pirate star, has been signed to manage the Rochester club in the Interna tional league. "Big Jawn" Ganzel had charge of the Hustlers for many years but deserted to the Feds late last season. And now John is out of a )ob. i T")0N'T forget that the second game of the city chcsrpionship soccer series takes place at Rio Grande park on Sunday afternoon, starting at 2:30 odock. lhi first game was a tie, each team scoring a goal. Poth tre United Empires and the 16th infantry are claiming the victory in Sunday's games and both teams, have been kept in train ing all week. 700TBAI,L is a profitable sport at the University of California, judging by the announcement 'that Eddie Mahan has been signed to coach the backfield candidates at $3000 per season. 4f DROPERTY owners having vacant lots whifn ctn be used by the boys of the city for baseball pur poses are asked to communicate with the sporting editor of The Herald. ,- 3T&Sr2 y V0RKERS UNION UNIOfpkrAMP jctory , B7 He's Beer-' MRSihG 17jr fiROUCH eueR Si mce we Talked im v iiim out oe tmat FAST OWE--T I IURM Bur HiS Entries Juarez Jockey Club 74th Dnj, iiatDrdar. Feb, 19. Firt met Pur. two year old. ThrM and one-half furlongs. 70JJ tOood Noto 1 74 tow Hurry 72i Jar ThUBtmel , '" (722i) LaVr Loa :i (7J4) Warmo- n 7S40 Sir tllrhard II' 7I4 tlcla Trovato .. 11 ("111) tBesnnta 1- TB. A .Innef entr JP. D.-Welr ontrv. Sacond rate Selling, three year o!d Br i upward. One mile 7258 'Helen .lames 72SJ -Airline .... 5 7SJ4 'Strange Girl 9 7JJ 'Senorlta Dana J 7359 Sa! ttdo Queen 9n 7ZSS Katharine O 7:59 Smlline Mar 7Z6 Fort Sumter ' 716 -Endurance 1" 7J59 Flylne 1" 726S Barnard 1 " . Third race Selling, three -war olda ail upward. Fire and one half furlungs. 7I3S Andy K S' 72S -Wild Iriah S" 724 Miss Bedalla ''" 7214 Annual Interest ID 7M "Odd Cross JO. 71M -Sharper Knight 117 T47 -Willis 11" "15 -NuhJe Grand 110 7M4 QUbart Hose V! Fourth race Handicap, threa year olds and upward. Six furlongs. Ml Yallaha St 725S Brooks im 7261 Ijiekrose ., , 11- 7110 Kootenay Hi Fifth race Selling, three year olds and upward Fire and one-half furlongs. 72 Barka 18 73( Meal Ticket lit 7345 Prospero Son IM 7199 -Lady James 101 7244 Early Blser 101 7160 -Old Bob 1 7357 -Lady Young US 7227 -Cecil 110 7254 Ileal Worth 112 (7253) Van Jorn HI Sixth race Selling; three year olds and upward. One mile. 7262 -Iad 102 72SJ -Moonlight 10 7263 -Husky Ld 165 7261 -Mud Sill 107 7167 First Star 110 726S Transparent .' 110 Note -5 lbs. apprentlee allowance claimed, NEW MEXICO AGGIES PLAY EL PASO HIGH SCHOOL State College, N. JL, Fein 18 The New Mexico Aggies, both boys and cirls' teams, will close their intercol legiate basketball seavon on Saturday afternoon when they meet the El Paso High school team in a double header. This will be the first meeting of the teams this season, and there is always a keen rivalry between the athletes of the two schools The Aggies are New Mexico state champions, having de feated the state university five on Feb. 11. Following the intercollegiate season, the Aggies will continue to play for the school championship, with ail in signia men barred. LANGF0RD AND McVEY FIGHT TEN-ROUNDS TO DRAW New York Feb. 18. Sam Langford, of Boston. and Sam McVey, of Cali fornia, fought 10 rounds to a draw at Madison Square Garden here Thursday night. Langford weighed 1J pounds and McVev 212 In another match, Andre Anderson knocked out George Itodel in the fifth round. Anderson weighed SIS pounds and Rodel 18G. JOHNNY C0UL0N INJURES RIB; CANCELS BOUT Chicago, 111., Feb. 18. Johnnv Con- Ion, former bantamweight champion, who was to return to te ring with a bout with Frankie Dean at Columbus Ohio, next Monday, telegraphed pro moters Thursday canceling the bout Coujonwhile skating, fell, injuring one' wT r.ltnr l,rr""n there exists a book which they would like. Olir copyright ed novels at 60c will surely nleaBe El Taso Book Co, Mills Bids '"Ifi. Handy." Adv. Cold eenlnc, made pleasant when you use our coal. R. C. Semple, succes sor to Southwestern Fuel Co. Phone C31 Adv. - r l-r- MuiG'RE PLAYIM&- ?.,.tuouT l-oTJ .n I 8UMTH - - 1 ' ,H,i ,sl THFS5 7 . of GA86IMG- mi rfn -r I 5 1 Af. KfU-V ySfjLX I I ,5 CAR- T is. V li V ThiuG You evert hear " ovr 'i imlrt C L S IO 1 5 - vuhCW TORN PLAY FOR J M , .. ii-i- ' 1 fwHOT vva rnl t r?S?e S SOCCER TEAM OF THE UWiTED EMPIRE CLUB. 'Irom lctt to riRht Standing W. Allen, club referee; VT. Young, linesman; Art Spicer, II. Ross, G. Bennett, G. Chant, J. Oliver. E. W. .Tordan, secretary, K. Uraham, G. Berley, vice captain; J. Wills, linesman; J. Duthie, L. Smith, president of football club. Front row J. Ward, H. Day, captain: G. Mogridge, L, Bosa, J. Howe. The United Empires are now engaged in a series for the championship of El Paso with the 16th infantry eleven. The teams played a 1-1 tie last Sunday and will meet again next Sunday afternoon. BASEBALL STAES ARE IN TRAINING (Continued From Previous PnKe.) Diego, Calif, San Antonio. Tox., and points In Oklahoma, and with a major ity of tlio horses now in New Orleans promised, the local and visiting public is taking a very keen interest in tho 21 days race mee-i, which is scheduled to open in this city March 11. Joseph E. Martin, of St. Louis, has been engaged to manage the event for the Business Men's league, which stands sponsor for tne meeting. It is anticipated that when the meet opens there will be fully 1000 of the best horsos in the country quartered in the Oaklawn plant. At present there Is a force of ISO men working to put the track and buildings In good condition. But little work is needed on the grandstand, which has a seating capacity for GOOO persons, is glass enclosed and equipped with a steam heating plant lllklne Over Mountain. Grover Cleveland Alexander, tho Phillies' star twlrlor; Carl Mays, box man for the Boston Red Sox, and J, Claud Milan, the speedy outfielder for Griffith's Washington team, took ad vantage of the ideal weather the past weak for several hikes over tne sur rounding mountains. They are await ing Jack Coombs and his Brooklyn squad, who will be quartered at the Majestic and who are slated to arrive February S8. Thero will lie eight in the Brooklyn party. The news -that Barney Dreyfus and his Pittsburg Pirates would again hit the hot baths was the cause for happy comment the past week. Hot Springs wanted the I'lrates to return but for a time it looked as if Callahan would land 'em In Columbus, Ga. The Pltts bnrg aggregation will arrive March IT and remain until April 3. They will be quartered at the Eastman. V Meellng of Hrpubllcmis Will be held Friday evening. Febru ary 18th. 1916. at 8 oclock sharp, at the 34th District Court room, to tako such action as shall be determined upon in regard to organization and develop ment of the party in this city and count. Republicans regardless of former affiliations and Democrats who are not in accord with the National Administration arc urged to be present. P. A. Hasxard, Chairman. (Political Advertisement.) Build up your home valley. Use her products. I NO NO" You KinJow m AirrT 8ECAU36 - was aVKa4TVcMe I3 S flurs SAT.5 AMI I"'-- - , The -ROUmD - You mH THERE'S EM""11-1 "O MUCH CHAT i en AROUNU nenw ' l Rv ti , CITY CHAMPIONSHIP WIN SKATING HONORS Cn -'-V. yWjy.'- Vx.'i-'J'wrfCl'." . .&. ..-r4 . - -x xttt' . . .T' ...j r- ZTU." ";vy.r. ' - -ve ,., Mtss csacc Attired in novel hkatimr costumes Ei'lS0nKlMaWllM's1i'rhtl1iniiM niifi i s .i'l -. !" ''' i" I prison clothing, JhgB Grace Anderson and Jaiuoa McGeever won the honors in fancy skatinp at Uio annual ice carnival held at St. Paul Slinn the first part of this month. ' The St. Paul carnival is one of the largest events of its kind and brings out a record entry list in the various competition!. I bOOD NKjHT- IM iniufi OVER To Jack Dovusi - Tnef3 A LOT OF OLD MAGGIES oer THERe - VA CANT HEAR YouR. OWrJ COKUER3ATIOM By GouA Dassa FllMWT BUNif H grs;r." . , t i . viwr- s.cLL. -..!" ir - .raw.ww, , I BMpMWaYI.ila.aj ami WCKSO, CWTJri ot" black and white rmllini A NEW and NOVEL IDEA WATCH Oar Windows Tomorrow SATURDAY, Feb. 19th. We will place in our window a $18 and a -$15 suit pat tern. These suits will each be reduced $2 a day until sold. These suils will receive the very best workmanship pos sible and be guaranteed in every way to pfove absolutely satisfactory. i Doril Fail To See Them. Tailored to Measure AND UP VSAVV,lllrVilrN.VWVVlr Suits and Overcoats This season 19 1 6 we are showing a line of woolens that can't fail to please. It's a Pleasure To Us To Shov? Them. We positively guarantee you fit and satisfaction. Our line is complete and we can't fail to please. A visit to our store will con vince you. 105 San Francisco St. jSM'V'AAA LsLislinJu Always Leads; WVkMWAArrVArkV LEEDS SPECIAL BREAKFAST BILL At a very moderate price. Served from 6 a. m. to 10 a m. We know you will be satisfied after you have eaten breakfast here once. Try Oar Sunday Dinner, 73c 6 p. m. to 0 p. m. ararajiauraKHKBKmg ia? "first Aid at Home." Neuralgia Pain ii moit agoni zing yet you can Hop itimtanlly by applying Sloan Liniment. Think of Sloan's Liniment when ever you bave a pain oi any kind. It is a fine Pain Killer. No need lo rub it in you just lay it on and the pain flies away at once. S H a a a s 9 Liniment f KILLS PAIN H "Keep a bottle in your home." K Price ISc. 50c, tlM 9 BJOCKKB09MHKHHSaj(WaH Dull eyes, blotches and other skin blemishes result from a disordered di gestion. Purify the blood, tone the stomach, gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels and bile with Larseit Sala of Any Mdieio ia tfc World, Sold ererrwhore. Inboxts 10c25c flralNiK WmmMffi The Zeiger Skin Mnddy? Hi H HI Bn BB da ffianaBK? 1 i S