Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD 12 Friday, February 18, 1916. EG- bei n Murder Trial to Go to Jury Saturday; Vance Given Good Character. rgui.ients in the trial or Dolrald Mackey, charged with the murder of Scott Vance, an El Paso Southwest ern conductor. In the Gem restaurant on November 21. while the latter'wfis eating supper with the divoroed wife or Vackeji were started In the 34th dls trit court this afternoon Early Frl dn morning the state put on Its last witness in rebuttal, and the remainder of Ufe trornlng was spent In preparing the barge, to the jury. The case will be given to the Jury Snturda Iel Harrington, assistant district at taint , opened for the state, and Frank Judkina opened for the defence. When court reconvened Frida morn lnp. M C Tracj, a Southwestern con ductor, was placed on the stand. Ho TePtifiPti that he had never seen Vance earr a firearm. He roomed with Vance for a time at 1515 Boulevard when Mrs. Macke was keeping a rooming and hoarding house. Vance refused to go there to room, he stated, until he (Tra cv) had consented to go there with him Vance was a peaceful, law abid ing cltixen. he said. Said lie -Would Kill Vance. B O Heal, a witness put on by the state Thursday afternoon In rebuttal, told of a conversation he had had with Mackey. "Did you ever have a conversation with Mackey In the Arizona bar with reference to VanceT" asked district at torney Del Harrington. 'I did. He said he was.golng to kill the mat ne wasn t going to control his boy "State whether anything was ever said to you by Mackey as to what your , testimony as a witness In this case would be," he was told. 'He told me a lot of things prior to this time, and he asked me that if I was a witness if I would not keep still ai'out the other woman. I told him I wouldn't swear to a lie. He said he would He would swear to anything." "YVha was this woman?" "I ha e forgotten her name " 'Was It Lesiersr Tes " "If Had the Nerve." The witness told, of another occasion when In the presence of Jim Anderson and himself, Mackey had said, "If I had nerve enough I'd kill Vance But I haven't" "Anderson spoke up and said, 'Xes you have." " Mrs. Mackey went on the stand again late In the afternoon. She testi fied that Vance did not put one hand back to hin pocket when Mackey en tered Mrs. Mackey also stated that Mackey did not want the boy to go tot Sunday school. J w White, C. C. Ward, James O'Neill, T. latner and W. W. Rogars, all El Paso & Southwestern employes, testified that Vance did not carry a pistol habitually and all spoke well of his reputation. t Mrs B O. Heel told of effecting a teconclllation between the Mackey s, at his request. Dr Charles F. Draden testified that he had attended Mrs. Mackey's son and that he was a delicate and nervous child. GARBAGE ORDINANCE EXTENDED TO APRIL; MUST HAVE TIN CANS Residents will be given until the last of Match in whleh to comply with the new sanitary ordinance regulatlngathe handling of garbage, according to mavor Tom Leju "Summer is coming and "the city ad ministration wishes to make special ffort to keep the city clean," said maor Tom Lea Friday morning looking especially to the residence illstrlcts The new ordinance provides ihst all residents shall put garbage in tin cans -and Imposes a penalty for not complying with the law. It further provides that the garbage shall not be i ollccti'O unless It Is put in tin garbage cans. , ' "1 deeply regret that some misunder standing has come up with reference to the sale of garbage cans. The sani tary department desires' It understood that neither It nor any city department is sending anyone out to sell cans, nor Is it interested in the sale of cans. All that the city desires Is that the oltliena shall cooperate with the city under the new ordinance and purchase cans on or before the last -day of March." UNDER SUSPENDED SENTENCE; ARRESTED ON ROBBERY CHARGE A. Prleta was arrested 'Friday morn ing In the lower part of the city at 11 45 oclock by city detectlv.e Varela and placed in the city" Jail on a charge of 'theft. Prleta. when arrested had a carton of tobacco containing 100 small five cent sacks in his possession. Recently Prleta. it is said was given a fle-jer suspended sentence by a lury in the 31th district court on a harge of burglary. PRESBYTERIAN MEN TO PLAN FOR BIG LAYMEN'S MEETINGS The Men's club of the First Presby terian church will have a get-together supper ot the church Tuesday evening at 30 to plan for the coming of the Laymen's Missionary movement In March. This will be the first meeting of the ' lub this winter and It 1 expected to have 100 men at the club supper. 1 BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No AlumNo Phosphate Take get lVl luilch chance in your gluten, one gredients of this delicious home prepares Writ for frmm rmeiam AamI Va.. ,--- ..r. r . Spaghttti, lOethm targt package. MAULL BROS.. St. Louii, U. S. A. YOU HAVE TO look uik a park mkP i BPv Pirate PI5EW5 Jmmf M M sW luvwrv? uit. h r nrx OTgiYf vflk i--"- I REQUIRE DE5PERATE ) sM8M(mM$ A I ' if A A? I MRS.SROWM.TYblA.D-, KiO1 VoURETtocT) rnrWELLTpREAW5fAW ( MA.RRY ME ILL SHOW yoU v V'lY.JiorSe i .wTY I ,3 Hotf&tiMOOK IN VErllCE WITH YOUJ HOW To JK5U0UE TOUR INCOME) BUSINESS-LlV.) fl WSl WHERE, FLOATIH& w A r ByGoopir4vE5rrMEKT- rj WJm (sortpoiA erMu&Hx y MEMBERS TO SEEK REELECTION Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. IS Possibly with one exception, everv one of the six Democrats who represented Mari copa county in the lower house of the second state legislature hopes to get back to the third legislature. Two of them, Loran F. Vaughn, of Phoenix, and T. T. Powers, of the Crelghton district, hope to get back to the senate. A. G. Austin and J. E. McClain, of the Tempe district, are out for the house again. So Is Guy D. Acuff, of Phoenix, but he says that he will withdraw if his brother, L. M. Acuff, decides to run for the Maricopa county board of supervisors. The exception is James C. Goodwin, of Tempe, the only Maricopa Yepre sentatlve who was not with the "Hunt combine." Goodwin says that he will not run unless requested to do so by at least a considerable of his townsmen and the chances are that Goodwin will not get Into the race. W. D. McBrayer, a farmer of the Chandler district, is an avowed can didate for one of the Democratic nom inations for the house. IL A. Davis, of Phoenix, a member of the first state senate, wants to be a senator again. Davis lost the nom-l inatlon In 1314. DAIRY FARMERS TO HOLD AN ALL DAY MEETING AT LA MESA La Mesa, N. M.. Feb. 18. The Rio Grande Cooperation Dairy association will hold an all day meeting at the La Mesa school house, Saturday. AH mem bers and eery one Interested In the dairy business both on. the east and west side of the valley are expected to be present as there will be a num ber of Important discussions. A por tion of the day will be given to a dis cussion' of the suear beet Industry. a walk just before lunch vou cold. Take a walk iust after you are warm. It is nnt in the weather, it's the chamrn body that comes from eating. Faust Spaghetti is narticularlv rich In of the truly strenctheninir In food. The woman who nerve and healthful dish in her it against cold and sickness. MAKE A QUICK SHIFT SOMETIMES THE CAPTURED BRITISH yj?i3SSSg3B3BS,3mr a&UTeHSmBSU SSS3Z&HS GteSS&SSESSEH&tti The photograph shows the British frican lim r Appam captured at sea by the German commerce raiders, lying in Hampton roads under the guns of Fortress Monroe. One insert shows Sir Edward M. Merewcther, governor and commanderinchief of Sierra Leon, who, with his wife, lady Merewcther, and his entire suite, was held captive aboard. The other insert shows one of the fierman guards of the prize' crew with his rifle standing on the gangway and several of the passengers leaning over the rail. IB TO pick mm Efforts Made to Swing Na , tional Delegation For Teddy at Chicago. Santa Fe, N. M.. Feb. 18. A meeting of the Republican state committee is to be called soon by chairman Ralph C. Ely to set the date for the conven tion to select delagates to the Chicago national convention. Under the influence of H. O. Dur sum, sentiment is crystalUlng rapidly in favor of a Roosevelt delegation to Chicago. As It Is announced that governor xiiram jonnson, wno was the Progressive candidate for vice president four years ago, will bo a candidate in California, to the Repub lican national convention, so it Is be lieved, that In New Mexico, at least one Progressive will be on the delegation which It Is- said will consist of Holm O. Bursum, Charles A. Spless, Albert B. Fall. Benigno C. Hernandez, Bron son M. Cutting and Isldoro Armljo If more than these wlrfh to go to Chicago and pay their own way and expenses, they may be chosen and the delegates each given one-half or one third vote, but they are to be tied with instructions to jast their ballot for Roosevelt for president. Correct that eye trouble, and enlov the comfort and pleasure of perfect ej eslght. For satisfaction In eyeglass fitting see Geo. D. Kendall, Optometrist and Optician, 103 Mesa Ave Adv r ' n!,e I ""- "" h"n,,!If there's no place like home comforably warmed with coal from R. C. Semple, successor to Southwestern Fuel Co. Phone Bn Adv REPUBL ?;(;;:ilKiS?3 mi ds Aviation Corps Defective; Conditions Have Been Covered Up, Is Said. (Continued from page 1.) on the congressmen. He -urged every tuurtesy De shown th visitors, but. positively declined to elve their wives. sweethearts or others joy rides, stating that you did this once and the war de partment howled for your head, which, although not a fact, will sound terri fying to the applicant," Col Reber wrote Capt. Cownn. Fnlne Reports Alleged. Senator Robinson declared instruc tions to make false reports to conceal the true conditions were carried out Coli Reber, he said, as final proof of the charges, told Capt. Cowan to have prepared a list of officers, even If stu dent names had to be Included, for Gen. Scrlven when he came to Inspect the station. Offer to Supply Hvldence. Senator Robinson reiterated his be lief that the defectiveness of the avi ation service could be established be yond doubt, and added: "I beliere It can easily bo demonstrated that there Is no sincere effort upon the Part of Col. Reber to improve the serv ice: that aviation In the United States army is contemptibly Inefficient and its true condition deliberately withheld from those high in authority In the war department, and that misrepresentations as to the progress being made by tne aviators are deliberately and repeatea- Jy made to the oep.-.rtment All of these circumstances, ... Judgment make imperative a cnp"f" slonal investigation. If the committee liv ovrnn BOAT APPAM decides to make the investigation. I will take the liberty of furnishing the evi dence to establish further the state ments now made." Senator Fitvor Jnvestigntlop. " After senator Robinson had, submitted his evidence, several senators decided that the resolution should b passed and Inquiries were made as to how long It would take a committee to go to Sac Diego to make an Investigation. You Can Tell The People Who Have Iron in Their Blood Strong, Healthy, Vigorous Folks Doctor Says Ordinary Nnxated Iron Will Mnke Nervous Rnndoirn reo- ple 00 Percent Stronger In Tito Weeks' Time In Many Cases. New York. N. T. "One "lance Is .enough to tell which people has Iron In tneir Diooa, sam Doctor &auer. a spe cialist of this city in a recent discourse. They are the ones that d.. and dare. The others arc in the Weakling class. Sleepless nights spent worrying over supposed ailments, constant dosing with patent medicines and narcotics for nervous weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease and useless attempts to brace up with strong coffee or other stimulants are what keep them suffer ing and vainly longing to be strong. Their real trouble Is lack of Iron in the blood. Without Iron the blood has no power to change food Into living tis sue and therefore, nothing you cat does you any .good: you 'don't get the strength out of It The moment Iron Is supplied the multitude of dangerous symptoms disappear. I have seen doz ens of nervous, rundown people who were ailing all the time, double and even trlplo their strength and, endur ance and entirely get rid of every slsn of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles In from ten to 14 days' time simply by taking iron In the proper form. And this, after they had In some cases been doctoring for months without any benefit Special Grocery Prices Flour, 24 lb. sack 85c Cottolene, 5 lbs 60c All 10c Milk, 3 for 25e Eagle Brand Milk, 3 for.,,... 50c Joy Brand Corn, 3 for 25c Butter, lb 30c Fresh Eggs, doz 35c Oat Meal, 3 for.. 25c Calumet Baking Powder, lb. " can 20c Grape Nuts, 2 for 25c "VVe handle Kansas Citv Give Green Trading Stamps. Arizona Street Grocerj; PHONE 1057. THREE EIGHT HOUR SHIFTS AT WORK WRECKING POPULAR Three shifts of workmen are now employed on the work of wrecking tho old Popular store annex for the new 1350,000 bulldlnff. In order to get the building down and the excavation started as soon as possible A. Schwartz has Instructed Otto Kroeger, the contractor, to em ploy three eight-hour shifts on the wrecking work and the extra crews were at work nil night Thursday. A bonus has been offered, by Mr. Schwartz for the completion of tho new building before January 1, 1917, and this bonus will be paid dally for each day before that time that the building is ready to occupy. DEMING MAN ELECTED BY ELECTRICAL ASSOCIATION Albuquerque, tf. M-. Feb. 18. N. lit Buchanan, of Silver City, and J. R. Smith, of Demlng, were elected vice president of the New Mexico Electrlcnl association at the final session of the annual convention here. W. P Southard was elected president He Is from Albuquerque. W. N. Berry, also of Albuquerque, was named sec retary. Members of the executive com mittee included: J A. Shepard, of Demlng, and D. W. Morean. of Las Cruces. T0DATS AMUSEMENTS " HHbU LAST SHOWING TODAT. The most beautiful and most won derful picture ever brought to El Paso, "Undine," will be shown at the Bijou today foAthe last time. None of the charm of tho fairy tale has been lott In this screen version of Pierre De La Motte Fouquets' famous stopy of the nymphs of sea and wood. In plctur lzing it, Henry Otto has managed to retain the poetry and Imagery of the original, and It is altogether a charm ing object From a' modern living room, the spectator is wafted to the enchanted shores of TJnda, where count less maids, in scanty clothes, disport themselves and do all manner of aquatic stunts. Although their clothing Is scanty (and In some cases entirely absent) there Is nothing about the scenes which can give offence to any one. Censors will look In vain for something to cut out (Which does not mean that they will cut nothing.) Tho management requests every one who can possibly do so to attend the day shows. 'The first show opens at 11 a. m. and shows will start on the hour thereafter. All seats will be 25 cents. Advertisement. HE FELL ff LOVE 1V1TH 1IIS WIKE. Ostrom threatens to kill Holcroft unless Allda will run away with him. Knowing that Ostrom will keep his threat she promises to meet him at the spot where the road runs along the cliff. He departs. Allda goes to mat. ,mi1v talrfnr n. not tn Tfol- croft to mislead him. she goes upstairs. The little servant gin, Deiieving Aiiua. already gone, runs to tell Holcroft Holcroft, arriving in haste, finds the note and at last realizes that he loves his housekeeper-wife that he married from the noorhouse. As he sobs, crushed, over her letter, Allda appears on the stairway. She longs to go to him and tell all but knows that Ostrom will kill Holcroft unless she keeps her tryst How Holcroft, believing her gone, pursues and thrashes Ostrom; how Ostrom fires from the ground as Allda runs In and of the results of that shot are told In an Intensely dramatic manner In "He Fell In Love With, His Wife," at the Alhambra, theater, today only, on the Paramount program. Adr THE TURMOIL" TODAY. The Unique presents "The Turmoil," by Booth Tarkington, for Its speolal at traction today, tomorrow and Sunday. This is a Metro production, featuring Valll Valli and George Le Guere. who are supported by a strong cast Miss Valli was the leading woman of the London Gaiety company, and was the star of "The Queen of the Movies" In Its notable run at the Globe theater In New York. George Le Guere has ap peared as Juvenile lead for nearly ev6ry well known stage star. Including David Warfleld, Margaret Anglln, P.obert Edeson, William Hodge, Jane Cowl and Maxlne Elliott. Mr. Le Guere appeared 300 times in the leading Juvenll" role In "The Man From Home," by Booth TarVlngton. Anyway, "The Turmoil" Is a Metro picture, with an excellent story, so what's the necessity of going farther Into detail? The shows start at 10.45 a. m 12 noon, 1.15, 2:30, 3:45, 5. 6:15. 7:30, 8:45. 10 p. m. Advertisement -"PRINCESS SUNSHINE." "Princess Sunshine," a fairy story of El Paso, will be given at the Texas Grand Monday night and Tuesday mat inee. Tickets are on sale at Ryan's drug store. Advertisement. ?.u are no' strong or well you ?- . . yuelf to make the follow i , i. - ee IiOW lonB yu can work mi ..or-you can k without be coming tired. Next take two five-grain taoiets of ordnary nuxated Iron three m..s pe,lay after meals for two woks. Then test your strength again 5n. see for yourself how much you inS ?aJn?i There Is nothing like fh2Loia iron t0 Put col" In your vm.t na und. healthy flesh on I JL ..f' But yon m"' take lron ,n .mi , ??n be easll absorbed and wim.,a,.e1J,'ke i"ated Iron If you il -.. do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. bvNrj?E'.t?a5e'1 Iron '"omm.nded above K.L "', ' one ot toe newer erjanle ot !??.. '.' ta assimilated, does US?.. f..,nach: on the contrary, it l a iSSU.Ki.!,' """'f- '" nearly all forms ot i-nfli,? "SJ" aa ,or nervous, nm-down ? nn, The ,S,M hare such 5f? i t??rfln.c'.,n Nlated Iron that they S., ?.".',' moo to onJ' charitable In- JES! 2. .' 6!7ho "" lr" "d Increase -. E- Jf tu 20 p,r nt or r In four weeks time provided they have no serious ;;;f1rnLc,ntn?.ub1'.e-..Ti,j' a," "'ua IZl SJJk" ' "" t at least doubt. yiI t, .B ,ana "durance In ten days' time. It 1 dispensed in this city by Owl V5 ,J A., nyin and all other dru slsu. Advertisement Post Toasties, 3 for 25c Puffed Rice, 2 for 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 for 25c Schneider's Catsup, large bot tle 2Qc Best Head Rice, 3 lbs 25c Blue Tip Matches, 3 for 10c White House Coffee, lb 40c 2 lbs. for 75c Potatoes, 9 lbs 25c Bread, loaf c Meats and Poultry, and 7 Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. Dose Will Convince You. One Mayrs Wonderful R'medy Is well known throughout the country Many thousand people ha,v taken it for Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments and report marvelous results and are highly praising It to others. Astonish ing benefits sufferers have received even from ona dose are llca'd everywhere and explain its tremendous sale to more than a mllllorvpeople. It rarely ever fails and those afflicted with Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Indi gestion, Gas in the Stomach and Intes tines, Dizziness, Fainting Spells, Colic Attacks, Torpid Liver, Constipation,, etc., should by all means try this remedy. Mayr"s Wonderful Kemedy gives permanent results for stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments. Eat as much and whatever you like. No more distress after eating,' pressure of gas In the stomach and around the heart Get one bottle of your druggist now and' try it on an absolute guarantees If not satisfactory money Will be re turned. For sale by druggists everywhere. Advertisement COULD NOT LIE ON SIDE And Had To Sleep With Head High on Pillow, on Account of Suifer- Says Cardui Made Her Well- insr. Laurel, Miss. Mrs. Martha A. Corbln, R. F. D. . ot .bis place, writes: "I am glad to write this letter and you are ( welcome to use It.. In any way you ; i choose. I have had soreness tn my side so that I could not lie on It to sleep. The back of my head hurt me a great deil too, so that I had to He with my head high on the pillow. Once a month I would have a great (leal ot backache . . . Then I would suffer f rqm dizziness, which would be so bad I could hardly sit up and would have a very queer feeling In my head. Tha neighbors all advised me to have a doctor, but I had heard a great deal ot Cardul and de cided to take that I swelled a great deal too... When that first began on me I would -want to stretch and when I would stretch, the pain would run to my hips and shoulders. But I began to take Cardul, and be fore I had taken a half bottle I began to feel better and the swelling began to go down. The pain began to dimin ish and by the time I had taken two bottles I felt well enough to quit tak ing It... I think It is the grandest medicine that women can use. Take Cardul. For sale by all drug glits. Adr. ASK FOR and GET THE ORIGINAL HALTED RfHLK Cheap substitutes cost 00 same prica I YOU Should Always go to KEEVIL'S When you want the best Wines, Liquors and Lunch Goods. Phone 105. 520 N. Stanton. HOME AUTJ) SERVICE D. TOM SMITH, Mgr. All new. five end seven-passenger :ara J1.50 and 32.00 per nour rro Fords. Day or Nlsht. S2S Mesa Ave. AUTOS FOR WEE All Good 7-Passengcr Can Rate, $2 Per Hour Phone 509-510 AUTO LIVERY CO. City Hall Stand - . 418 San Astasia, 1002 ARIZONA, g STOMACH SUFFERERS ISS H H