Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HEBALD 14 Friday, February 18, 191G. STICK KltS UGI1D Metal Shares Lead in Ad- vance; Railroad Stocks Continue Irregular. OTh Quotations I i idi February II reflect closing price, Tork Feb 18 Much of the ground I it In the week's early dealings was re gained todav metal shares leading; a gen ml sdvance Butte A Superior and American Zinc rose pi Ints ijch to nw records aaa cop v r pnrtif ularly Anaconda and Utah a r in demand at fractional advances I mi i States Steel Crucible Steel, l r s l steel t ar Industrial Alcohol ami M xl an Petroleum rose appreciably over i hurMlHt p final quotations but rails were irngnlar N. Y. LISTED STOCKS By Associated Pre.) Niiffc TorW. Wh 18 Following wre the oilni7 quotations at the New York stock h finite Tor the stocks rnentloiuu.. in rlrfi Husur Heflning . .112 W iruun Tel and 1l 127 iih mida Oopp.r . 8H M hiNon .IIS1-. Mm upper ..... .69 (n pirAtiun Copper . 4-V4 irthrn Tarlfir 111H H'artlnir 784 s.utiirn Pacific M I nlrn Pcclflc W i nitrd State. Steal ISlt i nitrd State 3teL pfd 116fa MONEY AND METALS. NEW YORK SIAKKET. (By Associated Press.) t-vv lork Feb II Mercantile paper : i 3 ' . st riing CO da bills 471. demand 4.76. It - Kilter 66 M xlean dollars 43 i rnmi nt bonds steady. I i Iroiid bonds steady. I im. loans easy. 6 days 21.03;, H ds t -S i all mone steady ruUng rate 1. ( upper firm electrolytic nearby and June I v 0 third iu trier J7 01)0:7 50. Iron flrfci No 1 Northern 320 35010 76. No 2 Northern $19 76020 35. No. 1 South ern $JOiO03lrO No : Southern 111750 "n r The metal exchange quofes lead at $6.37 bid. The metal exchange quotes tin $41.78 042 Spelter not quoted , LONDON METALS. ' London Knar. Feb lb The London met als market closed today as follows: Lead 32 SpeKer 10! spot topper flOS. futures H06, eleetroly I (1K0 sit? Spot tin III! futures tl 80 TUB LOCAL MARKET. Mexican currency (state bllts) 3 14. Mexican Neeloneles bills 16 Mexican psos 49, i arrsnze currency 4 1 Tsso Smelter Quotations. (Corrected Dally ) 'tar silver (Handy & Harmon) quotations ' Loudon lead MS Pig lead 6 M topper wire bars. 26 . MEXICAN PRICES. Quotations furnished by El Faso exchange si mem Hi south ei i-aso street. Agullas vleja t . . T Agullas nuevHS Veracrux ... . Mi nclova Banco Nactonal y Londree y Mexico Tisrs fuertes Timtones , . nro Mexlcano .... nam os estadoa buen,os Hancos eatados mains . . $ IH 3 70 2.00 16 42 M KM 4 25 M 0 The ordinary cost or a "Want Ad In The El Paso Herald Is 2E cents. It reaches an a erase of about 100.000 readers eacli issue. The 'sultan of Turkey has been nith a field marshslshlp in the irmy by emperor William honored German Men In Switzerland are compelled to work. the Alpine republic won't allow loafing, legging or vagrancy . dollar saved by buying -roods pro duced elsew' ere Is e. dollar thrown at our neighbor's birds. PUZZLE cli:ar the mmmsSmmMM m clear the way for the lad s sled See that the slide i clear ahead Down she (roes, and without a fear sheknows that grandpa 13 watching near Kind her crnndfathrr. ANSWER TO lLVSTKItDAVS PCZ7.LE. Lpslilc down In dress. '&ky Wj ' -Mttc -ir CtekhOHdMjs? VTcnuiA W WHEAT ADVANCES : C01IS HER: Oats Follow Same Trend as Wheat and Corn; Pro visions Show Strength. Chicago III Feb in Sympathy with higher prices at Liverpool brought about an advance today In the wheat market here After opening a shade off to c up the market receded a little but then rose all around to well above Thursday's finish. Ini tial prices for July were $1 22 to 1 211 Prices closed firm 7,01 to l4jlHc net higher with May at $1 29 and July at $1! Jit 124. Corn hardoned with wheat The opening was a shade to 0c lower snd was fol lowed by a moderate upturn Oats had the same action as corn borne strength devel oped In provisions despite lower prices or hogs. The close was unsettled at 0 to r nel advance Grain and Provisions. Chicago Grains. Close. Wheat May $129, July. $113 Corn May. 79c, July. 78c Oats Uav 4c. July 46c Chirazo Provisions, Close. Pork May 20 87 July. 30 17 . l.ard May 10 S3 July 10.50 Itlbs May 11 IS, July 11 Co Kansas City Grains. Gloe Kansas Citj- Mo . Feb II V heat No 2 had. $1 2001 27 No 2 red, Sl.2201.2g, May. $120, July. 311s'011S torn No 2 mixed. 7O078c No 2 white 79071c. No 2 yellow. 720724c. May 730711... july. 74c Oats No 3 white. 41010c. No t mixed. 4047c Cotton Market. ew lork Cotton, Close. New York. Feb 18 Spot cotton, quiet, middling upland. 11 S& Salem, none Future clotted steady March, 11 62. May, 11.77. July. 11 97, October, IMS; December, 1S.29 Liverpool Cotton. CIovo. Liverpool Enp , Feb 18 Cotton apot. coaler, good middling. 8. 0a. 9d. middling 7, 8s, id, J oh middling 7, 4a. d Salea &ftO0 Italea. LIVESTbcK. Kaatas City Livestock, i CloKer Kansas City Mo Feb It IUgs Re ceipts tO0. market lower Bulk 37 8008 15. heavy 38.04&8 22H. light 37 7508 00, pigs 15.5007.76 Cattle Receipts 900. market steady Prime fed steers 38 5009 00. dressed beef steers 37 0008 40, westernMeers 7508 45 cows t 3507 00. heirers JS 5008 50, calves 35.5001100 Sheep Receipts 1000 market steady. Lambs 310 4001100. yearlings 39 :01O 00. wether 37 7509 15 Chicago Livestock. Close. Chicago. Ill Feb 18 Hogs Receipts 35 000. market weak Mostly 10 cents un der Thursday's average Hulk 18 1008 30. light 37 7508.30. heavy 37 9503 35. pigs it 3307 40 Cattte Receipts 2000 market weak. Na tive beef steers 36 6009 65. western steers. 3( 7008 15. cow and heifers 33 1508.20, calves 38 50011 25. 8heei Receipts SOOO. market steady Wethers 87 7S0I3O. Iambs 39 0001135. forth North Livestock. Clo-e. (By Zelger Hotel ) Hogs Receipts 3500. closed steady on good bogs 5 to 10 cents lower on others ' Top II 10. bulk 37.6508 00. Cattle Receipts 1100. Including ISO calves. Market steady, lop 37 16. bulk 56 00 07 50. bulls 34 0005 15 calves 340003 60. Blockers steers 36 0006 75 cows 84 000 6 5. heifers 85 0007 00. calves 315006 50. Sheep Receipts 300, steady C. ROYSTON IS CHARGED WITH TAKING TYPEWRITER Arrested Thursday night on South El l'ago street, C. Royston was transferretl to the county jail Friday morning by city detectnes following the filinc of a complaint in the county court charKing him with tliett ol a typewriter. The machine, ulinh was fount! in the possession of Royston, was identified Friday niomiiip; as one taken from the office of the Jfoeller Realtv company. In the basement of Hotel iMcCoy, Thursday afternoon. The complaint against Royston in the county court was signed by Vm. Moeller. PICTURE' wi. pa 7uov&d sO jst MryM COPPERS LEAD STOMIET Are Active and Strong Fri day, Featuring the Stock Market. Renewal of activity and strength in cop pers and other metal shares featured the stock market Friday accorulng to adtirrs to Curtlss. Manning Co stocks and bonds First National bank building Coppers were led by Butte . Superior, which made a new high of 93 Utah Calumet A Arl zona and Chlno also were strong Other departments of the market showed pres sure and lower prices Specialties rallied briefly but became depressed again and lost the earlier gains, American Locomotive, Baldwin and Great Northern Ore were heaVy. Ralls were firmer U S Steel was under Intermittent pressure Mexican Te trolcnim again was weak Copper Slocks Onotalions. The following wire quotations furnished bj Curtlss Manning Co., give tho closing Anaconda . 9 Butte, and Superior 93 ! Calumet and Arizona 75 Chlno . If Copper Range 65H Greene-Cananea 47 Vi Inspiration ........ . 46 Kennecott. 66 Miami 37 New Cornelia. ll012Vi North Butte . 29 Ray Consolidated ... .. 25 Shannon ... 13 Shattuck 38 Tennessee Copper .... 57 United Verde Extension 13013V4 Industrial anil Railroad stocks. American Car and Foundry 69 H American Locomotive . . 66 American Smelters 100 Baldwin Locomotive .. ..108 Canadian Pacific 18 Central Leather .. 65 Colorado Fuel and Iron 44 Crucible Steel Great Northern Ore 45 Lackawanna Steel 77 Mexican Petroleum .t.. 105 Mldvale Steel '. 70. Missouri Pacific 5 N Republic Iron and Steel 63 Rock Island ... . 13 Union Pacific 134 V S. Steel 83 Wabash . . ... 14 Westinghouse ... . . 66 WEATHER BULLETIN. S. DErARTMT-VT OF AGRICULTURE. WEATJifcR BUREAU. Observation taken at 8 a. xx, 75th me--ldian time (6 a. m. El Paso time.) Feb. 1916 I orrcasts. Kl Paso and vicin ity Fair tonight and Saturday, colder to night New Mexico am Arizona r air to night and Saturday ( not much change In temperature West Texas To night, fair colder. except in the Pan- Handle Saturday, Prisrinltatlr,n I- t. .. i fair u.k.. "V . " "' " """n Uir inches) Lowest tenp last right.., Highest yesterday Temp, ...I I 76 70 88 62 31 50 56 61 40 46 68 68 40 66 78 80 cloudy clear clear clear cloudy cloudy cloudy clear cloudjr dear pt ddy pt. cldy clear dear clear clear cloudy clear cloudy clear clear clear pt.cldy cloudy clear pt cldy clear clear foe;y cloudy clear Amarlllo., K Atlanta g, Boise ji Boston ...., at Chicago JJ Cincinnati 0 Denver j3 Detroit a, gJluth 4 El Paso t3 Galveston......... &4 Havre it Jacksonville 61 Little Hock 8 Los Angeles to Nashville 42 New Orleans 52 NewYork 36 Omaha go Phoenix 60 Rapid City. 30 Roswell 44 St Louis 36 Salt Lake City 32 San Antonio 54 72 44 AS 80 $1 M - 4 74 TO 64 SO 52 14 8 sanFranelsco c. SantaFe 30 Seattle 46 Washington 38 Wichita 34 Tuma Note. Amounts of precipitation than .01 of an inch are not published hereon. comparative El imm Precipitation Jan. 1 to Feb, 16. Inclusive. 1912 1913 00 In Jan. l to reb 16. Inclusive, LSI In 03 In. 1 06 In. 66 In. 82 In Jan. 1 to Feb 16. Inclusive 1914 Jan. 1 to Feb. 16 Inclusive. 1915 Jan. 1 to Feb. 16. Inclusive 1916 Normal, Jan. 1 to Feb. 16. Inclusive Wnter Conditions, Itlo Grande Project Height of Water Behind Contents , . . T Dam 6 a. m. Acre Ft Elephant Butte reservoir . 10 40 401.471 Increase In 24 hours . A at 22c iFlow of river at San Marcial, not reported . u, ,ivu, itrmrvutr , JUUU Second It For Irrigation, Leaaburg canal 376 second ft For Irrigation. Franklin canal 230 second ft. Tor Irrigation. East side canal 100 second ft For irrigation. West side eanal 250 second ft For Irrigation, Acequla Madre. Tex) . 260 second ft. Date, Feb. 18 1916 THE COURTS 4IST DISTRICT COURT. J II. Price. I-rrsIdln-r. J. II Cunningham v. W. I. Glbbs. et al. suit on note and foreclosure of lien, filed Francisco R. Ochoa et ux v Peyton J Edwards, injunction, on trial. SiTII IMSIIMCT COURT. W. D. Hone, Prrsldln-r. State of Texas vs D Mackey, murder, on tilal .5T1I DISTRICT tOlRT. Ilnllnrd Coldncll, presiding;. A J Rose vs Joll & Morris, specific performance and damages; filed. Welegrove &. company vs G. O. Truschell, suit on account; filed G D Lawrence vs. Southern Pacific suit for $25,000 damages for personal Injuries, on trial. COUNTi i (IIII1T. Adrlnnrool. presiding. James and T E Clifford s Sefenlno Gscajeda. suit for debt', filed. Rio Grande Valley Bank & Trust company vs D V reacock and R. C. Bailey, suit on note, filed State of Texas vs Ernesto Florea carrying a pistol, filed JLSTim COURTS. J. T. Murphy, Presiding. State of Texas s. A M. Garcia, speeding, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 35 and costs. State of Texas vs Jose Jtublo, speed ing, defendant pleaded gullt and was fined 36 and costs. State of Texas vs W. B Clark, un lawfullj operating an automobile; de. fendant pleaded guilty and was fined SX and costs. State of Texas vs Herman Lew, un lawfully operating an automobile de fendant pleaded guilty and was fined J5 and coats J. SI. Denver, I'l-raldlng. State of Texas vs Caslano Dele-ado burglar, . held to grand jury under $500 bond r State of Texas vs Andres Sanchez assault; defendant pleaded guilty and' was fined $G and costs State of Texas vs tinnnei !-.,.., . SBof a held t0 Brand 3Ury """ Bpimenlo Tlerro and Francisco Lonez forgery, held to grand jurv under S500 bond each A dollar saved by buying goods pro duced elsewhen Is a dollar thrown at jour neighbor's biids TtmFJ BACK AS Notice To Classified Advertisers All Clas-Ufled Advertising ordered to pin Indefinitely (t. f ) must be In writ ing No t, f. advertisements accepted over the telephone. Orders to discon tinue t. f ads must also be in writing and cannot bo accepted over the tele phone. A stop order receipt will be given when a t. f ad Is ordered discontinued. i Rate For Claijificd Adi: Jne Cent per Word. No charge leu than $ 25 Six Consecutive Inser tions, per Word 05 coirn TEXAS with ttifae fhe GREAT TEXAS M:WSl"ArjJtS. Dallas Times Herald Fort Worth Star-Telo-gram. El Paso Herald, Houston Chronicle . n ,Antonlo Light. Combined guaranteed circulation over 140 000 dally. 175 000 Sunday. Combined Classified Rates 6c per word per insertion daily, fc jjer word Sunday A 20 word ad In aU five papers will cost only 31.00 for one weekday Insertion or S: 20 'or three insertions. Including one Sunday Minimum charge based on 20 words. Al copy for Sunday Insertions should be cubmlltel by noon of the rrecedlng Thursdiv Send or bring your o-ier -with cash to Classified Ad vertising' Department of The El Paso Her ald, and your ad will be p aced In thtss pepera. Cash tt accompany order Lost and Fonnd. LO-iT An overcoat Phone 2460 llOUM) Female Airedale terrier Phone D9 4J it. LOST Scotch collie Finder return 1031 Arl zona Receive reward LOST One Weston Ammeter Return to 214 West San Antonio St Reward. f-'ST Tuesday evening lady's wrist watch Initials N E. on back, rhone 5107 Reward. LOST Somewhere In business district tur quoise bar pin Initials J L. Phone 6421. Re svard. I OsT -Lady's watch between White House ana i-ouers Conf. letter S engraied on back Rewa,rd Phone 2707 I OST Sat old grip containing valuable papers plats or land, guide national forest. 310 reward If returned to Herald office LOST A pocketbook. finder may keep mon ey Please return purse and papers. No ques tions asked. Phnne 400 Fisher Hotel M. a Fonderbulk. Personal. S-1'IRLLL.V CORSETS, Mrs. Hulett Ph. 3J72. RPMSH LESSONS by lady teacher B 102 care Herald Special RoHccs. ..OOII sack 26c. 5 sacks 31 Phone 6568 WILL give ironing lessons. Phone 1360. HIRTILIZEK well rotted delivered. Ph. 4740 HOUSE'S TnSFER Phone 1330 and reliable service Prompt GKIN from grower to consumer orth Tule Farms. Cor 1st and Virginia Sts. PRI.ATE teaching to pupils below 8th grade Phone 6719 WALL FAPEB and frescoes cleaned. Ten years experience. Phone 2710 R. W E CAN fix your place into a lawn or gar den, even thing furnished. For Information Phone 6701. DOCTOR ATJER. Chronic diseases. Diseases of women. vous diseases. 212 Herald BIdg Ner- FOK HALE Power Ice cream freezer, motor, shafting, belts and pulleys, ready to set up Been used only a short time. Cheap for cash Courx House Drug Store. VI ANTED To hear from a contractor who will build a 32 room apartment house and take 40 or 50 acres of fine Improved valley lend as part payment Land will be put In at a strictly cash price and house must be built on same terms Address J 12, care of Herald 7 NOTICE OF DIN-.OLUTIOV The partnership heretofore existing between Geo C Calvert and Edgar Roggenbuck known and doing business under the nam of El Paso Monument Co at 1901 Texas St 1 nas been dissolved and said business and partnership has been discontinued El Taso Monument Co By Geo C Calvert Financial. FOR S VLB Four 1300 notes, one 3709 note. -m cage t'none 567 Easiness Chances. SURGICAL INSTnilMF.NTR Bnerge- Bros, store. Texas street Phone 4142 NEM and second hand furniture store for sale cheap, good buy for cash, central loca tion Address P 50 care Herald. TAILOR bHOP at a sacrifice doing good business, best line of end samples and suit lines In El Paso Address IL 54 Herald. WANTED Established business. Must be bsrgaln Give location and full particulars. Investor care of Herald. A WFI.L known delicatessen and restaurant for sale, clearing 1126 net profit Further in formation address W 4, car Herald. E.STVI1LISIIED business, cleaning works. Would consider trade for Jltno with paid li cense Write X Y Z Herald CISH grocery good trade. Will sell whole or half interest cheap. Address W. 2, Her ald FOR SLE 10 room red brick apartment house, south side 33000. rents for 335 mo. 1600 down, rest on time. Address B N Voods Las Cruces. N M. 1 OR S LE Easy terms or trade, paying cigar store and pool hall, good lease, reason able rent What have" you to offer! Phone 9I M M. M. care Herald. FOR SALE On account of sickness the Pal ace of Sweets doing big business located next door to P O at Invoice price. Rent 835. Ad dress Box 27. Las Cruces. N M. WANT SMALL GROCERY STOCK W e have two cash but era what have you to of fer C A Klnne Co 32S N Oregon Thone 1861 ask for R A MeKtnney A1I1RGAIN. ' A splendid hot and cold delicatessen, good location, rent only 340 A Tnoney maker. Guarantee $125 month profit Only 3550. Easy worth 3760 See Mr Rice. Kamey Bros. 609 First Nat Bank BIdg Phone 613. A MONEY MAKER. 12 rooms, close In, always full, rent 360 Price $1360. 3300 cash. baL monthly See Mr Rice Kamey Bros. j09 JFIrst Nat Bank BIdg Phone 612. IrjWjinMrlMiei FaU Mitchell, Employment Agency. 203 San Francisco St BOi WANTED at Boulevard once with wheel, 416 W NTED An experienced Chinese cook for family Phone 551 MAN experienced In making reliners and cutting down rubber 410 Mills St STROM, able bodied Mexican, speaks somo English can do office work but willing to do anything Phone 1645 ISOS with wheels csn make good money with Acme Tip Top Messenger Service. Phone 5700 WANTED MI .N-W OMEN, 378 00 month. Government iobs vacancies constantly. Write for list positions now obtainable Franklin Institute. Dept 415 M.. Rochester, n r. WANTED Experienced orchard man to take care ,f small orchard and alfalfa farm about 15 miles down the valley Goo4 house on place Must come well recom mended Apply to Jsmes L. Marr Caples building milllER COLLEGE, Ft Worth. Texas, wanta you to learn the trade If this opportunity means lighter, cleaner work at better pay you want It Can learn In a few weeks and have your Own shop Write for the truth about It today Help Wanted Agents. HATS, cleaned blocked. 4c will" mail your hat we return it like new Terminal Hat Factory, 1619 Main. Fort Worth. Agents wan tea lITe" hustling agents wanted In Jvery cotm-i ty in Texas. Liberal territory Tast selling household necessity on money back guaran tee For particulars address The Hardy cnmpjnj B v 43( Tort Worth, Texas Help Wanted Male and Female W NTED--Stenographer ror sienograpmi: anil clerical work Hours from 8 to 6 .Ad dress applications to P O Box 863 stating qualifications and experience nnd wire for ranch work near El Taso. Spanish speaking workman. preferred. Refer- familiar with irrigation, IL Aldrldge, 221 West ences first letter Vi Rln Grande St Wanted Help Female. MASSULK wanted Turkish bath 406 N Ore- gqn. M WILD-First class cook, no other need apply 1101 N Oregon WNTLI Good woman cook Apply Hny mon Krupp 314 S El Paso 1ATEI Good cook German Call between 9 and 11 a m. preferred 309 S El Paso . 7T I.j i i.j. to make her hVmetTl.nm.WUo two Write box 161 Clint, Texaa , . ..AVrLIl-Gern-an. Swede -l .f-ef,netj! do chamber work. Apply Alberta hotel, iiei erence required ..AMEII-Mlddle aged worn an for general office and salesroom work Answer givint, phone number P A C. .. ANTED-Tboroughly c""-?'""' .-,-lady Spanish stenographer Apply m"n,m ately Underwood Typewriter Company ..ANTl-II-Amerlc.n lady who speaks Span ish not under 25. who l w"""1" lll hard for good pay No l"rUm.1 m nM c umi V-.. rnn after & p m. Situations Wanted Hale .,ANT.1 To drive car 'or-'r't'?dlllr Any kind of car Address R. 8- Herald. OFFICE! man and collector with nest ref erence wants work Call 6299 w ST.".Of.RArHnu, young experience Address W 5, man five Herald. years tiii.-iiir as. with auto wants employmtnt collecting or similar work Speaks Spanln. Address W 8. care Herald. POSITION by young man as electrician, ten year, experience around mines and mlUa Familiar with, Spanish. Address S. 86. care neraiu. niiv. v-n.h meetianlcal engineer, ood op personality etc would appreciate an portunlty In automobile driving etc Address W line repairing. 9 care Herald 8ITUVTION wanted by man with four years and 715 N teams Address J E- Robertson. Oregon WANTED By young msn having good edu catiert woric of any kind, outdoor work pre- ferred Best references. AUU1T.3 - -. Herald. Situations Wanted Female D WORK or honsecleanlng Ph. 4599 wash. Ph. 2571. WANTED Lace curtains to MOMVN wants position as housekeeper Ad dress X 16 M ANTED A position as companion or nurse Phone 5219 rRACTICL nurse, best of reference, wishes position for sick or ehlldren. rhone 4931. EXPERIENCED teacher wishes work sar go to ranch X Yi Z. private WANTED By Spanish speaking lady position collecting or Dr Phone 5639 W American 's office. A VNTED Position aa bookkeeper, or office work References Address Bookkeeper, care Herald Phone 636SW WANTED Bj experienced (white) work in hotel or Phone 4209 chamber maid rooming house. WANTED Position by an American widow and daughter as cook and housekeeper on ranch where there are no other ladles. Ad dress Mrs. Morgan 710 Dallas St or Phone 6813 Wanted IHoney. ( V NT J40O for one year, will pay 10 per cent Interest give good personal security or good farm. Address R. 75. Herald. Wanted Real Estate. WANTED Heights c Herald -Two good lots In Manhattan 1 paved street. Address D 342 WANTED FOR CASH Lots In Manhattan. Gov HIU, B. fil Paso, all Information In first letter Address Boyd, care Herald. W ILL TAY 3360 cash and 335 monthly for 4 or 5 room house In Government Hill Pos session wanted by March 16th. Address W. A D care Herald WANTED To buy from owner a house of from 3 to rooms. Can pay 3300 down and about 30 per month No fancy prices con sidered. Apply XL 140 cars Herald. Wanted to Rent WANTED Small 6326 furnished cottage. Phone WANTED To rent two unfurnished down stairs rooms, north of tracks Phone 37S7 J W ANTED To rent a f ivev room bungalow, unfurnished, close In. Phone 4353 WANTED To rent private garage walking distance Rio Grande Apts Ph. 4136 J WANTED To rent team of horses or mules by the day or month. Call 6180 M. WANT to rent 4 block of car Alta Phone 51SS J or 5 room house within Vista district preferred. Wanted Bids. rROrOSL8 FOR "BRICK ENCLOSURE WALLS'" ND IRON FENCES FOR EL rgo COUNTY HOSPITAL. Sealed bids will be received at the office of Dr B. M. Woraham. on or before twelve o'clock noon March 1st 116, for the above wc-k. Bids to be accompanied by bid bonds for one-half the amount of such1 bids properly executed by an acceptable surety company. Drawings and specifications to be had at the office of th architect. IL M Beutell. 1st Natl Bank BIdg., El Paso, Texas. Di EM Worsham, By H M Beutell. architect BK IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CITY EL PASO That the Cltv Clerk be, .and hereby Is directed to advertise for bids for the con struction of a pavement on Federal street from the Intersection of the east line of Dakota street to the west line of Louisiana street .. . . . Said pavement in all respects to conform with the specifications therefor prepared hv the Cltv Engineer and cow on file In his office, which said soeclf Icatlors hav e been approved bv this Council Said ad vertisement shall appear In each issue of the official paper which appears durlnc the ten (10) days prior to the 24th dav vf fenruarv 1916 All nios must oe scHieu and each be accompanied bv a certified check in the sum of One Thousand (31000 00) Dollars navable to the Mavor of the Cltv of El Paso and which shall become the property of the Cltv in the event that the bidder If successful does not within ten (10) davs of the accept ance of hla bid enter Into a contract with the Cltv of EI Psso to complete said wve ment In accordance with said specifica tions within three months from the time or the signing of the contract All bids must be filed with the Cltv Clerk on or before ten (10) oclock a. m. the 24th dav of Februarv 1916 The Cltv of El Taso reserves the right to reiect anv or all blda Passed and aporoved this, the 10th day of Februarv. 1916 Tom Lea. Mavor BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUN CIL OF THE CIT1 EL PASO That the cltv Clerk be and berebv is directed to advertise for bids for the con struction of a pavement on West Nevada street from the intersection of the east line of Los Angeles street to the west line of North Oregon street Said pavement In all respects to ronform with the specifications therefor prepared hv the Cltv Engineer and now on file In his office which said specifications have been aporoved bv this Council. Said ad vertisement shalt appear In each issue of the official paper which appears durlnr the ten (10) davs prior to the 24th dav of February 1916 All bids must be sealed and each be accompanied bv a certified check in the sum of One Thousand (SI 000 001 Dollars parable to the Mavor of the 'Pilv of El Paso nnd which shall become the orooertv of the Cltv in the event that the bidder if successful does not within ten (10) davs of the accept ance of his hid enter Into a contract with the Cltv of Fl Paso to complete said pave ment In a cordance with said specifica tions within three months from the time of the signing of the contract AU bids must be filed with the Cltv Clerk on or before ten (10 oclock a m. the 21th dav of Februarv 1J16 The Cltv of i El Paso reserves the right to reiect anv cj- all bids Passed and Approved this the 10th dav of freuruarv 1916 Tom Lea. Maor Wanted Bids. BF IT RESOU EI I1Y THE CITY COUN- riL OF THE CITY EL PASO That the ( itv Clerk he and herehv Is directed to advertise for bids for the con structlon of a oaement on Blacker street from the intersection of the west line of Mesa avenue to the weal line of Amre street Said pavement In all respects to conform with the sDxtflcntlons therefor creparcd ?.v th ty Enelneer and now on file In hla office which said specifications have been approved bv this Council Said ad vertisement shall aDDear In each Issue of tiie official paper which appears durine the ten (10) dava prior to the 24th dav of Februarv 1916 All bids mutt be sealed and eah be accompanied bv a certified check In the sum of One Thousand i?1 J2! XJoi,'9 SvabIe"?o the Mvor nf the Cttv of E. Paso and which shall Sme,h,h,e ,froD5t7 ,rf.,u atria th.! rfnti,.t?t '."' ?l,larj " successfu1 doei f?fe.-?. "i.1? 5'.d,",t,!r lnt'' a contract with the i itv of El Paso to complete said oave- m.' i7.K.arc:?J.r""c" 'Lh "'d specif Ica-Vonfh.1iiHJ.-,hre5 Jjoatna from the time .Vlei..,"l?u"Vt Stv,BS contract All bids must be filed with the Cltv Clerk on or of bruUrv oeiore ten (10) oclock a. to. the ilih da februarv 1916 The Cltv of Ml rns. -.. ., ,L. to relect anv or all bids '" "" """' 0fPFebua?;dltf60r0Ved tblm- ,he 10th d" Tom Lea -Mayor Wanted Board and Rooms. UANTl.II Koom and beard by young man (breakfast, and suppera), private family preferred State rate and location. Sol T Cohen 1210 Mills BIdg Wanted tuueenaneous. HARDKOItE trunk wanted, what have you? Phone 2339 WANTED To buy second hand mining transit, state make and price. Address W 12, MIerald For Rent Houses Furnished. THO room furnished house. Government Hill Phone 442. MCEI.Y furnished 4 room frame Govern ment Hill, half block car line. 320. Phoce 2384 ELEGANTLY furnished 5 room large Bleeping porch. 701 Lee Phone 1127 bungalow St fSi. r pon Nort Dished for housekeeping at 709 gon sl i'none 171 ALMOST largest most beautiful home In city, four blocks of plaza, possession given Immediately. Phons L. M. McCrummeu. FINE modern ho-ne. 8 rooms, hot water heat, garage, servants quarters, etc elegant ly located on large grounds on corner facing park Thone 3374 For Rent Houses Unfornished. THREE rooms, sleeping porch water paid, 312 50. Phone 3296 J 3908 Tularosa JOB RENT 4 rooms and batli. II burn Co Phone 802 E Kit- JTOK KENT by owner modern 6 room cot tage at 1414 Drown St Phone 838 W ' MODERN PKESsED BRICK, s room, bath porch, basement thirty dollars per mo Ap ply 2416 San Jose 8 . H P FOR KENT, 320 per month. I rooms an J bath. 2312 Wyoming St . Rio Grande Realty Co. 211-312 First Nat Dank BIdg DWKLLINC. HOISES FOR KENT. 381 Sacramento Ave ... 315 0) 412 Piedras .St . . Douglas C. Crowell Agency. 224 Mills BIdg Phone 573 FOR KENT ParUi furnished four room bungalow with glassed In sleeping porch Built In features and every convenience. One Mock of car line and excellent neighborhood. Referencea Will lease to desirable tenant Phone 3166 IOI: RENT Bl HAWKINS BROS. 4 K. brick 2620 tebanon 120 6 R. brick 321. Sacramento .. ..20 5 R. brick 64 Lee . ..36 3 It. apartments (new) steam heat glassed porch 705 Arizona .. 26 For Rent Apartmesls Tarnished. THE DWIEK itnil apt Phone 4560. STEAM heated apt 107 Man. Ph. 2473. ONE nicely furnished apartment Pent reas onable 817 N El Paso COMPLETELY furnished Myrtle Phone 3257 apartment 1126 DEW ITT APT. Phone 1180 one room, kitchen and bath. STEAM heated apartment furnished children. 1308 N Oregon. FURNISHED apartments on first floor. La Turbevtlle 703 N Florence. 1T1IMS1IED apartments, 3 and 336. 611 West Missouri. Phone 5C46. t BOOTH APTS. finest in H Paso, on vacant better hurry 220 W. Boulevard. FURNISHED APT. heat, sleeping porch, reasonable, 611 West Missouri. Phone 5546. ST. REGIS APARTMENTS. 406 East Missouri Phone 3:65. 2 ROOM APARTMENTS close in newly furnished $25 to $27 50 811S E Boule vard. Phone 16(3. LADY and daughter will share an apart ment with one or two employed young ladles References IV 16. care Herald CAROLINA APTS. 1101 Myrtle Ave . 3 rms. bath, slpg pch.. hardwood floors, steam, heat bulltln beds, hot and cold water, janitor service. $35 per rao. Leavell, Palm tc Sher man Agts.. 207 Mtllt St Phone 4326. MODERN APARTJIENTiC TIIE AUSTIN Two elegantly furnished three room apartment New James 1 Marr & company. Phone 4350. 304 Pan Antono St For Rent Apartments Unfurnished. FRONT APT. In hasbg. three rooms, built In features. Phone 76(4 J. TIIE DE LUXE APTS. 2 front unfurnished apartments. 1012 N Oregon. FOR KENT 2 room flat 36, 400 N. Piedras, W R Weeks 713 Texas. Phone 1S40 NEW three room modern apartment Overland street Phone 1377 J FOR KENT Modern apt. to be completed March first corner W Mo. and Lawton Ave. Phone 4411 W NEW apartment, four rooms, glassed sleep ing porch, steam heat hot water, built In features, no children 1304 N. Florence St IOR KENT Three room unfurnished apart ment front and back porches, private bath, 408 Arizona. Inquire 1019 N. Campbell. Phone 1295 FOR KENT BY HAWKINS BROS. Nice 3 room apartments unfurnished, steam heat (new) glassed sleeping porch, 705 Ari zona St Call at apartment or at office, also 5 room brltk 3210 Sacramento 325. . MODERN VrRTMENTS. THE AUSTIN one 4 room apartment, one three room apartmert , TIIE Rio GRVMIE One three roora cor ner front apartment James I. Marr Company. Prone 4360 504 Sen Antonio St Apartments Furnished & Unfurnished., JiMESiILW AITS 705 W Main St fur nished and unfurnished also sleeping rooms. Phone 6132 For Rent Rooms Furnished. LARGE tront bedroom. Phone S4IS. ROOMS, running water 90S N Oregon. NICELY furnished rm 1318 N El Paso. FOR KENT Bed room 710 Saa Antonio. SINGLE bedroom 38 month 70 N Stentoo, SOUTHERN Hotel 33 wk up 4S3 S. El Paso, FAYETTE ROOMS rill'IP m . I. Mills St 'hone 1739 M1U mIVJ""1"' """"'I ""-J0"-'" Mth- DLSIRABLE Stanton. rooms good location. 10IS N t flMe.'lln707nlK 1L"21 TOOTn' "''am "-"- close In. 707 North Ssnta Fe Phone 3298 NICELY furntshe 1 ping water Phon. steam heat, run SIOchoa,"1' ""pln m "0 week e.L.E?.IY:,-T..m w,th Poh ail cenvenlen- xiTJSa.r.sIS!1 r""m wlth or IMwt hot plate garage Phone 1664 - -Rooms Famished. IJKI) ROOM with bath, 612 Trospect Phon 6603 W Mill 3177 room privilege sleeping porch. Phone lOMIIIHTAIILE room steam he-it baths 34o' ' hot and cold water s Myrtle rooaui at moderate 600 N prices OREGON Refs FtRMSHEI) room breakfaxt If desired to healthy couple with i 04 F Ma, Phone 73 3 FRONT room. Phone 2181 hot water, private family. NICE furnished reasonable rates rooms 712 Stanton. NirELx furnished front room. 810 Mundy Phone 292 NICELY furnished front bedroom adjoining 1 1th gooi location Phone 4606 FOR KENT Large front room with hot and cold water suitable for two young men or iMuple 703 N Stnta Fe THE CECIL elegantly furnished street rooans rhf ipest rent m city summer ratea s.o & erland J Oil RENT--7 room houe furnished or un furnished for ssle piano and buggy theap Phone 2192 NICE furnished front room close In deslr al e locatiqn all modem Phone 7586 I.ARGE front roi m oi both neatly furnished 1.27 Mvrtle smaller size r walking distan iURNMIKU room with sleeping por h it desired also garage for rent 13'0 Montana Phone 66"3 W LARGE furnished front room sleeping por h bath fireplace for gentlemen 312 C roer of Detroit and Cotton Phone 2381 LIGHT airy! furnished front rooms 30 Montana foif gentlemen only Phone 5641 mornings only I OR KENT Nicely furnished room with sleeping porih for gentlemen, references re quired Phone 368 HOTEL NORMANDY Centrally located all outside rooms; steam beat hot and cold water. strlcty first class. Phone 24IL COLPLE have newly furnished room con nectlng bathj furnace, jltne and car service references exchanged Phone 7424 Sundays and e-enlngs after 6 34 3401 Tularosa. 1 For Rent Rooms Unfurnished. NEW mtftlerp four room brick, never 01 copied Sacramento near car basement two porches fcio sick 325 would Xurnlsh. Box 113 Dcmlng X. M For Rent Housekeeping Rooms Furnished. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 600 Myrtle. HOUSEKEEPING room 305 N Kansas. TWO housekeeping rooms. 915 Olive iTBO housekeeping rooms. 1712 N. Stanton HOtSEKEEriNO and bedrooms. S12 Myrtle. ft HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 811 San Antonio LIGHT HOISEKEEMNG rooms, water and lights 32 50 per week. Phone 1698 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 611 E. Boulevard No children. NICE housekeeping apt sleeping porch. 403 Montana LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping 139 V Florence. THREE large housekeeping rooms. 606 Mon tana. LIGHT houselteeplng roopx for rent SZH S Leon. FRONT housekeeping rooms, running water. 00 cmiaren. iwt .n. j-jorence. TWO large -newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 102 Olive. TWO housekeeping rooms, close In. Phons 4426 W HOUSEKEEPING screened porch, also bed rooms, no sick. 1208 Montana. TWO housekeeping rooms. lights, phone and water 3S0. Phone 6374 R. TWO lovely large front light housekeeping rooms reasonable. 713 N Stanton. NICE- modern housekeeping room, furnace heat 1319 N. 'Oregon. f TWO front sunny housekeeping rooms No sick 910 N Kansas. HOUSEKEEPING room connecting bath. 612 Mesa. ENTIRE floor four rooms, sleeping porch. Phone 4512 Jl HOUSEKEEPING, 919 N El Paso Bleeping porch, water HOUSEKEEPING rooms close In. 501 Mesa. Phone 4931. WANTED A nice couple for two housekeeping rooms. Phone 2407 B. largs THREE light housekeeping rooms, and bath for rent 709 Magoffin Ave. TWO light Stanton. housekeeping rooms. 101 N FOR RENT 2 sunny housekeeping rooms steam heat dpposlte Alta Msta schoo Phone 4420 M. DOWN town housekeeping Cecil hotel. roema. clean, privileges. 320 cheap rent, E. Overland. TWO large newly furnished housekeeping rooms, reasonable, private family. 14 N El Paso 3t LARGE suite of light housekeeping rooms also large front room adjoining bath. 3 N Oregon ' TWO large rooms and bath completely fui nlehed In private home. Sunset Heights, large yards, private entrance No sick. Phon 6996 TV TWO' rooms and bath in private home. Su perior furnishing Special terms to perma nenta 912 N Stanton. 5593 W For Rent Hocse&eeplns itoouu Unfurnished. FOR KENT Half of cottage unfurnishe 1 near s. W shops. Phone 7525 COUPLE has (wo nice unfurnished Call at 1704 E. Missouri. TWO Park nice unfurnished Phone 6J.79 rooms. Orchar I TWO unfurnished housekeeping room with porch clow In, PhoiM 633 For Rent Rooms and Board. ROOM with scjutb, sleeping porch. Ph. 67 FURNISHED room with, board. 1210 N. Ore- goc Phone 6-72. ONE good room with board suitable for couple or two gentlemen. Ill Montana. KOOM and board, very desirable location. opposite Cleveland Square. 209 Upson. FIRST CLASS table board, 4 blockTlrom plaza Phone 4958. ONE nice room and board for gentlemen. SIS N El Paso SOUTH room, board and sleeping porch, suitable for two, car service. Phons 512S l JUST OPENING A first class dining room, good old home cooking Inquire 1020 Olive MBS WILSON'S Home or convalescenta Reasonable rates, trained nurse. 2200 Saa Jose St Phone S660. COTTAGE DIJvTNP ROOM. J12 Montana A refined, quiet place, good home cooking, reasonable rates. Phone 665S W OK GENTLEMAN employed, clean front aeoom In modern borae 33 week, board if eslred Phone 6276 M GOOD board and roein for two men near S W shopa Reasonable and comfortable. Phone 4381 WILEY SANATORIIM FOR TCTlERcf I OSls, special rates to convalescenta 24 t Copta St Fort Bliss car Phone 174 For Rent Stores anil Offices. STORE ROOMS FOR RENT 60 San Francisco St 100 420 E San Antonio St 12s DoncJas C Crowell Arenrv 224 Mnla BIdg Phone 578 p, For Rent-J-Miscellaneous. I OR RENT OR LEASE A piece of property running from San Antonio street, through to Myrtle avenue (between Campbell an I Kansas) about 200 feet by 26 fe i will lease ground or build to suit tenant ph -ne 5 Ml A H