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'T 4 1 y BRINGING UP FATHER COUNT rE coin - S yiD I WOULD LIKE TO fEE "OU5 h-j HUSBAND In the First National Bank Building. Paring. KL PASO Bltullthlc Co Pa 2355 It. 761. Physicians. DR. CAUI L. SMITH Ph. 1171 Km. 327 Political Announcements. roK county surveyor. Forrest K Baker, announces himself a can dldate for county surveyor subject to the !eniorratlc primaries. Subject to endorsement at the Democratic primary ..lection In July next. I am a can .11. late fo- the office of judge of the district tnurt fin .be 68th judicial diatrlct, com posed of El Paso county, and respectfully solicit the support or voters at said primary. A. S. Thurmond. V. (EDI)) MEHUS, candidate for con Mab e subject to the action of the Democra- II primaries In July FOK CONSTABLE Walter A Williams will be a candidate for i 'insia.tie subject to the primary In July 8CBJEOT to Indorsement at the Democratic primary eleiti in In July next. I am a candi date for tiie office of County Superintendent of 8chu' .a to- El Paso county, and respect fully an'lclt the support of voters at eald rf full J HI primarj Mln Myra Winkler. roil CONSTABLE. Fred Deigario will be a andldate for con stable mitjct to the primary In Jaly. rot R LOTS, corner West Missouri and rleh cr .11 or part, liy owner 811 E Boulevard. TOR SALL Two paved lota. 1800 block, r on.. St Phone llti HMUtAIV ., lets .Imc in on Ms coffin v i nir Phune 3444 J JK HALL 'n t,ran.l View. 3 level leu .M fur 300 cash. Phone Owner 2021. Toil RALE At a sairl'lre. new 6 room bun g n lavmwi beating plant, cement '""') "n a paved street, near car line, garag- lawn aae) tree. Phone T W - JOIl SLE at bargain 4 lots cor El Paso mid emiu Must lie sold at once Good . i pp rtu qutik buer Phone or ad- Mr llllll.nn La Mesa, N M. Ill SIM ss i , ,pcrt Vs block new poster f . pi , tar'iln terma to responsible par u. Huph Henry. Morehouse block. I h m i J TOR SALE By owner beautiful I room l uni;..!. w 10 mlnatea walk from poatofilce. 1 ki hool on paved street, easy terms ijr I ' one -n ni'i IX) It b LK Beautiful corner 12S feet, south f r. ni Kn east front high ground, two 4 ro mi cnttagea all readynn and room for 4 npartment aite. 14000. Terma 1 Inn. 3 A MODERN S R(5().M PICKLP. larg. runmt' near s. huol store and cars. ,.. i milition on! IIhoo Owner going i S oti mnli Phone .137 1h, KOOM ItlN.AMU, larvo lUMnent. a t nir nt beautiful builtln (ratures 'rttt fluois throufrhout Enclosed mlmvnln l n ii i-trHirf fence, bat buy in Bl Pavo. J'OK KALK BaaUful 8 rotm. boute in jiiKtiiin! rrk hai 2 large bath rooma. ItarHffp lurge TPMd porchea. )ad for 1 -rrf- nt t43 per month, will trade for miil-r place or lots and balance easy pay-jnent- rhonf 1874 WILL TRADE FOK LOTS this new ', roo-n bungalow on Bliss St.. fur na.e hardwood, glassed sleeping porrti paved SCf now under con at ruction Hill finish to suit per . hairr and take good buUding sites in trade Hawkins Bros. Phone 2100. S180O TOR QUICK SALE. 4 room bungalow and sleeping porch, t lose to car line, modern. 8SO0 cash monthly payments. SS Includ ing interest. J60. Buvs brand new up-to-date bunga low In Grand View far above dust and smoke of city. Basiest terms puaaible. Ask na SJIS0. Ii room bungalow on car line. In I.ant Kl Paso, modern throaghout, 1 lone to school. t0 oaab, easy pay ments N EH MAN INfESTMENT COMPANY. Phone sso 100 San Antonio St. 4 BOOMS. Meeping porch, all builtln features. A snap 327(0, 150 down, balance I3 per month. Including Interest. FOUR ROOMS Red pressed brick, modern. 32SSO, 3-00 down balance like rent FOUR ROOMS. Large sleeping porch, on 2 full lota, hardwood floora, builtln featurea, 32oo 3200 down, balance 313 per month Including Interest. I'Ot'It ROOMS. lust icmpleted. In Military Heights. 32150 3100 down, balance like rent. M. E. Hale & Co. 705 First Nat. Bank Bldg Phone 7212 TOO GOOD LAND BUS. iih- little 25 acre alfalfa farm at ( lint fronting on the county road, Kood pmall house and outbuilding!. fln-M foil In the valley We can eell ihla at 8100 per acre, strictly neighborhood . rea right on paved road, all has been ruttlvated, fenced seven miles from El Paso for quirk sale 8300 See R A. JdVKinney With C Klnne Co 325 N Oregon. RIO (.KAMIK NT. HOME. IOR SLE I OW.NKH AT A SACRIFICE. r rooms large outh front lot, cement walk . url, , t good view Price for 11 it .iie n? 1 Terms. Phone 1135 yEer erald Want Ads for results WHAT? A REAL COUNT TO SEE W1 HUbOAND- r m h sr " v nt "stfrBsKJ V H c JJ SlU'DOHN bat easy, no taxes or interest, two lots In Altura. block from car line. Ram sey, care Herald I0IJ4 III 188 IT. on Stevens street, block 114 East El Paso, near Alia Vlata school just across street from new Baptist Church Just started, 31350 Terms. See owner. J. R. Chlldera BUY THIS IIUIGAIN M1S0. Worth 82760. party leaving city, must sell, 4 room. bath, cement porch, sleeping porches, chicken house, 2 lota, H block from paved street snd cr- line. In Altura Park. A bar gain, better hurry. Ilia Grande Ilralty Co. 511-111 First Nat. Bank Bide AT SACIUHCE TRICES. 176x130 a E cor Douglas and Cebada 3ta Only I2S00 Terms. 12.000 sq ft. 1S06 blk. Magoffin Ave. JUKI. Easy terms. ttxllO Improved In S00 hlk. Mesa Ave S0O00 Income 10 per cent net. 78x120 partly Improved, opp. Houston park, S11.O0O Present Income ISO a month. 40x120 cor Improved bungalow. Jn 900 blk. Dallas St. J 4009. 52x97 cor Boulevard and Cotton Ave , SSOOO. Terms to suit. Cnll, phone or wile It. II. Thorne, 518 San Francisco St Pboses 14 and 100. INVBSTOR, M-BCtri-ATOU. TltAD HK, IVIlSTIOATE THIS AT O.NCK. A amall piece of business prolertr Jnat horth of tracks. Just three blocka of new postottlce site, owner must rmlso some quick money, pary who act quickly on this will secure splendid deal. It's a two atory brick building Price less than tll.OOO. Make us quick offer. Sea R. A. MeKmney with C. A. Knne Co. S3S N. Oregon St. ON' OBTH OREGON. This aide rallforntl 8t EX feet at leas than 1100 per foot, floe Apartment site. fluOO TO LOAN on close in property. McKI'.i: BROS. ' Phone 4449 200 Hills Bldg. SACRIFICE BELOW COST 4 fine level lots adjoining new school In Grand View, Country Club district. Price cut to (HO far all. Ph. 1076 Creel & Phillips. 34 Mesa A SNAP. Owner leaving city within days must sac rifice new modern bungalow, S roema, sleep ing porch, basement, furnace heat, hardwood floor, all builtln featurea, fine location, paved street Worth 16000, 2S1M will buy. $500 cash, balance $40 per month Including Interest Phone 2O08 Aak for Townely with Bailey Land To . 30 Mesa Ave. UNIMJAL BMir.AINS. Bit S ROOM HOUSE SI'JOO. You can't beat ths All large rooms. built of brick on large lots, near school and about half block from Fort Bltss cur line, plenty of closets, screened porch An Investment opportunity for some one, as house will eaally rent for as much aa the monthly payments J 100 CASH. SIO MONTHLY AMI INTEREST. NEW HIJ.NfiALOW J2!M. 4 large reoma and screened in porch, large cement front perch near school and Just a few blocks from car line brand new never occupied S100 CA-H $20 MONTHLY and In terest. Ph. S07S. Creel Phillip. 201 Mesa. BRAND JfKH; HOME. Just completed S room bungalow. Modern In every detail. Close to Montana and Biles Jltnes. 2 car lines, y, block frem Alta Vlata school Basement. Heating plant. BatlUn features, hardwood floors. For price and terms phone owner 5303 TO TRADE Bqulty In heme fer close In small tract of lower valley land MUST SELL By Saturday 1911-7 passen ger Studebaker automobile. Make offer. Let ua knew what you have to trade. Ferguson Investment Co.. Phone 4418. 303 Two Bepabltos Life Bldg. BLISS ST. . Two northeaat corner lota, sidewalk and paving paid. 31100 cash. NEVADA ST. Nice 5 room brick residence, south front, best locality. 34000. Douglas C. Crow ell, Agency. 224 Mills Bldg. rhone 57 g. ME ILWE THREE CASH BUYERS for t or 0 room bungalows well located. Must be a bargain. Qtve us your listings at once. NEW IIIjMUALOW now under construction on Bile St. 5 rooms, glsased sleenJnr mmh furnace heat, hardwood floora. will finish and tint to suit purchaser. Will trade for good uuuaing sues NEW BUN'HALOW, now under construction In Alta Vlata, 4 rooms, glassed In porch, hardwood floors, will finish to suit pur chaser and trade for good building sites VACANT LOT WANTED In trade for 4 room, red pressed brlrk and basement. Will take lots In Highland Park, a rand View or Altura What have you ROOM HOUSE ON .1 LOTS fenced barn, fine place for chickens, will take vacant lots In trade Hawkins Bros, rhone 2800, For Sale Real Estate Country Property. JONBTAniR7)vrN7Lubbo estate, c attle plains lands from town lots un to 50,000 acrea farms specialty. Lubbock State Bank, reference "iDDocK FOR SALE Three small tracts of land tn the Mealtla valley on one a good residence .d out buildings, all fenced. AddresTp O Box 27s. lai Priir- TU r w SIX acres about 7 miles down, on nvrt road, beautful nl fe ,.. " on W- terms " """'- l-an it acres jut-t off oaved mA t n .. for quick cash -BTlH.r?11- down- Hugh T. Henry Co. 9 Morehouse Block Th thc"Li,tV.crp"ho,n'.?14',Uvi'u1 ' EL PASO HERALD VES - HE SOLD ME A HORte THAT rlV5THE HEAVEtj- For Sale Farms and KancSe TRADE 127 sere farm mile east Colum bus. Texas No finer land In Texas. J W. Reese.- Phone 2100, or call G. II. a A. Supt office. MIAIX MISSOURI FARM S10 cash and IS monthly, no Interest or taxes, highly productive land, close to three big markets. Write for photographs and full Information Munger D-1S8 N. Y. Life Bide, Kansas City. Mo BUSINESS CORNER Two story Rents bring in 1220 under a lease, best Income property For quick sale $14,800. APARTMENT IIOlsB 20 rooms, rent 200 per month, south side. Will take small house as part payment I1ROAD1IA1 CORNER 12x120 Bringing 14 per month rent under lease to respon sible party For quick sale 110 000. VTAVrON .hTREKT PROPERTJ SJX120. For sale at S12e per foot cash. You cannot our joining tnis tor iiov a foot. 32 ACRES under cultivation H miles from railway station, house fenced, on ditch and road. $12t per acre Land Joining this can hot be gotten for less than SJO0 per acre. I). S. Aria with nU Realty Co. Trust Bldg. Lobby. SMALL SllllRBIN TAH5IS IN CINECUE PARK. Tracts of from 1 to I acres a few miles from town In the beautiful lower valley on Interurban car line and main paved boulevard. Car station on the ground. Just 20 min utes from Bl Paso Bach acre is on a lateral from the main Irriga tion ditch. The soil Is perfect no better In the valley all cleared and ready for crops. This Is Just the placs for chicken farms, truck farms etc. Price per acre J 225 to ItSI on the popular Installment plan of 20 DOWN AMI $10 PER .MONTH. These prices will be raised In SO dya. Adjoining lands no better, are selling from tsoo to JlOfO per acre Get your choice now. They are selling fast Phone our office and our salesmen wtll be glad to show you tiiese tracts. W. II. Anstln. - -103 N. Oregon Street, rhone 4715. Fer Sale Rooming: Houses. Sy0I7M Mumdyr0mlDg "'"" "r " Ap" 11 ANT to buy rooming house close in frem owner Latham, care Herald For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. INLAND land wanted on upper part Island. Address 101. care HeraM of 'on "ALE OR TRADE 100 scree land In the -. .... ..iu, x none 4AV 1'1'PRH riitL'i 1 , . .TTT! T : r. ---... ...u...,. 10 iraae in -on J!,l Paso property Address U rare Herald TO EXCHANGE Trinidad. Colorado, six room red brick lot 7H150 for El Paeo prop erty Inquire 22a Texas Street M LtlL'ITl In S A. 1 miles lower valley to trade for vacant Iota in good addition. Address Equity, care Herald. COTTON Cil.N near San Aogelo to trade for property in or around Bl Paso, or for valley mi. numew 1 . j uox is? isi 1'sso. Texas. MnH.l Av BH I I .-A - . T., .-,.. VJ bvuvw, Hnu hbiiri, close to rui Paso, prefer within IS miles Want one or more sections. Address P. o. Box 437 El Paso. Texas. TRADES. Houses, valley land; oil land; bearing or chard, Texas lands. Can match any trade. New State Realty Company. 3JS-S Mill. Bldg Phone 1521 MILL TRADE well located leu In good resi dent district, what have yout P. O. Box S10 Phone 1119. EQUITY In modern bungalow for auto and some cash: two. three or four valuable lots In Waco to trade In on modern home In Bl Paso Hugh Henry, 9 Morehouse block. Phone 889. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE. A good piece of business property, worth 314,000. renting tor 81S0; 5 year lease. Will take In 3(000 resi dence as part pay. IV. E. Hale & Co. 70S First Nat. Bank Bldg Phone 7212. LOTS WANTED. Aa part payment on any of the following: 4 It brick house . . . 3160 111 bungalow furnished 33750 4 K. bungalow 1400 block 33180 5 It. bungalow Altura fur 33300 8 It. house 1100 block corner 3900 13 acres 11 miles down valley. 78 acres upper valley .Jay F. Knox Company. 209 Mills L Phone 9290 Legal Notices. Januarv 18th. 1916 Whereas, there was an election held in Justice Precinct No Five of Bl Paso county, Texas, on the 7th day of January, 1918, for the purpose of determining whether or not the sale of Intoxicating liquors shall be pro hibited In said Justice Precinct No Five, sold election having been held In pursuance to an qrder entered by the Commissioners' Court of El Paso county, Texas, on the 14th day of December, 1915, ordering said elec tion aa aforesaid. And Whereas, the Commissioners' Court of Bl raso county. Texas, on this, the 18th day of January, 1916, has and Is holding a spe cial session for the purpose of opening the polls and counting the votea cast at said election. And Whereas, after opening the polls and counting said votes. It appears to the Com missioners' Court of El Paso County. Texas, and eald Court here now finds that the majority of the votes cast In said election Is for prohibition. And It Is the further order of the Court that the result of said election Is for prohi bition, and that more than a majority of the votes cast were for prohibition, and the Court here now makes a further order pro hibiting the sale of Intoxicating liquors with in the Treclnct limits of nald Justice Pre cinct No. rive of El Paso County. Texas. Adrian Pool, County Judge Attest E. B McCllntock. Clerk County Court By C Aranda. Deputy. ) V Copyright, 1315, International News Servlcs !J REALLY WHY D10NT TELL ME THE BEAbT HAD THE D IS GROWING Solicitations Friday Bring Out Another List of Those Who Want to Help. 1 I Considerable success again attended the efforts of the 151 l'aso Woman's I club Friday In their work of soliciting f T,,..a trw .lint., .. ,.. ..ti.l. V,n...... .utiua ivi men uc.i tiuu iiuuac. Several committees were at work At noon, those that had reported, gave the following sums as donated: A Friend $100.00 West Texas Fuel Co 50.00 fines Lumber Co 26 00 Paso Body & Wheel Works.. 6.00 . A. McKee $.00 J. C. Zozaya COO F. A. Elliott 10.00 Mrs. Hue Jackson 50.00 W. T. Hixson . 3000 Bljte 25.00 Mrs. W. L. Foxworth (additional) 5 0j Mrs. Marie L. Tobias 5.00 FRASER TO ATTEND DINNER AT SILVER CITY TONIGHT El l'aso will be represented at the Silver City chamber of commerce dinner tonight by secretary M. A. 1'raser, of the chamber of commerce, who left Fri day lnornint; for the New Meico city. John M. Wyatt and Fcli Martinez, who were to hate jrone to Siher Cltv to address the chamber of commerce at the annual dinner tonight, Mere detained by business and were unable to make 1 the trip. Secretary Fraser will speak nt the dinner for Kl Paso. The dinner 11111 follow the annual election of officers, at which the old list of officers will prob ably be reelected. DAIRY MEETING OF LOWER VALLEY FARMERS SATURDAY A meeting of all alley farmers in terested in puttiiif ttie dairr bushiest of that portion of the valley1 below El Paso on a commercial basis j to be held at the Clint school house Saturday after noon at 2 oclock. A. G. Grajiam, farm demonstrator, is anxious that evert farmer who is interested in dsirjin"; will make it a point to be present. The in vitation i extended to all farmers from El Paso to the lowest end of the vallev, SOCORRO AND FORT HANCOCK TO SPEND $21,000 ON SCHOOLS A petition has been presented to the commissioners bv the Socorro district residents for a Jio.OOO school lnd isaue and aln a ta xof ten cents on the ?100 as a maintenance tax. Tn the Fort Hancock school district a rtetition is bpinp; circulated fo jret a tfiOOO bond and a 20 cent maintenance tax. Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE FonBinDTNO PLATTNO m ?e?Ty OF -Kl. PASO TfcxAS1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COITN. CIL qr TUB CITY OF EL PASO TEXAS Section One It shall be unlawful for knv person or persons to olav ball ahlnnv or snv other sramea or akate on or alone anv ii inner came or Kaie on or alone inr ntiA tWl (li1riC sill (J II K& rrvillt a . meanor and ahall 1 nunldhed bv a fine In '"ceiiin 11111 Slltill lie- nun inn ai eiee esses eAi . -, ! eelE' AA "' a-MIll fliva, tie- CAt rfu H HIT S Section Two All ordinances or narts of nances In conflict herewith shall be the same are herebv repealed in so far as In conflict and no further xar Section Three The fact that there is no ordinance forbidding the nlaving and skat ing on the streets In the Citv of El Paso creates a public necessity tustlfvlng the suinenalon of the charter rule reoulrinr that all ordinances be resd on two separate days and such charter rule is bv unanimous rule i P aldermen present and with consent Sh-Yf.m.avor.,,u."I"m.,e!? and thla ordinance 85?" effect and be In force from and a,Hr ', Paaeage. approval and Publication Fefey. ?,. " thU. - dav- of Tom Lea, Attest- Maior- J. F. Dawson, Clerk. Sell Livestock Buy. KAFFIR and mllo maize for sale. North uie iitrmn. uir. jbi aua Virginia sts. 5 VEAK OLD Jersey cow. good flesh, 365. Phone tots M FOB SALE Two good horses, work tingle vi uuuui vttii 014 1&1111S mreet HAVE excellent range and water for 300 cowa, will take cows In shares. H. D. Sibley 1 lease. N M FOB SALE Five gallon cow with heifer calf ten days old. Terms. Texlco Transfer Co TOR SALE A thoroughbred 16 months heifer, good healthy condition, from 5 gallon mother, registered stock. Ih 4593 W. FOR SALE Our horse power dellverj sys tem,, connslvtlng of horses, wagons, harness. Including large platform delivery float and stake wagons American Grocery Co. 907 SKI Paso St For Salt; Fianot. WANTED To buy good piano cheap, dress c K. Herald. A FINE nNO to trade for an automobile. Address Box 67. n F. D No. One. Demlne, N M ill'S CLUB 1 L SPEAK . 1 , ) YOU HEAVEt? For Sale Antoirnobiles Wanjed. HAVE LOT to trade for small car Ph. 7018. FOR HEN'T uarage, 708 N. Oregon. Phone 7090. Al'TO bargain, phone Hughes 2S31 at Myrtle Tiadlug Plape HILL TRADE ilty lots for t passenger Ford in good condition. A L. 371 care Herald. I FOR SALE One Stutz roadster, a snap if ! bought quick. Address Box 72. Yaleta, Tex. L'BKIl automobile for sale or trade for lota. Splendid for truck. Phone 3879. FREE ALTOjIOUILE MARKET, no commis sion charged Deal direct with owner. 404 Mills St. Phone 3166 HILL TRADE roll .LOTS, 5 passenger au tomobile In good condition. Phone lit, A. P. Coles & Bros FOR SALE OR TRADE Stoddard Dayton roadster cheap Would make good delivery car 710 West Mo. TOR HIRE New Ford car. 31 per hour, afternoons, except Sunday Careful, ex perienced driver Phone 7430. ROADSTER 6, 0 II P. In good condition, will accept any reasonable offer. Call 709 Magoffin Ave. FOR S LE Automobile 1915 model S Pass enger Hupmoblle, lights and starter. 800 N Ochoa. LATE model 5 passenger car. electric starter, two month service Private family. Must be sold, best buy In town. Auto Service Co. 112 W Overland. SE EN passenger six slaty Oakland, to trade at bargain Wtll take lota or' trade in on bungalow See Morris, Security Realty Company. Phone 6771 400 First Natl. Bank Bldg FOK SALE OR TRADE Fire passenger Chalmera automobile in exceUent condition. New top Will consider runabout er light car or anything else of value. 8hcera Lasen by Co REBUILT AUTOMOIHLBS AND FORDS Used cars, factory bodies, to fit your Ford. All cars rebuilt and service guaranteed. The only firm la the eity that guarantees the rebuilt car. Hatcher-Sterner, Used Automobile. 315 Texas St Phone 7270. Ford chassis 3204 Ford roadster 1310 300 Ford, five passenger 300 Ford, five passenger. . 200 Saxon, 2 passenger 275 Willis Utility 2000 lb. truck 300 Ford truck 330 Overland, five passenger, electric lights 250 Paige, five paseeager 400 Cadillac, five passenger A bargain.... 230 Factory bodies to fit your Ford. Automobile to trade for lota In order to make more room we will sell such heavy cars aa we have on the floor at cost All cars rebuilt and service guaranteed. Stcrner-Hntrhcr, Used Automobiles. 315 Texas St Phone 7270 Poultry and Pet Stock FOR yard eggs Phone 5708 FRESH eggs. Phone 50J5 M LOGS for sitting. Phone 3119 J WHITE leghorn egga Phone 4259 SITTING hens wanted. Docto. lloman. IF IT'S strictly fresh eggs you want Ph 3674 WYAN'DOTTES, pure bred, white, 33 up. Troxler race track. ANCONAS, prise winners, eggs and stock for sale Phone 4166. FOR SALE Fine Angora cat. 615H N. Campbell FOR SALE Fine yard hens always on hand. Phone 1726 ALFALFA MEAL, make your hene lay. feed green alfalfa meal. Bl Paso Seed Co Ph 203 OR ALE Black Orpington hatching eggs B. F HlgglnB FEED for chickens. 31 50 per cwt North Tule Farms. Cor. 1st and Virginia Sis. FOK S LE Thoroughbred It. I Red cock rela Eggs for hatching Phone 5141 J THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island eggs for hatching. Phone 6166 J. SILEK CAMPINES for sale, 31 50 up. Eggs for hatching Phone 993 J. 4. EGOS for hatching, S. C. White Leghorns. 31 26 per 15 F B Mann. Tecos. Texaa RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for sale. Glllett Dairy Ph 1069, 430 Caplea Bldg. FOR SLE 50 thoroughbred homer pigeons and 20 Barred Rock hens. Tbone 5035. Write Frank Ball Box 1154. El Taso 100 BROWN, 100 White Leghorn pullets 31 each. Nine varieties covka and cockerels, 31 up Measday Poultry Farm, Alpine. Tex. On ENS STRAIN, Ilhode Island Reds, sit tings 31 25 Cocka 32.60. Phone Pattersons, Ysleta, Tex. BARKED and Whlto Rocks, high record trap nested stock, eggs, 31.50. 33 00, 15.00 Pet la. Sanitary Farm. San Antonio. N M. n MIKED ROCK selected hatching eggs' 31 50 for 15. 32 75 for 30, delivered by parcela post, from high average floek. Ray Elliott Fabens. Texaa R WIRED ROCK settings Battern Strain IS for 81 50 prepaid parcel poet Loma Tlva ranch. R. n, .No. 1. EI Paso. Phone 372 J Ysleta. MONETSTKAIN BARKED ROCKS (trap neeted) outlayed 21 breeds National Laying Contest 1914-15 Hatching eggs 31.6015 3S 00100. Chicks 330 00 100. Stocks 31.00 up Custom hatching a specialty. X-ray In cubator and Brooders for sale circulars free Parsons Chicken Ranch. Et Paso Rosebushes- Trees, Etc Rosebushes, shade trees, grapes and plants. Wrlu quick for my list of best, home grown, tested varieties, with speeial advertising of fer Plant now. To Introduce: 12 big 3 yr.. JO cent, dormant rosebushes ready to plant best kinds assorted, all for J2JI0. FrancU E. Lc.tcr. Mesllla Park. V. M. For Sale FOB SALE Express wagon, good condition. See Goodwin i,.iu. .!, BUGGY ami h,... ,.. .i, an? va. Din Grande St rhone 1784 For Sale FOR 8 LE Oood Cornel bicycle. mud guaras, -ngnt, lock, 315 Phone 4960 R, S : . s I ti I -TUP rvAATM I a I tiA ' W-I THAT SOLD HIM To J iSfe VT lb It o AMYTHINQ AtSOUl CJ1 j SJ ) Friday, BY GEORGE M'MANUS fffl For Se Fnmtgre. FURNITURE for sale cheap, 7 rooms. Phone J1SI w IX'Il.MTt'Hl: for sale, house for lease Ad diesa 2814 Herald SEVERAL pieces ef furniture for sale. 802 Upson NEW FURNITURE including piano. Apt. 6, Virginia Phone 5884 COLmcS1 OAK dining room set, half price Call at 1000 Boulevard MATTKKS-;!. brand new. 35 lbs! 34.75. Weiss 214 South Stanton Bargains In sec ond hand furniture FURMTUtE 7 room house for sale on county road n aire. I'ental cheap. For par ticulars phone Ysleta 53 FOR SALE Unusually good furniture id complete housekeeping outfit for 5 rooms, house for rent Phone 6038 WANTED To buy set end hand furniture and house furnishing gooda Also for sale, one cylinder Kee truck with top. 215 S. Stan ton Phone 2158 . WANTED AT ONCE 100 Ice boxes, refrig erators, no matter how big or how small, and gas ranges. Will pay good prices. Phone today Texas Furniture Co. Phone 4037 40 S Kl Paso St Dressmaking. PLEATING all klndlC Phone' 5028 SHU IN U and crochet Phone 4535 EWIMI wanted Phone 4762. Room 1 i)RESS3LKINU. Phone 6689. 907 E Missouri LADIES tailoring 1206 W Main. Ph. 6507. HUTTONS COVERBD Angelus Cl'g Wka, DRESSMAKING, 1209 Olive St Ph. 3516 M, EASTERN dressmaker wlshe" day engage menta Mrs Hunt'i883 For Sale rtlisceu'aneons. IOK SALE Fancy cigar case, inquire 423 Mesa Ave . 1 S35 Two horse power Wbitte gasoline en- gino A bargain, rnone 154; vv. FOR SALE Oood bat y carriage. 1 and high chair Phone 692 IOR SALE CHEAP, new half yard batch Ransom concrete mixer side loader, steam power W H. Bowen. 3331 Alameda Ave Phone 3919. CANNA BULBS for sale by the hundred or doxen, IS eta. doxen. 33 00 dollar hundred. Assorted colon. Phone 1349 or Hi R. Ysleta. Box 441. SEED CORN", home grown. Golden Eagle, a yellow dent, direct from the grower to you, shelled and carefully graded, guaranteed, strictly first class or meney refunded Price 31 50 per bushel, sample free on request L. C Courtney Lookeha. Oklahoma. Ready Reference Business Directory. Accountants. NORMAN E. VEAZEY, P O Box 827 Phonen 3655 and 2020. 11. U. IIENDKICK, 20 years' experience. Of fice 609 First Nat Bank Bldg Phone 482 CLARENCE LONGNECKER Phone SSL Suite 319-320 First Natl Bank Bldg. JNO. V. MONTAGUE. Room 329. IsteNat Bank Bldg Phpne 1823. Auctioneers. W. A. WILLIAMS. Auction Sales and Commission Broker. Office phone 69L Kcsldence phone 35S0 Office. Entrance to Caplea Bldg. 1 Sell Everything at Auction or Private Sale. Business Colleges. DRAUGHOX'S College guarantees position. Carpets Cleaned. 4.VJ.MA l.Uf,.. .A..,. ... ,.... v- pet cleaning, sewing or laying Du Sang & Wellborn Phone 3999 CARPETS CLEANED, furniture repairing, cabinet making, work guaranteed. Duntley Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Works. Phone 3219. ,m n.,T.cctl.TV IID ,. ,. .,.,, . Carpet Weaving. RAG RUG and carpet weaving and ruga for sale. 203 San Jose Phone 7140 Chimney Sweeps. CHIMNEY SWEEP Stoves repaired and set up Phone 4768 ui . atanton at China Painting. GUNTON STUDIO, lessons, flrelog. Ph. 6006 Airs. Halters lessons 50c supplies Ph 4049 J Chiropody. MAREY rUKDY, marcel hair dressing, man I curing. DurnhanjprcparatlonjFju?ne 3611, Civil Engineer & Surveyor. YV. I. RIDER. 320 HVJld Bldg Ph 58S3 PATENT OFFICE drawings, surveying, En clneenng. Tri State Znglneering Co. Herald Tilde Phone 139 Cleaning and Pressing. SUITS STEAM PRESSED SO CENTS. Moreheads Busy Little Shop. 403 N Oregon St Phone 5L Curios. MEXICAN souvenir goods Davis Is the king of low prices. 207 aap fc rancisco st Dead Cattle. FULL GROWN dead cattle, horaee and mules with hides, hauled away Phage 74 Detective Agencies. The lien YtUllams Detective Agency Suite 610. First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone 4405. Educational. SPANISH AND ENGLISH classes by L. D Combe, also French and Italian Experienced translator. 611 N Campbell Furniture Packing. PACKING and shipping household gooda our specialty. Furniture repairing, finishing and upholstering. R. L, Daniel Furniture Mat tress Factory, 410-12 Myrtle. Phone 1025. February 18, 1916. 15 SO -I THOUGHT IT WAxj A i SECRET!! V Ready Reference Business Directory. Furniture Packing. i FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED, repaired and pacKcq. i?q pang e; lyciiDorru mono . jgw'jry; CASH paid for old watches. Jewelry and old gold. Davis. 307 San Francisco St. (TlOOO VILLA money for 31 V 8. Watches cleaned 50c. majnsprtnga 50c, Denver Jewel rv Co loo San Antonio Wigwam Building Junk Dealers. ILLINOIS BOTTLE & JUNK COMPANl! 1006 Overland. Phone 184L ALAMBDA JUNjK CO.. Highest payers for all kinds Junk and metaL Phone 7483. WE BUY all kinds of Junk and auto Urea, H. Nelson. First and St Vraln. Ph. 3S33L EL PASO IKON METAL CO. 1595 San Antonio. Dealers in scrap iron, rubbe;. eop ocr brass, bones, etc ?honft 4250. HERMAN HLOCII CO. 716-718-720 S. Oregon. Phone S4S3. Will pay cash and highest prices for old rubber rags, bones, horns, copper, brass, scrap Iron, wool, hides etc Mercantile Agenaes. K, G. DUN CO Mercantile reports, ltl raso oiiice. 501 Guaranty Trust Bldg. LOCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY Reports and rating on Individuals, collections. Mem ber of the National Assn. of Mercantile Agencies. Harry Pateman, Mgr. Rooms 221-322 Herald ifldg Millinery, r.n.-3 lula MASON, work reasonable, re- mooeung a specialty, latest materials, 720 N, Stanton. Phone 29 17. Masical. WALTER DAVIS, piano teacher. 85.00 month voice 38 00 Phone 392. T. n ninrn tAit. -.a..ti ,.- L -- .--.-.., .., luaouviia, Kuiur, dsb. ? dore, solfeggio and piano lesson Phone 4830. I Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting. HE WELD all metals Portable plant at your service, expert operators, guaranteed work. Auto cylinders decarbonlxed. Our method 1M per cent efficient Western Welding Mfg Co 338 a Santa Fe Ph. 1711 Painting-. Yelton Paint Co.. 309 N. Stanton. Ph. 1241 1 PfambftTS. C. T. KINNE, Phone 473L BUSH PLUMBING CO. Phone 2472. N. E. NATIONS Plnmblng Phone 320. SIXES opened and repaired, combinations .-hanged Reference any bask In El Paso. Residence phone 6.745 1115 N. Kansas. P. O. Hot 587 A T. Sfmworth. Second Hand Go thin J. I Ladles' second hand clothing bought Pn, I34S Men's second hand clothing bought Ph. 6345 WE PY CSII for 2nd hand clothing and lewelry 417 S El Paso Ph 7626 Second Rand Furninrre. MANTED 2nd hand furnlure. R. L. Dan lela Furniture and Mattress Fcty. Ph. 1025. EXCHANGE NEW FURNITURE. For second hand. Western Furniture Cow 118-120 R Stanton St Phone 1482. W ANTED Tour second hand furniture. Will pay cash or exchange for new furniture. 1'hone today, Texaa Furniture Co. Phone 4097. 4M g. EjPase St. Soda Fountains. SODV FOUNTAINS. Carbooators and charg ing outfits. Why look for second hand "Junk" when you ean buy a new "Liquid" outfit almost aa cheap on easy, long paymentaT Write or call for particulars and photos. I.mplre Bottling Works. El Paso. Texas. Spanish Lessons. PROF. IIRAM), Ph. 3360. SI Buckler Bldg. CONVERSATIONAL Pataore College. Phone 3430 SPANISH lessons by experienced teacher. Wvlte Bd nodrlguex. P O Box 1029 Stove Repairing. STOXB REPAIRING of all kinds. Th. 333. STOE REPAIRING New parta made and carried for all makes of stovea. ranges and base burners. I J Peeler, cor. 5th & Flor encejUh D jdJLIron Worka Phone 344. Storage Warehouses. el ivisii trunk FACTORY New ware house safest location, positively lowest rata. Office 107-09 R Main Phone 1054 Tanks. TANKS, CULVERTS. Irrigation pipe, silos. kmirse. etc ask; tor "aiaiog. pnone I40i. Hills. Sutton ft Wtolt Manufacturing Co. Taxidermists. Mcl.ELLAN BROS.. Ph. 7t W9 Frisco 8t WANTED To bui 2d hand tools and guna H Mohr 39 a B PaaoSt Turkish Baths. Typewriters. TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All makes sold, rented, repaired. Corona Typewriter 216 Mills St Phone 832. Veterinary Surgeons. 3IAX MASER. D. V. S. Phone 1187. Welding Shops. UEAY MACHINE and automoDlle parte welded promptly. Brown Welding Co.