Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HEBALD PIE fll CORN CLUBS ID . i Boys in Valleys Interested by Farm Demonstrator in Better Farming. If a good showing Is not made by the boy corn and pitr growers of El Paeo county at tne Soil Products ex position to be bald In El Paso next ill it will not be the fault of county farm demonstrator A. G Graham, who has taken It upon himself to Interest the boys of the valleys above and below th city In the matter of demonstrating: what can be done In the way of corn and pie growing; Lint of Corn Growers. A list of nine boys alreadv been secured by Mr. Graham, as follows: Donald Saurenman, 10 ears, Ysleta, half acre corn e Roy J (ilardon, 13 years, Ysleta, half acre corn. Charles Pierce, IB years, Ysleta, half acre corn. Earl Mock. IS years, Ysleta. half acre cc n Hoy Mock, 16 sears, Ysleta, half acre ' i Ante Carcia, 14 years, Ysleta. half acre t s il . iscon, 12 years, Ysleta, half at r, Waiii. I'nndelarla, I J years, Ysleta, half a.if corn Francisco Garcia, II years, Ysleta. half acre corn. Mr. Graham Is In communication with a. number of boys who contemplate making a try for the prizes which will be offered the lads who will make the beet showing as growers of pigs and hopes to organize a pig club Vis Cluha Later. "It tv 111 require a greater outlay to equip a pig 6 tower than It will to put a corn club boy on his feet and for iht reason the formation of the pig lube will be a bit slower," said Mr. "Iraham. "The boys In the pig clubs must start with the best procurable stuck, as to blood, and they must know v hen they start in that they will have the necessary pasturage and the t.ther for tic of feed which their 'pets' will uquire to bring them into the prize winning class at the big exposition to be hi id next fall. To get the pig mow ere started right I will have to interest the fathers of the young pig growers In the proposition to the end that they will do what they can to finance the lads till the prl2es are swarded " OUTBREAK AT ROSEM0NT RESULTS IN ARRESTS Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 18 Pbur Mexican miners have been arrested at the Nar tagansett mine near Rosemont, this iount, following an outbreak of hos tilities between Americanized Mexicans and former Villa soldiers who have been working In the mines Women and wages are said to have furnished the basis of the dispute. Former Villa troops shot up the camp. Some es caped before sheriff Forbes and four depntles reached the scene. will cnosnr hack from east. "Will Crosby, TJ. S. customs Inspector, has returned from an extensive trip hrough the east where he visited relatives and friends. Loose Leaf Memo books and ledgers. "L P" and "De Lux," 25c up. Bl Paso Book Co. Mills Bldg. "It's Handy." Adv. The weather may change, hut the quality of our coal ever remains the same. It. C Scrapie, successor to South western Fuel Co. Phone S3L Adv. Spanish self taught, tic El Paso Book Co. Mills Bldg. "It's Handy." Advt Build tip your home valley. Use her products. Saturday Meat Specials Nations 220 MESA AVE. Fancy Lamb Legs or Chops, lb Fancy Prime Corn Fed Beef Roasts, Boned and Rolled, (Better than ever), lb. 17y2c and Extra Fancy Prime Rib Roast; lb ....... Extra Choice Oven Roasts, lb Fancy Plate Rib Beef, suitable for Roast, or Boiling Meat, lb -. Extra Selected Veal or Lamb for Stews, lb Pig Pork Hams or Loin Roast, Vsj or whole, lb '...... Pig Pork Shoulders and Fresh Sides, lb Pig Pork Tender- A f Spareribs, loin, lb HJC lb , Home Cured Hams and Bacon, Vz or whole, lb Fancy Springs, lb .'.... 25( TURKEYS DUCKS GES& Fresh Fish and Oysters Received Daily Specials- Delicatessen Specials Spansh Salted Peanuts, per pound 15c Spanish Large Queen Olives, per pint! .... . !l5c Large Shore Salt Mackerel, each 25c Our Own Kitchen Made Mayonaise Potato Salad, pound 25c LEVY GROGERY COMPANY Just Received New Mackerel un j u New Salt White Fish ....'."'.' " gJE New Boneless Herring .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.;. B?lk OKm New Pickled Hemng Di pick,ej Phone, 5b and 506 204 and 206 E. Overland St. Mail Orders Prompt Attention MB in BIO Secretary Boundary Com-1 IIUDOIUU WU1W 111 XJLU11, I m Salary is Cut $600. John Wesley Gaines has resigned his position as secretary of the interna tional boundary commission and com missioner for the equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande, and the appropriation for the work cut from J48.S00 to $7800, according to an Associated Press dispatch from Wash ington. The resignation of Games followed a conference at the state department which is characterized. In the dis patches, as stormy. After his resigna tion the house foreign affairs commit tee consolidated both commissions in to one and put the appropriation. Tho resignation of Gaines Is said to have resulted from his objection to the pruning of $600 from Mr. Gaines's sal ary and, when he objected to assistant secretary Osborne, the stormy session followed and Gaines resigned o Kffcct nn Commission. The resignation of Gaines wlH hae no effect upon the boundary commis sion as It is a treaty office created bv treaty between the United States and Mexico, according to local students of boundary affairs The dispute. the say, extends back to the time when Wllber Keblenger resigned as secre tary of the boundarv commission and commissioner for the studv of the equitable distribution of the waters of the Rio Grande. Objection was made to him at th" time on the ground that he was draw ing two salaries at the same time It Is said that the same point was raised in reference to Gaines's holding: the two positions and. when a prr of the salary was pruned he is said to have quit In a huff. Appointed lly Rryan. Gaines was appointed by W J Bryan while he was secretary of state. He took Keblengers place as secre tary and has been acting as boundary commissioner since the resignation of Gen. Anson Mills. Before resigning. Gen. Mills appeared before the senate committee and re quested a clean record for his com mission, of which he had been the k.end for more than 20 years. This itj glven in the form of a letter from Pres". Wilson saying that his services had been highly satisfactory. After his resignation Gaines, who was a former congressman from Tennessee was appointed by Bryand and assumed the duties of commissioner a'though he held ortly the title of secretary of the commission. Martinez May Be Earned. The resignation of secretary Gaines Is not expected to have any effectiupon the chances of Felix Martinez, of El Paso, being named as boundary com missioner to succeed Gen. Mills. Con gressman Smith, senator Sheppard and other Texas congressmen are support ing Mr. Martinez's friends in their re quest for this place for Mr. Martinez and it Is probable that he will be named as the next commissioner. PROTEST MADE ON MESILLA VALLEY RATES ON FRUIT Santa Fe. N. M.. Feb. 18 Acting chairman Hugh H. Williams, of the state corporation commission, has aa dressed a forcible letter to traffic man ager N K. Lockwood, of the Wells Fargo Express company at san r ran eisoo, urging a reduction of express rates on fruits and vegetables, espe cially for the benefit of the Mesllla, Pecos, San Juan and othet valleys. Mr Williams claims that the prevail ing rates compel the producer to cut his margin of profit to such a degree that It makes the production of these commodities absolutely unprofitable. 3HE PHONE 2576 Roasting Chickens, lb UMIEIlSl.LL ALL OTHER.1 II 111 fill II FDR HUH Effort to Be Made to Eegis- CtU J.UUU JJClCtlClLGD 1'Ul Mission Conference. Discussion of plans for the forthcom ing laymen's Missionary Movement convention on March 5-8 in Trinity Methodist church occupied the atten tion of the executive com.nittee at a meeting last evening in tho Y. M. C A building It mas declared necessary to push the registrations from this time forward, as the registration has not jet reached half of the 1000 set as the mark for the coming meeting Inas much as the speakers are among the most noted men In the missionary world and the convention is going to be full of interest, the committeemen do not believe there is any reason why 1000 men should not register at once s. ir. KinicniiiDC for the meeting Missionaries from all pirts of the world will appear dur ing the convention with their stones of the customs and conditions where they have been operating Interesting as travelogues, the lectures are also In structive to those interested in the work of missions and missionary efforts One of the speakers, S H. Kirkbrlde, will tell of the conditions In ihe mis sionary field close to home. Mr Kirk brlde has been secretary or the isortn western agency of the American Bible society, caring for the work of this society in the nine states that have Chicago as the center Mr Kirkbrlde served Methodist pas torates for eight years in New York and Colorado. He was a home mission ary In New Mexico for three years and for six years was presiding elder of the Itio Grande district in Colorado. Before going to Chicago, Mr. Kirk brlde was for three years In charge of the American Bible society work with headquarters !n Denver To Admit College Pupils. At the executive committee meeting last night application of some SS to 60 men from Las Cruces who wish free admission to the opening meeting1 of the convention, Sunday aftern6on. was granted. This is a body,' made up largely of students who oah come for that session only. General manager G. I Hawks, of tho Hi Paso and Southwestern railroad, agreed to furnish free transportation to all missionaries along his railroad to the sessions of the convention and other railroads are to be requested to extend the same help. To Push IlegtHtrntlon. It was decided to make the coming week "Registration Week.' at which time registration will be pushed witi all vigor Looking to the more vigorous prose cution of the registration work, David McKnlght, chairman, calls a ' meeting of the registration committee Satur day evening at the V M C A building Itev Mr Fitzgerald again presented to the committee the urgent desire of the Mexican people for meetings In one of their own churches each evening of the convention, and he was assured that every effort would be made to se cure for them the best speakers KENTUCKIAN PAYS S20.000 FOR CROSS FARM; 80 ACRES Phoenix, Ariz, Feb 18 John Lflrkln, a wealthy horse breeder who recently ' arrived rrom Kentucky, has paid uen i Jarnin Cross $20,000 cash for the well known and highly improved Cross farm, of 80 acres, three miles north east of Phoenix He expects to Import 1 pome of his finest Kentucky horses and i conduct the place as a high class , modern breeding farm. ' SKELETON OF COWBOY . FOUND AFTER 27 YEARS Duncan, Ariz . Feb 18 While run ning a scraper In excavating an irri I gatlon ditch. Jorjn K Chilton, a farmer, ! unearthed a skeleton which Is sup posed to be that of a cowboy drowned 1 in the Gila river 27 years ago The i skeleton wore boots In an excellent I state of preservation. FOUR. KI.M2I FOR SPUEMING AD l'M,ATl'L OI'CRATION A M. Garcia, and Jose Itublo pleaded guilty to separate charges of speeding before Justice J J. Murphy Thursday afternoon and were each fined 15 and costs. W B Clark and Herman Levy pleaded guilty to charges of unlawfully operating automobiles and were fined 85 and costs. 1SKS 2."I.(H)( iivM.tons BECAUSE IIAl HOLO IlItOKH Damages amounting to 526.000 for personal Injuries are sought by O D. Lawrence in a suit against the South ern Pacific now on trial In the 65th district court Lawrence alleges that, on September 22. while working at night at 'Shrob, OiIif , a handhold on a boxcar gave way. cauiing him to fall and sustain permanent injuries DEAR MR.KABIBBLE, VJHEHITOKEMVJiFU. OUT V) ASrlQW,ISirNECESSAK Tb TAKE A CHAPERON ALONtff Ves-SOMEBODY'S GffTTO WATCH THr SHOW 70 TEU. YOU ABOUT (T LATER.' ait I; " -J"1 PAIS DERDEBT! Slayer of Anna Aumuller Asks Forgiveness as He Goes to Electric Chair. (Continued from page J.) at the Bradhurst avenue flat two weeks before. There detectives found the knife and , mm.n utner unmisuiKaoie ewaences 01 the crime, but not the criminal. They waicneu Dut be did not return to the flat. The detectives gathered a de scription of him. They also found let ters In the flat addressed to Anna Au muller at the parish house of St Boni face's church Following that clue they identified the body as .that of Anna Aumuller. vho had come from Germany and who had been a servant in the parish house until about the time the Harlem flat was rented. The trail of the criminal led the detectives into the church. In the presehce of the aged Father Gerald lluntmann they confronted his assls tant.wlth a picture of the dead girl. "Did you kill that girl?" the inspec tor sharply questioned. Schmidt put up his handas as if to shield himself from the face of the woman he had killed Yes," the word was wrung from his lips. "Tes, I killed her," he ohoked. l'rolinlilr Neier Onlnlnnl. The whole story soon came to light. It developed that while Schmidt had been educated as If for holy orders he probably had never been ordained a priest He contended that he had been but admitted that the bishop, who he said had ordained him, "had me ar rested because he said I was not a priest" His credentials by which he had gained entrance to the church in America seems to have been forgeries. Schmidt was born In Aschaffenburg, Germany, according to his own state ment He was 31 at the time he com mitted the crime In 1913. ' My parents are both living In the old home town," he said. "I was or dained September 23, 1901. I came to this country In 1907. When I first came here I went to Louisville, then Trenton. In December, 1910, I came to New Tiork to St Boniface's church as as sistant pastor. Trllx of Clandestine Excursions. ' "It was there I met Anna Aumuller. &ie was a servant in the house where I ined We were attracted to each oth er We made frequent excursions to-iT'-ther at night that is, in the early mornings. I conducted the confession al and the low masses and the services for nlgHt workers at St Joseph's. After the services I would meet Anna. "Then she was dismissed from St Boniface's. A woman servant had dis covered her trouble I engaged on Vugust 25 the little apartment in Brad hurst avenue which she made her home. She thought we were married and was happy. 1 adored her. She was inno cent of all thought of wrong." Courts Prole Slow. Within ten days of the commission of the crime the police had cleared the mystery. But the courts were not so quick. Schmidt was tried twice. Tho first time the jury disagreed. On the second trial Schmidt was found guilty of murder In the first degree That was February 6, last yeaf. More than a year was consumed by means of ap peals and other legal delays. The de fenee fund for the first trial was said to amount of J1G.000. The amount col lected for the defence In the second trial Is said to have b'een (10,000. SUIT FOR"$44,000 IS FILED AGAINST GLEESON Tombstone. Arix, Feb IS. John Gleeson, of Tomstone, and three Ryan brothers are named aa defendants in a suit for $44,000 filed bv A. L. Schwartz in the federal court. The suit involves a Judgment In another suit forthe con trol of the Turquoise Mining and Smelt ing company"s property in Cochise eounty. For every prrinn there exists a book which they, would like. Our copyright ed novels at 60c will surely please. El Paso Book Co, Mills Bids. "It's Handy." Adv. r,ooe Leaf Memo booKs and ledgers. "I. P." and "De Lux." 25c up. El Faso Book Co. Hills Bldg:. "It's Handy." Adv. It' time to add to your library latest copyrighted novels, only 60c. See our window. El Paso Book Co.. Mills Bids. "It's Handy." Adv. . The Saratoga EVSarket 303 East Overland Phone 47. SARATOGA SPECIALS If You Want Meat Go to The Saratoga Market. . WE HAVE THE BEST CORNED BEEF AND PORK IN EL PASO. PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. . PIG PORK SHOULDER, -5 rj ir per lb IL'IZZ PIG PORK CHOPS, 1 ff 11 ,perlb l'aC PIG PORK HAMS, -j q per lb iOC BEEF, RUMP AND SHOULDER ROAST, O perjb ! l&'IZC FANCY SHOULDER CLOD ROAST, - - per lb A 3 C LOIN AND ROUND STEAK, -1 fj perlb 17'2C VEAL STEW, 1 o per lb 1Z'2C VEAL SHOULDER ROAST, ' -j j- per lb IDC HOME DRESSED FANCY HENS, -j Q per lb 1 tL HOME DRESSED SPRINGS, Q per lb &'lZC SMOKED. BACON BRISKETS, -g wy 11 perlb I i'lZC SARATOGA HAMS AND BACON, on perlb dAjC WE CAN PLEASE YOU. TRY US. Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists 1TQ FORM MEN'S GLUB AT CRUCLS El Paso Laymen Go Up the Valley in Autos; Boost Laymen Meetings. Representatives of El Paso men's clubs of the different churches went to Las Cruces Friday afternoon to assist the Pr-sbytenan men of the valley city in organising a. men's club there. The trip was made by automobile and . rep resentatives of tho Episcopal and Pres byterian men's clubs will make tho trip byAadUinner will be served at Las Cruces at 7 oclock this evening and will be at tended by the men of the Psbyterlan and other churches of the city. At this dinner plans for organizing the club will be discussed and the El Paso men will outline the plan of organization and tell the Las Cruces men how tne clubs of El Paso are conducted. To JJoimt Lnjmen Meeting. While at Las Cruces the El Paso delegation will outline the plans for the Laymen's Missionary Movement, which is to be held in El Paso in March and will urge all of the Las Cruces laymen to register for the Bl Paso series of meetings and to attend as many of them as possible. If suf ficient Interest is shown in Las Cruces an effort will be made to have one of the national speakers for tho Laymen s Movement to go to Las Cruces to ad dress the men of that city while the meetings are in progress in El Paso Those who will make the trip are: E. M. Bray. J L. Campbell. Bev. and Mrs. C L. Overstreet A. W Foster. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dick. W. V. Long, G. A. Graham, Norman Walker. Mr. and Mrs V B. Stiles. David McKnight F. W. Norton and W. L. Gaines. Oh, the Charm of Beauty Let Stuart's Calcium Wafer rteitore the Color t" lonr Cheeks and Ilrmoir the Cnuse of Pimples, Blackheads, Etc Every one envies a beautiful skin. Just as every one envies a healthy person . Unsightly faces filled with pimples, discolorations, blackheads, etc, are nothing but unhealthy faces due to blood impurities Cleanse the blood and the facial blemishes dis appear. "Life to Me Xoit Is n Ilenuteous Thine for I lime Made All Skin Troubles n Thlnjj of the Tast." Yon must noi believe that druirs .and salves will stop facial blemishes. The cause Is Impure blood fllld with all manner of reluse matter. Stuart's Calcium "Wafers cleanse and clear the blood, driving out all poisons and Impurities And you'll never have a good complexion until the blood Is clean. No matter how bad your complexion is, Stuart's Calcium "Wafers will work wonders with It. Tou can get these little wonder-workers at your drug gist's for 50 cents a package. Free Trial Coupon - P. A. Slunrt Co, 335 Stuart IllilK, Marshall, Mlcb.t Send me at once, by return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Name , Street City State Advertisement. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY do.-ot FononT oun deliveiiv. CI O DM A ? I S S N A 4os saa Franciwo. rbone Saturday Specials ON ON Groceries 25c cans glass jar Sliced Peaches, Apricots or Pineapple, per can 20c Regular 35c can Chase and Sanborn's Orange Pekoe Tea, per can 30c Regular 45c can Log Cabin Honey and Cane Syrup for 40c 85c can for 75c Extra Specials Regular 10c pkg. Nabisco or Fig Newtons, 2 for. . . . 15c Limit 4 pkgs. to a Customer. Men's Specials Philadelphia Hand Made 5c Cigars, 7 for 25c 5c Havana Ribbons. 7 for 25c 10c cans P. A. Tobacco. 3 for 25c 90c Glass Humidor's P. A. Tobacco for 80c 7 books "Riz La Croix" White Cigarett Papers, 25c 1 pound Star Chewing Tobacco for 46c Maricopa Butter per pound.... 35c Maricopa Butter is guaranteed to be the Freshest. Sweetest and Best Butter in Bl Paso. Fresh Blue Ribbon Eggs, dozen n 35c 2 Packages Good Macaroni or Spaghetti for 15c Bread 5c Sue Loaves for 3c Orders amounting to $2.00 or over delivered. Standard Cash WHERE YOU Pay Cash and Pay Less RAILROAD AND- AUTOMOBILE TISVIE TABLES All trams arrive and decart from Rnlan stMlon. foot of San Francisco streat All arrivals and departures given In Bl Paso or jnoontain standard time. 8AXTA IX. For Albqautrque. Denver. Chicago. Los Angeles No. N lvs. t 60 a. m.; No. tlO at I p. jn. , From AJbuqoerqoe. Denver. Los Angeles. Chicago No. 8 arvs. 10 a. m.; Ho, 81S at CSS p m. el taso & sornnrESTZKN. (nestern Division.) Cor Arizona and California No. 3 lva. 2:5S p. zn.; Ko. 7, at ?:4S p. m. From Arizona and California No. 8 arva, 7 a. to.; No. 4 at 1:40 p. m. (Eastern Division.) For Kansas City. St Lonls and Chicago No. 4 lvs. 1 65 p. m.; No. 2, at 4 4t p. m. Tor Tucumcari No. 8 lvs. 7.80 a. n. From Chicago. St. Louis and Kansas City No 1 arvs. 6 l a. m.: No. 8 at 1-40 p. ro. From Tucumcari No. 7 arrives 7 20 p. m. G. H. ft S. A. AND 8. r. TRAINS. For San Antonio; New Orleans and Wash ington No. 102 Its, 8:4S a. m.; No. 10 at 10.20 p. tn. From Washington, New Orleans acd Sas Antonio No. 9 arvs. G 30 p. m.; No. 101 s.1 10 p. m. For Arizona and California No. 1 lvs. I4i a. m , No. J at 8 p. m.; o. 101 at iu i p. m. From Arizona and California, No 102 arvs 8 SO a. m.; No. 2 at 4 30 p. m . No 10 at 10 p m. TEXAS t PACtFIC. For Dallas and St. Louis No. . lvn. 0:30 a. m ; No 4, at 7 p. m. From St. Louis and Dallas No. 8 arvs. 9.13 a. m.. No. S at l:3S. p. m. MEXICAN CENTRAL. For Aguascalledtea and Intermediate points Lt Juarez at 8 p. m. From Agnascallentes and Intermediate points Ar. Juarez I II . m. MEXICO AND NORTH WESTERN. For Pearson and Intermediate polntii Lv. Juarez Mondays and Thursdays at 8 a. m. From Pearson Ar. Jaarez 6 p. m. Wed nesdays and Fridays. IIICKOK HOTEL and auto line. Eagle. N. M. Trips to Elephant Butte and Polomas Springs. Cars meet all trains. LAKE VALLEY, Hiiiscoro and Kingston auto stage and express Una meets all trains at Lake Valley Wire at nay expenss for special trips an where at any time. Sates reasonabl. F w Mister. Hlllstwro. N M. SILVER CITY-MOGOLLON stage line, one way 37 50 , round trip 315 Stanley stenmer. 12 passenger car Wire or write for rewrva tion. Eight years' experience Mogollon road. Frank Townsend, P. O. Box 702. Phono 21s. Silver City (.LORE TO niOENLX Bight hours. Via Roosevelt Jam Leaves Dominion hotel. Globe, dally. 8 30 a. m. Arrive Phoenix 4:30 p. m. Fare 315 Make reservations in ad-v.ance- Gila Valley Auto Stage Line. Globe, Ariz. i'V A?P-CIJNT Wheeler's car leaves Clint for Bl Paso daily. Including Sunday, at 8181 iu. m. Returning to Clint the car Haves ine Herald offire at 3 30 p. m. Express and parcels .carried IrCAN-SOLOMONVILLB automobile flags 3 00. round trip 33 00 Sco't Oarage Lords Una, Save one day between Globe and Cllf- burg. N. M.. Broadway Hotel. Silver City, ton Leave Duncan III i m. arrive Sol- N. M. omonvllio 11 00 a. m Leave Solomonville ' ' 1" ' 7",. ' 11 45 a m arrip Duncan 2 15 p. m. Fare OWEGO-I1UENA VISTA aato mail line, each way 3', 00 R. l. r,m manager. Dun- ' Bvery day except Sundays. Fare one way can. Arizona. 31 35 G C- Marshall Proprietor Herald Want Ads Bring Resialts Lakeview Bulter, lb 33c O PureLeafLard(bIkj,'loib7Vl.40 S - non Fancy Peaberry Coffee, lb. .. .25c Fresh Meats Fancy Blue Ribbon Home Dressed Hens, per Ib..l8J4c Fancy Blue Ribbon Home Dressed Fryers, per lb. 22'c Select Young Pig Pork (for roasting), per lb iVic Select Rolled Rib Roast, per lb 18c i Standing Rib Roast, per lb. 16c Round Steak, per lb 18c Sirloin Steak, per lb 20c Veal Steak, per lb 20c Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb. 15c Fancy Leg of Lamb, per lb. .20c Fancy Spare Ribs, per lb.. 15c Fresh Beef Liver, 2 lbs. for. .25c Fresh Brains, per set 15c 4 pounds Fancy Sauer Kraut for 10c Pickled Pigs Feet per lb.. 10c Campbell's Soups, per can ..9c 3 cans V. C. Soups for 25c Deming Hand Packed Tomatoes, per can 9c - Coffee CIia3e and Sanborn's 'The World's Best." "There h no just aa good." Diamond Blend, per lb 25c Amber Blend, per lb 30c Crusade Bleed, per lb 3sc 3 lbs. for $1.00 Xtra Faney Peaberry, per lb. 35c 3 lbs. for .... $1.00 Golden Glow, per lb 40c Seal Brand, per lb 40c ikusitna.i-aiuiuu0IU)0 passenger and express line. Automobiles leave Alamogordo for Rosweil at .7 30 a. m.. arrive at Roswell at S.30 p. m. Westbound automobile leave Rosweil for Alamogordo at 7 00 a. m. Arrive at Alamogerdo A 4 18 p. m. Stops are msds at tbs following points. PIcaeho, Tlnnie. Hondo. San Patricio. Olen Coe. Whlta Mt. inn. Mescalero. Bent. Tularosa, La Luz. Through fare one way Jlo. Intermediate points 3e Mr mile. Twenty-tit, pounds baggage carried free. Excess lo per pound. Alamogordo Oarage. Alamogordo. N 11 I1IG SPRINGS, Lamrta. Tex. Ante- Line leaves Big Springs dally except Sunflty at 8-30 a m.. arriving Laraess via Soash and spareaberg at 12 noon, retnrn'ng to Big Springs saue day at 5 p. m. 33.30 one way. esss conuu smu EL PASO-LA MESA aato line, tipper valley, west side. Herald delivery leaves Herald of- 2frElh.T.!t 1r, at F '" Bl Paso to the following points are as follows- Carnitine. 76ej La Cnlon store, 3t00 poamberino, 11.38: La Mesa. 31. Car leaves it Mew for Bl Paso at 8 a. m. daily. Telephone 842. La Mesa. N M. R. T. Hewitt. LAS CRUCES aato line, for Mesllla valley Potato leaves Herald office each week day fin - "" " FrM 'rom El r to Canu- s v.jk ii T : '""i uerino, it-js; VMS' ?LMA mle. 11.75; Mesllla Pork, i. J" f ""' ' - Leaves E T John.- Nw Stand, Phone 145. for El Paso, at i p m. dally. TULAROSA-MESCfLEno anto leaves Tuls roea for Mescalero. dally, 33 round trip, fare to Alamogordo 88. D. W. Shoemaker' Auto Line, Tularosa, N. M. M.ItFA-FORT DAVIS auto mall line leaves Fert Davis doily and Sundays 8 -a. m. Leaves HZifa 5, 0n waj'- ,I6I)- round trip 34.00 o. W. Davis. Prop. BLACK RANGE auto stage and express line! passenger servlca leaving Engls and Chlor ide dally except Sunday at 7 a. m. for Ele phant Butte. Cnchlllo. Willow Springs and Falrvlew Through fare one way. to. inter mediate points. le per mile. Baggage car ried 50 pounds free, excess 2 cents per pound. KOSMELL-CARRIZOZO mall line. Passen ger service leaving both Rosweil and Corrl zoso daily and Sunday at 8 a. m. tor PIca eho. Tinnle. Hondo, Lincoln. Ft Stanton, Caplton and Nog&l. Through fart one war. 38 40 Intermediate points at 8c per mile. Baggage carried up to 175 pounds. 50 pounds free Excess at lc per pound. Ros weil Auto Co. owners and operators. FXHBNS-CI.INT-EL PASO aatomobi'o stag line, see in lower valley and enjoy a real good rde Round trip fare to Clint 31 00. Fabens 31 80. Automobile leaves El Paso Herald office each evening exrept Sundays at 2 o clock and returns to El Paso at 8 o'clock Make reservations at Tho Herald office. LO!UInUr.G, TYRONE. SILVER COT. auto, leaves Lordsburg dally 1 p. m-. via Tyrone, leaves Silver City dally 8 a. tn.. via Tyrone, Through tare one way 33 round trln 115 silver ffltv to Tyrone one way Bulk Crackerf, lb 10c Fresb Ranch Eggs, doz. .... 33c Potatoes, 10 lbs 25c Lemons, doz 15c Yellow Yami, 10 lbs 25c 4 l 41 w