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EL PASO HERALD HGHEliePfir ID HIS fr SATURDAY EVENINGS OPEN TILL 8:30 MEN'S STORE REMAINS OPEN TILL 9:30 IPoTPl J AR H i y t Give a Buffet Supper For Them; Col. Smith Wins In door Yachting Contest. Bachelors ami reformed bachelors at tended the Bachelor club "free lunch supper in the Sheldon grill, Thursday eienlnK with a program of "Indoor 1 achtlns" on the side. The regatta liegan with a spirited yacht race In a tank, when Lieut Col. E. V. Smith of the Sixth infantry and Charles II. mis sell, propelled miniature yachts over a prescribed course by blowing hot air into the sails. The race was refereed by Sterling Blackshear general chair man of the regatta. CoL Smith won the race by jib-sail and. was award ed a McClnty trophy cup. The winner then lectured the loser on preparea ness. Srhuoner Hare. At the crack of a cap pistol In the hands of H. 11. Stone, chairman or the schooner race, the three contestants, Claiborne Adams, Charles K. Ilussell and A K llowlanda tacked off and then tacked to port again. Mr. Bow lands was winner, making a record. time of two seconds. He was presented with a beautiful horn with a mellow note as a trophy. i Sciilllnc Contest. The third race was a sculling con test between two teams consisting of A K Rowland, Norman Walker and fol K V Smith, and V. IL Fryer, II. li. Fletcher and Claiborne Adams. I. oh lands scored the first in the race of team No. l, and W. H. Fryer 2" tho race of team No. 1. They were then pitted against each other and Bow lands wonTy" boat length. This race was held in the hall of the Sheldon, where a straight course was found meeting all the needs of the regatta. The diners lined the course and i hcered the teams. Bowlands was then awarded the trophy of a miniature sloop This contest was refereed by Hope Smith. Fferre Sea Ilattle. The final stunt was a sea battle off the Aleutian islands between a U. S. -rulser and a Japanese torpedo boat i:. A. Brann Impersonated the cruiser, wearing a red military suit and a 'boat to matdr; while Frank A. Loftus played the torpedo boavoostumed as a pirate. The battle took place amid the hurling of torpedoes from starboard and lar board between the bombs of wit thrown out and neither vessel absolutely pdt out of commission made their way toward the galley cracking torpedoes as tney went. ' Emblem of Order. That the B&caeior club has Its seri ous moments as well as its Jovial was illustrated by the marked respect that paid by the members as the em Mem of the order was brought into the room by W. C. Porterfleld, baebelor i n hlef. The emblem was a jellyfish upon a decorated salver and had just i trn removed from ice. All the bache lors rose and saluted when the jelly fish came into the room. Is the visitors and guests arrived he were glten eilps setting forth the TUles of indoor yachting. The rules were. Itules of Indoor Yachting. "Sailors participating In this regatta must have at least three sheets In the wind to qualify. "Tankers are barred, as they have too much capacity for the shallow ves sels ' McGlnty schooners are not permit ted to compete because they draw two' much liquid. "Wind Jammers and professional boosters are barred for fear they will start a squall and crab the contest. "Yacht owners who need skippers for their boats may find a surplus supply in the soda crackers. "Because you drive a yacht line Jltne nnd blow about It does not qualify you 'or this regatta. hls is for gents. "Chicken fiklft(.are barred, as tbls is not a pleasure cruise. "The course, as arranged by 'the 'Mutse muster. I as follows: Sou' by sou'weBt on the first leg to the Lyric theater, back toward Chicken alley for the second leg, then luff your malns'l toward the Sheldon grill for the finish and port tor sherry if you prefer ltV "Dutch Charlie's quart-tet will sing The Lighthouse Bell Told on the Lighthouse Keeper and Ills Bride;' How Would You Like to See What the Sea Sees in Summer?" and "The Captain Left Home Because His Wife Ate Sea Biscuits in Bed.' "Schedule of watches (Ingersolls barred) Two bells, have a beer; four bells, everyone bend his elbow; six bells, sing The Heidelberg Stein Song' out of key; eight bells, eTeryone arise and chant In chorus, 'Just One More Drink and We Will All Go Home.' "Dockage for the winter may be ar ranged in advance at the Keeley Gold Cure institute. Mesa avenue. "In the event of a storm don't worry what to do you will do it anyway." I'ortrnlt of Founder. In the center of the room was tile portrait of Willie Seaweed Oysterctte. oeloved founder of Indoor yacht I ml and beneath the inscription: "Born 1S32, died !9I8." The portrait was dono liv Miss Kuth Augur and toasts were drunk to the memory of the fine old rounder during the course of the even ing I'pon each table were decora tions of smilax and wistaria blooms In the form of starfish, with tiny yachts In tbe center of each Uecoratlon. The stunts and decorations were planned by John Began and his committee. Guests of Honor, i Alves Dixon. It B. Ornnorff. A E. Bowlands. Kenneth MacCallum. nr , r. James L. Slarr. W H. Fryer. Charles R. BusselL Mason Pollard. It. C. Treslder. Claiborne Adams. W E. Wilson. v It. stiles. Norman Walker. W. E. Arnold. W. E. Ware. The Ttachelora present werJ Paul D. Thomas. Sterling Blackshear. Page Kemp ?03T?rd?!Lx- " ,,, Smith Wltluim. Hope Smith. jRck Having. Charles A. Brann. Henry B. stone. ' Norman SnodgrassE. J. McQuillan. A. W. Norcoo. James W. Curtis.' Breedlore Smith. Frank A. Loftus. F B. Fletcher. John JJ. Began. J C Chllds. W. & Berkshire. W. C Porterfleld. Hugh B. Thompson. Jury Would Drop Murder Case To See a Musical Comedy; 'Judge Stubborn Denver, Colo, Feb. 18. Judge w. D. Wright in tho district, court Thursday crushed the hopes of a Jury which for two days had been absorbed in the murder trial of Raphael de Itozze. The jury decided that, by way of diversion, it would like to attend a musical comedy show. Juror Arthfcr W. Gray so informed judge Wright, Hut the lat ter refused permission for such a "novel departure De Bozze, many years ago loaned Mrs. Josephone de Santos, a neighbor, $20 it is claimed. Beturnlng to Den ver, October 2t, last, he entered the de Kantos home while the family were at dinner In a quarrel that resulted when repayment was demanded, the lamp was shot from the table and Mrs de Santos fatally injured in a souffle In the dark between male members of tbe household and de Bozze, For breakfast tomorrow try Sulz berger's Majestic Bacon. "Deltclously Different " Adv I Cook With Gas i Send Us Tour Mail Orders. Corner Memi Avenue una nn Antonio .Street Private Ilrnnch Exchnnge 330 0, Thone Orders Promptly Filled; Geftfcinif ABoimg Very Fine, Tlhi&ni& Ycm! TT YS hard to keep a thing io yourself. Remember, when you were small, how you would run to Father or Mother when Favor smiled on you? We're in the midst of tearing down our old building and erecting in its place a magnifi cent six story, reinforced con crete structure. We've changed the location of several sections. We've moved The Popular' Men's Store across the way to 310-12 San Antonio Street right next door to Feldman's and in spite of the little incon veniences we're "running to you" to tell you what a fine showing we have made in Jan uary and up to this writing in February. Our rapid growth Kas necessi tated the erecting of our new , .home, which when completed will be second to none in the great Southwest. ' And we're paying particular attention to service, too, and our efficient store family will see that you receive perfect sat isfaction. What does all this mean to you? Greater resources and facilities wider assortments and bet ter service to you that's what it means. You'll profit by our growth . see if you don't. Sisned esw&awami Wirst Floor Specials NECKWEAR FOR WOMEN An odd lot of slightly mussed neckwear, con sisting of flat and rollover collars, vestecs, guimps, etc. Prettily made of organdy, net, laces and chiffon. This neckwear is worth up to 50c each, but, being mussed, 11 S it goes at JiJtL 25c HAIRBOW AND SASH RIBB0NS In moire and the wanted plain colors, black and white, 1 to 6 inches wide. Special, a yard, at BOUDOIR CAPS Stunning new styles just received. Made of silk, crepe and chiffon in all wanted col ors. Exquisitely embellished in dainty laces and ribbons. f ""fc - Choicest 3UC WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Lin en and batiste; hemstitched and hand embroidered initials and designs in corner. Laundered and unlaundered styles. Values to 25c, at each, WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Prettily hemstitched, lawn handker chiefs, with white or colored embroid- Big valued at 12 for SJjC WOMEN'S KID GLOVES-Two clasp, imported glaco kid gloves, with nov elty contrasting embroidered backs. A pair, ,,00, gQ WOMEN'S GLOVES-Onc clasp and gauntlet style, washable cape gloves. Will wash and remain soft and pli able. Shown in ivory and white, with contrasting and embroidered backs. A pair, at $2.00, and RUFFLING One to three inches wide. Shown in white, cream and ecru. Made of dainty lace and net. Values to 50c. Being slightly soiled, we offer it, at a ti ipk yard, ii-C NEW BOUDOIR HEAD BANDS To take place of the cap. Made of fine crepe de chine, gold and silver cloth. Pretty lace and dainty ribbons en hance their bennty. , O fl ,0 0 Priced at $2.00, and $iLU'U' SEE THE NEW Feather Fans, Cor sage Bouquets and Novelty Neck- 1.50 The ale oi Worn era's $3.50 to $5 Igpfo Slioes at 91.95 timies Saturday Tihe Opportunity of a ILitf etiss&e to Secure Bestt QuaaMtty Atanmiiraflmi Uttemislls at a Fractions of TIKeiir Value u X ALUMINUM Sale Begins Saturday, at 9:SO A. M., Ba'semaeEat JP 39C "TpIGHTEEN EIGHTY TWO" aluminum utensils are made of the best if (59c m "-5rgraue aiunniium ouiainaine aiiaare guaranteed io uie customer ior id g nm J i.!.. uwv rj u.uw ,ui,.iuxuuuiU L 1,1 UUU J-X1K -- lFl"." The sheet aluminum is rolled and hardened, then spun into shape, thus making utensils without seams or joints. , "1882" aluminum is a particularly desirable metal for kitchen utensils, as it forms neither verdigris, rust nor injurious zinc or 'nickel oxides in other words, food cooked in "1882 "aluminum receptacles will be' healthful and good. Such utensils are easily kept dean. Every piece of aluminum ware in this remarkable sale is of such quality and weight that you will wonder how it is possible for us to sell it at this price as well you may, for never have we offered such bargains in kitchen wares. ' ' ' The assortment consists of the following: ft 'feW' o ifil Wash Basins Milk & Cake Pans Pudding Pans 89c Tea Kettles Sauce Pans Coffee Pots Cuspidors Berlin Kettles Colanders, etc. NOTE None sold to dealers or by telephone, C. 0. D. or mail; none deliv ered; none "will be. sold to employes until after 11 o'clock Saturday morn ing. We endeavor in this way to give everyone an equal opportunity to secure the pieces they desire. m a it f69c ew Arrivals Im WE call your especial attention to a handsome lot' of women's Sport Coats, in the wanted checks and plaidg ; many chic belted models with pretty flared bottoms; others embellished in faiio.v hnttons. Rpr tlip.m rdh her)3 tomorrow, at Middy Blouses, 69c TSiey Are Beauties "W'OU would expect to pay anywhere -from 95c I " for such good grade Middy Blouses. They i : to $1.45 are here in women s, misses and children s sizes. Plain white galatea, with white, navy, red or copen collars, cuffs, pockets and lacings. Take advantage of C.(Th this special offer tomorrow, at O C Brassieres, 45c Fuall of Style aind Quality BRASSIERES that you would consider wonder ful at double the price we are asking. New, fresh and fine in fact, just arrived especially for tomor row's selling. Made of a good grade of fine soft cambric; good fitting and serviceable. A.Mr Lace or embroidery trimmed. Each, at tJ This Is El P&soV Store For Children! SKIRTS FOR GIRLS Satur day will be a clean-up day for winter skirts. Included in the t lot you will find black and' white shepherd checks, and other woolen novelties. Val ues up to $4.95. While they last Saturday, 3p fj I rPbj S I J J! E p your choice, at NEW HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS For girls of 1 to 8 years. Just received many dainty styles in lingerie Hats and Caps; also pretty fancy trimmed straws and braids, and fine tailored Panamas. Prices start at $8,50 and go down $ &(T gradually to &3J GIRLS' UNDERMUSLINS Pretty styles in gowns, princess slips, pet ticoats, Teddy Bears and drawers.i Daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery. Your choice, a garment, . SHOE TOP SUITS By far the finest collection the smartest apparel that El Paso offers such is the verdict of women who have shopped around for their daughters. And it is all very reasonably priced as you'd expect at "The Popular." Lovely New Spring -fiats THIS offering is exceptional doubly so, in view of the fact that all milli- nery materials have greatly advanced in price. There is not one hat in the assortment that would not sell for $5, and many of them for $6.50. You are accustomed to finding excellent offerings at "The Popular" so we invite you to come early, inspect these beautiful hats and judge for yourself as to their true 'value. In the assortment are close fitting tur bans, flat sailors and the more matronly hats. In fact everything in shape and trimmings that is new will be found. Choose Saturdav, 0.0?? at each, oJD UEfcderMTOfcxisLts For -Womeni, at 45c (Q. 95c SATURDAY we offer women's gowns, chemise, petticoats, corset covers and drawers, in A-. the prettiest styles we have ever seen, at nr J CAMISOLES Of washable satin and silver cloth. ' Pretty new styles with corset cover or cam- O M. isole tops. Take your choice, at D oyss Spring' Suits i s 5.00 IpHESE stylish, new Spring Suits have two pair lined Knickerbocker trousers. Grey or tan patterns, made in Novelty Norfolk styles. Well finished. Surprising values with 2 pair Knicks; C& OO sizes 8 t 1 7 years, for ' HIGH GRADE SPRING NORFOLK SUITS For boys. The hand tailored pure wool new season styles. Blue, tan, grey, brown, drab, green, mixtures, plaids, stripes and checks. They are beautiful junior styles; sizes 4 to 10 years. Boys Norfolk effect 8 to 18 years. Attractively Priced! BOYS' LINED KNICKERBOCKER PANTS Greys, tans an'd browns, finished ' Uurable. weaves; 98c with button bottom). sizes 6 to 18 years. A pair, at SHOWING BOYS KNICKERBOCKER PANTS-j-In good school wear mixture; nard woven goods ; sizes S w ) (P 5 to 14 years, for .J"- BOYS WASH SUITS In the new coat effects; all colors including white; sizes 2 to 8 years. Special values, at $T m J vr 89c, $1.00, $1.25 and iiMmsmiowiQ1 IF YOUR BOY NEEDS A HAT OR CAP Bring him to us. We will fit him for you in any shape, style, material or color you wish. Caps 50c and $1.00 Hats 50c to $5.00 1 kiter Sapper Sale 6tnA.n PI VERS VEGETALE TOILET WATER AsorteC odors- (Limit I bottle to- a customer). Afie- Sup. per Sale, each, at OVC YVETTE FACE POWDER-Assort-ed colors. (Limit two boxes to a cus tomer). After Supper Q0 Sale. each, at VC GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL FACE CREAM A complexion beautifier. (Limit I bottle to a customer). ....v. supper jaie, each. On Sale All Day Colgate's Toilet Waters 59c Willow's Evening Jaamin Face Powder, a boi, at ......35c Pond's Extract Cold CTeara .".... 37C Rubifoam for the Teeth.. ..-....."l5c Danderine Hair Tonic 35c One Pound 20 llule Team Borax09e Bradley's Woodland Violet Bath Ammonia, a bottle, at... S7c Squibbs Talcum Powder.-ar.-....ll7c Table ILiineiis Is 72-DTCH TABLE DAMASK-Half imen ana extra heavy mercerized, large selection of pretty figures, such as dots, floral designs and stripes A quality worth considerably more ' money. Saturday special, (Limit of 5 yards to a customer), &s at a yard, 5.5C HALF LINEN BUCK TOWELS Hemstitched and hemmed. All white or blue borders. Sturdy and strong and good looking. Special, (Limit 2 ton;S:urt!2for2.5o 12 YARD BOLT NO. 600 LONG CLOTH Finn, fine weave for under wear. ThU is one of our extra spe cial items and only 2 bolts to cus- K A 12 yds. $1-15 36-INCH CHINESE MIDDY CLOTH AND; POPULAR NURSE CLOTH-r-A real round thread white material, made) and woven exactly the same as linen. Rich, permanent linen lus tre. This cloth has met the abso lute approval of customers in the past four years. Unexcelled for white; skirts, middy blouses, nurses' uniforms and aprons, white dresses of all kinds, Saturday at a very prrdprice; i9c TO NURSES This is an exceptional chance to purchase uniform material at a substantial reduction. For this one sale we will not limit the num ber of yards to a customer. TKe Men's Fursaisfoi2as at , f IT "VS mL VSTWltftaLUNK. If F S Vt Kg CLOTHES'! V HTHE following items on sale both in our main floor sec tion and across the street in The Popular men's stores right next door to Feldman's. ONYX HOSIERY FROM 6 TO 9 P. M. ONLY Guaranteed lisle hose, with reinforced heel, toe and sole. Here in grey, tan, black and navy. Regular 25c sellers. (Limit 6pair to a customer). For Saturday, 6 pair for $1.00; 3 pair for 50c, or a pair, gQ -EMERY" BRAND SHIRTS All day Saturday, we offer men's new spring "Emery" shirts, in white or f colors, at each, OC ONE PIECE BRIGHTON PA JAMAS In crepes and madras stripes. $2.00 and $2.50 values, Zfil.SLOO "SHEDAKER" UNION SUITS In athletic stvles. Values to iufata $l.oo MEN'S CAMBRIC HANDKER. CHIEFS First quality. Ex tra heavy weight. Regular 10c values. While they last. 12 for 40c NOTE The last four items on sale all day. The hose' item After Supper only. Art Goods 2iiad Floor Asasaesc FINISHED PIECES Cretonne Scarfs, Sewing Bags, Shoe Bags, Pin Cush ions and Scarfs to match; also Pil low Tops. 25o and 35c Tl g values, at JlC STAMPED SCARFS 45 to 54 inches long. Made of art crash and linen. Stamped in conventional or floral de signs. Ynlues to $1.00, $.& at your choice, yCC