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EL EASO HERAIJJ MM TALKS ST FRANGHISE MEET SI ROM I Good Progress is Reported in Preparing For "Save the Babies" Week. The. El Paso Equal F'anchse league met Thursday afternoon In the cham ber of commerce. Charles A Brann eaie an interesting talk on equal suf fraee Mr. Brann took the etand that jf women wanted equal HUffrnKe It should be given to them, and apoke or the Important work done by women In tb world Mlse Buth M. Augur, the second vice Drenldent, presided at the brief business meeting Mrs. Alma J. Cox gave the secretary's report. Mrs. Horace A. Ly reported as the treasurer. Mrs. B. F. Jenkins, chairman of the "Save the Ba Mes" week, reported the progress of the work in preparation for the "Save the. Babies' week. She announced that at ihe schools of the city next Friday, eprlal talks would be Riven in thTj schools by prominent physicians and nurses of the city on home hygiene, glene. Projrrnms Arc AMlsmed. The programs In a number of the schools hape been assigned to chair men and others will be assigned later. Mrs. George Brunner will be In charge of the proTEram at the Sunset school: Mrs. C F Elliott at tha Lamar school; Mrs. Louis L. Robinson at the Alto. Vista school; Mr. F. D. Garrett at the San Jaointo school and Miss Louise Dietrich at the Bailey school. Mrs. Jenkns spoke of the progress of the rook books, in which recipes of vari ous nationalities will be grouped to gether. These will be sold for the fund to help the Baby sanatorium in Cloudcroft. Woodmen Circle to Help. Mrs. S. J. Fennell reported that the members of Willow Grove, Woodmen circle, will give an entertainment on February 24 in the Knights of Pythias hall, and contribute the proceeds to the Cloudcroft sanatorium fund. Mrs. O. A. Crltrhctt. chairman of the committee in the First Presbyterian church for "Save the BnWes" week, reported that she was receiving very enouraglng co operation Mrs J T. Hamel reported for the committee who visited the drug stores and dairies that these business places would cooperate in the distri bution of the ''Sse the Babies" litera ture, patterned after the forms which were sent by the University of Texas. Following the reports and business meeting, Mrs. S J Fennell conducted the study of parliamentary law and presided at the parliamentary drill, which concluded the meeting NTED POLICE Officer Sid Benson Has His Badge Taken Up After Striking H. D. Camp. Mounted patrolman Sid Benson has been removed from the police force following a mlxup Thursday afternoon at 6:16. in front of the Fritz beer garden, at San Antonio and Santa Fe streets.' A call was sent in to the police station from the beer garden reporting that two soldiers were fight ing. Mounted officer Benson rode to the place but the soldiers had dis appeared. Witnesses pointed out va man as one of the men Implicated in the trouble. He gave the name of Carl Hooker, of company F, 16th infantry, but was wearing civilian clothes. Hooker told the officer that he was not .the man Benson told him he was under arrest on a charge of fighting. After Hooker had been placed in the patrol wagon, R. E. Shaw, a. driver fey the JItne com pany, told Benson that he had the wreng man. Benson Is said to have or dered ShaW to stand aside. Benson stated af forwards that Shaw became abusive and he was forced to place Shaw In the patrol wagon with Hooker. Camp Is Struck. H. D. Camp, president of the Jitne company, came to the scene of the affair and asked Benson why he arrested Shaw, according to Camp's own statement. Camp stated later that Benson was Insulting to him. Benson Is then said to have taken Shaw by the collar tfnd placed him in the patrol wagon. Camp then went to tho police station in an automobile. At the door of tha station he met Judge Taul Thomas, of tho corporation court. He asked Judge Thomas to accompany him to the Jailor's office to arrange for Shaw's release. Benson was searching Hooker at the time Thomas and Camp entered. Camp is then said to have asked Ben son why he arrested Shaw According to Camp, Benson then struck him In the face, cutting a deep gash. Benson then drew his pistol, according to Camp. The pistol was knocked up ward by Judge Thomas, who said: "Let's have no gun play here." Told Mayor Of Trouble. Shaw was released on his personal recognizance to appear in police court this afternoon. Camp then went to the city hall and told mayor Lea of the trouble. Chief Don Johnson later re- NEWS BREVITIES LOCAL AND GENERAL I' Advertisement Train Dullciln. t , ! Southwestern train No. 4 from the west, due at 1:40 p. m., will arrive at 4 30 p.' m. G H. & S. A. train No. 2, from the west, due at 4:30 p. m.. will arrive at 6:20 p. m. All other after noon and night trains are reported on time. "A little better printing than seems necessary." Phone 1111, Rufe P. March, Franklin Ptg. Co, 623 E. San Antonio. Dr. Carl Smith, 327 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. El Paso Distilled Water Co, Ph. 489. . i You s'e the cooking, you get the 1 best Tho One Spot, 307 Texas. OH Town Burned Oat. I Tulsa, Okla., Feb. 18. Ollton's brief existence as a boom town came to a temporary end Thursday nlghu when the bulltllngs saved from the fire two . . , ......... ..A..A.1 tiv n tAMnd weeKs anu weir .. j ..-.. . conflagration which practically wiped out the little metropolis of the Cush ing oil field. The fire started In a motion picture theater and spread rap Idly through hastily constructed busi ness buildings until .every business Slace on the south aide of Main street etween B and C streets, except the First State bank, had been(burncd. Eat at Pickwlcfc'Cafe, 405 N. Oregon. White Cafe, 106 B San Antonio St Dr. Anna Beam, Buckler Bld.over Elite Dr. Ebert, dentist 216-218 Mills Bids. Woodmen Circle. Willow Grove So. 84 will meet Sat urday night. Feb. 19, in the new K. of P. hall, in the Lanier Bldg. M. E. Scotten, Guardian. Lulu Mattlce, Clerk. rushed to the scene of the reported noiaups. ' Stephenson's studio New location 609 San Antonio St Elegant quarters. Dr. Baachcrt, Dentist Stills BldC Ph. 4857. Accused of HaTlnjc Dream Stuff. Antonio Barron and Felix Vasquez were arrested Thursday night at Sev enth and El Paso streets by officers f Veater and Castlebury on charges of having marihuana in their possession. Dr. A. T. SUU Osteopathic Inflrmar. Dr. Ira W. Collins, nhvslclan in chief: , I Dr. M. Alkire. lady specialist: Dr. Carl cured others. They can cure you. GET IT AT HcMICKLE'S. FOR LESS MONEY We handle the best quality of groceries and the very best Kansas Oity meats. Visit our store if you want that good roast or steak in pork, beef, veal and mut ton, also our grocery dept. is complete in every re spect. Be sure and visit our fruit and vegetable de partment; it is the largest and most complete display in the city. RJlcRSICKLE MAKES THE PRICE THE ORIGINATOR OF 3c BREAD IX EL TASO. Rye, Graham. French and llo-made SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS Home Dressed Hens, nice and fat. average 2 to 6 lbs. ea.. lb. $Vv Home Dressed Springs, best quality, ave. U to 2 lbsfea., lb...2o Trout, nice fresh stock, while they last, lb nn- Oysters, nice medium size ones, only, pint "V AH Meats Under Glass; Not Handled by the l'nl.lle. gnnltnry In Kwrf llepect. Shoulder Roast, lb 10c Hamburger Steak, lb 10c Ho-made Snufcnge, lb ..JOc Shonlner Stenk. 11 1V4 Loin Steak, lb ."c Ronnd Steak, lb 1.C .. . . ... 1?M.f. BACON AND HAMS, Special for Saturday, lb 19? Mutton Chops and Leg, rb....l7e Pork Chops, lb 20c Veal Chop and Loin, lb 25c Rolled Ham, lb Sic Link Snnsage, lb 20c nollrd Roaat, 11 l"V4c Veal Shoulder, lb.., 17e Edward C. Wade, Jrs. formerly Asst O. & Atry for New Mexico, now has law offices Sixth floor 1st Nat BanK Bldg. Special attention New Mexico practice. See Onr Window. Success Cafe. Dr. Jamleaoa, diseases of kidney, blad der, skin and rectum. 618 Mills Bldg. Not how cheap but how good, at Savoy Cafe, 110 S. Stanton. Eat Automobile nPrtlrs Held Up. Los Angeles, Calif. Feb. IS. Reports that four men armed with rifles had held up four automobile parties and an Interurban icar along Washington boulevard, between this city and Venice, a nearby beach resort were received at local police headquarters shortly before midnight Several automobiles loaded with detectives and policemen were Rokahr Shoe repair factory, 319 Tex. x Monition. Notice Is hereby given that there have been seized In this collec tion district for violation of the U S. Custom laws seven horses and seven- teen mules which will be sold at Pub lic Auction, at the Court House Wagon ; Yard, Corner Campbell and Overland Sts., El Paso, Texas, at 10.00 A. M., Saturday, Feb. 26, 1916 Anyone claim- i Ing the property lsrequlred to appear within the time prescribed by law. 1 Zach Lamar Cobb, Collector of Customs. White Star Lunch. No waiting. No Tipping. 213 So. El Paso St Jnva Cafe ."He profits most who serves beet" Dairy Farm Products. B. II. Wiley Held for Officers. Baker H. Wiley was arrested by city detectives Thursday night on advices from J. A. Walton, sheriff of Alpine, Tex. Fresh Garden Vegetables, Success Cafe. Charged With Taking Earth. Leon Camacho was arrested Friday morning, on Texas street by mounted officers, charged wltn taking dirt from private properly ana joaaing it iniu a small wagon. ' Dr. Appmnn, chiropodist Coles Bldg. McKensle I.ooinln, lawyers: gen eral practice. Suite 406, Caples Bldg. LoBgwclI Be carerul of your baggage checks. Leave at Longwell's. Tel. L Dr. AJ n. Rrown. dentist 4"th floor Mills Bldg. . Held On Chicken Stealing Charge. Manuel Estrada was bound over to the grand Jury by Justice J. It Deaver i Friday morning. He was alleged to i have taken 'tome chickens from the i home of C. C. Ktefer on Upson avenue. celved orders to take up Benson's badge and dismiss him from the force. Mayor Tom Lea, when asked for a statement about ,the affair said, Friday morning: "Benson has been fired. That Is all there. Is to it" Chief of police Johnson said: "I waa acting on the orders of the mayor In taking up Benson's badge. I knew nothing of the" . Benson made the following statement Friday Vnornlng. "Camp came In the Jailor's office while I was searching Hooker afld started to abuse me. Camp struck at me first and I hit back. I arrested Shaw for butting in where he had no business." To Cure n Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. -E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 26c Like the sun we are dispensers of warmth and good cheer. R. C Semple, successor to Southwestern Fuel Co. Phone 631. Adv. It time to add to your library latest copyrighted novels, only 60c. See our window. El Paso Book Co, Mills Bldg. "It's Handy." Adv. frEDEAL COURT WITNESSES TO PAY OWN WAY TO TRIALS Santa Fe., N. M., Feb. 18. Voluntary witnesses In federal court cases, who come from outside the district are en titled only to fees for 100 miles of travel. This Is the decision of federal Judge Trippet Just handed down and of much interest In New Mexico. It Is a question that has been buf feted about In federal courts since 1862, when Judge Sawyer decided as Judge Trippet has Just affirmed. The matter has never been before the United States supreme court CORONA, N. M., MAN HELD ON BOND IN LOS ANGELES Corona, N. M., Feb. 18. Charles W. Morrison, or Corona. Lincoln county, a well driller, who a few weeks ago was married at El Paso to a Roswell girl, was held In S5000 bond at Los Angeles on the charge of having cashed checks to buy a diamond ring and other pres ents for his fiancee. The check was for $250 and the Los Angeles Jeweler gavo S125 in change. It is charged that he had no funds In tha bank. THE RIVALRYOF BATHERS R SATURDAY GROCERY SPECIALS x ORANGES, the juicy kind. doz. 35c, 30c and 25 GRAPE FRUIT, very large and juicy ones, 3 for 25 BANANAS, very large stock; try a dozen, doz 20d UNEEDA BISCUITS (7 pkgs. to a person). 7 for 25d Ton Can Get What lou Want at McMlekle's and the Price la niaht Apples. 4 lbs Spuds, 0 lbs Lemons, tlos. ,. Faunt Macaroni. 3 pkgs. .. Lenox Soap, 8 bars Dried' Peaches, lb prunes, large alw, 2 lbs TTMMlnr. tan; fans. 3 for. BULK COCOA, lb 28? ,S5c Pumpkin, 2 cans . .23c Quart OllTB Oil ,20c Sardines, 7 Sc cans .23c Tnll Milk, 2 enns.. .23c Sauerkraut, lb. ... .10c Savor, 10 lbs .ST.c Shrimp 15, 2 for. .... .25c Ten. Colombo, lb ...25c . . .700 . .25c "!l5e ...03c ..S1.00 .. 25 . C5c -::::,: JELLO, any Flavor 2 pkgs.l5 SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIALS coffee ( ,r::x ) Ev"''"'x"4 ' Lb- 3l": EGGS, BR00KFIELD, strictly guaranteed to be fresn, doz. .31 BUTTER, l,i3AYAMPA, absolutely the best. lb 37 Better Come"KrIy and Aiold tue Rush YOT. CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT MeMICKLE'S. O0O-CO2-004 and COC San Antonio St. Jiant of Court House. STATE NATIONAL BANK KatabUaaea' April, 18S1 Capital. Surplnn aad Profits, .INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS C. B. MOBEHKAD, President. I CL N. BASSETT, Vie. Praiiet. JOSEPH MAGOFFIN, V. PreS. QUO. D. FLOHT, CaiaraT. L. J. GILCHRIST, Asst Cashier. EL PASO EXCHANGE SYSTEM .' PRIVATE BANKERS UNINCORPORATED Mexican Money Bought and Sold. 201 & El Paso Street P. 0. Box 1029. Telephone 1371 R. B. BIAS FUEL COMPANY Better prepared than crer to cerrt our customer! promptly and efficiently Ffcene 848. 1310 T2. llluourl St. TTOOD COAL .FEED POULTRY SUPPLIES &jl . mii n vm JLa at. . . -H '& niiiii iiiMMtiffli Hrr set &:;T'. tic '!KaKs ;. t i '--- - Mwsttimmtmmk:mmwwmmwpmjfflWW9 MAS JAMES CfyilZGJSHjZ. &Jr&2S GEo&GC WS3&&- ITlHE exclusive Eocial set at Palm Beach, Fla., is interested in the friendly j but keen rivalry among the jn-ctty women on the beach for the distinction " of appearing in the most novel bathing-costume. This rivalry lias brought out a large variety of bathing dresses and no particular one can be said to nave set a style. Mrs. James G. Parrish. ir.. of Vw Vnrl- .nJ Mr, fiporirfi Ward, of Phila delphia, -were seen on the beach in two of the prettiest costumes yet placed on view, jooin were oi DiacK taiieta, but Mrs. Wards was declared Dy Bpeuiivia to be the more novel of the twn. TTnr now if to nf fh nnntnloon stvle. with a Bhort cutaway skirt and short sleeves. With it she wears a most becoming "Mercury" hat. e IN 4S M 55 S5 48 84 89 88 58 83 83 43 S3 BS 87 T8 79 53 91 0 48 97 44 & 98 89 M 48 41 5T 79 68 87 88 4 OS 67 99 44 73M5864 7Se9S99387 784684879798 45 8S94CS 874349057 47 58980409 838293058 48 987593 47 4eS854888S4a96e853 5t4479834t49 885889 5588588384 47 4S79 57 74 73988J47 7S8S94514883 49 90 73 83 89 87 87 4 43 47 87S5 4S74 8355836576M 975O93BM807943889S 88 77 8955988860559355 779957 49 994S787893 43 $3(0098473645547689 )0' I There wS be no Armax of tm. h mc f K- bed tor. THE AMERI A MgnM o( MeA.' , EVENING STAR BUILDING FIRST AWARD $1000.00 SECOND AWARD $500.00 And 103 other duh prire. offrred by "The American Spedatot"to tbe perioat ecurmg the highest totals in a chain of 100 eoMecuhre fab, drawn m any direction, m right aoIe mora of from 3 to 10 finks, on a chart fonr ttmej the toe of Ihu sample chart. By a link is meant a auraber within a circle. CONTEST STARTED FEB. 16, 1916 CLOSES MARCH 25, 1916 Awards to he announced promptly. This contest is restricted to persona in the United States rending east of the Mississippi Rrrer and in the state of Texas. There is no guesswork connected with this coolest. The problem is strictly a mathematical one. No fee knowledge is required except the abilily to add' 100 figures. Send tea cents for copy of The American Spectator eontamina Ml particulars of the contest, together with 5 extra copies of the working chart. Tie 7?me Is Short Yea Cannot Afford To Waste A Dag CAN SPECTATOR PubEshed eroy other Tbonuay WASHINGTON, D. C. asi g-.a Stjf! ;,-?-35i? il ---.7i 3; 'rm '4j7!r - T Ws'J, T'Ta.rl 5 m m & Note' JB mm 3t l' ft xi oa o and the world laughs with you at the fun you hear n Columbia Records. THE best-known, highest-paid, top-notch stars headliners who make the whole country roar are under the Columbia Banner of Furt, making records exclu sively for the Columbia Graphophone Company. Here's a combination of their records that will hit you just right f you're looking for a laugh: A1863 10-inch 75c. A1855 10-inch 75c. A1817 10-inch 75c. Cohen Telephones the Health Department Comedy Monologue Joe Hayman. Serenade Prince's Orchstra. Trust Scene Mike and Meyer Joe Weber and Lew Fields. Restaurant Scene Mike and Meyer Joe Weber and Lew Fields. I'm Neutral Comic rBcrt Williams. Indoor Sports Comic Bert Williams. x Good, honest, hearty laughs in these records that's the kind you want and that's the kind you get in Columbia comic selections. Your dealer will gladly play these laugh producing records over to you any time you call. New Columbia Recordi go on sale the 20 th ofevcjy month. Columbia Rttordt in all Foreign Languages. This Advertisement was dictated to the Dutafhont. Columbia GraionoU 110 Erics $110 GRAF0N0LAS and DOUBLE-DISC FOR SALE BY Trl'State TaJklnr machine Co., Stanton and Terns sts. Calderoa Brothers. 110 E. Orerland St. Columbia urapnopnone 10.. imi Kim St.. Pnllna. Texan, ummmiora. u. In R.-Sat X i9