Bedtime Story For tke Little Ones
"Uncle WiggUy and the First Little Kitten."
mafeur Bandits
The A
mre old rabbit gentleman, was
asleep In bis easy chair by tho
uro whuh. burned brightly In his hol
i w sti.mp bungalow. Mr. Longears
was dreaming: that he had lust eaten
a I iei.e of cherry pie for lunch, and
that the cherry rj were drrmnlncr on
too floor lth a "rat-a-tat-tat"' when
b" suddenly awakened and heard some
cue knocking; on the front door.
Ha' Who Is there? Come In!" cried
tho rabbit gentleman, hardly awake
Jit Then ho happened to think:
I hope It Isn't the bad fox, or the
skiller-scalety alligator, whom I have
Invited In I ought not to have been
bo quick
But it was none of these unpleasant
Teatun s who had knocked on Uncle
viggilys door It was Mrs. Purr, the
rin cat lad, and when the rabbit
sjcrtleman had let her In she looked so
sal i rid sorrowful that he said'
J Whit Is the matter. Mrs Purr. Has
a iilhin happened4
I id. i d there has. Mr Longears." the
cat ladi answered. "Xou know my
tbre. lutle kittens, don't you?"
hj. ies, 1 know them," replied the
turrs uncle "They are Fuzso, Muszo
an.i uz" I hope they are not HIT"
No th. are not ill,' said the cat
lad mi wing sadly, but they have run
awaj dnd 1 cume to see If you would
help we get them back"
Kun mm' lour aear mue kii
n .1 d Uncle Wlgglly. "You
ti t rne.m It" How did It happen?"
"Well, von know my little kittens
liad e.ili a new pair of mittens," said
Mrs Purr
cg, I read about that in the Mother
Clause book," said the rabbit gentleman,
'it rnu't be nice to have new jalttens."
Mt little kittens -thought so' went
ti Mrs Purr. "Their grandmother,
In.vv 'at Mole, knitted thera"
i re met Pussy Cat Mole," said
Tn le Wlgglly. "After she Jumped over
a oal and In her best petticoat burned
a srrat hole, 1 helped her mend It so
She cnuld go to the party"
I heard about that. It was very
food of you." mewed Mrs Purr. "But
about my little kittens. When they got
their mittens, what do you think they
W hv, I suppose they went out and
plaM-d m the snow," Uncle Wlgglly
ild. 'I know that is what I would
hae done when I w.is a little rabbit if
I hid had a new pair of mittens."
I onlv wish thpy had done that,"
Vi Purr said. "But. instead, they
ijUfnt and ate some cherry ple It got
!U nr their new mittens, and when
tin nw It thev became afraid I would
a i Id ihPtn, and thev ran away. I was
r r norni whn tin j ate the pie and
s il.il then mittens !ut the cat who
Iifs Ti, t door told ine
Now I want to know if you will
try to find mv three little kittens for
nn 1 U77H Wuzio and Muzso? I want
them to i ome home so ludly'"
1 1 go look for them, ' promised the
,Old r dibit gentleman So taking his
re1 whiti and blue rheumatism crutch,
of he started oer the field and
1 1n out- h the woods Mrs Purr went
ta norm to get supper in case her
ttiOPTi tilth thfdr nip-soiled mittens.'
sft 'Uld come back bj themselves be- j
f i re 1 n li Wlggilv found them j
i in and on went the old rabhit gentle- ,
t. ii He looked on all sides and
trr ugh the middle for an of the lost
kit'ins but he saw none for quite a
vnu. Then, all at once, he heard a
ti win? sound over in the bushes, and
re said
i siot-nii
Served Throughout the Civil
War under Gen. Sherman;
Xl Relates True Story
The manufacturers of Plant Juice,
f'te new herhal svetem tonic being in
trnilii'.d here, are safeguarding their
r mr li l novel means In that they
ore -nl uping voluntary testimonials
f-om pi ople of intesritv and standing.
so t at the public cannot be deceived
Tor lntrfiite, the nse of Mr E B
Ip ill ilrove, who rtsides at No. 2222
1 rtsfoTd Ae, Cleeland. Ohio, Civil
VVar ct.ran, haling fought in 69 bat
li res under (ienera! Sherman, and was
fwi jnrled four different tlmi s. made the
1 ' wuig statement recently
Jc i r mute a number of ears I have
s ffcied tIth stomach and Klrtnev trou
I le M food would ferment In my
sionieih. causing gases to form and I
was ulna! s more or less bloated Iwu
also rhiomi illy constipated, nervous
und restlivs and could not sleep at
right I hsd doctored and taken a
great main remedies for mv troubles
bat nothing Eiml to help me. I had
1-' aril iru of my ft lends talking about
1 ant Juice and I thought I would try
n bottie T can now truthfully state
fir publication that since taking Plant
Juice I hac felt like a different per
si n I can eat anything I desire and
1' ne.er distresses me It has a de-
1erl effect on my kidneys, as I do not
i ae an- pains now in my back at all.
. am not at all nerious and roetless
rid sleep fine at night In fact ray
general health has greatly Improved.
1 am grateful for my recovery o health,
end give all due praise to Plant Juice "
Plant Juice is sold In El Paso at
Kelly & Pollard's Drug Store Adv.
Stands for Highest Quality Groceries and Meats at
the Lowest Prices.
Meat Specials for Saturday
Sulzberger's Maiestic
Sulzberger's Majestic
Capital Brand Breakfast nn
Bacon, per lb tt C
Silver Leaf Pure Lard "t c
(in bulk), per lb JLOC
Brisket Stew, r)j"
31bs for OC
We handle only the best of choice
Ji.uiuj AA,00,Lf Xljcna
per dozen
16 lbs. Kufrar $1.00
10 'bi- Colo. Potatoes 25c
8 bais Lenox Soap 25c
Lake View Creamery Butter,
1 lbs. for $1.03
1" lb. can Snowdrift $1.25
Prompt Delivery Service.
PHONES 1571-1572. J 4C8-410 WYOMING !T
"Ha! There is the first little kit
ten!" And there, surely enough she
was Fuzzo.
"Oh, dear!" Fuzzo was saylnsr. "I
don't believe I'll ever get them clean!"
"What's the matter now?" asked the
rabbit gentleman, though he knew quite
well what It was, and only pretended he
did not "Who are you and what Is the
matter T" he asked.
"Oh, I'm In such trouble," said the
first little kitten. "My sisters and I ate
some pie in our new mittens. We soiled
them. Weren't we naughty kittens?"
"Well, perhaps, Just a little bit
naughty," Uncle Wlgglly said. "But
you should not have run away from
your mamma. She feels very badly.
'Where are Muzzo and Wuzzo?"
"I don't know," answered Fuzzo.
"They ran one way and I ran another.
I'm trying to get the pie Juice out of
my mittens, but I can't seem to do It"
"How did you try?" Uncle Wlgglly
wanted to know.
"I am rubbing my mittens up and
down on the rough bark of trees and
on stones," answered Fuzzo. "I thought
that would take the pie stains out, but
It doeen't"
"Of course not!" laughed Uncle Wig-
guy, -wow you come with me. I am
going to take you home. Your mother
sent me to look for you."
"Oh, but I'm afraid to go home,"
mewed Fuzzo "My mother will scold
me for soiling my nice, new mittens. It
says so In the book."
"No, she won't!" laughed Uncle Wlg
glly. "You Just leave It to me. And
you eome to my Tiollow stump bunga
low first"
So Fuizo, the first little kitten, put
one paw In Uncle Wlgglly's, and car
rying her mittens in the other, along
they went together.
"Where are you. Nurse Jane Fuzzy
Wuizy7" called the rabbit gentleman,
when they reached his hollow stump
bungalow. "I want you to make some
nice, hot, soapy suds and water, and
wash this first little kitten's mittens.
Then they will be clean, and she can
take them home with her"
So the muskrat lady made some nice,
hot soap-bubbly suds and In them she
washed the kitten's mittens. Then.
when they were dry. Uncle Wlgglly
took them and Fuzzo to Mrs. Purr's
"Oh, how glad I am to have you
back!" cried the cat mother. "I wouldn't
have scolded you, Fuzzo, You must
not be afraid any more."
"I won't," promised the first little
kitten, showing her nice, clean mit
tens. And then Uncle Wlgglly said he
would go find the other two lost baby
cats. And so. If the milkman doesn't
put gold fish In the ink bottle, to make
the puppy dog laugh when he goes to
bed, I'll tell you next about Uncle Wig
gily and the second kittle. Copyright
1S16, by McClure Newspaper Syndicate,
The Daily Novelette
On the Lnnillnpr.
The north wfnri blows n few salute,
There'j lee upon the river.
And when I think of Palm Beach snlts.
I shlier.
INCE the death of Canopen Orderly.
Ramshackle House had held the
' nroud distinction of belnir the po
litest man in the world. He rarely did
anvthinir. but when he did. It was either
: according to the rules of etiquet or not
at all. If he was served Ice, cream
without an Jce cream fork, he slmpU
I lef It languish there.
, As our story opens rtamshackle
House is peacefully sleeping with his
ankles crossed and one hand behind
his head, the attitude prescribed by
, Hogmelster's Book of Well Bred Pos-
Ss haes y3'JS&m'A by creak"
A Durgiar: was nia urst iiiuukui,
and also his second. His first two
thoughts were right, and the burglar
at the second landing, stopped In sur-
Erlse as Ramshackle House confronted
Im with a leveled revolver.
"Now you march right to the lock
up!" commanded the world's politest
man "But hold' Stop! Stay! Blessed
If I know whether it's polite to pre
eedA a HtirttlAr down stairs or follow
I him. Walt a moment and I'll look It
i up."
Ana ne ran oactc to nis room ior r-js-ty's
"Unusual Cases and How to Pro
ceed," and of course the burglar took
j mat opportunity io ihsku kwuu i" "
I cape However, It was just as well.
I and Ramshackle House, who had been
unable to find a thing about burglars
In any of his books, was rearfully re
lieved when he returned to find the
fellow gone.
Phoenix. Ariz., Feb. 18 Wanted, a
site for a government fish hatchery,
somewhere in Arizona.
Congressman Carl Hayden recently
Introduced in the house of representa
tives a bill appropriating J50.000 for
such a hatchery. Senator Mark Smith
believes that It will pass and has writ
ten state game warden G. M. Willard
asking that he recommend the most
suitable site.
Warden Willard believes the best site
is on Oak creek. In Coconino county,
though there are certain transporta
tion difficulties to be overcome. The
waters of southern Arizona streams
are too warm, he says.
i ... i n. ...,.- mJj
10 to 14 Hi. aierage
Fresh Tork Loins glA,
(1-2 or whole), per lb. 1 0'2C
Home Blade Pork
Sausage, 2 lbs. for.
2 lbs. for
fed steers, veal, mutton and pork.
A11V lUAbLlO,
10 lb. can Laurel Leaf Pure
Larl $1.35
3 pkjrs. Kellogg'a Corn FIakesT.25c
8 rolls Toilet Paper 25c
Tall cans Alaska Salmon. .!!l5c
5 lbs. Bulk Lump Starch.. 25c
Mr. Neely here cleverly describes another tensely exciting adventure of that in
trepid aviator who won for himself the nickname of "The
Devil's Darning Needle."
By HEXRY M. NEELY, Author of "The Fourth Finger," "The Darning; Needle Stings," etc.
TWICE on their rapid flight back to
the station, they heard Warner
behind them making desperate
Indicative of more than a moderate de
sire to bo released and to talk.
They finished their flight, and Say
vllle landed as lightly as a bird.
Warner was fuming with rage when
they untied him. For many minutes
his cramped limbs were too numb for
movement, and Sayvllle's strong fin
gers follower b the gag. had para
lyzed Is tongue and vocal organs so
that he could not speak.
Both of his captors took advantage
6f this enforced silence to express their
opinions plainly about deserters In gen
eral and this one in particular. They
laid eloquent stress upon the utter In
sanity of attempting to escape the
clutches of an avenging government,
and painted, with due modesty, their
own self-sacrifice in thus rescuing a
misguided fellow officer from the in
evitable consequences of such folly.
Seeral times Warner tried desper
ately to speak, but his voice would not
come. Finally he managed to make his
gasps articulate. ......
"Oh, you blithering idols!" he gur
gled, his face purple with a paroxysm
of fury. "You unmitl tlgat ted r
f fools' I wasn't desertin'."
Sayville and Lardener simultaneous
ly sprang to their feet They stared
in blank astonishment from Warner to
each other and back again to Warner.
"Not deserting!" they cried.
Warner choked back a bruised and
swollen Adam's apple that persisted In
getting in the way of his words.
"No," he gurgled. "I was goln' to
Wash n'fn to be mar-married."
Tie struggled for further speech, con-
Common Sense Needed In the Home
Too Many Good and Brilliant Women Lack Judgment in Dealing With
Husbands' Desire for Variety in Life, Ella Wheeler Wilcox Says.
IT is easy for many women to be
brilliant and it is easy for others
to be good. But It seems the most
difficult thing in the world for a wo
man to be sensible.
Genius and virtue are everywhere,
but we seBrch for common sense. Wo
man is called a composite creature.but
man is tenfold more composite. When
a man has had the whole world cater
ing to everything in his makeup except
his love of virtue, he Is not to be made
abidingly happy with nothing but that
quality satisfied.
He cannot suddenly and permanently
change his whole mental structure. Be
up the liberties and vices, which the I
satisfied, then. If your nusoana gives
world allows a bachelor, but do not
ask him to relinquish the courtesies
and recreations which are every man's
Drive suspicion from your door and
Install confidence in its place. Culti
vate self esteem and selr confidence,
and think, act talk and live so sweetly
and lovingly that rivalry Is Impossible.
Make the new life a holiday, not
a term of Imprisonment A very good
woman who has no human weakness In
her nature is sometimes the devil's tool
to drive men to drink. Every now and
then a man marries an Innocent Un
worldly and "good" woman.
Fetv Knnw AVUe Conrse to Follow.
He wants the sweet home life he
had not In the paths of pleasure nor in
the byways of license He wants the
nnmercenary devotion of a loving
woman, and he wants to walk forth in
the broad light of day, unashamed,
with his wif by his side.
It is the inevitable goal of every
worth while man The world approves
of such marriages, and the woman feels
that the Is filling the highest mission
of her sex In reclaiming a lost sheep
But how few such women know the
wise middle course to walk with such
a man. It Is all very well to listen
when he tells you he ii happier than
he has ever been in his life before, and
thnt his home Is dearer to him than anv
club on earth. But It Is far from well
If you fall upon his neck and weep the
first time he intimates that he would
. . . J I if wft Paul v lu V "
Wk S f Turn m.l 7taL f -2h)
vggj 'i r " , v thro ii w-'i
T-lSPH,?) &LAf.i y y
l 2Z5r SS V ., WV r-.' VJ s!
.rv. eisms. : j 12. o
iHflo'a iEEr50 j?1 sr....--tK v v tzu xsi)
'?tP (f W
(Contlnued from yesterday.)
quered his resistant larynx and shook
his two fists at them In a fresh out
burst of Indignation.
"Oh," he cried, "you Ivory-domed, ad-dle-pated,
mush-headed, turtle-brained
sons of a four-eyed sea-cook. You
you you "
Sayvllle's Jaw dropped In Impotent
mental surrender. His eyes roved
about like the eyes of a man seeking
some way of escape.
"But but " he stammered. "Oak
ford said I thought"
Warner sprang to his feet again, his
strength renewed.
"Oakford took me to Edgewater Beach
so that I could get an automobile to
the Junction," he said. "I've kept my
engagement quiet because I couldn't
stand the Joshing of a lot of smart
Alecks here who think they have brains
enough to be funny. I was to have
gone this morning on a twg-months'
leave of absence, but there was a tangle
In my final report and I had to stay
and straighten It out So Capt Cralg
more and-tileut Joline took the morn
ing train to Washington to complete
my wedding arrangements for me. 1
was to take the Southern Express as
I did. It Is due In Washington at 9
oelock In the morning. The wedding
Is or was to be at 11. Now you see
what you have done, you you Bah!
I'll have you both up before a court
martial for this when I get back If
I ever get away."
Sayville groaned In a real agony of
"Good Lord'" he moaned, " and not
another train tonight!"
He looked accusingly at Lardener.
"No," agreed the army man. "Noth
ing passes here after the express ex
cepted the Limited, and that don't stop
between Humbold and Washington. We
couldn't bandit another train tonight;
like to drop In at the club and talk
with the old chums for an hour.
This is the poorest method you could
adopt to convince him of the greater
Joys of home. There Is a certain fasci
nation in a club to most men. There Is
.lunger tn this fascination to some men.
When a man sickens of It and wants
a home it is because he has had noth
ing but his club, and because there Is
a worthy element In his nature which
calls for something; better.
The fact that he should want to
visit the old scene now and then Is
not an Indication that he Is sick of
home or that he Is wandering from
the fold again.
If you have married a man who has
Pyerfond of the fair sex and
he is kind and true and loving, do not
stand forever upon the men, lest he
become disloyal to you. Constant sur
veillance never kept a man true. It
has made many a man unfaithful.
In the association with the women
he does not love a man often most ap
preciates the woman he does love.
Should he take a seat by some other
woman and converse with her In your
presence, do not act sulky, distrait or
That only makes you ridiculous and
Although your Innocence and un
worldllness won your husband from the
paths of folly, those qualities will not
keep him at your side unless you min
gle common sense and tact with them.
Absolute loyalty, absolute morality,
absolute honor and cleanliness of life
every woman has the right to ask of
her husband. But to make him a will
ing captive should be woman's art not
to make him a life prisoner and the
home a reformatory and the wife a
suspicious warden, always Imagining
that the prisoner is planning escape.
The good wife must possess other
qualities besides goodness to make her
marriage with a mere man successful.
Comman sense and tact must be two
strands of the rope to make It strong
enough to act as an anchor for the
domestic ship. The too good wife re
lies wholly upon one strand and the
ship breaks anchor. '
If vour husband has given up dlssl-
new rsna 0,1) 7
oT M& V. r a (
'nl -3C JWIW V S s tff-fe. K V
5x. Trv2r vjfuioai'uw s c? i vrmV
we've lost our nerve."
"Where Is HumboIdT" Sayville asked
"Nearly 150 miles to the south "
Sayville sprang to his feet He
thrust his hand beneath his overalls
Into a pocket of his own trousers and
drew out his wallet With shaking fin
gers he counted out all the bills it con
tained and handed them to Warner.
"That's for your ticket and a wed
ding present besides," he cried. "Jump
Into the machine, quick. I'll fly you to
Two weeks later. Lardener and Say
ville carefully locked themselves In the
older man's room, thrust their unopened
letters Into their pockets, and with
white faces and anxious eyes, spread
out their newspapers to read the prog
ress of the search for the two desper
ate bandits who had held up the South
ern Express and kidnaped a passenger
whose identity had not yet been
learned. Rewards totaling $5000 were
offered for the desperadoes, dead or
"Nothing yet," said Sayville. "They've
releasdd those to chauffeurs. I'm
glad I don't believe they did it"
"No," Lardener agreed. "The author
ities are still away off the track."
Sayville drew out his letters. As he
read one, he gave a gasp and handed it
to Lardener. It was only a short note,
hastily scribbled on a steamer's paper:
Dear Deadwood Dicks.
I see they are offering rewards
of $5000. That will Just start us
nicely In our housekeeping when
we get back. Yours. i
p. s. I have told my wife all
about it. She says she wants to
meet you chaps and thank you
when she returns though, for the
life of me, I can't see why.
The end.
ORE Truth
Than Poetry
Conntllutlnnal Rights.
New York Police Require Taxi
Driver to Report All Robberies."
Headline: Excepting, of course, such
reports as might tend to Incriminate
or degrade them.
The Only Convlnclnjr Argument.
The militiamen all have votes and
the continental army Isn't In existence.
Now ask. If you need to, why congress
favors tho militia?
AI1 Worldn Are Alike.
Professor Lowell's dlscoT&ry of great
quantities of Ice on Mars seems to In- '
dicate that Mars also has its Fairbanks
And Save the Country Honey.
Mr. Wilson Isn't much worried about
the resignation of cabinet officers.
CoL House will be back soon, and then
he can get along once more without
any cabinet
Xot Much Of a Choice.
Recruiting in England continues to
be slow. Unmarried men cannot make
up their minds whether to go to the
altar or the trenches.
patlon, do not Insist that he must let
his cigar go also. If he has abandoned
the gaming table, do not cay that he
must give up the social game of cards
as well to make you happy. It he has
stopped all flirtatious relations with
the opposite sex. do not ask him to
relinquish all friendly associations with
otner women.
If he has come up out of a lower
plane to your altitude, do not ask him
to stand forever on a pedestal. Let
him walk, upon the earth among mor
tals and be satisfied.
In order to think him a good man,
do not ask him to be an angel. v ,
Wholesome, normal, sensible human
beings are what we all need to be
while on earth, not dissembled spirits.
Copyright 1916, Star Company.
If you want smoke buy cigars. If you
want the most for your money buy
our coaL It C. Semple. successor to
Southwestern Fuel Co. Phone 531. Adv.
Prepared in the good old fashioned
way flavor "Deliclously Different,"
you are sure to like Sulzberger's Ma
iestic Hams and Bacon. Adv.
No mat f er howmoclesf
your homcyou can afforc
wwuxuwiumu vvii.ii w
'Tour for Service,"
El Paso Electric Railvay Co.
Electric Eld;.
before you buy
another pound of rice
is23cjf 1 y
mrmnllT nwMisMT rrrrn ii i wiw i
Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 1 S Traffic over
the Gila bridge, at Florence, will be
resumed in about two weeks, according
to state engineer Lamar CoDb.
Workmen are already building rip
rap work to deflect the Gila back un
der the bridge. As soon as possi
ble another crew will begin building
a temporary approach across the 900
foot channel the GIU has washed
south of the bridge It Is possible that
several new spans will be added to the
bridge later.
GRANT OF 27,000,000 ACRES
Santa Fe ,N. M.. Feb U.-S-Copies of
the senate bill introduced by senator
Albert B Fall,, donating the 27.GO0.eOfl
acres of public lands to the state, were
received today by the state chamber of
The land grant ,ls to pay off the
construction of the Elephant Butte
and other Irrigation works and, under
the provisions of the bill, a cattleman
or sheepman can acquire 5,158 acres
of the public domain.
utnr. no crteTMiJT
C0tt?UttenT5 75 NDBOWWIH
a T6HtP. EAR, NcP- 1N-
SiNUtfe. no tHuenw Af?eP--
nttrtlrlG TO WHOMSofcV P- To
mo, m reuwe nc
I'm RlCHi TrfeRe vp
l.. l I 1 I I L&.
JD-V. "-, VKeJ
5Ue6rl Dtuo " i
... Tflvtett n-
u-' "' . TUP
SOffctnino .;-
Cftl prawn-
casual' vf
I sxSWr V .VFl
dP-V " "V V1AV
Phone 2323.
heed this fact Most rice used in the
United States is coated with glucose and
talc. The proof lies in the fact that it must
he thoroughly washed before using. It's
different with
Comet Rice
no glucose no tele
Nothing is put on, so there's nothing to
wash off. Comes to you in a neat, clean
carton its contents untouched by human
hands' Have your grocer send you a pack
age try one of the recipes printed on it
or try it in your own- favorite way. We
won't find it necessary to urge you to buy
your second package. Tear out this adver
tisement now, and put it ii your purse to
remind you.
If cross, feverish or bilious
give "California Syrup
of Figs."
No matter what alls your child, a
gentle, thorough laxative should always
be the first treatment given.
If jour little one is out-of-sorts, half
sick, isn't resting, eating and acting:
naturally look, Mothers! see if tongue
is coated. This Is a sure sign that It's
little stomach, liver and bowels are
clORged with waste. When cross. Irri
table, feverish, stomach sour, breath
bad or has stomach-ache, diarrhoea,
sore throat, full of cold, give a tea
spoonful of "California Syrup of. figs,"
and In a few hours all the constipated
poison, undigested food and sour bile
gently moves out of its little bowels
without griping, and jou have a well,
playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this harmless "fruit laxative, because
it never fails to cleanse the little one's
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom-
, ach and they dearly love its pleasant
' aaftt C.lt dti.ll... .. L.VI.. 1.11
dren of all ages and for grown-ups
printed on each bottle.
Boware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a 50-cent bottle or
"California Svrup of Figs;" then see
that It is made by the "California Fig
Syrup Company." Advertisement
Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderlne at
any drup store, pour a little Into your
hand and rub well into the scalp with
the finger tips. By morning most, ir
not all, of this awful scurf will have
disappeared. Two or three applica
tions will destroy every bit of dan
druff: stop scalp Itching and falling
hair. Adv.
Says Dyspeptics
Need More Magnesia
Take A tittle Ttlnnrnted Magnesia In
Hot Water night After Eatlne
And liujoy UIk Meals In Com
fort Without Distress.
If people who suffer more or less
constantly after meals with acid" Indi
gestion or dyspepsia, sourness, gas.
bloating, etc, would make a practice
of taking a teaspoonful of Blsurated
Magnesia In a quarter glass of hot
water right after eating they might
there and then put an end to all fear
of stomach trouble. For Blsurated
Magnesia mixing with tha digesting
food and stomach juices promptly and
effectively sweetens all excess add.
Jirevents fermentation and souring of
ood and insures a normal and painless
digestion that possibly you have not
experienced before in years. Get a
few ounces of the pure Bisurated Mag
nesia from the nearest drug store and
try it and see. It is harmless to the
stomach and inexpensive. For stom
ach purposes be sure to get Bisurated
Magnesia rather than Magnesia In
other forms as this Is specially pre
pared for neutralizing. stomach
acidity. Adv.