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8 EL PASO HERALD II FELLOWS TO BID AT OK mm a GHT5 Tl IfilTISTI RABIES SPECIALIST I DYING OF RABIES I ' BKMUatMWJI WIMHUM WMWjjWWMmmliiUL Birds' Asked For $32,000 Odd Fellows Lodge Home on "Fraternity Square;" Elks to Celebrate 25th Birth ' day Anniversary Monday; K. C. to Initiate Large Class on Washington's Birthday Anniversary. II s will be asked during: the next M.ik for the building of the new home of the Odd Fellow bodies In Kl Pnso Th building committee met VedrPBl i night and announced that finam i il matters had been arranged which will permit of proceeding with tlie vork of building. Tn. in building will occupy the northwest corner of Franklin and Santa 'o sti ret. o erlooking Cleveland square nnd ill cost, equipped, about (32,000 The flans, which were prepared by T-ost A Trost, provide for a structure 4xlm fi't, with basement and two BtorKv In the basement will be lo cated cluh rooms, dining: room, kitchen .ind heiting and cooling Bst-ms The first floor will contain a l.uge audi torium together with an attractive en trance anil foer, and stairways leading tn tht sreond floor On the second floor will be located the lodge room and necessar,- ante-rooms A feature of the new building will be a Hashed cooling system. Pratcrnnl Sqnnre. This -will be the se ond fraternal building to be located In the Mcinit of Cleveland and Carnegie squares the first being the Masonic temple A block further up Sanfa Fe street is the prop erty upon which the Scottish Rite Ma sons will erect their new cathedral, probatiK within the present jear Er-fo-ts Ime been maOe to create of the locallu a sort of center for fraternal buildings l-.IkH 23 Yrnra Old. TwtnU-five ears ago r-1 Paso lodge of Klls ii found d The anniversary will occur next Monda evening and will be duly celebrated at fhe home of al the lodge All the charfer members and other "old timers" will be gueHts of honor and. included in the program, w III be talks by several of the early numbers. The celebration will begin at 8 oclock in the lodge room. There will be a program and refreshments. The committee which has the matter In charge will meet with chairman Chas Armstrong tonight at the club to com plete the details. Kncnmpmeiit Clnss. Sit Franklin encampment will have a large class of candidates for the de grees of the order in July and It is planned to conduct this degree work In the new ouiimng Kl Pnm lAilvu Vn J urflt otipt n class of IS candidates on March C, and ' will complete the work of contemns decrees unon them during the month ' The lodge will meet next Monday night to confer the second degree upon Har vey II. Downey western Rebekah lodge Is planning a box social for the 29th for Odd Fel lows and their friends. To Confer Patriotic Ilegrrr. Arrangements for the conferring of the fourth, or patriotic, degree, of the Knights of Columbia which will be conferred on a class of 125 or 130 on ashington's birthday anniversary will be perfected Sunday. The conferring of this degree will be the largest Knights of Columlius event cer held In the city, and will be at tended by fourth degree knights from various parts of the southwest. The conferring of the degree will be in charge of Joseph Morrison. United States district attorney at Prescott, Ariz, sslstlng him will be a team of 15, selected frojn among fourth degree knights in Arizona, New Mexico and west Texas. The patriotic degree is conferred only zxzmswcois vs llncago. 111. Francois Was, of fattr- son, X. J., a noted specialist on hydro phobia, is lying near death in a hospital here as a result of being bitten by a dog infected with rabits lie is under the care of his fatlu r. Br. Juan Was. Finish Your Week s Shopping At Everybody's Saturday Choose 'Everybody's Chocolates T HEY are the best on earth." say the many people who buy them here. A new fresh shipment here tomorrow. Boxes of dif ferent sizes at 50c a pound. Handsome, New Trimmed Hats at $2.95 Every Family Needs this Splendid Remedy Compound of Simple Laxative Herbs Recommended For Constipation. When a irmedv has stood' the test of critu i an iljsla and strong compe tition for ner a quarter of a century and establish s itself as the Indispensa ble household remedy in thousands of homes, it is prettj good of its efficacy. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has been on the mirket since 1889, its use being gradually extended until now- it is gen erally regarded by druggists as the staple fannlv laxative. It Is a combina tion of simple laxative herbs, free from opiates or narcotic drags, gentle in its action and positUe In effect It costs onlv fiftv cents a bottle and can be purchased In drug stores everywhere. Mr. Frank Klima, of 230 Ashland Ae, Baltimore, Md , wrote Dr. Cald well reeentlj that he had tried about erything without being helped until he got a bottle of Dr Caldwell's 6rup Pepsin, which he considers the greatest known ri mi ih for indigestion, consti tution ir i stoni ich troubles. Get a bottle of Pr Caldwell's Pyrup Pepsin fioni our druggist and keep it In the house A trial bottle, free of i - in: mm r i i mij. rnMv Ki.nn chirge, can be obtained Vy writing to Dr W. B Caldwell, 454 Washington St., Monticello. 111. How Grip, Pneumonia and Influenza Victims May Gain Strength The Recent Epidemic Has Left Many Weak and Run Down Systems Which Must Be Built Up. The epidemic of grip, pneumonia and Influenza which recently swept the country with severe loss of life, has left In Its wake a host of ictims whose sstems are weak nnd run down. How to build them up is a subject of interest as undoubtedlv tlure are thousands s ekinK tins ad lee A fur such attacks, disease germs bite a, i timulated in great quantities. ami thf s-Wni of course is weakened th rch To build up the system and in this wa emlilc it to throw off the poison, is thetefore necessary The stomach i toe kej to health building as the msioriU of physical ills are di rects tnceable to It as a source I'mfv's Pure Malt Whlskev assists in ouuaing up iik system because It Is from the choicest of health giving grains thoroughly malted. It Is ac ceptable to the weak stomach as it requires little effort of the digestive organs. It assists tho stomach in its duties of converting food Into blood b stimulating the flow of gastric Juices. Grip, pneumonia and influenza vic tims should take the prescribed advice of a tableepoonful fn water or milk before meals and on retiring You will be surprised how the system responds to this treatment Try it today. It is sold by most druggists, grocers and dealers, $1 00. If they can't supply you, write us. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co, Rochester, N. Y. ro orders solicited In violation of upon Knights of Columbus who are citizens of the Unitd St ites It is al ways conferred upon some national hol iday. nuclei Initiate. At the regular meeting of El Paso aerie, No. 73, Fraternal uruer or eagles, held Wednesday night, a class of 2U were initiated Into the mvsteries of the order. These were among the appli cants left over when the special dis pensation expired on February 1 There are still 60 applications on file and ery likely there will be a class for the meeting next Wednesday night. W. C. Bulger, worthy president, has again been honored by the grand aerie by his appointment as district deputy grand president. The building com mittee Is working on a deal that will probably mean a new home .for the aerie. After the business meeting Wed nesday night a smoker was held, with William J. Moran, chairman of the building committee, as master of cere monies. The smoker concluded with a musical program and short talks by W J. Moran, J. W. Peak, W. C. Bulger. C It. Armstrong, Will I. Watson, Sam Browne. Roe Tolllson and others Masons Meet. ML Franklin lodge of perfection. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, met Monday night for routine business. The Hose Croix chanter. Knlehts Kadosh council, and El Paso consistory No. 3 wilt meet next Monday night. The next regular meeting of El Paso commandery. Knights Templar, will Qe held next Thursday night for routine business. ' 1 Paso lodge. No. 130, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, held a stateu communication Wednertlay night and at a called communication tonight will confer the third degree upon two can didates. On Monday night there will be work in the second degree, on Wednes day night work In the third degree, and on next Friday night work in the third degree. The next regular meeting of the Royal Order of Lions will be held March 2. and on March 30 there will be a special meeting for degree work. when a large class will be in. K. of I'. Lodge In ?.eiv Hall. Kl Paso lodge. Knights of Pythias. held Its first session Thursday night in I the new hall on the fourth floor of the new Lanier building. The event was made the occasion of a housewarmlng, and after a short business session thsre were talks on subjects suggested by the fact that Saturday will be the 22d anni versarj of the founding of the order. After the talks came refreshments and then a short program Next Thursday there will be work In the rank of page. i I I Handson II Blllllll V?5k4l1S2JwIII II D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9Tri'S2VP0jil 1 1 E BmHH III I IkISK0 I S llll IIIK12F -' J II I i v -Pf A I I I Iv '- i v4 iw ill I ff" (STATIONERY I! II Fresh Flowers For Saturday OEAUTIFUL Violets and Carnations, fresh here Saturday mom " ing and afternoon. Buy your flowers in a "Not for Profit" department. All Remaining Modi Friday Sale of From Our Big Hats, SATURDAY will be the last day of the most important sale of trimmed hats that El Paso people have seen this season. Out of a sample line of two hundred new spring models we have remaining for Saturday about forty styles. These are not the ordinary sale hats, but smart, snappy models that ought to sell up to $10.50. Every style, color and shape in this collection. Turbans, sailors and many others. In reality, this it the second day of a sensational safe, lake advantage ot this ottering to procure a new and tasnionabte spring hat at a nominal price. Choice $2.95 Women's Unionsuits, 48c Lightweight Garments For Spring "'yjARMER days will soon be here to remain for months a fact which you should now consider when thinking of new underwear. Here we are offering wom en's light weight union suits in low neck and sleeveless styles. Gauze Lisle Vests, 3 For $1.00 Women's light and medium weight gauze lisle vests in delicate pink and white shades. Some have crocheted yoke, others V. neck. Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs - "jpHESE are new arrivals and are superior to any we have previously shown at this price. Women's crepe de chine handkerchiefs in dainty colored effects. Then there are others in white with colored borders. Em broidered by hand in fetching designs. Women's New Veils,. $1 to $4.95 New Brussels net veils with fancy edges. Either square or circular styles. Fitted to your hat Priced $1 to $4.95. a predigested food in liquid form made Ttxas laws Advertisement. CHANGE IN ADJUTANTS MADE IN THE HAWAIIAN DEPARTMENT Washington. D O , Feb. 18 The follow ing array orders hae been Issued Lieut Col J. H McRae. adjutant general. la relieved of duty In office of adjutant general of army and will proceed at proper time to San Francisco thence to Honolulu about June S for duty aa adjutant of Ha waiian department. Lieut. Col Archibald Campbell, adjutant general. Is relived from doty as adjutant of llawalan department, effective about May 15, and will ttan proceed to San Francisco and report for further orders iiy direction or the president. Second T.I'iit P. R Hunter. Second cavalry. Is de tailed an professor of military science at Riverside Military aradem Gainesville, Oa. Two Boxes for 25 NICE firm paper put up in fairy box. A full quite to the box and an unusually good value; for Saturday, 2 boxes for 25c Bon Bon Trays They are only 1 9c tomorrow. Seeral neat shapes. Hand Bags, 95c And they are genuine leather, too. Silk and moire lined. Extra special. Plated Castors Three bottle castors for only 19c Silver plated and very serviceable. Glass Cruets, $1.25 Very pretty Colonial glass cruets in a silver plated frame. Good values at $1.25. Toilet Goods Special For Saturday Pebeco Tooth JQ Paste at &C Pond's Ex. .Kf tract, only OsJC Mennen's Tal- in cum Powder. . 1 C LaBlache E,,r Face Powder. . ODC Bay Rum, -a v Bottle I DC Honey and Al- on mond Cream. . &C Sanitol Cold i c Cream IOC Ivory Soap, Saturday Only, 6 Bars 25c Witch Hazei, 1A. Bottle iVC Large Bottle l Q Sozodont A Corsets Very Special Saturday $3 and $3.50 Models Only $1.95 We are offering for tomorrow women's corsets in any number of good'styles at $1.95. They are W. B. and Majestic makes of plain or bro caded materials. Made with either medium or low bust. $5.00 to $6.50 Corsets $2.95 We are including in this lot Madarwlrene. Sylph and Madam Marietta makes. AH well known by women who are accustomed to purchasing high grade corsets. Medium, low and high bust models at $2.95. 90c and $1.00 Union Suits 69c Women's medium weight and slightly fleeced union suits for early spring. High or Dutch neck and have either long or short sleeves. Ankle tGk length. Special OtC Kit 03! I IfcHfc Of P:v Op Charles M Schwab the steel magnate. Is having a Roman bath installed In hts new million dollar mansion at Cressen. Fa. I ' Specials For mmmxmmism Satur Shoulder Roast, per lb Shoulder Steak, per !b Pij: Pork Shoulders (half or whole) per lb Pig Pork Legs, per lb 12i Extra Special ,12tec ... 16c jygjirggissBBslMF fBto. day I IZfec m v y v . y s . ... I ) , k WEJGlVE af STAMPS J t YEARS Ago Today From The Herald al This Dale. 1001. Pig Pork Loin Roast, per lb Heme Made Pork Sausage (bulk or link), per lb ic 15c Home Cured Hame or Bacon, (half or whole), per lb Bacon Briskets (nice for boiling), per lb Home Rendered Lard, per lb Fresh Yard Eggs, per doz 22fec 20c 15c 35c Try Some Of Our Sugar Cured Corned Beef A Smoked Tongue Will Solve The Sunday Night Supper Problem, HENS SPRINGS FRESH FISH 1 14 N. Stanton St. 'Phones 6400-01 02 SBJBSfiSSl997 Th vi T'ao rattle company is the name of a new corporation that will shortl take over tne immense iracis or range lana in tne eiaio ui v.nniua hua, the sale of which was recently re ported The incorporators Include W. J. Cox. E J. Carter, Joseph Ryan, Thomas McPherson, J. M. Colt and T H, Risham The homo offices of the com pany will be in El Paso. J. P Milner left for Demlnir to In terest the contractors of that place in the white wnds product. R. J. Bod-and family returned from Mexico, where they have been on a two weeks' hunting trip MIjs Annie Ilorwlt. who has been the truest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaplan, left for her home In New York. R. J Bovd and C. H. Townsend left for a two weeks' huntlnB trip In tho mountains of northern Mexico W T) Greet returned from a trip to c ,. ...... -..l-iAva lie wpnt AA n j Ruarrt for the Wells-FarBO IJxpresa I company Benjamin Aexander Blum and Clara Addle Scanlon were united in marriaffe ' nt the home of the sroom's father. Isaac Blum on San Antonio street depuu sheriffs Brysnt and Clements arrsted Ramon Galindo, one of the mot noted outlaws In the southwest. Friday afternoon at 2 oclock the new high shool will be dedicated with ap propriate exercises. Tho exercisei will he participated in by practically every tnemober of the school. The Border Rifles will soon plate he fore the public their first annual ben efit In the shape of a minstrel show. W J Prummond, an old time profes filmnl, is promoting: the show Th Kl Paso Smelting company in auKurated a new system of purchas ing metals that Is radically dfferent from that followed for the past few months. In view of this, it appears eident that smelter people consider the metals price war ended. 12.30 cash, $12.60 In 3 monthly In stallments, buys Interest In hog ranch Oood Investment For particulars call room 512 Caples Bids. Adv Build up yaur homo valley. Use her products. Longest Word Discovered; Is Greef and Means Hash Dallas. Texas, Feb. 18. Thi8 is be lieved to be the longest word in any language known: Leoadotemachaselacliogaleokranisli- j psanodrimhuptrimmatoselphiokar.ibom - eutokalakaKecnumenoKicniepiKossupl-phattoperisleraliktruonoptokiphallioki-gklopelelolagolsiralsbaphetragahopter-ugon. This Is the Greek word for hash It was found in a Greek lexicon b G Tl Overton, of Dallas. He submitted it to judge II B Muse, of the 44th district court, who several days ago found a word containing 29 letters. COLOR SERGEANT MARRIED: TO MANILA ON HONEYMOON Color Srgt George A Catarius, of the 20th infantry, and Miss Mary Hoff man were married at Fort Bliss at 3 oclock by chaplain John T. Axton The ceremony took place in the quarters of Srgt Catarius and the bride and groom were attended by chief musician Goetz and wife A number of the officers of the regi ment, accompanied by their wives, at tended the ceremony and congratulated the bride and groom Srgt and Mrs Catarius will leave for the Philippines on March 1, where Srgt Catarious will be stationed with the Eighth infantry In Manila. He Is one of the best known men in the 20th infantry, having been with the regi ment nearly 15 years. CANDY SPECIAL ON OUR HATCHET SHAPE FRUIT DROPS BLACK Wjf'rpijjr V-jl g7-zg?i'ggjgg jjpgj c22ain. x?J33 I A lJL Jni I Cities. Saturday Only. r ? o Mesa Avenue and Texas Street Get It for Geo. Washington's Birthday. Do You Carry Weather Insurance ? Use Tuttle's Imperial Paint And Laugh at Storms. It's the Cheapest Form of Insurance. Tell Us Your Paint Trouble. TUTTLE PAINT AND GLASS CO. 210-212 N. Stanton St. Phones 205 ZC5 SPECIAL TEIH1S TO SCHOOL AND COLLEGE CLUBS ON ALL ATHLETIC GOODS e Famish Full equipment. Guaranteed First Class. Get Oar pedal I'rlees. SHELTON-PAYNE ARMS CO. , P. 0. Box S5 Ph..n r 4.TS. tlll-nn-t So. F!l an lt--, v' OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL S O'CLOCK. . A I p te if?