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SPORT and Classiriea Section SPORT and f Classmed Section Iii.Ijv. F(bruary Eighteenth, 1916. SPORTS, RECREATION, OUTDOOR LIFE CONDUCTED BY A. H. E. BECKETT ("BECK") v 1 V v. MORAN LIKES DOREAN AS MANAGER; BREAKS flEGlSJSJW KB Dorgan Teaches Battler How to Deal With Avaricious Promoters and Then Consents to Manage Fighter Himself; Gets $26,000 F or Him For Three Bouts and $20,000 For His Battle With Willard. II Y l'KAMv Ni.W OKK, Feb IV No one even thought it of quirt, unassuming ( .lolm L.. otherwise known as e ''oinn, and thcie's a whole lot nl i ikv In, wo'.'t beliee it until they u ti hi t tii the details of how he jumped in fen brief months from obscurity to iiu' inn' as tho greatest financier i w. tin das of Adam and little Eva. I Mil lust September Ike's only claim to K!..itm-HH was the fact that he was f ni-iht gocd newspaper writer and tin I. 'other of T. Aloysius Dorian. Mill now i throughout the civilized world mil rh.i-.uro .is Tad, the cartoonist. tin:. I .tte tuled that Ike should until 1' Moran, pugilist, just lit a moment whim the aforesaid Frank :is nr.inni; a woe begone expression. 'rnlurdpn yourself what's wrong?" cninm uidod the sympathetic Ike. " T'S a cruel world we live In," mk'ihI the blond battler. "Here's me in may be termed a fix. I've f .MKht 42 battles and yet In all those 1- 'files my total income hasn't been vnnii more than $6000. I see bv the pil" is that lots and lots of dub scrap jipi x net that much and more for one hat tie "What vou need is a manager." ad iised Ike. whereupon Moran sighed atrain MomnV Sail Tale. 'That's just it." said he. "I need a iii'iii.i-'t but I don't want one. Prac t'all eer one I've had has trimmed mi 1 I pot onlv S6000 or so for tl use 42 snaps. That' true. But I've . uned over fCO.OOn. The other $54,000 .'( the hands of my managers and 1 m r nw it again. "Th- n niHnace vourself." suggested Ike ' r'e tried to ind I find that those 0 ii n- 'I promoters take advantage of my . ""ti i attire and run me down so low i i iv oi itfinal iTen.-imls that before I t ihwwiih talki-ic with them I feel as i I i -tit to paj them to let me fifth t r 'in i lubs." Ii. Uien. It seems to me that you 1 - a-ilian." rut in Tke. v M Mil take the job?" asked Mo- lUr Menders PI rut Aid. M 1'iTl in. fighters is a new same to - t mm Ike. "Furthermore. I'm busy i i wi'iper guv. I haven't got much in ni'inev with fighters. But Til i ' m i hat I'll do I'll try to pet a 1 t fir ou at a fair price I'll show i' 1" it is done. Watch me closely. mi -ward ou can co on handling yuor- -'f n-mi inv system" V II Tke approached Billv Gibson, J i r fir Jim C fey. and boldlv de- . I tin FVsnl Moran could whale ; em m-iii-!"ri-M out of the scrapper t " the beveniKO name. This vexed I i ' .n - "m forthwith rushed to all the i "ers -ml declared that Coffev i i1 I t"'t un ant' person in the wide. ' v - ttii-ld Ike influenced Moran to' i it .Tinus sv-'paTier shops to deny the of Otli'-im'- assertions and vr ' on afterward Jimmy Johnson. i,'onioir. sought out Moran and Coffey aii't v uit.'d to match them up at his i i' 'i f "-'ire--. joliti''''i offered Morvn a sum In keep i with the amounts previously earned 1 Moui The blond battler was on the point of accepting, when Ike Dor- n loomed up In the offing, learned of boson's offer, and said: ' Vix. nix, Jlmmv: this boy Moran -lit for a certain percentage Or he t tieht at all." Ike (Irtn Moran Sfltt(K). 1. hnrui demurred but Ike was ob The public demanded a Coffey - i bout and rather than let some i otomoter gr'h it. Johnson reluct no t the demands of Ike Dor-ran. M. i share for that first Coffey ji u is ffi'ioo and when the money m ,s pi ed in the hands of Moran he i i o n,.tv fainted. When he revived. Ike 1 I o him: 1 'I s th- way to do it. mv boy: now 1 -ii "in back to ms newspaper work. I " n "ii much Jo" t'.nt Atoran wouldn't let Ike go back. " i !ni to Ike and insisted that Ike I ARMY and NAVY STORE CLOSES FEBRUARY 29 , Only a Few Days More We Positively Close Feb. 29. Ai my Sweaters, t?Q QC $5.00 value, now....,!,5!0 Kepular Olive Drab.U. SArmy Itlankcts. c'oC .', ll.s PO.d,0 i, i ev Army Blankets. tfj- eXZ rim- Army Blankets, tfr Of -, mi Double Grey Wool !!lanket. pair . . . $3.85 Double l'laid Blan- T0 Cfl lain., pair V5 OU L- A I mi UfOMti. Underwear, Canteens, '1 lie opportunity aill never come again to Vuy genuine army goods; jit a large supply at tliege prices. We positively close Feb. 29th. Fix : nrc for sale. "end for )ur Free Catalogue of Army and Navy Goods. ;&4 MILLS ST. OPPOSITE ORND0RFF HOTEL. AUDwRlUM GAEAGB. iJORGE AND REPAIRS. ti. J1KM-.K. should be Ins manager lie pi, ailed with Ike and flnall- Ike c onxei.le'l In December Moran and Coffev were rematched. Ike calmly but fmnly de manded a bigger pen midge for Moran than had been guaranteed for the first fight. Johnson again objected but finally capitulated. Stl!t for :Voit Kight. In his second fight with Coffev, the Pittsburg battler duplicated his' first feat scored a knockout and when he hustled Into his dressing room Moran found $94 waiting for him the largest amount of money he ever had seen tn his life. "Is this mine?" pa sped Moran. "It is," answered Dorgan. Ammonia was used to revive Moran. An then came the greatest feat in the meteoric career of Ike Dorgan, prize fight manager extraordinary As soon as Moran beat Coffey for the second time, there was a scramble among; promoters anxious to frame a Wlllard-Moran bout. Various fight club promoters cluttered up the hall ways leading to Ike Dorgan's quarters and asked him what he wanted as a guarantee for Moran. "What is your best offer?" was the answer. "Ten thousand for Moran," said one. "Begone." said Ike. In scorn. "Twele thousand," chirped another. "Beat it you cheap skate' com manded Ike. At this juncture Moran cut in. "Ike. $12,000 Is $18,000." he said. "Mebbe those fellows will get mad at you and won't come back and then we won't get anything. I'll fight Willard for $12,000." S1O.O0O Or Nothing" Ike. "Not If I know it," snapped Tke. Twenty thousand bucks Is what they have got to pay us." Moran gasped. "But they won't do It, Ike; they won't do it. Don't you think, Ike, that we oughta accept that $12,000? That's an awful lot of money for 30 minutes' work "Twenty thousand Is more." was the answer. They've got to have you to fight Willard or the fight will fizzle. See? We've got them where we want them. And If they don't hurry and slip us $20,000 we'll increase our demands to $25,000." "But $12 000 Is $12.000 "Silence." roared Ike. Twenty thou sand or nothing -that's our motto." Whnt Dergnn Accomplished. Frank Moran will get $20.000 and no less for meetlnr Jess Willard in a 10 round bout in New York. The $20.0"0 guarantee made to Mo ran for that bout is the largest ever given to a nonchamplon In the history of the prise ring the previous total of $26,000 for three fights within six months Is the largest ever earned by a nonchamplon since pugilism began. And Ike Dorgan, little more than a novice, is the man who has made It possible far Moran to achieve two won derful records. GRANT AND MAN WIN PLACES IN TENNIS SINGLES New York. Feb 18. W. C. Grant, five times holder of the title, and A. H. Man, Jr., former Yale champion, won places in the semi-final round of the singles In the national Indoor tennis championship tournament here Thurs day. Grant had a narrow escape from furnishing an upset Abraham Bass Ford, Jr.. the old Cor nell star, had his first drives for pass ing shots, splitting the lines. He was three times within a point of winning in the second set. Man had an easy time against Georce King, the Colum bia champion. W. M. Washburn and A. S. Dabney, former Harvard stars, met with a re versal In the doubles. The ranking players were outspeeded and outgen eraled by A. M. Lovibond and Dr. We Kosenbaum. A dollar saved by buying goods pro duced elsewhere Is a dollar thrown at your neighbor's birds. Khaki Hiding rf - nj" Breeches, Regulation P 1 .IO Khaki Pants, -J n(" pair Pl.SiO Sf..8hr...$4.25 U. S. Army Brown Rox, nr 2 pair JL Or t-Xt Per Dozen. Regulation L". S. Anny Serge Shirts, pure wool. do XSX J5.00 value, only P0.OU V. S. Army Ilats, er all sia lOC Leggings, Hunters' Hatchets, etc 320 Mills Street I II. WIJHKVS. ITes.; TOM HIHTK, Mgr. 1 HE TOLD THE COP f-ori er7A& HIT A-W0 jj AS P.1 6HT- 1-rA TAUcM 7Ul ff- UfTW"-- A cHicKev-ieB- i &--r ov; At-U COT- OFCrll C1CETA CjO't- M TO T-Rfcte -tup.ji.eH OP- DO.CKi Botby DotW H -:i Spnt About 26 Years At Fistic GvmcCa.rl Morris Wants m ii viion . t EW YORK. Feb. 18 "Speaking of 1 lkl some of the good fighters of the old days," began BUly Roche, the referee, to a group of men gathered In the office of Jimmy Johnston, manager of Madison Square Garden, Saturday afternoon, "do you remember" The floor opened, interrupting Billy's discourse. An old negro slowly entered and stood blinking his eyes at the group. He was squat built arid he car ried his hat in his hand, displaying a considerable expanse of baldness on the top of his head. "Po we remember whom" Inquired a newspaper man, as Roche eyed the new. comer Very thoughtfully. "Well I've forgotten who I had Id mind when I started." said Billy, get ting up from his chair and extending his hand to the- old negro, "but as long as I was talking about good fighters of the old days do you remember this aged bird right here? Here's one that could go a few! Gentlemen. Bobby jjodds: ' The old boy nodded his bare bean and 1 chuckled. j "Tea, suh." he said, "it's Bobby, all right; but whyfor you put me In with ole people? Bobby ain' so ole. Ah'm Jus' ' 48!" I "Whoor yelled Eddie Curley, who had reached for a record book as soon as he heard the name of the visitor. "It says here you were born in 1859, In Nashville. Tcnn. That would make you close to ST." "Do ft?" asked Bobby. Innocently. " 'At book nrair be mistooken. Ah don t feel 'at ole, nohow. Ah faevah felt so young In man life. Ton shuah 'at book ain mistooken V "You liet It's mistaken," said George Lawreriee, manager of Bam McVey. "You're W, If you're a day." "Pohty-eight," Insisted Bobby, com placently. "Ah didn't begin fightrn' un til '87. You-all know 'at Mist' Dal Hawkins. don't you? Well, Ah ain' no wlder'n Mist' Dal. Ah fought puhllm'na'les" to Mist' Dal Hawkinses' stah bouts." Bobby n nenl Vet. ' Whatever Bobby's age and there is reason to believe that it is closer to 67 than it Is to 48 he probably has seen more ring service than any other American-born boxer in the history of the Queensberry game. He had his last fight in Pracrue, Austria, about two years ago. which, even accepting '87 as the date of his fistic start, gives him a record of about 26 years In the ropd arena. Some old timers say they recall him as a fighter before '87. so it is likely that Dobbs put in over 30 years at fighting. He was doing a bit of wrest ling around Dodge City, K.ins., and oth er western towns when they were re garded as the outposts of the far fron tier. Bobby himself says he hqp had at least a thousand ring battles, and the most he ever received for one fight was about $2600. which he got -when he beat Dick Burge on the other side It was on that occasion that Dolihs's backers before the fight displayed an other negro roan who looked something like Bobby to Burge as the real Dobbs. causing Dick to get the Impression that he had a "sucker." Bobby himself was not let in on the plot. That was his j first trip abroad, but after that he spent nearly all his time in Europe. Bobbv says his first fight of any lm- i portance was with a fellow named Dave Reese, who was known as the j Montana Kid. at Ogdep, Utah. It was i not the original Montana Kid. whose name was Ruid. and who was a middle weight. Reese was a lightweight Bohhv i could make 133 pound- ringside almost thrnushout his Inner career, but he was generally found fii-htinir welters and iniddleweiLrhts Dobbs fnucht nearlv all the greatest men of half a dozen different ring gen erations who weighed anv where near his poundage, with one exception He Drew the Line. "Theali was one white boy 'at Ah al wm drew the colah line on," said BnbM. remlni-cently "'At was 'at lstO'ii1- riilK Smith, oh. what a ronu-ii boy he w:s" Bobbv s.'ns Ills narnesi n.itue was I with a fellow named Du k Case, in Louisville a 20-round fight whith was refereCd by Dan Cm -Ion I mlibs knocked out Case in the last minute of the final round, but he says that up to that instant be would have felt mighty well satisfied with a draw. h thought 'at Case would be cham pion of the w'ol'. shuah," says Bobbv. "but Ah nevah did bean no moah of Vabe Mi broke hm heaht in 'at fi-lit llov. he could fight, irern'men how lie i onl. I fiu-hf Next to him. i'Ii.'Ii ley Jolmvr,ii. o' Minni apoli-.-, -V wo miih toughest fielit. We went 44 rounds " Pobbs declares 1 1 i n T the fellow lie t'op right. 1936. International News Service f Fofc re t-UVA MlKf vwHof-urcHA. -- Msr - ' F?AiKt 1000 Battle :- ItL'WIIN. fought hi Prague in his last appearance in the ring a oun Hungarian was the most natutai fighter he ever saw In his life. He was trying to get the youngster to come to America, but the lad was drowned soon afterward. Dobbs has developed a lot of good fighters, including Jem Uriscoll and Tommy Thomas. Bobby has seen all th great negro fighters of the past 20 years, with the single exception of Sam Langford. and he expresses the belief that Jack John son was the greatest of them all. Years ago, when Bobby was training for a fight In Memphis. Johnson, then an un known stripling, blew into his train ing quarters and asked to box with him. As Dobbs needed a sparring part ner at the time, he told the youngster to put on the gloves, and started in to give him a good tryout The unknown displayed so much natural ability that Bobby took a deep interest in him and tried to help him along. When He Went Blind. Even then, Bobby says. Johnson had that queer knack of catching punches that afterward made him famous, and which Bobby had never seen before. A few years later Dobbs went almost to tally blind In the ring while boxing a fellow named Chappie Jones. At the instant blindness overtook him he suc ceeded In landing a punch that put Jones out. His sight returned in a measure, but his eyes were never as good as before, and he could not fight In his old style. Then It was that Bobby remembered Johnson's syntem of .catching punches, and he adopted that system to such ef fect that he was able to keep going for many years after his eyea went bad. Bobby says If it had not been for that be would have been through a long time ago. Today Bobby can still do quite a bit of boxing and is in great physical con dition. He never smoked in his life ami never drank any liquor, except oc casionally a little beer. He is at pres ent with Waldek Zbysiko, the wrestler, wh- is so fond of Bobby that he de clan s the old black will never want for anything. Dobbs can speak German and Hun garian quite well, and his years on the other side hve developed a slight Eng lish accent in his pronunciation of cer tain words. Barring the small matter of his age In which he may he cor rect, at that Bobby has a very re markable memory of his ring experi ences. He mentions as one of his greatest fiichts an encounter with an Australian named George Mackensie, who came over here to fight McAullffe, but who was matched against Dobbs first as a tryout. The battle took place at Sacra mento, Calif., and Bobby knocked out his man In the 31st round, but Macken zie gave him a terrific scrap. "He was the fus' eleveh man Ah evah met," said Bobby, grinning, "and Ah gib you mah wuhd Ah nevah hit him fob 14 rounds not once! Ah couldn't even clinch him!" HI ECZEI IS KTffiBLOQOGRF The Blood Reaches Every Part of the Body Every Twelve Seconds. There are approximately 70,000,000 pores in the skin of a human body. These connect with the blood channels by means of little canals. These canals are sometimes filled with poisons and the skin scales and blis ters, gets red and raw and becomes like so much tissue fire. Salves do not reach the source of the trouble To mako the blood pure is the onl scientific method of relief. S S S is the greatest blood purifier because it is a natural one. There is rio mineral of an sort in it it is purely vegetable. So great is the fame of S. S S. that manv substitutes trail along in nu ous sections of the country. They nil, sooner or later, die a natural death. S S. S builds up weak n.d :teniv blood, gives prompt relief t" almost iveiy c.'-e of 1 1 7emi, winter tetter and other skill ni. il. idles You owe yourselr the dilt of trvnm a bottle of S S. S. T.iko no Mit.stltiite Write for our free book on skin dle.iM t. Confidential letters replied to by our Medical expert. Write Nmft specifw Co. Department 33. At lanta. Ga Advertisement . I " ' mm i r Registered United States ratent Office. I'M ALA- (KUOhX. SeTME Mjn to I -reto-i 'li . n.u tvcT CAU-. r 13 t- E-Jbe " " CMJ. A CHICJS'- Ar-o firt r I Docictrtt -lr ,-TrVerJl-- r APF A- Kilkan? W'on t Fikt t -::- -:::- - :: HOT SPRINGS, Ark. Feb. 18. If George Chaney wants a tout with Johnny KilUane. featherweight champion. Chaney will havo to wait until the last week in April or early in May, for there will be nothing stirring in the fistic line between Chaney and Kilbane March 17. Con tract or no contract, Jimmy Dunn has called off the fight slated for the Monumental City, and Sam Harris and Al Herford. promoters of Baltimore, might just as well understand that fact at this time. Furthermore, If Chaney and Kilbane do meet in Baltimore, Harria and Herford will have to "get together" and the bout will have to be under the combined auspices of both promoters. The foiegoing conditions were out lined by Jimmy Dunn, manager for Kilbane, here this week. The cham pion is leaving everything to Dunn, and the latter, while not appearing to -r "-- xVVM 9B IIll('' Thinking of Spring Clothes ? SEE US There Will Be No Need to Look Further We are now showing the biggest assortment of Spring Fabrics to select from that you will find in El Paso. Come now and make a selec tion from the new patterns in the seasons popular fabrics in Browns, Club Checks, Grays, Tans and Striped effects. Our Clothes are made STRICTLY TO YOUR MEAS URE, yet within the reach of every man's purse. Your inspec tion invited we are sure to please you. SEE THE WINDOW DISPAY Pullman & Tourist Sleeping Cars CITY TICKET Open Saturday Night Till 9:30 TfJ3HaH9H BY TAD ComTau" fc.-y SOOO MWn &f-W ',7 I OOirOFr Trt" V. EtETTHC- CHPvIfi. Ckaney In Marck - -:u:- -::- To Battle Billon relish the "panning" he and Kilbane 1 ave been receiving at the handB of ceitain sporting writers, especially those in Cleveland, intends to "stand pat" on his recent edict. "Koreaavr n Fraraeun." "Kilbane isn't afraid to meet chaney or any one elae." saio Dunn. "I called off the bout for Ma -en 17. and I did so because I felt I Was being 'frameii' and that an advantage was being taken of our interests. I am now trying to get Al Herford and Sam Harris to gether and have the two of them pro mote the KHhane-Chaney bout. If they can do this I am re idy to consider a new agreement, but the former con tract ia a dead issue so far as I am concerned, and Kilbane won't meet Chaney In Baltimore or anywhere else on March 17. If the Baltimore men can get together I will consider a match for Kilbane in thit city, to he held un der tho auspices of Hierford and Harris, for the latter part of April or early in FIRST Union Made to your Measure l fc.-y SOOO MAA7 -sa. I igj llpjlf Pf I K2sr 1 iBfcT I lsK9aBESi t i"-ifflV ""fl"' CJ"T? H WAHXIXfS The famous Dundee" System Is widely Imitated. Ae have no connection with nny other store In this city, and therefore urge 3011 to come to the right place. wmimi(m 319 San Antonio St, Opp. Stanton NEW ORLEANS iSixji And Rsturn via.. i Account 1 GRAS SUNSET LIMITED On sale February 28-March 5. Limit March 17, with extension privilege to April 3. TAKE THE CALIFORNIAN WEST at 6:45 A. M, it Car and Obtcrvatioii Car. OFFICE, 206 We check baggage from vour residence. PI SAIL IS SEfi Says Two Years in Federal League Cost Him $180,000; Owns the Browns Now. N. w York, Feb. is At the annual schedule meeting of the American leatue, held here Thu,rstUv. president B. V: Johnson represented the new own ers of the Cle eland club. After the plain dates for the coming season been adopti'd, the league executive Mated he would announce some time next week the names of all those who were? interested financially in the pur chase of the Clevejand i lub. He said. however, th"t .1. c. !unn, a Chicago contractor, held the majority of the club's stoc k. Phil Ball, who recently acquired the St. Louis Browns, was introduced to his fellcw club owners and made a speech in which he described some of his ex periences as the club owner In th" Federal league, He said that his first year in that venture cost him $88,000. and during the second year he lost about $94,000. The delegates requested president Johnson to ask the National commis sion for permission to "farm out" 15 instead of eight players under the op tional agreement and second years op tion to increase the number to five in stead of two. which is now the limit under the rule. The league, as a body, agreed to al low the minor leagues to send out their contracts to plalyers up to March 1 each year. Similar action was taken by the National league here last week, so that the matter now, awaits the endorsement of the National commission. Formerly, these contracts had to be tendered be fore February J. May. but not before that time. Let Harris and Herford reach some agree men and then I will be ready to talk business with them, but not before." Dunn will keep Kilbane in the bath; here for at leat two weeks. Kilbane is accompanied by his wife., Mrs. Dunn is also with her husband. Luke Glnley, a Cleveland semi-wiadup lad. Is also In the party. Carl MoitIm Canning. Carl Morris, the well known heavy weigh, is headed for Hot Springs and will be here within a few days. Morris's victory over Pelky in Okla homa has p'lt the idea of a "come back' buzzing, and he wired Eddie Barnsback. manager of the "Vapor City Athletic club, if he could get training quarters here and a possible match. Morris stated he would be here for about a month's visit and would like a bout before leaving the Spa. Barnsback will endeavor to accommodate him in this respect, too. Jut who the local club will get to meet Jack Dillon ia a problem as yet unsoled. Perhaps Morrh? would like some of the Dillon menu and then again, considering the Indianapolis "mar, killer" ha been toppling the big ones right and left of late, maybe he wouldn't. Howard Morrow, of Syra cuse, X. Y., the protege of "Syracuse Tom-ny" Ryan, was communicated with relative to meeting Dillon herft Mor row is willing hut wants several weeks in which to get in condition He wrote Barr shack that be knew, when he faced Dillon, he was meeting one of the very best men in the country and wanted to be in good shape. Barnsback ts also dickering with Jack Herrkk and Dick Gilbert for the Dillon bout Preparing For Tlaees. With horsea on their way from San (Centlnofd en Next rare.) Dining & Observation Gars has a Dining NO. OREGON. Anno JUL I " r "vv" -i9k?issssKCiL M ft 32-' We Are E Tailors, Not I Agents I