Newspaper Page Text
EL PASO HERALD H.1SJU1EZ EL PI (USE, OFITSBEEMEfi PUZZLES CUT Juarez is a Different Juarez to the Riotous Place Under Villa. Juarez U bored liorrtblj , terribly, irrevocably bored' It doesn't like malte and says so. Malts are tame, besides. New York Court of Appeals Asks Supreme Court's Ad vice in Bullion Suit. Washington. D C, Tcb. 19 The su preme court aa asked today to decide the effect of the recognition of the ma SEEKS IMIU HIS TO : KILL IE6II1S BIG U, S. LOAN Carransa followers early in the revolu tion It is the first question of inter national law to come before the court as a result of the recent troubles in Mexico The judges of the fifth United States circuit court of appeals, who have be fore them a suit by the American Metal compan, limited, New York, to be put into possession bunion held Juaroa is in Mexioo and not Germany. I Carransa government on certain claims tint nuuit of .11 ir. til ha rt on ,1 i- "' ""?" l"lW ."" " bored. They are horribly bored. They stand Id front of their places those few that still 'tend bar, and they say to their friends as toev pass: "No money In beer bah I" All the bartend ers say "bab " All the bartenders shrug their shoulders in a fine despair yet each day finds them still standing in their doors. Gambling Halls Closed. The doors of the gaming halls are closed Tlvoll, which for so long a while was the gayest, wildest, most daring place on the North American continent, is like the lodge house of a ceme tery Puritanism has settled down up on the bullet scarred city and as most of the gay blades and the bizarre dames have gone, only the quiet peas ant folk and pelados remain Little upsets the current of their lives. The musty gray and Ian clad soldier Is the only strenuously moving tiling across the river; he with his gun and man) belts of ammunition. There are no automobiles on the streets only horse and mule teams. Automobiles ply between Bl Paso and the race track, but that is a detached part of Juarez and one in which the people have only a remote interest Iteconntnicdue the City. Major t'rleto is carrying on a pro May Take Over Some Mines For a Time to Reestablish Financial Stability. I Officials of the Carranza government both in Juarez and in LI Paso, state that negotiations are pending for the making of a loan that will aggregate 1 many millions of dollars, for rehabili tating the school system of the re public. The program. It Is said, is to float school bonds. Issuing them upon the school lands of the republic and those to be created by the de facto government as security. Banks inter. on of flZol worth of lead fted '" hls Proposition are said to be . heVilWind feaTlnNhe" in a bonded warehouse bv from the representative banking cen- rear end cihnoi ri ,.IW, LhE Arrivals From Chihuahua Tell How He Spent Four Hours Waiting for Two. Several Mexicans from Chihuahua who arrived on tne train from Chihua hua wnich arrived In Juarez Saturday morning, brought out additional facts relative to the killing of Gen Tomas urnelas and how Francisco Villa waited rrom io oclock In the morning to 2 30 in the afternoon to kill two Americans pn January ,11st who were suDnosed to nave left on a freight train preceding I machinery. "c yaheenger upon which Urnelas was traveling ine holding up of Ornelas's train is TRAINS OPERATING AGAIN INTO AND OUT OF JUAREZ A train with a number of American passengers and a hundred or more Mex icans, witn a military escort, came Into Juarez at 3 oclock Saturday morning from Chihuahua. The Americans are said to have come.up on business and the report from all sides was that the Chihuahua country is seemingly quiet A second train it expected on the North Western tonight with passengerB and freight from the Casas Grandeb "a" train was scheduled to leave the Central station at 2 oclock today for Chihuahua but was several hours late in getting a start. This train con sisted of five coaches well filled with Mexicans returning to the interior, many peddlers with small stocks, and a military escort of 150 men with ma chine guns mounted on box cars fol lowing the engine The train was a long one, having in addition to the passenger coaches arid .i. iiin.f .aitnrt n. loner string of cars containing provisions and mining PRINT CARRANZA MONEY FROM STOLEN PLATES; GET 7 MONTHS The Mexican consulate has received news from ban Francisco that two Spaniards, charged with having stolen bank note plates from the treasury of the republic of Mexico, when Carranza rtmoved his headquarters to Veracruz, have been sentenced to seven months :.. .. ... .vucua, ueiii icHllBrjf Wi , printing bank nota of the Carranzil government. ' Lest You Forget. If It Is used in an office we have it Commercial Office Supply Co. A. TV. McLean, Mgr, 209 Texas Adr rear end caboose. customs officials at El Paso. Texas, i tcrs of the United States, and a gen- ' told the women and children, who asked for advice on the case. eM aEent of thB bankB ,, saIa t b raised their voices in terror: million hriEcd and Sold. i . . , . . Onlr Traitors nnrf nrtwitrnn- The company claims It acquired the now " Ms wa to Queretaro to lay, WVS iiiiv5fn?mm bullion of the Penoles Mining company before the de facto government propo- I will only kill grlngoes and traitors of reconstruction and Imnrovo- went The market house Is to be roofed attain and put back into Its former ser Mce The base of the Juarez monu ment is to be retlled, while flowers and phrubs are being planted In the park about the monument, Similar plant ing of flowers and plants is taking pbice in all the little parks and bjways The cit has become very clean and orderly It is quiet and dignified as if Oliver Cromwell and his hymn singing soldiers had passed through The peo ple are puzzled and perplexed about It and on Sundays great numbers of ttiom tthn YifiH afnnnnH vnlnff (n Ahimli go up the bill to the mission of tho I holding correspondence between the Lndv of Guadalupe and pra. It is al- J United States and Colombia with rela moet like old times tlon to tho partition of Panama. claims at Mcnnoslllo, Mex, and that sltlons to that effect un. rorey, one 01 me carranza icaa- - .,... n . n-. em then fichtln- Hiinno It.i ,.! To P"c Mines for Revenue. hold the bullion to buy supplies for his I A.sLc,n(1 "Port as to the refinancing forces. It is alleged that persons to i f !ic?; n?WuCIJrr.tnt in BI Paso' ls whom Gen. Perevra sold th bullion im. ' Uj the e'fect that the Carranza gov- ported it Into the United States Court Is Uncertain. The United States district court for western Texas awarded Judgment to the Amorlcan Metal companj. The circuit court of appeals, being uncer tain as to the law, now asks the su preme court to decide on a hypothetical statement, if the recognition of Car ranza deprived the federal courts of jurisdiction and if the seizure for tho purpose of buying supplies had the ef fect of divesting American citizens not resident In Mexico to title to their property condemned. Stone Defends UiUon'ri Act. Chairman .stone of the foreign rela tions committee, replying today to crit icism of president Wilson and secre tary of state Lansing for withholding a part of the data ana correspondence on tho Mexican situation called for In the Fall resolution, declared there were HDunuani. preceaents for such action l eminent will call in some two hun dred millions of paper money, have a new Issue underwritten by New York banks, and at the same time take over for a year or more several of the prin cipal gold and silver mines of the re public operating them under bond, and from the bullion strike off sufficient gold and silver coinage to restore tho financial balance of the country. This, it is said, would raise he value of the Carranza bank note from four cents geld to 45 and 30 cents gold, as during the Diaz regime. Favors Silver Basis. A representative of the Mexican treasury department stated on Satur day that the best standard for a coun try coming out of revolutionary trou ble was silver and that in the reor ganization of Mexico economically, the silver standard would remain in power. That a definite program ls under way is certain, and that it presumably will jane tne iorm of a large American loan. nuuuuHiii preceaenis tor such action i .laKe ie iorm or a large American loan, and cited tho action of president Taft 1 is one ot tne events that is scheduled and secretary of state Knox In with- t: happen within the nct several w teks Make An Investment RIGHT NOW IN . mill i inn H MHI Richmond Terrace We have sold much Real Estate in El Paso. We have made much Money for our clients. Taking the past to go by which is always safe we slate candidly that "Richmond Terrace Right Now Is The BEST Investment We Know" In making this statement we are also taking the Future into consideration. Go Out And See Richmond Terrace Our strongest argument is this "Suburb of Beau tiful Homes" itself. Motor out and see the splendid homes that are already built. Note the spacious driveways the parking and pav ing, at the same time keep in mind that Gas and Electricity ing, au me same time keep in mind that uas and Electricity and Pure Mesa Water belong here. Ill If you prefer we will gladly show you Rich- I mond Terrace anytime that you designate. II Lots Range In Price $450 Up II 5oW On Easy Terms Will llll'l W U AMi! I Tel. 4715. 105 N.Oregon St. Ill I. na s 111 I llllll .BTCTfiaC 1 1H'SW G St I M ww J8.J. ATAtAH J0 mm vipies ciag. wt oan Antonio St. I AGENTS. Larpets Cleaned Clean Rugs Made from Old Carpet. Compressed Atr or Steam Cleaning. Carpets Sewed, Laid or Sized DU SANG & WELLBORN Phone 3999 ll I - sAl 1 ddro im u ud. OPPHSEST Give Battle When Confront ed With Charges of Incit ing Murder and Revolt. Los Angeles, Calir, Feb. 19 After siving battle when arrested, two Mex ican revolutionary propagandists are in custody here today awaiting further action on indictments found against them charging use of the mails to in cite murder and revolution. They are Lnrique riores Magon and Rlcardo h lores Magon, brothers, and editors of I-a Regeneraclon They furnished a fight when United States deputy mar shals and city detectives raided their newspaper plant at Ivanhoe, a suburb. Friday. Three indictments were found, each containing three counts, based on edi torials which appeared within the last , . montns ln Regeneraclon Two in dictments were against the Magon brotherfiwthe third being, it was said, against William C jOwen who. accord ID.8 ? "Ports. Is named as editor of the English section of the newspaper. Owen has not been found Bnrlque Magon Is Injured. When the officers entered the news- j paper plant, tne Magon brothers re- oiaieu airesi in tne struggle, which occurred in a small room, Enrique Ma gon was struck on the head by F G. Thompson, deputy United States mar shal, with a revolver lie was treated at tho receiving hospital for a revere scalp wound. Rlcardo Magon, according to the offi cers, also resisted, but was quickly overpowered. While the fighting was en. six Mexican printers and a mixed crowd of about 15 men and women lushed in and sought to prevent them from taking the Magon brothers away. They wore covered by a display of fire arms. Slagons Convicted Id 1312. The Magon brothers were convicted In the United States district court hero in July, 1911, on charges of violating the neutrality laws In fomenting a rev- uiuuuii m ijwer uauiornia. on that conviction they were sentenced to terms of 13 months each on McNeil's Island. Washington. After the conviction the police hero were called upon to dls peree .a .mob ot sympathisers that con gregated in front of the federal build. Served Sentence In Arisona. Prior to their arrest here In 1911, the Magon brothers are said to have served sentences ln the Arizona state peni tentiary at Florence in connection with their revolutionary propaganda. "Mexico Delivered to CaplTallsts." The editorial as set forth in the first count of the respective Indictments, was published December 18 last and reads . "Wilson 18 in connivance with Car. ranza because the old sharper has promised Wilson that ho would favor American capitalists In Mexico That Js to say. Carranza haB promised to , and foot, to the same repacious Amerl- I The editorial quoted in tho second Count was Dubllshrri Pentrtnhei- It ion and was devoted largely to an appeal to Mexicans to refuse to surrender their arms to the Carranza government Urges Attacks on Chief. The third and longest editorial upon which the third count ls based was printed November 6, 1915. It urged at tacks against the "chiefs and officers" of the de facto covernment nt MTinn I "We, the disinherited, must r'd our i selves of those who are in our way if , Vft rn hv Vtnnlr .- -rt1 .1... we get rid of the tiger, as we annihilate the rattlesnake, as we crush the ts. rantula." i One portion of It reads x."a?J"lr, Points you the road you should take": said another paracraDh rebel against the government until you obtain the triumph of the princi ples comprised in the declaration on the S3d of September. 1911. expedited by the "Mexican liberal party prlncJ. plea that advocate the death of capital of authority and the clergy of all rV-' liglons. to the cnunp Villa is then said to have gone to tho wineer of thc train and asked here are the tw o grineoes that were P" the train." The engineer replied. There are no Americans on the train" Puzzled at this information Villa is said to have ridden below Laguna with his men and there waited for four and a half hours. The explanation of the delay In the arrival of the two merl- j cans was that they had left on a freight nam preceding the departure or the passenger bearing Ornelas. and the freighter was passed by the passenger train at Moctezumi. Chihuahua Fears Hump. When the freight train bearing the two American business men arrived at Lagivna the train crew discovered that the Carranza garrison at Laguna had boarded the Ornelas train and gone into Chihuahua. Telegraph advice was asked by the crew as to whether or not they were to come on into Chi huahua, and the Chihuahua garrison commander, fearing that it was Villa himself who was resorting to this ruse to enter Chihuahua, replied "Side track at Laguna to make way for train northbound and come In tomorrow" It was this delay at laguna that saved the lives of two Americans, so stated the Mexican passengers The In cident happened on January ol RELEASE HIDES Shipment Made By Carran za Government Permitted to Go to New York. The two carloads of hides sold by Mexican officials in Chihuahua to the FInnegan-Brown company, of New York, and detained at the local custom house for several days because it was alleged 80 percent of the hides shqwed brands that belonged to Americans and persons residing on the American side who had not been a party to the killing I or tne stock 01 sale or tne niaes, were released Friday afternoon, and began their Journey to New York city. In releasing the hides, the local cus tom authorities stated that all ship- m.nti frnm V.rlcft rtnmtncr Intn h stateB under similar conditions, will be ! neia up for investigation. The delay in shipment was the result of a request from W. Harrell, secretary of the Pan handle and Southwestern Stockmen's association, upon the custom officials. Mr. Harrell took the position that a writ of injunction might be secured and the hides tied up pending federal court proceedings Several decisions from the higher courts were studied bearing upon tho title to possession of the hides and when these were found to be adverse, the request for further holding of the hides was withdrawn. It is understood, however, that suit mav be instituted by the respective i owners 01 me niaes against tne import ing company, but this action would be civil. Third Car of Hidm. A third carload of hides, many of which are said to bear the brands of ranches owned by Americans, was brought over Saturday. Customs col lector Cobb said Saturday morning that the car would be held until Monday, so that stocl men interested could have an opportunity to inspect tho ship ment A renresentatlva of one nr the larve i cattle companies controled by Ameri can interests said Saturday: The original shipment from Chi huahua consisted of three cars. The I iirst two cars to cross had few Ameri can branded hides in it. The last will have more. The shipment of thc first two cars was a test case and now we may expect almost anything" Complaint Is Filed. Complaint has been filed in the county court against Jose Maria Rubia, charging him with bringing stolen pioperty into the state. RubU 1 al leged to have brought in a quantity of hides, stolen from Calderon Bros, of Mexico. UMIKRS..LL A LI, OTHER LEVY GROCERY COMPANY Just Received' s Sfii New Bonelett Herring rj7 q,- P New Pickled Herrinj '".'.'.". V.'.'.V.V.V Dill Pick Phone. 505 and 506 204 and 206 E. Overland St. Mai! Orders Prompt Attention BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. "month." dWn t0Wn- aearin M 1 K Myrtle Ave 2 uleeplni Borchw. ChP rent. JI00 profit eveVmSatS: home on Oold St " & K. reeldence close in on Nevada. G,.r?Se- c,nent walk, paTj ', paid for. one block to earllne The 5 rr Cent Commiulon K1T r Phone 75M KtumaUe MEXICAN NATIONAL GUARD IS TO SUPPLEMENT ARMY Washington, D C Feb. 19. The Car ranza armj, estimated at 100,000 men. Is to be gradually reduced and supple mented by a national guard, patterned somewhat after tho national guard of the United States The Mexican em bassy announced today that tho plan Is to bo put Into execution as soon as details can be worked out Gen Carranza and his partv. the embassy was advised, have left Guada lajara for Collma. Another dispatch announced that through Pullman serv ice was resumed today between Eagle, Pass, Tex, and Mexico City MEXICAN LABORERS WILL BE TAKEN TO YUCATAN Galveston. Tex , Teb 19. Gov Sal vador Alvarado of Yucatan, has cabled Mexican consul Juan T. Burns here that he will shortly send the Mexican gunboat Bravo to Galveston to ttans port Mexican laborers to Yucatan to work on the plantations It is planned ullimitely to send between -000 and 3000 men tc Yucatan. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists BANDiTS ATTACK TRAIN NEAR CONEJOS; REPULSED Parral. Mex, Feb. 19. Passengers who arrived today roported that a small band of brigands attempted to attack their train north of Conejos, but were driven ofr by government troops pa trollng the railroad The leader of the bandits was not Identified. A train bound north for the border will leave here tomorrow. If the road remains clear. IIVRVUsTCn CO. DK.MK1 MIXING IV IEOlXT10N Chicago, 111, Feb. 19. Tho Interna tional Harvester company, through Its president, Cyrus W McCormlck. issued a statement Friday night deuylng a statement made in Washington earlier in the day before a senate subcommit tee had aided the Ortez-Argumedo revolution In Yucatan McCormlck said the companv has "never, directly or 'ndirectly. had nnv connection with political conditions ln iuiatan or elsewhere in Mexico" CARRANCISTAS PURSUE ABDUCTORS OF WOMEN Torreon, Coahuilo, Mex . Feb. 19. Government forces under Miguel Aguirre were reported I rlday ..o be pursuing Into the lulls a band of ban dits which came eastward from bierra Prlets. and looted ranches and stole a number of women between that point and Fan Bernardino Ernest Ayon, a foreign mine owner of Guanacevi, with George Henderson and Mrs Henderson arrived here Fri day right. They rode horseback be tween Tepebuanes and Santiago Papa sqularo. They reported that only two bridgei between Tepehuanes and San tiago need to be replaced and that the railroad to uuruisu uumwwo was 'n good order Avton brought ln precipitates and returned with mer chandise to Guanacevi. LADIES We beg lo announce lo the ladies of El Pa$o lhal on March 1st ne H"'W open a Ladies' Tailoring Department. Do Not Order Your Spring Suit Until you have inspected our large slock of Imported Silks and Woolens and talked lo our expert designer from the East about styles. ifacmeui, Uorctaa City National Bank Building. Second Floor. in Hi THE lHSTRUMEKirorQUAllTY JigjB3 .CLEAR AS A atvLL Sonora Receives Highest Award at the Great Panama-Pacific Exposition LTHOUGH it is more than thirty years since the phonograph first came into use, it is only within the last ten or twelve that' the wonderful possibilities of the instrument for enter tainment and education have been fully appreciated: and the phonograph has become even more a part of the home furniture than the long familiar piano. The large manufacturers taking advantage of the ready sale for machines, however, have struggled for quantity rather than quality in manufacture, and have contented themselves with stimulating the de mand by lavish advertising. The Sonora has been made in accordance with certain ideals, and may justly claim to be "The Instrument of Quality Clear as a Bell" Here are certain features in which Sonora ' PRICE $22b- Selected la Preferenc When Heard la Comparison'' as is stated in the trade mark, phonographs excel all others. Tone Quality Is of the first importance, yet the Sonora was the instrument lo be given the high est and only perfect score for tone quality at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, and the only one to receive an award for this feature thus defi nitely establishing the Soaora as superior to all others in this most important particular. Universal Playing by which the Sonora plays all makes of disc records, diamond, sapphire, steel needle, etc., perfectly, was first introduced by the Sonora, and Sonoras are still far in the lead in this respect. 77ie Automatic Slop on machines costing $100.00 and over is a very desirable feature. It is simple to operate, and the mechanism (which also in cludes the Automatic Starter) is thoroughly reliable. The Envelope Fding System of the Sonora is re markable in its simplicity and nearness. Tone Control, first used on the Sonora, by which the music may swell and die away at will, is a fascinating and exclusive feature: this control over the expression adding greatly to the pleasure of the listener. The method by which the sound is controlled at its source (and not merely muffled) is a patented one. Cabinet Work and Design. The beautiful flow ing lines of the cabinels speak for themselves. The quality pf workmanship is comparable with that expended on the making of violins or other musical instruments. They are finished on all sides, permitting them lo stand out in the room. The Motor runs nearly twice as long as any other made at the same price. The Sound Box, Iic the motor, is made in Switzer land, which has been for generations the true home of music and musical instruments. The pleasure and satisfaction to be gotten from a Sonora, however, rests m no one of these things, but in the perfection with which they are all assembled, and the manner in which each plays its part in making of the Sonora. The Highest Class Talking Machine In the World" linn L"-' s 1 1 ffl J' PRICE $75 Jj PRICE $50 PRICE $150 PRICE $35 Sold exclusively by Jenkins Piano Company, where a fine assortment of these beautiful instruments are now on exhibition. We cordially invite all lovers of good music to call and see and hear the very best Talking Machine made. 2! 1-213 Texas St. Brian Phone 2958. iiKin The Big Piano House. -( H '1 I M I w i!